The 39 Melachos
How to Avoid Borer The three conditions of Borer, mentioned last week, are not always practical when trying to avoid Borer. However, there are three other ways which circumvent the question of Borer entirely.
Borer on Yom Tov Borer is one of the 39 Melachos that is permitted on Yom Tov. This is because it is a Melacha which is performed primarily for Ochel Nefesh, eating necessities. This is also why Bishul, cooking, and Hotzoa, transferring, are permitted on Yom Tov. Nevertheless, there are still a few rules which apply to Borer on Yom Tov. Firstly, the selection must be done in the easiest manner possible as there is a Mitzvah to enjoy Yom Tov. Secondly, selection may not be done with a special utensil. Thirdly, large scale selection is prohibited.
1. ‘Un-mixing’ the mixture: Borer is only applicable where there is a Halachic mixture of two types. Therefore, if one ‘un-mixes’ the mixture then the question of Borer never even arises. For example, if one wants to sort out a mixture of black and white chess pieces and store them in their compartments for later use, one may not sort them out as it isn’t for immediate use. However, one may ‘un-mix’ the mix- Fish, Meat and Chicken ture by spreading them out on a surface and then It is forbidden to remove bones from fish or chicken. sort them as once spread out, Borer doesn’t apply. However, it is permitted to remove skin as they are both Halachically regarded as the same type. It is 2. Removing bad with good: Borer can only be transforbidden to trim the fat from a piece of meat so to gressed when one of the two types in the mixture is avoid Borer, one could trim the fat together with being isolated and removed from the mixture. Theresome meat. It is questionable whether one may pull fore, one who removes a combination of both types bits of feathers or hair left embedded in cooked of the mixture is merely removing items from the chicken as the bad is being removed from the good. It mixture but not transgressing Borer. For example, if a is preferable to spit out the feather from one’s mouth fly falls into a bowl of soup, one is permitted to spoon while eating. out some of the soup together with the fly. Peeling 3. Derech Achilah, selecting while eating: As a rule, Fruits, vegetables, nuts, eggs, etc. may be peeled or the act of eating can never be classified as a Melashelled provided that this is for immediate use and chah. For example, chewing food on Shabbos isn’t done by hand or with a knife, and not by using a considered Tochain, grinding. Therefore, removal of specialised utensil. One must be careful that when the bad while eating is a clear form of Derech Achilah preparing egg salad or other egg dishes for a meal, so it is permitted. For example, one is permitted to the eggs must be peeled just before the meal and not spit out watermelon seeds from one’s mouth whilst earlier. eating. Do you have a ‘Kindle’? Send us your ‘Kindle E-mail address’ and we will send the Living Torah directly to your device!
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וישב כסלו תשע“ד 23rd November 2013
This Shabbos, Daily Nach will be up to Tehillim Perokim 83-84 Email
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Issue No: 447 Shabbos In: 3:47 Shabbos Out: 4:58 Sof Zman Krias Shema: 9:39
The Gemara Yerushalmi (Pesachim 10a) states that the reason that we drink four cups of wine is to recall the three times the ‘cup of Pharaoh’ is mentioned in the Butler’s dream, as he related it to Yosef, and the one time Yosef repeated it in his reply to the Butler. (Bereishis 40:9-12)
This ingeniously answers all the questions raised. Pharaoh, in judging the two crimes against his dignity, came to the following conclusion: the Butler, in dropping a stone into the dough, was a lesser crime, as it was not so easily noticed and blatantly disrespectful. Therefore, his prison sentence was sufficient punishment. However, the Baker, in dropping a fly into the wine, was a much The Ba’al Oruch Hashulchan, Rav Y.M. Epststein zt’’l, in more blatant, ‘in your face’ crime against the King’s his Sefer on the Haggadah ‘Leil Shimurim’, gives an dignity and deserving of death. original and fascinating explanation of the link between the Butler, the Baker and our Seder. Says Rav Epstein, we can now see a link between the Butler and Baker and the Seder as per the Gemara He asks the following questions: Yerushalmi. The Butler and the Baker are symbolic of Am 1. In Bereishis (40:1) the Pasuk says that the Butler and Yisrael who were likewise ‘Butlers and Bakers’ to the the Baker ‘sinned’ to Pharaoh, ‘ ’חָ ְטאוBut assuming that ‘King’ in the ‘Royal Palace’ of the Beis Hamikdash. We the stone that fell into the dough and the fly that fell into too offered the wine of Nissuch Hayayin and the bread of the wine were both accidents, why does the Torah say Lechem Hapanim and had we not thrown the ‘flies and that they ‘sinned’ as opposed to ‘Shogagu’, ‘they made a stones’ of Loshon Horah and Sinas Chinom at each other we could have remained in the Palace of Hashem, but mistake’? due to our lack of Derech Eretz to each other, like the 2. Isn’t it very coincidental that the fly and stone both fell Butler and the Baker, we too were thrown out of ‘the into the dough and wine respectively, at the same time? palace’ into a dungeon, Golus, in which we still languish. 3. Surely the error of the Butler was more severe than that of the Baker. After all, a fly in the wine can be seen more clearly, whereas a stone covered by dough is not easily detected; why did the Butler get his job back and why was the Baker put to death?
So each Seder is a reminder, that we are still in Golus, because we are still that ‘Butler and Baker’, and until and unless we rectify the sin of the ‘flies and stones’ of Sinas Chinom, we can only hope that ‘next year we will be in Yerushalayim’. B’ezras Hashem, by taking the message Rav Epstein says that in his opinion, the Butler and the of Butler and Baker to heart, we can be optimistic that Baker were enemies and each was trying to discredit the we can still celebrate Pesach this year in the Third Beis other in the eyes of Pharaoh. It was the Baker who Hamikdosh and once again be promoted to be the ‘Butler and Bakers’ in the rebuilt ‘Palace of the King’. dropped the fly in the wine, and it was the Butler who put the stone in the dough!
Tannaic Story
Rabban Shimon Ben Gamliel took over as Nasi, leader, of the Jewish people during one of the most troubling times in Jewish history. The Romans imposed their harsh and uncompromising decrees upon the Jews and leading a dedicated and faithful Torah life became harder and harder.
Rabi Yishmoel decided to dig deeper; maybe there was some other flaw of Rabi Shimon’s? He asked if Rabi Shimon had ever felt haughty when speaking to the masses of Jews who gathered to hear him speak and declare the Halacha on Har Habayis. With simple honesty Rabi Shimon replied, “I have never been guilty of such conceit. This punishment is rather a heavenly decree, which no human being can He took an offensive stance against the Romans and escape.” supported those who sought to rebel against them. He understood that there would be no way out of the When both these great Tzadikim were eventually brought situation for the Jews unless they physically staged a revolt to be executed, each one begged and pleaded to be against the Romans. However, the Romans eventually allowed to die first as they would not have be able to caught him and murdered him in cold blood. Indeed, he is handle witnessing the death and torture of the other. Rabi one of the Ten Great Tzadikim who died at the hands of the Yishmoel claimed that as Kohen Gadol, he should be executed first. Rabi Shimon claimed that as the Nasi, he Romans and who we read about on Yom Kippur. should rightfully be executed first. Lots were drawn and When he was captured by the Romans, he was thrown into Rabi Shimon was executed first. prison with Rabi Yishmoel ben Elisha. In desperation, he cried out, “Woe to us that we have to be put to death like When Rabi Yishmoel saw the head of his beloved friend fall common heathens and murderers!” When Rabi Yishmoel to the ground he picked it up and mournfully cried out in heard this, he asked whether Rabi Shimon may have once disbelief, “Holy, truthful mouth, from which such pearls of refused a poor man’s plea to eat at his house and now Rabi wisdom had once flowed! What is it that has caused you to Shimon was bemoaning the fact that he was to be punished fall into the dust, and your tongue to be sealed off with for it. Rabi Shimon replied and said, “Heaven knows that I earth and dirt!” Throughout his life, Rabi Shimon lived have never in all my life been guilty of this sin. On the according to his saying “I have found nothing better for the contrary, I have always hired people who were on the body than silence” and indeed therefore the words of his lookout for beggars in need of food, to bring them into my ‘tongue’, when spoken, were always of great value and clarity. house.”
Q) If two people are saying Kaddish, to note that ideally people saying and one is faster than the other, do you Kaddish should ensure they say it in have to answer Amen to both of them? unison, in order to avoid unnecessary confusion. Anonymous Hasmonean Beis Rabbi A) If there is a span of B’soich k’dei dibur (a couple of seconds) then one If you have a question on any topic you would should answer Amen to both people like to have answered, just email us at
[email protected] or send a text saying Kaddish. However it is important to 07779579188
Dvar Torah
“Better to remain silent and appear dumb than to open error of his ways in an indirect manner. Consequently, your mouth and remove all doubt.” Mark Twain. he selected for him a coat of many colours weighing two selaim, hoping that he would realise the signifiWe are all aware of the famous scene of Yaakov making cance of this in the light of the Talmudic Dictum, “Malay a coat for Yosef, which demonstrated his love for him baselah... shetikah beshtayim” – “A word may be worth more than all his other children. The Gemara (Shabbat one selah, but silence is worth two.”(Megilah 18a) 10b) makes a remarkable statement in connection with this, “A man should never display favouritism for one of This concept is an underlying theme in Judaism. Shlomo his children over the others, for it was on account of Hamelech writes, “The voice of a fool is in many words two selaim’s weight of fine wool that Yaakov used for “(Kohelet 5:2). Additionally in Pirkei Avot we learn the the coat he made for Yosef that his brothers became importance of the idea of “Say a little and do much.” envious of him and consequently, the matter unfolded We are also told, “His (Rabban Gamliel’s) son, Shimon, and developed to such an extent that eventually our would say, ‘All my life I have been raised among the ancestors had to go down to Egypt.” wise and I have found nothing better for the body than silence. The essential thing is not study, but deed. And Rav Nachum of Grodno, the Chofetz Chaim’s Rosh Yeone who speaks excessively brings on sin.’” shiva, once asked, “What lesson did Chazal intend to teach by emphasising the fact that Yosef’s coat weighed Passivism; most People when asked to volunteer, to two selaim?” His answer lies in the way he translates take on an extra commitment or to learn a little more, the Pasuk, “ ” ַויָבֵ א יֹוסֵ ף אֶ ת ִּדבָ תָ ם ָרעָ ה אֶ ל אֲ ִּביהֶ םwhich is use the common retort, “I just don’t have the time, traditionally rendered as, “And Yosef brought an evil sorry.” While that may very well be the case, we have report of them (his brothers) unto their father.” Howev- no excuse for disregarding the laws of Lashon Hara er, he translates it differently. By dividing up the words something that will cost us neither time nor money! in an alternative manner, he arrives at, “And Yosef The Rambam compares and equates it to the three conveyed a report concerning his brothers…a fact which cardinal sins combined– murder, adultery and idol his father regarded as evil.” worship. In other words, Yaakov was most unhappy that his son had seen fit to slander his brothers in such a manner; this constituted pure Lashon Hara and Rashi dwells upon this to explain why troubles befell Yaakov later on. However, since the very next verse relates, “Yaakov loved Yosef so much,” he was reluctant to rebuke him openly and accordingly decided to hint to his son the
As John Tilloson a 17th Century philosopher puts it, “A good word is an easy obligation; but not to speak ill, requires only our silence, which costs nothing.” Adapted from Rabbi Bernstein’s zt’’l ‘Gevoros Yitzchok’
Riddle: Which Pasuk do we say every day in davening which begins and ends with exactly the same three words in the exact same order? Answer in next week’s Living Torah Last weeks riddle: Three members of the Jewish people whose names are mentioned in the Torah (and were alive at the time) did not go out during Yetzias Mitzrayim. Who are they? Answer: Tzipporah, Gershom and Eliezer. Moshe left them behind in Midyan, rather than taking them down to Mitzrayim. Therefore they were did not leave during Yetzias Mitzrayim.