Liner Running HNG tool Procedure .pdf

May 9, 2017 | Author: Adeel Nensey | Category: N/A
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WTF liner run...


Drilling & Well Services

Hydraulic Rotating Liner Hanger System with liner top packer for cementing applications. Utilising retrievable pack -off bushing and Liner wiper plug system Sales Items: 10ft PBR, TSP5H1 Packer c/w RSM and HNG, WPHR Hanger, Landing Collar c/w integral ball seat, FC, Reamer Shoe, LWP, DPD and Ball. Rental Items: WRTE, Hydraulic HNG Tool, RSM Pack off, Stingers, Pick-up Sub c/w Plug Adaptor.

Liner Installation Procedure Outline Section 1

Liner pre-job checks and preparation on rig site.

Section 2

Picking up and running the liner system.

Section 3

Setting the liner hanger and releasing the running tool

Section 4

Cementing and displacing the liner system.

Section 5

Disengage the Junk Bonnet.

Section 6

Setting the liner top packer.


Retrieving the Running Tools and removing excess cement.

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©2003 Weatherford. All rights reserved. Issue: 0 Rev: A

Drilling & Well Services


Check all equipment for damage and/or missing items on arrival.


On last wiper trip, record torque at 20 RPM with the bit a) close to TD and b) close to proposed setting depth of liner hanger.


Take all relevant measurements - length, O.D.s and I.D.s.


Check all pinning values are such that they will shear at desired operating parameters.


Check that junk bonnet has remained in position during transportation.


Check that setting ball seats in the wiper plug ball-seat. Also check compatibility between liner wiper plugs and casing, and Drill Pipe Wiper Dart with running string tubular.


Install Drill Pipe Wiper Dart and setting ball in the top drive head. Company Representative to be present.


Drift all running string tubular min 2 ½”.


If the cement head is to be racked in the derrick please ensure it cannot be damaged and is accessible in the event that the job is delayed.




Note total number of liner joints and pup joints on the pipe deck.


Install float equipment and the required number of casing joints for the shoe tract Check that float valves are operating correctly.


R.I.H. with liner, filling approximately every 5 joints and fill completely when last joint is in slips.


Pick up hanger assembly, install wiper plug system and make up on liner. Start with chain tong.


Pick up approximately. 3 feet/1 metre, letting rotary slips ride on liner joint, to check if setting tool and all connections are properly made up. If so pull slips.


Note pick up and slack off weight of liner. Pull rotary bushing if the hanger can be damaged going through rotary table. Lower hanger assembly through rotary and set drill pipe slips on the 5" setting tool pup joint. TO AVOID POSSIBLE DAMAGE, DO NOT SET SLIPS ON THE P.B.R. Be careful to keep the hanger centred while lowering through rotary table to avoid damage to the assembly.


Circulate contents of the liner not exceeding. 500 psi. Note the total number of drill pipe stands in the derrick. Pick up to place Junk bonnet above rotary table. (Use caution when pulling PBR top through Diverter or bushings).


While circulating the liner contents fill up the PBR with fresh water through the junk bonnet.

©2003 Weatherford. All rights reserved. Issue: 0 Rev: A

Drilling & Well Services


When PBR is full, place the junk bonnet. Stop filling, wait for 2 minutes then top up PBR. Plug both inlet and outlet holes and also removes the cap screws/protectors from the side of the junk bonnet.


Run in hole using back up tong on running string. Put pipe wiper on pipe while running in. Drift pipe if not previously drifted. Please ensure that both rabbit and rope handle are recovered each time. Fill drill pipe regularly, to a maximum of 5 stands unfilled. To avoid any pressure surges, do not use a closed system for this operation. Limit running speed to 1 min/stand lowering time.


Circulate at casing shoe with max 70% of Hydraulic shear value. Take the free moving up and down weight and torques before going into open hole. Have Weatherford Field Supervisor on the drill floor before doing any rotating, circulating or setting down weight once the liner is in open hole. Recommended running speed in open hole should be 2 minutes per stand.


If obstruction in Open hole, pull the whole assembly 15 ft above the obstruction area. Start circulation with max 70% of Hydraulic Shear value of Hanger & rotation with not more than the calculated high torque (detected torque at the Casing shoe at 20 rpm + 80% of the Hanger/Casing torque, whichever is less). Start slack weight slowly until passing the stuck area.


Space out drill string to put the cement head +/- 10' above rotary table when shoe is on bottom. Drift all pipe picked up from pipe deck.


When running in open hole fill up each D.P. as much as possible without interrupting the smooth running of the liner in the hole.


Connect Top Drive. Take the free moving up and down weight. Break circulation and wash down to T.D., not exceeding 800 psi. Tag bottom with max. 5 Tons weight & 450 psi pressure and mark pipe. Pick up to the free moving up weight and measure out to the setting depth. Circulate one bottoms up with no pressure limit – max 800 psi.

Note: Don’t tag bottom w/o pumping as the shoe may be blocked with fill. 2.16

Circulate at setting depth with max 800 psi. Rotate and condition hole as required. (Limit torque to cased hole torque at 20rpm + 80% of liner make up torque, or hanger assembly make-up torque, whichever is less). Circulate at least bottoms up before setting the hanger.




When circulation is completed, stop rotating and drop the ball by hand and connect Cementing Head.

Pump the ball down at 2-3 BBL/min. The ball should take approximately 2-3 mins per 1000ft to land on its seat. Watch the pressure gauge closely. When the ball lands, slow pumps & increase pressure steadily to 200 psi above the pressure required to set the hanger, shut off pump and hold for 5mins. Bleed pressure back to 500psi. S/Down Liner WT + 12 Ton weight to set the hanger & hold for 3min.

©2003 Weatherford. All rights reserved. Issue: 0 Rev: A

Drilling & Well Services


Pressure up the string to 2300 psi to activate the hydraulic release mechanism of the ‘HNG’ running tool and bleed off the pressure.


Pick up to check that the tool is free. Pick up must not exceed half the distance from the RPA dogs expose or RSM shear whichever is less. If the liner weight has been lost, set down 20 Ton of weight on the liner.

Note: if running tool is not released, increase the pressure in 200 psi intervals, bleed to zero and check for release. Should it not be possible to release the running tool with hydraulic pressure, apply left hand torque to shear the emergency release shear screws? A 1/6th turns to left at the tool will allow the mandrel to move down under slight compression, allowing the collect to be retracted and locked out in the release position. Straight pick up will now release the ‘HNG’ from the Liner. 3.4

Shear out the ball seat rated ±3500 psi and note the pressure. Check for returns after shearing.

Note: Temperature does have an effect on the shear value of shear screws/shear rings.

©2003 Weatherford. All rights reserved. Issue: 0 Rev: A

Drilling & Well Services

©2003 Weatherford. All rights reserved. Issue: 0 Rev: A

Drilling & Well Services Setting Liner Hanger on Depth& Releasing HNG Running Tool

Follow Procedure

HANGER SET? NO Repeat setting sequence increasing pressure by 200 psi.



Ball seat sheared out





Running Tool Released


Set Liner on bottom



POOH with Liner

Continue as per procedure

©2003 Weatherford. All rights reserved. Issue: 0 Rev: A


Drilling & Well Services




Before cementing, establish circulation and start rotating the string to the right. Establish rotation of liner at 15-25 RPM and note torque only rotate the liner when circulating. Limit torque as stated in 2.15. Rotate the string after every 15 min for 2 min.


Line up to cementing unit and test lines as required. Pump spacer.


Pump cement as per programme, flush lines (if required) and release the pump down plug. Flush the bypass channel of the Top Drive Cement Head & displace cement at optimum rate.


Slow down the pump to 2 BBL/min before the dart reaches the wiper plug & also stop rotation. Note pressure required to release the wiper plug. Increase pump rate back up to optimum rate after the wiper plug is released. Resume rotation.


Slow down the pump to 2 BBL/min, 5 BBL before total displacement & again stop rotation. Bump the wiper plug with the required pressure to test the liner. Record the bump / test pressure used 3000 psi.

NOTE: Use one system only for displacing the cement to remove any doubts about volume pumped. 4.6

After testing the liner, bleed off pressure and check for back flow. Note the return volume.



Pull the string back to position the rotating packer actuator above the top of the PBR. DO NOT EXCEED THE CALCULATED PICK UP DISTANCE BY MORE THAN 3 ft. Rotate the string slowly with a stable torque reading. The string will effectively shorten during this operation bringing the actuator dogs further above the PBR. Set the torque limit to the running tool releasing torque + 10%. Zero the Vernier on the weight indicator & slack off to set the TSP packer. Watch the weight indicator for positive indications. Do not slack off in excess of 14Tons whilst rotating. If no shears are observed, release torque slowly & continue to slack off to set the packer. Maintain set down weight on liner packer for 3 minutes.



Continued pick up of the running tools will shear the lock sleeve of the RSM pack-off bushing. An over pull of approximately 1 Ton is required. Providing the liner wiper plug has been bumped, pressure up the string to 500psi which will then bleed off when the pack-off bushing is pulled. As soon as the pressure bleeds off begin circulating slowly. It is advisable to pump approximately 10bbls of mud down the drill pipe whilst pulling the running tools above the liner top. This will ensure that the liner top will be as clean as possible. Pull back sufficient pipe to place the end of the stinger right above the top of the PBR. Reverse circulate, rotating the pipe regularly to break up any cement between the pipe and the casing, monitoring the returns to ensure that there are no losses. Do not re-enter the liner top with the tail pipe assembly and after that POOH.

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©2003 Weatherford. All rights reserved. Issue: 0 Rev: A

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