Download Liquid Crystal Pokedex (Complete Till New Version)...
This pokemon locatio FAQ FAQ is written by me, dirk123. This FAQ was made for LaZ and my loyal fans and whiners, !"st kiddin#$. The FAQ FAQ is split in fo"r parts% part s% 1. &ohto 2. 'anto 3. (ran (ran#e #e )sla )sland ndss *. &ohto +aes -. 'ant 'antoo +a +aes es nderline / 0"rfin# Italic / Fishin# adancemap doesnt say which rod$ Bold / Tree headb"ttin# ormal / rass4cae floor ) will p"t some cae maps when a cae has m"ltiple floors. That way it is easier to find yo"r pokemon. The same #oes for the (ran#e )slands. se 5idoran67 or 5idoran87 with +T9L:F ti find their locations.
Johto New Bark Town Town Lv5-15 Magikarp Lv5-25 Horsea Lv5-15 Krabby Lv15-25 Shellder
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