Little Red Book of Selling
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“Little Red Book of Selling – 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness” by effrey Gito!er
If they they like like you, you, and and they they believ believee you, you, and they they trus trustt you, you, and they they have have confidence in you, then they may buy from you.
- “Why They Buy” 1) ikin! ikin! is the sin!le sin!le most "o#erful "o#erful element element in a sales relation relationshi"$ shi"$ like like leads to trust %) I under understa stand nd #hat #hat I am buy buyin! in! &) I "erceive "erceive a difference difference in in the "erson "erson and the co. that that I am buyin! buyin! form. form. ') I "erceive "erceive a value in in the "roduct "roduct that I am "urchas "urchasin!. in!. () I beli believ evee my sal sales es re". re". ) I have have confi confiden dence ce in in my sale saless re". re". *) I tru trust st my sale saless re" re".. +) I am comf comfort ortabl ablee #ith #ith my sale saless re" re" ) I feel that that there there is a fit of my my needs and hisher hisher "roduct "roductserv service ice 1) The "rice seems to be fair. fair. 11) I "erceive that this "roduct or service #ill increase my "roductivity 1%) I "erceive that this "roduct or service #ill increase my "rofit. "rofit. 1&) I "erceive that my sales"erson is tryin! to hel" me build my business in order to hear his. /y sales"erson is a valuable resource to me. -
0eo"l 0eo"lee don dontt lik likee to be be sold sold,, but but they they lov lovee to buy buy
Thee 1%.( Th 1%.( 2ed 2ed 0ri 0rinc nci" i"le less of 3al 3ales es 4re 4reat atne ness ss55 1) 6ick 6ick you yourr o#n o#n ass ass.. %) 0re"ar 0re"aree to #in, #in, or lose lose to to someone someone #ho #ho is &) 0ersonal 0ersonal brandin! brandin! I3 sales5 sales5 Its Its not #ho you you kno#, it itss #ho kno#s you you ') Its Its all about value, value, its its all about relations relationshi", hi", its its not all about "rice. "rice. () Its Its 78T #ork #ork,, its its 79T#o 79T#ork rk ) If you you cant !et in front front of the real real decision decision maker, maker, you suck. suck. *) 9n!a!e 9n!a!e me me and you you can make make me convi convince nce mysel myself. f. +) If you you can make make them them lau!h, lau!h, you you can make make them them buy buy ) :se creati creativity vity to differ differentiat entiatee and dominate dominate 1) 2educe their risk and youll youll convert sellin! to buyin! buyin! 11) When you say it about yourself its its bra!!in!. When someone else says it about you its "roof. 1%) ;ntennas ;ntennas u"< u"< 1%.() 2esi!n your "osition as !eneral mana!er of the universe
1+.( 1+.( 3ecr 3ecret etss of of 3al 3ales es 3ucc 3ucces ess5 s5
1) Believe you can. %) =reate the environment. &) >ave the ri!ht associations ? han! around the ri!ht "eo"le. 8ther successful "eo"le. >ave a mentor or three. ') 9@"ose yourself to #hats ne#. () 0lan for the day. 0re"are #ith education. 0lan #ith !oals, and the details for their achievement. ) Become valuable. 4ive first. *) >ave the ans#ers your "ros"ects and customers need. 0ro"sects dont #ant facts, they #ant ans#ers. In order to have ans#ers you must have su"erior kno#led!e about #hat you do ? and e@"lain it in terms of ho# the "ros"ect uses #hat you do. +) 2eco!niAe o""ortunity. ) Take advanta!e of o""ortunity. 1) Take res"onsibility. 11) Take action. 1%) /ake mistakes ? best teacher is failure. 1&) Willin! to risk. 1') 6ee" your eyes on the "riAe. 0ost your !oals. 3tay focused on your dreams and they #ill become reality. 1() Balance yourself. 0hysical, s"iritual, and emotional. 1) Invest dont s"end. 1*) 3tick at it until you #in. /ost "eo"le fail because they uit too soon. /ake a "lan and a commitment to see the "lan throu!h ? no matter #hat. 1+) Cevelo" and maintain a "ositive attitude. 1+.()I!nore idiots and Aealots. -
Dailure ? learn from it or i!nore it. Dailure actually only occurs #hen you decide to uit. Eou choose your results. Thin!s you can do to avoid !ettin! to the “uit” sta!e5 ook at failure as an event, not a "erson o ook for the #hy, and find the solution o ist "ossible o""ortunities. o ;sk yourself, #hat have I learnedF ;nd try a!ain. o Cont mo"e around #ith other failures ? !o find a successful "erson and o han! around him.
Principle 1" #ick $o%r &'n (ss
study voicemail "resentation skills self-ins"iration self-determination hard #ork$ most sales"eo"le #ill not do the hard #ork that it takes to make sellin! easy.
When youre in a slum", you be!in to "ress for orders instead of #orkin! your best !ame"lan, #hich is “sell to hel" the other "erson”, and let your sincerity of "ur"ose shine throu!h. When you have the "ressure to sell, the "ros"ect senses it, and backs off.
To fi@ slum"s5 o o o o o o
o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o
3tudy basics 2evisit our "lan for success ? Today ist ( thin!s you could be doin! to #ork smarter and harder =han!e your "resentation ? take the customers "ers"ective Talk to your five best customers 4et someone you res"ect to evaluate your "resentation, take them #ith you on sales calls. Gisit your mentor 4et to #ork an hour before everyone 3tay a#ay from "ity "arties >an! around "ositive, successful "eo"le >ave some fun 3"end & minutes a day Hin the mornin! is best) readin! about your "ositive attitude isten to your favorite son! ust before the "resentation Take a day off 2earran!e your office ;udiota"e your "resentations live Gideota"e your "resentation Take the best sales"ersons you kno# out on calls #ith you for a day. Take your boss #ith you on calls for a #eek. ;void ne!ative talk and ne!ative "eo"le like the "la!ue
celebrate effort, not victory. Time mana!ement ? lessons in time mana!ement are "retty much a #aste of time. Eou kno# #hat to do. Eou even kno# #hen to do it. What you need is a lesson in "rocrastination.
Principle 2" Prepare to )in* or Lose to So!eone )+o ,s
Be "re"ared< “Tell me a little bit about your businessF” ? ho# un"re"ared does that make you lookF 8ther dumb thin!s to say5 “et me tell you a little about my business”
0re"aration 2esources5 Internet o Their literature o Their vendors o Their com"etition o Their customers o 0eo"le in your net#ork #ho may kno# them o Their other em"loyees o o -+e best and least %sed reso%rce" -+eir sales depart!ent 4oo!le yourself o
Be "re"ared #ith an obective or t#o about #hat you #ant to accom"lish in the meetin!. “They make the fatal error of !ettin! all their o#n stuff ready. 0o#er0oint slides, sam"les, literature, business cards ? you kno#, all the same thin!s the com"etition is doin!. Bi!!est mistake in sales. ;nd almost every sales"erson makes it. Co your home#ork. The #orkday starts the ni!ht before. Work #hile others slee".
Principle " Personal Branding ,s Sales" ,t/s 0ot )+o $o% #no'* ,t/s )+o #no's $o%
9stablish yourself as an e@"ert Build your ima!e
Cevelo" a "ersonal brand5 2e!ister your o Be #illin! to !ive of yourselfJfirst o Cedicate time to make it ha""en o 4et others to hel" you. ? ist the "eo"le you think can hel" you or hel" o you connect ? and ask for their su""ort. /ake a brief &-second commercial ? about #hat you do and ho# you can o hel" others. Celiver it ;DT92 you have asked the other "erson #hat they do. o =ombine outreaches ? i.e., donate a scholarshi" to the trade association of your best client. Co everythin! #ith a creative flair. o
o o o o o o o
4et the best business card money can buy. 3tay in front of the "eo"le you #ant to do business #ith. Become a resource. 0ersistence and consistency are the secrets. >ave a !ood time doin! it. 3trive to be the best at #hatever you do. I!nore idiots and Aealots.
Build your "ersonal brand and customers #ill call you. Build your "ersonal brand and customers #ill be loyal. The inte!rity of my brand is the consistency and the value of the messa!e.
Principle " ,t/s (ll (bo%t al%e* ,t/s (ll (bo%t Relations+ip* ,t/s 0ot (ll (bo%t Price
4ive first, dont kee" score /ake friends before you start, or dont start ;ct "rofessionally, talk friendly
I "ut myself in front of "eo"le #ho can say “yes” to me and I deliver value first.
The .( 0rinci"les of !ivin! value and bein! valuable5 1. /arket #ith stuff and information about "ros"ects and customers ? not about you. Send t+e! infor!ation abo%t +o' t+ey profit* prod%ce or s%cceed* and t+ey 'ill de3o%r 44R$ )&R. 2. Write H!ood) stuff in ournals, ne#s"a"ers, e-Aines, and ne#sletters. . =reate res"onse vehicles or mechanisms in everythin! you #rite. . 9arn your #ay onto every broadcast media "ossible. 5. 4et kno#n as a "erson of value. 6. 3end you stuff after they ask for it, and make sure it has somethin! they #ill kee". Proacti3e !ailings rarely 'ork. .( 3"eak in "ublic or cold callF - !ive a free s"eech at a civic !rou". 7 t+e best 'ay to !arket yo%rself is gi3e yo%rself to t+e !arket
6.5 S%ccess -actics of 8ree Speec+ - Cont !ive a sales "itch, but do s"eak on your to"ic. - 0ick a !reat audience. - 4ive a handout. - Gideota"e it. - ;sk for audience evaluations. - 4ive value, !et leads. ;t the end of your talk, offer somethin! additional for free in e@chan!e for their card. .( >an! around after the meetin!.
0rice Gs. Galue
“8ur "rices are !uaranteed to be K1 more than anybody elses "rice, but our service is !uaranteed to be 1L better than anybody elses service.
1. 3to" thinkin! of your "roduct as a commodity. Its all about the relationshi". &-'L #ill buy "rice. The !ood ne#s is -*L of all customers #ill buy value if you "rovide it to them. %. Take the last 1 sales that you made and try to discover the follo#in!5 >o# #as the sale com"letedF &. Cont focus on the sale, focus on the lifetime use of the "roduct or service. '. 3tart your sales call at a hi!her level. Principle 5" ,t/s 0ot )ork* ,t/s 04-'ork
What do you need to be a successful net#orkerF - ; !reat &-second commercial that en!a!es and asks uestions that ualify the "ros"ect, and !ets to the ne@t ste" in the sales cycle if theres an interest. - Eour #illin!ness to dedicate the time it takes to do it and be e@cellent at it. - ; "lan of #here and #hen.
To ma@imiAe your net#orkin! effectiveness, you must follo# one sim"le rule5 4o #here your customers and "ros"ects !o, or are likely to be. 9@am"les5 - =hamber of =ommerce business event after hours. - ; hi!h level =hamber of =ommerce 9vent. - ;ny Business Mournal 9vent. - ; net#orkin! club or business or!aniAation #here solid business contacts belon! and "artici"ate. - 3ome"lace #here like-minded "eo"le belon!. - ;ny ty"e of class you take to learn more and make yourself better. - ; civic or!aniAation. 2otary, 6i#anis, 9lks, /oose, ions. - ;ttend a cultural event. The theater and the sym"hony attract "eo"le #ith class and money. - 4et involved #ith a charity or be a community volunteer. - Eour trade or "rofessional association. - Eour best customerHs) trade or "rofessional association. Be a seminar "resenter, not ust an attendee. - Trade sho#s. - Moin a "rivate club. ; !olf country club, etc. - /eal net#orkin!. “8#n a restaurant or three. - >ealth =lub - 3"orts events. - 0arents of your childrens friends.
- >a""y >our. - 6araoke. - 7ei!hborhood homeo#ners associationcondo association. - The air"lane. %1.(. Bein! ready to net#ork #hen you !et there. Principle 6" ,f $o% 9an/t Get in 8ront of -+e Real ecision :aker* $o% S%ck
Why are you not settin! a""ointmentsF - Eou couldnt sell them on “yes” ? they sold you on “no” The a""ointment is the fulcrum "oint of the sale ? you cant sell suat #ithout a face-to-face or "hone-to-"hone a""ointment #ith the decision maker. Cont sell the "roduct, dont sell the service, sell the a""ointment. Eou need to become an e@"ert in the industry or cate!ories you cover, you need to kno# #here your "ros"ect or customer uses your "roduct or service to build their business and make a "rofit. Eou have to kno# somethin! about them. Eou have to be brief. Eou cant sell more than an a""ointment. Cont ask, “>o# are you todayF”, or “>ave you ever heard of usF” Eou 9n!a!e ? the heart of the a""ointment "rocess is the en!a!ement. ;sk com"ellin! and en!a!in! uestions. Co not save the "ros"ect money, earn the "ros"ect "rofit. 3tart hi!her on the decision-makin! chain than you dare. Its not a benefit statement. Its a "rofitability statement. Its not a benefit statement. Its a "roductivity statement. The do not #ant to be or need to be educated. They #ant ans#ers ust like you do. 8ffer ans#ers as a reason to meet, and the a""ointment is yours. “I only need on more a""roval and the order is yours” must tri!!er your res"onse to the "ros"ect, “4reat, #hen do #e all meetF” 1. 4et the "ros"ects "ersonal a""roval. “/r. 0ros"ect, if it #as ust you and you didnt need to confer #ith anyone else, #ould you buyF Hthey #ill almost al#ays say yes.) Then ask, “Coes this mean youll recommend our service to the othersF” %. 4et on the "ros"ects team, talk in terms of “#e” &. ;rran!e a meetin! #ith all deciders '. 6no# the "rime decider in advance. (. /ake your entire "resentation a!ain.
The most "o#erful ualifyin! uestion you can ask, “Bill, ho# #ill this decision be madeF Bill #ill !ive you an ans#er, you follo# u" #ith5 “Then WhatF” ;nd Bill #ill be!in to !ive you the sa!a about ho# the decision is really made. Eou ask, “then #hatF” four or five times and "resto< Eoull have the name of the real decision maker.
2eal sales"eo"le sit in front of real decision makers. >o# real are youF
Goicemail strate!y5 eave half a messa!e, "retend like youre cut off and han! u" >ave kids leave messa!e The secret to voicemail is be sli!htly darin! and take risks
Principle ;" 4ngage :e and $o% 9an :ake :e 9on3ince :yself
The most im"ortant as"ect of makin! a sale is also a maor #eakness of every sales"erson. ;skin! uestions. - The first "ersonal Hra""ort) uestion sets the tone for the meetin!, and the first business uestion sets the tone for the sale. - Benefits of askin! the ri!ht uestion5 - Nualify the buyer - 9stablish ra""ort - =reate "ros"ect dis"arity - 9liminate or differentiate from the com"etition - Build credibility - 6no# the customer and their business - Identify needs - Dind hot buttons - 4et "ersonal information - =lose the sale -
Co you have %( uestions ? the most "o#erful uestions you can create ? (L of all sales"eo"le dont. 9+allenge" Get e3ery prospect and c%sto!er to say* “0o one e3er asked !e t+at before” ;.5 o# do you "ro"oseO. - What has been your e@"erienceO. - >o# have you successfully usedO. - >o# do you determineO - Why is that a decidin! factorO - What makes you chooseO - What do you like aboutO - What is the one thin! you #ould im"rove aboutO - What #ould you chan!e aboutOHCont say, “What dont you like aboutOF)
T8 C85 uestions must be thou!ht out and #ritten do#n in advance. Cevelo" a list of 1(-%( uestions that uncover needs, "roblems, "ains, concerns, and obections. Cevelo" 1( to %( more that create "ros"ect commitment as a result of the information you have uncovered.
Cumbest uestions5 - Who are you currently usin!O - ;re you satisfied #ith your "resentO - >o# much are you currently "ayin! forO - =an I uote you onO. - =an I bid onO - Tell me a little bit about your businessO - ;re you the "erson #ho decides aboutO H#hy ask a uestion that breeds misleadin! information) correct uestion is5 >o# #ill the decision be madeF - What #ould it take to !et Hearn) your businessF
Cumb #ords5 today, frankly, honestly, if I #ere you, or anythin! ne!ative about the "revious choice they made, or anythin! ne!ative about your com"etition ;skin! "o#erful uestions #ill make "ros"ects think in ne# #ays. Eou #ant to understand their motives for buyin!. Eour uestions are a critical factor in the #ay your customers "erceive you.
Principle ?" ,f $o% 9an :ake -+e! La%g+* $o% 9an :ake -+e! B%y@
makin! "eo"le smile or lau!h "uts them at ease and creates an atmos"here more conducive for a!reement. 0ick somethin! thats funny to you, "ersonal to you Cevelo" lines that are tested to make "eo"le lau!h 6ee" the lines clean. 2eal clean. 0oke fun at yourself. Cont dra! it out. Take small humor risks.
makin! "eo"le smile is a maor key in sellin!.
3afe to"ics5 -
=hildren H#hat they did or said) Traffic H#hat you did or sa#) 2e"eatin! a sit-com or television line 3elf-stuff 3elf-abilities 3elf-im"rovement
au!hter is mutual a""roval, and mutual a""roval is at the fulcrum "oint of sellin!. 3tudy humor 1) visit comedy clubs %) #atch comedys &) read oke books ') oin toastmasters () #atch and listen to children very carefully ) 2ead history *) Take humor risks #here you dont have much to lose +) Take a "rofessional comedian to lunch ) 0ractice makin! funny faces 1) 4et our your hi!h school yearbook 11) Take an actin! class 1%) =arry audiota"es of your favorite comedians 1&) 3tart lookin! for humor in every day life 1') 0ractice e@a!!eratin! your !etsutres 1() >an! around funny "eo"le 1) au!h a lot Eou use humor #hen youre the master of kno#in! your o#n "roduct, kno#in! your customer and his business, and kno#in! the science of sellin!. If you only use humor and dont kno# the other three elements, then you #ill be a clo#n #ho makes no sales. 3tories are a !ood #ay to use humor.
Principle A" >se 9reati3ity -o ifferentiate and o!inate
9lements that drive andor ins"ire creative "rocess5 1) %) &) ') ()
Brains ;ttitude The habit of observin! The habit of collectin! ideas Eour self belief ? If you tell yourself you are creative, more creative thin!s #ill ha""en ) 3u""ort system ? surround yourself #ith "eo"le #ho encoura!e you. *) The creative environment +) =reative mentors and associations ) 3tudyin! creativity ? T>I7692T8E3 1) 3tudyin! the history of creativity in your industry 11) :sin! creative models a. 3=;/092 H3ubstitute, =ombine, ;da"t, /odify, /a@imiAe, or /inimiAe, 0ut to other use, and 2everse or 2earran!e. 1%) 2isk Dailure ? all creative "eo"le take risks 1&) 3eein! your creativity in action -
Three ;reas to /ake a Cifference 1) Eour o"enin! uestion on a sales call ? ;36 ; 3/;2T N:93TI87 I//9CI;T9E, ;7C T>9E I//9CI;T9E T>I76 E8:29 3/;2T %) =han!e your ordinary ima!in! and brandin!. &) :se your follo#-u" and “stay-in-front-of” "o#er to the /;P ? create value, email a #eekly ti" DIP E8:2 G8I=9 /933;49 T8C;E5 - “Im either on my "hone or a#ay from my desk.” Hno kiddin!F 0athetic) Goice messa!e is ;mericas sales eni!ma. 9verybody has it and , out of 1, have a "athetic messa!e. IC9;3 to s"ice u" your voicemail. - 1) ; short messa!e about value or "rofit "oint of your "roduct. - %) ; thou!htful uote ? internet #ill !ive you millions - &) =elebrity im"ersonation - ') Eour kid - () 3omethin! funny in !eneral - ) 3omethin! funny about your "roduct or your business - *) ; testimonial from a customer - *.() 3omethin! off the #all =han!e the messa!e often 9reati3e approac+ to ending* “'e/re satisfied 'it+ o%r present s%pplier” fore3er.
3ay, “/r. Mones, I make a lot of sales calls to "ros"ective ne# customers and most of them tell me QIm satisfied #ith #ho #eve !ot. 8ur customers are ecstatic, !ettin! incredible value, are more "roductive, and are rea"in! the "rofits of doin! business #ith us. Would you rather be ecstatic and more "rofitable or satisfiedF” The customer #ill say, “ecstatic and more "rofitable.” “4reat,” you say. “I came here today >80I74 that you #ere satisfied #ith #ho youve !ot.” Take a#ay the obection B9D829 they have a chance to voice it.
Principle 1" Red%ce -+eir Risk* (nd $o%/ll 9on3ert Selling to B%ying
The bi!!est barrier to a sale is the uns"oken risk that a "ros"ect "erceives ( uestions as they relate to your "roduct or sale” - 1) What is the definition of riskF - %) What is the cause of risk” - &) >o# much risk am I askin! my "ros"ects to take #hen they make a "urchaseF - ') >o# do I uncover risk factorsF - () >o# is risk taken a#ay, removed, or eliminateF
6no# their tolerance for risk takin!. ;sk about "revious "urchases. #no' yo%r risks of p%rc+ase. -+ere are less t+an 1. List t+e! and +a3e “risk re!o3ing” ans'ers for t+e!. List '+at yo%r prospect +as to lose if t+ey b%y. List t+e corresponding Cor cancelingD gains if t+ey b%y. (sk yo%r prospect* “)+at/s t+e riskE” -+en ask* “)+at/s t+e re'ardE” ,f t+e risk is lo'* and t+e re'ard is +ig+* t+en t+e decision is ob3io%s.
Risk Re!o3al is a P&)4R8>L 9L&S,0G -&&L
(dd piece of !ind – directly address a risk t+at co%ld be concerning t+e!
What to do5
1) Identify your risks %) =reate 429;T corres"ondin! risk removers or even "reventers &) Try them out on "ros"ects #ho resist for no stated reason. ') /aster them so that your "ros"ects buy more often '.() Teach them to everyone
The bi!!est risk barrier to a sale is the uns"oken risk that a "ros"ect "erceives.
-ake !ore c+ances t+an yo% dare. $o%/ll !ake !ore sales t+an yo% eFpect.
Principle 11" >se )+en $o% Say ,t (bo%t $o%rself* ,t/s Bragging. )+en So!eone 4lse Says ,t (bo%t $o%* ,t/s Proof.
Testimonials ? the sin!le most "o#erful method of makin! a sale. ;nd also the sin!le most #asted resource in creatin! a marketin! messa!e. To be most effective, testimonials need to have a specific messa!e. Testimonials should be used at the end of the sales cycle to dis"el any doubt, reduce all risk, substantiate value, and "ave the #ay to the order. Take your best customer #ith you on your ne@t sales call. ; video "icture is #orth a sale ;skin! a customer to tell you their reasons for "urchasin! from you #ill !et you hundreds more sales of the same ty"e. Buyin! motives are 1, times more "o#erful than sellin! skills. /ake that 1,.
Principle 12" >se (ntennas >p@
0ositive 3ales 3enses5 1) The sense of confidence %) The sense of "ositive antici"ation Hthinkin! you can is (L of the outcome) &) The sense of determination ') The sense of achievement () The sense of #inin!. The 'ill to prepare to 'in !%st eFceed t+e 'ill to 'in. ) The sense of success +.( 7e!ative senses5 1) The sense of fear %) The sense of nervousness &) The sense of reection ') The sense of "rocrastination or reluctance () The sense of ustificationrationale ) The sense of self-doubt *) The sense of uncertainty +) The sense of doom +.() The sense of “Im unlucky” Principle 12.5" Resign $o%r Position (s General :anager of -+e >ni3erse
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