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Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG Information and activities to teach students about liquefied natural gas—LNG.

Grade Level: n Elementary n Intermediate n Secondary

Subject Areas: n n n n n

Science Social Studies Math Language Arts Technology



NEED Mission Statement

Teacher Advisory Board Shelly Baumann Rockford, MI

Matthew Inman Spokane, Washington

Constance Beatty Kankakee, IL

Michelle Lamb Buffalo Grove, IL

Sara Brownell Canyon Country, CA

Barbara Lazar Albuquerque, NM

Loree Burroughs Merced, CA

Robert Lazar Albuquerque, NM

Amy Constant Raleigh, NC

Leslie Lively Reader, WV

Joanne Coons Clifton Park, NY

Mollie Mukhamedov Port St. Lucie, FL

Nina Corley Galveston, TX

Don Pruett Sumner, WA

Regina Donour Whitesburg, KY

Josh Rubin Palo Alto, CA

Linda Fonner New Martinsville, WV

Joanne Spaziano Cranston, RI

Samantha Forbes Vienna, VA

Gina Spencer Virginia Beach, VA

Viola Henry Thaxton, VA

Tom Spencer Chesapeake, VA

Robert Hodash Bakersfield, CA

Joanne Trombley West Chester, PA

DaNel Hogan Kuna, ID

Jim Wilkie Long Beach, CA

Greg Holman Paradise, CA

Carolyn Wuest Pensacola, FL

Linda Hutton Kitty Hawk, NC

Wayne Yonkelowitz Fayetteville, WV

The mission of The NEED Project is to promote an energy conscious and educated society by creating effective networks of students, educators, business, government and community leaders to design and deliver objective, multisided energy education programs.

Teacher Advisory Board Statement In support of NEED, the national Teacher Advisory Board (TAB) is dedicated to developing and promoting standardsbased energy curriculum and training.

Permission to Copy NEED materials may be reproduced for non-commercial educational purposes.

Energy Data Used in NEED Materials NEED believes in providing the most recently reported energy data available to our teachers and students. Most statistics and data are derived from the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Annual Energy Review that is published in June of each year. Working in partnership with EIA, NEED includes easy to understand data in our curriculum materials. To do further research, visit the EIA web site at EIA’s Energy Kids site has great lessons and activities for students at

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Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG Table of Contents

© 2012 The NEED Project

P.O. Box 10101, Manassas, VA 20108

ƒƒCorrelations to National Science Education Standards


ƒƒTeacher Guide


ƒƒForms of Energy Master


ƒƒEnergy Transformations Master


ƒƒFusion Master


ƒƒPhotosynthesis Master


ƒƒNatural Gas Formation Master


ƒƒNatural Gas Combined-Cycle Power Plant Master


ƒƒInformational Text


ƒƒForms and Sources of Energy


ƒƒNatural Gas Energy Flow


ƒƒEnergy Flow Organizer


ƒƒLNG Production to Market


ƒƒLNG as a System


ƒƒThe LNG Chain


ƒƒNational Gas In the Round


ƒƒChemical Models


ƒƒOil and Gas Career Game


ƒƒEvaluation Form




Correlations to National Science Education Standards: Grades 5-8 This book has been correlated to National Science Education Content Standards. For correlations to individual state standards, visit

Content Standard E | Science and Technology ƒƒ Understandings about Science and Technology

ƒƒ Science and technology are reciprocal. Science helps drive technology, as it addresses questions that demand more sophisticated instruments and provides principles for better instrumentation and technique. Technology is essential to science, because it provides instruments and techniques that enable observations of objects and phenomena that are otherwise unobservable due to factors such as quantity, distance, location, size, and speed. Technology also provides tools for investigations, inquiry, and analysis. ƒƒ Perfectly designed solutions do not exist. All technological solutions have trade-offs, such as safety, cost, efficiency, and appearance. Engineers often build in back-up systems to provide safety. Risk is part of living in a highly technological world. Reducing risk often results in new technology.

Content Standard F | Science in Personal and Social Perspectives ƒƒ Risks and Benefits

ƒƒ Students should understand the risks associated with natural hazards (fires, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, Earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions), with chemical hazards (pollutants in air, water, soil, and food), with biological hazards (pollen, viruses, bacterial, and parasites), social hazards (occupational safety and transportation), and with personal hazards (smoking, dieting, and drinking). ƒƒ Individuals can use a systematic approach to thinking critically about risks and benefits. Examples include applying probability estimates to risks and comparing them to estimated personal and social benefits.

ƒƒ Science and Technology in Society

ƒƒ Science influences society through its knowledge and world view. Scientific knowledge and the procedures used by scientists influence the way many individuals in society think about themselves, others, and the environment. The effect of science on society is neither entirely beneficial nor entirely detrimental. ƒƒ Technology influences society through its products and processes. Technology influences the quality of life and the ways people act and interact. Technological changes are often accompanied by social, political, and economic changes that can be beneficial or detrimental to individuals and to society. Social needs, attitudes, and values influence the direction of technological development. Science cannot answer all questions and technology cannot solve all human problems or meet all human needs. Students should understand the difference between scientific and other questions. They should appreciate what science and technology can reasonably contribute to society and what they cannot do. For example, new technologies often will decrease some risks and increase others.


Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

Correlations to National Science Education Standards: Grades 9-12 This book has been correlated to National Science Education Content Standards. For correlations to individual state standards, visit

Content Standard E | Science and Technology ƒƒ Understandings about Science and Technology ƒƒ Science often advances with the introduction of new technologies. Solving technological problems often results in new scientific knowledge. New technologies often extend the current levels of scientific understanding and introduce new areas of research. ƒƒ Creativity, imagination, and a good knowledge base are all required in the work of science and engineering. ƒƒ Science and technology are pursued for different purposes. Scientific inquiry is driven by the desire to understand the natural world, and technological design is driven by the need to meet human needs and solve human problems. Technology, by its nature, has a more direct effect on society than science because its purpose is to solve human problems, help humans adapt, and fulfill human aspirations. Technological solutions may create new problems. Science, by its nature, answers questions that may or may not directly influence humans. Sometimes scientific advances challenge people’s beliefs and practical explanations concerning various aspects of the world.

Content Standard F | Science in Personal and Social Perspectives ƒƒ Natural Resources ƒƒ Human populations use resources in the environment in order to maintain and improve their existence. Natural resources have been and will continue to be used to maintain human populations. ƒƒ The Earth does not have infinite resources; increasing human consumption places severe stress on the natural processes that renew some resources, and it depletes those resources that cannot be renewed.

ƒƒ Environmental Quality ƒƒ Many factors influence environmental quality. Factors that students might investigate include population growth, resource use, population distribution, overconsumption, the capacity of technology to solve problems, poverty, the role of economic, political, and religious views, and different ways humans view the Earth.

ƒƒ Natural and Human-induced Hazards ƒƒ Human activities can enhance potential for hazards. Acquisition of resources, urban growth, and waste disposal can accelerate rates of natural change. ƒƒ Natural and human-induced hazards present the need for humans to assess potential danger and risk. Many changes in the environment designed by humans bring benefits to society, as well as cause risks. Students should understand the costs and trade-offs of various hazards— ranging from those with minor risk to a few people to major catastrophes with major risk to many people. The scale of events and the accuracy with which scientists and engineers can (and cannot) predict events are important considerations.

ƒƒ Science and Technology in Local, National, and Global Challenges ƒƒ Science and technology are essential social enterprises, but alone they can only indicate what can happen, not what should happen. The latter involves human decisions about the use of knowledge. ƒƒ Understanding basic concepts and principles of science and technology should precede active debate about the economics, policies, politics, and ethics of various science- and technology-related challenges. However, understanding science alone will not resolve local, national, or global challenges. ƒƒ Progress in science and technology can be affected by social issues and challenges. Funding priorities for specific health problems serve as examples of ways that social issues influence science and technology.

© 2012 The NEED Project

P.O. Box 10101, Manassas, VA 20108



Teacher Guide

To teach students about liquefied natural gas and encourage them to evaluate its economic and environmental advantages and disadvantages.

Grade Level ƒElementary ƒ Grade 5 ƒIntermediate ƒ Grades 6–8 ƒSecondary ƒ Grades 9–12

 Time ƒApproximately ƒ 5-8 class periods, depending on activities selected.

Background This guide provides background information on natural gas and liquefied natural gas as an energy source. Familiarize yourself with all of the information and activities contained within the guide and select the activities that best suit your classroom and student needs.

Concepts ƒLiquefied ƒ natural gas is a nonrenewable energy resource. ƒLiquefied ƒ natural gas has economic and environmental advantages and disadvantages.

 Energy Infobooks

ƒLiquids ƒ use less space than gases.

For more information on natural gas as a resource, as well as all of the other sources of energy, reference NEED’s Energy Infobooks. These Infobooks are available for download at any level at

ƒLiquefied ƒ natural gas (LNG) is 1/600th the volume of natural gas. Natural gas is 600 times the volume of LNG. ƒEnergy ƒ is stored in many different forms. ƒEnergy ƒ is neither created nor destroyed; it is transformed from one form to another. ƒMost ƒ of the energy on Earth can be traced back to nuclear fusion in the sun’s core. ƒEnergy ƒ flows through dynamic systems on Earth. ƒThe ƒ LNG chain consists of exploration, production, liquefaction, storage, transportation, regasification, distribution, and end use. ƒLNG ƒ is a global system. All parts of the system are connected. ƒThe ƒ gases that compose natural gas are hydrocarbons. ƒWhen ƒ burned, hydrocarbons produce carbon dioxide and water.

Additional Information For more information about liquefied natural gas, visit:

ƒU.S. ƒ Department of Energy: ƒU.S. ƒ Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: ƒCenter ƒ for Liquefied Natural Gas:

Activity 1: Introduction  Objective ƒTo ƒ become familiar with the basics of natural gas and liquefied natural gas (LNG).

 Materials ƒStudent ƒ informational text, pages 20-26

 Preparation ƒMake ƒ copies of the informational text for each student. ƒConstruct ƒ a large 3-column KWL chart on the board, or digitally for projection.

 Procedure


1. Explain to students that we use many sources for energy every day. A big part of our energy picture is natural gas. Discuss with students that they will be learning basics about natural gas, but also how natural gas can be converted to a liquid, why it is done, and the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.

Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

2. Ask students what they know about natural gas and LNG. Record student thoughts in the “K” (or “Know”) column of the KWL chart. Keep track of misconceptions to address as you work through the unit. Ask students what questions they might have about natural gas and LNG. Record these questions in the “W” (or “Want to know,”) column of the KWL chart. 3. Direct students to read the informational text, highlighting or underlining important ideas as they read. Students may make their own KWL charts or graphic organizers to use while reading as well. When students complete the reading, discuss what important concepts they learned, and add ideas as a class to the “L” (or “learned”) column of the KWL Chart. 4. Keep the chart posted or available to add to or use for further discussion as the class completes the activities.

Activity 2: Volume Simulations  Objective ƒTo ƒ compare the volume of natural gas as a gas and as a liquid.

 Materials ƒBeach ƒ ball ƒPing ƒ pong ball ƒ1 ƒ Set of 600 counting units (or the equivalent) for each group (or 1 set of 600 of any item such as cotton balls for each group)

ƒ1 ƒ 800-1000 mL Beaker for each group ƒWater ƒ

 Preparation ƒGather ƒ the beach ball, ping pong ball, and counting units. ƒDivide ƒ the students into groups of three to five. ƒFill ƒ each beaker with 1 mL of water.

 Procedure 1. Explain to the students that natural gas is typically found in a gaseous state. Explain that natural gas can be changed into a liquid (LNG) by making it very cold (-260°F or -162.2°C). 2. Ask the students what happens to the volume of a gas when it becomes a liquid. (The volume of a gas is reduced when it is a liquid.) 3. Show the students the beach ball and the ping pong ball. Ask them which ball represents natural gas and which represents LNG. (The beach ball represents a gaseous state [natural gas] while the ping pong ball represents the liquid state [LNG].) 4. Pass out the 600 unit sets, one per group. Allow time for the students to determine how many units are in each set. Ask the students to predict the volume of natural gas in a liquid state (LNG) if the whole set represents a gaseous state. Have the groups set aside the number of units they predict. 5. Gather predictions from the groups and write them on the board. 6. Explain to the students that LNG is 1/600th the volume of natural gas in a gaseous state. Have the students separate out the correct number of units to represent LNG. (One unit.) Collect the unit sets from the groups. 7. Pass the beakers with 1 mL of water to each group. Have the students predict how much water would represent natural gas in a gaseous state if the amount of water in the beaker was LNG. (600 mL.) Collect the beakers.

 Extensions ƒHave ƒ students bring to class additional visual natural gas and LNG volume comparisons. ƒHave ƒ students determine advantages and disadvantages to natural gas in both a gaseous state and a liquid state.

© 2012 The NEED Project

P.O. Box 10101, Manassas, VA 20108



Activity 3: Energy Flows  Objective ƒTo ƒ understand forms of energy, energy transformations, and the flow of energy from a natural gas well to the consumer.

 Materials ƒLarge ƒ wooden kitchen matches ƒForms ƒ and Sources of Energy worksheet, page 27 ƒNatural ƒ Gas Energy Flow worksheet, page 28

ƒEnergy ƒ Flow Organizer, page 29 ƒRegular ƒ flashlight and hand-generated flashlight ƒMasters, ƒ pages 14-19

 Preparation ƒObtain ƒ the materials needed for the activities. ƒMake ƒ copies of worksheets for students. ƒMake ƒ transparencies or digital copies of pages 14-19 to project for the class.

 Procedure Forms of Energy 1. Introduce the activity by lighting a wooden match and asking students to describe what is happening in energy terms. Explain the energy flow from the match back to the sun. 2. Use the Forms of Energy master to provide an introduction to the forms of energy. 3. Distribute the Forms and Sources of Energy worksheet and have the students complete it. Review the answers with the students.

Flashlights and Energy Flows 1. Demonstrate a regular battery-powered flashlight and a hand-generated flashlight. Ask the students to explain what is happening with each flashlight in terms of energy transformations. 2. Use the Energy Transformations master to trace the energy flow of the hand-generated flashlight. Discuss the differences between the two flashlights and their energy flows.

Natural Gas Power Plant and Energy Flows 1. Explain to students that natural gas is typically used for home heating and cooking, but is also used for industrial heating, manufacturing products, and generating electricity. Ask the students how natural gas is used for generating electricity. 2. Use the Fusion, Photosynthesis, Natural Gas Formation, and Natural Gas Combined-Cycle Power Plant masters to explain the energy transformations that take place in the formation of natural gas and its use to generate electricity. 3. Have students complete the Natural Gas Energy Flow worksheet by numbering the pictures in order and then explaining the energy transformations that take place on the back of the worksheet. 4. Have students complete the Energy Flow Organizer either in class or as homework.

 Extensions ƒHave ƒ students explain the energy conversions that occur in a compressed natural gas- or liquefied natural gas-powered vehicle. ƒDiscuss ƒ the similarities and differences between a thermal power plant and a nuclear power plant.


Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

Activity 4: The LNG Chain  Objectives ƒTo ƒ understand the different steps needed to produce liquefied natural gas (LNG) and bring it to market. ƒTo ƒ see the connections of the LNG chain.

 Materials ƒLNG ƒ Production to Market worksheet, page 30 ƒLNG ƒ as a System hangtags, pages 31-32

ƒThe ƒ LNG Chain worksheet, page 33 ƒ1 ƒ Ball of yarn per group

 Preparation ƒMake ƒ the copies of the worksheets specified above for each student. ƒDivide ƒ the students into groups of eight. ƒCut ƒ the LNG hangtags, fold on the middle line, and attach a loop of string so that a student may wear it around his/her neck.

 Procedure LNG Production to Market 1. Explain to the students that natural gas is typically found in a gaseous state. Explain that natural gas can be changed into a liquid (LNG) by making it very cold (-260°F or -162.2°C). 2. Ask students what they think happens to natural gas when it is found far from cities or industry. (Known as stranded resources, natural gas located in undesirable locations can be processed into LNG and transported to marketable locations.) Explain to students that they are going to learn how stranded natural gas resources get to people who will use it. 3. Have students review the LNG Production to Market worksheet and write information for each step on the back of the worksheet (or assign as homework).

LNG as a System 1. Distribute the role card hangtags to the groups of students (one set of eight per group). 2. Ask students to read the backs of their cards. Allow time for questions. 3. Have each group put on their hangtags and stand in a circle with one student holding the ball of yarn. 4. Explain that the first student should look around the circle and identify a part of the system that relates to his/her component. Have the first student hold onto one end of the yarn, say the name of the related component, and toss the ball of yarn to that student. The first student then explains how their parts are related. 5. Have the groups repeat the process until all students have caught and tossed the ball of yarn. In the end, there will be a web of yarn connecting all students in the group. 6. Have one student give a tug on their string. Ask the students that felt the tug to explain how a stress on the one component affected their part. For example, a Production tug might cause an attached Liquefaction to say, “If production of natural gas falls, the liquefaction plant cannot sell enough LNG to shipping companies.” 7. Continue this process with each student tugging and giving different ways the system could be affected. Students should be able to explain various ways a change in one part of the system might affect other parts in the system.

The LNG Chain 1. Distribute copies of The LNG Chain worksheet to each student. 2. Explain that each student should choose one step in the LNG chain and write it in the center circle. The outside circles should be labeled with the seven remaining steps. 3. Have students write inside the arrow a way the inner component affects the outside one and a way the outer component affects the inner one. (Assign as homework if students do not finish in class.) One possible answer solution is listed in the answer key on page 13.

 Extensions ƒHave ƒ students design a flow chart of the LNG chain. ƒHave ƒ students determine advantages and disadvantages to using domestically produced natural gas and imported LNG. © 2012 The NEED Project

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Activity 5: Natural Gas In the Round  Objective ƒTo ƒ reinforce information about natural gas.

 Materials ƒNatural ƒ Gas In the Round cards, page 34-35 ƒLNG ƒ student informational text, pages 20-26

 Preparation ƒMake ƒ two copies of the sheets of cards. Cut one set of cards into individual pieces. The other will serve as the answer key, as the clues will be in the correct order.

 Procedure 1. Distribute one card to each student. If you have cards left over, give some students two cards until all of the cards are distributed. 2. Have students look at the bolded statement at the top of the cards. Give them five minutes to review the information about their statement using the background information. 3. Choose a student to begin the round. Give the following instructions: a. Read the question on your card. The student with the correct answer will stand up and read the bolded answer. b. That student will then read his/her question. The round will continue until the first student stands up and answers a question.

 Extensions ƒHave ƒ students create their own versions of natural gas or LNG in the round.

Activity 6: Chemical Models  Objectives ƒTo ƒ construct models of the gases that compose raw natural gas. ƒTo ƒ balance chemical equations.

 Materials ƒChemical ƒ Models worksheets, page 36-38 ƒMolecular ƒ model set or three colors of modeling clay and toothpicks will work for each group of students

 Preparation ƒGather ƒ the materials needed, and make copies of student worksheets. ƒDivide ƒ the students into groups of two or three. ƒReview ƒ with students the process for balancing chemical equations.

 Procedure 1. Explain to the students that raw natural gas is typically found as a mixture of gases. These gases are hydrocarbons, consisting of only carbon and hydrogen atoms. 2. The gases found in raw natural gas are alkanes, where the prefix of the name tells the number of carbons present.


Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

3. Distribute the worksheets. Have students read the background and look at the list of Alkane Series Prefixes. Ask the students if they have any questions and give them time to complete the Molecular Formulas section of the worksheet. 4. Discuss the answers to the Molecular Formulas section to ensure all students have the correct answers. Allow students time to complete the Molecular Models and Balancing Equations sections of the worksheet. 5. Review the equations to ensure correct answers. Allow students time to complete the Hydrocarbon Combustion section of the worksheet.

 Extensions ƒHave ƒ students explain what impact burning hydrocarbons has on the environment. ƒHave ƒ students determine the molecular formulas for gasoline and diesel. Using these formulas, have students consider the impact of using these fuels on the environment.

Activity 7: Oil and Gas Career Game  Background Students are assigned to be either a drop of oil or a molecule of natural gas. As they move through the game, they encounter descriptions of many different types of people and their basic job responsibilities. The path starts with exploration and ends with end-use products. If you choose, for this unit, students may only be assigned to flames of gas and play the game using only natural gas.

 Objective To explore careers and opportunities in the oil and gas field.

 Materials ƒOil ƒ and Gas Career Game board master, page 39 ƒDice, ƒ one die per group

 Preparation ƒPrint ƒ one copy of the game board on card stock for each group. To print a color copy, download this guide at ƒPaste ƒ onto poster board, if desired.

 Procedure 1. Have students cut the game pieces from the board. 2. Students will take turns rolling the die and moving through the game board. 3. Discuss the different stages in the oil and gas process as a class.

© 2012 The NEED Project

P.O. Box 10101, Manassas, VA 20108



Evaluation Evaluate the unit with your students using the Evaluation Form on page 41, and return it to NEED.

Answer Key Forms and Sources of Energy Forms of Energy ƒPetroleum—chemical ƒ ƒCoal—chemical ƒ ƒNatural ƒ Gas—chemical ƒUranium—nuclear ƒ ƒPropane—chemical ƒ ƒBiomass—chemical ƒ ƒHydropower—motion ƒ ƒWind—motion ƒ ƒGeothermal—thermal ƒ ƒSolar—radiant ƒ Sources of Energy ƒChemical—87.6 ƒ % ƒNuclear—8.6 ƒ % ƒMotion—3.5 ƒ % ƒThermal—2 ƒ % ƒRadiant—1% ƒ ƒRenewables—8.2 ƒ % ƒNonrenewables—91.8% ƒ

Natural Gas Energy Flow 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Fusion occurs on the sun Radiant energy is produced Small marine organisms decay into natural gas Natural gas is recovered and burned Combustion of gas in power plant Hot gas turns turbine Turbine spins generator creating electricity Electricity is transported on transmission lines to towns and cities Electricity is carried to homes on power lines Electricity powers household devices like laptops

Energy Flow Organizer Sun to child radiant > chemical > chemical > chemical > motion Sun to bulb radiant > chemical > thermal > electrical


Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

The LNG Chain This is one possible way to complete the chart: Center: Production

Additional Steps and Effects

Exploration A new natural gas field is discovered, increasing the available supply for production. More natural gas is needed to be produced, exploration of new areas increases. Liquefaction A new liquefaction plant opens, natural gas production can increase. Excess natural gas is being produced, a liquefaction plant adds another shift to its schedule. Storage A very cold winter causes LNG storage to be low, natural gas production increases to fill storage capacity. Natural gas production doesn’t meet demand, LNG is used from storage. Transportation A new company produces more LNG ships, allowing natural gas production to increase. Natural gas production slows, less transportation is needed. Regasification A regasification plant needs maintenance, natural gas production decreases. Less natural gas is being produced, a plant increases the LNG being regasified. Distribution A major pipeline needs repair, natural gas production decreases. Natural gas production increases and new pipelines are built to transport it to new locations. End Use Consumer demand for natural gas is high, production increases. Production increases, but demand is low, consumer prices decrease.

Chemical Models Activity 1

ƒMethane—H ƒ 4 ƒEthane—C ƒ H 2 6 ƒPropane—C ƒ H 3 8 ƒButane—C ƒ H 4 10

Activity 2

ƒMethane—(create ƒ similar small version) ƒEthane— ƒ ƒPropane— ƒ ƒButane— ƒ

Activity 3

ƒMethane—CH ƒ +2O2 > CO2 + 2H2O 4 ƒEthane—2C ƒ H + 7O2 > 4CO2 + 6H2O 2 6 ƒPropane—C ƒ H + 5O2 > 3CO2 + 5H2O 3 8 ƒButane—2C ƒ H + 13O2 > 8CO2 +10H2O 4 10

Activity 4

ƒStudent ƒ should draw their assembled models.

© 2012 The NEED Project

P.O. Box 10101, Manassas, VA 20108




Forms of Energy All forms of energy fall under two categories:



Stored energy and the energy of position (gravitational).

The motion of waves, electrons, atoms, molecules, and substances.

CHEMICAL ENERGY is the energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules. Biomass, petroleum, natural gas, propane, and coal are examples.

RADIANT ENERGY is electromagnetic energy that travels in transverse waves. Solar energy is an example.

NUCLEAR ENERGY is the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom— the energy that holds the nucleus together. The energy in the nucleus of a uranium atom is an example. STORED MECHANICAL ENERGY is energy stored in objects by the application of force. Compressed springs and stretched rubber bands are examples. GRAVITATIONAL ENERGY is the energy of place or position. Water in a reservoir behind a hydropower dam is an example. 14

THERMAL ENERGY or heat is the internal energy in substances—the vibration or movement of atoms and molecules in substances. Geothermal is an example. MOTION is the movement of a substance from one place to another. Wind and hydropower are examples. SOUND is the movement of energy through substances in longitudinal waves. ELECTRICAL ENERGY is the movement of electrons. Lightning and electricity are examples. Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG


Energy Transformations Hand Generated Flashlight

Nuclear Energy

Electrical Energy

Radiant Energy

Chemical Energy

Motion Energy

Chemical Energy

Electrical Energy

Radiant (light) Energy


Stored Electrical Energy

© 2012 The NEED Project

P.O. Box 10101, Manassas, VA 20108





Fusion The process of fusion most commonly involves hydrogen isotopes combining to form a helium atom with a transformation of matter. This matter is emitted as radiant energy. Hydrogen Isotope

Hydrogen Isotope Energy



The process of fusion involves four hydrogen atoms combining to form a helium atom, with a transformation of matter. This matter is emitted as radiant energy.


Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG



glucose + oxygen C6H12O6 + 6 O2

In the process of photosynthesis, plants convert radiant energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose, or sugar. water + carbon dioxide + sunlight 6 H2O + 6 CO2 + radiant energy



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© 2012 The NEED Project


Natural Gas Formation

Natural gas and oil were formed in the same way. Millions of years ago, tiny sea plants and animals died and were buried on the ocean floor. Over time, they were covered by layers of sediment and rock. Over millions of years, the remains were buried deeper and deeper. The enormous heat and pressure turned them into oil and gas. Oil and natural gas are often found together. Today, we drill down through the layers of sedimentary rock to reach the rock formations that contain oil and gas deposits.

Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG












Inside a Generator


Natural Gas Combined-Cycle Power Plant


Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant








P.O. Box 10101, Manassas, VA 20108

© 2012 The NEED Project

Liquefied Natural Gas What Is Natural Gas?

Finding Natural Gas

Natural gas is considered a nonrenewable fossil fuel. Natural gas is considered a fossil fuel because scientists believe that it was formed from the remains of tiny sea animals and plants that died 300-400 million years ago.

Natural gas can be hard to find since it can be trapped in porous rocks deep underground. Geologists use many methods to find natural gas deposits. They may look at surface rocks to find clues about underground formations. They may set off small explosions or drop heavy weights on the surface and record the sound waves as they bounce back from the sedimentary rock layers underground. They may also measure the gravitational pull of rock masses deep within the Earth.

When these tiny sea animals and plants died, they sank to the bottom of the oceans where they were buried by layers of sediment that turned into rock. Over the years, the layers of sedimentary rock became thousands of feet thick, subjecting the energy-rich plant and animal remains to enormous pressure. The pressure, combined with the heat of the Earth, changed this organic mixture into petroleum and natural gas. Eventually, concentrations of natural gas became trapped in the rock layers like a wet sponge traps water.

LNG Compression as is Natural g d n a d le o co sed compres id u q li a into G. called LNid u q li s it In form, it a occupies 0 space 60 s s le s e tim ral than natu s it in s ga state. gaseous

Raw natural gas is a mixture of different gases. The main ingredient is methane, a natural compound that is formed whenever plant and animal matter decays. By itself, methane is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. As a safety measure, natural gas companies add a chemical odorant called mercaptan so escaping gas can be detected. Natural gas should not be confused with gasoline, which is made from petroleum.

What Is LNG? Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled until it becomes a liquid. LNG is made by cooling natural gas to -260 degrees Fahrenheit (or -162.2 degrees Celsius). At this temperature, natural gas changes state into a liquid, and its volume is reduced 600 times. LNG, like natural gas, is odorless, colorless, noncorrosive, and nontoxic.

Gas Natural Gaseous 600 units3 Volume =

LNG 3 1 unit Volume =

How Natural Gas Was Formed Natural gas and oil were formed in the same way. Hundreds of millions of years ago, tiny sea plants and animals died and were buried on the ocean floor. Over time, they were covered by layers of sediment and rock. Over millions of years, the remains were buried deeper and deeper. The enormous heat and pressure turned them into oil and gas. Oil and natural gas are often found together. Today, we drill down through the layers of sedimentary rock to reach the rock formations that contain oil and gas deposits.

Note: Not to Scale


Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

If test results are promising, the scientists may recommend drilling to find the natural gas deposits. After identifying a potential site, companies must obtain environmental assessments and permits before they can begin drilling. Exploring for natural gas deposits is a high-risk, high-cost enterprise. Natural gas wells average 8,300 feet deep and can cost hundreds of dollars per foot to drill. Only about 61 percent of the exploratory wells produce gas. The others come up dry. The odds are better for developmental wells—wells drilled on known gas fields. On average, 91 percent of the developmental wells yield gas. Natural gas can be found in pockets by itself or in petroleum deposits.

Production ƒƒ Natural Gas

After natural gas comes out of the ground, it goes to a processing plant where it is cleaned of impurities and separated into its various components. Approximately 90 percent of natural gas is composed of methane, but it also contains other gases such as ethane, propane, and butane. The composition of natural gas varies according to where it came from and how it has been processed.

Image courtesy of Encana

If geologic testing is promising, an exploratory well will be drilled to determine if there is a natural gas deposit.

Natural gas may also come from several other sources. One source is coalbed methane, natural gas found in coalbeds. Until recently, coalbed gas was just considered a safety hazard to miners, but now it is a valuable source of natural gas. The gas from coalbeds accounts for about seven percent of the total gas supply today. Another source of natural gas is the gas produced in landfills. Landfill gas is considered a renewable source of natural gas since it comes from decaying garbage. The gas recovered from landfills is usually burned at the landfill site to generate electricity for facility operations.

Locations of Natural Gas Coal bed Methane Conventional Associated Gas Seal

Conventional Non-associated Gas


Tight Sand Gas

Today, natural gas is produced in 32 states, but the top five states— Texas, Wyoming, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Colorado—produce 65 percent of the total. Altogether, the U.S. produces about one-fifth of the world’s natural gas each year.

ƒƒ LNG

The process for making LNG starts the same as producing natural gas. The raw feed gas, or natural gas that has come from the well, must be processed to separate out impurities, such as dirt, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide. Next, the gas is cooled to allow water to condense and be removed. Additional dehydration is sometimes needed to ensure even small amounts of water vapor are not present. Then the gas is separated into its various components such as propane and butane.

Gas-rich Shale

Top Natural Gas Producing States, 2010 2




Once the natural gas is clean and dry, it is ready for the liquefaction process. Turning natural gas into LNG takes place through heat exchangers that cool the gas. Gas circulating through aluminum tube coils is cooled by a compressed refrigerant. As the refrigerant vaporizes, it cools the gas in the tubes. The refrigerant returns to a compressor while the LNG is pumped to an insulated storage tank. The United States does not produce and export LNG on a large scale. LNG is produced in large quantities overseas. The top countries that exported LNG in 2010 were Qatar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, and Nigeria.

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LOUISIANA Data: Energy Information Administration ration


Transporting and Storing ƒƒ Natural Gas

How does natural gas get from the well to the consumer? Usually by pipeline. More than 300,000 miles of underground pipelines link natural gas wells to cleaning plants and then to major cities across the U.S. Natural gas is sometimes transported thousands of miles by pipeline to its final destination. A machine called a compressor increases the pressure of the gas, forcing the gas to move along the pipelines. Compressor stations, which are spaced about 50 to 100 miles apart, move the gas along the pipelines at about 15 miles per hour. Some gas moved along this subterranean highway is temporarily stored in huge underground reservoirs. In the U.S. the underground reservoirs are typically filled in the summer so there will be enough natural gas during the winter heating season.

Natural gas is primarily transported by pipeline.

Eventually the gas is transferred from a transmission pipeline to a local gas utility pipeline. This junction is called the citygate. The pressure is reduced and an odorant is added. Local gas companies use smaller pipes to carry gas the last few miles to homes and businesses. A gas meter measures the volume of gas a consumer uses.

ƒƒ LNG

After liquefaction, LNG is stored in insulated tanks. These tanks are specially designed to keep the interior at extremely low temperatures but the exterior the same temperature as the ambient air or ground. The inner layer of the tank is a steel alloy. Then there are layers of insulation, stainless steel, and additional insulation. The outer layer is reinforced concrete with heating ducts laced throughout to prevent the ground from freezing. The walls of an LNG storage tank can be as much as five-and-a-half feet thick. Some LNG storage tanks have a containment feature to safeguard against leaks. In these tanks, both the inner and outer walls are capable of holding the LNG. However, most LNG storage facilities in the U.S. use another approach. The storage tank is surrounded by a dam or dike made of soil that provides secondary containment. LNG is transported world-wide using ships with specifically designed hulls. The current world LNG fleet consists of 360 ships. Modern LNG ships follow two basic designs. The membrane design features multiple tanks with linings made of thin nickel-steel alloy. These tanks are integrated into the hull of the ship, which can be more than six feet thick. The spherical design has round storage tanks that sit on supports on the hull. Once LNG reaches its destination, pumps transfer it to insulated storage tanks. When the LNG is needed the liquid is warmed and quickly becomes a gas; this is called regasification. Two types of systems are typically used for regasification. Ambient temperature systems use heat from surrounding air or sea water. Above-ambient temperature systems burn a fuel to indirectly warm the liquid using a fluid bath. After regasification, the natural gas can join the network of pipelines used to transport it to consumers.


LNG is transported overseas by ship. Many of these ships have a membrane hull design.

Storage and transportation of LNG make for its biggest advantages and its biggest disadvantages. Once liquefied, LNG takes up 1/600th the amount of space as it did as natural gas. This is like comparing the volume held in a beach ball to that inside a ping pong ball. This is a great advantage for storage and transportation. More can be stored and moved at one time. Also, LNG can be transported over routes or to locations that do not have natural gas pipelines. However, because the tanks for storage must be designed for the -260° Fahrenheit temperature (-162.2°C) inside and ambient temperature outside, LNG has distinct disadvantages when compared to natural gas for storage and transportation. Storage tanks must keep the LNG very cold and ships and trucks must be specially made for LNG storage. A future LNG storage option may lie with underground salt caverns. Rather than offloading the LNG from the ship into above ground storage tanks, it would be pressurized, warmed to 40 degrees Fahrenheit, and then injected into underground salt caverns. This method is called the “Bishop Process.” This process is still being studied, but if it proves successful, it would decrease the offloading time of LNG tankers and increase the storage capacity potential of LNG. Suitable salt cavern locations have been located in the U.S., with over 1,000 currently being used for storage and delivery of other fossil fuels.

Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

Underground Natural Gas Storage, 2010

LNG Peaking Facility Satellite LNG Peaking Facility LNG Import Terminal


U.S. LNG Terminals and Storage Facilities Currently the U.S. has 13 terminals for importing LNG—nine on the mainland, one in Puerto Rico, and three offshore. The mainland terminals are located in Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, and Texas. For 45 years the U.S. has had one LNG export facility in Kenai, Alaska. LNG produced in Alaska is exported to Japan and other countries. In 2009, the U.S. imported 431 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of LNG. About 44 percent came from Trinidad and Tobago. Another 17 percent came from Egypt. Besides the mainland and offshore terminals, there are more than 100 facilities located throughout the U.S. that store LNG or supply natural gas to rural areas. Many LNG storage facilities are located in the eastern U.S. and are concentrated around major urban areas.

Natural Gas Use

Data: Energy Information Administration

Just about everyone in the U.S. uses natural gas. Natural gas ranks second in energy consumption, after petroleum, which provides 35 percent of our total energy demand. About 25 percent of the energy we use in the U.S. comes from natural gas. In 2010, the U.S. consumed 24.1 trillion cubic feet (Tcf ) of natural gas.

LNG Terminal Profile: Elba Island, Georgia One of nine U.S. mainland import LNG terminals, Elba Island, is located near Savannah, Georgia. It receives, stores, and regasifies natural gas. Elba Island opened in 1978 and was fully operational for four years. From 1982 to 2001, however, it operated in a limited capacity. Since then, Elba Island has been fully operational and expanding. Currently, Elba Island can store 11.5 billion cubic feet of LNG. With an average daily use in Georgia of 1.5 billion cubic feet, and a possible daily output of 1.8 billion cubic feet, Elba Island could provide the state with all its natural gas needs for a week. In fact, when hurricanes Katrina and Rita decimated the Gulf Coast region and disrupted energy distribution, Elba Island was able to double its output to provide customers with natural gas. With the foreseeable increase of natural gas and LNG use in the U.S., Elba Island has plans to expand its storage and output capacity. Of the 560,000 people employed by utilities nationwide, 108,440 are in natural gas distribution. More than 50 people are employed just at Elba Island. At Elba Island, one may find gas plant operators that operate gas liquefying equipment, operate compressors to control gas pressure in transmission lines, and coordinate injections and withdrawals at storage fields. Additionally, engineers, maintenance workers, dock workers, environmental or regulatory specialists, LNG technicians, and plant supervisors all can be found at Elba Island.

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Industry is a large consumers of natural gas, using 33 percent of the supply mainly as a heat source to manufacture goods. Industry also uses natural gas as an ingredient in fertilizer, photographic film, ink, glue, paint, plastics, laundry detergent, and insect repellents. Synthetic rubber and man-made fibers like nylon also could not be made without the chemicals derived from natural gas. Electricity generation consumes about 31 percent of natural gas. It is the second largest producer of electricity after coal. Natural gas is a cleaner energy source to burn than coal and produces fewer emissions. The majority of new electric power plants in the past decade were natural gas fired. Combined cycle units are highly efficient and make up the majority of the new electric capacity. Today, natural gas generates 24 percent of the nation’s electricity. Residences—people’s homes—and businesses also use about onethird of natural gas. Five out of every ten homes use natural gas for heating. Many homes also use gas water heaters, stoves, clothes dryers, and fire places. Natural gas is used so often in homes because it is clean burning. Like residences, commercial use of natural gas is mostly for indoor space heating of stores, office buildings, schools, churches, and hospitals. Consumer demand for natural gas typically rises and falls based upon the season. This change in demand can usually be handled by gas utilities and the natural gas pipelines that supply them. However, during extreme winters, demand for natural gas increases sharply, or peaks. Gas utilities need reliable sources of gas that can be quickly delivered to the locations that need it. The U.S. has peak-shaving plants that can quickly bring natural gas into the transmission pipelines so that consumers have it available. Half of these peakshaving plants can store the natural gas as LNG. At these facilities the LNG is either trucked to the site in storage tanks or natural gas is diverted from the pipeline during non-peak periods, liquefied, and then stored until needed. When a peak hits, the LNG is regasified and fed into the regional distribution pipelines.



On a small scale, natural gas is used as a transportation fuel. Natural gas can be used in any vehicle with an internal combustion engine, although the vehicle must be outfitted with a special carburetor and fuel tank. Natural gas is cleaner burning than gasoline, costs less, and has a higher octane (power boosting) rating. In 2010, more than 115,000 vehicles ran on compressed natural gas in the U.S., while about 3,300 used LNG. LNG is beginning to be used in rural areas as an alternative to propane. Additionally, LNG can meet some distributed energy needs. Distributed energy is generated and stored near the point of use. While natural gas is a popular choice for distributed energy systems, not all locations are within the pipeline distribution system. LNG can bring fuel to an isolated facility that has its own energy system.

U.S. Natural Gas Consumption by Sector, 2010 ELECTRICITY









Data: Energy Information Administration

HowNatural Natural Generates in a Combined-Cycle Power Plant GasGas Combined CycleElectricity Power Plant NATURAL GAS






















A generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. All electric power plants have a generator. What differs from plant to plant is the fuel source and method used to spin the shaft that will spin the generator to produce an electric current. Electricity generated from natural gas has steadily increased. Most new natural gas electric power plants are building highly efficient combined-cycle units. These units use both gas combustion turbines and steam turbines. Gas combustion turbines have three main components: a compressor, a combustion system, and a turbine. The compressor (1) draws air into the machine. Here, the air is pressurized and pushed into the combustion chambers. The combustion system consists of fuel injectors and combustion chambers. A ring of fuel injectors puts a stream of fuel (natural gas) into the combustion chambers (2). There the natural gas and air mix. The mixture is burned to produce a high temperature, high pressure



Inside a Generator



stream of gas that moves to the turbine. In the turbine (3) the high temperature, high pressure gas expands causing blades to rotate. The rotating blades are connected to a shaft that spins the electromagnet in the generator (4), producing electricity (9). After the gas passes by the turbine, it is piped into a boiler (5) to produce steam. Steam turbines have three major components: a boiler, a turbine, and a condenser. In the boiler (5), a fuel is burned, such as natural gas. The heat turns water into steam (6) where it travels to a turbine. The steam moves the blades of the turbine (7), which is attached to the electromagnetic shaft of the generator (8). The rotating electromagnetic shaft in the generator produces electricity (9). After moving through the turbine, the steam goes through the condenser (10) where a coolant, often water, is used to turn the steam into a liquid so it can return to the boiler.

Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

U.S. Natural Gas Supply and Demand People in the energy industry use two terms to explain how much natural gas exists—resources and reserves. Natural gas resources include all the deposits of gas that are still in the ground waiting to be tapped. Natural gas reserves are only those gas deposits that geologists know, or strongly believe, can be recovered given today’s prices and drilling technology. In other words, when geologists estimate the amount of known gas reserves, they do not include gas deposits that may be discovered in the future or gas deposits that are not economical to produce given today’s prices. The U.S. has large reserves of natural gas. Most reserves are in the Gulf of Mexico and in the following states: Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, Arkansas, and Wyoming. If we continue to use natural gas at the same rate as we use it today, the U.S. has about a 100 year supply. In the past ten years, the U.S. produced between 82 and 90 percent of the natural gas it consumed, with the balance being imported by pipeline, mostly from Canada. However, annual consumption is expected to rise. In 2010, the U.S. consumed 24.1 Tcf of natural gas. By 2035 experts anticipate U.S. natural gas use to be 26.6 Tcf per year.

The Global LNG Market The U.S. is not the only country that imports natural gas. Fortunately, global natural gas reserves are vast, estimated at about 6,289 Tcf. This is nearly 60 times the volume of natural gas used worldwide in 2010. However, much of the reserves are considered “stranded” due to geographic locations and distance to consuming markets. Converting natural gas to LNG allows stranded gas to move to useful markets.

The global LNG market is divided into geographic regions. The Atlantic Basin includes trade in Europe, northern and western Africa, and the U.S. Eastern and Gulf Coasts. The Pacific Basin involves trade in South Asia, India, Russia, and Alaska. Middle Eastern countries typically export LNG to the Pacific Basin, but some cargoes are shipped to Europe and the U.S. LNG trade in Middle Eastern countries is growing to the point that some experts consider the Middle East to be the third LNG geographic trade region. In 2009, LNG accounted for about 27 percent of international natural gas imports, but LNG trade within the Atlantic and Pacific Basins differs. Prices are generally higher in the Pacific Basin. However, peak seasonal demands can cause short-term price increases in the Atlantic Basin. Importing countries in the Pacific Basin are almost entirely dependent upon LNG. Countries such as Japan and South Korea, which are the largest importers, used LNG to meet 89 to 96 percent of their natural gas needs. Whereas importing countries in the Atlantic Basin rely mostly upon domestic natural gas supplies and use LNG to meet the difference between production and demand. For example, LNG accounts for less than two percent of U.S. natural gas supplies. More countries are entering the LNG global market every year. Countries already active in LNG trade are increasing their capacity by either constructing new LNG terminals or expanding existing plants. Growth within the global LNG market is being driven by declining natural gas production in gas consuming countries, such as the U.S., and the desire of gas-producing countries, such as Russia, to maximize their resources.

Top Exporters and Importers of LNG

3 4

Top Exporters 1. Qatar 2. Indonesia 3. Malaysia 4. Australia 5. Nigeria





1 5 5

3 2 4

Top Importers 1. Japan 2. South Korea 3. United Kingdom 4. Spain 5. China Data: Energy Information Administration

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Georgia is home to the Elba Island facility, one of only nine LNG import terminals on the U.S. mainland.

The Honda Civic Natural Gas, which is fueled by compressed natural gas (CNG), was named one of the “greenest cars” for 2012, a position it has held for nine consecutive years.

State Energy Profile: Georgia

Running on Natural Gas

Georgia, the ninth most populated state in the U.S., has a variety of ways to provide for the energy needs of its 9.8 million residents and its many industries. Nuclear energy, hydroelectric power, fossil fuels, and biomass, are all a part of the Georgia energy picture.

Natural gas is usually placed in pressurized tanks when used as a transportation fuel. Even compressed to 2,400–3,600 pounds per square inch (psi), it still has only about one-third as much energy per gallon as gasoline. As a result, natural gas vehicles typically have a shorter range, unless additional fuel tanks are added, which can reduce payload capacity. With an octane rating of 120+, power, acceleration, and cruise speed are comparable. Today, there are about 115,000 CNG vehicles in operation in the U.S., mostly in the South and West. About half are privately owned and half are vehicles owned by local, state, and federal government agencies.


Coal-fired and nuclear power plants provide 83.4 percent of electricity used in the state—56.5 percent and 26.9 percent, respectively. Natural gas supplies 13.8 percent of Georgia’s electricity consumption. In 2010, biomass sources, mostly wood and wood waste, petroleum, and hydropower generated less than three percent of Georgia’s electricity.

Electricity Generated by Fuel in 2010 in Georgia Coal Nuclear 56.5% 26.9%

Natural Gas 13.8%

Hydroelectric 2.5%

Biomass Petroleum 0.3% 0.1%


Forty-nine percent of Georgians use natural gas to heat their homes. Since there are no natural gas reserves in Georgia, it is imported by pipeline from the Gulf Coast region of the U.S. or in the form of LNG, mostly from Trinidad and Tobago. The other large heating resource is electricity, with 38 percent of homes heated by electricity.


Transportation is the largest energy consumer in Georgia. With no petroleum production or reserves, Georgia is like many states in the U.S.; it must rely on imported petroleum products to keep moving. Petroleum is imported from other states by pipeline, such as Texas and Louisiana, or from other countries by tanker at the Port of Savannah. With almost 6,900 fueling stations, Georgia has about four percent of all gasoline stations in the U.S. With over 26,000 alternative fuel vehicles in use, Georgia also has fueling stations for alternative fuels including biodiesel, compressed natural gas, ethanol, liquefied petroleum gas, and electric charging stations.


Industry is the third largest energy consumer in Georgia. As a national leader in the wood and paper products industry, biomass is used to generate part of industry’s energy needs. Much of the rest of the energy needed by the industrial sector of the state is provided by natural gas and petroleum products.


Based on the nationwide average for annual miles driven, it is estimated that the Honda Civic Natural Gas emits 3.7 tons of CO2, compared to 4.6 tons of CO2 for the gasoline version of the Honda Civic. The EPA gives each vehicle an air pollution score to represent the amount of health-damaging and smog-forming airborne pollutants the vehicle emits. Scores range from 0 (worst) to 10 (best). The Honda Civic Natural Gas receives a score of eight, while the Honda Civic gasoline-fueled vehicle receives a five. The production and distribution system for natural gas is in place, but the delivery system of stations is not extensive. Today, there are more than 500 public natural gas refueling stations in the United States and even more private ones, but considerably less than the multitude of gasoline stations. CNG refueling stations are not always at typical gasoline stations, may not be conveniently located, and some have limited operating hours. Natural gas vehicles are well suited to business and public agencies that have their own refueling stations, including public transit agencies. Nationwide, 18.6 percent of public buses use natural gas or a natural gas blend as their fuel source. Many fleets report two to three years longer service life, because the fuel is so clean-burning.

LNG as a Transportation Fuel

There are over 3,300 vehicles in the U.S. that run on LNG—natural gas that is liquefied by cooling it to -260°F. There are less than 30 LNG fueling stations in the U.S., with the majority located in California. The advantage of LNG is that natural gas takes up much less space as a liquid than as a gas, so the tanks can be much smaller. The disadvantage is that the fuel tanks must be kept cold, which uses fuel.

Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

Forms and Sources of Energy In the United States we use a variety of resources to meet our energy needs. Use the information below to analyze how each energy source is stored and delivered.



Using the information from the Forms of Energy chart, and the graphic below, determine how energy is stored or delivered in each of the sources of energy. Remember, if the source of energy must be burned, the energy is stored as chemical energy.








Hydropower _______________________

Natural Gas





Geothermal _______________________




_______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Look at the U.S. Energy Consumption by Source graphic below and calculate the percentage of the nation’s energy use that each form of energy provides.

What percentage of the nation’s energy is provided by each form of energy?

U.S. Energy Consumption by Source, 2010 NONRENEWABLE








Uses: transportation, manufacturing















Uses: heating, manufacturing, electricity

What percentage of the nation’s energy is provided by renewables? ______

Uses: electricity, manufacturing

By nonrenewables? ______


Uses: heating, electricity, transportation Uses: electricity

Uses: electricity









Uses: electricity

Uses: heating, manufacturing

Uses: heating, electricity

Uses: heating, electricity

Data: Energy Information Administration

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Natural Gas Energy Flow Number the pictures from one to ten in order to trace the flow of energy. On the back of the worksheet number one through ten and explain the transformations of energy that occur in each step.

Fusion The process of fusion most commonly involves hydrogen isotopes combining to form a helium atom with a transformation of matter. This matter is emitted as radiant energy.

Generator MAGNETS

Hydrogen Isotope

Hydrogen Isotope






nedNatural Cycle Power Plant Cycle Power Plant Gas Combined GENERATOR The copper coils spin inside a ring of magnets. This

NATURAL creates an electricGAS field, producing electricity. HIGH PRESSURE HIGH PRESSURE GAS GAS GENERATOR








Natural Gas Combined Cycle Power Plant

Chemical Energy NATURAL GAS


Motion Energy









Inside a Generator GENERATOR MAGNETS
















Electrical Energy





Radiant (light) Energy Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

Energy Flow Organizer Write the transformations of energy on the connecting lines. The first one is completed for you.

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LNG Production to Market


Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

LNG as a System


The process of finding natural gas deposits.


The process of drilling wells and processing natural gas into a clean, commercial product.


The process by which natural gas is converted into a liquid.


Facilities for storing LNG both internationally and domestically.

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Moving LNG to distant locations, typically with specially designed ships or trucks.


The process by which LNG is heated, converting it into its gaseous state.


Moving natural gas within networks of pipelines.

End Use

Industry, businesses, and residential users all need natural gas for heating, cooking, manufacturing products, and generating electricity.

Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

The LNG Chain Choose one step in the LNG chain and write it in the center box. Label the outside boxes with the seven remaining steps. In the arrows connecting the LNG steps, write a way the center step affects the outside step as well as a way the outside step affects the inside one.

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National Gas In the Round I have energy.

Who has energy sources that cannot be replenished in a short period of time?

I have nonrenewable.

Who has a facility that uses stored natural gas during peak-use periods?

I have peak-shaving facility.

Who has an organic compound made of carbon and hydrogen?

Who has the name for natural gas in its liquid state?

I have hydrocarbons.

I have liquefied natural gas— LNG.

Who has resources that are too far away from industries or cities to be marketable?

I have stranded resources.

Who has the term for drilling and processing natural gas into a marketable product?

I have production.

Who has a colorless, odorless gas mostly made of methane?


I have natural gas.

I have LNG must be kept at extremely cold temperatures. Who has LNG exporting countries?

I have Indonesia, Malaysia, and Qatar.

Who has the process by which LNG is heated, converting it into its gaseous state?

I have regasification.

Who has the fuels made from plants and animals that lived hundreds of millions of years ago?

Who has the facilities that hold natural gas or LNG until it is used?

I have fossil fuels.

I have storage facilities.

Who has the main method for moving natural gas?

I have distribution by pipeline.

Who has a disadvantage to LNG?

Who has the gases typically found in raw natural gas?

I have methane, ethane, butane, and propane.

Who has the U.S. state that exports LNG?

Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

I have Alaska.

Who has the process by which natural gas is converted into a liquid?

I have liquefaction.

Who has the amount a volume of natural gas is reduced when it becomes a liquid?

I have 600 times.

Who has the process of finding natural gas deposits?

I have exploration.

Who has the main method for transporting LNG?

I have ships with specially designed hulls. Who has an advantage to LNG?

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I have LNG can be transported almost anywhere. Who has the facility that receives and stores LNG from overseas?

I have an import terminal.

Who has a large consumer of natural gas in the U.S.?

I have industry.

Who has the temperature to which natural gas is cooled to change it to a liquid?

I have -260ºF/-162.2ºC.

I have Atlantic and Pacific Basins.

Who has the form in which energy is stored in natural gas?

I have chemical energy.

Who has the usable energy generated in a natural gas-fired power plant?

I have electricity.

Who has the main residential uses of natural gas?

I have heating and cooking.

Who has the term for natural gas resources that can be economically recovered?

Who has the facility that processes natural gas into a liquid?

I have natural gas reserves.

I have liquefaction plant or export facility.

Who has the geographic trade regions of the global LNG market?

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Who has the ability to do work or make change?


Chemical Models Background Hydrocarbons are molecules composed only of carbon and hydrogen. Carbon atoms have four electrons available to bond. When one carbon atom bonds with only hydrogen, it will need four hydrogen atoms. This hydrocarbon is known as methane. When a hydrocarbon molecule has as many hydrogen atoms bonded as possible, it is considered saturated and is part of the alkane group. Alkanes are named for the number of carbon atoms present. The alkanes form a straight chain of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms bonding with the remaining open electrons. The generic formula for alkanes is CnH2n+2. This formula can be used to determine the molecular formula for the gases that typically compose raw natural gas.

Alkane Series Prefixes

ƒmethƒ one carbon atom ƒethƒ two carbon atoms ƒpropƒ three carbon atoms ƒbutƒ four carbon atoms

Activity 1: Molecular Formulas Use the generic formula for alkanes to determine the molecular formula for the following gases: Methane Ethane Propane Butane


Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

Activity 2: Molecular Models Use the molecular model sets or modeling clay to make three-dimensional models of the alkanes. Use one color to represent hydrogen and another for carbon. Use the third color to make several oxygen molecules, which consist of two oxygen atoms bonded together (O2). Draw each model below. Methane





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P.O. Box 10101, Manassas, VA 20108



Activity 3: Balancing Equations When a hydrocarbon burns, it combines with oxygen to make carbon dioxide and water. Fill in the molecular formula for each gas and then write the balanced equations for methane, ethane, propane, and butane on the right. Methane _______ +





















Ethane _______ +

Propane _______ +

Butane _______ +

Activity 4: Hydrocarbon Combustion Using the chemical models of methane and oxygen, create the products of methane combustion. Draw all the model molecules formed for a balanced reaction. Repeat the process for ethane, propane, and butane.


Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG


Oil and Gas Career Game Imagine you are a drop of oil or a molecule of natural gas. Cut out the game pieces to the right and roll a die to follow the path from the ground to market. Along the way, you will meet many people who help you on your journey.





formulate the general plan for how the extraction operation will go. They help design the general structure of the well and the most efficient method of extraction.

Geologists conduct many tests gathering information, such as seismic data, to determine if the geology holds oil or natural gas.




work on small platforms high on rigs to help run pipe in and out of well holes and operate the pumps that circulate mud through the pipe.

maintain and repair the electrical and electronic equipment and systems that keep the facilities up and running.



Wells are drilled deep into the ground to bring oil and natural gas to the surface.


guide the lower ends of pipe to well openings and connect pipe joints and drill bits. ENERGY TRADERS

buy and sell oil and gas in the U.S. and international markets.







You are made into plastic and become part of a toy.



You are processed into the wax that becomes a crayon.


You are part of medicine that helps save a person’s life.


You are used to make asphalt, which paves a new highway.


You are refined into jet fuel and travel the world in first-class.



You are sent to a house and used to cook dinner on a stove.



You are used as fuel in a power plant that generates electricity.

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You are compressed and used as an alternative fuel in a city bus.



You are piped to a factory where you help make cars.


You are a raw material used to make paint.


You are sent to a house and used for space and water heating.


© 2012 The NEED Project

Crude oil and natural gas are refined into many different products and shipped to consumers.

prepa R PIPELI SS PIPIN N cons re drawing E DRAF G tructio TE s n, an used in RS the la d ope gas f yo ra ields and r tion of oil ut, efine ries. and

Roll the die one last time to find out what kind of product you will become. If you EUM are a drop of oil, OL R PET follow the 1 petroleum path. You are refined If you are a into gasoline for molecule of use in cars and natural gas, trucks. follow the natural gas path.



install, maintain, repair, and test rotating mechanical equipment and systems.


2013 Youth Awards for Energy Achievement All NEED schools have outstanding classroombased programs in which students learn about energy. Does your school have student leaders who extend these activities into their communities? To recognize outstanding achievement and reward student leadership, The NEED Project conducts the National Youth Awards Program for Energy Achievement. This program combines academic competition with recognition to acknowledge everyone involved in NEED during the year—and to recognize those who achieve excellence in energy education in their schools and communities. What’s involved? Students and teachers set goals and objectives, and keep a record of their activities. In April, students combine their materials into scrapbooks and send them in and write summaries of their projects for inclusion in the Annual Report. Want more info? Check out for more application and program information, previous winners, and photos of past events.


Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG

Liquefied Natural Gas: LNG Evaluation Form State: ___________

Grade Level: ___________

Number of Students: __________

1. Did you conduct the entire unit?



2. Were the instructions clear and easy to follow?



3. Did the activities meet your academic objectives?



4. Were the activities age appropriate?



5. Were the allotted times sufficient to conduct the activities?



6. Were the activities easy to use?



7. Was the preparation required acceptable for the activities?



8. Were the students interested and motivated?



9. Was the energy knowledge content age appropriate?



10. Would you teach this unit again? Please explain any ‘no’ statement below.



How would you rate the unit overall?

excellent 




How would your students rate the unit overall?

excellent 




What would make the unit more useful to you?

Other Comments:

Please fax or mail to: The NEED Project

© 2012 The NEED Project

P.O. Box 10101 Manassas, VA 20108 FAX: 1-800-847-1820

P.O. Box 10101, Manassas, VA 20108



NEED National Sponsors and Partners American Association of Blacks in Energy Hydro Research Foundation American Chemistry Council Idaho Department of Education American Electric Power Idaho National Laboratory American Electric Power Foundation Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation American Solar Energy Society Independent Petroleum Association of America American Wind Energy Association Independent Petroleum Association of Appalachian Regional Commission New Mexico Areva Indiana Michigan Power Arkansas Energy Office Interstate Renewable Energy Council Armstrong Energy Corporation iStem–Idaho STEM Education Association of Desk & Derrick Clubs Kansas City Power and Light Robert L. Bayless, Producer, LLC KBR BP Kentucky Clean Fuels Coalition BP Alaska Kentucky Department of Education C&E Operators Kentucky Department of Energy Cape and Islands Self Reliance Development and Independence Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Kentucky Oil and Gas Association Cape Light Compact–Massachusetts Kentucky Propane Education and Research Council L.J. and Wilma Carr Kentucky River Properties LLC Central Virginia Community College Kentucky Utilities Company Chevron Lenfest Foundation Chevron Energy Solutions Littler Mendelson ComEd Llano Land and Exploration ConEdison Solutions Los Alamos National Laboratory ConocoPhillips Louisville Gas and Electric Company Council on Foreign Relations Maine Energy Education Project CPS Energy Maine Public Service Company Dart Foundation Marianas Islands Energy Office David Petroleum Corporation Massachusetts Division of Energy Resources Desk and Derrick of Roswell, NM Lee Matherne Family Foundation Dominion Michigan Oil and Gas Producers Education Dominion Foundation Foundation DTE Energy Foundation Midwest Energy Cooperative Duke Energy Mississippi Development Authority–Energy East Kentucky Power Division El Paso Foundation Montana Energy Education Council E.M.G. Oil Properties The Mosaic Company Encana NADA Scientific Encana Cares Foundation NASA Energy Education for Michigan National Association of State Energy Officials Energy Training Solutions National Fuel Energy Solutions Foundation National Grid Entergy National Hydropower Association Equitable Resources National Ocean Industries Association First Roswell Company National Renewable Energy Laboratory Foundation for Environmental Education Nebraska Public Power District FPL New Mexico Oil Corporation The Franklin Institute New Mexico Landman’s Association GenOn Energy–California New Orleans Solar Schools Initiative Georgia Environmental Facilities Authority New York Power Authority Government of Thailand–Energy Ministry NSTAR Guam Energy Office OCI Enterprises Gulf Power Offshore Energy Center Halliburton Foundation Offshore Technology Conference Hawaii Energy Ohio Energy Project Gerald Harrington, Geologist Pacific Gas and Electric Company Houston Museum of Natural Science © 2012TheThe NEED ProjectP.O.P.O. 10101, Manassas, VA 201081.800.875.5029 ©2012 NEED Project BoxBox 10101, Manassas, VA 20108

PECO Petroleum Equipment Suppliers Association Phillips 66 PNM Puerto Rico Energy Affairs Administration Puget Sound Energy Rhode Island Office of Energy Resources RiverWorks Discovery Roswell Climate Change Committee Roswell Geological Society Sacramento Municipal Utility District Saudi Aramco Schneider Electric Science Museum of Virginia C.T. Seaver Trust Shell Snohomish County Public Utility District–WA Society of Petroleum Engineers SolarWorld USA David Sorenson Southern Company Southern LNG Southwest Gas Space Sciences Laboratory–University of California Berkeley Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development–Energy Division Tennessee Valley Authority Toyota TXU Energy United States Energy Association University of Nevada–Las Vegas, NV U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Department of Energy–Hydrogen Program U.S. Department of Energy–Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy–Office of Fossil Energy U.S. Department of Energy–Wind for Schools U.S. Department of Energy–Wind Powering America U.S. Department of the Interior– Bureau of Land Management U.S. Department of the Interior–Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement U.S. Energy Information Administration U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Van Ness Feldman Virgin Islands Energy Office Virginia Department of Education Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Walmart Foundation Washington and Lee University Western Kentucky Science Alliance W. Plack Carr Company Yates Petroleum Corporation

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