Lista los 40 año 1995

December 1, 2018 | Author: diestro | Category: Musicians, Musical Groups, Entertainers, Artists, Music Award Winners
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07/01/95 40-sure TAKE THAT E 39-mockingbirds GRANT LEE BUFFALO 38-longview GREEN DAY E 37-let me be free 2 BROTHERS ON THE 4TH FLOOR 36-good fun BASS BUMPERS 35-tipi wanka CHEROKEE 34-this is your night HEAVY D & THE BOYZ E 33-newborn friend SEAL 32-somethin´s always wrong TOAD THE WET SPROCKET E 31-can you fell it? REAL 2 REEL E 30-sight for sore eyes M.PEOPLE 29-interestate love song STONE TEMPLE PILOTS 28-all i wanna do SHERYL CROW 27-bichos MORGANA 26-oblivion TERRORVISION E 25-mueve la maquina MERCEDES FERRER 24-the wild ones SUEDE 23-if only knew TOM JONES 22-a conspiracy THE BLACK CROWS E 21-fireworks ROXETTE 20-welcome to tomorrow SNAP 19-palido CHRISTINA Y LOS SUBTERRANEOS 18-the strangest party INXS 17-don´t say it´s over GUN 16-whipped JON SECADA 15-el patio NACHO CANO 14-cuando la respuesta es no SEPTIMO SENTIDO 13-siete vidas ANTONIO FLORES 12-tu tierra y mis semillas PRESUNTOS IMPLICADOS 11-zombie THE CRAMBERRIES 10-get over it EAGLES 9-cuento con tu risa (basico) COMPLICES 8-blind man AEROSMITH 7-when we dance STING 6-always BON JOVI 5-take a bow MADONNA 4-hold me,thrill me,kiss me GLORIA ESTEFAN 3-estoy aqui ROSARIO 2-amores extraños LAURA PAUSINI 1-about a girl NIRVANA

14/01/95 E 40-cambiar por ti LOS APOSTOLES 39-newborn friend SEAL E 38-tierra de cerdos EL FANTASTICO HOMBRE BALA E 37-tu estas loco PRINCESSA 36-the strangerst party INXS 35-tipi wanka CHEROKEE 34-this is your night HEAVY D & THE BOYZ

33-sight for sore eyes M.PEOPLE 32-good fun BASS BUMPERS 31-let me be free 2 BROTHERS ON THE 4TH FLOOR 30-somethin´s always wrong TOAD THE WET SPROCKET 29-all i wanna do SHERYL CROW E 28-cotton eye joe REDNEX 27-the wild ones SUEDE E 26-space PRINCE 25-a conspiracy THE BLACK CROWES 24-welcome to tomorrow SNAP 23-cuando la respuesta es no SEPTIMO SENTIDO E 22-te llore un rio MANA 21-el patio NACHO CANO 20-interstate love song STONE TEMPLE PILOTS 19-oblivion TERRORVISION 18-mueve la maquina MERCEDES FERRER 17-if only knew TOM JONES 16-fireworks ROXETTE 15-palido CHRISTINA Y LOS SUBTERRANEOS 14-tu tierra y mis semillas PRESUNTOS IMPLICADOS 13-don´t say it´s over GUN 12-siete vidas ANTONIO FLORES 11-zombie THE CRAMBERRIES 10-get over it EAGLES 9-when we dance STING 8-blind man AEROSMITH 7-cuento con tu risa (basico) COMPLICES 6-always BON JOVI 5-estoy aqui ROSARIO 4-take a bow MADONNA 3-hold me,thrill me,kiss me GLORIA ESTEFAN 2-about a girl NIRVANA 1-amores extraños LAURA PAUSINI

21/01/95 E 40-aqui estoy LOS APOSTOLES E 39-esta ronda la pago yo DANIEL Y LA QUARTER DE BAÑO BAND E 38-baby come back PATO BANTON 37-newborn friend SEAL E 36-living in danger ACE OF BASE 35-tipi wanka CHEROKEE 34-the strangest party INXS 33-something always wrong TOAD THE WET SPROCKET 32-the wild ones SUEDE E 31-mary jane SPIN DOCTORS E 30-new age girl DEADEYE DICK E 29-el detalle ESCLARECIDOS 28-good fun BASS BUMPERS 27-cotton eye joe REDNEX E 26-mi amor DAVID SUMMERS 25-interestate love song STONE TEMPLE PILOTS 24-sight for sore eyes M.PEOPLE 23-space PRINCE

E 22-sympathy for the devil GUNS´N ROSES E 21-aqui no es asi LOS CAIFANES 20-all i wanna do SHERYL CROW E 19-que entre la luz TAHURES ZURDOS 18-a conspiracy THE BLACK CROWES 17-if only knew TOM JONES E 16-esclavo de tu amor (basico) REVOLVER 15-oblivion TERRORVISION 14-te llore un rio MANA 13-siete vidas ANTONIO FLORES 12-mueve la maquina MERCEDES FERRER 11-get over it EAGLES 10-palido CHRISTINA Y LOS SUBTERRANEOS 9-fireworks ROXETTE 8-don´t say it´s over GUN 7-zombie THE CRAMBERRIES 6-cuento con tu risa (basico) COMPLICES 5-about a girl NIRVANA 4-blind man AEROSMITH 3-take a bow MADONNA 2-amores extraños LAURA PAUSINI 1-hold me,thrill me,kiss me GLORIA ESTEFAN

28/01/95 E 40-lo dije bien LOS DEL TONOS E 39-cabezon NO ME PISES QUE LLEVO CHANCLAS E 38-love spreads THE STONE ROSES 37-mary jane SPIN DOCTORS 36-cotton eye joe REDNEX E 35-you got me rocking THE ROLLING STONES 34-living in danger ACE OF BASE E 33-lucky you THE LIGHTNING SEEDS E 32-stay another day EAST 17 31-something always wrong TOAD THE WET SPROCKET E 30-love and hated MANO NEGRA E 29-the day i tried to live SOUNDGARDEN 28-el detalle ESCLARECIDOS 27-new age girl DEADEYE DICK E 26-el son del americano MISSION HISPANA 25-sight for sore eyes M.PEOPLE 24-mi amor DAVID SUMMERS 23-space PRINCE E 22-carta a rigoberta menchu CELTAS CORTOS 21-all i wanna do SHERYL CROW 20-sympathy for the devil GUNS´N ROSES 19-aqui no es asi LOS CAIFANES 18-interstate love song STONE TEMPLE PILOTS E 17-comerranas (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 16-que entre la luz TAHURES ZURDOS 15-if only knew TOM JONES 14-te llore un rio MANA 13-a conspiracy THE BLACK CROWES

12-oblivion TERRORVISION 11-esclavo de tu amor (basico) REVOLVER 10-blind man AEROSMITH 9-palido CHRISTINA Y LOS SUBTERRANEOS 8-mueve la maquina MERCEDES FERRER 7-siete vidas ANTONIO FLORES 6-don´t say it´s over GUN 5-zombie THE CRAMBERRIES 4-fireworks ROXETTE 3-cuento con tu risa (basico) COMPLICES 2-hold me,thrill me,kiss me GLORIA ESTEFAN 1-take a bow MADONNA

04/02/95 E 40-la cara oculta del pastel LA UNION 39-lo dije bien LOS DEL TONOS 38-love spreads THE STONE ROSES E 37-que puedo hacer LOS PLANETAS 36-cotton eye joe REDNEX 35-space PRINCE 34-el detalle ESCLARECIDOS 33-lucky you THE LIGHTNING SEEDS 32-you got me rocking THE ROLLING STONES 31-the day i tried to live SOUNDGARDEN 30-new age girl DEDEYE DICK E 29-esta noche contigo JOAQUIN SABINA 28-stay another day EAST 17 E 27-god shuffled his feet CRASH TEST DUMMIES 26-cabezon NO ME PISES QUE LLEVO CHANCLAS 25-love and hated MANO NEGRA 24-el son del americano MISSION HISPANA 23-sight for sore eyes M.PEOPLE 22-mi amor DAVID SUMMERS 21-all i wanna do SHERYL CROW 20-esclavo de tu amor (basico) REVOLVER E 19-the simple things JOE COCKER 18-carta a rigoberta menchu CELTAS CORTOS 17-aqui no es asi LOS CAIFANES 16-sympathy for the devil GUNS? ROSES 15-interestate love song STONE TEMPLE PILOTS 14-oblivion TERRORVISION 13-que entre la luz TAHURES ZURDOS 12-comerranas (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 11-te llore un rio MANA 10-a conspiracy THE BLACK CROWES 9-palido GHRISTINA Y LOS SUBTERRANEOS 8-mueve la maquina MERCEDES FERRER 7-siete vidas ANTONIO FLORES 6-take a bow MADONNA 5-hold me,thrill me,kiss me GLORIA ESTEFAN 4-zombie THE CRAMBERRIES 3-cuento con tu risa (basico) COMPLICES

2-fireworks ROXETTE 1-blind man AEROSMITH

11/02/95 E 40-take a toke C & C MUSIC FACTORY E 39-undecided YOUSSOU N´DOUR & DEEP FOREST E 38-gun shy SCANNERS 37-lo dije bien LOS DEL TONOS 36-space PRINCE E 35-oh baby TWENTY 4 SEVEN 34-love spreads THE STONE ROSES 33-the day i tried to live SOUNDGARDEN 32-cotton eye joe REDNEX E 31-que pasa PACO PIL Y TONY AGUILAR 30-new age girl DEADEYE DICK 29-lucky you THE LIGHTNING SEEDS E 28-i´m tore down ERIC CLAPTON 27-you got me rocking THE ROLLING STONES 26-god shufled his feet CRASH TEST DUMMIES 25-cabezon NO ME PISES QUE LLEVO CHANCLAS 24-love and hated MANO NEGRA 23-stay another day EAST 17 22-mi amor DAVID SUMMERS 21-el son del americano MISSION HISPANA E 20-arenas de samarkanda LA FRONTERA 19-interestate love song STONE TEMPLE PILOTS 18-aqui no es asi LOS CAIFANES 17-the simple things JOE COCKER 16-carta a rigoberta menchu CELTAS CORTOS 15-sympathy for the devil GUNS? ROSES 14-oblivion TERRORVISION 13-que entre la luz TAHURES ZURDOS 12-blind man AEROSMITH 11-comerranas (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 10-te llore un rio MANA 9-take a bow MADONNA 8-palido CHRISTINA Y LOS SUBTERRANEOS 7-a conspiracy THE BLACK CROWES 6-hold me,thrill me,kiss me GLORIA ESTEFAN 5-mueve la maquina MERCEDES FERRER 4-siete vidas ANTONIO FLORES 3-cuento con tu risa (basico) COMPLICES 2-fireworks ROXETTE 1-zombie THE CRAMBERRIES

18/02/95 40-lo dije bien LOS DEL TONOS 39-gun shy SCANNERS 38-take a toke C & C MUSIC FACTORY 37-love spreads THE STONE ROSES 36-que pasa PACO PIL Y TONY AGUILAR 35-oh baby TWENTY 4 SEVEN E 34-carpintero de condena TAKO 33-new age girl DEADEYE DICK 32-god shuffled his feet CRASH TEST DUMMIES 31-interestate love song STONE TEMPLE PILOTS 30-mi amor DAVID SUMMERS 29-lucky you THE LIGHTNING SEEDS 28-cabezon NO ME PISES QUE LLEVO CHANCLAS E 27-te hecho de menos SIETE-7-BLACK 26-aqui no es asi LOS CAIFANES 25-i? tore down ERIC CLAPTON 24-cotton eye joe REDNEX 23-you got me rocking THE ROLLING STONES E 22-tremor christ PEARL JAM 21-cuento con tu risa (basico) COMPLICES E 20-here comes the hotstepper INI KAMOZE 19-love and hated MANO NEGRA 18-el son del americano MISSION HISPANA 17-stay another day EAST 17 16-arenas de samarkanda LA FRONTERA E 15-bang and blane R.E.M 14-the simple things JOE COCKER 13-mueve la maquina MERCEDES FERRER 12-carta a rigoberta menchu CELTAS CORTOS 11-palido CHRISTINA Y LOS SUBTERRANEOS 10-que entre la luz TAHURES ZURDOS 9-sympathy for the devil GUNS? ROSES 8-te llore un rio MANA 7-comerranas (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 6-take a bow MADONNA 5-a conspiracy THE BLACK CROWES 4-hold me,thrill me,kiss me GLORIA ESTEFAN 3-zombie THE CRAMBERRIES 2-fireworks ROXETTE 1-siete vidas ANTONIO FLORES

25/02/95 E 40-pantalon oscurs y esterets fiets AUN PENS E 39-la la la hey hey OUTHERE BROTHERS E 38-a tout le monde MEGADETH 37-gun shy SCANNERS 36-love spreads THE STONE ROSES 35-god shuffled his feet CRASH TEST DUMMIES E 34-buena suerte se?rita LA GUARDIA E 33-we need a friend SPANIC

E 32-yo detras LOS RONALDOS 31-mi amor DAVID SUMMERS E 30-salta sin red LA TRAMPA 29-lucky you THE LIGHTNING SEEDS 28-interestate love song STONE TEMPLE PILOTS 27-cabezon NO ME PISES QUE LLEVO CHANCLAS 26-take a toke C & C MUSIC FACTORY E 25-breathe COLLECTIVE SOUL 24-aqui no es asi LOS CAIFANES 23-te hecho de menos SIETE-7-BLACK E 22-the reason is you NINA 21-el son del americano MISSION HISPANA 20-you got me rocking THE ROLLING STONES 19-i? tore down ERIC CLAPTON 18-tremor christ PEARL JAM E 17-she? a river SIMPLE MINDS 16-love and hated MANO NEGRA 15-here comes the hotstepper INI KAMOZE 14-stay another day EAST 17 13-arenas de samarkanda LA FRONTERA E 12-no more i love you´s ANNIE LENNOX 11-the simple things JOE COCKER 10-siete vidas ANTONIO FLORES 9-sympathy for the devil GUNS? ROSES 8-te llore un rio MANA 7-hold me,thrill me,kiss me GLORIA ESTEFAN E 6-murder incorporated BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 5-comerranas (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 4-a conspiracy THE BLACK CROWES 3-zombie THE CRAMBERRIES 2-fireworks ROXETTE 1-bang and blane R.E.M

04/03/95 E 40-total eclipse of the heart NICKI FRENCH 39-gun shy SCANNERS 38-love spreads THE STONE ROSES E 37-half the man JAMIROQUAI 36-god shuffled his feet CRASH TEST DUMMIES 35-a tout le monde MEGADETH E 34-all it takes HAMME BOEL 33-mi amor DAVID SUMMERS 32-cabezon NO ME PISES QUE LLEVO CHANCLAS E 31-another night McSAR & THE REAL McCOY 30-aqui no es asi LOS CAIFANES 29-take a toke C & C MUSIC FACTORY 28-salta sin red LA TRAMPA 27-we need a friend SPANIC 26-yo detras LOS RONALDOS 25-lucky you THE LIGHTNING SEEDS E 24-si la tocas otra vez PLATERO Y TU

23-buena suerte se?rita LA GUARDIA 22-te hecho de menos SIETE-7-BLACK 21-breathe COLLECTIVE SOUL 20-the reason is you NINA 19-el son del americano MISSION HISPANA E 18-mental picture JON SECADA 17-you got me rocking THE ROLLING STONES 16-i? tore down ERIC CLAPTON 15-tremor christ PEARL JAM 14-love and hated MANO NEGRA 13-arenas de samarkanda LA FRONTERA 12-she? a river SIMPLE MINDS 11-here comes the hotstepper INI KAMOZE 10-stay another day EAST 17 9-no more i love you´s ANNIE LENNOX 8-sympathy for the devil GUNS? ROSES 7-te llore un rio MANA 6-zombie THE CRAMBERRIES 5-fireworks ROXETTE 4-bang and blane R.E.M 3-murder incorporated BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 2-comerranas (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 1-a conspiracy THE BLACK CROWES

11/03/95 E 40-let´s a get tatoo CARTER U.S.M E 39-freedom words COLOUR CLUB 38-total eclipse of the heart NICKI FRENCH 37-gun shy SCANNERS 36-god shuffled his feet CRASH TEST DUMMIES 35-a tout le monde MEGADETH 34-another night McSAR & THE REAL McCOY E 33-creep TLC E 32-trouble SHAMPOO 31-salta sin red LA TRAMPA 30-buena suerte señorita LA GUARDIA E 29-los pequeños sueños CARLOS VARELA E 28-la peledilla amarga UMPAH PAH E 27-basket case GREEN DAY 26-take a toke C & C MUSIC FACTORY E 25-tell me when THE HUMAN LEAGUE 24-we need a friend SPANIC 23-lucky you THE LIGHTNING SEEDS 22-te hecho de menos SIETE-7-BLACK 21-el son del americano MISSION HISPANA E 20-the man who sold the world NIRVANA 19-the reason is you NINA E 18-la flor de la mañana PRESUNTOS IMPLICADOS 17-mental picture JON SECADA 16-you got me rocking THE ROLLING STONES 15-i´m tore down ERIC CLAPTON E 14-el no esta por ti LAURA PAUSINI

13-love and hated MANO NEGRA 12-arenas de samarkanda LA FRONTERA 11-she´s a river SIMPLE MINDS E 10-this cowboy song STING 9-tremor christ PEARL JAM 8-no more i love you´s ANNIE LENNOX 7-stay another day EAST 17 6-zombie THE CRAMBERRIES 5-sympathy for the devil GUNS´N ROSES 4-a conspiracy THE BLACK CROWES 3-here comes the hotstepper INI KAMOZE 2-murder incorporated BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 1-comerranas (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL

18/03/95 40-total eclipse of the heart NICKI FRENCH E 39-francisca LUIS AUSERON 38-a tout le monde MEGADETH 37-another night McSAR & THE REAL McCOY E 36-contestame EXODO E 35-friends in low places GARTH BROOKS 34-buena suerte señorita LA GUARDIA E 33-el profesor de danza NACHO CANO 32-salta sin red LA TRAMPA 31-creep TLC 30-trouble SHAMPOO 29-lucky you THE LIGHTNING SEEDS 28-te hecho de menos SIETE-7-BLACK E 27-hip today EXTREME 26-la peladilla amarga UMPAH PAH 25-tell me when THE HUMAN LEAGUE 24-los pequeños sueños CARLOS VARELA 23-we meed a friend SPANIC 22-basket case GREEN DAY 21-el son del americano MISSION HISPANA E 20-la edad del porvenir JAVIER ALVAREZ 19-the man who sold the world NIRVANA 18-the reason is you NINA 17-mental picture JON SECADA 16-you got me rocking THE ROLLING STONES 15-la flor de la mañana PRESUNTOS IMPLICADOS 14-i´m tore down ERIC CLAPTON 13-el no esta por ti LAURA PAUSINI 12-love and hated MANO NEGRA E 11-la estrella ROSARIO 10-arenas de samarkanda LA FRONTERA 9-shes´s a river SIMPLE MINDS 8-stay another day EAST 17 7-this cowboy song STING 6-tremor christ PEARL JAM 5-no more i love you´s ANNIE LENNOX E 4-i believe ELTON JOHN 3-comerranas (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL

2-murder incorporated BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 1-here comes the hotstepper INI KAMOZE

25/03/95 E 40-end of a century BLUR E 39-vapor ANTONIO VEGA 38-a tout le monde MEGADETH E 37-love will keep us alive EAGLES E 36-all over you LIVE 35-we meed a friend SPANIC 34-salta sin red LA TRAMPA 33-hip today EXTREME 32-el profesor de danza NACHO CANO 31-creep TLC E 30-miente CIUDAD JARDIN 29-la peladilla amarga UMPAH PAH 28-los pequeños sueños CARLOS VARELA E 27-beggars & hangers-on SLASH SSNAKEPPI 26-tell me when THE HUMAN LEAGUE E 25-for you love STEVIE WONDER 24-trouble SHAMPOO E 23-ruido JOAQUIN SABINA 22-el son del americano MISSION HISPANA 21-basket case GREEN DAY E 20-someday,i´ll be saturday night BON JOVI E 19-girl you´ll be a woman soon URGE OVERKILL 18-the man who sold the world NIRVANA 17-the reason is you NINA 16-i´m tore down ERIC CLAPTON 15-la edad del porvenir JAVIER ALVAREZ E 14-a un perro flaco JUAN PERRO 13-mental picture JON SECADA 12-la flor de la mañana PRESUNTOS IMPLICADOS 11-arenas de samarkanda LA FRONTERA 10-el no esta por ti LAURA PAUSINI 9-she´s a river SIMPLE MINDS 8-la estrella ROSARIO 7-stay another day EAST 17 6-this cowboy song STING 5-no more i love you´s ANNIE LENNOX 4-tremor christ PEARL JAM 3-here comes the hotstepper INI KAMOZE 2-murder incorporated BRUCE SPINGSTEEN 1-i believe ELTON JOHN

01/04/95 40-all over you LIVE E 39-one night stand LET LOOSE E 38-open your heart M.PEOPLE E 37-the only one GUN 36-a tout le monde MEGADETH 35-hip today EXTREME 34-creep TLC E 33-the first the last eternity SNAP 32-el profesor de danza NACHO CANO 31-los pequeños sueños CARLOS VARELA 30-la peladilla amarga UMPAH PAH 29-tell me when THE HUMAN LEAGUE 28-love will keep us alive EAGLES 27-miente CIUDAD JARDIN 26-trouble SHAMPOO 25-beggars & hangers-on SLASH SSNAKIPPI 24-for you love STEVIE WONDER 23-the reason is you NINA 22-basket case GREEN DAY E 21-independent love song SCARLET 20-ruido JOAQUIN SABINA 19-someday,i´ll be saturday night BON JOVI 18-girl you´ll be a woman soon URGE OVERKILL 17-the man who sold the world NIRVANA 16-mental picture JON SECADA 15-la edad del povenir JAVIER ALVAREZ 14-arenas de samarkanda LA FRONTERA 13-she´s a river SIMPLE MINDS E 12-no va mas REVOLVER 11-stay another day EAST 17 10-a un perro flaco JUAN PERRO 9-la flor de la mañana PRESUNTOS IMPLICADOS 8-el no esta por ti LAURA PAUSINI 7-la estrella ROSARIO 6-this cowboy song STING 5-here comes the hotstepper INI KAMOZE 4-no more i love you´s ANNIE LENNOX 3-tremor christ PEARL JAM 2-i believe ELTON JOHN 1-murder incorporated BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN

08/04/95 40-all over you LIVE E 39-dancing with tears in my eyes CABBALLERO 38-one night stand LET LOOSE E 37-are you gonna my way? TOM JONES 36-the only one GUN E 35-think twice CELINE DION 34-open your heart M.PEOPLE E 33-new generation SUEDE

E 32-la mariposa technicolor FITO PAEZ E 31-ella SEPTIMO SENTIDO E 30-la vida que yo veo LOQUILLO 29-a tout le monde MEGADETH 28-creep TLC E 27-walk on water AEROSMITH 26-beggars & hangers-on SLASH SSNAKEPI 25-basket case GREEN DAY E 24-middleman TERRORVISION 23-trouble SHAMPOO 22-tell me when THE HUMAN LEAGUE 21-the first the last eternity SNAP 20-girl,you´ii be a woman soon URGE OWERKILL E 19-el marido de la peluquera COMPLICES 18-miente CIUDAD JARDIN 17-the man who sould the world NIRVANA 16-independent love song SCARLET E 15-un español en nueva york REBELDES 14-she´s a river SIMPLE MINDS 13-la edad del porvenir JAVIER ALVAREZ 12-for you love STEVIE WONDER 11-ruido JOAQUIN SABINA 10-someday i´ll be saturday night BON JOVI 9-la flor de la mañana PRESUNTOS IMPLICADOS 8-a un perro flaco JUAN PERRO 7-no va mas REVOLVER 6-la estrella ROSARIO 5-here comes the hotstepper INI KAMOZE 4-this cowboy song STING 3-i believe ELTON JOHN 2-murder incorporated BRUCE SPREENSTEEN 1-no more i love you´s ANNIE LENNOX

15/04/95 E 40-sara LUNA DE LOBOS E 39-that to wonder GEORGE MICHAEL 38-all over you LIVE E 37-tazas de te CARLOS BERLANGA 36-open your heart M.PEOPLE 35-think twice CELINE DION E 34-what i´ll do JANET JACKSON 33-new generation SUEDE E 32-biografia PEDRO GUERRA 31-ella SEPTIMO SENTIDO 30-creep TLC 29-beggars & hangers-on SLASH SSNAKIPPI 28-la vida que yo veo LOQUILLO E 27-run away CO.RO FEAT LYEN E 26-over my shoulder MIKE & THE MECHANICS 25-trouble SHAMPOO 24-middleman TERRORVISION 23-basket case GREEN DAY

E 22-whatever OASIS 21-the first the last eternity SNAP 20-girl you´ll be a woman soon URGE OVERKILL E 19-tiempo futuro MERCEDES FERRER 18-el marido de la peluquera COMPLICES 17-miente CIUDAD JARDIN 16-the man who sold the world NIRVANA 15-independent love song SCARLET E 14-all i wanna do SHERYL CROW 13-un español en nueva york REBELDES 12-la edad de povenir JAVIER ALVAREZ 11-for you love STEVIE WONDER 10-ruido JOAQUIN SABINA 9-here comes the hotstepper INI KAMOZE 8-la estrella ROSARIO 7-a un perro flaco JUAN PERRO 6-no va mas REVOLVER 5-this cowboy song STING 4-no more i love you´s ANNIE LENNOX 3-i believe ELTON JOHN 2-murder incorporated BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 1-someday,i´ll be saturday night BON JOVI

22/04/95 E 40-marguerite DEADEYE DICK E 39-de sobra lo sabes INMA SERRANO 38-la vida que yo veo LOQUILLO 37-ella SEPTIMO SENTIDO E 36-here and now DEL AMITRI E 35-my iran lung RADIOHEAD E 34-el odio y el amor RAFA MARTIN 33-think twice CELINE DION 32-run away CO.RO FEAT LYEN 31-all over you LIVE 30-what i´ll do JANET JACKSON 29-beggars & hangers-on SLASH SSNAKEPPI 28-whatever OASIS 27-the first the last eternity SNAP 26-biografia PEDRO GUERRA E 25-bedtime storys MADONNA 24-over my shoulder MIKE & MECHANICS E 23-julia says WET WET WET 22-tiempo futuro MERCEDES FERRER 21-basket case GREEN DAY E 20-isla de palma ANTONIO FLORES 19-girl,you il be a woman soon URGE OVERKILL 18-el marido de la peluquera COMPLICES 17-independent love song SCARLET 16-miente CIUDAD JARDIN 15-la edad del porvenir JAVIER ALVAREZ 14-all i wanna do SHERYL CROW 13-the man who sold the world NIRVANA 12-la estrella ROSARIO

11-un español en nueva york REBELDES 10-here comes the hotstepper INI KAMOZE 9-for you love STEVIE WONDER 8-ruido JOAQUIN SABINA 7-no more i love you´s ANNIE LENNOX 6-this cowboy song STING 5-a un perro flaco JUAN PERRO 4-i believe ELTON JOHN 3-someday,i´ll be saturday night BON JOVI 2-murder incorporated BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 1-no va mas REVOLVER

29/04/95 E E E E

40-stand up THUNDER 39-let me be TALEESA 38-ten story love songs THE STONE ROSES 37-old pap in an oak REDNEX 36-de sobra lo sabes INMA SERRANO 35-here and now DEL AMITRI 34-what i´ll do JANET JACKSON E 33-turn on,turn in,cop out FREAK POWER E 32-lo peligroso TAHURES ZURDOS 31-el odio y el amor RAFA MARTIN 30-think twice CELINE DION E 29-crush with eyeliner R.E.M 28-whatever OASIS 27-over my shoulder MIKE & THE MECHANICS 26-biografia PEDRO GUERRA 25-bedtime storys MADONNA 24-la edad del porvenir JAVIER ALVAREZ 23-julia says WET WET WET 22-tiempo futuro MRCEDES FERRER 21-basket case GREEN DAY E 20-back for good TAKE THAT 19-isla de palma ANTONIO FLORES 18-no more i love you´s ANNIE LENNOX 17-independent love song SCARLET 16-el marido de la peluquera COMPLICES 15-miente CIUDAD JARDIN 14-here comes the hotstepper INI KAMOZE 13-this cowboy song STING 12-murder incorporated BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 11-all i wanna do SHERYL CROW 10-un español en nueva york REBELDES E 9-ode to my family THE CRAMBERRIES 8-for you love STEVIE WONDER 7-ruido JOAQUIN SABINA 6-someday,i´ll be saturday night BON JOVI 5-a un perro flaco JUAN PERRO 4-i believe ELTON JOHN E 3-secret garden BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN

2-no va mas REVOLVER 1-the man who sold the world NIRVANA

06/05/95 40-stand up THUNDER E 39-here i go 2 UNLIMITED 38-de sobra lo sabes INMA SERRANO E 37-set you free N-TRANCE 36-ten story love songs THE STONE ROSES 35-lo peligroso TAHURES ZURDOS 34-here and now DEL AMITRI E 33-high head blues THE BLACK CROWES 32-crush with eyeliner R.E.M 31-biografia PEDRO GUERRA 30-el odio y el amor RAFA MARTIN 29-bedtime storys MADONNA E 28-run to you ROXETTE 27-whatever OASIS 26-tiempo futuro MERCEDES FERRER 25-turn on,turn in,cop out FREAK POWER E 24-heroes IVAN IVAN 23-no more i love you´s ANNIE LENNOX 22-el marido de la peluquera COMPLICES 21-think twice CELINE DION 20-miente CIUDAD JARDIN E 19-everlasting love GLORIA ESTEFAN 18-murder incorporated BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 17-here comes the hotstepper INI KAMOZE 16-over my shoulder MIKE & THE MECHANICS 15-julia says WET WET WET 14-independent love song SCARLET 13-back for good TAKE THAT 12-isla de palma ANTONIO FLORES 11-all i wanna do SHERYL CROW 10-someday,i´ll be saturday night BON JOVI 9-un español en nueva york REBELDES 8-ode to my family THE CRAMBERRIES 7-for you love STEVIE WONDER 6-i believe ELTON JOHN 5-a un perro flaco JUAN PERRO 4-the man who sould the world NIRVANA 3-no va mas REVOLVER 2-secret garden BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 1-ruido JOAQUIN SABINA

13/05/95 E 40-arriesgate TRIBU X E 39-alma con alma LOS GIRASOULES 38-here i go 2 UNLIMITED 37-lo peligroso TAHURES ZURDOS 36-de sobra lo sabes INMA SERRANO 35-high head blues THE BLACK CROWES 34-here and now DEL AMITRI 33-crush with eyeliner R.E.M E 32-i´ve got a little something for you M.N.8 31-biografia PEDRO GUERRA 30-bedtime storys MADONNA 29-whatever OASIS 28-el odio y el amor RAFA MARTIN E 27-hamburger fields MANO NEGRA 26-el marido de la peluquera COMPLICES 25-run to you ROXETTE 24-tiempo futuro MERCEDES FERRER E 23-maria manuela (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 22-heroes IVAN IVAN 21-turn on,turn in,cop out FREAK POWER E 20-a whiter shade of pale ANNIE LENNOX 19-here comes the hotstepper INI KAMOZE 18-think twice CELINE DION 17-miente CIUDAD JARDIN 16-everlasting love GLORIA ESTEFAN E 15-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI E 14-si es por ti REVOLVER 13-independent love song SCARLET 12-julia says WET WET WET 11-over my shoulder MIKE & THE MECHANICS 10-back for good TAKE THAT 9-for you love STEVIE WONDER 8-isla de palma ANTONIO FLORES 7-i believe ELTON JOHN 6-all i wanna do SHERYL CROW 5-un español en nueva york REBELDES 4-ode to my family THE CRAMBERRIES 3-a un perro flaco JUAN PERRO 2-ruido JOAQUIN SABINA 1-secret garden BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN

20/05/95 40-here i go 2 UNLIMITED E 39-white lines DURAN DURAN E 38-when do i get to sign my way SPARKS E 37-baby baby CORONA 36-high head blues THE BLACK CROWES E 35-keep on trying TWENTY 4 SEVEN 34-here and now DEL AMITRI 33-de sobra lo sabes INMA SERRANO

32-bedtime storys MADONNA 31-i´ve got a little something for you M.N.8 E 30-noche especial SIETE-7-BLACK E 29-runaway THE REAL McCOY 28-el odio y el amor RAFA MARTIN E 27-como un angel CARLOS VARELA E 26-sky high NEWTON 25-hamburger fields MANO NEGRA 24-here comes the hotstepper INI KAMOZE 23-whatever OASIS 22-tiempo futuro MERCEDES FERRER 21-run to you ROXETTE E 20-bella idiota MARCO MASINI E 19-yeha-noha SACRED SPIRIT 18-turn on,turn in,cop out FREAK POWER 17-maria manuela (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 16-a whiter shade of pale ANNIE LENNOX 15-heroes IVAN IVAN 14-think twice CELINE DION 13-i believe ELTON JOHN 12-julia says WET WET WET 11-everlasting love GLORIA ESTEFAN 10-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI 9-ruido JOAQUIN SABINA 8-si es por ti REVOLVER 7-over my shoulder MIKE & THE MECHANICS 6-isla de palma ANTONIO FLORES 5-un español en nueva york REBELDES 4-back for good TAKE THAT 3-ode to my family THE CRAMBERRIES 2-secret garden BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 1-a un perro flaco JUAN PERRO

27/05/95 40-high head blues THE BLACK CROWES E 39-al teu costat ta SAU 38-when do i get to sign my way SPARKS 37-de sobra lo sabes INMA SERRANO 36-noche especial SIETE-7-BLACK 35-sky high NEWTON E 34-pasa la vida ALEJANDRA GUZMAN E 33-holding on to you TERENCE TRENT D´ARBY 32-baby baby CORONA 31-maria manuela (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 30-el odio y el amor RAFA MARTIN E 29-akundum AZUQUITA 28-hamburger fields MANO NEGRA 27-i´ve got a little something for you M.N.8 26-como un angel CARLOS VARELA 25-i believe ELTON JOHN E 24-buddy holly WEEZER 23-runaway THE REAL McCOY

22-whatever OASIS 21-julia says WET WET WET E 20-gente LAURA PAUSINI 19-bella idiota MARCO MASINI 18-yeha-noha SACRED SPIRIT 17-turn on,turn in,cop out FREAK POWER 16-ruido JOAQUIN SABINA 15-a whiter shade of pale ANNIE LENNOX E 14-have you ever really loved a woman? BRYAN ADAMS 13-heroes IVAN IVAN 12-un español en nueva york REBELDES 11-think twice CELINE DION 10-everlasting love GLORIA ESTEFAN 9-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI 8-isla de palma ANTONIO FLORES 7-si es por ti REVOLVER 6-over my shoulder MIKE & THE MECHANICS 5-a un perro flaco JUAN PERRO 4-secret garden BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 3-ode to my family THE CRAMBERRIES E 2-scream MICHAEL JACKSON 1-back for good TAKE THAT

03/06/95 E E E E

40-me late LOS PERICOS 39-by my lover LA BOUCHE 38-i wanna be with you FUN FACTORY 37-hay noches que sueño GRETA Y LOS GARBO 36-noche especial SIETE-7-BLACK E 35-straight to my feet STREET FIGHTER 34-de sobra lo sabes INMA SERRANO 33-pasa la vida ALEJANDRA GUZMAN E 32-bad boys ESPECIALISTAS 31-holding on to you TERENCE TRENT D´ARBY 30-akundum AZUQUITA E 29-loco destino ULTIMATUN 28-maria manuela (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 27-julia says WET WET WET 26-i´ve got a little something for you M.N.8 25-baby baby CORONA 24-como un angel CARLOS VARELA 23-buddy holly WEEZER 22-gente LAURA PAUSINI 21-bella idiota MARCO MASINI E 20-scatman SCATMAN JOHN 19-runaway THE REAL McCOY E 18-milonga del marinero y el capitan LOS RODRIGUEZ 17-turn on,turn in,cop out FREAK POWER 16-a whiter shade of pale ANNIE LENNOX 15-yeha-noha SACRED SPIRIT 14-heroes IVAN IVAN

13-have you ever really loved a woman? BRYAN ADAMS 12-think twice CELINE DION 11-over my shoulder MIKE & THE MECHANICS 10 everlasting love GLORIA ESTEFAN 9-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI 8-isla de palma ANTONIO FLORES 7-secret garden BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 6-a un perro flaco JUAN PERRO 5-ode to my family THE CRAMBERRIES 4-si es por ti REVOLVER 3-back for good TAKE THAT 2-scream MICHAEL JACKSON E 1-la fuerza del corazon ALEJANDRO SANZ

10/06/95 E 40-wake up boo! THE BOO RADLEYS 39-hay noches que sueño GRETA Y LOS GARBO 38-me late LOS PERICOS 37-by my lover LA BOUCHE 36-i wanna be with you FUN FACTORY E 35-cada dia la locura NACHO GARCIA VEGA E 34-quiero volar G.E.M 33-pasa la vida ALEJANDRA GUZMAN 32-holding on to you TERENCE TRENT D´ARBY 31-bad boys ESPECIALISTAS 30-maria manuela (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 29-julia says WET WET WET 28-baby baby CORONA E 27-el caiman verde JESUS CIFUENTES 26-buddy holly WEEZER E 25-mishale ANDRU DONALDS 24-loco destino ULTIMATUN 23-bella idiota MARCO MASINI 22-gente LAURA PAUSINI E 21-hace calor KIKO VENENO 20-como un angel CARLOS VARELA 19-runaway THE REAL McCOY 18-a whiter shade of pale ANNIE LENNOX 17-turn on,turn in,cop out FREAK POWER 16-heroes IVAN IVAN 15-scatman SCATMAN JOHN 14-milonga del marinero y el capitan LOS RODRIGUEZ 13-over my shoulder MIKE & THE MECHANICS 12-think twice CELINE DION 11-have you ever really loved a woman? BRYAN ADAMS 10-yeha-noha SACRED SPIRIT 9-isla de palma ANTONIO FLORES 8-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI 7-secret garden BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 6-ode to my family THE CRAMBERRIES 5-si es por ti REVOLVER 4-la fuerza del corazon ALEJANDRO SANZ 3-back for good TAKE THAT

2-scream MICHAEL JACKSON 1-everlasting love GLORIA ESTEFAN

17/06/95 E 40-can´t get enough SUPERGROOVE 39-by my lover LA BOUCHE 38-wake up boo! THE BOO RADLEYS 37-hay noches que sueño GRETA Y LOS GARBO E 36-rojo y negro DOCTOR LOVE 35-i wanna be with you FUN FACTORY 34-me late LOS PERICOS 33-cada dia la locura NACHO GARCIA VEGA E 32-hypnotised SIMPLE MINDS 31-quiero volar G.E.M E 30-dejame entrar MANA 29-bad boys ESPECIALISTAS E 28-i´m gonna love you ( 24-7-365) CHARLES & EDDIE 27-bella idiota MARCO MASINI 26-buddy holly WEEZER E 25-yo te dare ROSARIO 24-a whiter shade of pale ANNIE LENNOX 23-loco destino ULTIMATUN 22-el caiman verde JESUS CIFUENTES 21-mishale ANDRU DONALDS 20-turn on,turn in,cop out FREAK POWER 19-runaway THE REAL McCOY 18-heroes IVAN IVAN 17-como un angel CARLOS VARELA 16-over my shoulder MIKE & THE MECHANICS 15-hace calor KIKO VENENO 14-ode to my family THE CRAMBERRIES 13-milonga del marinero y el capitan LOS RODRIGUEZ 12-think twice CELINE DION 11-yeha-noha SACRED SPIRIT 10-have you ever really loved a woman? BRYAN ADAMS 9-secret garden BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 8-isla de palma ANTONIO FLORES 7-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI 6-everlasting love GLORIA ESTEFAN 5-si es por ti REVOLVER 4-la fuerza del corazon ALEJANDRO SANZ 3-back for good TAKE THAT 2-scream MICHAEL JACKSON 1-scatman SCATMAN JOHN

24/06/95 40-by my lover LA BOUCHE E 39-my girl joserhine SUPER CAT E 38-y yo me callo SINIESTRO TOTAL 37-can´t get enough SUPERGROOVE E 36-dime la verdad MARTA SANCHEZ 35-hay noches que sueño GRETA Y LOS GARBO 34-me late LOS PERICOS E 33-chup chup AUSTRALIAN BLONDE 32-i wanna be with you FUN FACTORY E 31-somebody´s crying CHRIS ISAAK 30-dejame entrar MANA 29-quiero volar G.E.M E 28-makuna matata JIMMY CLIFF E 27-en el anden del corazon CIENCIAS NATURALES 26-bad boys ESPECIALISTAS 25-buddy holly WEEZER E 24-i go wild THE ROLLING STONES 23-heroes IVAN IVAN 22-como un angel CARLOS VARELA 21-el caiman verde JESUS CIFUENTES E 20-uno,dos,tres,cuatro JAVIER ALVAREZ 19-i´m gonna love you ( 24-7-365) CHARLES & EDDIE 18-over my shoulder MIKE & THE MECHANICS 17-yo te dare ROSARIO 16-mishale ANDRU DONALDS 15-runaway THE REAL McCOY 14-yeha-noha SACRED SPIRIT 13-hace calor KIKO VENENO 12-milonga del marinero y el capitan LOS RODRIGUEZ 11-think twice CELINE DION 10-secret garden BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 9-everlasting love GLORIA ESTEFAN 8-isla de palma ANTONIO FLORES 7-have you ever really loved a woman? BRYAN ADAMS 6-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI 5-si es por ti REVOLVER 4-scatman SCATMAN JOHN 3-la fuerza del corazon ALEJANDRO SANZ 2-back for good TAKE THAT 1-scream MICHAEL JACKSON

01/07/95 E 40-jaguaundi VICTOR COYOTE 39-by my lover LA BOUCHE 38-bad boys ESPECIALISTAS E 37-central park LOQUILLO 36-me late LOS PERICOS 35-dime la verdad MARTA SANCHEZ 34-hay noches que sueño GRETA Y LOS GARBO 33-somebody´s crying CHRIS ISAAK

32-dejame entrar MANA E 31-mala hierva DELITO E 30-al apologies NIRVANA E 29-promesas que no valen nada LOS PIRATAS 28-i wanna be with you FUN FACTORY 27-makuna matata JIMMY CLIFF 26-buddy holly WEEZER E 25-when i come around GREEN DAY 24-chup chup AUSTRALIAN BLONDE 23-el caiman verde JESUS CIFUENTES 22-en el anden del corazon CIENZIAS NATURALES E 21-can´t cry anymore SHERYL CROW 20-uno,dos,tres,cuatro JAVIER ALVAREZ 19-yeha-noha SACRED SPIRIT 18-over my shoulder MIKE & THE MECHANICS 17-i go wild THE ROLLING STONES 16-i´m gonna love you (24-7-365) CHARLES & EDDIE 15-mishale ANDRU DONALDS 14-yo te dare ROSARIO 13-runaway THE REAL McCOY 12-milonga del marinero y el capitan LOS RODRIGUEZ 11-secret garden BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 10-hace calor KIKO VENENO 9-think twice CELINE DION 8-isla de palma ANTONIO FLORES 7-scatman SCATMAN JOHN 6-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI 5-si es por ti REVOLVER 4-back for good TAKE THAT 3-la fuerza del corazon ALEJANDRO SANZ 2-scream MICHAEL JACKSON 1-have you ever really loved a woman? BRYAN ADAMS

08/07/95 E 40-pure SCANNERS 39-dime la verdad MARTA SANCHEZ 38-hay noches que sueño GRETA Y LOS GARBO 37-central park LOQUILLO E 36-mil horas MARCELA FERRARI 35-somebody´s crying CHRIS ISAAK 34-by my lover LA BOUCHE E 33-con ganas de JOAQUIN SABINA E 32-si debe de ser sera DAVID SANTIESTEBAN 31-me late LOS PERICOS E 30-wacking up ELASTICA 29-i wanna be with you FUN FACTORY 28-al apologies NIRVANA 27-buddy holly WEEZER E 26-american pie JUST LUIS 25-makuna matata JIMMY CLIFF E 24-oh! no no no CIUDAD JARDIN 23-over my shouldier MIKE & THE MECHANICS

22-el caiman verde JESUS CIFUENTES 21-when i come around GREEN DAY 20-promesas que no valen nada LOS PIRATAS 19-uno,dos,tres,cuatro JAVIER ALVAREZ 18-en el anden del corazon CIENCIAS NATURALES E 17-that look in your eyes ALI CAMPBELL 16-chup chup AUSTRALIAN BLONDE 15-can´t cry anymore SHERYL CROW 14-i go wild THE ROLLING STONES 13-i´m gonna love you (24-7-365) CHARLES & EDDIE 12-secret garden BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 11-runaway THE REAL McCOY 10-mishale ANDRU DONALDS 9-scatman SCATMAN JOHN 8-si es por ti REVOLVER 7-think twice CELINE DION 6-milonga del marinero y el capitan LOS RODRIGUEZ 5-back for good TAKE THAT 4-la fuerza del corazon ALEJANDRO SANZ 3-have you ever really loved a woman? BRYAN ADAMS 2-scream MICHAEL JACKSON 1-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI

15/07/95 40-dime la verdad MARTA SANCHEZ 39-pure SCANNERS E 38-message in a bottle THE POLICE E 37-la calle de los sueños rotos LA TRAMPA E 36-be quiet and drive RADIOHEAD 35-central park LOQUILLO E 34-delicious SHAMPOO 33-by my lover LA BOUCHE E 32-intermedio MERCEDES FERRER 31-con ganas de JOAQUIN SABINA 30-si debe de ser sera DAVID SANTIESTEBAN E 29-scatman´s world SCATMAN JOHN 28-wacking up ELASTICA 27-makuna matata JIMMY CLIFF E 26-self steam OFFSPRING 25-over my shouldier MIKE & THE MECHANICS E 24-short dick man MACHITO PONCE 23-oh! no no no CIUDAD JARDIN E 22-mi razon de ser OBK 21-american pie JUST LUIS 20-when i come around GREEN DAY E 19-hold me,thrill me,kiss me,kill me U2 18-promesas que no valen nada LOS PIRATAS 17-en el anden del corazon CIENCIAS NATURALES 16-that look in your eyes ALI CAMPBELL E 15-made in england ELTON JOHN 14-secret garden BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN 13-chup chup AUSTRALIAN BLONDE

12-runaway THE REAL McCOY 11-can´t cry anymore SHERYL CROW 10-i go wild THE ROLLING STONES 9-i´m gonna love you (24-7-365) CHARLES & EDDIE 8-mishale ANDRU DONALDS 7-back for good TAKE THAT 6-think twice CELINE DION 5-have you ever really loved a woman? BRYAN ADAMS 4-la fuerza del corazon ALEJANDRO SANZ 3-scream MICHAEL JACKSON 2-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI 1-milonga del marinero y el capitan LOS RODRIGUEZ

22/07/95 E 40-my love is for real PAULA ABDUL 39-dime la verdad MARTA SANCHEZ E 38-corazon de hierro RAFA MARTIN E 37-el gitanillo de triana UMPAH PAH 36-central park LOQUILLO E 35-lick it 20 FINGERS 34-pure SCANNERS 33-delicious SHAMPOO 32-si debe de ser sera DAVID SANTIESTEBAN E 31-mas que un engaño REBECA 30-makuna matata JIMMY CLIFF 29-con ganas de JOAQUIN SABINA 28-by my lover LA BOUCHE E 27-verdadero KETAMA 26-wacking up ELASTICA 25-scatman´s world SCATMAN JOHN 24-oh! no no no CIUDAD JARDIN E 23-el conjuro MARC PARROT 22-short dick man MACHITO PONCE 21-self steam OFFSPRING E 20-mi soledad y yo ALEJANDRO SANZ 19-when i come around GREEN DAY 18-american pie JUST LUIS 17-mi razon de ser OBK 16-promesas que no valen nada LOS PIRATAS 15-en el anden del corazon CIENCIAS NATURALES 14-that look in your eyes ALI CAMPBELL 13-hold me,thrill me,kiss me,kill me U2 12-i go wild THE ROLLING STONES 11-chup chup AUSTRALIAN BLONDE 10-made in england ELTON JOHN 9-i´m gonna love you (24-7-365) CHARLES & EDDIE 8-can´t cry anymore SHERYL CROW 7-have you ever really loved a woman? BRYAN ADAMS 6-think twice CELINE DION E 5-entre mis recuerdos LUZ 4-scream MICHAEL JACKSON 3-milonga del marinero y el capitan LOS RODRIGUEZ

2-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI 1-mishale ANDRU DONALDS

29/07/95 E 40-que no falte BEN E 39-lady bellows RITA MARLEY 38-corazon de hierro RAFA MARTIN 37-el gitanillo de triana UMPAH PAH E 36-at me anithime me dold CHRIS ISAAK E 35-december COLLECTIVE SOUL E 34-think of you WHIGFIELD 33-pure SCANNERS 32-con ganas de JOAQUIN SABINA 31-mas que un engaño REBECA 30-lick it 20 FINGERS 29-makuna matata JIMMY CLIFF 28-wacking up ELASTICA 27-short dick man MACHITO PONCE 26-oh! no no no CIUDAD JARDIN E 25-mia REBELDES 24-self steam OFFSPRING E 23-escuchame INMA SERRANO 22-verdadero KETAMA 21-scatman´s world SCATMAN JOHN 20-el conjuro MARC PARROT 19-i go wild THE ROLLING STONES 18-when i come around GREEN DAY 17-mi razon de ser OBK 16-mi soledad y yo ALEJANDRO SANZ E 15-en la selva JUAN PERRO 14-chup chup AUSTRALIAN BLONDE 13-american pie JUST LUIS 12-promesas que no valen nada LOS PIRATAS 11-en el anden del corazon CIENCIAS NATURALES 10-that look in your eyes ALI CAMPBELL 9-hold me,thrill me,kiss me,kill me U2 8-made in england ELTON JOHN 7-have you ever really loved a woman? BRYAN ADAMS 6-think twice CELINE DION 5-can´t cry anymore SHERYL CROW 4-scream MICHAEL JACKSON 3-mishale ANDRU DONALDS 2-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI 1-entre mis recuerdos LUZ

05/08/95 E 40-igual que antes PLATON E 39-a place to call home JOHN TEMPLE 38-lady bellows RITA MARLEY 37-el gitanillo de triana UMPAH PAH 36-corazon de hierro RAFA MARTIN E 35-con tus manos PULGAR 34-december COLLECTIVE SOUL 33-mas que un engaño REBECA E 32-gimme little sign DANIELLE BRISEBOYS 31-pure SCANNERS 30-think of you WHIGFIELD 29-escuchame INMA SERRANO 28-short dick man MACHITO PONCE 27-i go wild THE ROLLING STONES E 26-i can love you like that ALL 4 ONE 25-wacking up ELASTICA 24-mia REBELDES 23-el conjuro MARC PARROT 22-when i come around GREEN DAY 21-chup chup AUSTRALIAN BLONDE 20-verdadero KETAMA E 19-el dorado REVOLVER 18-self steam OFFSPRING E 17-el tiburon PROYECTO UNO 16-scatman´s world SCATMAN JOHN 15-mi razon de ser OBK 14-en la selva JUAN PERRO 13-mi soledad y yo ALEJANDRO SANZ 12-american pie JUST LUIS 11-promesas que no valen nada LOS PIRATAS 10-en el anden del corazon CIENCIAS NATURALES 9-made in england ELTON JOHN 8-that look in your eyes ALI CAMPBELL 7-hold me,thrill me,kiss me,kill me U2 6-have you really loved a woman? BRYAN ADAMS 5-mishale ANDRU DONALDS 4-scream MICHAEL JACKSON 3-can´t cry anymore SHERYL CROW 2-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI 1-entre mis recuerdos LUZ

12/08/95 40-igual que antes PLATON E 39-mal bicho LOS FABULOSOS CADILLAC 38-a place to call home JOHN TEMPLE E 37-el cielo de virgo MARCO MASINI 36-con tus manos PULGAR E 35-tenias razon GIRASOULES 34-el gitanillo de triana UMPAH PAH E 33-el fantasma del desvan LA FRONTERA

32-corazon de hierro RAFA MARTIN 31-lady bellows RITA MARLEY 30-pure SCANNERS 29-escuchame INMA SERRANO 28-mas que un engaño REBECA 27-gimme little sign DANIELLE BRISEBOYS E 26-estoy pensando en ti PACO ARANGO 25-think of you WHIGFIELD E 24-tratar de estar mejor DIEGO TORRES 23-short dick man MACHITO PONCE E 22-misery SOUL ASYLUM 21-el conjuro MARC PARROT 20-i can love you like that ALL 4 ONE 19-self steam OFFSPRING 18-el dorado REVOLVER 17-verdadero KETAMA 16-el tiburon PROYECTO UNO 15-made in england ELTON JOHN 14-that look in your eyes ALI CAMPBELL 13-american pie JUST LUIS 12-mishale ANDRU DONALDS 11-scream MICHAEL JACKSON 10-promesas que no valen nada LOS PIRATAS 9-scatman´s world SCATMAN JOHN 8-mi razon de ser OBK 7-en la selva JUAN PERRO 6-en el anden del corazon CIENCIAS NATURALES 5-mi soledad y yo ALEJANDRO SANZ 4-hold me,thrill me,kiss me,kill me U2 3-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI 2-entre mis recuerdos LUZ 1-can´t cry anymore SHERYL CROW

19/08/95 40-mal bicho LOS FABULOSOS CADILLAC E 39-solo los estupidos tienen la conciencia tranquila SINIESTRO TOTAL E 38-trago largo LA PIEL E 37-downtown NEIL YOUNG 36-a place to call home JOHN TEMPLE E 35-push the feeling on NIGHCRAWLERS 34-el cielo de virgo MARCO MASINI 33-con tus manos PULGAR 32-tenias razon GIRASOULES 31-mas que un engaño REBECA 30-escuchame INMA SERRANO E 29-sangre caliente ULTIMATUN 28-short dick man MACHITO PONCE 27-pure SCANNERS 26-gimme little sign DANIELLE BRISEBOYS 25-estoy pensando en ti PACO ARANGO E 24-it´s too late GLORIA ESTEFAN 23-think of you WHIGFIELD

22-tratar de estar mejor DIEGO TORRES E 21-camisa de once varas (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 20-misery SOUL ASYLUM 19-el conjuro MARC PARROT 18-i can love you like that ALL 4 ONE 17-self steam OFFSPRING 16-el dorado REVOLVER 15-made in england ELTON JOHN 14-mishale ANDRU DONALDS 13-scream MICHAEL JACKSON 12-verdadero KETAMA 11-el tiburon PROYECTO UNO 10-american pie JUST LUIS 9-en el anden del corazon CIENCIAS NATURALES 8-scatman´s world SCATMAN JOHN 7-hold me,thrill me,kiss me,kill me U2 6-en la selva JUAN PERRO 5-mi soledad y yo ALEJANDRO SANZ 4-can´t cry anymore SHERYL CROW 3-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI 2-entre mis recuerdos LUZ 1-mi razon de ser OBK

26/08/95 E 40-love will keep us together THE JAMES TAYLOR QUARTET E 39-¿tu de que lado estas? NACHO GARCIA VEGA 38-a place to call home JOHN TEMPLE 37-short dick man MACHITO PONCE 36-el cielo de virgo MARCO MASINI 35-trago largo LA PIEL 34-downtown NEIL YOUNG 33-push the feeling on NIGHCRAWLERS 32-mas que un engaño REBECA E 31-cuando los angeles lloran MANA 30-tenias razon GIRASOULES 29-escuchame INMA SERRANO 28-sangre caliente ULTIMATUN E 27-shy guy DIANA KING 26-gimme little sign DANIELLE BRISEBOYS E 25-¡ay,que calor! ROSARIO 24-estoy pensando en ti PACO ARANGO 23-it´s too late GLORIA ESTEFAN 22-think of you WHIGFIELD 21-tratar de estar mejor DIEGO TORRES 20-camisa de once varas (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 19-misery SOUL ASYLUM E 18-memphis blues again KIKO VENENO 17-i can love you like that ALL 4 ONE 16-self steam OFFSPRING 15-made in england ELTON JOHN 14-el conjuro MARC PARROT

13-el dorado REVOLVER 12-american pie JUST LUIS 11-en el anden del corazon CIENCIAS NATURALES 10-el tiburon PROYECTO UNO 9-verdadero KETAMA 8-hold me,thrill me,kiss me,kill me U2 7-scatman´s world SCATMAN JOHN 6-mi razon de ser OBK 5-can´t cry anymore SHERYL CROW 4-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI 3-entre mis recuerdos LUZ 2-mi soledad y yo ALEJANDRO SANZ 1-en la selva JUAN PERRO

02/09/95 E 40-come and get your love THE REAL McCOY 39-a place to call home JOHN TEMPLE E 38-parate y mira LOS PERICOS 37-trago largo LA PIEL E 36-i wanna fly G.E.M 35-¿tu de que lado estas? NACHO GARCIA VEGA 34-love will keep us together THE JAMES TAYLOR QUARTET E 33-nosotros dos FERNANDO 32-downtown NEIL YOUNG 31-escuchame INMA SERRANO E 30-i don´t wanna fall in love CHRIS ISAAK 29-sangre caliente ULTIMATUN 28-i can love you like that ALL 4 ONE 27-cuando los angeles lloran MANA 26-shy guy DIANA KING 25-tenias razon GIRASOULES 24-gimme little sign DANIELLE BRISEBOYS 23-¡ay,que calor! ROSARIO E 22-i can´t be with you THE CRAMBERRIES E 21-el ska del paro JESUS CIFUENTES 20-tratar de estar mejor DIEGO TORRES 19-self steam OFFSPRING 18-el conjuro MARC PARROT 17-en el anden del corazon CIENCIAS NATURALES 16-misery SOUL ASYLUM 15-camisa de once varas (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 14-memphis blues again KIKO VENENO 13-el dorado REVOLVER 12-hold me,thrill me,kiss me,kill me U2 11-scatman´s world SCATMAN JOHN 10-mi razon de ser OBK 9-el tiburon PROYECTO UNO 8-can´t cry anymore SHERYL CROW 7-verdadero KETAMA 6-this ain´t a love song BON JOVI E 5-sin llaves EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA E 4-iberia sumergida HEROES DEL SILENCIO 3-en la selva JUAN PERRO

2-entre mis recuerdos LUZ 1-mi soledad y yo ALEJANDRO SANZ

09/09/95 E 40-if you only let me in MN8 E 39-demasiada juventud IVAN IVAN 38-parate y mira LOS PERICOS E 37-arena y sol MARTA SANCHEZ 36-come and get your love THE REAL McCOY E 35-flores rojas MI CHICA E 34-que no cunda el panico ESPECIALISTAS 33-¿tu de que lado estas? NACHO GARCIA VEGA E 32-lamento boliviano ENANITOS VERDES E 31-waterfalls TLC E 30-nada es como lo ves LOS SENCILLOS 29-love will keep us together THE JAMES TAYLOR QUARTET 28-downtown NEIL YOUNG 27-cuando los angeles lloran MANA 26-gimme little sign DANIELLE BRISEBOYS E 25-try me out CORONA 24-i can´t be with you THE CRAMBERRIES E 23-piel de pantera JAVIER ALVAREZ 22-misery SOUL ASYLUM 21-¡ay,que calor! ROSARIO 20-el ska del paro JESUS CIFUENTES 19-tratar de estar mejor DIEGO TORRES 18-self steam OFFSPRING 17-camisa de once varas (en vivo) SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 16-tenias razon GIRASOULES 15-hold me,thrill me,kiss me,kill me U2 E 14-rush FREAK POWER 13-shy guy DIANA KING 12-memphis blues again KIKO VENENO 11-el tiburon PROYECTO UNO E 10-never forget TAKE THAT 9-el dorado REVOLVER E 8-negril JUAN PERRO E 7-aqui no podemos hacerlo LOS RODRIGUEZ E 6-abriendo puertas GLORIA ESTEFAN 5-entre mis recuerdos LUZ 4-sin llaves EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA 3-iberia sumergida HEROES DEL SILENCIO 2-mi soledad y yo ALEJANDRO SANZ 1-scatman´s world SCATMAN JOHN

16/09/95 E 40-control LA ORQUESTA MONDRAGON 39-demasiada juventud IVAN IVAN 38-come and get your love THE REAL McCOY 37-arena y sol MARTA SANCHEZ E 36-jealousy CHARLES & EDDIE 35-flores rojas MI CHICA 34-que no cunda el panico ESPECIALISTAS 33-¿tu de que lado estas? NACHO GARCIA VEGA E 32-74,75 THE CONELS E 31-the bomb THE BUCKHEADS 30-lamento boliviano ENANITOS VERDES E 29-en tu cuerpo GRETA Y LOS GARBO 28-waterfalls TLC 27-nada es como lo ves LOS SENCILLOS 26-i can´t be with you THE CRAMBERRIES 25-gimme little sign DANIELLE BRISEBOYS E 24-dile DAVID SANTIESTEBAN 23-try me out CORONA E 22-ni tu ni nadie VICEVERSA 21-piel de pantera JAVIER ALVAREZ 20-self steam OFFSPRING 19-hold me,thrill me,kiss me,kill me U2 18-misery SOUL ASYLUM 17-¡ay,que calor! ROSARIO 16-tratar de estar mejor DIEGO TORRES 15-memphis blues again KIKO VENENO 14-tenias razon GIRASOULES 13-rush FREAK POWER 12-el tiburon PROYECTO UNO 11-el dorado REVOLVER 10-shy guy DIANA KING 9-never forget TAKE THAT E 8-besare el suelo LUZ 7-negril JUAN PERRO 6-aqui no podemos hacerlo LOS RODRIGUEZ 5-abriendo puertas GLORIA ESTEFAN 4-scatman´s world SCATMAN JOHN 3-mi soledad y yo ALEJANDRO SANZ 2-iberia sumergida HEROES DEL SILENCIO 1-sin llaves EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA

23/09/95 E 40-rumbakalao AZUQUITA 39-demasiada juventud IVAN IVAN 38-jealousy CHARLES & EDDIE E 37-double you DOUBLE YOU 36-que no cunda el panico ESPECIALISTAS 35-¿tu de que lado estas? NACHO GARCIA VEGA 34-come and get your love THE REAL McCOY E 33-burning up TALEESA

32-dile DAVID SANTIESTEBAN E 31-la mas barata sombrilla CIUDAD JARDIN 30-flores rojas MI CHICA 29-74,75 THE CONELS 28-en tu cuerpo GRETA Y LOS GARBO E 27-la ley del mas fuerte (en vivo) REBELDES 26-the bomb THE BUCKHEADS 25-lamento boliviano ENANITOS VERDES 24-nada es como lo ves LOS SENCILLOS 23-try me out CORONA E 22-i´ll be there for you THE REMBRANDS E 21-only one road CELINE DION 20-waterfalls TLC 19-tratar de estar mejor DIEGO TORRES 18-memphis blues again KIKO VENENO 17-ni tu ni nadie VICEVERSA 16-el tiburon PROYECTO UNO 15-piel de pantera JAVIER ALVAREZ E 14-you are not alone MICHAEL JACKSON 13-tenias razon GIRASOULES 12-rush FREAK POWER 11-scatman´s world SCATMAN JOHN 10-el dorado REVOLVER 9-never forget TAKE THAT 8-negril JUAN PERRO 7-aqui no podemos hacerlo LOS RODRIGUEZ 6-abriendo puertas GLORIA ESTEFAN 5-besare el suelo LUZ 4-mi soledad y yo ALEJANDRO SANZ 3-sin llaves EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA 2-iberia sumergida HEROES DEL SILENCIO 1-shy guy DIANA KING

30/09/95 40-demasiada juventud IVAN IVAN 39-jealousy CHARLES & EDDIE E 38-parinero 95 PET SHOP BOYS 37-que no cunda el panico ESPECIALISTAS 36-dile DAVID SANTIESTEBAN E 35-dissing on the frensh DR.ALBAN E 34-todo el amor que te puedo dar RAFA MARTIN E 33-ella uso mi cabeza como un revolver SODA STEREO 32-come and get your love THE REAL McCOY E 31-so in love with you DUKE 30-la mas barata sombrilla CIUDAD JARDIN E 29-el mundo de wayne LOS PIRATAS 28-lamento boliviano ENANITOS VERDES 27-flores rojas MI CHICA 26-en tu cuerpo GRETA Y LOS GARBO 25-74,75 THE CONELS E 24-alright SUPERGRASS 23-nada es como lo ves LOS SENCILLOS

22-la ley del mas fuerte (en vivo) REBELDES 21-i´ll be there for you THE REMBRANDS 20-only one road CELINE DION 19-ni tu ni nadie VICEVERSA E 18-polaroice DIEGO BASAYO Y EL CABARET POP 17-scatman´s world SCATMAN JOHN 16-piel de pantera JAVIER ALVAREZ 15-tenias razon GIRASOULES E 14-rock and roll is dead LENNY KRAVITZ 13-waterfalls TLC 12-el dorado REVOLVER 11-rush FREAK POWER 10-you are not alone MICHAEL JACKSON 9-never forget TAKE THAT 8-negril JUAN PERRO 7-shy guy DIANA KING 6-abriendo puertas GLORIA ESTEFAN 5-aqui no podemos hacerlo LOS RODRIGUEZ 4-besare el suelo LUZ 3-mi soledad y yo ALEJANDRO SANZ 2-sin llaves EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA 1-iberia sumergida HEROES DEL SILENCIO

07/10/95 E 40-julia reis LOQUILLO 39-ni tu ni nadie VICEVERSA 38-parinero 95 PET SHOP BOYS 37-dile DAVID SANTIESTEBAN 36-todo el amor que te puedo dar RAFA MARTIN 35-dissing on the frensh DR.ALBAN E 34-connection ELASTICA 33-lamento boliviano ENANITOS VERDES 32-en tu cuerpo GRETA Y LOS GARBO E 31-some bary us free played CHRIS ISAAK 30-74,75 THE CONELS 29-nada es como lo ves LOS SENCILLOS E 28-sorrento moon TINA ARENA 27-ella uso mi cabeza como un revolver SODA STEREO 26-come and get your love THE REAL McCOY 25-scatman´s world SCATMAN JOHN 24-so in love with you DUKE 23-el mundo de wayne LOS PIRATAS 22-alright SUPERGRASS 21-la ley del mas fuerte (en vivo) REBELDES 20-i´ll be there for you THE REMBRANDS 19-only one road CELINE DION 18-piel de pantera JAVIER ALVAREZ 17-tenias razon GIRASOULES E 16-fairground SIMPLY RED 15-polaroice DIEGO BASAYO Y EL CABARET POP 14-el dorado REVOLVER 13-rush FREAK POWER

12-rock and roll is dead LENNY KRAVITZ 11-waterfalls TLC 10-shy guy DIANA KING 9-you are not alone MICHAEL JACKSON 8-negril JUAN PERRO 7-never forget TAKE THAT 6-abriendo puertas GLORIA ESTEFAN 5-mi soledad y yo ALEJANDRO SANZ 4-sin llaves EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA 3-besare el suelo LUZ 2-iberia sumergida HEROES DEL SILENCIO 1-aqui no podemos hacerlo LOS RODRIGUEZ

14/10/95 E 40-baby baby for my lover LA BOUCHE 39-julia reis LOQUILLO 38-lamento boliviano ENANITOS VERDES 37-connection ELASTICA 36-dile DAVID SANTIESTEBAN 35-some bary us free played CHRIS ISAAK 34-en tu cuerpo GRETA Y LOS GARBO 33-74,75 THE CONELS E 32-te hecho de menos hasta morir FERNANDO 31-parinero 95 PET SHOP BOYS E 30-i hate you PRINCE E 29-a now to the coffe MIKE & THE MECHANICS 28-ella uso mi cabeza como un revolver SODA STEREO 27-sorrento moon TINA ARENA E 26-nada soy sin ti OBK E 25-pero,a tu lado LOS SECRETOS 24-so in love with you DUKE 23-el mundo de wayne LOS PIRATAS 22-alright SUPERGRASS 21-piel de pantera JAVIER ALVAREZ 20-i´ll be there for you THE REMBRANDS 19-only one road CELINE DION E 18-problema KETAMA 17-el dorado REVOLVER E 16-las mentiras del viento MANOLO TENA 15-waterfalls TLC 14-polaroice DIEGO BASAYO Y EL CABARET POP 13-shy guy DIANA KING E 12-sonthing for the pain BON JOVI 11-fairground SIMPLY RED 10-negril JUAN PERRO 9-mi soledad y yo ALEJANDRO SANZ 8-aqui no podemos hacerlo LOS RODRIGUEZ 7-never forget TAKE THAT 6-abriendo puertas GLORIA ESTEFAN 5-you are not alone MICHAEL JACKSON 4-sin llaves EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA

3-besare el suelo LUZ 2-iberia sumergida HEROES DEL SILENCIO 1-rock and roll is dead LENNY KRAVITZ

21/10/95 40-julia reis LOQUILLO E 39-do you sleep LISA LOEB 38-some body us free player CHRIS ISAAK 37-baby baby for my lover LA BOUCHE 36-connection ELASTICA E 35-can i touch you there MICHAEL BOLTON 34-parinero 95 PET SHOP BOYS 33-te hecho de menos hasta morir FERNANDO E 32-lies ELTON JOHN E 31-raul and the kings of spain TEARS FOR FEARS 30-sorrento moon TINA ARENA E 29-sesenta dias CIENCIAS NATURALES 28-i hate you PRINCE 27-a now to the coffe MIKE & THE MECHANICS E 26-hard as a rock AC/DC 25-ella uso mi cabeza como un revolver SODA STEREO 24-nada soy sin ti OBK 23-el mundo de wayne LOS PIRATAS 22-so in love with you DUKE E 21-country house BLUR 20-pero,a tu lado LOS SECRETOS 19-piel de pantera JAVIER ALVAREZ 18-alright SUPERGRASS 17-waterfalls TLC 16-i´ll be there for you THE REMBRANDS 15-shy guy DIANA KING 14-only one road CELINE DION 13-problema KETAMA 12-negril JUAN PERRO 11-las mentiras del viento MANOLO TENA 10-polaroice DIEGO BASAYO Y EL CABARET POP 9-sonthing for the pain BON JOVI 8-never forget TAKE THAT 7-fairground SIMPLY RED 6-rock and roll is dead LENNY KRAVITZ 5-abriendo puertas GLORIA ESTEFAN 4-sin llaves EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA 3-besare el suelo LUZ 2-iberia sumergida HEROES DEL SILENCIO 1-you are not alone MICHAEL JACKSON

28/10/95 40-do you sleep LISA LOEB 39-some body us free played CHRIS ISAAK E 38-i fild the like NIGHCRAWLERS E 37-la cancion del mariachi LOS LOBOS Y ANTONIO BANDERAS 36-baby baby for my lover LA BOUCHE 35-connection ELASTICA E 34-gotta get away OFFSPRING 33-can i touch you there MICHAEL BOLTON 32-te hecho de menos hasta morir FERNANDO E 31-shut up (and sleep with me) SIN WITH SEBASTIAN 30-sorrento moon TINA ARENA 29-lies ELTON JOHN 28-hard as a rock AC/DC 27-parinero 95 PET SHOP BOYS 26-raul and the kings of spain TEARS FOR FEARS 25-a now to the coffe MIKIE & THE MECHANES 24-i hate you PRINCE 23-sesenta dias CIENCIAS NATURALES 22-nada soy sin ti OBK 21-so in love with you DUKE 20-country house BLUR 19-pero,a tu lado LOS SECRETOS 18-alright SUPERGRASS 17-negril JUAN PERRO 16-piel de pantera JAVIER ALVAREZ E 15-no despertare SERGIO DALMA 14-waterfalls TLC 13-fairground SIMPLY RED 12-only one road CELINE DION 11-never forget TAKE THAT 10-problema KETAMA 9-polaroice DIEGO BASAYO Y EL CABARET POP 8-las mentiras del viento MANOLO TENA 7-rock and roll is dead LENNY KRAVITZ 6-abriendo puertas GLORIA ESTEFAN 5-something for the pain BON JOVI 4-you are not alone MICHAEL JACKSON 3-sin llaves EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA 2-iberia sumergida HEROES DEL SILENCIO 1-besare el suelo LUZ

04/11/95 40-do you sleep LISA LOEB E 39-living in las vegas SHERYL CROW 38-te hecho de menos hasta morir FERNANDO E 37-te pertenezco AMBRA E 36-runaway JANET JACKSON E 35-ahora 2 IN A ROOM E 34-dentro del armario MARC PARROT 33-connection ELASTICA

32-can i touch you there MICHAEL BOLTON 31-gotta get away OFFSPRING 30-shut up (and sleep with me) SIN WITH SEBASTIAN E 29-sly MASSIVE ATTACK 28-sorrento moon TINA ARENA 27-parinero 95 PET SHOP BOYS 26-a now to the coffe MIKE & THE MECHANICS 25-raul and the kings of spain TEARS FOR FEARS 24-so in love with you DUKE 23-sesenta dias CIENCIAS NATURALES 22-nada soy sin ti OBK 21-i hate you PRINCE E 20-she steam break GREEN DAY 19-hard as a rock AC/DC 18-pero,a tu lado LOS SECRETOS 17-alright SUPERGRASS 16-country house BLUR E 15-fantasy MARIAH CAREY 14-no despertare SERGIO DALMA 13-waterfalls TLC 12-rock and roll is dead LENNY KRAVITZ 11-fairground SIMPLY RED 10-only one road CELINE DION 9-polaroice DIEGO BASAYO Y EL CABARET POP 8-problema KETAMA 7-abriendo puertas GLORIA ESTEFAN 6-las mentiras del viento MANOLO TENA 5-sin llaves EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA 4-you are not alone MICHAEL JACKSON 3-besare el suelo LUZ 2-something for the pain BON JOVI 1-iberia sumergida HEROES DEL SILENCIO

11/11/95 E 40-big time WHIGFIELD E 39-cero MARCO MASINI 38-dentro del armario MARC PARROT 37-ahora 2 IN A ROOM E 36-salvame INMA SERRANO 35-sorrento moon TINA ARENA E 34-esta pegao PROYECTO UNO 33-connection ELASTICA 32-can i touch you there MICHAEL BOLTON 31-a now to the coffe MIKE & THE MECHANICS 30-gotta get away OFFSPRING 29-sesenta dias CIENCIAS NATURALES E 28-gangsta´s paradise COOLIO 27-runaway JANET JACKSON 26-parinero 95 PET SHOP BOYS 25-sly MASSIVE ATTACK E 24-rob way OASIS

23-shut up (and sleep with me) SIN WITH SEBASTIAN E 22-you oughta know ALANIS MORISSETTE 21-nada soy sin ti OBK 20-te pertenezco AMBRA 19-i hate you PRINCE 18-she steam break GEEN DAY 17-hard as a rock AC/DC 16-pero,a tu lado LOS SECRETOS 15-alright SUPERGRASS E 14-mas alla GLORIA ESTEFAN 13-country house BLUR 12-fantasy MARIAH CAREY 11-waterfalls TLC 10-no despertare SEGIO DALMA 9-fairground SIMPLY RED 8-only one road CELINE DION 7-sin llaves EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA 6-problema KETAMA 5-you are not alone MICHAEL JACKSON 4-besare el suelo LUZ 3-las mentiras del viento MANOLO TENA 2-iberia sumergida HEROES DEL SILENCIO 1-something for the pain BON JOVI

18/11/95 E 40-rompe el hielo GATAS NEGRAS E 39-corazon,corazon REBECA 38-cero MARCO MASINI 37-big time WHIGFIELD E 36-una ilusion LOS LIMONES 35-dentro del armario MARC PARROT 34-ahora 2 IN A ROOM 33-salvame INMA SERRANO E 32-i why to steam WILLY DEWILLE 31-can i touch you there MICHAEL BOLTON 30-sly MASSIVE ATTACK E 29-el amor es ciego PACO ARANGO 28-gotta get away OFFSPRING 27-sesenta dias CIENCIAS NATURALES 26-runaway JANET JACKSON 25-gangsta´s paradise COOLIO 24-nada soy sin ti OBK 23-shut up (and sleep with me) SIN WITH SEBASTIAN 22-rob way OASIS E 21-ese beso ROSARIO 20-you oughta know ALANIS MORISSETTE 19-te pertenezco AMBRA E 18-en la oscuridad PRESUNTOS IMPLICADOS 17-waterfalls TLC 16-she steam break GREEN DAY E 15-earth song MICHAEL JACKSON

14-hard as a rock AC/DC 13-pero,a tu lado LOS SECRETOS 12-country house BLUR 11-mas alla GLORIA ESTEFAN E 10-pedir tu mano EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA 9-fantasy MARIAH CAREY E 8-la chispa adecuada HEROES DEL SILENCIO 7-problema KETAMA 6-only one road CELINE DION 5-no despertare SERGIO DALMA 4-besare el suelo LUZ 3-something for the pain BON JOVI 2-las mentiras del viento MANOLO TENA 1-fairground SIMPLY RED

25/11/95 40-ahora 2 IN A ROOM E 39-es tu momento INMA SERRANO E 38-que haras tu cuando mueras MARTA SANCHEZ E 37-celebration FUN FACTORY 36-gotta get away OFFESPRING 35-una ilusion LOS LIMONES 34-sesenta dias CIENCIAS NATURALES E 33-the good like NEW POWER GENERATION E 32-boombastic SHAGGY E 31-aero play RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS 30-i why to steam WILLY DEWILLE E 29-stayin´alive N-TRANCE 28-el amor es ciego PACO ARANGO E 27-dime a KIKO VENENO 26-can i touch you there MICHAEL BOLTON 25-runaway JANET JACKSON 24-she steam break GEEN DAY E 23-why to the eddes C.J.LEWIS 22-shut up (and sleep with me) SIN WITH SEBASTIAN 21-te pertenezco AMBRA 20-gangsta´s paradise COOLIO 19-you oughta know ALANIS MORISSETTE E 18-a espaldas de mi MIKEL ERENTXUN 17-ese beso ROSARIO 16-en la oscuridad PRESUNTOS IMPLICADOS E 15-lo eres todo LUZ 14-hard as a rock AC/DC 13-earth song MICHAEL JACKSON E 12-lie to me BON JOVI 11-country house BLUR 10-pero,a tu lado LOS SECRETOS 9-pedir tu mano EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA 8-fantasy MARIAH CAREY 7-mas alla GLORIA ESTEFAN 6-la chispa adecuada HEROES DEL SILENCIO 5-problema KETAMA 4-only one road CELINE DION

3-fairground SIMPLY RED 2-las mentiras del viento MANOLO TENA 1-no despertare SERGIO DALMA

02/12/95 E 40-a girl like you EDWING COLLINS 39-es tu momento INMA SERRANO E 38-allright DOUBLE VISION 37-celebration FUN FACTORY E 36-to case from me 2 UNLIMITED 35-the good like NEW POWER GENERATION E 34-lucy NACHO GARCIA VEGA 33-el amor es ciego PACO ARANGO 32-can i touch you there MICHAEL BOLTON E 31-in the name of the father BLACK GRAPE 30-aero play RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS 29-runaway JANET JACKSON 28-i why to steam WILLY DEWILLE 27-stayin´alive N-TRANCE E 26-i love get cold like DEF LEPPARD 25-boombastic SHAGGY 24-dime a KIKO VENENO E 23-lucky love ACE OF BASE 22-why to the eddes C.J.LEWIS 21-hard as a rock AC/DC 20-shut up (and sleep with me) SIN WITH SEBASTIAN 19-te pertenezco AMBRA 18-you oughta know ALANIS MORISSETTE 17-pero,a tu lado LOS SECRETOS E 16-heven for everyone QUEEN 15-gangsta´s paradise COOLIO 14-lo eres todo LUZ 13-ese beso ROSARIO 12-en la oscuridad PRESUNTOS IMPLICADOS 11-country house BLUR 10-earth song MICHAEL JACKSON 9-lie to me BON JOVI 8-only one road CELINE DION 7-pedir tu mano EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA 6-mas alla GLORIA ESTEFAN 5-la chispa adecuada HEROES DEL SILENCIO 4-fairground SIMPLY RED 3-no despertare SERGIO DALMA 2-las mentiras del viento MANOLO TENA 1-problema KETAMA

09/12/95 40-allright DOUBLE VISION 39-celebration FUN FACTORY 38-to case from me 2 UNLIMITED 37-a girl like you EDWING COLLINS 36-es tu momento INMA SERRANO 35-the good like NEW POWER GENERATION 34-lucy NACHO GARCIA VEGA E 33-waiting for the story to end FREAK POWER 32-you oughta know ALANIS MORISSETTE 31-aero play RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS 30-in the name of the father BLACK GRAPE E 29-por un abandono LA PIEL 28-i why to steam WILLY DEWILLE 27-dime a KIKO VENENO 26-why to the eddes C.J.LEWIS 25-i love get cold like DEF LEPPARD E 24-todavia una cancion de amor LOS RODRIGUEZ 23-stayin´alive N-TRANCE 22-hard as a rock AC/DC 21-pero,a tu lado LOS SECRETOS E 20-nirvana EL BOSCO 19-boombastic SHAGGY E 18-you don´t understand me ROXETTE 17-shut up (and sleep with me) SIN WITH SEBASTIAN 16-fairground SIMPLY RED 15-te pertenezco AMBRA E 14-¿lo ves? ALEJANDRO SANZ 13-lo eres todo LUZ 12-ese beso ROSARIO 11-heven for everyone QUEEN 10-no despertare SERGIO DALMA 9-gangsta´s paradise COOLIO 8-country house BLUR 7-lie to me BON JOVI 6-earth song MICHAEL JACKSON 5-mas alla GLORIA ESTEFAN 4-pedir tu mano EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA 3-la chispa adecuada HEROES DEL SILENCIO 2-problema KETAMA 1-las mentiras del viento MANOLO TENA

16/12/95 E 40-cy tincia LIMEOZA E 39-my all you ALEXIA E 38-every you ANDY BORIS 37-celebration FUN FACTORY 36-es tu momento INMA SERRANO 35-the good like NEW POWER GENERATION 34-in the name of the father BLACK GRAPE 33-when for the story FREAK POWER

E 32-azucar y sal RIO ARRIBA 31-you oughta know ALANIS MORISSETTE 30-dime a KIKO VENENO 29-por un abandono LA PIEL 28-a girl like you EDWING COLLINS 27-why to the eddes C.J.LEWIS E 26-locos de amor DAVID SANTIESTEBAN 25-aero play RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS 24-i love get cold like DEF LEPPARD E 23-canival THE CARDIGANS 22-¿lo ves? ALEJANDRO SANZ 21-stayin´alive N-TRANCE 20-todavia una cancion de amor LOS RODRIGUEZ 19-hard as a rock AC/DC 18-nirvana EL BOSCO E 17-you´ll see MADONNA 16-boombastic SHAGGY E 15-exhale WHITNEY HOUSTON 14-you don´t understand me ROXETTE 13-te pertenezco AMBRA 12-shut up (and sleep with me) SIN WITH SEBASTIAN 11-ese beso ROSARIO 10-lo eres todo LUZ 9-heven for everyone QUEEN 8-las mentiras del viento MANOLO TENA 7-country house BLUR 6-gangsta´s paradise COOLIO 5-lie to me BON JOVI 4-earth song MICHAEL JACKSON 3-la chispa adecuada HEROES DEL SILENCIO 2-mas alla GLORIA ESTEFAN 1-pedir tu mano EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA

23/12/95 E 40-miss shapes PULP 39-in the name of the father BLACK GRAPE 38-cy tincia LIMEOZA E 37-rosstery BRYAN ADAMS & BOBBY RIDE 36-te pertenezco AMBRA E 35-miss sarajero PASSENGERS 34-the good like NEW POWER GENERATION E 33-power of a woman ETERNAL E 32-pasion por el ruido BARRICADA 31-my all you ALEXIA E 30-abre tu mente LOS SENCILLOS 29-azucar y sal RIO ARRIBA E 28-ain´t no body DIANA KING 27-a girl like you EDWING COLLINS 26-por un abandono LA PIEL 25-locos de amor DAVID SANTIESTEBAN 24-i love get cold like DEF LEPPARD E 23-hay tanto que contar GRETA Y LOS GARBO

22-canival THE CARDIGANS E 21-de aqui a la eternidad JAVIER ALVAREZ 20-todavia una cancion de amor LOS RODRIGUEZ 19-stayin´alive N-TRANCE 18-hard as a rock AC/DC E 17-like a rolling stones THE ROLLING STONES 16-boombastic SHAGGY 15-ese beso ROSARIO E 14-no encuentro un momento para olvidar MIGUEL BOSE 13-shut up (and sleep with me) SIN WITH SEBASTIAN 12-nirvana EL BOSCO 11-you´ll see MADONNA 10-exhale WHITNEY HOUSTON 9-lo eres todo LUZ E 8-jesus to a child GEORGE MICHAEL 7-heven for everyone QUEEN 6-gangsta´s paradise COOLIO 5-pedir tu mano EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA 4-lie to me BON JOVI 3-earth song MICHAEL JACKSON 2-la chispa adecuada HEROES DEL SILENCIO 1-mas alla GLORIA ESTEFAN

30/12/95 40-miss shapes PULP 39-power of a woman ETERNAL E 38-esas cosas diferentes MI CHICA 37-in the name of the father BLACK GRAPE E 36-ay que gustito pa mis orejas RAIMUNDO AMADOR 35-miss sarajero PASSENGERS 34-te pertenezco AMBRA 33-abre tu mente LOS SENCILLOS E 32-please ELTON JOHN 31-azucar y sal RIO ARRIVA 30-ain´t no body DIANA KING 29-a girl like you EDWING COLLINS 28-cy tincia LIMEOZA 27-pasion por el ruido BARRICADA E 26-corazon,corazon REBECA 25-por un abandono LA PIEL 24-locos de amor DAVID SANTIESTEBAN 23-i love get cold like DEFF LEPPARD 22-stayin´alive N-TRANCE 21-hay tanto que contar GRETA Y LOS GARBO E 20-circus LENNY KRAVITZ 19-canival THE CARDIGANS E 18-experiencia religiosa ENRIQUE IGLESIAS 17-de aqui a la eternidad JAVIER ALVAREZ 16-todavia una cancion de amor LOS RODRIGUEZ 15-like a rolling stones ROLLING STONES 14-boombastic SHAGGY 13-nirvana EL BOSCO

12-no encuentro un momento para olvidar MIGUEL BOSE 11-you´ll see MADONNA 10-mas alla GLORIA ESTEFAN 9-exhale WHITNEY HOUSTON 8-lo eres todo LUZ 7-pedir tu mano EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA 6-gangsta´s paradise COOLIO 5-la chispa adecuada HEROES DEL SILENCIO 4-lie to me BON JOVI 3-earth song MICHAEL JACKSON 2-jesus to a child GEORGE MICHAEL 1-heven for everyone QUEEN

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