Literature Review

December 21, 2018 | Author: fansuri80 | Category: Citation, Literature Review, Evaluation, Doctor Of Philosophy, Academic Publishing
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Dr Hassan Ali...


LITERATURE REVIEW By  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hassan Ali College of Business Universiti Utara Malaysia

Literature Review  Documentation of a comprehensive review of the published and unpublished work from secondary sources of data in the areas of specific interest to the researcher.

Hassan Ali PhD

Literature Review (cont)  Past research on the phenomenon ph enomenon under investigation must play key role in the process of problem formulation.

  A literature review is not a listing of studies but a critical evaluation of previous research.

  A literature review requires a researcher to find, find , retrieve, evaluate,, and integrate past research into present  evaluate investigation.

Hassan Ali PhD

Literature Review (cont)  A doctoral candidate is expected to be aware of all the important literature of the chosen filed of study.  In sociosocio-behavioral -behavioral science research one should try to break out of own specialization and read literature from related disciplines.

Hassan Ali PhD

Literature Review (cont)  LR discusses published information in a

particular subject area.   A LR combines both summary and synthesis.   A summary is a recap of important information from source.   A synthesis is a reorganization or reshuffling of  the important information from source. It  involves evaluation of information from the source. Hassan Ali PhD

Literature Review: Purpose  1. to thoroughly describe work done on a

specific area of research.  2. to evaluate work done in a specific area of  research.  Description and evaluation are important parts of the LR.  Describing past research without evaluation is merely summarizing information without  digesting it. Hassan Ali PhD

 A Good Literature Review  Important variables that are likely to influence the problem not left out.  Clear idea emerges as to what variables is most  important to the study (parsimony).  Problem statement can be made with precision and clarity.  Testability and replicability of findings of current  research can be enhanced.   Avoid risk of reinventing the wheel.  Problem investigated is perceived by the scientific community as relevant and significant. Hassan Ali PhD

Conducting a Literature Review  Be familiar although superficially with whats going on in areas other than ones own. o wn. Do this by systematically following annual reviews and handbooks in various disciplines.  Read some of the original sources to which a review makes reference. This is to avoid the risk of oversimplification when providing an overview of research.

Hassan Ali PhD

Conducting a Literature Review (cont)  Peruse major journals in areas other than your own to keep abreast of what people in related disciplines may be thinking and doing on the very same issue being investigated.

Hassan Ali PhD

Conducting a Literature Review (cont)  The review examines: What others have said about the topic to pic of 

research. What theories address the research problem. What previous research exist.  Are findings of previous research consistent or do the studies disagree.  Are there flaws in the body of existing research that can be remedied. Hassan Ali PhD

Conducting a Literature Review (cont)  When reading an article, extract the following: The objective(s) of the research The theoretical rationale The design The measures used The analysis employed The findings obtained Inferences and implications made by the


Hassan Ali PhD

Writing A Review: Basic Elements  Introduction Introduction:: Gives a quick idea of the topic of review s.a. the central theme or organizational organizatio nal pattern of review.  Body Body:: Contains discussion of sources and organized either chronologically, thematically, or methodologically.  Conclusions/Summary Conclusions/Summary:: Discuss what has been drawn from reviewing literature. Hassan Ali PhD

Chronology  Materials/ Materials/sources sources ordered according acc ording to date published.

 LR can be structured according to trend. Subsections created according to eras or periods.  Eg. Studies Before 1950; Studies Post  1950 Hassan Ali PhD

Thematic  LR organized around a topic or issue.  Subsections created to capture essence of  theme or subsub-themes -themes within a broader picture.  Eg. Job Performance  Sub Sub--themes: -themes: Measures of JP; Evaluation Bias; Empirical Reviews; Output Measures; Performance Ratings. Hassan Ali PhD

Methodological  Focuses on methods of the research.  Evaluate the multitude of methods or approaches used in research undertaken within a topical area.

Hassan Ali PhD

Writing a Review uotation    us usin using ing g exact exact words words wor ds from from fro m Quotation source. Paraphrase Paraphrase    using using ideas ideas in different  differe dif ferent  nt  words i.e. representing information from source accurately in own words.

Hassan Ali PhD

Writing a Review (cont)  When writing a review it is necessary to provide references for all materials that the researcher did not think of him/herself. tex t and in  References are cited briefly in the text detail at the end.   All references must be cited to :  Acknowledge the source  Allow the reader to verify the data Provide information so that the reader can consult the source independently. Hassan Ali PhD

Plagiarism  A major transgression transgression in writing literature review is plagiaris plagiarism. m.  Using other peoples work and not giving due credit constitute plagiar plagiarism. ism.  When ever citing someones else ideas or use their language, cite the author and year of publication. Hassan Ali PhD

Sources  With the advent of ICT locating previous research has become easy.  Previously, search had to be done manually using bibliographical bibliographical indexes and abstracts which are compiled periodically.  Today these sources are available in computerized databas databases. es.

Hassan Ali PhD

Database  Three form of database is useful during literature search:  Bibliographical database  Abstract database  Full Full--text -text databas database e

Hassan Ali PhD

Bibliographical Database  Eg. APA/PsycINFO  AN: 19901990 -06377 -0637706377-001 -001 DT: JournalJournal-Article - Article Article TI: Examination of race and sex effects on performance ratings.  AU: Pulakos,Pulakos, -Elaine -Elaine Elaine--D.; -D.; White, White,--Leonard -Leonard Leonard--A.; - A.; A.; Oppler,Oppler,-Scottcott -H.; -H.; Borman,--Walter Borman, -Walter Walter--C. -C.  AF: Human Resource Research Organization, Alexandria,VA,U S A SO: JournalJournal-of  -of  of--Applied - AppliedApplied -Psychology.1989 -Psychology. Psychology.1989 1989 Oct; Vol 74(5): 770 770--780 -780 JN: JournalJournal-of  -of  of--Applied - AppliedApplied-Psychology -Psychology IS: 00210021-9010 -9010 PY: 1989 LA: English

Hassan Ali PhD

 Abstract Database  Contain bibliographical bibliographical information plus  AB: The effects of rater source, rater and

ratee race, rater and ratee sex, and job j ob type were investigated on ratings collected forr 8,642 fi fo first first  rst---term te term rm Army Army enli e enlisted nliste sted d personnel. Ratings 

Hassan Ali PhD

Full--Text Full -Text Database  Besides bibliographical bibliographical information and abstract, also provides the fullfull-text -text of the article, sometimes in PDF format.

Hassan Ali PhD

Electronic Journals  Many renowned journals are now available electronically besides in print form.  Very highly specialized search depending on choice of journal to be reviewed.  Provides current or cuttingcutting-edge -edge research in respective field.

Hassan Ali PhD

Citing References  There are several accepted methods of  citing references:  Harvard System  Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.)  The Chicago Manual of Style  Turabians Manual for Writers  Modern Language Language Association (MLA) Hassan Ali PhD

Publication Manual of the APA (5th ed.)  The publication manual essentially describes requirements for for the preparation and submission of manuscripts for publication.  The APA publishes 27 primary journals.  But there are other journals in psychology, behavioral sciences, personnel administrations,etc. that uses the th e Publication Manual as their style guide.

Hassan Ali PhD

Reference Citation Citation in Text   References are cited in text using the author--date author -date citation system One Work by One Author Eg. Walker (2000) compared reaction times Eg. In a recent study of reaction times (Walker,2000) Hassan Ali PhD

Reference Citation Citation in Text  (cont)  One Work by Multiple Author 1. When a work has two authors  always cite both names every time the reference occurs in text. Eg. Ali and Davies (2003) Eg. (Ali & Davies, 2003)

Hassan Ali PhD

Reference Citation Citation in Text  (cont) 2. When work has three, four, or five authors  cite all authors autho au thors rs the the first firstt time firs time the reference occurs. Subsequent citations include only the surname of the first  author followed by et al. (not italicized and with a period after al) Eg. Davies, Mathews and Wong (1991) Eg. Davies et al. (1991) Hassan Ali PhD

Reference Citation Citation in Text  (cont) 3. When a work has six or more authors  cite only only the the surname surname surn ame of the first author followed by et al. and the year for the first and subsequent citations. In the reference list, provide the initials and surname of the first six authors, and shorten any remaining authors to et al.

Hassan Ali PhD

Reference Citation Citation in Text  (cont)  List two or more works by different authors who are cited within same parentheses in alphabetical order by the first authors autho rs surname. Separate the citations with semicolons.  Eg.(Avolio, Waldman, & McDaniel, 1990; Giniger et al., 1983; Kutscher & Walker, 1960; Schwab & Heneman, 1977; Sparrow & Davies, 1988)

Hassan Ali PhD

Reference List   References are listed alphabetically in the

reference list.  References cited in the text must appear in the reference list.  Entry in the reference list must be cited in the text.   A Bibliography may contain references not cited in the text. double -spaced, -spaced, and  The reference list must be doubleentries should have a hanging indent. Hassan Ali PhD

 APA Reference Style  Journal Article (Print Version)  Ali, H., H., & Davies, D.R. (2003). (2003). The effects of age, sex and tenure on the  job job performance of rubber tappers. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Organizational Psychology, Psyc Ps ycho holo logy gy,, 76, 76, 381381 38 1- 3 391. 91.

Hassan Ali PhD

 APA Reference Style (cont)  Journal Article (Electronic version)  Ali, H., H., & Davies, D.R. (2003). (2003). The effects of age, sex and tenure on the  job job performance of rubber tappers [Electronic version]. Journal of  Occupational and Organization Organizational al Psychology, 76, 76,381 381--391. -391.

Hassan Ali PhD

 APA Reference Style (Cont)  Journal Article more than Six Authors Wolchik, S.A., West,S.G., Sandler, I.N., Tein,J., Coatsworth,D., Coatsworth,D., Lengua,L., et al. (2000). Title of Article.Title Article.Title of  Periodical,xx,xxx Periodical,xx, xxx--xxx. -xxx.

Hassan Ali PhD

 APA Reference Style (cont)  Online Periodical  Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author, C.C. (2000). Title of Article. Title of Periodical, xx, xxxxx, xxx-xxx. -xxx. Retrieved month day, year, from source. Eg.VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). Role of reference elements in the selection of resources by psychology undergraduates. Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5,117 5,117--123. -123. Retrieved October 13,2001, from Hassan Ali PhD

 APA Reference Style (Cont)  Reference to Entire Book Cooper, D.R., & Emory, C.W. (1995). Business Busin Bu sines esss research resear rese arch ch methods methods meth ods (5th ed.). Chicago: Irwin.

Hassan Ali PhD

 APA Reference Style (cont)  Reference to an article or chapter in an edited book Warr, P. (1994). Age and employment. In M. Dunnette, L. Hough, & H. H. Triandis (Eds.), Handbook of of  industrial and organizational psychology psychology ((Vol. Vol. 4 4,, 487487-550). -550). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologist Press.

Hassan Ali PhD

 APA Reference style (cont)  Published Proceedings  Ali, H. (2000). Sex differences in the job performance of blueblue-collar -collar workers. In G.N. McLean, E. Kayanak, & O.A. Aliaga (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth World Business Congress, (pp. 27Congress, 27-30). -30). San Jos José, é, Costa Rica: Instituto Centroamericano de   Administración Administracióndede Empresas. Empresas.

Hassan Ali PhD

 Apa Reference Style (cont)  Paper Presented at Conference  Ali, H. (2004). Sex differences in absenteeism among blueblue-collar -collar agricultural workers in Malaysia. Paper presented at the inaugural Malaysia. conference of the Academy of  of World Business, Marketing and Management Development, Gold Coast, Qu eensland, eensland, Au stralia. stralia.

Hassan Ali PhD

 APA Reference Style (cont)  Newspap Newspaper er Article Workplace accidents on the rise. (2004, December 2). New Straits Times, Times, p.16.

Hassan Ali PhD

 APA Reference Style (cont)  Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation  Ali, H. (1999). Individua l differences in the rk  behav io work wo iour  of blu ee--coll collar  work ers:  A study  of ru bbe bber  tapp ers  in Ma lays ia . Unpu bli blish ed  doctora l d iss ertat ion , Aston  Un iv ers ity , En gl gland .

Hassan Ali PhD

Harvard System  Book Mohr, L.B. (1996) Impact  analysis  for p rogr rogram  evaluati on . 2n d ed. Lon do don , sag e. e.  Journal Article Print er, er, K. (1983) Supp or ort  syst ems  for healt h p rofe rofessi ons  stu de dents . ..   Jou rnal  of  Nu  Nu rsing  Educati on  22,6,pp  232232-236. -236.

Hassan Ali PhD

Chicago Manual  Book Blinksworth, Roger. 1987. Conv erging erging the eva nes nesc ent. ent.Sa n Fra ns nsc is isc o: o: Threshold Publica tions. tions. In--Text -Text  In (Blinksworth 1987,23)

Hassan Ali PhD


Chicago Manual (cont)  Journal Article Banks, William, 1958. Secret meeting in boise. M  Miidw estern estern Political Rev ie iew  6: 26--31. 26 -31. In--Text -Text  In (Banks 1958,28)

Hassan Ali PhD

Kate L. Turabians Turabians Manual Manual  Book Franklin, John Hope. 1985. Georg e Was hin hint on on Williams: A biog raph raphy . Chicag o: Univers ity  of Chicag o Press .  In In--Text -Text (Franklin, 1985,54) Hassan Ali PhD

Kate L. Turabians Turabians Manual Manual (cont)  Journal Article Jackson, Richard. 1979. Running down the up--escalator: up -escalator: Regional inequility in Papua New Guinea. Australian Australian Geographer Geographer 14 (May): 175175-84. -84.  In In--Text -Text (Jackson 1979,180) Hassan Ali PhD

Hassan Ali PhD

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