LK. 1.1. punyo teman sejawat

August 25, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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LK. 1.1. Identifikasi Masalah No.


Jen enis is Permasa masala lah hn

pedagogik, literasi, dan numerasi.

Masal asala ah ya yang Diid Diideenti tiffika ikasi

Analisis Identifikasi Identifikasi Masalah

1. Students’ have low moti mo tiva vati tion on in le lear arni ning ng 13. Low ability in English. comprehend the text 2. The students have less of students’ co conf nfid iden ence ce in st stud udyi ying ng 14. Lack exposure english. english. 15.. Many Many st stud uden ents ts af afra raid id 3. Undi Undiccipli iplin ne Stud Studeents in 15 to learn grammar, doing the assigment. beca cau use hav avee many 4. Students have low rules to remember moti mo tiva vati tion on in spea speaki king ng par artt of spee peech, and english tenses. 5. The students have very low skill in writing. 6. Students are not co conf nfid iden entt in prac practi tici cing ng english in the class. 7. Ther Theree are are some some stu stude dent ntss



10. 10. 11.


ar aree not not co conf nfid iden entt to do assigmnet by them-selves ( Cheating ) Rend Rendah ahny nya a hasi hasill be bela laja jarr si sisw swa a dala dalam m pela pelaja jara ran n bahasa inggris ( the students have low ac achi hive veme ment nt in le lear arni ning ng english) Guru melaksanakan pembelajaran yang monoton dan tidak   bervariasi. The The stud tudents nts have lo low w literacy skill. guru jaran jarang g memberik memberikan an penghargaan/hadiah kepada siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Studen Students ts have Low basic basic skill in learning english.



Jen enis is Permasa masala lah hn


kesulitan belajar siswa termasuk siswa berkebutuhan khusus dan masalah  pembelajaran (berdiferensiasi) di kelas berdasarkan  pengalaman mahasiswa saat menjadi guru.


membangun relasi/hubungan dengan siswa dan orang tua siswa. pemahaman/  pemanfaatan model-model


 pembelajaran inovatif  berdasarkan karakteristik materi dan siswa



Masal asala ah ya yang Diid Diideenti tiffika ikasi

Analisis Identifikasi Identifikasi Masalah

1. Low ability in comprehend the text Lack of students’ exposure english. 2. Many any stude student ntss af afra raid id to lear learn n gramma ammarr, beca becaus usee ha have ve many many rul ulees to re rem membe emberr part pa rt of sp spee eech ch,, and tenses.

1. Teac Teache hers rs hav havee a diff diffic icul ultt to 1. Student still confuse about what they going to do, the apply innovative innovative learning learning can't formulate the problem, (students learning center)

formulate the hypothesis even

make the conclusion, it happen  because they still have low  basic material in English. 2. Only some student going be active in project and the others only got the point without contribution,I even found some of group that undisciplined by submitting the project

Materi terkait Literasi numerasi, Advanced material, miskonsepsi, HOTS.

1. Most Most stu stude dent ntss are are not not able able 1. Most Most teache teachers rs are are not to do AKM questions. maximum in applying AKM based questions yet.

pemanfaatan teknologi/inovasi dalam  pembelajaran.

Tecahe hers rs ca can n no nott ac acce cess ss 1. Havi Havin ng no inte intern rnet et acces accesss 1. Teca internet fo forr teach chiing arround school. In school,  because the internet electir elec tircity city is also limited limited access really can not be only in office and hall. re reac ache hed d in th thee sc sch hoo ooll area. 2. The elctri elctricity city also also limite limited d

2. Students are difficult to 1. Most Most studen students ts have have low low answer HOTS based  basic English skill questions  because of their previous learning in Junior and Elementary School. 2. lack of of vocabu vocabulay lay and and low pronunciation skill.



Jen enis is Permasa masala lah hn

Masal asala ah ya yang Diid Diideenti tiffika ikasi

Analisis Identifikasi Identifikasi Masalah so th that at te teac ach her erss must ust move to the hall to use device.

2. Learning media is too 1. Lear Learni ning ng medi mediaa su such ch as attract attr active ive so that that studen students ts vi vid deo or game ame at attr trac actt students studen ts well and distract distract ar aree on only ly in inte tere rest st to th thee media without consider the them to pay attention to es essen senti tial al of th thee le lear arni ning ng that media but the material itself. di disa sad dva van nta tage ge th that at th thee students can not comprehend the material students transfer because too focus to the media. 2. Stud Studen ents ts can not answer  answer  th thee qu quest estio ions ns ab abou outt th thee materia mat eriall using using attract attractive ive media for example video  because students only interest in the media not the material.

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