Literature Form 2 ( Cheat - Allan Baillie)

April 10, 2017 | Author: Dayang Afiqah Awangku Isa | Category: N/A
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Download Literature Form 2 ( Cheat - Allan Baillie)...


Cheat! • written by Allan Baillie

Chapter 1

•Lynn Webbings and Geoff Bolder were on the dais.

•Why Lynn and Geoff were on the dais?

•It was because Geoff and Lynn entered a short story competition.

•Geoff wrote about a circus elephant running loose in Albert Park. •Geoff wrote a funny story.

•Lynn wrote about a sheepdog in a flood. •The story was moving ( Sadness or sympathy)

•Can you guess who is the winner? The winner is ...................

Geoff Bolder

He won the HolmesWatkins Medal!

•Lynn was so sad •She came down the dais and congratulated Geoff.

•Lynn remembered about the book that she read before. •A short story about the author named William Bradburie.

• It was about an elephant which escaped in a park and the elephant causes a chaos in the park.

•Who do you think wrote the story about an elephant?

Is it Lynn Webbings?

or Geoff Bolder?

Lynn got so angry

•Why do think Lynn is angry?

• Correct! • Lynn thought Geoff copied the story • He did not write the story by himself.

•Lynn called Geoff 'The cheat!'

• Cheat! Translate the Bahasa Melayu word in English (a) Pentas (b) Cerita pendek (c) Gajah (d) Taman

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