Listado de Normas API

June 8, 2018 | Author: Anthony Alexander Rodriguez Foronda | Category: Oil Refinery, Petroleum, Air Pollution, Environmental Remediation, Oil Spill
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La sección API “Environmental and Safety” contiene más de 200 documentos que incluye manuales, material de entrenamiento, normas, especificaciones, prácticas recomendadas, boletines y otras publicaciones que tienen que ver directamente con equipos y materiales, producción offshore, perforación, transporte, nomenclatura, válvulas y su relación con los efectos que producen en el medio ambiente. Son materia de estudio el impacto de la volatilidad de los combustibles petróleo, el smog fotoquímico , el los derrames control de las, emisiones entrede otros.

API CUMULATIVE IMPACT Cumulative Impact of Environmental Regulations on the U.S. Petroleum Refining, Transportation and Marketing Industries API DR 145 Identification of Oils that Produce Non-Buoyant in Situ Burning Residues and Methods for Their Recovery API DR 148 Identification of Organic Toxicants in Treated Refinery Effluents API DR 225 Remediation of a Fractured Clay Till Using Air Flushing: Field Experiments at Sarnia, Ontario API DR 342 Toxicity Bioassays on Dispersed Oil in the North Sea: June 1996 Field Trials API DR 351 Proceedings: Workshop to Identify Promising Technologies for the Treatment of Produced Water Toxicity API DR 53 Characterization of Exploration and Production Associated Waste API FORM 5U01 Model Form of Voluntary Unit Agreement-Fourth Edition API FORM 5U02 Model Form of Voluntary Unit Operating Agreement-Fourth Edition API FORM 5U04 Model Form of Statutory1988 Unit Operating Agreement-Second Edition API INTERPRETATIONS 1988 Interpretations - Technical Publications Answers to Technical Inquiries API INTERPRETATIONS 1989 1989 and 1990 Interpretations - Technical Publications Answers to Technical Inquiries API INTERPRETATIONS 1991 1991 Interpretations - Technical Publications Answers to Technical Inquiries API INTERPRETATIONS 1992 1992 Interpretations - Technical Publications Answers to Technical Inquiries API INTERPRETATIONS 1993



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1993 Interpretations - Technical Publications Answers to Technical Inquiries API INTERPRETATIONS 1995 1994 and 1995 Interpretations - Technical Publications Answers to Technical Inquiries API MF 5U03 Model Form of Statutory Unit Agreement-Second Edition API PUB 352 Management of Residual Materials: 1997 Petroleum Refining Performance API PUBL 2021A Interim Study - Prevention and Suppression of Fires in Large Aboveground Atmospheric Storage Tanks-First Edition API PUBL 2207 Preparing Tank Bottoms for Hot Work-Fifth Edition; Errata June 1999 API PUBL 2218 Fireproofing Practices in Petroleum and Petrochemical Processing Plants-Second Edition API PUBL 2230 Static Electricity Research Project API PUBL 2351 Inproving Human Performance Systems in the Petroleum Industry; Phase I Report: API PUBL 2524 Data Collection and Feasibility Assessment Impact Assessment of New Data on the Validity of American Petroleum Institute Marine Transfer Operation Emission Factors API PUBL 300 Generation and Management of Wastes and Secondary Materials in the Petroleum Refining Industry: 1987-1988 API PUBL 301 Aboveground Storage Tank Survey API PUBL 302 Waste Minimization in the Petroleum Industry Source Reduction Recycle Treatment Disposal a Compendium of Practices API PUBL 303 Generation and Management of Wastes and Secondary Materials API PUBL 304 Evaluation of Restoration Alternatives for Natural Resources Injured by Oil Spills API PUBL 305 Protecting Agricultural Crops from Ozone Exposures Key Issues and Future Research Directions API PUBL 306 An Engineering Assessment of Volumetric Methods of Leak Detection in Aboveground Storage Tanks API PUBL 307 Engineering Assessment of Acoustic Methods of Leak Detection in Aboveground Storage Tanks API PUBLStatus 309 and Research Needs Related to Biogenic Hydrocarbons Current



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API PUBL 310 Analysis of Refinery Screening Data API PUBL 311 Environmental Design Considerations for Petroleum Refining Crude Processing Units API PUBL 31101 Environmental Design Considerations for Petroleum Refining Crude Processing Units API PUBL 312 Responding to Environmental Challenge A Discussion Among People from Industry, Government and Environmental Groups API PUBL 315 Assessment of Tankfield Dike Lining Materials and Methods API PUBL 316 Identifying and Measuring Nonuse Values for Natural and Environmental Resources a Critical Review of the State of the Art API PUBL 317 Industry Experience with Pollution Prevention Programs API PUBL 322 Engineering Evaluation of Acoustic Methods of Leak Detection in Aboveground Storage Tanks API PUBL 323 Engineering of Volumetric Methods of Leak Detection in AbovegroundEvaluation Storage Tanks API PUBL 324 Generation and Management of Residual Materials Petroleum Refining Performance 1990 Survey API PUBL 325 Evaluation of a Methodology for the Detection of Leaks in Aboveground Storage Tanks API PUBL 326 Cost Effectiveness of VOC and NOx Emission Control Measures API PUBL 327 Aboveground Storage Tank Standards: A Tutorial API PUBL 328 Laboratory Evaluation of Candidate Liners for Secondary Containment of Petroleum Products API PUBL 329 Generation and Management of Residual Materials Petroleum Refining Performance 1991 Survey API PUBL 330 Survey of API Members Aboveground Storage Tank Facilities; Health and Environmental Affairs API PUBL 331 Environmental Performance Indicators: Methods for Measuring Pollution Prevention API PUBL 332 Comparison of Screening Values from Selected Hydrocarbon Screening Instruments API PUBL 333 Generation and Management of Residual Materials



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API PUBL 334 Guide to Leak Detection for Aboveground Storage Tanks API PUBL 336 Management of Residual Materials: 1994 Petroleum Refining Performance API PUBL 337 Development of Emission Factors for Leaks in Refinery Components in Heavy Liquid Service API PUBL 339 Management of Residual Materials: 1995 Petroleum Refining Performance API PUBL 340 Liquid Release Prevention and Detection Measures for Aboveground Storage Facilities API PUBL 341 Survey of Diked-Area Liner Use at Aboveground Storage Tank Facilities API PUBL 342 Fugitive Emissions from Equipment Leaks 1: Monitoring Manual API PUBL 343 Fugitive Emissions from Equipment Leaks II: Calculation Procedures for Petroleum Industry Facilities API PUBL 345 of Residual Materials: 1996 - Petroleum Refining Management Performance API PUBL 346 Results of Range-Finding Testing of Leak Detection and Leak Location Technologies for Underground Pipelines API PUBL 347 Hazardous Air Pollutant Emissions from Gasoline Loading Operations at Bulk Gasoline Terminals API PUBL 348 Air Toxics Emission Factors for Combustion Sources Using PetroleumBased Fuels - Volume 1 Development of Emission Factors Using API/WSPA Approach API PUBL 349 Air Toxics Emission Factors for Combustion Sources Using PetroleumBased Fuels - Graphical-User-Interface Database and User´s Manual Version 2.0.1 API PUBL 351 Overview of Soil Permeability Test Methods API PUBL 4452 1987 Oil Spill Conference API PUBL 4465 Evaluation of Treatment Technologies for Listed Petroleum Refinery Wastes API PUBL 4479 Proceedings 1989 Oil Spill Conference Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup API PUBL 4525



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Compilation of Field- Collected Cost and Treatment Effectiveness Data for the Removal of Dissolved Gasoline Components from Groundwater API PUBL 4527 Evaluation of Limiting Constituents Suggested for Land Disposal of Exploration and Production Wastes API PUBL 4529 Oil Spill Conference Prevention, Behavior, Control, Cleanup API PUBL 4531 Chemical Fate and Impact of Oxygenates in Groundwater: Solubility of BTEX from Gasoline-Oxygenate Mixtures API PUBL 4546 Hazard Response Modeling Uncertainty (A Quantitative Method) Volume II Evaluation of Commonly Used Hazardous Gas Dispersion Models API PUBL 4558 Options for Minimizing Environmental Impacts of Freshwater Spill Response API PUBL 45592 Results of Toxicological Studies API PUBL 4580 1993 Oil Spill Conference API PUBL 4587 Remote API PUBLSensing 4588 Feasibility Study of Refinery Fenceline Emissions Development of Fugitive Emission Factors and Emission Profiles for Petroleum Marketing Terminals Volume I: Text API PUBL 4589 Fugitive Hydrocarbon Emissions from Oil and Gas Production Operations API PUBL 4592 Odor Threshold Studies Performed with Gasoline and Gasoline Combined with MTBE, ETBE and TAME API PUBL 4593 Transport and Fate of Non-BTEX Petroleum Chemicals in Soils and Groundwater API PUBL 4594 Critical Review of Toxicity Values and an Evaluation of the Persistence of Petroleum Products for Use in Natural Resource Damage Assessments API PUBL 4599 Interlaboratory Study of Three Methods for Analyzing Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soils API PUBL 4600 Metals Criteria for Land Management of Exploration and Production Wastes: Technical Support Document for API Recommended Guidance Values API PUBL 4601 Transport and Fate of Dissolved Methanol, Methyl-Tertiary-Butyl- Ether, and Monoaromatic Hydrocarbons in a Shallow Sand Aquifer Appendix H: Laboratory API PUBL 4602Biotransformation Studies



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Minimization, Handling, Treatment, and Disposal of Petroleum Products Terminal Wastewaters; Errata - 1994 API PUBL 4603 Investigation of MOBILE5a Emission Factors: Assessment of Exhaust and Nonexhaust Emission Factor Methodologies and Oxygenate Effects API PUBL 4604 Investigation of MOBILE5a Emission Factors: Evaluation of I/M and LEV Program Benefits API PUBL 4605 Investigation of MOBILE5a Emission Factors: Evaluation of IM240-toFTP Correlation and Base Emission Rate Equations API PUBL 4606 Source Control and Treatment of Contaminants Found in Petroleum Product Terminal Tank Bottoms API PUBL 4607 User´s Guide and Technical Resource Document: Evaluation of Sediment Toxicity Tests for Biomonitoring Programs API PUBL 4608 Evaluation of Sediment Toxicity Tests for Biomonitoring Programs API PUBL 4609 In Situ Air Sparging: Evaluation of Petroleum Industry Sites and Considerations API PUBL 4610 for Applicability, Design and Operation Critical Review of Draft EPA Guidance on Assessment and Control of Bioconcentratable Contaminants in Surface Waters API PUBL 4611 Interlaboratory Study of EPA Methods 1662, 1654A, and 1663 for the Determination of Diesel, Mineral and Crude Oils in Drilling Muds from Offshore Oil and Gas Industry Discharges API PUBL 4612 Study of Refinery Fugitive Emissions from Equipment Leaks API PUBL 4613 Study of Refinery Fugitive Emissions from Equipment Leaks Appendices API PUBL 4615 Emission Factors for Oil and Gas Production Operations API PUBL 4616 Importance of Using Alternative Base Cases in Photochemical Modeling API PUBL 4617 Monte Carlo Approach to Generating Equivalent Ventilation Rates in Population Exposure Assessments API PUBL 4618 Characteristics and Performance of Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) in the Analysis of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soils and Sludges API PUBL 4619 Study to Characterize Air Concentrations of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) at Service Stations in the Northeast API PUBL 4620 International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings Achieving and Maintaining Preparedness API PUBL 4621



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A: IMPLEMENTING AN EFFECTIVE RESPONSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM B: THE USE AND MISUSE OF SCIENCE IN NATURAL RESOURCE DAMAGE ASSESSMENT - C: PERSPECTIVES ON ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING OIL POLLUTION RESPONSE CAPABILITIES-INCLUDES API 4621A, B & C API PUBL 4622 Petroleum Industry Data Characterizing Occupational Exposures to Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) 1983-1993 API PUBL 4623 Anecdotal Health-Related Complaint Data Pertaining to Possible Exposures to Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE): 1993 and 1994 FollowUp Surveys (1984- 1994) API PUBL 4625 Service Station Personnel Exposures to Oxygenated Fuel Components 1994 API PUBL 4627 In Situ and On-Site Biodegradation of Refined and Fuel Oils: A Review of Technical Literature 1988 - 1991 API PUBL 4628 Guidance Manual for Modeling Hypothetical Accidental Releases to the Atmosphere API PUBL 4631 Petroleum Contaminated Low Permeability Soil: Hydrocarbon Distribution Processes, Exposure Pathways and In Situ Remediation Technologies API PUBL 4632 Reducing Uncertainty in Laboratory Sediment Toxicity Tests API PUBL 4633 Barium in Produced Water: Fate and Effects in the Marine Environment API PUBL 4634 Index and Abstracts of API Health-Related Research 13th Edition 19591994 API PUBL 4635 Compilation of Field Analytical Methods for Assessing Petroleum Product Releases API PUBL 4636 HGSYSTEM 3.0: Technical Reference Manual and User´s Guide API PUBL 4637 Analysis of Causes of Failure in High Emitting Cars API PUBL 4638 Calculation Workbook for Oil and Gas Production Equipment Fugitive Emissions API PUBL 4639 Estimation of Fugitive Emissions from Petroleum Refinery Process Drains Phase I Report API PUBL 4640 Petroleum in the Freshwater Environment an Annotated Bibliography 1946PUBL - 1993 API 4641



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Summary of Produced Water Toxicity Identification Evaluation Research API PUBL 4642 A Study to Quantify On-Road Emissions of Dioxins and Furans from Mobile Sources: Phase 2 API PUBL 4643 Estimation of Infiltration and Recharge for Environmental Site Assessment API PUBL 4644 Methodology for Estimating Incremental Benzene Exposures and Risks Associated with Glycol Dehydrators API PUBL 4645 Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emission Estimates from U.S. Petroleum Sources API PUBL 4646 Evaluation of Fuel Tank Flammability of Low RVP Gasolines API PUBL 4647 Brain Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) as a Marker of Neurotoxicity During Inhalation Exposure to Toluene API PUBL 4648 Human Neurobehavioral Study Methods: Effects of Subject Variables on Research Results API PUBL 4650 Analysis High-Mileage-Vehicle Emissions Data from Late-Model, Fuel -InjectedofVehicles API PUBL 4651 International Oil Spill Conference Improving Environmental Protection Progress, Challenges, Responsibilities-Proceedings API PUBL 4653 Fugitive Emission Factors for Crude Oil and Product Pipeline Facilities API PUBL 4654 Field Studies of BTEX and MTBE Intrinsic Bioremediation API PUBL 4655 Field Evaluation of Biological and Non-Biological Treatment Technologies to Remove MTBE/Oxygenates from Petroleum Product Terminal Wastewaters API PUBL 4656 Bioaccumulation: How Chemicals Move from the Water into Fish and Other Aquatic Organisms API PUBL 4657 Effects of Sampling and Analytical Procedures on the Measurement of Geochemical Indicators of Intrinsic Bioremediation: Laboratory and Field Studies API PUBL 4658 Methods for Measuring Indicators of Intrinsic Bioremediation: Guidance Manual API PUBL 4659 Graphical Approach for Determining Site-Specific Dilution-Attenuation Factors (DAFs)-Technical Background Document and User´s Guide; Cover Page and A-20 - 1998 API PUBL 4661



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Exploration and Production Emission Calculator (EPEC)-Disk Available API PUBL 4662 Evaluation of a Petroleum Production Tank Emissions ModelAppendices A, B, C, & D- October 1997 API PUBL 4663 Remediation of Salt-Affected Soils at Oil and Gas Production FacilitiesErrata 10/15/98 API PUBL 4664 Mixing Zone Modeling and Dilution Analysis for Water-Quality-Based NPDES Permit Limits API PUBL 4665 Analysis and Reduction of Toxicity in Biologically Treated Petroleum Product Terminal Tank Bottoms Water API PUBL 4666 Toxicity of Common Ions to Freshwater and Marine Organisms API PUBL 4667 Vehicle Emissions Testing of Rapidly Aged Catalysts API PUBL 4668 Delineation and Characterization of the Borden MTBE Plume: An Evaluation of Eight Years of Natural Attenuation Processes API PUBL 4670 Selecting API PUBL Field 4671 Analytical Methods a Decision-Tree Approach Technical Bulletin on Oxygen Releasing Materials for In Situ Groundwater Remediation API PUBL 4672 The Use of Treatment Wetlands for Petroleum Industry Effluents API PUBL 4673 Impacts of Petroleum Product Marketing Terminals on the Aquatic Environment API PUBL 4674 Assessing the Significance of Subsurface Contaminant Vapor Migration to Enclosed Spaces Site-Specific Alternatives to Generic Estimates API PUBL 4675 Fate and Environmental Effects of Oil Spills in Freshwater Environments API PUBL 4676 Arsenic: Chemistry, Fate, Toxicity, and Wastewater Treatment Options API PUBL 4677 Fugitive Emissions from Refinery Process Drains Volume I; Fugitive Emission Factors for Refinery Process Drains API PUBL 4678 Fugitive Emissions from Refinery Process Drains Volume II; Fundamentals of Fugitive Emissions from Refinery Process Drains API PUBL 4679 Amine Unit Emissions Model AMINECalc Version 1.0-Errata June 16, 1999; Disk Available API PUBL 4680 Amine Unit Air Emissions Model Evaluation API PUBLEmissions 4681 Fugitive from Refinery Process Drains Volume III, Process



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Drain Emission Calculator: APIDRAIN Version 1.0-Disk Available API PUBL 4682 Free-Product Recovery of Petrolem Hydrocarbon Liquids API PUBL 4683 Correlation Equations to Predict Reid Vapor Pressure and Properties of Gaseous Emissions for Exploration and Production Facilities API PUBL 4684 Compilation and Review of Data on the Environmental Effects of In Situ Burning of Inland and Upland Oil Spills API PUBL 4686 1999 Oil Spill Conference Proceedings API PUBL 4687 1999 Internatiional Oil Spill Conference Issue Papers: Myths and Realities of Oil Spill Planning and Response: The Challenges of a Large Spill; Judgeing Oil Spill Response Performance: The Challenge of Competing Perspectives-TR IOSC-007 and TR IOSC-008 API PUBL 4688 Temporary Treatment Options for Petroleum Distribution Terminal Wastewaters API PUBL 4690 Guide for the Use of Semipermeable Membrane Devices (SPMDs) as Samplers of Waterborne Hyhrophobic Organic Contaminats API 4691 Oil in Marine Waters: Where Does It Go? What Does It FatePUBL of Spilled Do? How Do Dispersants Affect It? API PUBL 4692 A Decision-Maker´s Guide to Dispersants: A Review of the Theory and Operational Requirements API PUBL 4693 Effects of Oil and Chemically Dispersed Oil in the Environment API PUBL 4694 Laboratory Analysis of Petroleum Industry Wastewaters Arranging for Analysis and Understanding Laboratory Reports API PUBL 4695 Understanding and Preparing Applications for Petroleum Facility NPDES Discharge Permits API PUBL 4700 Primer for Evaluating Ecological Risk at Petroleum Release Sites API PUBL 4701 Bioaccumulation: An Evaluation of Federal and State Regulatory Initiatives API PUBL 4702 Technologies to Reduce Oil and Grease Content of Well Treatment, Well Completion, and Workover Fluids for Overboard Disposal API PUBL 4703 Gas Fired Boiler - Test Report Refinery Site A Characterization of Fine Particulate Emission Factor and Specification Profiles from Stationary Petroleum Industry Combustion Sources API PUBL 4704 Gas Fired Factors Heater -and TestSpecification Report Site BProfiles Characterization of Fine Particulate Emission from Stationary Petroleum



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Industry Combustion Sources API PUBL 4706 Environmental Considerations for Marine Oil Spill Response API PUBL 4709 Risk-Based Methodologies for Evaluating Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacts at Oil and Natural Gas E&P Sites API PUBL 4711 Methods for Determining Inputs to Environmental Petroleum Hydrocarbon Mobility and Recovery Models API PUBL 4712 Gas-Fired Steam Generator - Test Reprot Site C: Characterization of Fine Particulate Emission Factors and Speciation Profiles from Stationary Petroleum Industry Combustion Sources API PUBL 4713 Test Report: Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit at a Refinery (Site A); Characterization of Fine Particulate Emission Factors and Specification Profiles from Stationary Petroleum Industry Combustion Sources API PUBL 4714 A Guide to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons for the Non- Specialists API PUBL 4720 Comparison of API and EPA Toxic Air Pollutant Emission Factors for Combustion Sources-First Edition API PUBL 4721 Analytical Detection and Qualification Limits: Survey of State and Federal Approaches API PUBL 4730 Groundwater Remediation Strategies Tool API PUBL 4733 Risk-Based Screening Levels for the Protection of Livestock Exposed to Petroleum Hydrocarbons API PUBL 4734 Modeling Study of Produced Water Release Scenarios API PUBL 4741 Collecting and Interpreting Soil Gas Samples from the Vadose Zone A Practical Strategy for Assessing the Subsurface Vapor-to-Indoor Air Migration Pathway at Petroleum Hydrocarbon Sites API PUBL 4743 Hazard Narrative for Tertiary-Butyl Alcohol (TBA) CAS Number 75 65 0 API PUBL 760 Model Risk Management Plan Guidance for Petroleum Refineries Guidance in Complying with EPA´s RMP Rule (40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 68)- Third Edition API PUBL 761 Model Risk Management Plan Guidance for Exploration and Production (E&P) Facilities-Third Edition API PUBL 9100A Model Environment, Health & Saftey (EHS) Management System A Voluntary Tool for Companies Interested in Developing an EHS Management System or Enhancing an Existing System API PUBL 9100B Guidance Document for Model EHS Management System A Manual to



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Assist Companies Interested in Developing an EHS Management System or Enhancing an Existing System API REPORT PUBL 344 Critical Review of Source Sampling and Analysis Methodologies for Characterizing Organic Aerosol and Fine Particulate Source Emission Profiles API RP 2003 Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents-Sixth Edition API RP 2005 Service Station Safety-Sixth Edition; Supplement - 1996 API RP 2016 Guidelines and Procedures for Entering and Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks-First Edition API RP 9000 Management Practices, Self-Assessment Process, and Resource Materials-Second Edition API SECURITY Security Vulnerability Assessment Methodology for the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries-Second Edition API SECURITY GUIDELINES Security Guidelines for the Petroleum Industry-Third Edition API SMART Smart LeakLEAK Detection and Repair (LDAR) for Control of Fugitive Emissions API STD 1512 Petroleum Test Laboratory Accreditation Program-First Edition API TR 400 Preliminary Study of the Effect of Toluene on Pregnancy of the Rat (Inhalation Exposure) API TR 401 Toluene the Effect on Pregnancy of the Rat (Inhalation Exposure) API TR 402 Tertiary-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) Toxicity to the Freshwater Alga Selenastrum Capricornutum API TR 403 Closed-Patch Repeated Insult Dermal Sensitization Study of Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) in Guinea Pigs (Buehler Method) API TR 404 Inhalation Oncogenicity Study of Commercial Hexane in Rats and Mice Part I - Rats Final Abridged Report API TR 405 Inhalation Oncogenicity Study of Commercial Hexane in Rats and Mice Part II - Mice Final Abridged Report API TR 406 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) - Acute Toxicity to Daphnids (Daphnia Magna) Under Flow- Through Conditions TSCA Guideline Section Mark 797.1300 API TR 407 Tert-Amyl Methyl - Acute Conditions Toxicity toTSCA MysidGuideline Shrimp (Mysidopsis Bahia) Ether Under (TAME) Static Renewal



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Section Mark 797.1930 API TR 408 Tert-Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) - Acute Toxicity to Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Under Flow-Through Conditions TSCA Guideline Section Mark 797.1400 API TR 409 Primary Skin Irritation Study In Rabbits of: API 91-01 and PS-6 Unleaded Test Gasolines (CAIS Abstract No. 42-2014) API TR 410 Chromosome Aberrations in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) Cells Exposed to Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) API TR 411 Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO)/HGPRT Mutation Assay of Tertiary Amyl Methyl Ether (TAME) API TR 412 A Range-Finding Developmental Inhalation Toxicity Study of Unleaded Gasoline Vapor Condensate in Rats and Mice Via Whole-Body Exposers API TR 414 An Inhalation Developmental Toxicity Study of Unleaded Gasoline Vapor Condensate in the Rat Via Whole-Body Exposure


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