Link Budget

September 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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UMTS Uplink Budget Housa Ho usam m Al-Ho Al-Housa usami mi E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Lucent Technologies Proprietary 


Main Objectives In this presentation you will be able to:

1. Understand how the UMTS uplink budget works. 2. Learn how each parameter in the link budget is derived (or calculated). 3. Differentiate between customer specific and vendor specific parameters.

Lucent Technologies Proprietary 

H. Al-Housami July 02



What Wh at iis s a “Powe “Power” r” Lin Link k Bu Budge dget? t?

Power Link Budget: A calculation of the achievable path loss while accounting for all sources of gain, attenuation and noise.

Lucent Technologies Proprietary 

H. Al-Housami July 02



“Pow “P ower er” ” Li Link nk Budg Budget et 

SNR : Signal to Noise Ratio. Indicates the level of the Rx signal in in comparison to the level of noise (+ Rx interference) so that communication could be established effectively.

SNR (dB) = Rx signa signall - noise noise

SNR SN R (dB (dB)) = Tx sign signal al + a all ll ga gain ins s - pa path th loss loss - ot othe herr los losse ses s - no nois ise e

Path Pat h loss loss (dB) (dB) = Tx signal signal + all gains gains - other other los losses ses - ( SNR SNR + Nois Noise) e)

Rx Sensitivity

Lucent Technologies Proprietary 

H. Al-Housami July 02



Uplink Budget Added Bit rate system noise Total TX power available Loading converted to Loading in the noise risecell due to other users Bit rate


d Bm

TX antenna gain Body loss

d Bi dB

TX EIRP per traffic channel

d Bm

RX antenna gain

d Bi

RX cable and connector losses


Receiver noise figure converted to dB TxService an ante tenn nna a + Thermal noise density gain, e.g. 2dBi Cell loading Bit Rate Attenuation due for a dipole Effective to body Noise rise due to interference Rx antenna Max. UE power  Isotropic Power obstruction. Total effect of noise

from the Tx gain in the Information rate boresight Cable and Attenuation antenna direction connector through Source lossesEffective required Eb/No between the Rx RX sensitivity building thermal noise We will walls antenna and the study these Soft Handoff Gain cabinet parameters Fast fading Margin in more Log normal fade margin detail in In-building penetration loss (urban) subsequent sections Maximum path loss urban

dB dBm/Hz

a 21 b


c d 23 e=b+c-d 18 f  3g 2 0

3h -174 j

k dB 5.23 l=10*log10(1/(1-(k/100))) dBm/Hz -171 m=h+j dBHz 48.06 n=db(a) dB 2 .5 4 o p=l+m+n+o+correction correction factor  d Bm -115.40 p=l+m+n+o+ dB 4 .5 q %


dB dB

2.5 r  1 1 .6 s


20 t


Lucent Technologies Proprietary 

123.80 pl=e+f+q-g-p-r-s-t H. Al-Housami July 02



Path Pa th loss loss = Tx sign signal al + all all gain gains s - loss losses es - ( SNR SNR + No Nois ise) e) Bit rate


Total TX power available

d Bm

TX antenna gain Body loss

d Bi dB

TX EIRP per traffic channel

d Bm

RX antenna gain

d Bi

RX cable and connector losses


Receiver noise figure Thermal noise density

dB dBm/Hz

Cell loading

a 21 b


c d 23 e=b+c-d 18 f  3g 2 0

3h -174 j



Soft Handoff Gain

k dB 5.23 l=10*log10(1/(1-(k/100))) dBm/Hz -171 m=h+j dBHz 48.06 n=db(a) dB 2 .5 4 o p=l+m+n+o+correction correction factor  d Bm -115.40 p=l+m+n+o+ dB 4 .5 q

Fast fading Margin Log normal fade margin

dB dB

2.5 r  1 1 .6 s

In-building penetration loss (urban)


20 t

Maximum path loss urban


Noise rise due to interference Total effect of noise Information rate Effective required Eb/No RX sensitivity

Lucent Technologies Proprietary 

123.80 pl=e+f+q-g-p-r-s-t H. Al-Housami July 02



Maximum Path Loss Calculation

EIRP Gains+ all the


Rx sensitivity +all the losses

Maximum Path Loss

Bit rate


64000 a

Total TX power available


21 b

TX antenna gain


2 c

Body loss


0 d

TX EIRP per traffic channel


23 e=b+c-d

RX antenna gain


18 f  

RX cable and connector losses Receiver noise figure

dB dB

3 g 3 h

Thermal noise density


Cell loading


Noise rise due to interference


Total effect of noise Information rate

dBm/Hz dBHz

Effective required Eb/No


RX se sen nsiti sitivi vity ty

dB dBm m

Log normal fade margin


Soft Handoff Gain


4.5 r  

Fast fading Margin


2.5 s

In-building penetration loss (urban)


20 t

Maximum path loss urban


Lucent Technologies Proprietary 

-174 j 70 k 5.23 l=10*LOG10(1/(1-(k/100))) -171 m=h+j 48.06 n= n=dB(a) 2.54 o -115 -115.4 .40 0 p= p=ll+m+n +m+n+ +o+ o+co corr rre ecti ction fact factor  or  11.6 q

123.80 pl=e+f+r-g-p-q-s-t

H. Al-Housami July 02




Lucent Technologies Proprietary 

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