List of Companies Dubai

January 28, 2017 | Author: harshilrasputra | Category: N/A
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Company Name: King Technical

Contact name: Sonu sing Main region covered: Dubai Creek  Address: P.O.Box P.O.Box 3654 Oice !o. 4" #treet $ 45 Contact %e&: '()*55*+''63'4 ,mai& Address: kingtec-nica&3gmai&.com /eb /e b Address: -tt0:11king*tec-nica&.com1ne2+1round*bars.-tm #ervices oered : Manuacture" Manuacture Descri0tion o services: ing %ec-nica& %ec-nica& 0rovide -ig- ua&it" stain&ess stee& round bar. or more inormation about our 0roducts and 0rices ca&& u s  7'()*58*)49)')6.

Company Name: Riddhi Display Equipments Pvt. Ltd.

Contact name: Shailesh Patel Main region covered: A&*#uouAddress: idd-i Dis0&a ,ui0ments Pvt. ;td. P. O. Box !o. 4+98'" #-arie2 >i e2 ;ocation Ma0 Post Code: 4+98' Contact %e&: %e&: '()653)8'68 '()653)8'6 8 ,mai& Address: ino.ridd-idis0&agmai&.com /eb Address: -tt0:11222.ridd-idis0&a.com1 #ervices oered : Manuacture Descri0tion o services: idd-i Dis0&a ,ui0ments Pvt. ;td. is 2e&& kno2n a&& kinds o dis0&a counter and eui0ment manuacturers and ex0orters in ?ndia as 2e&& as in g&oba& market since it ounded in )'95. Com0an is certiied 2it- ?#O '88):+889 u&a&it management standards or its -ig- ua&it 0roduction 2ork. /e 0roduce dis0&a counter or baker and s2eets" c-at" ast ood" restaurant and eui0ment is &ike rerigeration eui0ments and kitc-en eui0ments. A&& t-ese dis0&a counter and eui0ment 0roducts is made rom -ig- ua&it materia&s. Our 0roduced dis0&a counter and ot-er eui0ments are 2e&& designed b ex0erts 2-ic- are 0erect suitab&e or customer reuirements.

Company Name: i!tual Elect!onics Company

Contact name: "mit Singh

Main region covered: ?nternet Cit Address: ))851) sa&em0ur aie2 ;ocation Ma0 Post Code: +4(66( Contact %e&: '()'4))(64 ,mai& Address: +3sing-.amit'5gmai&.com /eb Address: -tt0:11virtua& #ervices oered : Manuacture" #o&ar ,nerg" ,&ectronics Descri0tion o services: >irtua& ,&ectronics Com0an" oorkee is in t-e ie&d o Manuacturing and #u00&ing o /eat-er Monitoring sstem"@dro&ogica&" Meteoro&ogica&" #oi&" %esting" orest" Agro Meteoro&ogica&" Po&&ution Monitoring" #cientiic ?nstruments and Data ;ogger.

Company Name: Du!aPoint "utomotive Paints

Contact name: Saeed Main region covered: Dubai ?nternationa& Air0ort Address: ?ndustria& 6 #-arie2 ;ocation Ma0 Post Code: 3888 Contact %e&: 7'()555668)88 ,mai& Address: ino /eb Address: #ervices oered : Manuacture Descri0tion o services: %-e DuraPoint Automotive einis- brand is one o t-e &eading innovative reinis- 0aint brands" avai&ab&e in man cou ntries t-roug- net2orks o im0orters and s0ecia&ist distributors.%-e DuraPoint Automotive einis- brand is constant& bui&ding its re0utation. ?t does so t-roug- its commitment to im0roving books-o0  ua&it"  0roductivit and 0roitabi&it" and b de&ivering innovative 0roducts and re0air 0rocesses" outstanding co&or ua&it" and dedicated too&s an d services. At DuraPoint Automotive einis-" 2e continua&& strive to ac-ieve exce&&ence and create va&ue or our customers" su00orted b a strong commitment to our core va&ues.

Company Name: Khai#e! Sta! Sa$ety %lass &acto!y L.L.C

Contact name: 'ansoo! Shah Main region covered: A&*usais Address: !ear a&adari Driving #c-oo& A& usais 4 >ie2 ;ocation Ma0 Post Code: )+(86) Contact %e&: 7'()4+6(((56 ,mai& Address: k-aiberg&assgmai&.com /eb Address: -tt0:11222.k-aiberg& #ervices oered : Manuacture" ames Descri0tion o services: %-e actor is one o t-e most re&iab&e g&ass 0rocessing com0an in =A, and -as com0&eted 0ro
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