Listening Comprehension - Long Talks (Kesmas)

August 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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]CEGL PVEPAVA]KCI LCID ]ALJ^ Part N cg the Lksteikid Ncopreheiskci sentkci cg the paper ]CEGL test ncisksts cg three lcid taljs, eanh gcllcwem fy a iuofer cg questkcis. [cu wkll hear the taljs aim the questkcis ci a rencrmkid: they are ict wrkttei ki ycur test fccj. [cu oust nhccse the fest aiswer tc eanh ean h questkci grco the gcur nhcknes that are wrkttei ki ycur test fccj. Lkje the nciversatkcis ki Lksteikid P Part art F, the taljs are cgtei afcut scoe aspent cg snhccl lkge cr tcpkns nurreitly ki the iews. Kt ks alsc very ncooci gcr the taljs tc fe shcrteiem verskcis cg lentures grco ncurses taudht ki Aoerknai nclledes aim uikversktkes. Exaople grco the Paper ]CEGL® ]est Ci the rencrmkid, ycu hear2 (iarratcr) Questkcis 1 thrcudh =. Lkstei tc a lenture ki a hkstcry nlass. (wcoai) ^alt, whknh tcmay seeos sc pleitkgul tc us, ki the past usem tc fe a valuafle ncoocmkty. Ki the ainkeit past ki Nhkia, salt was usem tc oaje nckis, aim ki parts cg Agrkna kt was tramem ki plane cg ociey. Ki the Vcoai Eopkre, sclmkers were ict pakm ki ociey fut were kisteam pakm ki salt. Ki gant, the Eidlksh wcrm "salary,‟ whknh oeais the the aocuit  aocuit cg ociey that cie earis, ncoes grco the Latki rcct gcr "salt.‟  "salt.‟  Questkcis2 1. Ci the rencrmkid, ycu hear2 (iarratcr) That ks the tcpkn cg the talj3 Ki test fccj, ycu ream2 (A)ycur Waluafle ncoocmktkes (F) ^alt (N) Ainkeit Nhkia (M) Ociey 6. Ci the rencrmkid, ycu hear2 (iarratcr) That was salt usem gcr ki Nhkia3 Ki ycur test fccj, ycu ream2 (A) ]c spkne gccm (F) ]c fuklm hcuses (N) ]c oaje nckis (M) ]c lcnate Agrkna

>. Ci the rencrmkid, ycu hear2 (iarratcr) That mces "salary‟ oeai ki Eidlksh3  Eidlksh3  Ki ycur test fccj, ycu ream2 (A) Nckis (F) Earikids (N) ^clmkers (M) Ncoocmktkes =. Ci the rencrmkid, ycu hear2 (iarratcr) That ks the oeaikid cg the rcct "sal" ki Latki3 Ki ycur test fccj, ycu ream2 (A) ^alt (F) Vcoe (N) Ociey (M) ]rame


]he gkrst questkci asjs asjs afcut the tcpkn cg the talj. ]he speajer fedkis wkth salt aim ncitkiues tc talj afcut kt thrcudhcut the passade, sc the fest aiswer ks aiswer (F). ]he sencim questkci asjs afcut the use cg salt ki Nhkia. ]he speajer says that ki Nhkia, salt was usem tc oaje nckis, sc the fest aiswer ks aiswer (N). ]he thkrm questkci asjs the oeaikid cg "salary." ]he speajer says that salary oeais the aocuit cg ociey that cie earis, sc the fest aiswer ks aiswer (F). ]he last questkci asjs afcut the oeaikid cg the rcct "sal." ]he speajer says that "salary "... ncoes grco the Latki rcct gcr "salt,‟ sc the fest aiswer ks aiswer (A).   PVCNEMUVE^ GCV]HE LCID ]ALJ^ 1. Kg ycu have tkoe, prevkew the aiswers tc the questkcis. questkcis . Thkle ycu are lccjkid at the aiswers, ycu shculm try tc aitknkpate the questkcis gcr eanh cg the drcups cg aiswers. 6. Lkstei naregully tc the gkrst lkie cg the talj. talj . ]he gkrst lkie cg the talj cgtei ncitakis the oaki kmea, sufbent, cr tcpkn cg the talj, aim ycu wkll cgtei fe asjem thks type cg questkci. >. As ycu lkstei tc the talj, gcllcw alcid wkth the aiswers ki ycur test fccj aim try tc meterokie the ncrrent aiswers. aiswers . Metakl questkcis are deierally aiswerem ki crmer ki the talj, aim the aiswers cgtei scuim the saoe as what ks sakm ci the rencrmkid. =. [cu shculm duess evei kg ycu are ict sure. sure. Iever leave aiy aiswers flaij. 5. Use aiy reoakikid tkoe tc lccj aheam at the aiswers tc the questkcis that gcllcw . ]he gcllcwkid sjklls wkll help ycu tc kopleoeit these stratedkes ki Part N cg the Lksteikid Ncopreheiskci sentkci cg the paper ]CEGL test.

^jkll 102 ]HE QUE^]KCI^ Kt ks very helpgul tc ycur afklkty tc aiswer kimkvkmual questkcis anncopaiykid the lcid taljs kg ycu nai aitknkpate what the questkcis wkll fe aim lkstei spenkgknally gcr the aiswers tc thcse questkcis (as ycu mkm wkth the lcid nciversatkcis). Exaople grco the Paper ]CEGL® ]est Ki ycur test fccj, ycu ream2 (A) Gcr a weej (F) ^kine yestermay (N) Gcr twc mays (M) ^kine 10200 thks ocrikid [cu try tc aitknkpate the questkci2 Hcw lcid has (scoethkid) feei dckid ci3 Ki thks exaople, ycu nai fe qukte nertaki that cie cg the questkcis wkll fe afcut hcw lcid scoethkid has feei dckid ci. ^kine ycu are sure that thks ks cie cg the questkcis, ycu nai lkstei naregully gcr nlues that wkll dkve ycu the aiswer. ]hks exaople shcws that a helpgul stratedy ki Lksteikid Part N (bust as ki Lksteikid Part F) theregcre ks tc lccj frkegly at the aiswers ki the test fccj, fegcre ycu antually an tually hear the taljs ci the rencrmkid, aim try tc meterokie the questkcis that ycu wkll fe asjem tc aiswer. EXEVNK^E 102 ^tumy the gcllcwkid aiswers aim try tc meterokie what the questkcis wkll fe. ([cu shculm icte that perhaps ycu wkll cily fe afle tc premknt part cg a questkci, rather thai the ncoplete questkci.) Kg ycu naiict premknt the questkci ki a shcrt perkcm cg tkoe, thei ocve ci tc the iext drcup cg aiswers. 1. Questkci2 That type type cg pla plait it ks thks3 (A) A feautkgul plait (F) A pckscicus plait (N) A melknkcus plait (M) A gast-drcwkid plait 6. Questkci2 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSS (A) Ki vedetafle darmeis (F) Cily ki the Uiktem ^tates (N) Ki superoarjets



(M) Ki oaiy mkggereit planes

>. Questkci2 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSS S (A) Kts leaves reseofle parsley. (F) Kt drcws iext tc narrcts. (N) Kts leaves are shapem lkje narrcts. (M) Kt mces ict have rccts. =. Questkci2 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSS S (A) ]he persci oay mke. (F) ]he persci oay det lcts cg healthgul iutrkeits. (N) ]he persci oay eibcy kt aim wait ocre. (M) ]he persci oay fencoe maidercus. 5. Questkci2 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSS (A) A stcry-wrktkid ncitest (F) A grcd-natnhkid ncitest (N) A skidkid ncitest (M) A grcd-buopkid ncitest 7. Questkci2 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSS (A) ^kxty-three (F) ]wc huimrem (N) ]wc thcusaim (M) Gcrty thcusaim

^jkll 112 ]HE ]CPKN As ycu lkstei tc eanh lcid talj, ycu shculm fe thkijkid afcut the tcpkn (sufbent) (sufbent) cr oaki kmea gcr eanh talj (as ycu mkm wkth the lcid nciversatkcis). ^kine the gkrst seiteine ks deierally a tcpkn seiteine, ycu shculm fe asjkid ycurselg what the tcpkn ks whkle ycu are lksteikid naregully tc the gkrst part cg the talj. Exaople grco the Paper ]CEGL® ]est Ci the rencrmkid, ycu hear2 (iarratcr) Lkstei tc a talj at the start cg a oeetkid. (wcoai) K'm lkje tc nall n all thks oeetkid tc crmer icw. ]hks ks the thkrm ocithly oeetkid cg the ^ ^nkeine nkeine Nluf thks seoester, aim tcmay we ieem tc mksnuss the upncokid snkeine gakr. [cu thkij2 ]he tcpkn cg the talj ks a oeetkid cg the ^nkeine Nluf tc mksnuss the snkeine gakr.

^jkll 162 ]HE CVMEV CG ]HE AI^TEV^ ]he aiswers tc questkcis anncopaiykid lcid taljs are deierally gcuim ki crmer ki the taljs (as they were wkth the lcid nciversatkcis). ]hks oeais that as ycu lkstei tc a talj, ycu shculm fe thkijkid afcut the aiswers tc the questkcis ki the crmer that they are lkstem ki the test fccj. Exaople grco the Paper ]CEGL® ]est Ci the rencrmkid, ycu hear2 (iarratcr) (wcoai)

Questkcis 1 thrcudh >. Lkstei tc a talj afcut nats. Oaiy pecple are allerdkn tc nats. Kg they ncoe ki ncitant wkth nats, they sieeze, thekr sjki turis rem, aim thekr eyes fedki tc furi. Hcwever, kt's ict cily pecple whc sugger grco


allerdkes. Nats oay alsc fe allerdkn tc pcllei, must, aim perguoes, oaiy cg the saoe adeits that nause allerdkes ki pecple. Perhaps ycur nat ks sieezkid aim has watery eyes. Kg ycu thkij that ycur nat has scoe allerdkes, a veterkiarkai nai presnrkfe oemknatkci tc help sclve the  prcfleo..  prcfleo Ci the rencrmkid, ycu hear2 (iarratcr) 1. That happeis tc pecple whc sugger grco allerdkes3 Ki ycur test fccj, ycu ream (saoe tkoe)2 1. (A) ]hey shcut. (F) ]hey mrkve rem nars. (N) ]hey sieeze. (M) ]hey nlcse thekr eyes. Ci the rencrmkid, ycu hear2 (iarratcr) 6. That ks oeitkciem afcut nats3 Ki ycur test fccj, ycu ream (saoe tkoe)2 6. (A) ]hey cgtei wear perguoe. (F) ]hey nai have allerdkes. (N) ]hey mci't ever sugger. (M) ]hey lkje must aim pcllei. Ci the rencrmkid, ycu hear2 (iarratcr) >. That nai scoecie mc wkth a nat that has allerdkes3 Ki ycur test fccj, ycu ream (saoe tkoe)2 >. (A) Mc icthkid (F) Fathe kt grequeitly (N) Put kt cutskme (M) Dkve kt oemknkie ]he gkrst questkci asjs what happeis tc pecple whc sugger grco allerdkes. ]he speajer says that they sieeze, sc the fest aiswer ks aiswer (N). ]he sencim questkci asjs what ks oeitkciem afcut nats. ]he speajer says that nats oay alsc fe allerdkn, sc the fest aiswer ks aiswer (F), they nai have allerdkes. ]he thkrm questkci asjs what tc mc wkth a nat that has allerdkes. ]he speajer says that a veterkiarkai nai presnrkfe oemknatkci, sc the fest aiswer ks aiswer (M), dkve kt oemknkie.

EXEVNK^E 162 Lkstei tc eanh ncoplete talj aim aiswer the questkcis that gcllcw. ICT FEDKI ]HE VENCVMKID A] EXEVNK^E K 6. 1. (A) A feautkgul plait (F) A pckscicus plait (N) A melknkcus plait (M) A gast-drcwkid plait 6. (A) Ki vedetafle darmeis (F) Cily ki the Uiktem ^tates (N) Ki superoarjets (M) Ki oaiy mkggereit planes >. (A) Kts leaves leaves reseofle reseofle parsley. (F) Kt drcws iext tc narrcts. (N) Kts leaves are shapem lkje narrcts. (M) Kt mces ict have rccts.


  =. (A) ]he persci oay mke. (F) ]he persci oay det lcts cg healthgul iutrkeits. (N) ]he persci oay eibcy kt aim wait ocre. (M) ]he persci oay fencoe maidercus. 5. (A) A stcry-wrktkid ncitest (F) A grcd-natnhkid ncitest (N) A skidkid ncitest (M) A grcd-buopkid ncitest 7. (A) ^kxty-three (F) ]wc huimrem (N) ]wc thcusaim (M) Gcrty thcusaim 4. (A) Cie (F) ]wc (N) ]hree (M) Gcur 8. (A) ]he ncitest tccj plane gcr year: fegcre ]waki wrct wrcte e afcut kt. (F) ]waki wrcte afcut the ncitest whkle he was watnhkid kt gcr the gkrst tkoe. (N) ]waki weit tc see the ncitest oaiy tkoes murkid hks lkgetkoe. (M) ]waki wrcte afcut the ncitest fegcre kt antually tccj plane.

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