Lim v. HMR Philippines Digest
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Labor Law Case Digest...
CON CONRADO RADO A. LIM LIM v. HMR HMR PHILI PHILIPPI PPINE NES, S, INC., INC., TE TERES RESA A SANTO SANTOS-C S-CAST ASTRO RO,, HENRY BUNAG AND NELSON CAMILLER G.R. No. 201483 Augu! 04, 2014 "ACTS# MENDO$A, J. MENDO$A, J.## On Febru ebruar ary y 8, 20 2001 01,, peti petiti tion oner er Conr Conrad ado o A. Lim Lim (Lim) fled fled a case case or or ille illega gall dismissal and money claims against respondents, !" #$ilippines, %nc. (HMR) and (HMR) and its o&cers, 'eresa (. )antos*Castro, enry (. +unag and elson ). Camiller. '$e Labor Arbiter (LA) dismissed t$e dismissed t$e complaint or lac- o merit. On April 11, 200, t$e ati ation onal al Labo Laborr "elat elatio ions ns Comm Commis issi sion on (NLRC) in L"C C" o. 02*00/2* 01, reversed t$e t$e LA and and decl declar ared ed Lim Lim to $ae $ae been been ille illega gall lly y dism dismis isse sed. d. '$e '$e dispositie portion o t$e L"C decision reads 3WHEREFOR WHEREFORE, E, premises premises consider considered, ed, judgment judgment is ere!" ere!" rendered rendered dec#$ring dec#$ring te $ppe $ppe$# $#ed ed %eci %ecisi sion on RE&E RE&ER' R'E% E% $nd $nd 'E 'E A' A'% %E* E* t$t t$t te te dism dismis iss$ s$## o+ ere erein in comp#$in$nt$ppe##$nt -$s i##eg$# $nd te respondent$ppe##ee Comp$n" is ere!" ordered to reinst$te immedi$te#" te s$id emp#o"ee to is +ormer position -itout #oss o+ seniorit" rigts $nd oter privi#eges. Furtermore, te respondent$ppe##ee pay the the comp compla lain inan antt-ap appe pell llan antt his his full full Comp Comp$n $n" " is ere ere!" !" orde ordere red d to pay backwages, reckoned from his dismissal on February 3, 2001 up to the promulgation of this ecision.! ecision.!
+ot$ Lim and !" fled t$eir respectie petitions or certior$ri beore t$e CA 4$ic$ 4ere consolidated. #ending resolution resolution o t$e petitions, t$e CA issued t$e 'emporary "estrai estraini ning ng Order Order (RO) en5oining t$e e6ecution o t$e L"C decision. On oember 17, 2007, t$e CA a&rmed t$e L"C decision 4it$ modifcations. On Februar ebruary y , 200, 200, t$e )C dis dismis missed sed t$e petit petition ion or certior$ri fled by !" assailing t$e oember 17, 2007 CA decision. 9ntry o 5udgment 4as ordered on :uly 2, 200. On )eptembe )eptemberr 2;, 200, Lim moed or e6ecut e6ecution. ion. On oember oember 28, 200, t$e Computation and "esearc$ "esearc$ u'u)(+) o( !' o''o( : !*! ' )* '(!o !) )+''o(. B !) (*!u) o6 *( '&&)g*& ''*& +*), !) )&')6 +o(!'(u) !o * o( u(!'& 6u&& *!'6*+!'o(, * )?)) u() A!'+&) 2
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