Ligth on Relationships. by Hart de-Fouw & Robert Svoboda

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REL ATI ONSHIPS The Synastry of Indian Astrology HART DE FOU'Xf



SAMU EL WEISER, Ir-.C. York, .'vl.tin~




A< ~ ,""",I.Jgmmll


Introdu ction

, " "" " " " . " ." . " , I

Ch.plo" _

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• . • , ,,, " . , "" . , , 2 73

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\Ii. ofT" ,h.. book ,h. f ublic with ' urn' tT< piJ"ion, h owing ,I... it m. y [,11 in, o ,h> . fPToac h H. nd. rh, F"ncipl. we ";>lmb the found"i" no of O Ut being [ ""h of u, . !ro in"n"" 'OllMu>lly wi,h out .., ,,i. l t I",,, ,h. ,hili,,' Or ,h. will to .nfOT" it> ",1" ", u. lly um,,-d. gui,kly .. , re.ul" W. h.v...,n ,h" fi-. qucntly. ho,h in ,,, Jnion. l ,01, ure. ,,,um.,ized hy in,·.,ion or ooloni:.,;o", . nd in dumin.", ,00'u" , d.."nd in,o Je, . Jen", W, .., ,hi> v.ry ".nmo ." ing iu elf OU' ' 0' d", in ou, own po" industn. LvlI' w l're>!lIv ,"'i" y, A. , .oci«y' 1•• of TOU'''g de"ri",""., ,hos' ""mb." who ... k ... ,hrown b.,k 10 ,I,,,, 0"'0 inn.. " ' OU"". T oJ..y. u,io",h'r guid.n" """t W....rn.... ,1,00"" " i,h whom m d how '0 TOUt< on ,I" d;" ,,,, ing h. is of neeting ..""",ion OT ...pol" on "Follow your h..rt" >od ·'t,...... your in,ui,ion" rn.v be .. ge . dvi" for ,ho .....on,d h, m . nd ,h• •killed intuition. If vou 'ry ro ,1,00... Iife f>rtner in 1,,,,,,., hO"'n oh n enlighten bl,nd ,mo ,ion, m d ,nli,~n feehle p, r-, p:ion>. A. lrolO\\y ' rp.."d , mong humm, while . i,iliz"ion still b y in its " ,die, ' nd Ius . nduTOd ,h. growth ""d d,d ine of all nu nn« of hum, n oryniz>tion . Th. ""',,,,,,io", of tn>ny gen'n'io", of » ' rolng' " Iu,~ , "umu), ,,d. ri,h m..., of itnrli.>tiom fOT "~_ A good V'OIi,),i (pn'ti'ion" of ],1-1 .. 1,.) " '1"' " ,h. """ity of hoth ,I" humm , pint mJ th, 'ndition> of ],\-Vt ;,h. , , nd . im. '0 rrovide ,,~n-hmded. hum, ni" i, ..., ,,ment> 01 ,,1>,ion, hip possihdi".. m her , hm to '~rloi, " ,di,ion to f'tteT individwl" 00 to J"',ifv ..If-inJulgent b. lu ,iot wi,h fOP ps-",hology, Bee. .... good " b ,ion. hip' c""nOl he log" l" od hy .ubstitu,ing one sted wh. n our . n, ion, " ligio", >IlJ ... ,rology . to>< , I, is .qu.lly unWl" 10 conform to modem mot.. ,I,., . re cobhld 'o1f,her hy commit" , into "1"'),' i, >!I-" eo"",," norm,



Vlib...."oIOl;Y e>n do, ",hen pcoperly p" cti" d , nd used, i' to bru t down [,1.. id",l , ,hou' I'd ot;on, hil" . thereby' b)"h\n~ , fuller con" " "" hin whi"h ou' ...i>"on.,hip' "m sp,,,d their "'rip \\'b.n"~ >;;' ,ft.. . ,hi, ron'. lif. ftom the ,,,,,,·dimen';on.1 symbol. on , pi"e of t'per is no jolt: ",


RelatIonship A""~',i, In the ,ontes. lCol"l/;Y' li,er,lly, "que"ion"] en:u " " ,he pe"en' b erni, pm ' p of therr « b tion, hip d,n". J,nm, ",,,se, the "'Y" in ,,·hKh , coupl. will rebre, .nd pe"hn. " ,.Iu"" ",·h"hor 0' not the :ouple will , " u, lly pu"ue. "I;. tioMhlp Good jyon,hi...... j.nm. '0 e""lu, ,, how wdl ,he h.hi'u,1 "I>, tion,hip )'tOpen.i'i" of ,,,,, people m.y in"rme, h ' 0 ,urp0rt 0< uodonn ine , " t"ion.h ip_ Th' r us<, to Inquire into the ' ''ua] "i.hl:ity of. ",urle'. ,urrent ed"ioo,hip reo'pe.... " of , he momen' ,hey ' ppcar fo" eomr ' trbllitY' _" e" me01 Th. d" ,in:rion bnween• •od p"",hn, com< , into , h",1' f",us wh", we ",", idec how frc(un te vi,ion, of roh tion, hip ""Iitv th" e m~,,« I-oth the fuod,m en,,1 m tuT't , od the ""tu,1 ,'i, hlity of ,omp>tih lity. O ieot , od jyoti,hi mu' t feel • J« p . nJ ge numo rw pro". 1r>Prot1 for lh.. go.1 10 b< " h,o,ed. fot tho , u((e..ful p".:ti"e of]yoti,h. invol,,", tho " e>tion of , he,lthy' rel>tiomh ip bde, . nOlhe , ubJe" . A good d ient "tively p rtk ip" " in the pro«,o of " .....mont. "r!in~ vi. int ",hni qUa",odbi, R.numhn. di.tlll ,d po,a",o ,a,a C,up" m. ,..,"j . the tr,nK end.oul n" ,or of Cod-.oos-.:iou.",., tho, be" m•. for him, • d.ily dl nUt·.~ u .l", V,m.I;,". ,h. m"' tn, 1>rdot of. mo,h.r lot het ,hi!d. ,\1 .,",0')'•. ,h. inlpl" d >n ;nten,,,y thn m.d. ,heir , ornpmion, . 0 d" " n,d)' un' m< ,b., ,hoy l'." ge" poi,o ned ~y ,he \'turgv w!'itten by Oh.nmj.y'. •vers ,h.. ",h ere i. no .ubj e" Ih>t "nnol . uo;:e. d in conv.y ing S!« " " ; 11 1'-" for ,I" ple., ur," of , he « n«.. . nd promo«. rep0O< in ,h. knowledge of rhe , ~,o lut< rlity On< prer of p- ]31\

ar.,,,, s,,,,,, (Kew Yorl

1l''P''.-con....., 19HIi).


lU in,«,,, "i ,h " u, p,n , i,un)';c" ". ChiI,,, . nd lemon, look whoU~ inncl . \Iie .ut:h for .... in , ach , uh tm" . nd ."ion th.. W< cn, a unty"om permits to b< wo, k. d ou' w;thout your eon,, ;ou. mind "," yom stored n.eding to b. ,wore of tho rroc... w. thu, lu,'••n .ne i.n, lnd.. " {o«run' ner of 'he mod..n, o!len blurry, notion of the m" lu n,.m of ,,,,,on of ,h. hum. n un,,,n..\Ou> , Th i. ,ophi";" ,,d Indi,n notion i. . . ,rud. 1 to ]yo,i,h, .. modern p' y< hologyhB< to W..« m ,,"ology


AURAl AND RIlATIONIKIP "1,-..t eYerythi n~ we " " 'e " id for hh. v, ' nd r", hold, ,rut for ,h. 'utl .. well E>u,.l bh",. produ,," " ..,,,,, ,h. on< r'" th" gener"'. ,h, one 'ur. ,h., w, b'1< ' 0 ,h, "..orld. fo r «nmroM dL" urb, mInd, 'n d "ice ,u » . On" p",n. md mind ,re disturb'd, th, phy' i',,) body find. it difficult '0 r< m' in b.bnced. ' nd ,h" imb,b n« wll1.oon t d h You, trologets "'h", thei, ,h ild,en r m.y ~nJ • ",Il'rn"hcJ n""h flO' eo the h.,i, fot the S,ngkriti, d" "o " hlO 1>U''''. ,rig< e,"n ...h,n '''''' food. m,0pouple lot whum i. comple · m.nt'ry m,." lind ,I,.. ,h." ..... ' 10, dcm. nding I."ure-um. r hysi..l ",. ,kll'.' ' gree (" ', n ,f on. i. ,prof....on,l p, , ,n d ,h. otn.r .imply enjo,''S p, . king ,h. p,,,, hu" .) , 50' 1" "'"r l. i. ,1,0 llkel)' 10 de,1' oore'" 'i,.ly in wnfron"'ion•. for , x. mpk, he will no' , rinl';< when .ne i. dressing down ,h. m' r ' w,i",. T " " S"um. " "pr o,,, e, will promOlC mu,o,1 un· d. ,....ndmg of ,h. d"..,." 'h ,ng> ,h" ,re'" fed mg. of re'ron.. h,lt,y, p:w 'i' ul. d )' ,ro und ..,u .. "f hum.n .:,oun", how ,h. hou.. hold chore, m: . 1I"".,d. ,nd how . "end, d f'mily or " , hu,den' . re m,n. gedJ. If. howe,,-,r, wt focus m,in!)' on how in""p,,...,n.1 reb' ion,h,p< .rc horn . nd dewlop. we must look prim i1"'lly to ,he A"en dm' , S~n. Moon. , nd Venu•. The gene,,1circum."n", . • 0~1.. mmd>. ,n d de.ire. uf ,wo in' di,'id~.I, mu" , omenow meet ifrh", li.i,on i, to peocced from ' imple inter' ",Won to ,rue ,0nn,Won


CUlTlVA nNGTHE RAIA Life i. ,..b'ion. hip. md. ,u" ",fuIlife reguire" ,u,«"ful "'., How mu,h ...." f."ton roo ••"w from life depend, on the ' plomh ,wI, ...hi,h you ,..b" 'nd ,h. wi.dom ,"00 u.. 1n ...,h li,hing " b'io ""hi!",. T .... ,king rour n" u"i hh"", in'o nu, likely ' 0 , ,, ur :l>"Ji 'u,", gce ' oly. ' nd i' " ill hOI"'" he>t, , minor elf", on ,,,,~r ·"u.,l ' ur, ," ,he o. h,f, ,h" = « ..r, d hy ~'Oo" b enu" The (u' mlly uncon" iou inl. ..;:,;"n

wi,l, .n !in


th, pt1m..y n. ui. Ot hihas from one h"'osv:d,d that you ,,'w ily g« m"oh-ed . nd , hat you, ind;".;du.1 nor.l horosco!",' , ,,h peomi" ",i,f" "oo In rd,u"". h'F " O, h" met hod" p,ashno ;n p."i,,,l,,.•re .mp loy.d to ,n,wer ,he ,i"l question of " h"hcr ,hose I"opl' O'n or will~" invol" d ~,n)' peopk who.. H"h , h"" in,,," twin' people who wi ll oevetmeet, 0' who, if ,h,y do meet, m.)' not enler in,o rd ation, hip for one re..on or :lIlO' ;''' h en tho.. . oor le< who do " ,ually ~.. invol.-ed md whose horo"ope< 'ntet1wine un'ommonlF well thro"gh ,)".st')' mon , how how . ' f" ifi' m",h "n imp""'e, oe di"utb ,h, ", ua:ion that , h• ..ven,h (m" ri. ge) ~ h"", of. ho,osc0F" promio.. -~u, "io unlikd F to independ. olly ",n"end , he ove rall k" mlC , 0nJitio". deo.: ' ihJ h ,h. ;nd;vidu,l' n•.,1 ,h an,. hp"i,n" 'uAA'''" ' morco''Of. th" , p",on who", md"i du.J horo",op' ind"'ate' fO''' pos.ihh,ie ' for h, PrY"I"'om hip' w;lI ')T icon), ,,,,,,, ,om,on' wi,h .i mil" peo, pction, hlp, be it d..,Y> (humbl, de-otion), ..khy' (frien dly e, m"" d, rie), "" ,orne othor. A tionoh'f' . nd 1'' ''' the w.y fo, f~t",e roblion,h ip ' uH . _ P1 h"""., ope. W e fom " in" ,,", on , h, peon' ion, y ' n rn drv>du. 1 m>V di'pb y in pu"~it of , ,..,l.tiom hip', "e nlu, liri" . A "our l' . rcl.r iom hip >u"'''. (, One ,h mg. ,nd the ,M,« ahilil\o' lO «ble th.. the tWO peorlc htin~ into their «b rion.h ip i, ,omi" \'vb ,l. O"llu'" th, po, ,,,,,n. ,,1;,;," to on, 'noth" of th, 10,d of the A",n J,nt .n J the Iud of , he H"-",, th., "' pte«n,

,irk. fmm B"h", P"T"'b.,," No," ,n OPl.:laJipikd. menuon. d ..,-Ii"

rho.. ",n,,,. For .""'plo. to di" " '-er how skillfully you rei" , to your childrm. .m .l;",< the « b ti... pl", .m.nt of )'our horos. >I n, , ,h. lord of A,. . your rd"ionsh ip wi, h ~'our bo" from , h" of ~'our fits, , nd "n ,h lor d" your ' kill, wi,h )'Our en· emi" from , he ,onn~n"h , md b ry"h. int" ' " " n indi,.., how Ih. ,h . r. d ~ .rm ",< of ' 10'0 indiviJ u.J. "'i1l b....'uted, "'gatdI... of , h< O"" Ome The « ven ,eb ti,'e w,h. -pl",ement pttems , uAAest th>l. when I.~n"h • •nJ b,....h. ... Hv.Sim or Th" . -El. ven to on, . noth" . you will w. nt to ' oo1"'r". in the , 1 the outwme of th>! rel>tionsh,p m. y he. If. howeveT. b~n"h ••nd l.ry"h. ,.e 1'",,-1'w dw 0 ' Si,-Ei~t to ea.:h othe,. you >re mOT< likly to bnn~ ("on. 0' . uh.:on""iou,lv) • "h,J" ."ituJ. to th'l .,me ,,10· ,ion, hip, lagne, h. ' nd kory ,,,,l,..i, th.n Jo th. oth« purd ~ hm noniou. 0' inh. rmoniou. Ji'po,ition. Even if two ~..h.. " b te ""ell to on. ' noth" , h rou~h their ,d otiv. pr."m< both hUv for them to freely .:olb ho,>te. Unde, ouch COndllio,,-,. thoy ""ill still not nec..· sacily ' OO1"'r'1< ,0mpl." ly unr.., th ,_~ 're fri.nds, or .. I.." n. u,r.i•. to one . nother. 1', 1«. fOT e»m pl. of Venu, . nd Sun in the horu."ope of lh, mn,; in thi. hoeo.m pe. Th , . lev·,nth bh.v. " " ' mmed in b""'cen Rahu and \i. ro, , nd the n..urot m, !cfi.. Mm, , nd infl uen; c both the MO situ"ion, ,,-e " p"" gen n ,hn h. 0 ' . he , nd ,he " hIong. "'ill mt.." t

Figure 5. Locdofthied " h"", in ,he ninth hh. v, f,om lhe Aocend. nt

.nd m. in" 'n su" ,,,ful rd " ioM in '1"" of i, . 11. "Poor ,Iills" m. )' moan th>t ,heir inter..,iun, w,ll uli. n r tOVe .,n,OI"O U', (ro")'. or othe",isc d)'.· fun"iom~ 'IT" re"i" e uf ,h, uu,,,,rno:'. \Vh ,n md,," ion, nf outcomes , nd .~iU. (. ,1to ,omrlement one . no,hcr, , eon.'olu" d . nd t tho... " hlink' "" II .li~ n , hem...h·•• , .. mb,l)' with the ,uhject A. , (On ""tln ~ ex,mrl. "lo the horo",,,!,e in fi~uT< 6. m ",hi, h the lord of the third bh••·, o" ur i" the ,,~h th bh", from the A."nd.n" inl1u. n"d h)' "' y':lJli' , Th"" "ho h,,'. ,h••lch, mi,,] 'yeo '0"" fmd .uC'·" j~mri ng ou' " ,hem from th" . ~"'ph. of ..,,, . n,,. Thou~ it moy btion, of. lif, " i,h ' Om< ."ur>Ie b,nlgn ly di'ro..d tow.rd one .nu ,het . nd "" ury • good bh,,'. , ,hey . r< , ,,o,i...d "nth ,h, r.y, hi', but befuJ dling. nod.1 "i• •nd ' re "('tu,,1 m.l efk S" urn, Mut,1,0, bo,h S>-.ry ,m!> d i• • h"dvlmi"di,pi,it :"mp"'lte. Sud."hm." " g'~,d, .ignt: b. " u« i, m.Lo•• m",,d,i.d lif. ,i,iH, t" u. from i" th,ee moM fund'me n"l p""pecti,-,,, ,he ph"si"l (A., « nd. n,j, ,h, m, n" h"",tion>1 (M oo,,), . nd th, ,p[ri'u.l (Sun), In ,h• •"n[... of r.tation_,hip>, it i. ~« f~I ", tle down the gr. h.. [n ,", h "f th, , fot" d Muon in , h"""",1" «nJ. '" prod,,« , . " ble, enJpble " n",-,,:,' .nd emotiun.1 hfe , • dmul'h d Muon imb. lon, .. " ni , "nsory and emotiunal e" "e"" Th, \-1oun', ",nditiun i, . u , ri,i,,1 tu .n indll'ido.r , w.I(." , h" m", h ofJ,." t"h, h... . inc< the d.,'" " f it> origin>. been f" med , round it

lyo,i.hi. moo, ",d",o",l m.thod, of .o mporing two ho,..,.",p." for m'Tri. !;" ....olbtn'dy «rm.d the ku,,,m, (roughly, ". group with. r u'P" '''') or p"'unh"m, ~"". dy, ". wmp..1He union"), Th«. m"hod. of ,~m,try d" " m,n. ,h. d. p'« of • courl, 's ,o mp ,ieil"y hy • •~",m of rom.. d'm'rd ooldy from the int" "tion of the M""n, in ' >eh hltth , h. tt , W e h."e, in th... ,,,,lY'' '' dropp' d 'Om< of the wholly ~loon,h,,,d 'riteri', ' nd ,.t.nd. d nthe,.. to in;;lud, the A.e. nd.nt. Sun, . nd Venu.. .. w,ll .. tho Moon \\h mtroduc< the.. method, with the hor' thnjyoti.hi. g'" their ". Iu. hy >rrl;'ing them in r t1:tic, . ,n d h('e th.. th.y m. y th ,,,,hild rel>t iomhip' , h.", Th. ,,[.uin~ of . «il" f,iend. i, of'm dri"en by , J"i... '0 1"o",hir' to one .nother uou, lIy di'r],)' the ,ort of ,ont m .n.mi.. A "boon. h,p of >c. 0 '" ,d,·....' n•• m, y .n"u unge r ugn>c i, y, rromot e .nmity, f"'t.r . rgg, m, nto, . nd eHlke tht h••hh-,,,, ohhgatmm for the other. Ji.....d pm n" IOTm . n unf,irly he")' burd< n) m,y TTly ""k the HI., lIon.h, p bU>l, Still. if , he outcome rndi, ,,ion. in hoth indi,idu,l ,h. .. o . ", ro.i ti\~, the rd 'lion.hir m.y lon" ,11 Ih, "ron~,,_ In tueo, ~i,..,n th" their A"cnd.n" .r< , Iecody On, ·On, , nd their V, nu.e. 1'h"'e·£1ilor< ,h" ol'im.tely p,omotn«. th.i r "r{}n~l . nd 'mporu n, oppo"l" 0' linl " " t' betwe", ,heie Moo p, u ted b~' only S~, Th.i, Moon" ho,," '",C. ,eo only " ,«t ,oprone whICh, unfon urutoly, .. ,h. wule., 'op' porti'", RC.h. "btionship Prine< Ch. rl" .nJ Princess Oi. n. h..-e ' ''-0 m~,u.l ."ond.ry linls be,wcen ,heic lour com«ston.s The.. mu'u,] ,,;:onJ.ry-· hnls .e< only .uppon. ..·- ,n_,,,.J of oppo,i"s oe ...""i" u-i n bo,h dif ptrlff, binI> 'ime"fh,;;.Uy ", I-,hi. Thi. t.,,,fi., '0 ,t- "I.t,on, nip on ,he world m ge, wnil, the IOt" ",rion ol,hei, Sun, .nd A,,,n~.n .. likely cjou> Ieum;. "'''''';00' At. "'. in 00' .t . 11 " . tr" ted to ,orne of the p"'mti,l poop!. with whom, ,heor .go J" i'e' bliss in " 'ery rel.tion,h ip, yet lew P" " " , u'' ',,;ently to m.m th,. bli" . Befor< "Ii" i. > in ,he ",I" ion," ip d, nc< . Th" d, n« , when r'om, wilL however, only dd iver,hcic full promi,< of m.,i,, 1 ~Ii .., no m. Ucc how ro" nt , h" promi,< m...«m, ~'h< n , h< othec ~!,h " ,ooper"e Th< four ,;ome....'on.. ' n: ~ u, fo or , hTtum. R. hu. •nd Ke' u. hen when , he found"ion of . "d "ion, hip i. finnly ~ ..d on good eonne" iun• •mung ,he fo", ,urne...tune•. the inl1uen" of n>lu,,1 m, le~" on , he.. four ~",ldinj'; ~Io,u ,;,n disturb ,h< de"dopment of, ,,'i.fying " . l" iuns"ip. Conve" dy, my n"u"l bTOm< otlx. .... V. · nUt 'n C' f'"< ""' (... 1i!:"1'( r'P " 7). In ,h ""•. ,Iw: ._

j"I"''"''"' '...




V.n ..... ",11 . nd M.,. inw ,,,i uo il1,y ,nd ;n,on .. s"n,y. however, wh' n imp'id, \Vh en ,h" m, lef;" , lfe,," the ,,"'< ' 01" ne'SlOne "TO" huth , h, n., ho",,,n , , he "Iu" ion of1tu'n into Ihe S''''T' i" , h..t, w, find thot ;, ,," uppo.ite Ih.1 Scorrio A" ", The ohm . in figure '7 ,hu. h" 'e • "'"tu. llin\; of Ihe S, tum in on< horo. cop< 1otho A,,,,,d, nt of the other Thi. hib"n l influen" of S""tn on Ihe As" "'!>n' "" n in,en,if,', in , S"umi.n "" ~', th, im~,l>n' .. ,h' l ,h, Six,Ei~! rclotion' hlp f mdu, ,,. Th, f m nt urn in the s,,0'1'io-ri,in~ ,hm throw. on ,hot " A. "nd,n' is not ,nfl",ncd by It. o"n T, urus S' tum , ,h.t pnd I" k of d,n ly whe, he go... p"nW,,,"'ng ,he "'gLJct, "< " n u' u>lly m.k< . imi!>•. but oppo;i", , Ul on tl.< f ou, Co,,,.,,,o,,., T hr• ., I, ,,t ' '''0 coodition, in which Mars md S"urn WIll nol d,.tu,h ,I>< 'o,,""ou, exp, ti,n" 01,1,. foundJ.,ions of a huJdi n~ " I" ,on, hlp. Th. 1m' ""u,-; wh, n on, of th.m rul.. tl>< Asc,ni>n, in the ongin,,,ng , ha" In "b,.i,,1];"o' isha, ,h, lo,d of th, fi..., hhaY> to , hy d, f,nition, alway. , good gl'aha, 11, inO utn" on the four ,o rne"'on,, in ,he 0'1,,, horoscop, ,,-ill, in ,hio '"e. ""n,ial1 ••up,,...d. (in most , ..... wh. n S"mn i, not ox" p'ion,lly w.,k) i" inllu. n" " . n" un l m,lcf". Th, . " ond ,o ndi'ion oturn', t< , ohm, imp"ts,:n to,n, [he AricsAscendJ.nt by it' ,enth , pecial ..peel. and th. S'~!l;U:'u, Rahu ,01· .".. II" An" A" . nd' nt through its fifth ' peeial " f'< " 1'--:0" ,hor. in 'hio "mple ill u"ration. ,he Venus cOln" " On. p,ir fonn, the d"". hl< ""I'l""'[ty link c", ,, , d hy II" V, nu,., " ru" ,he 'wo , h.", i. unhl. m"h ed Though ,he >:" n~,h 01 [hIS pnnury link i, H,hor . omp,om;;. d (h" , us< o" ul" ,ion of 11,. in'u ' pit\ou. e i~h[h 1,1, ,.., while h< in~" . d hr Sa,Um £xc,pfio ~,



Building on III, Corn",I"""


. uhm nli.lly w • • ,h. Vonu. in ,ho Virgo "hon). ,h. link i,self i••till . p,,,uli,,, one W, must, how..e'. , 1'0 infet ,h", ,h. ' oupl•• environm.n..l , i"um.Uno" (.. rep" ..,.n"d by ,h. i, A.."nJ . n,.) will h, JilTi' ull '0 « h , in who.. t»hijupiter i. ,x,lt.. (Moon); j uriterei" , toke the ho' ''',op," of P,ul "'.wm.n "'d jo,nn, , Voodw" d . nd try to d, lino:xl cal!< brid• . \'' ''\'il< , hn:< in tod,y', wo,ld of )yo,i, h,. how.v.r. h"" d " ..d to SIT'y from, >In" Moon ·b ..d m"hod 10 ' r rly tho "yn, K,h..., Th, lhird ~r"up con",.. of ,he tem>1n ing n. b h., .., (n"m ho .. oine" ,n through twent)"" " n). " coonud f",m th, ongm.1 n.k,h..... A, i, m"" h' the nn< Wood""rd (,0< Ch.n 9. r>~e 1( 6). ",hooo Moon ,~ 54 of Aqu'riu. in Dh,n i,h,h, nahlu"" I l (U "a,a Bb4d'4p4d4. p,.,b)-~ . 0' Anu,oJ"~, Alb-vini. .\1,,-&"". or M ul...' or Rabmi, /fa"., OT Sb '''''onol




. k,h H I, ; , _equ< 1 ' 0 , nh, n,:e the . I" .J, -good h.nnon, from th. Moon to yield ,,,e llenl h. rmony, .no,h" n" of."rologic.1 conll um« , V~ ri~n" t.

and Ex« p,ion. Coupl ""upy the n.k, h. ,", h,,-< " " "ge m. n, Ollly if ,hey""". in ,h. m b h.,r1S of A,hYini, Krittib, M, ig"hi" h., Pun u, ru,h."'> PurY' Ph .l~uni, L'n;r> Ph .:~uni, Chit.., Anu..Jh.t, Pu Ash.dh•. or L'tt... A,h, dh. _Tho," ~orn wi,h ,he Moon in Rohini, Ad ", M. gh., H..,,, , Vi,h, kh., Sh,, '·m.t, Utt... Bh.J' .tp.d ., or Rev..;; h, ve good h.1mony, md ,h",o ~om with th,ir Moon. in Bh., A,hbh., Swoti, Jy" hth., Mull, Dh. ni. h,h" Sh,u hhi,h., Of ru..... Bh.J"p.,h.n: inhmnoniou>



. _ Rul, I no"'i, th,,,nJ,ng, MUS . nd ,ndhilit,', we ,.. ,h" hnh h,,'. ,heiTMoo'" ttl ,'\quanus in aJj. " n, n. bh.".., ,,·;th hi. in Sf"." hhi, h. m J her< in Dh. m, hth. Sin" hi< "'l oon follow< hor., the gon, ,,1rul. would ' UAA, rule '1" rli" to ,h, fourteenth n. b h>tr. I",m ,he ,,"omm', \loon, whi cou~"d from ,he wom.n', Muon, , h. dioh .. mon)' i' , in'o ""'.~ hannon,' 5- On. p>d , pJ." m. n' ,hat com' of th. thml r ory.p,

M. R

R. Mo Ve

lan. 15, 1929 12:00 PM Atlanta, GA

S, M,


'" s.




M. PI L,hi Ch. rt Ju



M. Mo



M. April 27, 1927

4:00 PM Marion, AL


M. Ma

April 27, 1927 4:00P:-A



.. Plan LG



Positionl 130Vl37' I3°AR4S' 23°AQ!:W I3°GE31' 22°PI 15' OO"P] 14 ' 2O"TA20' I3°SC32' R 07°GES6' 07°SAS6'

Vimsbottari Dasha 3 Aug. 1923 3 Aug. 1939 3 Aug. 1958 xz 4 Aug. 1975


Ju Ve


Yogi Point GE 10-14' Yogi - RA


4 Aug. 1982 4 Aug. 2002

Avayogi -VE


3 Aug. 2008 4 Aug. 2018 4 Aug_2025

Duplicate Yogi - ME


Dagbda Ralis SA s: PI

Chm 17-COfm. Soon K; n~

6, The m....' ,mrorun, ,r'n,fo,mor of h.m",ny in,o di, h,, 'mony in ,h, m", ,, of n. h h",. roruuh,m ""' u" ",h,n ,h, m,I,·. M"" n ""tr> ..nd hi' i, in • m.o",hv. g.n . n..k. h" ,,_Incom' p"ihility . ]", "'cu" when hi. \ 100n i, in • de'-. g. n. n..k. h" " .nd h" , i, io . ..k. h" .. g.n.. n. ksh"" . or "h,n h in .. " ksh". gm.. n. ksh",,,




!\ ,h,';ni. \ lrig..hi"h... Pun P",hy., H..", S"lll. Anu"dh•. 5h. ,"",..0 •• R. n ti

(Di''in' ) ,\I""u,~yu


(Hum. n) Rohini. Ard" . Pu",. Ph.lg uni. l! tu" PluIgUJ'li, Pur", A,h . dh"l!tu r. A,l" Jh... Pu..... Rh.J"p"'" U Bh..d. d,

R..k,/"'", 0' A,u,o (D.monic)

Knw kJ. A. hlc.h. , '> , Chue>. Vioh,\:h... Jy"h,h... \ lul..>h,h•. Sh. " hhi, h.

Vu";an" und Ex«pliun. , \ Vh. " , ,o upli. Moons ",cup ,h. "me or ,h. "f'f'O'it< n.hi" ,h. it ,emp."m ."" 're " id '0 m.. , h, whe,her or not , g,n .. do. rOT .." ' mple. , tr.. ( . h,h, , nd Sh",hhioh. ) >tc hoth of ,h, " L,h. " g. n,. S'n" , m . ny .v.n" Iheir Moon. hUlh 'cn, nt Ag""iu. , whIC h gil''' ,hem ' ",om"i, gm , 'gr« ' men' h)' vlnu, of " m..' pt, m" Ih" ,, , '0 " of ,u mu],'i"e ideal ~,n, potutth,m. un" h)' ' g" . ment of n. L,h" " . , nd on" hv 'gre'mcnt of ..,hi._ The " me i. true uf M.rtin Lu,h« R,ng , nd Coren. Sc01t Kin ~, whno, Moon, hll,h OC'"PVAgu" i ll' , nd Pu"," Rh.dr'P'ci. If we . ' t ,h" t"fOnsihility. h. it hy negotiation 0' ' impl, . itu"ion 'pph" ho'h '" \VC>Od· w>rdi~,w m .n 'nd to th, King' , and most dram>ti"Uy to \ VC>Od",,,d, "'ho "i' hor"wn .""."ful >poru"b, m. " p.,i,ll)' ,m" Moons ,h., o« ury ,h. " tne ,..h, ar, often d« m. d compatible T,hl. 6 Ii,,, ,he c.. bi. '0 ",·h"b cb of ,he ,,,, d vc " ,hi. i• • "'"ted



1' •hl 6 R b' A, ,n w on fm V" hy. Po ru .m ATTlVlCTlNo RA;,H ATTI\ACTIDRAsIHS


Leo. 5< 0

T,uru, G, mini

C,... " , li b.. C, ncer



Rol" h"Uent tajj'" '!Ire,m,n t """''' ,,--hen on< p.nne'o Moon n. l-,h"" hdon~, '0 .hiro rajjo .nd ,h. o,het p. n n,,'o Moon hroh;; ...< ,.,~< "hen on. i, ",oh•• nd ,h. o,her i, .,",oha; and hatd)' "«puhle wh.n ~o,h a" ...toh. , 3' \\n en hoth Moons helonlt !O ,h< ,.me r.jj o 'alm, nt, altho0lth th" -n•. r. , nd "" >' the ,h"e Jo,b", _Th .s• •" f"" eo ,h" in' nuen" ppal1. Sin« ,b.", A".nd':101 n,loh.,r.. (Tlh"",i 1oc him, Hos" for her) hdong '" madh~, mdi , nd ,n ,y, naJi rell«. L« o. "view ho", our ex' ' mpl« I.,ed ;n ,h, it " ',]u, ,"on, fnt ,h", five moot imrona m I"""'" h.m. '


N~hl"",~ p"",h• ., (c" lu'«' ,he hllh and lon"",ity 01 Th, p " necs wi,h " flC< ,h, ",,,,,n,m,n l of ..,u >l eonuelj : \ \/oodw,d ,nd :-';ewm. n .huw· ~oo a comp,,,hih,)' ho,h I,om Thcoe \ 1000' , nJ A",.oJ,nl • . Th. Kin~ eOJ,,}'ed ~ood comp' tihil ,ty from ,hei, \1uon. ' od ,,'ellonl «>mp"hi]i,)' f' om ,h", A"eoJ>"" R. ,hi• ., (ov,l o,,ot,

R~jju p~,u,,~~m (,,,luAl" longo," >" bo,h of ,h, ' pou" ,nd ,he "d"ion, i"p) N,w",' n', ,nd \ Voodw>rd', ~loo n n,~ hn .." , ~o,h .re>te , ."e1kn, '"'-jjo ,~.., ' '''' '''. ,nd. ,hho "gh ,h, i, A", n;!m " do no, m,,, h for "'lIu pm""h'm. ,h, y ;!o m>t, h fo' n,k.h" .. porutth. m. S,",,,,n·. ho,o"op" more ov".•how, ~e>od lonp:v;ty, bo,h 10' hi, n"rri,~, ,nd 10' hi. m'rri'~, p'"n" . Th, A",nd,n, n,l,h",.. prod"," • "'rr gooin ptt v,il. h, tt, M,... King'• •hut d",. no' ,u W" lon~ri. ble ... \;di ,y "f m... of J;-,,'i,hi . prin' ;pb. :--Jo prin" ple 01J...o,i, h, · worb " loe ,. h, ,"n.idc". oly pled" " ..d h,,- , o""", ,hmg hin"d .. oy the m" , ,]ig,...d ",,,h.,," p',,,-,,,h.m b ..d nn the As.: ,nd .n ts. The , m" "" n,1 ' omp" ,HI "y th" ,hi. Moon·o,",d I""utth.m .~,,, m,nt indi, ,,,, m.y be th, ",""on whr Dt. King h,. be , n • wn" nuing pre.. n" In \ {" . Kmg', hie, e,.n . fte , h" phyoi, il1 death. h« nding !"'ru,,h. m .n,lysi, to ,h, As to he ,h. ...yogi , on" ", ,h. YOgi . ""f' 'hat. in ,u,h an in. u ",• . ,h. p""p« iry " qu,e.d through the J"'r tn« will u,u, lI y he >ccomp'n,. d hy . Om. ,;~ ,fi"", mom' . or ' " nlggl, n ,h, ve l)' 1.. . \Vh, n • duplicate yogi link< to ,, t1y d,ff. " nt " '.yogi, . nd 'hal " 'ayogi i, conn,nd to rh, ""'nth ~h,,·, in ,h. " qui.i" manner, ob.lTu"ion to pro'perity w;1I r" on, Jo, nn< \Voodw"d', ch. n ,how. M,«ory. heT yogi , ruli n~ ,h, .. v. n,h bh. va. Thi. ,ugg'''' th.. h.. "rou... " ho i. e,pres;' hi, durli,,,, yogi. 'uAA'" that hi. sro u" will g""ly , nh",,, hi, rn~ing ,h, loj. do,h. ,..d"ion i, .n . w"eness of e.non. ofJ yot" h, In Ion~u,~vdy ",,,n, Ja,o"" Po'i}o ,o.•noth" belO g lh, older B'ih", Pa,",',"," Ho'" of r .",h,n, lo'ol" Partjo 'o "" n'ion. i, In hOI on. 01 i,. lhoo"nd. of 'Or",•. Th. fit" ,"'s< of , ""ion ,"led "Comb n" ion; for h"U,n, Btid•.-· » >so "M." ""opying 'h, ""ond. twelfth, ""' n,h. ,he fo u" h, 0' ,h, eigh,h bh,,·, in ,he horo,,0p' ",,,. " u" lh, d"lh of ,h. wife. If M,", i, in on, of ,he", I"',,'ion. in ,he ,h", of ,he ",fe to be ... lee ,ed, M,,.. "'ill be hnmfol '0 ,he ho. b. nd"' To",r;! the end 01hi' ""ion on f,m.le horo" opy.•nd lmm.di"dv on the hod , ofh.. denmtiom fot vi'h, l . ny" . P.r••h." d." ribe. the m'ri"I.mi"ion ""l, H, "Y" "n." i, no Jooh, th" ,h, hu,b.nd "i!! d,e oco Ran;'n PuNica'i""', n.d,), 14,3-1,

' M"h,, ,i, h; Pa,a,n""

B,,", p.,,,,",,,, f-!ra S""" ,•.

"'~ .

2. 8 N7-1~

1~ 2

LiShl on & IOIwn,hips: Tht


of Indian ,o\,I,oJogy

Kuj. do,h. i. u.u.l1y "'f......d '0 in Korth . nd W,.. In~ .. » "helng m," The "'o,d "m' ng. l.: ,,·hi ~ uj ' d",h .


,, in th< fourt h ~h ,,-•. while m T.uru, Lih" M.r> in the ,wtlf,h bh..·•. " 'hil< on T . uro, . Cemini. Virgo. or libra; M.n and the Muon tog«h" in ,h e .. me bh. .... ;:ru ling • wuhh produeing ,0mbin"iOfl " lied ,h,mJ'a m. "g.l. JO~• . M.r> . nd Moon ']'0 "Ute ,h." d.. . yog. when ,h ey each o,he,. but the "p'" "og' clue. no, modify . n,v l uj' do, h. ,hl! may b< pr... n'_




Thor. i••1'0' " .di tion. followed m.inly nU r De]h, .nd ra,..]y in sou,hern Ind,•. ,h .. d . n". th....~ n t ~" ,trong'" l uj' do.h. end, on,e • p....on re" h.. . ge JO . )'1>" "mature," l! .ge ,8, . fte, whi,h mu", un;:omph".. d l Uj ' do.h.. exp"'e. In worst·"" ."" ,,io,. i. m. y tale un,il . ge ,0. M..· ri.g.. ' Ofllta cted bf' lUJl do. h. people pno, to . g••8 u.u.Jly end unh.ppi],', , hough ,hey n«d nu, n"e">fuy end priOT to .g e , 8, Ae to people wi,h ,hi, ,omhin., ion who m.,,)' .f"r 'g' .8 will be due to h.rmful combinll ion. in the horo· " or< other ,h,n l uj' do,h. One cation.]e for thi, ptinClp]e i. thl! M.... in' di" teing 11.1>,. 1t or of m,tTi ,~e (thi' b , in~ , wom. n·, ch.,,). i, "vctJ '0 m Jb , 9d.. of ,ng« oe ,ulion .nd di"o" e. 01". if ' hen wh.n remr " d to be' hu', ''' ';'nu t ,,,1'''.phony fO • r,vcr pi" h. \'11< find 1 h, flu,h " b,;on'nl>-. d (,) .nd Sarum (,h. Km, n" l.


DOiH AI To "'min, lhe inle,,,,,nn of ,,' ,,,mln. ' nc>,h" f'I " of our r'" h rmi, inh",un,,-ou< g_ Th, ,h,.., dooh" ". to 'O, pi',,", . nd ' . ph.. , "hi,h t. I. " te.f«twdy to . ic, fice ,oj w'1 ,~""m . Bod~' ,ubiti'," md lub,i, , ,,ion. m d ,h, ,issu" ' nd w"'" 01 ,h, bodv. 'c, lor h' , f'mi.:'. Pi" • • rro""" ,II inlOl" d'g0,,' dOl' '0'" ,hought>, The eozym.", ood eod",no. >I'>lem, :rre p""" m'in fidd nfocri'i,."_ All ,h.... d",h.. >t. pt d,~" .. i,. 'or. .."mi t.", nutri",.. and «)'Ct. """" .•nd ""ph. tuhrio. te .nd prote" tho di~est iv< o'pn" In , he ,on,,,,I, ,ho ,"'relion, m,nd, >au rettie'.. p,,",wu, dat. fn,m m,mory fot ,omr . ri",n "'lth n, ,.' d"., P,m protion. Your rnk!-i'i. medi"l or astrotogi"l, «n."• •11 ,h, fac et. of your r h,·. k . l.nd


m. n,,1" i" , ne. th..t ~vem the "'.y your bod)' . nd min;! in" inett, oIy te.,,, wh'n th'}, .te ,onl'on"d by. need to .d'pt. M.ny of the ".i" you prize in }'O UT p'""n. hty ..nd th, qu. htikTlli 'nd unJ.,.,,,nJ , h" of oth." ",n help enlighten you" to why the 1''''1'1, "ound rou do , h. thIng' th,y do. It l mure...d,ly ,h"n o,h"" \1 0" p,opl. >r, not. how.ver. ruled ~y . ,in~l. do. h,. in the " m. "-'y ,h" ,h. mOot p hy g, n,,,lI)' disp],ymg ,h, " . H" . on",t"" , e1kien' , kind. t c,.." th"••mOl 'on••re .f· fl,,,, d Th, '~1'i ,,1 h f h. t~1" is • h""Y'honed inJ",du. 1who is. n>t un l .t hl. " wh. n ""t UTO ,nd M, ,, , .. inmild , for, " hil, th< pin. " r "t (.d. ,he n« d ' 0 comm. nd, ,h.:!j "" b",.. '0 ,h, w o, . "ot , h. ng' that ,h,.,a.ri:u ,od. y'. ,. orld th.n oth.. tyption of b rh, Oo"'nJ .ubi],t), ,.;,h Ptn. (Mm i,n 0 ' K ut.v .Iumbot frum which no , mo . moun' uf ,houllng, r oling, or r rod ~in g , m ",mc h«. Evrn ,YOU, .. P,in« Ch'rm;n~. m, y h, v< diffi culty gming her "rg. ni. m ' tf; ingjuic. wh.n voor food. ..reer, "nd other life . " iviti.. ,to "prror ri' >t, to "OUt bod;' t~l'e , \\!he n ,hepce ifi" , ," '1 u, li " " of lo!;'", (00 0' .•nJ .h.'l' me mor." , re ,11 dire,tI,. link.d '0 " ute "" dli ~.n c< Th.. "",m, n'. "hild i., ,t this wri'ing, 'w.mdour y" " "ftcr ,he p"" hn" ,n tull,J in Prin' eton, bU'il;' ,*,,,i n,ng her Ph,D , ,,. p",ooiou• •ge

The u s«. you p" fee , nd ",;II,ntlulc, equ.l1y " tong (. f,cs"bh,Y> mme,), '0 prev, nt " ,h" from being . hle '0 ,he upper lun d p'' 'i,, (who m ,~ well ,1,0 h,,·, ,heir A.«nd.n" ,hgned) i n, ui 'i ,~l~ "nd" .\>nd. the fo" " liut moti,,,,,, ,h, u,h". h",,,,,, ,h, " me fo"n is Jur" "c. S"om...s .. ,-,t>'rrodo, in~ pi....,. d;;g'" h...hhy . ttil\ld. ,ow"d money. A Satom in the ",ond bh,,·. m,y b< , mi" rly. Or hal" .rt.,;,; .ph'p " f' i. nd" .n. mi.., OT neun, t., ""e 'fTi,', ,,, w" I,h of d. "i l . bou, h"", , he v. .. n.. ""in . Iogn f"" ' oupk reg>tding ,10, ..vH. 1, heme. of ,hell>" ond bh. v.. W'h" Avurv,d. pm" '" U> '0 do here i> .mplofy our , mll'.i• • nd m.k. i' mort . 0FhiSli-." d, by. dd,ng ,10, inAuen" ofF"l n'i in'o ,10, . ilO.,jon. T"'0 peopl, of ' imil" 0' ,ompl,mc n,>ry pu l ri' i. ,II 01.. l>ei ng e~ u,l "'ill li"ly t",.o1y bIe both in ,10, ,,,,,nth bh..,., of th. i, ' " p''''''' huro>CFes, JYFil, Ou' p,dittiy b' on, of Pv'" " t. ' ing .1 ,lIs, If w. n"w f. ",,, in ,on. riru,ion, .nd di'''''''T th" J" k . nd J,11 h, ve p"lr,,,. ,10" ' r< in unusu,I . < of b< m,~ . bl, to id, n"f;, p"k"to .o ;:]",1)' from ,I" boroscop< , \ Vo do t1.In ",ro.. w, tl·d,fi"od horos--;0pti, in her . p" ,b th. o be, The ",,,nd bbov••1", ,,,b f.mih-'. ",d ,he Two-1''''e1>-e ml..,lignmen, of ,h, hh" ,.loTd, here , ug£"" ,h" lh, ,ouplc'. f. mily "",kground, ,,1.0 ,ho'" m;;:;omen' , In f"'t. " ,b md ,,'cry m.n er rul.d hy the ",ond hh Fiv,-Kin,. ,n d the V.ou'" nrc d 'levcn, Only ,h. Son, ,iT io " Ie" ben· efi, FouroTcn reb,;on,hip. •n "li~nmcm ,h.. ""0. h"wever. be m"d, '0 work. w;,b time ,nd ,n,,!!'y- I, ,u: h " rtio",b'f hldy to per.i" if,hey ", ' 'u. llywe" tbing« of , he ' gonie. of emotion,l iool"ion, ' of Iheir n;;', m,h" . nJ dash".

Hill" oJ Churchill One p.;r of ",u, 1 ho",",0p" m which .'mil;rlr comple" ""md·bh.... m,I.JJus'men, « u'" i. Ih" of Adolf Hiller (.e. Ch;r, ' i. p>~e "~) . nd Win" on Churchill (... Chm '5, F'g' " 6), Th." m.llip> rdmon.h'F w" rend« d l'" were ,imil"l}' mi.,li"" eJ. Their "" onJ lord, (M,rs . nd V,n us. re' p"1>I'd}') ",e"e , S..·Eigh, rd.tron. hir, one 01 oren . d...." "",,. CuciolUI}' enough. l li,ler w" , "el«",i, n. Although hi.tory m. }' ne"er h" ,< bl"O u~h, ,he" two gentlemen 'og"h.. to "'I-' '' ,h. "m' bn~u" t>~l. , we m'r ptities would h."e been w.y out of line with the rim-driven, but m..t-fr« . menu of HelT finler With tlyle. ltfferd lr.m., i" lly .. well. .. :lid (most likely) their >It;tu; es tow.,.; fi,,,1policy, The" ."ond bh, ,,,, ,,'ere, rn ,han. thotoo~hly OOt of'rn,



its ;1I" lv, e,. ] voli, h, ",,, , nllm· bot of m,,,o.z,,Ji.tru",ng at 1•• « ''''en,,' of ,h« . mi"o-: ooi" •. The micro-zudi. , known ., Iii, J.'~J~,b"m,h.. (,Ii, twdf,h oj",inn), In, ",mple. J uph,,,« ,he OTd" of ,I><

,wtdb,ion of Ari", , ho< ;:onU,", . n ,,'.nlv di.., ibu,ed dn:::.h,mr ,,'rt, from ,\m, ,nd end, wi,h p""" ..,h pon"ln ,Y,o (OJn«. di,-..ion of ,%" ... hm "'re. ,d twek, nme' .q u.l, ....ndud ,..hi', lOO) , In T' ut u', ,h. JO¢ .., h, ,h ., follow, "",ie>. , h, tweh'. d,',d ..h. m, h.. ,n: dupli" ,tJ" w'

" "

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Th< llia,,,m,ha 241

In the context of prim,ry ",I"i on, hi!,", tho dv,d,.h ,m,. of ,heir ."rolo~"lIY' " "'-.,,, hin h , im yoi\' (h.ting . nd ,he pl",e" ,h. t w" e se,ung .. th< ,im< of . hilth rumpl;on of . ugil' d,,,ng mo.. orgoni,m., ho".,.t. ";ol" ;on. of ,he rule. of muhun. w,l1, for m""t pcople. disturb , he prod"" ion of b, n. fid ,l r F(I$ i[i"n in ,h. ,ob, 'y".m. i, not F"'''' 10 uki n~ t,u< p l1n, rs. Conse· quenth-, the Sun. in mmc'" "r bo,,,,e.., pref.T'5 iodepeod.nee, 0 ' F" fers '" be the enl' 'T''ise ', dire'lo, " ther th. n. ,,,-. gu.1 tm pl. ye" Simil>t « 0' d, ,,,,i.. m.y "'.. in . rom.nric ,d>tion, hip b,~un "n. S"nd." In lh, " d pb ncr. IA"" we h"'e on , ntity whoo' seme of ind,pf11',~' on Tu"J.v tenJ. [0 >;;,i".t< IA .... SOlum. .. ,h. tm~" or • Iii, In . bro.J seose. h"wew,.. ,he d.)'s "r ,h , w«k J" ' >fry ,he.. ,mplieor;on,. whICh ,h,y " "" fer '" wh.wu !o,.., ,hose ",ho 10" . "f.lI.n . w. y" from m. ' re wo" hirr,d in In;i", (. nd rful to m,i n"in ,.I,,, ,w"en.., of , h, dis' m.:ti"n he'" ccn .t Jti: .nd d,mm" ' ",ologi",1interpreWion. SWi, interpretation, genera" gener.1 de" riptioru; th" s-5.h, ,)',rem, ,h., JU'" hon,h, " ,h, , im,;"'"",. da,bo. in " h;,h ' ptoto' f1'icol n o')' h... .. the "m. ofH nh . Oh io",I)'. m)' ,,,, o p< dp'"mi, of • n:1..ionsh,p eon he pUl " ".k when the d" h. of•• rronl(",dl·pl".d I("h. '. follo",. d by that of • w..1< 1upiIC' d"h, (16) plu, the num"'r ...ig,n.d to S, turn (19), whi,h gin" us,n. Di, id, l 5 r.rt. n [0 )/,i 1'O: 3-5 re, .., ,hen divide th" in h,]f to p,'e ' -75 )''''''. ",hi,h " the .mo un, uf ,ime i.ub,e d " »nd hi .. the end ofJup\le" d..h, ,nd ,he .un ofS"um·. Tn...ndhi [h, t join, those t W O d" h.. thu. 1boildup of the newenergy of ,he d" h. '0 00"'., ",hi, h , hmbs to its ' p" at ,h••" u,] momen, of 'r:ln.irion. Thet[ r.l!inn[n~ " hcin~ A,,,~tlrulc th" ~h", do no' ddi""T, hm promised ,« ults durinjl, "~"huk ,i,, A gu h' . ".H"h' i. its uwn bhuk'i. ,he bh~k,i ,h" oCCurs " ,h. v.ty hei('nning of, JI,',hi . d.. h' .) upi!' Tiff Syna,lry t [h, "m, [imty [99 5.•nd D" n, ,,'as du. to , nte, h" S.. urn d"h. in l',bru..ry 19')8, D..h• .,n.lhi would h.v, op,,,,d fot Ch>tb h"w« n th, b'i/;'n n,ng of , h. I" , hhuh i of hi, Mars d" h. (M. ..·)'l""n. whi. h hcgonJ un, ' 994) .,nd tho , nJ of ,h, f" .. hh~ ",; of hi, d"h, ( R..h u- R..h~ . wh"h , nd, d S. p" mh" 1997) D" h. ' 10Jh[ would hav. op,.,.." d fot D.. n> ]x,,,« n ,h, nnmgof ,h,l"t hhuhi ofh ,,-lupi''" bIliti.., Th, ,o urle h, J , M oun"d thei, "p.",ion nn D, ,,m r-e , 9. 199>. wd l hofo re d... h... ndhi , " u,ll, oeg>n for , "h .., Th< .,,~ .I J"' on:, de"" wos issud on:y on Auhust ,g. how" u" V," . nJ three d, vo bofo« I)"n..'. u n"m.I ~' d" ,h . nJ . Im"", pre,;i" k in th. middl. or th. overlap of ,hei, d"h, .. ndhi. \Vh.n w. , ..min.d ,he rel " ion, h i!" or the rour r' F,...-~in. '0 on, .noth,r. SimiLrly, " ouple th" i, mo.i ng from Moon d"h.. in which their Moon< "'''' Thre, ·FIe"en ' 0 " , h Ol h" in«> M,n d" h" ",her, their l'wo-T"" I.,< '0 . "h p'ob,Hy ~oin)l; to find th, m" lv," w. lking into rd"ion,hip diffi, ulri" "' they Cn,.. , he thT..hold ,n,o Ih ,nd V.ou"t:io. '0."h o,h" '" more likd y '0 , 0Joy ,h, "p of ,he Incd of ,he r,.hi ' nd ,h. n, h h>tn in whk h ,h.. pu,n, f>ll.,

T,,,n,i l"/w,,J P',ncipb l. Add 10gClhcr ,h. longi, ud" of,he b l'!" lord >n d ,h, >n wh., it promi,•• hy " .,i" .n.l ysi•. \Vh., n Td m.rri, d J. nu, ry > ~. J ~ S 8. , n 'pp"'rri.te w..l d. y (W . dn",d' r) ",'h, n ,h, \ loon "''' bright .nd mon~ I}< in~ ,,, Ited), On, du..-n"d, ' " this muhum .. that Venu. i. ""rtlun.lly ted "b,ion, hip ,lil1, .nJ ou t, om es. there i, no ~u m nt« ,h" lOnr. r l nowo " . ,.,,~, , im;:" ' " whOl W,,,,,,, " ' mlog,,, " n h,n"on;'; ti, hi . tiQn. of .~,h pb" m . h""ld nQt ~, o,d in i,Q],I;un, lher mu,, ~, '~rrlm Sun. Moon. M, ,,. M,rcory, JuP"" . V,,;u•. S"orn, •nJ K" u ~"h. J osh" G" h. Josh, "" u" ",hflh,,,J lh" lhe ~' j,,, ngr ,hoo, "'" of lif, th" ther influ, ,,,,_KUj' Josh, " on, , o,h ",h, do,h ,

~"h .

p" Le" " Amolog1"j ,on ''''~lion,

h ip" Oi,',,;, gr'''_ h, ,,,.. r>~" 1> form ed ,.h,,, J up '" "" op'" it> o"'n or ,,,I,,,ion " . h, ",h,1e ,,; ,n, nl';\lln ~ho ,',


h"u' , ('"o, im>1 or ,oncQm;1>n, " u" ,h" J,:;"", "'" ,n ,'JI.I' (.h.kti) to ,!,,""" j . nm" " .,,1 ."wl"",. ,.h;,h , ..",;n" th, blTn" bbn,,, '" ;",1>.1>"". ,h" ,h, ,oupl< hrouj;ht f.,.",,,J int" thi. hl" ,m" J.nm. ,h< " ' ;' i,; ",h"h, , oupl, " ill ,,1.1< Jrot "h o: Tho: ·" u d~' ofl;ghl": t,;J",; " ,,,>log, jrt i, hi, A puc t'l;on" .,fJyOl.i, h, h I. " 'P' ,o~" Th, "s.'P',;, of Tim, fut""

, lndu n ~od ,i w"l[h

kOJ' dosl>., KUJ' do,h. r :he hkmLOh of \1, ,,,") " d, f,n, d " . hinh. [h... 0"'"

wh,n,,,, \1. " ""'up;.. bh" " I.• , -I, 7, a. '" I. ;n , 1.0"""01" " ,o~ntd from th, A", nd. m. ,h, Moon, ot V' rnJ'. KUj. do.h., h""m« .., o"!,,, ~ h.,n".p­ pm . in 1..-0 of tb,,,, th,,, I"', ino"" , nd ;, par I." tho poten,i.1 to ",v,,,ly d" "'pt , m,,' Ii"." ,hooP. on, . r.. uld prodi" . hj' " m' Iilll mi",y only wh", th",;, no mLn' ~"lOn. Th t« " d"'I(rt,m, nt .. m wh" ",""it"". ,k~",m" , m"d;!;"""n l11'0 kn~" n " dip. !'n ", ,,,i, '" "U,d " p' T ""0 p, opl, who , h... " l"';o",hip · , h, ,,,· ;m)'" Will «00 10 p'O",ot< in « "" il,i n~ p,-,,'on (,,~, ) ,n ,h, i, " L" ,onohip, ~' h ich " il: « nd ' 0 '"n,lo'", th, ;, bh, n , into d.:;o;htfnl '''".

,.j. Y"8" huhoA "J'~' 6,, ", ;. . S"h. wh" ,n . nd of ,,,moR']J~ ("",1"") p"",,,h, m "" Iu"" lonl" yj,y. "",h of ,h, ' ,""'" .nd ,h, ",I" ;o,,, h,p ""h,,.: O, m"n. d,moni; ,,,0: R.I," in S.;t "' p"'>en" -j~i,, :· in .11 .""" '" ' hot "',,,.0 Rt,,, '" ·'fl",d ,,,:" ,,,, . Th, ~ '''''''' " ,h, J~i,,, ,h" m,k< up o~, ooJ'" >nd mmd. , omh n: "D", >nd ",,,1. "; , n n i",,,,, th. , i. "m it ,~ , mot",n,


" "'m.' " fill, d " ith u.. " " ,• •n" R,j""'''' '''''''', j,,,,,lI y. .', ;" F'lh of "'. ..

" . hi: Any


ol ,h, " . " , oIogi,,1,on"dhIi"n.

" . hi , o, un l" m R" n; P''', OT m"' J p"",un,'" ",.1"""'0' ,mp'" of . po!t nt,,1 union on ,h, (""",II p' ooP""y" , 6< "",i.1 " ,,,, ,,,, ". h,n "ni, h ' 0' ' ''''pi, " io,. , ..h, .. nolti 'n.,'" ~ ""'« n "',0",hi" ~ .h .. m "", "'~ p,,,"'r, ,8o

' 56

rt'''rI 8 "!l', >0 "g" (of lnd'. n mu,;, ), ' 9, +' , ,,8 - '30, 13'- 133, 'l6- IJ7. '" on G,m ,ni , >+ po"t",n ,n V''I;O, "" Rohu 0' K. '1' , u", .l'gn" S, .",.mbo~~h, (yJod .'4



"mGogh, Vi", ,,,,. 1) - '4

, ug. .h, ft,. 'j9 k"nJ,li, (th, h,,,,,,,,'f. ' hu moni, ,,,b,hm,) . 4? v,,~ot"'n, . 110 '·",n•. ~~, S, . 88 89 .I.~nm (oh, d" n,) ponm h" n. 1 ~ 8 , ..t" ,h.",. (' rr " f ,,,",,,,,,,,,,n).


' ·m. 2I ~ n O, " 7

, nd g... " 5 n, di. 16J f'
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