List of documents/records to be made available during the visit (Instruction: Records of last three years to be made available, wherever applicable)
The following list is just a guideline. The institution may prepare its own list of documents in support of the SAR that it is submitting. The soft copy of these documents ( in the form of statements and list only) may be appended with the SAR.
Institute Specific iles to be prepared (From NA e!aluation manual) ".#. $and papers% built&plan% and appro!al% etc. ".'. omposition of go!erning% senate% and other academic and administrati!e bodies their functions and responsibilities. $ist of all the meetings held in the past three years along with the attendance records. Representati!e minutes and action ta*en reports of a few meetings of such bodies along with the list of current faculty members who are members of such bodies. ".+. Rules% policies% and procedures published by the institution including ser!ice boo* and academic regulations and others% along with the proof that the employees,students are aware of the rules and procedures. ".-. udget allocation and utilisation% audited statement of acco unts. ".. "nformati!e website. "./. $ibrary resources&&&boo*s and journal holdings. ".0. $isting of core% computing% and manufacturing% etc.% labs. ".1. Records of T23 and career and guidance cells. ".4. Records of safety chec*s and critical installations. ".#5. 6edical care records and usages of ambulance% etc. ".##. Academic Academic calendar% schedule of tutorial% and ma*eup classes. ".#'. 7andouts,files along with outcomes% list of additional topics to meet the outcomes. ".#+. Set of 8uestion papers% assignments% e!aluation schemes% etc. ".#-. Feedbac* form% analysis of feedbac*% and correcti!e actions. ".#. 9ocumented feedbac* recei!ed from the sta*eholders (e.g.% industries% parents% alumni% financiers% etc.) of the institution. ".#/. $ist of faculty who teach first year courses along with their 8ualifications.
".#0. Results of the first year students.
!rogramme Specific iles to be prepared (From NA e!aluation manual) :ach programme for which an institution see*s accreditation or reaccreditation must ha!e in place the following; 3.# NA accreditation reports of the past !isits% if any 3.' 9epartment budget and allocations (past three years data) 3.+ Admission&&&seats filled and ran*s (last three years data) 3.- $ist,number of students who h a ! e cleared the programme in four years (last three years data) 3.
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