List of Psychological Tests

December 20, 2016 | Author: AiraShanaAlcover | Category: N/A
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Psychological Tests...



IPIP-NEO Personality Test The International Personality Item Pool test, commonly known as the IPIP-NEO test, measures an employee's personality on five broad personality cateories and !" sub-cateories# Orani$ations can use this test to evaluate an employee's ability to et alon in a multicultural settin, which is important because lobali$ation brins employees, customers and suppliers from around the world# The five broad cateories and sub-cateories are e%trav e%travers ersion ion or rear reariou iousne sness, ss, with with sub-cat sub-cateo eorie riess of friend friendlin liness ess,, social social enae enaemen mentt and activi activity ty level& level& areeableness, which involves trust, altruism and cooperation& conscientiousness, with sub-cateories of selfconfidence, cautiousness and achievement& neuroticism or self-consciousness, which refers to sensitivity to other people's opinions& and openness to new e%periences, which includes adventurousness and the readiness to challene authority# authority#

Kolbe Index The olbe Inde%, named after orani$ational theorist athy olbe, is based on the premise that an employee's problem-solvin abilities are stable and independent of intellience, personality and education# The inde% specifies four problem-solvin modes( fact finder, which involves information atherin& follow-throuh, which refers to the schedulin and orani$in of activities& )uick start, which means innovation and risk takin& and the solution implementation process# Employees answer several multiple-choice )uestions based on problem-solvin scenarios# The scores for each of the four modes reveal whether an employee is likely to initiate action, respond to needs or prevent problems# *ompanies can use this assessment method to match employees with the riht +obs and improve orani$ational performance#

Flanagan Industrial Tests (FIT) The IT battery offers . individually sold tests that are used for selection, placement, reassinment, and vocational counselin# It offers . individually sold tests that are desined to help measure distinct aptitudes or functions important to a variety of industrial positions# Percentile norms are based on more than /" +ob classifications# 0alidation studies were conducted in various companies for a variety of +obs and measures were found to be related to +ob performanc performance# e# Note( The IT battery differs differs from the 1*T2 battery battery in that the IT tests are enerally enerally for upper-level positions and have shorter time limits# The tests may be used separately or in any combination. They are designed for Supervisory, technical, office, skilled labour and other industrial positions. These are paper and pencil tests and each package of 25 booklets contains one type of test. They are hand-scored with scoring stencil, yielding 1 individual scores. !ach test takes about 5-15 minutes to complete. "ssembly - 1bility to visuali$e how separate pieces will look as a whole# Ten-minute Ten-minute time limit# #omponents - 1bility to identify a simple fiure that is part of a complete drawin# Ten-minute Ten-minute time limit# #oordination - 1bility to control hand and arm movements while workin throuh a series of ma$es# ive-minute time limit# !lectronics - 1bility to understand electrical and electronic principles as well as analy$e diarams of electrical circuits# ifteen-minute time limit# !$pression - nowlede of correct rammar and sentence structure# ive-minute time limit# %ngenuity - 1bility to think of inenious and effective ways of solvin problems# ifteen-minute time limit# %nspection %nspection - 1bility to spot imperfections or flaws in a series of ob+ects# ive-minute time limit# &udgment and #omprehension #omprehension  - 1bility to read and comprehend iven information# ifteen-minute time limit# 'athematics and (easoning - 1bility to reason throuh mathematical word problems# ifteen-minute time limit# 'echanics - 1bility to understand mechanical principles and analy$e mechanical movement# ifteen-minute time limit# "rithmetic - 1bility to add, subtract, multiply and divide# ive-minute time limit# 'emory 'emory - 1bility to memori$e different terms and their meanins# Ten-minute time limit# )atterns - 1bility to perceive and reproduce pattern outlines accurately# ive-minute ive-minute time limit# )lanning )lanning - 1bility to plan, orani$e and schedule various types of activities# ifteen-minute time limit# )recision - *apacity for precision work with small ob+ects# ive-minute time limit# Scales - 1bility to read scales, raphs and charts# ive-minute time limit# Tables - 1bility to read tables )uickly and accurately# ive-minute ive-minute time limit# *ocabulary - nowlede of words used in business and overnment environments# ifteen-minute time limit# +ormative ata )ercentile norms and stanines provided are based on more than  /ob classifications. )ercentile norms and stanines are also listed liste d for 12th-grade students and male university students entering their first year. *alidation Studies 0%T was validated in various companies and was found to be predictive of /ob success for a number of different /obs.

Beck Anxiety Inentory )urpose 3esined to discriminate an%iety from depression in individuals# )opulation 1dults# Score 4ields a total score Time 56-"7 minutes# "uthor 1aron T# 8eck# )ublisher The )ublisher The Psycholoical *orporation# escription The 8eck 1n%iety Inventory 581I7 was developed to address the need for an instrument that would reliably discriminate an%iety from depression while displayin converent validity# 9uch an instrument would offer advantaes for clinical and research purposes over e%istin self-report measures, which have not been shown to differentiate an%iety from depression ade)uately# ade)uately# Scoring The scale consists of : items, each describin a common symptom of an%iety# The respondent is asked to rate how much he or she has been bothered by each symptom symptom over the past week on a /-point /-point scale ranin from " to !# The items are summed to obtain a total score that can rane from " to ;!# (eliability The scale obtained hih internal consistency and item-total correlations ranin from #!" to #9 scores in two samples( a7 :! outpatients in a eneral medical practice and b7 ;: hospitali$ed patients who had recently attempted suicide# In the eneral practice sample, the correlation between the 8>9 and the ratins of hopelessness was #ih school and collee students# Score Two types of scores on the four iven dimensions# Time Not reported# "uthors Isabel 8ris Ayers and atharine *# 8ris# )ublisher *onsultin Psycholoists Press, Inc# escription The Ayers-8ris Type Indicator 5A8TI7 is a forced-choice, self-report inventory that attempts to classify individuals accordin to an adaptation of *arl unKs theory of conscious psycholoical type# There is the assumption that human behavior, perceived as random and diverse, is actually )uite orderly and consistent# This view supposes that the observed variability is due to Gcertain basic differences in the way people prefer to use perception and +udment#G The A8TI should be rearded Gas affordin hypotheses for further testin and verification rather than infallible e%pectations of all behaviors#G Scoring The A8TI classifies individuals alon four theoretically independent dimensions# The first dimension is a eneral attitude toward the world, either e%traverted 5E7 or introverted 5I7# The second dimension, perception, describes a function and is divided between sensation 597 and intuition 5N7# The third dimension, also a function, is that of processin# Once information is received, it is processed in either a thinkin 5T7 or feelin 57 style# The final dimension is +udin 57 versus perceivin 5P7# (eliability Cith test-retest intervals from five weeks to : months, reliability coefficients rane from #owever, establishin reliability and subse)uent validity has been a common problem for pro+ective testin in eneral# *alidity The TEA19 manual implies criterion-related validity usin a rather comple% reression analysis that concludes ; to :: of the variance of therapeutic outcomes is predicted usin four standardi$ed measures and four ratins of raduate students as criteria# The analysis reported is not sufficient evidence to conclude that correlational validity has been established# In independent research, the verbal responses of >ispanic children  were reater to the TEA19 than to the T1T, however there is a lack of differential effectiveness of the minority cards# 1dditionally, reater verbal response does not necessarily indicate that the scores for 8lack or >ispanic students were more valid measures of personality than the scores that miht have been obtained on the T1T# The TEA19 is based on a reasonable premise 5i#e#, e%istin pro+ective techni)ues may be culturally insensitive7 and the measure has promisin construct related validity, but it has not yet established criterion-related validity and has yet to show that it is better than the T1T or similar measures at assessin the personality characteristics of minority children# The well-established T1T is still the suested standard for thematic pro+ective investiations# The reliability of the TEA19 is not acceptable when estimated with both internal consistency and test-retest methods# The TEA19 is not an improvement over other pro+ective tests and may have poorer psychometric properties than e%istin measures# The TEA19 cards may be useful for research purposes so direct comparisons to the T1T and other personality instruments are encouraed# *linical or predictive uses of the TEA19 are still )uestionable and caution is recommended, even when minority children are the clients# +orms The normative sample included :,""" individuals aes  to .6J years, spanned The sample was representative of the H9 population census for ender, socioeconomic status 5e%aminee or parental education levels7, and race or ethnic roup#

Suggested use The TEA19 is of clinical use to better understand the conitive, affective and personality functions, ive problem-specific information in order to develop a more accurate treatment plan, to assess therapeutic proress and outcome#

Peabody Picture 'ocabulary Test -- eised )urpose 3esined primarily to measure a sub+ectKs receptive 5hearin7 vocabulary for 9tandard 1merican Enlish# )opulation 1es :#6 to /"# Score  score# Time 5"-:"7 minutes# "uthors loyd A# 3unn, eota A# 3unn, @ary # ?obertson, and ay # Eisenber# )ublisher 1merican @uidance 9ervice# escription The Peabody Picture 0ocabulary Test - ?evised 5PP0T-?7 was desined as a measure of receptive lanuae and has replaced the oriinal Peabody Picture 0ocabulary Test 5PP0T7 published in B6B# The PP0T-? retains many features of its predecessor# or e%ample, it consists of two forms 5 and A7, allows a verbal or nonverbal response, is individually administered, and is untimed 5althouh administration time typically re)uires only 6-:" minutes7# The PP0T-? contains !6" items makin it more reliable and discriminatin than the PP0T, which had only !"" items# Scoring The score is obtained by subtractin errors from total ceilin score# (eliability The test manual reports internal consistencies from #; to #.., and alternate form reliability values from #owever, results from two studies indicate comparable mean standard scores between the PP0T-? and Ac*arthy 9cales of *hildrenKs 1bilities# *orrelations ranin from #; to #
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