II. If you are interested in professional success, you should learn a language which is spoken by a lot of people and which is not very different from your native language. III. A few Brazilians speak English, French and Spanish are more common languages in São Paulo. IV. If you are fluent in Brazilian Portuguese you may stand out in the business market. It is correct to affirm that: a) Only statement I is incorrect. b) Only statement II is incorrect. X c)
Only statement III is incorrect.
d) Only statement IV is incorrect. e) Only statement I and III are incorrect. (IFPE) O texto a seguir serve de base para as questões de 11 a 14.
Workingh Students In places like Canada, the USA, Spain, England and many other countries in Europe it is very common to see teenagers working during their free time. Theyh workh inh restaurantsh orh shops; they work as baby sitters or dog walkers. There are many part time jobs for students. Many students work part time during the year and full time during their summer vacation. Things are different in Brazil. Teens usuallyh work only if their families need money. There are not many part time jobs for students. Working students usually work during the day and go to school in the evening. Ah fewh studentsh who do not need the money work part time as volunteers in social projects, but they are not many. Is that just a cultural difference or is it some kind of prejudice? (Amos, Prescher e Pasqualin.Challenge. – Richmond Publishing p. 57)
11. According to the text, Brazilian students: a) study full time and work full time in social projects. b) don’t like to work full time, only part time or during vacation. c) work full time during their summer vacation. X d) work mainly because they need money to help at home. e) always work as baby sitters or dog walkers. 12. The sentence: They work in restaurants or shops in the third person of singular must be: a) He work in restaurants or shops. X b)
He works in restaurants or shops.
c) He workers in restaurants or shops. d) He do work in restaurant or shop. e) He is work in restaurants or shops. 13. It can be deduced from the text that: a) Teenagers in Brazil work for the same reasons they work in Europe and Canada. b) In Canada, the USA, Spain and England many teenagers work only for fun but they hate to work. c) In Brazil teenagers work only during their free time and in England they work to give money to their families.
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