June 13, 2018 | Author: dzenny Marbas | Category: Flour, Breads, Ounce, Dough, Baking
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INTRODUCTION Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) is one of the nomenclature in the implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program (BEP) composed of four  compon component ents; s; namel namely y !gri"# !gri"#ish ishery ery !rts !rts $ome $ome Econo Economic mics s %ndust %ndustria riall !rts !rts and %nformation and &ommunication Tec Technology hnology'' %n this module the focus is on $ome Economics mini"course  BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION' PRODUCTION' %n this this cours course e you you ill ill *e e+pos e+posed ed to differ different ent tools tools instru instrumen ments ts proper  proper  calculation and mensuration and actual preparation of the different recipes that are necessary in either putting up a specialty store that provides *a,ed products or  performing the tas, of a *a,er or *a,ery aide' This ill also *e a venue for you to assess yourself and identify aspects of *usiness that you need to strengthen and safeguard *efore you ta,e the plunge into the orld of or,' -o that the or,force is far *ehind in e.uating the num*er of availa*le /o*s the 0epartment of Education is revitaliing its resources to lead the young minds and to prepare them s,illfully as future patty chef or the li,e instead' %t is in honing the s,ills that learners can assure to have an edge of surviving the daily needs of oneself  and of others' %t see,s to provide students ith the ,noledge s,ills and motivation in the field of *read and pastry production' This module is specifically crafted to focus on Process on  Process and Delivery ' %t is enriched ith different activities that ill assess your level in terms of s,ills and of  ,noledge that you are e+pected to demonstrate after going through this learning materials' materials' Learning Learning procedures procedures are divided divided into different different sections sections " What to Know Know What to Process Process What to Reflect and Understand Understand and and What to Transfer ' o over over ith ith the the sugg sugges este ted d tas, tas,s s and and acco accomp mpli lish sh them them to prac practi tice ce dev developin eloping g a sustaina*le program prioritiing needs and *uilding vision' 3o e+plore and e+perience the K to 12 TLE modules and *e a step closer to to a successful producer of .uality *read and pastry'

*** K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

OBECTI!ES  !t the end of this module as a learner learner you are e+pected to: 1' Perf Perfor orm m the the tas tas, of a che chef or a *a,er ,er *as *ased on mar, mar,e et needs eds and demands' 2' Prep Prepar are e and and prod produc uce e delic delicio ious us .ual .uality ity prof profita ita*l *le e and and sale salea* a*le le *a,e *a,ed d products' ' 0emon 0emonstr strate ate understa understandi nding ng of conce concepts pts and princ principle iples s of proces process s and delivery in the e+ploratory course in *reads and pastry production'

e*ster 2H1)' This method could *e applied to coo,ing different ,inds of food products such as fruits or  meat dishes' %n this module *a,ing refers to the process of coo,ing *reads ca,es and pastries' Ba,ing evolved from mans innovation in the preparation and coo,ing of  grains' rains are the seeds of cereal grasses such as heat and rice' >hen the grains are pounded and ground flour is produced' #lour is the *asic ingredient of  *a,ed products' Ba,ing *read could have *egun hen man learned to pound or  mash grains and ith the addition of ater to ma,e a paste' >hen this paste is spread on a hot stone near a fire flat*read is produced (isslen 2HH1)' Then came the discovery of yeast and other ingredients' -e tools and e.uipment li,e ovens and mi+ers ere also invented' These discoveries and inventions resulted in the variety of *a,ed products e have today' There is no clear record of hen *read ma,ing actually *egan *ut it e+isted in the ancient times' The earliest Bi*lical record of *read ma,ing is during the time of   !*raham (enesis 1:F) more than 2HHH years ago' 6ears later the first reference to *a,ing as a profession occurred during the time of 4oseph hen the Egyptian Pharaoh /ailed and later on hanged his chief *a,er for offending him (enesis H:1 -%A)' The chief *a,er as apparently regarded as a high official position in the household of the Pharaoh' The production of large .uantity of *reads is said to have started in ancient 8ome here pastry coo,ing as a recognied occupation (isslen 2HH1) and the pastry coo,s can *ecome mem*ers of a formal organiation of professional *a,ers called a pastillarium'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

(3ource: >i,ipedia)

T8!0%T%5-!L =ET$503 5# B!K%- B8E!03

BAKIN# IN#REDIENTS Ba,ed products are made from essentially the same ingredients  flour fats sugar eggs ater or mil, and leavening (isslen 1GGC)' &om*inations of these ingredients and preparation methods produce the various general classifications of *a,ed products e see today'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

) Flour 0 is the primary ingredient of most *a,ed products *ecause it provides the structure of the product (Lauter*ach and !l*recht 1GG)' The ,ind of flour that is commonly used in *a,ing comes from the heat grain' There are various ,inds of  flour that comes from heat *ut these can *e generally classified as strong or  ea, flour' This classification is *ased on the amount of protein present in the flour' #lour is mostly starch *ut the protein content ( to 1M) is important *ecause it determines the formation of gluten' luten determines the shape and te+ture of the product' 3trong flours come from hard heat and have high protein content (hole heat and *read flours)'These are *est used for *reads hile ea, flours from soft heat ith loer protein content (all purpose flour and ca,e flour) are used in ca,es .uic, *reads coo,ies and pies'

K'nds of  ,lo1r  a Whole Wheat ,lo1r 


&omes from heat grains contains the hole part of the grain including the *ran (outer part or cover of the grain) the endosperm (the fruit) and the germ or the em*ryo (the inner part of the hole grain)'

,1nct'on and Use Best used in preparing yeast *reads li,e hole heat *read

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

Pro/er Stora2e

=ust *e stored in an air tight sealed container in a cool dry place or in the refrigerator'

3 Bread

$as more gluten strength and protein content than all" purpose flour' Bread flour has 12 to 1M protein'

This is the *est choice for yeast products li,e pan de sal panI sliced *read crusty *reads and rolls and *uns'

3everal months in a cool dry ca*inet hen stored in a sealed container or if tightly rapped and up to one year in the freeer'

c All P1r/ose ,lo1r 

%s a com*ination of soft and hard flours' %t may *e *leached or un*leached' %t is one of the most commonly used and readily accessi*le flour' Protein varies from F to 11M'

Best for pie crusts coo,ies muffins cupca,es panca,es and shortened ca,es

&an *e stored inside the ca*inet using an airtight container and *e ,ept for D"F months'

d Ca4e

%s a fine"te+tured soft"heat flour ith high starch content' %t has the loest protein content of  to GM' %t is chlorinated (a *leaching process hich leaves the flour slightly acidic sets a ca,e faster and distri*utes fat more evenly through the *atter to improve te+ture)'

This flour is e+cellent for   *a,ing fine" te+tured ca,es ith greater   volume and is used in some .uic, *reads and coo,ies'

3tore in an air tight container not e+ceeding for more than D months'

&an *e used as su*stitute for heat flour *ut the .uality of the product may differ'

&an *e stored in a plastic container  and must not *e stored for a long period of time'



Other 4'nd of flo1r  e R'ce ,lo1r 

8ice flour is made from finely milled rice' %t can *e made from either hite or *ron rice' %t has D'C to M protein *ut it does not form gluten'

2' Liquids  Li.uid ingredients are important for hydrating protein starch and leavening agents' Li.uids K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

contri*ute to the moistness and te+ture of the products' Li.uids also help in leavening the product *ecause it turns to steam and e+pands during *a,ing'

K'nds of l'51'd 'n2red'ents


,1nct'on and Use

Pro/er Stora2e

a Water 3 &'l4 and crea6s

#resh hole mil, is the &ontri*utes ater form of mil, most fats nutrients and commonly referred to in flavor' recipes' Evaporated mil, is mil, ith a*out DHM of ater removed' %t can *e diluted ith e.ual amount of ater  hen used in *a,ing'

#resh mil, and opened cans of  evaporated mil, has to *e ,ept refrigerated in an airtight container' 7nopened evap mil, cans should *e stored in a cool dry place' !dds flavor and 3tore in airtight color' Best used in container in the recipes ith *a,ing refrigerator' soda as leavening'

c 1'ce

7sually fresh fruit /uices

' Fat   These may come from animal or vegeta*le fats' %t can also *e in li.uid or  solid form' #ats generally help to tenderie the product and soften the structure add moistness and richness increase ,eeping .uality add flavor assist in leavening hen used as creaming agents (isslen 2HH1)'

K'nds of fat a B1tter 


,1nct'on and Use

Pro/er Stora2e

=ade out of fatty mil, protein' %t can *e salted or unsalted'

ood source of flavor  and melting .uality so these are good for  pastries and ca,es

Butter must *e ,ept ell rapped inside the refrigerator *ecause it melts at room

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

temperature and to maintain its good .uality' 3 &ar2ar'ne

=ade from various hydrogenated vegeta*le or animal fats ith flavorings emulsifiers coloring agents and other ingredients'

Ba,ers margarine (*ar margarine) are very similar in characteristic and function to *utter

Keep ell rapped in refrigerator'

Pastry margarine (in containers) are tougher and more elastic and are used for dough or pastries

Keep in tightly closed container in a cool dry dar, place'

c O'l

&omes from vegeta*le nut or seed sources' %t is li.uid fat'

3preads to the mi+ture too thoroughly and can shorten too much so it is not commonly used in ca,es *ut in pie dough and some yeast *reads'

Keep in tightly closed container in a cool dry dar, place'

f "ard

&omes from the side part of the hog'

 !re commonly used in ma,ing fla,y crust for pies'

Keep in tightly closed container in a cool dry dar, place'

2 Shorten'n2

roup of solid fats usually hite and tasteless and especially formulated for *a,ing'

7sed for fla,y products such as pie crusts and *iscuits

Keep in tightly closed container in a cool dry dar, place'

' Sugar  " or seeteners have differing degrees of  seetness and come in various forms from poder to crystals to syrups' They generally add seetness and flavor create tenderness and fineness of te+ture (partly *y ea,ening the gluten structure) give color to the crust increase ,eeping .uality (*y retaining moisture) act as creaming agent ith fats and provide food for  yeast (isslen 2HH1)' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

K'nds of sweetener

a 2ran1lated or ref'ned cane s12ar 


,1nct'on and Use

Pro/er   Stora2e

8egular hite sugar also called ta*le sugar' &aster sugar has finer  granules hile sanding sugar has coarser granules than regular hite sugar'

#iner granulations are *etter for mi+ing dough and *atters *ecause they dissolve relatively .uic,er' 3anding sugar is good for sprin,les on top of ca,es and coo,ies and for syrups'

=ust *e ,ept in a plastic sealed container and stored in a dry place'

3 confect'oner or  3ugar ground to a fine poder mi+ed /owdered ith a small amount s12ar  of starch also called icing sugar' c 3rown s12ar the dar,er color has 7raw 3rownmore impurities it l'2ht 3rowncontains small 6ed'16 3rown8 amount of glucose and fructose' &ontains a little amount of molasses and the natural fi*ers of the sugar cane'

7sed in icings toppings cream fillings dusting'

7sed in place of hite sugar hen its flavor and color is desired' %t also contains a small amount of acid so it can *e used ith *a,ing soda to provide leavening'

C' Leavening agents   are responsi*le for the production and incorporation of gases during the *a,ing process' This is hat ma,es *a,ed products rise' There are different ,inds of leavening agents' 6east is a *iological leavening agent *ecause it is a microscopic plant that produces car*on dio+ide gas and alcohol in the process called fermentation' The released gas during fermentation produces the leavening action' Ba,ing soda and *a,ing poder are chemical leavening K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

agents' These produce gas from the chemical reactions that occur hen there is moisture and an acidic ingredient' K'nds of  "ea9en'n2 A2ents

,1nct'on and Use

Pro/er  Stora2e

 !vaila*le as active dry yeast or instant yeast' !ctive dry yeast consists of coarse o*long granules' %nstant yeast or rapid"rise yeast has smaller granules and dissolve faster'

#ermentation of yeast is important in the formation and sta*iliation of gluten thus it is *est used for *reads and other yeast products'

6east must *e ,ept in an airtight container aay from heat and light'

3 Ba4'n2 soda

3odium *icar*onate a fine hite poder that has a slightly salty and al,aline taste (mapakla)

c Ba4'n2 /owder 

=i+ture of *a,ing soda plus an acid to react ith it and starch to prevent lumping' %t is availa*le as single"acting or dou*le"acting *a,ing poder' 3ingle"acting *a,ing poder re.uires only moisture to release gas' 0ou*le"acting *a,ing poder release gas in to stages' #irst during mi+ing then completes the reaction ith the addition of heat during *a,ing'

The fast action of chemical leaveners ma,es them very good to use in muffins ca,es coo,ies pastries'

=ust *e stored in air tight container to maintain freshness'

a  Yeast


D' Eggs   eggs perform many functions in the production of *a,ed products' They come in various sies (small medium large e+tra large) and ,inds (chic,en egg duc, egg native egg)' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

K'nds of e22s

,resh wh'te ch'c4en e22s


Large and fresh hite eggs are the standards for *a,ing' They should *e clean fresh"tasting free of *ad odors and tastes'

,1nct'on and Use

Protein in eggs contri*utes to structure' Emulsifier (*lending or com*ining of su*stances that are difficult to *lend li,e fats and li.uid)' This contri*utes to volume and te+ture' Leavening hen egg hites are *eaten air is trapped in the foam *u**les and e+pand during *a,ing' 3hortening due to the fat content of the egg yol,' =oisture due to the .uantity of ater in eggs' #lavor color nutritional value'

' Salt and other flavorings  3alt enhances the flavors and seetness of other ingredients' 3alt slos don yeast fermentation and strengthens gluten structure ma,ing it more stretcha*le (Lauter*ach and  !l*recht 1GG)' 5ther flavorings include vanilla spices (cinnamon nutmeg ginger etc') and flavor e+tracts (*anana essence pandan flavoring lemon e+tract)'

Process Act'9't: Cate2or';'n2 the 3a4'n2 6ater'als K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

Pro/er   Stora2e Keep shell intact and store in the refrigerator'

D'rect'on(  &ategorie the folloing *a,ing ingredients if they are li.uid or solid' =a,e to columns on your anser sheet and rite on your first column the solid ingredients and on the other side your li.uid ingredients'



#ruit /uices

&a,e flour  


&oconut oil

Ba,ing poder




!lmond flavor



&hocolate *ar

Bron sugar

&onfectioner sugar  

 !ll purpose flour


Ba,ing soda

&ondensed mil,

Refect and Understand Act'9't: Collect and anal:;e  D'rect'on(

&ollect at least to rappers of *a,ed products that you can *uy in a grocery store' Locate the list of ingredients in the rapper or food la*el' >rite on the space *elo the ingredients listed in the food la*el in consecutive order'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

-ame of product @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

-ame of Product @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

List of ingredients

List of ingredients

The ingredients listed in food la*els (rappers) are arranged from the greatest to the least amount present in the product' !nalye the list of ingredients a*ove' Based on the list *a,ed products are largely composed of (list the top three ingredients that are commonly found in the to lists)' 1' 2' '


Act'9't: "ethen an ingredient in a recipe is changed the resulting product may not *e of the same .uality' #or e+ample *read flour and all purpose flour have different characteristics (see Lesson 1)' >hen the all purpose flour in the recipe for muffin is replaced ith *read flour the muffin ould *e as soft and light as e+pected'

+. ,ollow correct 6'.'n2 6ethods and 3a4'n2 /roced1res' There are appropriate mi+ing methods different types of *read products hich ill *e discussed in Lesson D' >hen a different mi+ing method is used or hen the proper procedure for the method is not folloed poor .uality product ill *e o*tained' Ba,ing procedures are also specified in the recipe' The appropriate pan for *a,ing the *a,ing temperature and the time for *a,ing must *e correctly folloed' Aarying the temperature ould change the .uality of the product'

Transfer Act'9't: Sett'n2 a co66't6ent K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

D'rect'o n

The *asic principles of *a,ing are not suggestions only *ut a set of rules that should alays *e folloed' >rite a statement shoing your commitment to a set of rules that you ill follo in the la*oratory (actual preparation) part of the module' 3ample: % (rite your name) promise to follo the folloing rules in order  to get the *est results in the production of *a,ed goods' •

(rite the rules here)

3ignature &Y CO&&IT&ENT

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production


Learning Goals and Targets At the end of the lesson the learner 's e./ected to( 1' identify different *a,ing tools and e.uipment' 2' e+plain the uses of the *a,ing tools and e.uipment'

Know ,

Ba4'n2 tools and e51'/6ent

Ba,ing tools and e.uipment ma,e the preparation and coo,ing of each recipe easier' %t helps an individual in the ,itchen to operate and prepare food more efficiently' There are many ,inds of ,itchen tools and e.uipment at home in the mar,et and at the mall' Being fully e.uipped ith the right tools in the ,itchen are the *asic steps to successful coo,ing and *a,ing hether you are a seasoned chef or   /ust ne in the ,itchen' Thus the culture of maintenance or hat to do ith each tool and e.uipment after use must *e learned' 7sing the appropriate tools and e.uipment ill result to the accuracy of the output or finished product' Each tool and ,itchen utensil plays an important role in the *a,ing process'

BAKIN# TOO"S AND E@UIP&ENT AND T+EIR USES ) Ba4'n2 wares 0 made of glass or metals they serve as containers for *atter and dough and is availa*le in various sies and shapes'

a' Tube center pan  deeper than a round pan and it has a hollo center hich is remova*le' %t is used to *a,e chiffon type ca,es'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

*' "uffin pan " has formed cups for *a,ing muffins and cup ca,es'

c' Pop over pan  is used for coo,ing pop over'

d' #elly roll pan  is a shallo rectangular pan used for *a,ing rolls'

e' $undt pan  is a round pan ith scalloped sides used for *a,ing elegant and special ca,es' f' %ustard cup  is made of porcelain or glass used for *a,ing'

g' Griddle pans  are used to *a,e griddles'

h' &oaf Pan ' is used to *a,e loaf *read'

= B'sc1't and do12hn1t c1tter 0 is used to cut and shape *iscuit or doughnut'

? C1tt'n2 tools 0 include a ,nife and chopping *oard that are used to cut glaed fruit nuts or other ingredients in *a,ing'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

 Electr'c 6'.er 0 is used for *eating mi+ing and *lending'

 ,lo1r s'fter 0 is used for sifting flour'

 #rater 0 is used to grate cheese chocolate and other fresh fruits

 K'tchen shears % are used for various cutting procedures'

 &eas1r'n2 c1/s 0 they are used to measure dry and li.uid ingredients' %t consist of to types namely:

a' ! graduated cup" ith measurements (1 I 2I N 1I O 1IF) mar,ed on each side' *' ! measuring glass " is made of transparent glass or plastic is used for measuring li.uid ingredients' F &eas1r'n2 s/oons 0 consist of a set of spoons ith different sies for measuring small .uantities of ingredients'

)G &'.'n2 3owl 0 comes in graduated sies and has sloping sides; used for mi+ing ingredients'

)) &ortar and Pestle 0 is used to pound or ground ingredients'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

)= Par'n2 4n'fe  is used to pare or cut fruits and vegeta*les into different sies'

)? Pastr: 3a2 0 a funnel shaped container for icing or hipped cream'

) Pastr: t'/% is a pointed metal or plastic tu*e connected to the opening of the pastry *ag and is used to form desired designs'

) Pastr: 3r1sh 0 is used for greasing pans or surface of pastries and pastries'

) Pastr: 3lender 0 made of ires held together *y a handle; used for cutting in solid fat or shortening in the preparation of pies *iscuits or doughnuts'

) Pastr: wheel 0 round *lade ,nife used to cut dough hen ma,ing pastries'

) Rotar: e22 3eater 0 is used in *eating eggs or hipping cream'

)F Roll'n2 /'n 0 is used to flatten or roll the dough'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

=G R133er scra//er 0 is used to remove *its of food on sides of the *ol' =) S/at1la 0 comes in different sies; mall spatula are used to remove muffins and molded coo,ies from pans hich is C to D inches; &arge spatula for icing or frosting ca,es; fle+i*le *lade is used for various purposes' == Stra'ner 0 is used to strain or sift dry ingredients'

=? T'6er 0 is used to in timing *a,ed products the rising of yeast and to chec, the doneness of ca,es'

= We'2h'n2 scale 0 is used to measure ingredients for accurate measurements' = Ut'l't: tra: 0 is used to hold ingredients or utensils'

= W're wh's4  is used to *eat or hip egg hites or cream'

= Wooden s/oon 0 is also called mi+ing spoon hich comes  in various sies suita*le for different types of mi+ing' OT+ER BAKIN# TOO"S ) Ca4e decorator 7C:l'ndr'cal8 0 is used in decorating or designing ca,e and other pastry products'

= Coo4'e /ress 0 is used to mold and shape coo,ies' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

O!ENS Ovens % are the or,horses of the *a,eshop and are essential for producing the *a,ery products' 5vens are enclosed spaces in hich food is heated usually *y hot air' 3everal ,inds of ovens are used in *a,ing' ) Deck  O9ens " are so called *ecause the items to *e *a,ed either on sheet pans or in the case of some *read freestanding are placed directly on the *ottom or dec, of oven' This is also called 3T!&K 5AE*ecause several may *e stac,ed on top of one another' Breads are *a,ed directly on the floor of the oven and not in pans' 0ec, oven for *a,ing *read are e.uipped ith steam e/ector'

2. Rack oven % is a large oven into hich entire rac,s full of sheet pans can *e heeled for *a,ing'

? Mechanical oven % The food is in motion hile it *a,es in this type of oven' The most common types are a revolving oven in hich his mechanism is li,e that of a #erris heel' The mechanical action eliminates the pro*lem of hot spots or uneven *a,ing *ecause the mechanism rotates throughout the oven' Because of its sie it is especially used in high volume operations' %t can also *e e.uipped ith steam e/ector'

 Convection oven % contains fans that circulate the air and distri*ute the heat rapidly throughout (ource: *+ &" T,-)

Process ACTI!ITY Ident'f:'n2 what 's and what 's 't for K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

 D'rect'on: %dentify the different *a,ing tools and e.uipments in the la*oratory areas and e+plain their uses in front of the class'


-ame of ToolsIE.uipment

7ses of ToolsIE.uipment

Refect and Understand Act'9't: Class'f'cat'on

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

D'rect'on s(

&eas1r'n2 Tools

&lassify the *a,ing tools and e.uipment into the folloing categories' &lassifying the tools ill help you to gather and organie the materials during the actual preparation' &'.'n2 tools

Ba4'n2 tools

Transfer Act'9't: ?


K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

Pla:'n2 D'rect'ons: The class illl *e divided into C groups' Each group ill prepare a s,it demonstrating the proper use *a,ing tools and e.uipments'

Scor'n2 #1'de Descr'/t'on


The group has demonstrated and identified 1C *a,ing tools and e.uipment'

The group has demonstrated and identified 1 *a,ing tools and e.uipment'

The group has demonstrated and identified 1 *a,ing tools and e.uipment'

The group has demonstrated and identified 12 *a,ing tools and e.uipment'

The group has demonstrated and identified 11 and *elo *a,ing tools and e.uipment'







Learning Task  At the end of the lesson the learner 's e./ected to( ) #amiliarie oneself ith the ta*le of eights and measures in *a,ing' 2' !pply *asic mathematical operations in calculating eights and measures' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

' 0emonstrate proper ay of measuring ingredients'


0ifferent people may use the identical recipe for any *a,ed products *ut they could turn out differently *ecause of measuring and mi+ing techni.ues' The folloing section presents some important measuring e.uivalents ta*les and conversions hich are an essential part of *a,ing in order to achieve the accuracy of measuring the needed ingredients for each recipe'

&EASURIN# IN#REDIENTS CORRECT"Y  !ccurate techni.ues in measuring are as important as the tools for measuring' Therefore alays o*serve the folloing procedures: R'ce and flo1r ' #ill the cup to overfloing level"off ith a spatula or ith a straight edge of a ,nife S'fted flo1r ' =ost ca,e recipes call for sifted flour' %n this case sift flour 2 or   times' 3poon into the cup overfloing level off ith a spatula' Ref'ned s12ar ' 3ift sugar once to ta,e out lumps if any' 3poon into cup and level off ith a spatula' 0o not pac, or tap the sugar don' Brown s12ar ' Pac, into cup /ust enough to hold its shape hen turned out off cup' Level off ith a spatula *efore emptying' "e9el a 6eas1r'n2 s/oon  ith straight edge of a ,nife to measure small amounts of salt pepper leavening agents or solid fats' "'51'd 'n2red'ents' li.uid measuring cup "" a glass or plastic cup ith graduated mar,ings on the side' Place the cup on a flat level surface' $old the cup firmly and pour the desired amount or li.uid into the cup' Lean over  and vie the li.uid at eye level to ma,e sure it is the proper amount' Chec4 and cal'3rate timersIthermometers scales and other measuring devices according to manufacturers manual *efore using' %ngredients hich measure *y volume and *y eight demand standard';ed •

• •

6eas1r'n2 tools and e51'/6ent' Do not sha4e the dry measuring cup to level off dry ingredients' %t is easier to eigh fat *utter margarine if *ought in /re%6eas1red st'c4s' %f fat does not come in pre"measured stic,s use a scale to eigh the needed amount' Li.uids should *e poured into cup in des'red le9el' &up should stand on a flat surface'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

S/r'n2 scales should *e ad/usted so that /o'nter 's at ;ero (H)' Place pan *ol or piece of a+ed paper on scale to hold ingredient to *e measured' >hen using 3alance scales place the pan on the left"hand side of the *alance and the pan eight on the right"hand side' !dd the re.uired eights to the right" hand side and ad/ust the *eam on the *ar so that the total is the eight needed' Learn to match the sie of pan to the sie of the unit and to select the r'2ht a6o1nt of heat f or the coo,ing /o* to *e done' %n 6'crowa9e coo4'n2 time schedules must *e folloed e+actly *ecause every second is important' The microaves shut off automatically hen the door is opened'

These easy"to"use conversion charts can help you convert your recipes to the measuring system youre most familiar ith' TER&S AND ABBRE!IATIONS K'tchen Ter6 A33re9'at'o n Ta*le spoon T*sp' or T rams g or gr' Pounds l* Pint pt' Teaspoon tsp' or t' &ups c 5unces o' KiloI,ilogram , of ,g Ruart .t'

K'tchen Ter6


medium second minute hour or hours s.uare gallon degrees #ahrenheit degrees &elsius piece or pieces

med' sec' min hr' s.' gal' Q# Q& pc'

&ETRIC CUP AND SPOON SIHES* C1/ O cup 1I cup N cup 1 cup

&etr'c DH ml FH ml 12C ml 2CH ml

S/oon O teaspoon N teaspoon 1 teaspoon 2 teaspoons 1 ta*lespoon (e.ual to 

&etr'c 1'2C ml 2'C ml C ml 1H ml 1C ml

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production


!O"U&E( &etr'c- c1/ and US 6eas1re6ent con9ers'on* &etr'c H ml DH ml FH ml 1HH ml 12C ml 1CH ml 1FH ml 2HH ml 2CH ml 1H ml C ml H ml CHH ml D2C ml CH ml 1L 1'2C L 1'C L 2L 2'C L L

C1/ 1IF cup O cup 1I cup N cup S cup 1 cup 1 O cups 1 N cups 1 S cups 2 cups 2 N cups  cups  cups C cups D cups F cups 1H cups 1D cups

US 1 fl o 2 fl o 2 S fl o  N fl o  fl o C fl o D fl o  fl o F fl o 1H N fl o 1 fl o 1C fl o 1D fl o (1 pint) 2H fl o 2 fl o 2 fl o (1 .uart) H fl o F fl o D fl o FH fl o 12F fl o (1 gallon)

(ource: !!!.taste.com.au)

WEI#+T( &etr'c- /o1nd and o1nce con9ers'on* &etr'c 1C g 2F g 1HH g 11 g 22 g 2CH g (1I ,ilo or ,g) C g CHH g (1I2 ,ilo or ,g) 1HHH g or 1 ,ilogram or ,ilo


O pound N pound

O1nces N o 1 o  N o  o F o

1 pound

1D o

2'2 pounds

*figures are rounded off for coo,ing purposes K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

By eight cup measurements are not the same for all ingredients' 3ee the ta*le *elo for e+amples' WEI#+T( C1/- 6etr'c- and o1nce con9ers'on* In2red'ents 1 cup plain flour 1 cup rice flour 1 cup *ron sugar 1 cup hite sugar 1 cup cocoa poder 1 cup sour cream

&etr'c 12C g 1FC g 2HH g 22C g 11H g 2CH g

O1nce  o D H D N o  o  N o F o

(ource: !!!.chelsea.co.n/)






Aery 3lo




=oderately 3lo



22H" 2H

=oderately high


GH 1HH 11H 12H 1H 1H 1CH 1DH 1H 1FH 1GH

De2ree Cels'1s C to De2ree ,ahrenhe't , C to , C to , 1G 2HH G2 212 21H 1H 2H 22H 2F 2F 2H D 2DD 2H D 2F 2CH F2 H2 2DH CHH 2H 2H C1F F 2FH CD CD 2GH CC  HH C2

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

Process Act'9't: ) Con9ers'on D'rect'on(

&onvert the folloing ingredients as stated in each num*er' 1)@@@@@@@ .uart   gallons 2)@@@@@@ grams  'C Kilos ) D ta*lespoon  @@@@@@@ cups )@@@@@@ teaspoon  1C ta*lespoon C)@@@@@ ta*lespoon  2 ounces D)1D pounds @@@@@@@@@ ounces )@@@@@@@@@@@ ta*lespoon   cups F) F .uart  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ gallons G)@@@@@@@@@cups  1H'C pint 1H) C ,ilos  @@@@@@@@@@@ pounds

Refect and Understand Act'9't:( IN!ESTI#ATE D'rect'on( The cup and spoons e use at home are not standards measuring devices' Lets test ho much these ordinary household ares actually contain compared to standard measuring devises' =aterials needed: "ordinary cup (one that you use in your  home' "=easuring cups (for li.uid and dry) K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

">eighing scale  ">ater and flour  Procedure: 1' =easure flour in the ordinary cup' 7se proper procedure in measuring' 2' Transfer the flour you measured from the ordinary cup to the measuring cup' 0oes your cup contain more or less than the measuring cupJ  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  ' >eigh the flour that you measured in ordinary cupJ $o much does it eighJ  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  %s this more or less than the standard eight of 1 cup flour hich is @@@@@gJ ' C' D'

=easure ater in the ordinary cup' Transfer the ater in the li.uid measuring cup' >hat is the volume of the aterJ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  %s this more or less than the standard volume of 1 cup of ater hich is  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)J

&onclusion: The ordinary cup contains @@@@ g (more or less) than the dry measuring cup' The ordinary cup contains @@@@ ml (more or less) than the li.uid measuring cup'


Act'9't: ? B1'ld'n2 to2ether  D'rect'on(  !ssem*le the measuring tools availa*le in the la*oratory' 0emonstrate the proper ay of measuring dry and li.uid ingredients'

SCORIN# #UIDE K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

5*serve the proper ay of measuring ingredients ith no mista,e


5*serve the proper ay of measuring ingredients ith 1 mista,e


5*serve the proper ay of measuring ingredients ith 2 mista,e


5*serve the proper ay of measuring ingredients ith  mista,e


5*serve the proper ay of measuring ingredients ith  mista,e


"ESSON ( OCCUPATIONA" +EA"T+ AND SA,ETY >or,ing inside the la*oratory is necessary in any area of technology and livelihood education' %n every la*oratory it is a must to impose and apply the *asic safety precautions and guidelines to *e folloed' !ny individual is prone to accidents if heIshe fails to o*serve the guidelines inside the la*oratory' People or,ing in the la*oratory area must o*serve not only their personal hygiene the facilities the appropriate coo,ing outfit *ut also the proper ay of handling the foods'

Learning Goals and Targets At the end of the lesson the learner 's e./ected to( K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

1' List good ,itchenIla*oratory and food safety and sanitation practices' 2' 0emonstrate the proper ay of handling the ingredients'

Know ood ,itchen and la*oratory practices is essential *efore alloing the learners to use it as their training ground during the application of the activities' These includes the good ,itchen and la*oratory practices ,eeping the sanitation high in the la*oratoryang the proper ay of ,eeping and handling the food'

#OOD KITC+EN AND "ABORATORY PRACTICES This means ,eeping things clean: and includes the folloing: 1' =aintain personal hygiene' 2' Keep and maintain the cleanliness in handling the food' 'Keep and maintain the cleanliness of the la*oratory e.uipment' ' Keep and maintain the cleanliness of the or,ing area and the la*oratory' ood ,itchen and la*oratory practices start ith you' Personal hygiene is health practices and ha*its hich ena*le one to stay physically healthy' This means ,eeping oneself clean to avoid transfer of harmful *acteria especially in food preparation'

Wa:s to ach'e9e /ersonal h:2'ene ) 0egularly !ash and cut your hair to keep a neat appearance' %f you have facial hair you can save money *y maintaining it yourself ith a set of .uality clippers'

= 1isit the dentist at least once a year (tice a year is optimal)' Though you are *rushing every day your dentist ill correct any dental pro*lems you have'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

? $athe every day before school  or every night *efore you go to sleep'

 2ear deodorant or antiperspirant daily if you tend to seat heavily' 3ome people can actually get aay ith earing no deodorant *ut most people especially those ho have heavy duty /o*s or or, in arm climates *enefit greatly from it'  crub your hands !ith soap and !ater before you handle any food especially

hen you have /ust come from the toilet after touching your hair or other parts of  your *ody and after your hands cover your mouth or nose hen you cough or  sneee' Be sure to clean under fingernails here dirt and *acteria tend to accumulate'

 Trim your nails3 especially if you !ork in the food service 'This ill help ,eep your 

hands much cleaner and prevent the spread of the germs to the food'

 eep hand saniti/er and facial tissues near your !ork desk ' %f you do not or, on K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

your des, put travel sies of these items in your poc,et' 3anitier and tissues ill come in handy hen youre ill and can also prevent the spread of germs resulting from touching items such as money and computer ,ey*oards'

 4se a separate to!el or cloth !iping hands' hands' 0o not use cloth the same toel for

drying dishes and iping countertops'

F void F void !orking !ith food !hen you have an an open cut5 sore5 boil5 or infected !ound !ound in your hands' hands' Pus and other li.uids secreted *y the ound contain millions of harmful *acteria that can cause food poisoning'

)G eep hands out of food as much as possible' possible' 5therise ear disposa*le gloves'

)) void smoking smoking !hile preparing or handling food food as ashes may drop into the food '

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

)= 2ear suitable clothes at !ork ' 0o not ear clothes ith long sleeves hen

or,ing ith food' >ear comforta*le and clean shoes' Be sure aprons are alays clean'

Pro/er +and wash'n2 Washing is the single ost effective !ay to "revent the s"read of infections' infections' UermsU (a general term for micro*es li,e viruses and *acteria) can *e spread casually *y touching another person' 6ou can also catch germs hen you touch contaminated o*/ects or surfaces and then you touch your face (mouth eyes and nose)' UoodU hand ashing techni.ues include using an ade.uate amount of soap ru**ing the hands together to create friction fri ction and rinsing under running ater' The follow'n2 are d'fferent s't1at'ons where w here /eo/le can /'c4 1/ J2er6sJ $ands are visi*ly soiled'  !fter using the ashroom ashroom (includes changing diapers)' diapers)'  !fter *loing your nose or or after sneeing in your hands' hands' Before and after eating handling food drin,ing or smo,ing'  !fter touching ra meat poultry poultry or fish'  !fter handling gar*age' gar*age' Aisiting or caring for sic, people' $andling pets animals or animal aste' 

Ensuring that employees ash their hands properly after using the ashroom is very K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

impo import rta ant in redu reduci cing ng dis disease ease tra transm nsmissi issio on of sto stomac mach Uflu fluU and othe other  r  gastrointestinal infections' 7sing soap and lathering up is very important (rinsing hands in ater only is not as effective)' 7se comforta*ly arm running ater' $ands should should *e ashed ashed for a minimum of 1C "2H seconds seconds longer longer if the hands hands are visi*ly visi*ly oiled' What 's the r'2ht wa: to wash :o1r hands >et your hands ith clean running ater (arm or cold) and apply soap' 8u* your hands together to ma,e lather and scru* them ell; *e sure to scru* the *ac,s of of your hands *eteen *eteen your your fingers and and under your nails' nails' &ontinue ru**ing your hands for at least 2H seconds' 8inse your hands ell under running ater' 0ry your hands using a clean toel or air dry'

KEEP SANITATION +I#+ IN T+E "ABORATORY A Kee/'n2 Oneself Clean ) !lays )  !lays ash your hand ith soap and ater *efore starting to or, after  iping spilled foods or seeping up or after sneeing'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

2' !lays ear fresh clean aprons and change or ash them henever they get dirty' ' Keep fingernails short and clean' ' =a,e it a ha*it to start the day ith *ath or shoer and change into fresh clothes everyday' C' &om* or *rush your hair neatly in place' D' 0o not ear /eelries spangled hairnet or ristatch in the la*oratory' ' >ear hairnet cap or hat hich covers the hair and prevents it from falling' B Kee/'n2 the ran2e clean ) >ait until the range is cool *efore starting to clean' 2' 8emove *urned food particles *y scraping ith the *lunt scraper' ' >ash range daily' 0o not allo grease to collect on range' ' 3oa, top grids in ater to hich a detergent has *een added' C' 7se a stiff *ristle *rush or *lunt scraper to remove ca,e" on materials' D' rates and *urners from gas range *y scouring in pot sin, ith an al,aline type of detergent' ' #or electric ranges remove grease films ith the use of al,aline detergent and arm ater' Be sure ater does not get into the electrical elements' F' 8inse ith clean ater and dry ith dry cloth' G' >ipe surface made of iron ith clothes treated ith coo,ing oil to prevent rusting' C Kee/'n2 the refr'2erator clean 1'0efrost the refrigerator once a ee,' 8emove from the electrical connections and ta,e out all foods in the shelves' 2' Thro aay foods that are unusa*le' =ost leftover foods should *e used up ithin 2 days unless the food has *een .uic, froen' ' Thoroughly ash outside and inside alls and shelves ith detergent and arm ater solution' ' 8inse ith clean ater then ipe ith a clean cloth to dry' 0o not use cleaning poders that ill scratch the finish of the refrigerator' -either should ammonia and scouring pads *e used' D Kee/'n2 the 6'.'n2 6ach'nes clean K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

1' >ash *ol and *eater after each use' 2' 0ry *eater and *ol ith clean cloth *efore storage' ' &lean *eater shaft and *ody ith arm ater' 0ry thoroughly and store' E Kee/'n2 the food clean 1' 0o not handle foods and ingredients hen hands are cut or infected' 2' 0o not or, around the products or ingredients hen sic,' ' Keep perisha*le foods and food supplies either cold or hot' ' 8efrigerate foods properly' C' 0o not return materials that have dropped to the floor or hich touch dirty surface' D' 0o not store food supplies and e.uipment under possi*le points of  contamination' ' &hec, pans and ingredients for any foreign materials during processing' F' #resh food should alays *e ashed *efore use' G' Keep all ingredients *in covered e+cept hen transfering the ingredients' 1H' Kep partially used *ags of ingrredients folded a*out' 11' Brush *ags and ipe off dust from cans *efore opening' 12' 0o not dump fresh vegeta*les on top of old ones' 7se ingredients in proper rotation' 1' Keep off all ingredient container off the floor covered and upside don' , Kee/'n2 the la3orator: clean 1' 0o not che eat smo,e or play inside the la*oratory' 2' 0o not com* hair or ma,e yourself up in the la*oratory' ' !lays return tools and implements to their proper places' ' Keep the ca*inet doors closed to prevent accidents and rodents from entering the ca*inet' C' Keep on hand a regular sie note*oo, for notes and diagrams' D' Keep personal *elongings out of the or,ing area' ' 0o not lean or sit on the e.uipments and or, ta*les' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

F' >ipe off immediate any spilled ater or oil on the floor it might cause an accident' G' #loors should *e sept after each la*oratory session' 1H' Provide aste container in convenient place' ( ource: ,perience $aking5 %arino %.5&a/aro5 . pp.+*6++ )

WASTE &ANA#E&ENT Waste 6ana2e6ent is the collection transport processing or disposal managing and monitoring of aste materials' The term usually relates to materials produced *y human activity and the process is generally underta,en to reduce their effect on health the environment or aesthetics' >aste management is a distinct practice from resource recovery hich focuses on delaying the rate of consumption of natural resources' The management of astes treats all materials as a single class hether  solid li.uid gaseous or radioactive su*stances and tried to reduce the harmful environmental impacts of each through different method'   Proper aste management plays a very important role especially in the ,itchen here foods are *eing prepared and coo,ed '

WASTE &ANA#E&ENT PROCEDURES AND TEC+NI@UES 1' >aste avoidance is engaging in activity that prevents generation of aste' Waste se2re2at'on is the process of dividing gar*age and aste products in an effort to reduce reuse and recycle materials'

2' >aste reduction is the minimiation of asteful consumption of goods'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

' 8e"use is the process of recovering materials intended for some purpose ithout changing their physical and chemical appearance'

' 8ecycling is the treatment of aste materials through a process of ma,ing them suita*le for *eneficial use and for other purposes' C' &omposting is the controlled decomposition of organic matter *y microorganism mainly *acteria and fungi into a humus li,e product' D' >aste disposal refers to the proper discharge of any solid aste'

Transfer K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

Act'9't: ) Poster & =a,e a poster of good la*oratory and food safety practices that you ill actually apply in the actual *a,ing activity' 6ou should put this poster in the la*oratory room or in your or, space so that you are alays reminded of these practices' 0o not simply copy the guidelines listed a*ove *ut choose the ones most relevant to your  actual *a,ing la*oratory activity'


Learning Goals and Targets At the end of th's lesson- the learner 's e./ected to( 1' %dentify the characteristics of pies and pastries .uic, *reads ca,es coo,ies and *reads' 2' 0ifferentiate the mi+ing methods for the different types of *a,ed products'



There are five general types or categories of *a,ed products' These products are classified *ased on the ,ind of finished product the peculiar com*ination of  ingredients and the mi+ing methods employed in producing the *a,ed goods' 1' 2' ' ' C'

Pies and pastries Ruic, *reads &a,es &oo,ies 6east *reads


K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

Pies are *a,ed goods that have a crust and filling' The term VpastryW comes from the ord VpasteW hich refers to a mi+ture of flour li.uid and high amount of fat than regular pie dough' The various ,inds of seet products made from these dough and paste are commonly referred to as pastries' TYPES O, PIES 1' One cr1st /'e% is a type of pie that does not have a top crust' %t only has the *ottom crust that lines the pie plate and holds the filling ith a thin layer of dough' The *ottom crust is *a,ed first then the filling is added to the pie shell for final *a,ing' The pie can *e topped ith meringue hipped cream nuts and other  toppings' = Do13le cr1st /'e% is made of to crusts " the top and the *ottom crusts that seal around the fillings' %t ,eeps the /uice of the fruits inside the crust if you are preparing a fruit pie' %n sealing the edges of the crust you can use your finger or a for, in order  to ma,e a decorative edge of your pie crust' ' T1rno9ers  are individual pies formed *y folding the crust in half over a filling (Encyclopedia Britannica 2H1)' The open edges are pressed together to enclose the filling' Turnovers are usually small enough to *e held *y hand and may*e *a,ed or fried' #illings can *e seet or savory (e+ample meat fillings)',mpanada  is an e+ample of turnover' ' P1ff /astr:" is a rolled dough formed from layers of fat in *eteen layers of  dough' This produces very thin layers of dough hich puffs up hen the trapped air  e+pands during *a,ing (isslen 2HH1)' %t can *e used as pie crust li,e the shell used for &hic,en a la King in some *a,eshops and restaurants' Because it has a rich flavor due to the amount of fat it contains it may made li,e a *iscuit and prepared ith or ithout filling' E+amples of these are the otap and the 7apoleones of Bacolod &ity TYPES O, PIE CRUST K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

) ,la4: cr1st 0 made from flour *utter or shortening and ater' 3hortening is cut into the flour until the sie of peas so the flour is not completely *lended ith the fat' >hen the li.uid is added the flour a*sor*s it' >hen the dough is rolled out lumps of fat and moistened flour are flattened and *ecome fla,es of dough (isslen 2HH1)' #la,y dough is preferred for top crusts' = &eal: cr1st 0 made from the same ingredients as fla,y crust *ut in this case the shortening is incorporated into the flour more thoroughly' The mi+ture should loo,

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

li,e cornmeal or it can even *ecome so *lended that it *ecomes paste"li,e' Less ater is needed *ecause the flour ont a*sor* as much ater' This crust is used for  *ottom crust *ecause it is not prone to sogginess' ? O'l 3ased cr1st 0 instead of solid fat oil is used in the mi+ture' The resulting crust is less rich and more *land and fla,y'  Cr163 cr1st 0 ground crac,ers or *iscuits are used instead of flour' The crac,ers most commonly used is raham crac,ers and 5reo *iscuits' This type of crust is commonly used for no"*a,e pies li,e cheeseca,es and refrigerated desserts' The crum* crust can also *e *a,ed *efore filling to ma,e it firmer and less crum*ly'  P1ff /astr: or /h:llo do12h 0 puff pastry crust has high proportion of fat' %t is not very easy to do at home so commercially prepared and froen phyllo dough can *e *ought in specialty shops' Pro/ert'es of a well%6ade /'e cr1st )  ! good pie crust must *e crisp or tender' =ealy crusts tend to *e more tender  hile fla,y crust are more crisp' 2' $as a golden *ron color' ' The crust must *e fitted ith decorated edges in the pie pan' ' %t must *e retain its crispness and not *ecome soggy especially hen used ith  /uicy fillings' C' %t should not hard so it can *e cut easily'

&ILIN# &ET+ODS ,OR PREPARIN# CRUST Pastr: ðod 7Cr1st 1s'n2 sol'd fat8 1' =easure all the ingredients accurately' &om*ine all the dry ingredients together prefera*ly in a cold mi+ing *ol'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

2' &ut in the shortening into the mi+ture of flour and salt using to ,nives or  pastry *lender until small lumps the sie of peas or cornmeal are formed'

' =easure and sprin,le ice cold ater gradually over the mi+ture of flour and shortening' 3hape your pastry dough into *alls using your hand *ut avoid over  handling the dough that may cause tough dough'

' 3et the dough aside for H minutes to one hour prefera*ly in the refrigerator' This step is called resting the dough' This lets the flour *ecome hydrated *y giving the flour time to a*sor* the li.uid' %f the dough is too cold and firm to *e rolled after resting in the refrigerator allo it to come up to room temperature *efore rolling' C' 3prin,le flour on your or,ing *oard and roll the pastry dough using your  rolling pin starting from the center forming a round shape one inch larger from the sie of your pie pan'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

C' 7nfold the pastry dough gently over the rolling pin and unroll over the cold pie plate' To avoid soggy *ottom crust you can apply or *rush an egg ash over  the crust'

D' >hile preparing the filling you can put your crust in the refrigerator for 1H"1C minutes' 3hape the edges of the single crust *efore putting it inside the refrigerator' ' To avoid shrin,age fill up the crust ith enough filling up to the sides of the crust'  !void stretching your dough' This might tear your *ottom crust and may cause the filling to spill out of the crust and stic, to the pie pan' F' #or a dou*le crust pie multiply the measurements of the ingredients into 2 and follo the steps from 1"' G' 0ivide the dough into 2 and roll the second part over the *ottom crust ith fillings and cut it half inch *igger than the pie plate' 1H' #old and seal the edges using your finger or your for, to create attractive edge'

11' 6ou can ma,e a slit or ma,e holes ith design on the top crust to allo the steam to escape' Ba,e your dou*le pie crust as instructed *y the recipe'

O'l ðod 7Cr1st 1s'n2 o'l8 K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

1' =easure all the ingredients accurately' &om*ine all the dry ingredients together prefera*ly in a cold mi+ing *ol' 2' &om*ine the oil and ater in a container' 5il ill not completely com*ine ith ater so /ust stir the mi+ture so that the oil is *ro,en into smaller parts' Pour this gradually over the flour mi+ture *lending the li.uid mi+ture into the flour using a for, or *y hand until small lumps the sie of peas are formed' ' 3hape into a *all' ' #ollo the same procedure as steps  to 11 a*ove (steps in ma,ing crust using solid fat)'

@UICK BREADS Ruic, *reads are *reads that are .uic, to ma,e' They are easy to ma,e *ecause it uses chemical leavening agents that re.uire no fermentation' Thus once it is mi+ed it can *e *a,ed in the oven immediately (>heat #oods &ouncil)' Ruic, *reads are also ,non as seetened loaves *ecause it usually contains more sugar fats and eggs than yeast *reads *ut less than in ca,es' %n a *road sense .uic, *reads include all types of *a,ed products that are leavened *y *a,ing poder or  *a,ing soda hoever for this module; .uic, *reads ill *e limited to 3'sc1'ts61ff'ns and sweetened loa9es " such as *anana *read' 0ough mi+tures for .uic, *reads are of to types: soft dough or *atters' There are three mi+ing methods for ma,ing .uic, *reads: the *iscuit the muffin and the creaming methods'

&ILIN# &ET+ODS IN &AKIN# @UICK BREADS B'sc1't ðod This method is used for *iscuits scones and similar products' %t sometimes called the pastry method *ecause it is similar to the procedure in ma,ing crust' 1' =easure ingredients accurately' 2' 3ift the dry ingredients together into a mi+ing *ol' ' &ut in the shortening *y hand or pastry *lender' &om*ine until the mi+ture resem*les a coarse cornmeal' ' &om*ine the li.uid ingredients' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

C' !dd the li.uid to the dry ingredients' =i+ /ust until the ingredients are com*ined and soft dough is formed' 0o not over mi+' D' Bring the dough to a floured surface and ,nead lightly *y pressing it out and folding it in half' 8otate the dough GH degrees *eteen folds' ' 8epeat this procedure for a*out 1H to 2H times or for H seconds' The dough should *e soft and slightly elastic *ut not stic,y' 5ver ,neading toughens the *iscuits' Character'st'cs of #ood Ba4'n2 Powder B'sc1't *. ood volume' +. olden yello crust hich is fine and smooth' 8.  ! sheeted crum* of fine grain and even color ith no yelloish spots of poorly *lended *a,ing poder' 9. 0elicate flavor not al,aline or *itter due to e+cess *a,ing poder' (ource: Gu/man ". and o;as6&una "1. *. Introduction to ood Preparation5 > th ed. "": "erriam62ebster $ookstore5 Inc.)

&1ff'n ðod This is used for muffins panca,es affles and many loaf"type .uic, *reads' %t is fast and easy and over mi+ing must *e avoided' =uffin *atter should *e mi+ed only until the dry ingredients are /ust moistened' 0o not orry if there are a fe lumps in the *atter; a smooth *atter is not the goal' 1' 3ift together the dry ingredients' 3et aside' 2' &om*ine all li.uid ingredients including melted fat or oil' Li.uid fat is used in this mi+ing method' ' !dd the li.uids to the dry ingredients and mi+ /ust until all the flour is moistened' The *atter ill loo, lumpy' Be careful not to over mi+' ' Pour the *atter into the pan and *a,e immediately' The dry and li.uid mi+tures may *e prepared in advance *ut once the mi+tures are com*ined the *atter  should *e *a,ed ithout delay or loss of volume may result'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

Crea6'n2 ðod   &a,e mi+ing method is applied to muffins and loaf *reads' This method is more time"consuming than the muffin method *ut produces fine"te+tured goods' %t is useful for .uic, *reads ith higher fat and sugar content' 1' 3ift together the flour and *a,ing poder and other dry flavoring ingredients' 3et this aside' 2' &om*ine the solid fat and the sugar and mi+ or *lend thoroughly until the mi+ture *ecomes light and creamy' %f *utter or *ar margarine is *eing used soften it first *efore *lending in the sugar' ' !dd the eggs one at a time' &ream ell after each addition *efore adding more eggs' ' !dd the li.uid ingredients and stir lightly' C' 3ift the flour and *a,ing poder' !dd and mi+ /ust until smooth' (ource: Gisslen5 +??*. Professional $aking. 7@: #ohn 2iley A ons.)

CAKES &a,es are very similar to seetened loaves in and *reads *ut it is the richest and seetest type of *a,ed product' &a,es have high fat and sugar content and the challenge for the *a,er is to have a structure that supports these ingredients hile ,eeping it as light and delicate as possi*le (isslen 2HH1)' Producing ca,es re.uire ell"*alanced recipes and precision in measuring and mi+ing' Electric *eater is a useful tool in *eating or hipping the egg mi+ture' There are numerous ca,e recipes *ut these can *e grouped into four types of ca,es according to the mi+ing method employed in ma,ing them 0 shortened ca4es- s/on2e ca4es- an2el food ca4es and ch'ffon ca4es' &ILIN# &ET+ODS IN &AKIN# CAKES Crea6'n2 ðod This method is also called conventional method *ecause it is the standard method for ma,ing *utter ca,es or shortened ca,es' These ca,es are called shortened ca,es *ecause of the high solid fat content of the ca,e' This method is very similar to the creaming method in ma,ing .uic, *reads e+cept for the addition of dry and li.uid ingredients to the *atter mi+ture' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

1' =easure ingredients accurately' $ave all ingredients at room temperature' 2' 3ift the dry ingredients  flour *a,ing poder " together into a *ol' 3et aside' ' Place the *utter or shortening in another mi+ing *ol' Beat sloly using a manual or electric *eater until the *utter is smooth and creamy' ' !dd the sugar and cream the mi+ture at moderate speed until the mi+ture is light and fluffy' 3ome *a,ers prefer to add the salt and flavorings ith the sugar to ensure uniform distri*ution' %f melted chocolate is used it is added during creaming' C' !dd the eggs one at a time' !fter each addition *eat until the eggs are a*sor*ed *efore adding more' The mi+ture should *e light and fluffy after the eggs are *eaten in' D' 3crape don the sides of the *ol to ensure even mi+ing' ' !dd the sifted dry ingredients (including the spices if they ere not added in step ) alternately ith the li.uids' This is done as follos: a' !dd one fourth (1I) of the dry ingredients' =i+ /ust until *lended in' *' !dd one"third (1I) of the li.uid' =i+ /ust until *lended in' c' 8epeat until all ingredients are used' 3crape don the sides of the *ol occasionally for even mi+ing' F' %mmediately pan and *a,e the *atter'

S/on2e ðod This is the first of the three methods used in ca,es that contain little or no shortening' Leavening ta,es place due to the air trapped in the *eaten eggs' 1' =easure all ingredients accurately' $ave all ingredients at room temperature' %f *utter is included it must *e melted' %f li.uid and *utter are included heat them together /ust until the *utter is melted' 2' &om*ine the eggs and sugar prefera*ly on a arm *ol and *eat the eggs at high speed until very light and thic,' This may ta,e 1H to 1C minutes' This step is very important' 5ne of the most fre.uent causes of failure in the sponge method is not hipping the eggs and sugar enough' The foam must K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

*e very thic,' >hen the *eater is lifted from the *ol the foam falls sloly from it and ma,es a ri**on that sloly sin,s into the *atter in the *ol' ' #old in the sifted flour *eing careful not to deflate the foam' %f dry ingredients are used such as cornstarch or *a,ing poder they are first sifted ith the flour' ' %f melted *utter or a *utter"li.uid mi+ture is *eing used fold in at this point' Be careful not to over mi+ or the ca,e ill *e tough (*ecause of developed gluten)' C' %mmediately pan and *a,e the *atter' 0elays ill cause loss of volume'

An2el ,ood ðod  !ngel food ca,es are *ased on egg"hite foams and contain no fat' 1' =easure ingredients accurately' $ave all ingredients at room temperature' The egg hites may *e slightly armed for achieving *etter volume' 2' 3ift the flour ith half of the sugar' This step helps the flour mi+ more evenly ith the foam' ' Beat the egg hites until they form soft pea,s' 3alt and cream of tartar are added *efore the *eginning of the *eating process' ' radually *eat in the sugar that as not mi+ed ith the flour' &ontinue to *eat until the egg hites form soft glossy pea,s' 0o not over*eat' C' #old in the flour"sugar mi+ture /ust until it is thoroughly a*sor*ed *ut no longer' D' Pan and *a,e immediately'

Ch'ffon ðod &hiffon ca,es and angel food ca,es are *oth *ased on egg"hite foams *ut in chiffon ca,es a *atter containing flour egg yol,s vegeta*le oil and ater is folded into the hites' Egg hites for chiffon ca,es should *e hipped until they are a little firmer than those for angel food ca,es *ut do not over hip them until they are dry' &hiffon ca,es contain *a,ing poder so they do not depend on the egg foam for all their leavening' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

1' =easure ingredients accurately' $ave all ingredients at room temperature' 7se good .uality flavorless vegeta*le oil' 2' 3ift the dry ingredients including part of the sugar into the mi+ing *ol' ' =i+ing at medium speed gradually add the oil then the egg yol,s ater and li.uid flavorings all in a slo steady stream' >hile adding the li.uids top the machine several times and scrape don the *ol and the *eater' =i+ until smooth *ut do not over mi+' ' >hip the egg hites until they form soft pea,s' !dd the cream of tartar and sugar in a stream and hip to firm moist pea,s' C' #old the hipped egg hites into the flour"li.uid mi+ture' D' %mmediately put the *atter in ungreased center"tu*e pans (li,e angel food ca,es) or in layer pans that have the *ottoms greased and dusted *ut not the sides (li,e sponge layers)' (ource: Gisslen5 +??*. Professional $aking. 7@: #ohn 2iley A ons.)

COOKIES V&oo,ieW means Vsmall ca,eW or a small flat *a,ed product' %n some countries they call this product *iscuits instead of coo,ies' %n the Philippines e use *oth coo,ies and *iscuits to refer to coo,ie products' There are many ,inds of coo,ies *ased on the ho it is sha/ed' 1' Pressed coo4'es  made from soft dough' The dough must *e soft enough to *e forced through a pastry *ag of coo,ie press *ut stiff enough to hold its shape' 3ome *utter coo,ies are made this ay' 2' Dro//ed coo4'es  these are also made from soft dough that is dropped to the *a,ing sheet ith a spoon or scoop' The dough may *e of the same consistency as for pressed coo,ies *ut dropping the coo,ie is preferred hen the dough contains pieces of fruits nuts or chocolate or hen you ant the coo,ies to have a rough homemade loo,' &hocolate chip coo,ies oatmeal coo,ies are usually made this ay' ' Rolled coo4'es  coo,ies that are rolled and cut from stiff dough' This method produces coo,ies hich can have a variety of shapes either hand cut or using a coo,ie cutter' &hristmas coo,ies ith different shapes and designs are e+amples of rolled coo,ies' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

' &olded coo4'es  the coo,ie dough is first divided into e.ual portions then each piece is molded into the desired shape *y flattening the pieces out ith a eight in hich the design is em*ossed or carved out li,e a stamp' 3ome *utter coo,ies or locally made cassava coo,ies are molded coo,ies' C' Ice3o. or refr'2erator coo4'es  the rolls of dough may *e made in advance and stored and then it can easily cut and *a,ed as needed' Pinheel and chec,er*oard coo,ies are made this ay' D' Sheet coo4'es  commonly called *ar coo,ies' The *atter is *a,ed in a shallo pan and then cut into *ars' Bronies lemon s.uares fudge *ars are e+amples of  this type of coo,ie'

&ILIN# &ET+ODS One%sta2e ðod &oo,ies usually have loer li.uid content than ca,es and .uic, *reads so all ingredients can *e mi+ed all in one stage' 1' =easure ingredients accurately' $ave all ingredients at room temperature' 2' Place all ingredients in a mi+ing *ol' Blend the ingredients together *y hand or ith an electric mi+er at lo speed' ' 3hape and *a,e' Crea6'n2 ðod This is similar to the creaming method in .uic, *reads' 1' =easure ingredients accurately' $ave all ingredients at room temperature' 2' Place the fat sugar and spices in the mi+ing *ol' &ream the ingredients *y hand or at lo speed in an electric mi+er' #or light coo,ies cream until the mi+ is light and fluffy; in order to incorporate more air for leavening' #or denser coo,ies *lend to a smooth paste *ut do not cream until light' ' !dd the eggs and li.uid if any and *lend in at lo speed' %. 3ift in the flour and leavening' =i+ until /ust com*ined' 0o not over mi+ or

gluten ill develop' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

C' 3hape and *a,e'

S/on2e ðod The method is similar to the egg"foam methods for ca,es' The procedure varies considera*ly depending on the ingredients' 1' =easure ingredients accurately' $ave all the ingredients at room temperature' 2' >hip the eggs (hole yol,s or hites) and the sugar to the proper stage: soft pea, for hites thic, and light for hole eggs or yol,s' ' #old in the remaining ingredients as specified in the recipe' Be careful not to over mi+ or to deflate the eggs' ' 3hape and *a,e'

(ource: Gisslen5 +??*. Professional $aking. 7@: #ohn 2iley A ons.)

 YEAST BREADS Bread is *a,ed dough made of flour and ater and leavened *y yeast' 5ther ,inds of  *read are produced ith the addition of other ingredients li,e sugar shortening eggs mil, and a variety of flavorings' Breads can also have fillings li,e in the case of 3panish *read pan de coco or asado *read' T6PE3 5# 6E!3T 057$3 1' "ean do12h  one that has lo fat and sugar content' E+amples of this are hard" crusted *reads and rolls li,e #rench *read *aguettes and pia dough' 5ther  hite and hole heat *reads and rolls such as  pan de sal   and *uns have a higher fat and sugar content that the hard crusted *reads' They may also have eggs and mil, so they are slightly richer and generally have softer crusts' Locally lean dough is used for *reads that e put spreads or filling ( palaman) on'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

2' R'ch do12h   dough that has higher proportion of fat sugar and sometimes eggs' There are many ,inds of seet *reads and rolls availa*le in local *a,eries' E+amples of these are ensaymada 3panish *read mongo *read ube *read and many others' These rich dough *reads are popular *ecause they are seet enough or have some filling incorporated in the *read that it can *e eaten ithout added spreads or filling ( palaman)' STEPS IN BREAD &AKIN# There are eight steps to *read ma,ing' These steps are generally applied to all yeast products ith variations depending on the particular product' 1' 2' ' ' C' D' ' F'

Preparation of ingredients =i+ing and ,neading the dough #ermentation Punching =a,e"up or shaping Pan"proofing Ba,ing &ooling and storing

&ILIN# &ET+ODS =i+ing methods in yeast *read ma,ing is done to com*ine all ingredients into uniform smooth dough; to distri*ute the yeast evenly throughout the dough and to develop gluten' Stra'2ht Do12h ðod %t consists of only one step of com*ining all ingredients in the *ol and mi+ing' 1' 3often yeast in a little lu,earm ater' 2' &om*ine the remaining ingredients including the rest of the ater in the mi+ing *ol' !dd the dissolved yeast ta,ing care not to let it come in contact ith the salt' ' =i+ to a smooth developed dough'

S/on2e ðod

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

0ough preparation occurs in to stages' The procedure gives the yeast action a head start' 1' &om*ine the li.uid the yeast and part of the flour (and sometimes part of the sugar)' =i+ into a thic, *atter or soft dough' Let ferment until dou*le in *ul,' 2' Punch don and add the rest of the flour and the remaining ingredients' =i+ to a uniform smooth dough' 5nce the ingredients are mi+ed it is ready for ,neading hich develops the dough *y distri*uting the yeast ell into the dough' KNEADIN# Knead the dough using the palm of your hand' #old the opposite side toards you and push it aay gently from you' 8epeat the same process for the proper  distri*ution of the ingredients' !fter one motion the dough is rotated a .uarter turn' Kneading is stopped hen *listers appear on the dough hen folded' This ta,es a*out 1H minutes of ,neading *y hand' 7nder ,neading results in a heavy loaf ith small volume compact cells and irregular crum* ith uneven *rea,s along the side of the loaf' 5ver ,neading produces *read ith thic, cell alls and small volume and dry crum* (&laudio 1G)' ,ER&ENTATION #ermentation occurs hen yeast acts on the sugars and starches in the dough to produce car*on dio+ide and alcohol' !t this stage the gluten *ecomes more elastic and creates the lightness and porous structure of the product' !n under fermented dough ill not develop good volume and the te+ture of the product ill *e coarse' This is calledVyoungW dough' V5ldW dough is over fermented and produces *read ith small volume crac,ed crust coarse and yelloish crum* (&laudio 1G)'  !llo the yeast to gro in a arm place until it dou*les in sie' >hen you press the dough using your to fingers and a dent is left the dough has reached the desired time for the fermentation' PUNC+IN# Punch the dough to e+pel e+cess car*on dio+ide and in order to incorporate o+ygen' Punching also helps to develop the elasticity of the gluten and uniform fermentation' &AKE UP AND S+APIN# K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

This includes the time consumed in dividing scaling shaping or molding and panning' 3haped or cut the *read into the desired sie' PROO,IN#  !fter arranging the *read on the pans let it rest and rise again' The temperature for  proofing is slightly higher that the temperature for fermentation' BAKIN# Ba,e the *read in a pre heated oven' #or the first fe minutes of *a,ing Voven springW occurs' This is the rapid rising of the *read due to the production and e+pansion of gases COO"IN# AND STORIN#  !llo the *reads to cool completely *efore rapping use a a+ paper or aluminum foil and ,eep it at room temperature' (ources: Gisslen5 +??* and %laudio5 *ell"shaped for its ,ind ith a delicately golden yello crust' 2' The crum* structure sho fine grain thin cell alls and uniform te+ture ' Pleasing flavor neither yeasty nor sour' ' Thoroughly *a,ed crum* not stic,y or gummy'

hat is the difference among the general classification or general types of *a,ed productsJ 0ifferentiate *y riting the peculiar characteristics of each type of product' Class'f'cat'on $2eneral t:/es of 3a4ed /rod1cts


) = ?  

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production


Act'9't: ,'ll 1/ the ta3le> D'rect'on( 6ou have studied so many ,inds of products and methods' %n order to have a .uic, reference for this lesson complete the summary ta*le *elo' Class'f'cat'on$2eneral t:/es of 3a4ed /rod1cts

D'fferent t:/es of th's /rod1ct

&'.'n2 6ethods

P'es and /astr'es





? @1'c4 3reads





















    Yeast 3reads





K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production



Learning Goals and Targets At the end of th's lesson- the learner 's e./ected to( 1' #ollo proper procedures in *a,ing different types of *a,ed products' 2' 0emonstrate proper procedures in measuring accurately'

' Evaluate sensory characteristics of finished products' ' !nalye characteristics of finished products *ased on the functions of ingredients' C' Perform la*oratory activities folloing good ,itchenIla*oratory and food safety practices' D' 8ecognie the value of applying *asic principles of *a,ing' ' 0emonstrate retail and selling s,ills *y selling finished product'

Know #ENERA" PROCEDURE ,OR PREPARATION AND BAKIN# Before the actual preparation and *a,ing it is important to ,no the general procedure for *a,eshop production' &ISE%EN%P"ACE "ise6en6place (pronounced mi/ on plas) is a #rench ord hich means Veverything in placeW' %t literally means you have to set everything in place *efore starting the actual *a,ing procedures' This includes: •

8evie the *a,ing principles in Lesson 1' 3tudying the recipe carefully and *e sure you have the recipe during the la*oratory or,' Ta,e note of the ingredients the .uantities and the procedure' =a,e a mental al, through of the procedure that is picture

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

yourself doing the procedure step *y step' This allos you to move fast and ma,e feer mista,es during the actual *a,ing' •

Prepare the ingredients' =a,e sure you have all the ingredients specified in the recipe' ather all the tools and e.uipment you ill need' &lean these materials and ma,e sure they are of good condition and ready to use' 5rganie your or,space' Put the ingredients tools and materials you ill need in your or,space to ensure flo of or,' 8emem*er that during the actual mi+ing procedures once you *egin you must continue through the hole procedure until the end' 6ou cannot stop in the middle /ust *ecause you dont have the ingredients or the proper tools ready'

C"EAN AS YOU #O 7C"AY#O8 ood ,itchen and la*oratory practices have to *e folloed *ut one very simple rule to remem*er is to Vclean as you goW' $ave a plan for ,eeping your or,space clean' &lean up as

BAKIN# The oven is preheated *efore food is put in the oven for *a,ing' This is done to ensure that the oven has reached the specified temperature hen the food is put in it' Time indicated for *a,ing in the recipe is a guide *ut actual *a,ing time often varies so it is advisa*le to chec, the food if it is coo,ed' >hen the food starts to get fully *a,ed it often gives off a pleasing aroma' >hen you *egin to smell this ait a fe minutes and chec, if it is done *a,ing' To chec, insert a toothpic, or a piece of  thin *ar*ecue stic, in the center of the product if it comes out clean and dry then the *a,ed product is fully done'

7o! you are ready for the actual preparation and baking. PIES AND PASTRIES Ca1ses of ,a'l1re 'n Ba4'n2 P'es and Pastr'es Res1lt


K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

1' Tough crust

1' Too much ater over handling insufficient fats too much flour'

2' Too pale crust

2' 7nder *a,ed over handling rong temperature or insufficient heat'

' Too dar, *ottom crust

' >rong temperature over *a,ed

' 3oggy *ottom crust

' Too much filling over mi+ing uneven heat of the oven'

C' Thic, and soft crust

C' >rong measurement of fat use of arm ater lo oven temperature'

D' Thin *rittle and easily D'pastry dough is rolled too thin too much fat *urn crust ' Pie shrin,s in pastry pan ' improper measurements of the ingredients'

BUKO PIE RECIPE #ngredients$ 2 cups all"purpose flour  1I cup *utter  1 teaspoon salt 1I cup vegeta*le shortening D to F ta*lespoons cold ater  2 cups young coconut meat I cup granulated hite sugar  1I2 cup cornstarch diluted in 1I2 cup young coconut ater  1I2 cup evaporated mil, Proced1re( ) &reate the crust

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

1'1 &om*ine flour and salt then mi+ using a ire his,' 1'2 &ut in *utter and shortening then mi+ using a pastry *lender' 1' radually sprin,le cold ater a ta*lespoon at a time hile mi+ing the ingredients' 1' >hen everything is completely mi+ed gather the mi+ture and divide into to e.ual parts' 1'C %n a flat surface roll out each of the dough and using a rolling pin until ide enough to fit an eight or nine inch pie pan' -ote: 3prin,le flour over the flat surface to prevent the dough from stic,ing or use a silicon mat' 1'D !rrange the first dough over the pie pan for the *ottom crust' 1' 3et the second flattened dough aside' This ill *e needed after arranging the filling in the pie pan' 2' =a,e the filling 2'1 $eat a saucepan and pour"in the mil,' Let *oil' 2'2 !dd the granulated hite sugar and stir' 2' Put"in the young coconut meat and coo, for  minutes' 2' Pour"in the cornstarch diluted in young coconut ater and stir thoroughly hile coo,ing' &oo, until the te+ture thic,ens' 2'C Turn"off the heat and allo the mi+ture to cool don' ' Preheat oven to C degrees #ahrenheit' ' !rrange the coo,ed filling in the pie pan' C' Put the second crust on top of the filling and flute the edges to the sides' D' &reate holes on the secondary crust using a for,' This ill serve as e+haust vents that ill prevent the crust from deforming' ' Ba,e for C to CC minutes or until the color turns golden *ron' -ote: Ba,ing time may vary; ma,e sure to chec, the color of the crust to determine if *a,ing is complete' F' Let cool and serve' 3hare and en/oy9 E&PANADITAS In2red'ents( ,'ll'n2( N can condensed mil, K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

2 pcs' of eggs 1 *ar of *utter  N tsp'vanilla 1t*sp' chopped nuts

Proced1re( 1' %n a dou*le *roiler com*ine mil, and yol, 2' &oo, in a sauce pan over lo heat or use a dou*le *roiler stirring it continuously to avoid stic,ing from the sauce pan' ' !dd vanilla *utter and nuts and mi+ it ell' Then set it aside' Cr1st( In2red'ents( 2 1I cups sifted all "purpose flour  2I cup margarine "C t*sp' cold ater  =elted *utter  8efined sugar for finishing Proced1re( 1' &ut margarine into flour until crum*s *y pea sied' 2' '3prin,le cold ater hile tossing mi+ture ith a dull ,nife until moist and enough to handle' ' Put inside the refrigerator to chill for an hour' ' 8oll out the dough on floured *oard up to O thic, inches' C' &ut the dough ith 2 N in round cutter' D' #ill each round ith coo,ed and cooled filling then fold into half' ' 3eal edges *y pressing ith tines of a for,' F' Place on a slightly greased flat or coo,ie sheet and *a,e in a pre"heated oven at C degree for 2H minutes' G' &ool' Brush ith melted *utter and roll in sugar' 1H'>rap in a colored cellophane a*out CW+ DW'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

BOAT TARTS Tarts Cr1st In2red'ents(  cups all" purpose flour  1 cup margarine 1 cup refined sugar  1 pc' egg (e+tra large sie) 1 tsp' vanilla Proced1re( 1' =i+ all the ingredients together in a mi+ing *ol' 2' Beat until smooth' ' 8oll a*out 1IF inch thic, and cut ith cutter and fit it into *oat tarts molder' %. Ba,ed at pre heated oven CH< # for 1H"1C mins' 7ntil golden *ron '#ill ith cashe nut filling'

@UICK BREADS APP"E &U,,INS In2red'ents( 1 pc' egg O cup mil, 1 cup chopped fresh apple 2 cups flour  1I cup sugar   tsps' *a,ing poder  1 tsp' salt N tsp' vanilla K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

Proced1re( 1' 2' ' ' C'

Pre heat the oven at HH"#' Beat egg in a *ol and add mil, oil and apple' !dd dry ingredients and mi+ lightly' Pour into muffin cups a*out N to 2I full' Ba,e for 2H minutes'

CINNA&ON &U,,INS In2red'ents( 1 N cups flour  O cup sugar  O cup *ron sugar  2 tsps' *a,ing poder  N tsp' salt 1 tsp' cinnamon 1 pc' egg *eaten N cup oil N cup mil,

Proced1re 1' 2' ' ' C'

$eat oven to C"#' 3ift all the dry ingredients together' &om*ine *eaten egg oil and mil,' !dd to dry mi+ture and mi+ lightly' Pour into muffin cup 2I of N full' Ba,e for 2H"2C minutes'

BANANA CAKE K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

In2red'ents 2I 1 2I 2 2N 1O 1 1 1O 2I 2I

cup cup pieces cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon cup cup cup

shortening sugar   eggs all purpose flour  *a,ing poder   *a,ing soda salt fully ripe *ananas mashed mil, chopped nuts

Proced1re 1' Preheat oven to 2C"#' 2' #ollo the creaming method of mi+ing ca,es' ' 0ivide the *anana and nuts into three portions and add them into the mi+ture ith the mil,' ' Pour into a+ paper"lined pans and *a,e for H to CH minutes'


C%&ES  BUTTER SPON#E CAKE In2red'ents 1 cup

sifted ca,e flour  

1 teaspoon

*a,ing poder  

O cup

*utter melted

N teaspoon


N cup


D pieces

egg yol,s

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

1 cup


Proced1re( 1' #ollo the sponge method of preparing ca,es' 2' Pour in a greased pan' +. Ba,e at CH"# for H to C minutes'

COCO% DROPS  In2red'ents N cup


S cup


1 piece


N cup


1 O teaspoon


2 cups

all purpose flour  

N teaspoon


1N teaspoon

*a,ing poder 

D ta*lespoon

cocoa poder 

N cup


Proced1re 1' 3ift the flour salt *a,ing poder and cocoa poder together' 2' #ollo the sponge method of ma,ing coo,ies' ' 0rop the *atter into greased coo,ie sheet' ' Ba,e at CH"# for 1C minutes'

COO&#ES  OAT&EA" COOKIES K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production



1' #ollo the creaming method of

N cup


1 cup


1 pc


N cup

evaporated mil,

1 cup

uncoo,ed oats

1 N cup

all purpose flour  

N teaspoon


*a,e at C"# until golden

1 teaspoon

cinnamon poder  


1 cup


ma,ing coo,ies' !dding the oats in the shortening mi+ture' 2' !dd the raisins last after the dough is mi+ed' ' 0rop into greased pans and

 YEAST BREADS BASIC YEAST BREAD In2red'ents 1 ta*lespoon

active dry yeast

N cup


N cup

evaporated mil,

1 teaspoon


O cup

shortening or coo,ing oil

 to  cups


2 pieces


Proced1re K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

1' #ollo the procedure of ma,ing *read using the straight method' 2' #ollo the ,neading fermentation punching shaping proofing and *a,ing procedures' ' 0ough may *e shaped in loaf pans or in individual *uns' ' Ba,e at C to HH "' .




K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

Act'9't:( Ba4'n2 Act'9't: Plan D'rect'on( %n order to help you perform the activity efficiently and to ensure that nothing is forgotten and everything ill go smoothly accomplish the *a,ing activity plan *elo' • • • • • •

%ngredients list: ingredient and amount in the recipe =ar,et list: .uantity to *e *ought in the mar,et and the price of the item Purchasing plan: ho is in charge of *uying and hen they ill *e purchased Tools and materials list: utensils materials needed for the activity =aterials plan: ho is responsi*le for *ringing and organiing the materials Procedure: list all the procedures from mise"en"place to actual *a,ing procedure to clean"up Production plan: distri*ution of tas,s for the actual activity' BAKIN# ACTI!ITY P"AN

Rec'/e In2red'ents l'st

Date of act'9't: &ar4et l'st

P1rchas'n2 /lan

Tools and 6ater'als l'st

&ater'als /lan


Prod1ct'on /lan

Refect and Understand Act'9't: = Chec4'n2 :o1r l'st> K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

D'rect'on( 0uring and after each actual *a,ing performance accomplish this chec,list' This chec,list allos you to reflect on ho ell you have folloed the guidelines given in the previous lessons' This chec,list could also *e used to analye the outcome of your sensory evaluation of the finished product' These procedures and guidelines may contri*ute to the causes of success or failure of your  finished product' C+ECK"IST O, BAKIN#$PRODUCTION PER,OR&ANCE Rec'/e$Prod1ct Rec'/e$Prod1ct Rec'/e$Prod1ct )(MMMMMMMMMM  =( MMMMMMMMMM  ?( MMMMMMMMMMM  Proced1re$21'del'ne

D 0 done ND 0 not done PD 0 partially done

D 0 done ND 0 not done PD 0 partially done

=%3E"E-"PL!&E &L!65 =E-378!T%5-  measuring accurately  "using appropriate measuring tools "performing correct measuring procedures P85PE8 73E !-0 &!8E 5# ER7%P=E-T "used appropriate tools "used the tools correctly "cleaned and stored the tools after using #5LL5>E0 550 K%T&$E-IL!B58!T586 P8!&T%&E3 #5LL5>E0 #550 3!#ET6 !-0 3!-%T!T%5K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

D 0 done ND 0 not done PD 0 partially 0one

P8!&T%&E3 #5LL5>E0 P85PE8 =%Y%- !-0 B!K%- P85&E078E3 ( rite mi+ing method used) "performed mi+ing method according to standard procedure "preheated oven "used appropriate *a,ing temperature "*a,ed the product /ust until it is done

 Transer SENSORY E!A"UATION O, BAKED PRODUCTS %n doing the sensory evaluation of the products rite the closest description you can use' The real test of your success as a *a,er is the finished product' The product should *e evaluated on ,ey characteristics' The critical characteristics of  *a,ed products are: A//earance  descriptions of the e+ternal part of the product li,e the height of the *a,ed good the crust' ,la9or   flavor is a composite of taste odor and touch (mouthfeel)' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production


 descriptions for seetness sourness saltiness *itterness or com*ination (*itter"seet) Odor   descriptions for food odors li,e *urnt smo,y moldy musty yeasty rancid sour lemony etc' To1ch- 6o1thf1l descriptions for mouthful: greasiness metallic astringent sharp spicy etc'   descriptions for the crum* structure (the internal part of the *a,ed Te.t1re product): crum*ly gritty tender short soft firm elastic mealy chey gummy hard *rittle tough pasty stic,y coarse dry moist oily etc' Act'9't:( #ett'n2 'n9ol9ed> D'rect'on( Perform sensory evaluation on your product' 7se the tool *elo' 8ating: 8ate the product from 1 to  ith  having the *est .uality or characteristic' Provide descriptive ords *esides each corresponding rating' SENSORY E!A"UATION TOO"





8ating and description

8ating and description

8ating and description

 !PPE!8!-&E TEYT78E T!3TE 5058 =57T$#EEL 5AE8!LL 8E=!8K3: 2rite !hat you think are the possible causes of the quality of your product. "ESSON  OPPORTUNITIES IN +O&E BAKIN#

Learning Goals and Targets At the end of th's lesson- the learner 's e./ected to( 1' %dentify ays of applying *a,ing s,ills at home considering availa*le resources' 2' !ppreciate *enefits of producing *a,ed products for home consumption for  individual and family ell*eing' ' !pply s,ill in home *a,ing' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

Know +O&E BAKIN# 0o you thin, you can apply hat you have learned in *a,ing in your on homesJ 0o you *a,e at homeJ >hat other s,ills have you learned in *a,ing that you can also apply to other home activitiesJ 5ne of the limitations of home *a,ing is the presence of oven' The standard oven is rather e+pensive e.uipment and it is not found in ma/ority of homes in the Philippines' Because of this some people thin, that *a,ing s,ills are not relevant to in their lives since they cannot practice it at home' That is a mista,e *ecause there are products e ma,e at home that can *e classified as *a,ed products even though it is not coo,ed in an oven' They use the same *asic ingredients and the production follos principles of the *a,ing process' Panca,es and affles are e+amples of .uic, *reads' >affle *iscuits or  affle cones can *e made using a affle griddle or ordinary s,illet' Empanadas are turnovers' There are various ,inds of empanadas that are made in different places in the Philippines' %n the northern part of the Philippines the %locos empanada is a popular delicacy' The crust is made of rice flour and ater and the savory filling is made of the local sausage (longganisa) egg and grated papaya' 0oughnuts and bitso6bitso are deep"fried *reads There are also su*stitutes for the conventional gas or electric ovens' Porta*le ovens (also called camp ovens) that are placed on top of a regular stove are availa*le at a relatively ine+pensive price' These are commonly used *y small scale pia stalls' %t uses the same principle as a gas stove *ut it is limited in sie' !nother  alternative to the conventional oven is the 0utch oven' The 0utch oven is a cast"iron casserole coo,ing pot' Locally the kaldero (rice pot) and ka!ali  (frying panIo,) are cast"iron materials that can function li,e the 0utch oven' >ith a tight lid and good thic,ness it can *e used for *a,ing'

Process Act'9't: )( INTER!IEW 0irections: %ntervie at least three students (from other sections and year levels and not your on classmates) a*out their e+periences of *a,ing at home' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

Ruestions: 1' 0o you or your family does home *a,ingJ (-ote: if they immediately say no pro*e further' !s, if they prepare panca,es empanadas doughnuts or other  *read"li,e product at home') 2' >hat products do you or your family ma,eJ ' >hich among the products that you ma,e at home do you li,eJ ' >hat do you li,e a*out themJ C' 0o you participate in preparing these productsJ D' >hat are your positive e+periences in home *a,ingJ ' >hat do you thin, are the *enefits of home *a,ingJ SU&&ARY S+EET O, RESPONSES @1est'ons

St1dent )

St1dent =

Ruestion 1  *a,ing at home

Ruestion 2  products made

Ruestion  " li,e or dont li,e

Ruestion   hat is li,ed K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

St1dent ?

Ruestion C  participate in home *a,ing or not

Ruestion D  positive e+periences in home *a,ing

Ruestion   *enefits of home *a,ing

Refect and Understand Reflect'on @1est'ons 0o students from the same school have the same e+periences in home *a,ingJ &am e ma,e a general statement a*out the *enefits of home *a,ing among families of students in your schoolJ Act'9't: = D'rect'on( =a,e a summary of the responses to Ruestion D and  your intervie and the intervies of all your classmates' To summarie ma,e a tally sheet of all the responses' roup those that are similar' 8an, the responses i'e' ma,e a final list that is arranged from the most common to the least common response' 7se the ta*le *elo for the summary K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

Benef'ts to the 'nd'9'd1al

Benef'ts to the fa6'l:


$ome *a,ing has a num*er of *enefits for the individual and the family' %t can contri*ute to the ell*eing of the family in the folloing ays' 1' #reshly *a,ed products are a treat' There is nothing li,e the taste and aroma of freshly *a,ed *reads' The aroma of freshly *a,ed *read is associated ith arm homey feelings' ! lot of  *reads are also *est eaten hot off the oven hile theyre still arm and soft' 2' =ore nutritious ingredients can *e used' >hen you ma,e your on product you have control over the recipe and the ingredients' 6ou can choose to ma,e ca,es ith less sugar or use hole heat flour hich contains more nutrients that hite flour' ' Products are additive"free' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

Ba,ed products for home consumption do not use additives *ecause it is often consumed .uic,ly' !dditives are chemical compounds added to the dough to prevent spoilage' Loo, at your ansers to !ctivity 2 in Lesson 1' >hich of the ingredients is the additiveJ ' %t develops family *onding Ba,ing can *ecome a family activity here even small children can do easy tas,s li,e shaping coo,ies of pouring *atters into muffin pans' &hildren also love to lic, leftover *atter after panning although care must *e ensured to prevent salmonella poisoning due to uncoo,ed eggs in the *atter' C' %t provides practice to improve *a,ing s,ills' Practice ma,es perfect; the more *a,ing you do at home the more s,illful you can *ecome'

Transfer Act'9't: ?


D'rect'on( Practice applying *a,ing s,ills at home' This ee, and ne+t ee, prepare a *a,ed product at home' &hoose any type of *a,ed product  pie .uic, *read muffin coo,ie yeast *read' 6ou can use any recipe' 6ou may search coo,*oo,s the internet or as, your teacher for a recipe you can use at home' >rite a*out your *a,ing e+perience *elo'

&Y BAKIN# AD!ENTURE Product: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  0ate: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

8ecipe: (attach a copy of the recipe) =y e+perience: rite a short story stor y of hat happened in your *a,ing e+perience'

K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production



Learning Goals and Targets At the end of th's lesson- the learner 's e./ected to( 1' 8ecognie different ,inds and levels of /o*s availa*le in the *a,ing industry' 2' %dentify characteristics and traits that lead to /o* success in the *a,ing career' ' %dentify vocational courses and degree programs related to *a,eshop production'

Know OB OPPORTUNITIES IN T+E BAKIN# INDUSTRY There are many /o* positions related to a *a,ing career  such as *a,ing assistants pastry coo, e+ecutive pastry chef ca,e decorator holesale *a,er *a,ing production supervisor and many others' Pastr: chef     specialies in ma,ing pastries ca,es and and desserts' They may also *e adept at assem*ling and decorating pastry products *eing very s,illful in using fillings icings sugars and chocolate' Bread 3a4er     ma,es various ,inds of *reads' =a,ing various ,inds of *read hether *y hand or ith the use of machinery re.uires specific s,ill and an e+perienced *a,er is often in demand' Ba4er: chef     an e+perienced educated *a,er ho is in charge of the daily operations of a *a,eshop' They manage *a,ers monitor .uality of products ta,e care of inventory and do product development' #or industrial (mass production) *a,ery *a,ery other /o*s include: Prod1ct de9elo/6ent researcher     professional research is needed to develop ne products for industrial production' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

Prod1ct'on s1/er9'sor     oversees the production line ma,ing sure the products meet .uality standards and or,s ith engineers to ensure e.uipment needs are met'

,URT+ER EDUCATION IN BAKIN# Becoming a professional *a,er re.uires s,ills and or, ethics' %n order to improve s,ills you can get *asic and advanced training in vocational schools or  culinary schools' The rades G  1H modules in Ba,eshop Production ill ena*le you to get Nat'onal Cert'f'cat'on I or II levels' !fter you finish your K"12 program you may further enroll in culinary schools that offer specialied courses in production of different types of *a,ed products' Becoming a *a,ery chef or supervisor re.uires management s,ills on top of  *a,ing *a,ing s,ills' This may necessita necessitate te higher degrees in related fields such as +otel and Resta1rant Ad6'n'strat'on' Ad6'n'strat'on' Ba,ing is *oth an art and a science' !s you may have already recognied from the *eginning of this module *a,ing re.uires ,noledge of chemistry and physics to fully understand gluten development and the interactions of ingredients' Product Product developme development nt researcher researchers s may re.uire higher degree in ,ood Sc'ence or  ,ood Technolo2:' Technolo2:' Teachi aching ng $E and and TLE TLE cours ourses es is also also a via* via*le le care career er'' Beco Becomi ming ng a profession professional al teacher in the various levels levels of education education re.uire re.uire a degree in +o6e Econo6'cs or Econo6'cs or Technolo2: and "'9el'hood Ed1cat'on' Ed1cat'on'

Refect and Understand K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

0o you have hat it ta,es to *ecome a professional *a,erJ Act'9't:( Inter9'ew 0irection: %ntervie a *a,er in your community' Ruestions: 1' $o long have you *een a *a,erJ 2' $o did you *ecome a *a,erJ ' >hat are the important ,noledge s,ills and attitudes (or, ethics) necessary to *ecome a successful *a,erJ ' #rom the characteristic mentioned in R hich of these do you thin, you already have and hich do you thin, you ant to further developJ C' &an you see yourself *ecoming a professional *a,erJ >hyJ >hy notJ

iley X 3ons' isslen >ayne'1GGC' Professional coo,ing' -e 6or,: 4ohn >iley X 3ons' onales ene 8' #undamentals of Professional &oo,ing =anila' !nvil Pu*lishing' 2H12 Lallemand' VPie &rust Production'W Lallemand Ba,ing 7pdate' Aol 2' -o'' 1GGD' Lauter*ach 3haron and !l*recht 4ulie' V-#G"1FD #unctions of Ba,ing %ngredients'W $istorical =aterials from 7niversity of -e*ras,a"Lincoln E+tension' Paper 11' 1GG' 8etrieved from http:IIdigitalcommons'unl'eduIe+tensionhistI11 on 4anuary 2H 2H1' =avantas Aictoria T'2HH2 #ood =anagement and 3ervice %%' Rueon &ity' Phoeni+ Pu*lishing $ouse %nc' =erriam">e*ster' 2H1' 8etrieved from http:II'merriam"e*ster'comIdictionary on 4anuary 2H 2H1' Talde 4ulieta 0' &ulinary !rts' Rueon &ity' Phoeni+ Pu*lishing $ouse %nc' 1GGC Taste'com'>eight and =easurements &hart' !pril 2HH' 8etrieved from http:II'taste'com'au on 4annuary 2 2H1' >heat #oods &ouncil' #lour 1H1' 8etrieved from http:II'heatfoods'orgIsitesI defaultIfilesIatachmentsIflour"1H1'pdf on 4anuary 2H 2H1'

>heat #oods &ouncil' rains of Truth a*out Ruic, Breads' 8etrieved from http:II'ndheat'comIuploadsMC&resourcesMC&1GMC&.uic,*reads'pdf  on 4anuary 21 2H1' K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

>eaver 0ennis' !ll !*out Ba,ing: Ruc, Breads' 8etrieved from http:II'preparedpantry'comI$o"to"Ba,e"Ruic,"Breads"8ecipe'htm on 4anuary 2 2H1' >oods =ollie' and Thorns*y 3uanne' The Philippine Ba,ery 3ector'=ichigan' =ichigan 3tate 7niversity' 2HHG' Other Pr'nted &ater'als  !ning 4' Vovernment Ba,ers Launch Pinoy Pan de sal pro/ectW' Philippine 0aily %n.uirer 4une 1D 2HH' p'12H' #ood 3ervice and &atering =anagement ! Practical uide Li*erty &ommodities &orp' =anila !nvil Pu*lishing' 2HH Best 8ecipes for the $ome Philippine Pu*lishing $ouse =anila 1GH

Internet So1rces( Panlasang Pinoy'com =y 3toc, Aector'com raphic X !nimation'gif   !*out'com' &ulinary !rts 4oe Pastry E orchids  !rticle'n'com 0reamtime'com Bransontourist'com Li*rary ,v pattom'com Penardmoon'com P%cstopin'com Ba,ing G11 8ecipe  us'co'u, K12 Learning Module in Basic Baking and Bakeshop Production

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