Lista de Verbos Irregulares II / List of Irregular Verbs II

February 5, 2019 | Author: felsuqui | Category: Syntax, Grammar, Linguistic Typology, Linguistics
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La lista de verbos irregulares contiene Pasado Simple (Past Simple), Participio Pasado (Past Participle), y sus signific...


List of Irregular Verbs + Past Simple + Past Participle + Meaning

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L  V I V (F I) • (to) abide • (to) arise • (to) awake • (to) be • (to) bear • (to) beat • (to) become • (to) befall • (to) beget • (to) begin • (to) behold • (to) bend • (to) bereave • (to) beseech • (to) bestride • (to) bet ◦ • (to) betake • (to) bethink • (to) bid ◦ • (to) bide • (to) bind ◦ • (to) bite • (to) bleed • (to) bless • (to) blow • (to) break • (to) breed ◦ • (to) bring • (to) broadcast ◦ • (to) build • (to) burn • (to) burst ◦ • (to) buy • (to) can • (to) cast ◦ • (to) catch • (to) choose • (to) cleave (to split) • (to) cling ◦ • (to) clothe • (to) come • (to) cost • (to) creep ◦ • (to) crow • (to) cut • (to) deal ◦ • (to) dig • (to) do/does • (to) draw • (to) dream • (to) drink • (to) drive • (to) dwell

P S

P P


abode arose awoke was/were bore beat became befell begot began beheld bent bere bereft ft/b /ber erea eave ved d besought bestrode bet betook bethought bid bode/bided bound bit bled blest/blessed blew broke bred brought broadcast built burnt/burned burst bought could cast caught chose clef cleft/ t/cl clov ove/ e/cl clea eave ved d clung clad/clothed came cost crept crew/crowed cut dealt dug did drew dreamt/dreamed drank drove dwelt/dewelled

abode arisen awoke been borne/born beaten/beat become befallen begotten/begot begun beheld bent bere bereft ft/b /ber erea eave ved d besought bestridden bet betaken bethought bid bided bound bitten bled blest/blessed blown broken bred brought broadcast built burnt/burned burst bought been able cast caught chosen clef cleft/ t/cl clov ove/ e/cl clea eave ved d clung clad/clothed come cost crept crowed cut dealt dug done drawn dreamt/dreamed drunk driven dwelt/dewelled

habitar, morar levantarse despertarse ser, estar aguantar, soportar vencer, golpear llegar a ser ocurrir engendrar empezar(a hacer algo) contemplar doblar(se), curvarse priv privar ar(d (de) e),, desc descon onso sola larr suplicar estar sobre algo apostar recurrir, acudir acordarse(de), considar pujar(subasta), hacer ofertas esperar la oportunidad atar a, encuadernar morder sangrar bendecir soplar romper producir, engendrar traer, llevar emitir, difundir por TV edificar, construir quemar, arder reventar, estallar comprar poder, ser capaz arrojar, emitir(voto) coger, atrapar elegir, escoger part partir irse se,, raja rajars rse e agarrarse, aferrarse vestir(a alguien), cubrir venir, llegar costar, valer deslizarse, arrastrarse cantar(gallo), jactarse cortar dar(de trato) cavar hacer dibujar, trazar soñar beber manejar, conducir habitar, morar


List of Irregular Verbs + Past Simple + Past Participle + Meaning

V (F I) • (to) eat • (to) fall • (to) feed • (to) feel • (to) fight • (to) find • (to) flee ◦ • (to) fling ◦ • (to) fly • (to) forbear • (to) forbid • (to) forecast ◦ • (to) foreknow • (to) foresee • (to) foretell • (to) forget • (to) forgive • (to) forsake ◦ • (to) forswear • (to) freeze • (to) get  • (to) give • (to) go • (to) grind ◦ • (to) grow up • (to) hamstring • (to) hang  • (to) have • (to) hear • (to) heave • (to) hew • (to) hide • (to) hit • (to) hold • (to) hurt • (to) inlay • (to) keep • (to) kneel • (to) knit • (to) know • (to) lade • (to) lay • (to) lead • (to) lean • (to) leap • (to) learn • (to) leave • (to) lend • (to) let • (to) lie • (to) light • (to) lose • (to) make • (to) may

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P S

P P


ate fell fed felt fought found fled flung flew forbore forbade forecast foreknew foresaw foretold forgot forgave forsook forswore froze got gave went ground grew up hamstrung hung had heard hove oved/h d/heave eaved d hewed hid hit held hurt inlaid kept knelt knit knew laded laid led lean leant/ t/le lean aned ed lept/leaped learnt/learned left lent let lay lit/lighted lost made might

eaten fallen fed felt fought found fled flung flown forborne forbidden forecast foreknown foreseen foretold forgotten forgiven forsaken forsworn frozen got given gone ground grown up hamstrung hung had heard hove hoven/ n/h heave eaved d hewn/hewed hidden hit held hurt inlaid kept knelt knit known laden/laded laid led lean leant/ t/le lean aned ed lept/leaped learnt/learned left lent let lain lit/lighted lost made

comer caer(se alimentar sentir, tocar luchar(contra) encontrar, hallar huir, abandonar lanzar, dar un empujon a volar abstenerse prohibir pronosticar preconocer preveer, antever predecir olvidar perdonar abandonar, renunciar a abjurar, renunciar, perjurar congelar(se), helar(se) recibir, conseguir dar (algo a alguien) ir(se), marchar(se)) moler(se), afilar crecer, cultivar debilitar colgar tener oir, escuchar tir tirar, ar, empu mpujar, jar, arr arrojar ojar labrar, extraer ocultar, esconder pegar, golpear, chocar aguantar, agarrar dañar, herir incrustar, embutir guardar, quedarse arrodillarse tejer, hacer punto saber, conocer cargar, embarcar colocar, poner llevar, conducir apoy apoyar ar(s (se) e) en, en, incl inclin inar ar(s (se) e) saltar, brincar aprender ir(se), salir (de), dejar prestar algo(a alguien) dejar, permitir echarse, yacer encender(se), iluminar perder hacer, fabricar quiza


List of Irregular Verbs + Past Simple + Past Participle + Meaning

V (F I) • (to) mean • (to) meet • (to) miscast • (to) misdeal • (to) mow • (to) mislead • (to) misspell • (to) misspend • (to) mistake • (to) misunderstand • (to) mow • (to) must • (to) outbid • (to) outdo • (to) outgrow • (to) outrun • (to) outshine • (to) overbear • (to) overcome • (to) overdo • (to) overfeed • (to) overhang • (to) overhear • (to) overlay • (to) overleap • (to) overlie • (to) override • (to) overrun • (to) oversee • (to) overset • (to) overshoot • (to) oversleep • (to) overtake • (to) overthrow • (to) partake • (to) pay • (to) prove • (to) put • (to) quit  • (to) read • (to) rebind • (to) rebuild • (to) recast • (to) redo • (to) relay • (to) remake • (to) rend • (to) repay • (to) rerun • (to) reset • (to) retell • (to) rewind • (to) rewrite

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P S

P P


meant met miscast misdealt mowed misled missp misspelt elt/mi /mispe spelle lled d misspent mistook mis misunde unders rsto too od mowed had to out outbade bade/o /ou utbid tbid outdid outgrew outran outshone overbore overcame overdid overfed overhung overheard overlaid overleapt overlay overrode overran oversaw overset overshot overslept overtook overthrew partook paid proved put quit read rebound rebuilt recast redid relaid remade rent/rended repaid reran reset retold rewound rewrote

meant met miscast misdealt mown misled misspe misspelt/ lt/mis mispel pelled led misspent mistaken misu misund nde erstoo stood d mown/mowed

querer decir, significar encontrarse, conocerse escoger actor inadecuado reparto erroneo, mal negocio segar, cortar despistar, engañar escrib escribir ir con mala mala ortogr ortografí afía a malgastar errar, equivocarse enten tender der o int interpre rpreta tarr mal mal segar, guadañar, dallar deber, haber de, tener que pujar ujar,, ofre frecece cecerr más más que sobrepujar, exceder crecer mas, hacerse muy grande aventajar, dejar detras eclipsar agobiar, abrumar, oprimir vencer, superar exagerar, pasarse con sobrealimentar colgar(por encimar) oir(por casualidad) recubrir, dar una capa sobrepasar la capacidad de uno descansar, estar sobre atropellar, pisotear cubrir enteramente, inundar vigilar, inspeccionar volcar, voltear, tumbar tirar por encima, más alla de dormir demasiado adelantar(a), desbancar tumbar, derribar, vencer participar en comer pagar(algo) probar, demostrar poner, colocar, meter dejar(de hacer algo) leer reencuadernar, volver a atar reconstruir reformar, refundir rehacer transmitir, retransmitir(TV, Radio) rehacer desgarrar, rasgar pagar(prestamo), reembolsar reponer, reestrenar, reanudar reajustar, poner a cero volver a contar rebobinar reescribir

outb outbid idde den n/out outbid bid outdone outgrown outrun outshone overborne overcome overdone overfed overhung overheard overlaid overleapt overlain overridden overrun overseen overset overshot overslept overtaken overthrow partaken paid proved/proven(USA) put quit read rebound rebuilt recast redone relaid remade rent/rended repaid rerun reset retold rewound rewritten


List of Irregular Verbs + Past Simple + Past Participle + Meaning

V (F I) I) • (to) rid • (to) ride • (to) ring • (to) rise • (to) run • (to) say • (to) saw • (to) see • (to) seek ◦ • (to) sell • (to) send • (to) set • (to) sew • (to) shake • (to) shall • (to) shear • (to) shed ◦ • (to) shave • (to) shear • (to) shine • (to) shoe • (to) shoot • (to) show • (to) shred • (to) shrink ◦ • (to) shut • (to) sing • (to) sink ◦ • (to) sit • (to) slay • (to) sleep • (to) slide ◦ • (to) sling • (to) slink • (to) slit ◦ • (to) smell • (to) smite • (to) sow • (to) speak • (to) speed • (to) spell • (to) spend • (to) spill • (to) spin ◦ • (to) spit • (to) split ◦ • (to) spoil • (to) spread ◦ • (to) spring ◦ • (to) stand • (to) stave • (to) steal

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P S

P P


rid/ridded rode rang rose ran said sawed saw sought sold sent set sewed shook should sheared shed shaved sheared shone shod shod/s /sho hoed ed shot showed shre shred/ d/sh shre redd dded ed shrank/shrunk shut sang sank sat slew slept slid slung slunk slit smelt/smelled smote sowed spoke sped spelt spent spilt/spilled spun spat split spoi spoillt/sp t/spoi oilled spread sprang stood stove/staved stole

rid/ridded ridden rung risen run said sawn seen sought sold sent set sewn shaken

librarse(de), deshacerse(de) montar, cabalgar timbrar, sonar(teléfono o timbre) elevarse, subir correr decir serrar(con una sierra) ver buscar vender enviar, mandar algo(a algn) poner, colocar coser sacudir, agitar (Verbo Ax. para formar el futuro) esquilar, trasquilar deshacerse de afeitar(se) esquilar brillar calz calzar ar,, herr herrar ar(u (un n caba caball llo) o) disparar(algo), fusilar mostrar, enseñar hace acer tira tiras, s, desm desmen enuz uzar ar enconger(se), reducir(se) cerrar(se) cantar hundir(se) sentarse, estar sentado matar(violentamente) dormir deslizarse, resbalar colgar deslizarse(sigilosamente) cortar oler(a algo) golpear sembrar hablar acelerar deletrear, suponer gastar(en algo), pasar(tiempo) derramar, verter hilar, tejer(araña) escupir partir(se), dividir(se) estro strop pear(s ar(se) e),, arr arruin uinar(s ar(se e) cubrir, extenderse saltar, brotar(lagrimas) estar de pie reventar, desfondar robar

shorn/sheared shed shaven/shaved shorn shone shod shod/s /sho hodd dden en/s /sho hoed ed shot shown shre shred/ d/sshred hredde ded d shrunk shut sung sunk sat slain slept slid slung slunk slit smelt/smelled smote sown spoken sped spelt spent spilt/spilled spun spat split spoil poilt/ t/sp spoi oilled spread sprung stood stove/staved stolen


List of Irregular Verbs + Past Simple + Past Participle + Meaning

V (F I) • (to) stick • (to) sting ◦ • (to) stink ◦ • (to) stride • (to) strike ◦ • (to) string • (to) strive ◦ • (to) sunburn • (to) swear • (to) sweat • (to) sweep • (to) swell • (to) swim • (to) swing ◦ • (to) take • (to) teach • (to) tear • (to) tell • (to) think • (to) thrive • (to) throw • (to) thrust ◦ • (to) tread • (to) unbend • (to) unbind • (to) underbid • (to) undergo • (to) understand • (to) undertake • (to) undo • (to) unwind • (to) uphold • (to) upset • (to) wake up • (to) waylay • (to) wear • (to) weave ◦ • (to) wed • (to) weep ◦ • (to) wet • (to) will • (to) win • (to) wind ◦ • (to) withdraw • (to) withhold • (to) withstand • (to) wring • (to) write 

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P S

P P


stuck stung stank strod struck strung strove/strived sun sunburn urnt/sun /sunbu burrned swore sweat swept swelled swam swung took taught tore told thought throve threw thrust trod unbent unbound underbid underwent understood undertook undid unwound upheld upset woke up waylaid wore wove wed/wedded wept wet/wetted would won wound withdrew withheld withstood wrung wrote

stuck stung stunk stridden struck/stricken strung striven/strived sunb sunbur urn nt/sun /sunbu burn rned ed sworn sweat swept swollen swum swung taken taught torn told thought thriven thrown thrust trodden unbent unbound underbid undergone understood undertaken undone unwound upheld upset woken up waylaid worn woven wed/wedden wept wet/wetted

hincar, clavar picar, escocer apestar, heder andar a zancos golpear, pegar colgar algo(con cuerda) esforzarse quem quemar arsse al sol jurar sudar barrer hinchar(se) nadar balancear(se) coger, tomar enseñar, dar clases(de) rasgar(se) contar, saber, explicar pensar prosperar lanzar, arrojar meter, clavar, hundir pisar, aplastar algo enderezar, desencorvar desatar, desligar ofrecer menos que, rebajar experimentar, sufrir entender, comprender emprender, encargarse(de) deshacer, desatar, anular desenrollar(se), relajarse defender(derechos), mantener(tradición) disgustar, afectar despertarse acechar, abordar, demorar llevar(puesto), usar tejer algo(con algo) casarse, unir llorar mojar, humedecer desear(forma futura de verbos) ganar enrrollar, serpentear retirar(se) retener, ocultar(información) resistir torcer, estrujar escribir

won wound withdrawn withheld withstood wrung written

In British English: get-got-got. In American English: get-got-gotten/got. hang  is a regular verb when it means to kill someone with a rope around his/her neck. COMPARE:  I hung


my clothes in the closet. They hanged the murderer by the neck until he was dead.  Also possible in British English: quit-quitted-quitted.


List of Irregular Verbs + Past Simple + Past Participle + Meaning ◦

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Definition of some of the less frequently used Irregular Verbs:

ager:: offer offer to to pay pay mone moneyy if one one lose loses. s. bet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wager

move dow downw nwa ard, rd, ofte often n under under wat water er.. sink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . move

bid . . . . . . .make an offer offer of money money,, usually usually at a public public sale. sale.

slide .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . glid lide smoo smootthly hly; slip slip or or ski skid.

bind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f a s t e n o r s e c u r e .

slit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c ut ut a na narrow op op en ening.

breed . . . . . . . . . . . brin bring g animal animalss togethe togetherr to produ produce ce young young..

spin ..................turn rapidly around a central point.

broadcast . . . . send informatio information n by radio waves; waves; announce. announce.

split .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. div divid idee int into o tw two or or mo more par parts. ts.

burst .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..exp ..explod lode; bre break sudd suddeenly. ly.

spread . . . . push push out in all direc directi tions ons (e.g., butter on bread,

cast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t h r o w .


cling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hold on tightly.

jump or rise rise sudden suddenly ly from from a still still positi position on.. spring . . . . . . . . . jump

creep . . crawl crawl close to the ground; move slowly and quietly. quietly.

sting . . . . . . . . . . . . caus causee pain pain wit with h a sha sharp obj objec ectt (e.g., pin)

cling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hold on tightly.

or bite (e.g., by an insect). stink .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . have a bad or or fo foul sm smell. strike .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. hit hit som somethi thing wit with for force. strive .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. try try har hard to ar archie hieve a goal. swing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mo move ba back an and fo forth. thrust .............................. push forcibly; shove. weave . . form form by passing pieces of material over and under each other (as in making baskets, cloth). weep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cry. wind .. . .. .. .. . (so (soun unds ds lik likee find ) turn around and around.

creep . . crawl crawl close to the ground; move slowly and quietly. quietly. deal . . . . . . . . . . dist distri ribut butee playi playing ng card cardss to each each perso person; n; give give

attention to (deal with). flee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e sc scap e; e; run away. fling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t h r o w w i t h f o r c e . forecast .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . pre predi dicct a fut futur uree ocur ocurre renc nce. e. forsake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ab abandon or or de desert. grind .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . cru crush sh,, redu reducce to sm small all pie pieces. ces. seek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lo l o ok fo f or. rop off off or or ge get ri rid of of. shed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d ro shrink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b ec ecome smaller.


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