# LinuxCBT 'systemd' Edition # Features: 1. System && Service Manager !reedes"to.org$%i"i$So!t%are$systemd !reedes"to.org$%i"i$So!t %are$systemd a. System a1. system initiaiation a(. o%er state o! mac)ine: u* do%n* susended* )y+rid* etc. +. Service Manager +1. ,sersace management o! daemons -services +(. Management o! ot)er system units: devices* daemons* soc"ets* d+us* etc. /0TE: 'systemd' is an aencomassing system manager !or Linux %)ic) stands in star" contrast to tyicay* conventiona ,nix Linux )ioso)y o! simicity o! various services* executa+es* !unctions* etc. (. 'systemd' is /0T !or ot)er 2/ixes excusivey a Linux management !rame%or" a. Some orta+iity is ost* )o%ever* many Linuxseci!ic !eatures are gained 3. /e% 4/4T system Most ma5or distros no% use: 'systemd': i.e. 6e+ian* 7ed8at and SuSE* and eventuay: ,+untu 9. rovides comre)ensive unit management: -services-daemons* devices* at)s* etc. a. ;+straction o! ;LL imortant o+5ects on a Linux system: i.e. )ard drive* service* mount oints* etc. . rovides !aster +oot times due to a variety o! !eatures: a. Soc"ets are created +y 'systemd' rior to daemoninvocation: simiar to 0S?'s 'aunc)d' +. i.e. 6Bus re@uests are @ueued unti t)e service is ready A. Manages various !acets via 'unit' !ies -units: a. ,nit !ies tend to end %it) a su!!ix t)at matc)es t)e aricuar o+5ect tye: i.e. '.service' +. '.service'-daemons* '.mount'-$etc$!sta+* etc.* '.at)'* '.device'* '.soc"et'* '.target'-runeve* '.snas)ot'* '.timer'-cron* etc. . /0TE: '.service' units reace Sys=stye 4/4T scrits . Sys= and LSB 4nitscrits comati+e /0TE: 6on't %orry i! your rogram does /0T )ave a '.service' 'systemd' o+5ect !ie* it's Sys= !ie %i +e read and rocessed 1D. Service management via: 'systemct': status start sto restart ena+e disa+e 11. L0 o! start sto o! daemons incudes: 46 and Timestam audit trai o! service )istory 1(. 7uneve contro 'targets' 7EL;CE 7uneves -D-o%ero!!s)utdo%n* 1-rescue emergency* (3-mutiuser* -re+oot 13. State contro: emergency* rescue* o%ero!!* restart* )i+ernation* susension 19. 'systemd' units encasuation o! services* soc"ets* system state snas)ots* targets* etc. 1. Comete L0s !rom startu s)utdo%n: interim L0s are +u!!ered to '"msg' L0 t)en !us)ed to: $dev$og 1A. araeiation o! service invocation at startu signi!icanty exedites system startu /0TE: T)e system may come u muc) @uic"er* +ut services may ta"e onger to +e 'ready' 1. Management o! 'Contro rous' -Gerne !eatures: 8ierarc)y o! a+eed rocesses: '$sys$!s$cgrous' /0TE: T)is ma"es it ossi+e to roery manage arentc)id-ren rocesses
1. Mount ;utomount management (D. Service do /0T in)erit environment: H;T8 && 80ME !rom current H,SE7 more secure (1. 7emote invocation$management o! remote systems using 'systemct' via: '8 80ST' reies on ass%ordess;,T8-SS8 /0TE: T)is* again* is /0T ossi+e %it) current: Sys= environment ((. 'systemd' rovides usersace M,C8 @uic"er +ecause o! various tric"s (3. 0ndemand -eventdrivent invocation o! services: i.e. TTIs -agetty # Boot rocess # B40S 7,B Gerne$4/4T76 'init'-46J1 ,ser Sace B40S 7,B Gerne$4/4T76 'systemd'-46J1 ,ser Sace -@uic"er Tas"s: 1. Evauate various startu %it) 'systemd' times* etc. /0TE: 'tty1' is a%ays sa%ned regardess o! targets: 'mutiuser' 'gra)ica' /0TE: 4n contrast to tyica 'sysvinit' startus* 'systemd' does /0T autosa%n ;LL TTIs /0TE: TTIs are saned ondemand eventdriven-CT7L;LTF-/,M (. K)at a+out 'init' a. '$usr$s+in$init ..$i+$systemd$systemd' ointer to: 'systemd' 3. K)at a+out 'init' runeves -D..> /0TE: Sti t)ere* and oosey e@uivaent to 'systemd' targets a. 'init >' re+oots 'systemct re+oot' /0TE: Iou may sti ass 'init' runeve vaues on Gerne command ine: i.e. '1' 9. C)ange Boot Targets using 'systemd' notation -targets a. 'systemd.unitJT;7ET' i.e. 'muti.user.target'-(3 'rescue.target'-1 'emergency.target'-1 'gra)ica.target'- may +ecome your goto TTI %)en aternating +et%een targets 9. C)ange 6e!aut Target on ;LL systems to +e 'mutiuser.target' a. 'systemct getde!aut' && 'systemct setde!aut T;7ET' /0TE: 'init /,M' sti %or"s to ac)ieve t)e various targets # 'systemct' # Features: 1. rimary management too !or: 'systemd' (. 7eaces various o%er management commands: a. ')at' +. 're+oot' c. 'o%ero!!' d. ')i+ernate' e. etc. Tas"s: 1. 7e+oot o%ero!! a. 'systemct Rno%a re+oot Ri' 're+oot'-symin"ed to: systemct' +. 'systemct OO o%ero!! ' c. 'systemct OO susend' dums state to 7;M -!aster recovery t)an ')i+ername' -does not ersist across o%er outages on 80ST /0TE: t)e 80ST system to +e on in order to reserve t)e contents o! t)e'susend' susendedre@uires state /0TE: 7esumtion occurs @uic"y and o!ten %i /0T +rea" active SS8 sessions
d. 'systemct OO )i+ernate' dums t)e state to dis" -ersists across o%er outages (. Service Management %it): 'systemct' a. 'systemct Ristunits' dums ;LL managed units: services* devices* at)s* mounts* soc"ets* targets* etc. +. 'systemct istsoc"ets' ists oaded soc"ets* ordered +y address c. 'systemct !aied' ists !aied units d. 'systemct status R/;ME...R46... s)o% runtime stats o! unit-s d1. 'systemct ss) aac)e(' enumerates status o! +ot) services /0TE: Status returns current status and recent L0 detais e. 'systemct s)o% R/;ME...R46... s)o% runtime stats o! unit-s' reveas roerties o! t)e unit-s !. 'systemct tye service' ists services !1. 'systemct tye service gre tty' enumerates currentyoaded TTIs g. 'systemct tye device' ists devices ). 'systemct tye soc"et' ists soc"ets 3. Manage Service a. 'systemct status -aac)e()ttd' +. 'systemct -startstoreoadrestart -aac)e()ttd' c. 'systemct "i -aac)e()ttd' Ena+e Services 9. a.6isa+e 'systemct disa+e -aac)e()ttd && systemct re+oot' con!irm +. 'systemct ena+e -aac)e()ttd ' /0TE: Iou may sti start a disa+ed service daemon # 7emote Contro # Features: 1. Execute systemdreated commands on remote targets (. rovided utiities suort t)e remote otion: '8 T;7ET' 3. 7e@uires SS8 ass%ordess;,T8 setu to avoid romts er invocation /0TE: For +asic* nonrivieged tas"s using 'systemct'* setu ass%ordess;,T8 as nonrivieged i.e. 'inuxc+t' 'inuxc+t'-remote target Tas"s: 1. 'systemct 8 1(.1>.A
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