Lightspeed - Alien Contact

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donald klatt (order #4163981)


Lightspeed: Alien Contact (Classic Lightspeed Edition)

by David Caffee and William Andersen Adapted to Lightspeed by Ed Fleming Artwork by Robert Hemminger All text and artwork Copyright 2011 © ComStar Media, LLC

donald klatt (order #4163981)


Contents Introduction.......................................1

Appendix B: More Sample Aliens......30

Chapter One: Species Concept..........2

Alien Name: Ryka................................. 32

Chapter Two: Species Creation..........4

Alien Name: Frii-mon........................... 35

Characteristic Adjustments...................... 4 Species Traits and Point Costs.................. 4

Chapter Three: Racial Skills...............11 ADDITIONAL SENSE (WILL)..................... 11

Chapter Four: Talents and Complications...................................14 Racial Talents............................................ 14

Chapter Five: Finishing Touches........17 Alien Civilizations.................................... 17 OTHER FACTORS...................................... 20 Species Creation Recipe Card.................. 21

Chapter Six: Optional Rating System for Civilizations.......................................22 Intelligence Rating: . ................................ 22 Technology Rating:................................... 22 Militancy Rating:....................................... 23 Economic Rating:...................................... 23 Individuality Rating:.................................. 24

Appendix A: Sample Aliens and Civilizations.......................................26 Androzee.................................................. 26 The Jhargi................................................. 26 The Kr’Neth.............................................. 27 The Lextharik........................................... 28

Alien Name: Spargan............................ 37 Alien Name: Tsari................................. 39 Alien Name: Buuschu............................ 41 Alien Name: Krowler............................. 43 Alien Name: Nailous............................. 45 Alien Name: Aeratix............................. 47 Alien Name: Krotia................................ 49 Alien Name: Karnic.............................. 51 Alien Name: Athians............................. 53 Alien Name: Verl................................... 56 Alien Name: Evi.................................... 58 Alien Name: Derotiki............................ 60 Alien Name: Guhltazi............................ 62 Alien Name: Dho Ngee......................... 64 Alien Name: Drak................................. 66 Alien Name: Hali................................... 68 Alien Name: Ino.................................... 70 Alien Name: Jubonakin......................... 72 Alien Name: Lom.................................. 74 Alien Name: Atomi................................ 76 Alien Name: Tikril................................. 78 Alien Name: Ovarl................................ 80 Alien Name: Maga ............................... 82 Alien Name: Olixi................................. 84 Alien Name: Phazon............................. 87 Alien Name: Fu’herl ............................ 89 Alien Name: Q’risi................................ 91 Alien Name: Pakian.............................. 94 Alien Name: Quni ................................ 96 Alien Name: Warlphen......................... 98 Alien Name: Yngloe............................. 101

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Alien Name: Jassian.............................. 103 Alien Name: Yabacha........................... 105 Alien Name: Hurkus............................. 107 Alien Name: Ueda................................ 109 Alien Name: Ocel................................. 111 Alien Name: Ganifian........................... 113 Alien Name: Condizi............................ 115 Alien Name: Betrula............................. 117 Alien Name: Ishoni............................... 119 Alien Name: Ensomi............................. 121 Alien Name: W’sik................................ 123 Alien Name: X’tikix.............................. 125 Alien Name: Metaxian.......................... 127 Alien Name: Zenati............................... 129 Alien Name: Zuphi............................... 131 Alien Name: Muleni.............................. 133 Alien Name: Kes’pah............................ 135

donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

Introduction In many ways, this book has two distinct parts. The first part (Chapter one thru Appendix B) is concerned with creating aliens races and civilizations for your Lightspeed campaign. In Appendix C, we have a little over 50 sample aliens to add to your Lightspeed campaign as your adventures take you to the stars. Alien life forms have been a core feature of science fiction since the genre was conceived. Since then the human mind has dreamed up countless speculations about what these creatures might look like and how they might interact with us. Not only has science fiction inspired us to daydream about meeting beings from another planet, we have also created alien heroes to admire and emulate. The Alien Creation Guide is a resource for gamers who want to create custom aliens for use as player characters and adversaries. This book has everything you need to bring unique alien races to life in your science fiction campaign. Any type of creature you can imagine can be brought to life is just a few simple steps. The Alien Creation Guide serves as guide to provide gamers with all the tools they need to create their own alien races. The book has step by step instructions that explain how to make a balanced, ready to play race using the d20 rules. The creation guidelines found in this book can be easily imported into other game systems, allowing players and GMs the opportunity to introduce these novel beings into any science fiction universe.

donald klatt (order #4163981)


Chapter One: Species Concept It is important to start with a clear idea about what you want out of your species. You need to define what your alien is and what it is not. There are a lot of details to be sorted out and it you may not be sure where to start. Nailing down your concept will be easier if you begin by asking the big questions. What do you want these aliens to be able to do? What is their physical form like? Are they a race of peaceful philosophers or barbaric interstellar raiders? What is the environment of their home planet like? What are their strengths and weaknesses?

Many people can find inspiration for their aliens by looking to science fiction novels, TV, movies and even comic books. Keep in mind that copying an alien race straight from popular fiction can be a bit tedious. This is especially true if the GM plans to introduce the new alien race as the primary antagonists in a campaign. A highly derivative alien can also disrupt the balance between player knowledge and character knowledge. As soon as the players encounter these creatures, they will instantly know everything about them because they are Once you have a grasp on the general familiar with their original incarnation in popular framework you will need to begin filling in fiction. the particulars. Think about how your concept Other sources of inspiration might come from translates into game terms. Perhaps your alien looking at the plants and animals found on our world. race possesses the ability to change colors Creating aliens out of anthromorphic animals has like chameleons do. This ability sounds very become a cliché in both science fiction and roleimpressive and provides a great description of playing. However, not every alien has to be a race the race, but in game terms it translates into a of walking lizards or a species of cat people. Try simple bonus to all Hide skill checks. Likewise, it mixing and matching different traits and survival doesn’t matter if your aliens have horns or rows features. Why not combine the muscular and agile of razor sharp teeth, both of these characteristics body of a jungle cat with the scaly skin of a lizard? would classify as natural weapons. Making the Or create a species of winged aliens that are armed connection between describing the species’ with poison tipped claws. Perhaps your alien could qualities in plain English and turning those have the upper body of an amphibious humanoid characteristics into game rule information is the and a lower body comprised of slithering tentacles. key to creating a new player-ready alien race. As you can see there are many ways to use that Certain aspects of your aliens may be natural world as the inspiration for a new race interesting and informative but won’t translate without always resorting to the tired formula of an into game terms. While it could be fun to note alien that is half man, half something else? whether a certain species lays eggs or gives live birth, this distinction doesn’t make a difference in game terms. Nor does it matter if the species is carnivorous, omnivorous or herbivorous. A species with three or four eyes isn’t necessarily going to have better vision than a species with two eyes. These bits of miscellaneous information are helpful when you are describing the species to your fellow gamers, but they are not useful when creating rules for a new race. It is important to prioritize the features of a new alien species to determine which characteristics are truly worthy of being set into a racial trait.

donald klatt (order #4163981)

There are other concerns that need to be addressed as you move through the creation process. While everyone wants their aliens to be powerful and exciting, the rules presented here will only allow for aliens that are roughly equivalent to human beings. As you round out the concept for this new species you need to consider whether or not you’re alien is balanced enough to be included in a game with humans. While it may not be realistic to assume that humans and aliens will always be able to compete fairly, character balance is an important consideration in a roleplaying game. This element of game balance may



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

frustrate some players who envision their aliens as a race of invulnerable twelve foot tall super beings. The rules presented here in the main book were written with an eye of game balance and character parity. Rules for creating more powerful aliens can be found in Appendix B: Alien Racial Levels.

donald klatt (order #4163981)


Chapter Two: Species Creation Characteristic Adjustments One of the most important features of any PC race is the ability score adjustment. Knowing what a species’ strengths and weaknesses are a key component in understand how playing as this alien will affect character creation. Ability score adjustments are balanced, meaning that gaining a bonus to one ability means taking a penalty on another. Bonuses and penalties are always measured out in increments of +2 and -2. A GM may give a player permission to use an ability adjustment of +4 or -4 but only if it is essential to the concept of the new species. A GM should be cautious about being too liberal when it comes to adjusting ability scores. Consider that a race with a -4 penalty to Intelligence would end up with an average Intelligence score of 6 and a maximum Intelligence score of 14. The typical members of this race would be considered mentally challenged by human standards and some of them would only be slightly smarter than non-sentient animals. On the other hand, the greatest genius to ever live among this species would barely qualify as gifted when compared to other races. It is unlikely that an alien species facing this kind of intellectual obstacle would ever develop an advanced civilization, let alone the technology to travel between stars. Weighted Abilities Strength and Dexterity are very important abilities that affect a number of different tasks. Both of these abilities are used in combat and are vital to a character’s fighting ability. A character’s Strength modifier is added to both melee attack rolls and melee damage. A character’s Dexterity modifier is added to ranged attack rolls as well as his or her Defense. Because these abilities are so useful, they are considered to be “weighted”. Taking a +2 bonus to either Strength or Dexterity would require taking a -2 penalty to two other ability scores. Naturally, a bonus to one weighted ability can be cancelled out by an equal penalty to the other.

donald klatt (order #4163981)

Standard Abilities The four “unweighted” abilities are Constitution, Intelligence, Willpower, and Presence. While these abilities are important to the game, they are not as useful in combat as Strength and Dexterity. Taking a +2 bonus to one of the standard abilities can be balanced by taking a -2 penalty to any one of the other standard abilities. By the same token, taking a -2 penalty to either of the weighted abilities entitles a race to a +2 bonus to two of the standard abilities. Buying Talents Every race has unique features that set it apart from others in the galaxy. All members of a given species possess a number of racial traits that aid or hinder that species in certain ways. Determining what species traits your aliens will have is a simple matter of selecting each trait and purchasing it by spending points out of your creation pool. Each new alien race has a total of 10 creation points that can be used to buy these various traits. Additional points can be gained by taking racial drawbacks. Taking a complication adds points to the race’s creation pool but also restricts their abilities.

Species Traits and Point Costs Ability Score Bonus (8 points) Members of this species have a natural gift that gives them an advantage over other creatures. Select any ability; all members of this species receive a +2 bonus to this ability. This ability score increase stacks with any bonus gained through normal ability adjustments. Additional Sense (2-4 points) Members of this species have access to a sense other than sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Perhaps the creatures’ sensory organs work in a different manner than those of other species, or they may have an entirely different set of organs altogether. This trait can be taken



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

multiple times, each time it applies to a different sense. Listed below are the types of sensory prowess that can be gained with this trait and the point cost needed for each. Low-Light Vision (2 points): A creature with low-light vision can see twice as far as normal in poor lighting. The creature can still distinguish colors, even in dim lighting. Darkvision (3 points): A creature with darkvision can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and these creatures can function just fine with no light at all. Omni-Directional Vision (4 points): A creature with this trait literally has eyes in the back of its head, or some other way of looking at everything around it. The creature is able to see 360 degrees around it. The creature gains a +2 bonus to all Spot checks and cannot be flanked. Other (4 points): A creature with this trait has use of a sense that is not visual or auditory in nature. The creature is able to detect the world around it through the use of echolocation, scent, telesensory detection, thermal, vibration, or some other sensation. The range of this sensory capacity is 30 feet. The creature is able to move around normally and make observations within this range. The range at which this sense is functional can be increased to 60 feet at the cost of 1 additional point. A character with this trait can detect things at longer distances or pick up on subtle sensations by taking ranks in the skill Additional Sense (see Chapter Four Racial skills). Attack Bonus (specific type) (3 points) Members of this species are naturally adept with a certain type of weapon. Select one of the following weapon types, all members of this species receive a +1 bonus on all attack rolls made with this type of weapon; ranged weapons (such as bows, machine guns or blaster pistols), heavy weapons (large cannons and energy beams), melee weapons (such as swords and spears), or thrown weapons (throwing daggers,

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small axes, hand grenades). Attack Bonus (6 points) Members of this species have an unusual martial ability. This talent expresses itself in an uncanny natural targeting system. All members of this species gain +1 to their attack rolls. Bonus Talent (3 points) Members of this species are curious and eager to learn. This inquisitive nature leads to an eclectic assortment of talents being expressed within the culture. All members of this species gain one additional feat at first level. The character must meet any prerequisites. Bonus Skill Points (7 points) Members of this species have a natural talent for mimicry and absorbing knowledge. This ability to ape the actions of others greatly aids the learning process. All members of this species receive 4 additional skill points. Change Creature Form (2/4/5 points) Members of this species are not humanoids. These creatures belong to a creature type whose biology differs greatly from most other organisms. Select one of the creature types listed below. All members of this species gain the characteristics, special qualities, etc. of that creature type. Construct (2 points): Constructs are artificial creatures or living machines. Constructs have no Constitution score. Constructs are also immune to ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain, and they always fail Constitution checks. Constructs are immune to mind-influencing effects and to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. They are not subject to critical hits, non-lethal damage or the effects of massive damage. All constructs are granted a number of extra hits according to size. Small constructs gain an additional 5 hits, medium-size constructs gain an additional 10 hits, and large constructs gain 20 hits.


Chapter Two: Species Creation Constructs cannot heal damage on their own but can be repaired using the Mechanics skill. A successful Mechanics check (DV 24) heals 1d10 points of damage to a construct, and each check represents 1 hour of work. A construct reduced to 0 hit points is immediately destroyed and cannot be repaired.


Dodge Bonus (2 points) Members of this species have a knack for avoiding danger. An inherent object avoidance mechanism in the creatures’ brain helps them to get out of the way when faced with an attack. All members of this species gain a +1 dodge bonus. This trait can be taken multiple times, its effects stack.

Elemental (5 points): Elementals are creatures formed from non-organic matter and Fast Healing (10 points) energy. These creatures are typically formed Members of this species have an incredibly from air, earth, water or fire. Elementals are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. fast healing process that allows them to They are not subject to critical hits, flanking, or recuperate from serious wounds in a matter of minutes. These creatures regain hit points the effects of massive damage. Plant (4 points): Plants are sentient beings at an exceptionally fast rate. All members of composed of vegetable matter. Plants are this species gain Fast Healing 1, meaning that immune to sleep, paralysis, stunning, and mind- they regain 1 hit point of damage per round. influencing effects. They are not subject to Fast healing stops working when a creature is reduced to -10 hits or fewer. Fast healing works critical hits or the effects of massive damage. just like natural healing. Damage Reduction (3 to 8 points) Fast healing doesn’t provide any benefit Members of this species are extremely tough and resistant to injury. Possessing this trait means that the creature ignores the first point of damage from most weapons and natural attacks. All members of this species gain damage reduction of 1/- for a point cost of 4. The amount of damage reduction can be increased to 2/- for a total point expenditure of 6 or 3/- for a total expenditure of 8 points.

against attack forms that don’t deal hit point damage (such as poison). Fast healing also doesn’t restore hit points lost to starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it doesn’t allow a creature to regrow or reattach severed body parts. Grappling Ability (2 points)

Members of this species are built for wrestling and tackling. All members of this species gain a The cost of this trait can be reduced by 1 +2 bonus to all grapple checks. In addition the point by placing a restriction on the types of creature gains +2 bonus to trip attacks and bull damage to which the damage reduction applies. rush attempts. This trait can be selected multiple Select a type of damage (bludgeoning, energy, times, its effects stack. piercing, or slashing). Attacks that deal this type Hit Point Bonus (1 or 6 points) of damage negate the damage reduction and Members of this species are hardy and thus, deal full damage. durable. These creatures gain a number of bonus hit points. The exact number of hit points gained Damage Reduction Point Cost depends on the number of points spent on this 1/damage type 3 trait. 1/4 1 point: All members of this species gain 1 2/damage type 5 additional hit point. 2/6 3/damage type 7 Initiative Bonus (1 or 2 points) 3/8 Members of this species have fast reactions and a tendency to act assertively. All members donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

of this species gain a +2 bonus to initiative. 3 points: The creatures are able to deal This bonus can be increased to +4 with the 1d6 points of lethal damage with a successful expenditure of an additional point. unarmed attack. 5 points: The creatures are able to deal 1d8 points of lethal damage with a successful Members of this species have a frightful unarmed attack. look about them. These creatures have evolved 7 points: The creatures are able to deal into a form that appears dangerous (even if the creatures themselves are quite gentle). Any 1d10 points of lethal damage with a successful number of natural features can make a creature unarmed attack. look fierce and threatening. The creatures may Natural Psionics (3 points) be covered with spikes or eye spots, or they may Members of this species are born with a have the ability exaggerate the size of their jaws. All members of this species can choose to make psionic gift. All members of this species are themselves look terrifying and fearsome once allowed to one low level psionic power, agreed per round as a free action. When this ability is upon with the GM. Each creature can manifest in place, all opponents within 10 feet of the this power up to three times in a 24 hour period. creature must make a Will check (DV 12 + the There is no power point cost for using this power. creature’s PRE/2). An opponent who fails this Racial Talent (3 points) save is shaken, taking a -2 penalty on attack rolls, Members of this species share a unique trait saves and skill checks for a number of rounds that is not common among other beings in the equal to 1d6 + the creature’s PRE/2. galaxy. Select a racial talent listed in Chapter Four: Racial Talents and Drawbacks. All members Natural Armor (1 point) Members of this species are very hard to hurt, of this species gain this feat at character creation. as they are covered by a protective coating. This This trait can be taken multiple times, each time armored covering may take the form of leathery it applies to a different racial feat. Menacing Appearance (3 points)

hide, scaly skin, bony plates or a thick layer of Resilience (2 points) fat. Natural armor stacks with the equipment Members of this species do not succumb bonus from armor that is worn on the body. All easily to mortal wounds. These creatures’ either members of this species receive a +1 natural KD. have vital organs that are well protected or they This trait can be taken multiple times, its effects simply possess redundant organ systems. All stack. members of this species have their massive damage threshold increased by 3 points. Natural Weapons (1/3/5/7 points) Members of this species possess deadly Normally, a creature’s massive damage threshold natural weapons that can be used in melee is equal to the creature’s current Constitution combat. Examples of natural weapons range score x2. This trait can be taken multiple times, from fangs and claws to knuckle spikes, bone its effects stack. swords, quills, or any number of other attack Resistance to Energy (5/7/9 points) options. The amount of damage inflicted by the Members of this species are able to withstand creatures’ natural arsenal is reflected by the exposure to a particular type of energy. These number of points spent on this trait. creatures ignore part of the damage of the given 1 point: The creatures’ normal unarmed energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic attack does +1 point of damage. A creature can concussion) each time they are subjected to such choose to inflict lethal or nonlethal damage damage. Select a type of energy; all members of without penalty. this species ignore the first 5 points of damage

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Chapter Two: Species Creation caused by this type of energy whenever they are subjected to it. The amount of energy resistance can be increased to 10 for a total expenditure of 7 points or 15 for a total expenditure of 9 points.


Skill Bonus (all uses) (2/4/8 points)

Members of this species are particularly talented with a specific skill. These creatures are always treated as if they had ranks in the skill in Characteristic Check Bonus (one save) (3/5 question, and are never considered untrained. Select a skill, all members of this species receive points) a +2 bonus on all checks made with this skill. Members of this species have a knack for This bonus can be increased to +4 with a total avoiding certain types of danger. Select a expenditure of 4 points or increased to +8 with a characteristic check, all members of this species total expenditure of 8 points. gain a +2 bonus to all characteristic checks of this type. This saving throw bonus can be increased Skill Bonus (multiple skills) (3/5 points) to +4 for a total expenditure of 5 points. Members of this species have an aptitude for a group of related skills. These creatures are always treated as if they have ranks in the skills in question, and are never considered untrained. Members of this species have an uncanny Select a number of skills that are similar in scope, talent for getting out of sticky situations. All all members of this species receive a +2 bonus members of this species receive a +1 bonus to on all checks made with these skills. Examples of all characteristic checks. skills that are similar in scope include Computers Characteristic Check bonus (specific and Computer Technology, and Acrobatics, or Perception. The number of skills to which the threat) (2/4 points) bonus applies depends on the number of points Members of this species are naturally resistant spent on this trait. to a specific type of threat. Select a specific 3 points: +2 on two selected skills hazard that requires a Characteristic Check, such as Con checks to resist poison or disease, 5 points: +2 on three selected skills Ref saves made to avoid traps or Will saves to Skill Bonus (specific use) (1/3/5 points) resist psionics or fear effects. All members of this species receive a +2 bonus on saving Members of this species have a flair for throws made to resist this threat. This bonus can a specialized application of a specific skill. be increased to +4 with a total expenditure of 4 These creatures have an ability that is narrowly points. focused on a certain set of circumstances. Select a specific application of a skill. All members of Size Category Increase (2 points) this species gain a +2 bonus on checks made Members of this species are bigger than most with this skill, but only if the check pertains to races in the galaxy. All members of this species the application in question. Specific applications are large creatures (3 to 5m tall / long and over of skills include Inventor checks made to create 250kg) Large creatures receive a -1 penalty to a certain item, Stealth checks made in a certain their Defense and a -1 penalty to all attack rolls. type of terrain, Perception checks made under They receive a +4 bonus to grapple checks and a certain lighting conditions, and Survival checks -4 penalty to hide checks. The creature’s fighting made in a designated environment. This bonus space is increased to 2m x 2m and its reach is can be increased to +4 with a total expenditure 2m. of 3 points or +6 with a total expenditure of 5 points. Characteristic Check Bonus (all saves) (4 points)

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

Special Attack (1 to 10 points)

purchased. Modifying a special ability in this way Members of this species have an inherent doubles the amount of damage that is normally defense mechanism. This ability allows these dealt (0.5d6 becomes 1d6, etc.) To set the DV for creatures to use an unusual or exotic attack a characteristic check, use the following formula; form against their opponents. A special attack Strength (DV 12 + creature’s Strength/2) could come in the form of a breath weapon, a Reflex (DC 12 + creature’s Reflex/2), bio-electrical discharge, spines fired from the Will (DC 12 + creature’s Will/2). forearm or just about anything else that can be The DV of the saving throw can be increased imagined. All members of this species gain the ability to use this special attack. The amount of by +2 for every additional point that is spent on damage dealt by a special attack and the number this trait. of times it can be used in a 24 hour period are Special Attacks (melee) determined by the number of points that are spent on this trait. Cost Per Day Damage The type of damage that the attack deals 1 x1 2d6 must be determined when this trait is purchased. 2 x1 3d6 The damage may be of any type; bludgeoning, 3 x1 4d6 piercing, slashing or energy (specify type). 4 x1 5d6 Creatures may select poison as the damage type for a special attack (see poison, below). 2 x2 2d6 3 x2 3d6 The delivery method of the attack determines whether the damage is dealt via a melee attack, 4 x2 4d6 touch attack or ranged touch attack. Special 5 x2 5d6 attacks delivered via a melee attack also deal 3 x3 2d6 normal melee damage in addition to the damage 4 x3 3d6 from the special attack. Special attacks delivered by means of a ranged touch attack have a range 5 x3 4d6 increment of ten feet. This range increment 6 x3 5d6 can be increased by an addition 10 feet every additional point on this trait. Poison: Some creatures use poison as a special attack. In this situation, the damage listed on the chart below is treated as primary and secondary ability damage. The ability that is damaged must be specified when this trait is purchased. The primary and secondary damage can be designated to damage two different abilities. Special attacks that use poison always allow a Con check (DV 12 + creature’s Con/2). The DC of the Fortitude save can be increased by +2 for every additional point that is spent on this trait. Characteristic Checks: Some special attacks allow a characteristic check for half damage. The characteristic check used to resist this attack must be designated when this trait is

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Chapter Three: Racial Skills


Special Attacks (touch attack) Cost 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 10

Per Day x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x2 x2 x3 x3

Damage 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 2d6 3d6

Special Attacks (ranged touch attack) Cost 5 6 7 8 8 9 10

Per Day x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x2

Damage 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 2d6 3d6 4d6

Stability (2 points) Members of this species are extremely sure footed and centered. All members of this species gain a +4 bonus on characteristic checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground). Weapon or Armor Skill (2 points) Members of this species have a cultural fondness for certain types of weapons or armor. Select one group of weapons, all members of this species gain this skill with all weapons in a group.

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Chapter Three: Racial Skills An alien culture is likely to approach problems differently than humans do. This fact combined with anatomical differences naturally leads to the development of skills that are unheard of among homo sapiens.

ADDITIONAL SENSE (WILL) This skill is actually a number of different skills similar to Inventor, Performance and Expert. You could have several Additional Sense skills, each with its own ranks, each purchased as a separate skill. Additional Sense replaces either Perception for checks made with a nonvisual and non-auditory sense. The Additional Sense skill measures how well you use one of your natural senses to measure and detect things.

approximate distance of complex brains, such as those possessed by sentient creatures and most animals. Thermal: A creature with this sensory capability is acutely sensitive to heat. This ability allows a creature to feel the heat generated by warm blooded animals, high tech equipment and other sources.

Vibrations: A creature with this sensory capability is acutely sensitive to vibrations that travel through the air and ground. This ability allows a creature to feel the footsteps of other creatures and other strong vibrations. The creature’s brain can accurately judge the distance that the vibration is coming from. The creature can also extrapolate the distance that Below are a few examples of senses that can the vibration has traveled from its source. Check: Your check is made against a DV that be used with this skill. Echolocation: A creature with this sensory reflects how hard it is to pick up on the object capability is able to extrapolate the location you are detecting. At times, an Additional Sense and range of objects based on the reflection of check is opposed by your target’s check with a sound waves. This ability allows a creature to specific skill. emit a high pitched tone which then bounces off of nearby objects. The creature’s brain automatically measures the direction that the echoes came from as well as the time it took for the sound wave to travel to the object and back. Scent: A creature with this sensory ability has an unusually strong sense of smell (or possibly taste). This ability allows a creature to detect scent particles, or pheromones. The creature can detect these particles at close ranges and can usually track by means of a scent trail. Tracking another creature in this manner uses the Additional Sense skill in place of Survival. The Tracking skill is not needed, though a creature without this feat suffers a -4 penalty on rolls made to track by scent.

Additional Sense Echolocation Scent Thermal Telesensory Detection Vibrations

Opposing Check Stealth n/a Stealth Persuasion Stealth

Aerial Maneuver (STR)

This skill applies to all acrobatic movements performed by flying or hovering creatures. Any species with a fly speed can travel through the air as a move action with no check. However, a creature performing power dives, complex maneuvers or attempting to fly through tight spaces may be required to make an Aerial Telesensory Detection: A creature with this Maneuver skill check. Make an Aerial Maneuver check whenever sensory capability is able to detect the thoughts and brain activity of others. This ability does not you are attempting to perform an aerial trick, give the creature the ability to read minds. The maneuver through obstacles or change direction creature is able to pinpoint the direction and rapidly. If you fail by 4 or less, you are forced

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Chapter Three: Racial Skills to move in a direction other than the one you intended. If you fail by 5 or more, you begin falling. A falling character can regain altitude by making another Aerial Maneuver check the subsequent round. The DV for the Arial Maneuver check depends on the atmospheric conditions, as given on the table below. Atmosphere Calm Skies Windy Severe Storm

DC 12 15 18

Bio-Control (CON) You have perfected the ancient techniques that your species has developed to control metabolism and healing. The DV and effect depend on the task you are attempting. You can make a Bio-Control check to resist poison or disease or to accelerate the natural healing process. Task Accelerate healing Resist disease Resist poison

DV 15 Disease’s check DV Poison’s check DV

Accelerate Healing: If your Bio-Control check is successful, you recover hit points or ability score points (lost to characteristics) at twice the normal rate: 2 hits for a full 8 hours of rest in a day, or 4 hit points for each full day of complete rest; 2 characteristic points for a full 8 hours of rest in a day, or 4 characteristic points for each full day of complete rest.


Resist Poison: In response to being poisoned, you can make a Bio-Control check on your next action. A successful check grants you a +4 bonus on your characteristic check to resist the poison’s secondary damage. Contortion (DEX) You use your species’ natural flexibility to squeeze into tight spaces and escape certain dangers. Make a check to squeeze through a tight space, stretch to reach something far away or twist into an unnatural position. Situation Tight space (over 30cm wide) Tight space (less than 30cm wide) Stretch Escape grapple

DC 18 21 24 Opponent’s Hand to Hand check

Tight spaces include ventilation shafts, the gap between prison bars and small sewage pipes. If the space is long, you can move up to one quarter of your base speed per round after each successful check. You can use this skill to stretch out your limbs and grasp something in an adjacent square even if your reach would not normally allow you to do so. You may use your extended reach to attack with a melee weapon the following round, but you suffer a -8 penalty on your attack roll. You can make a Contortion check opposed by your opponent’s grapple check to get out of a grapple or out of a pinned condition (so that you’re just being grappled). Doing so is an attack action, so if you escape being grappled you can move in the same round.

Resist Disease: After becoming infected with a disease, you can make a Bio-Control check at any time during the next 24 hours. Channel Pack Mind (WILL) A successful check grants you a +4 bonus on your characteristic check to resist the disease’s Your species is single minded and prone to secondary damage. Each following day you may follow the pack. Use this skill to alter the behavior make another Bio-Control check. A successful of other creatures that are highly resistant to check grants you a +4 bonus on that day’s Con skills such as Diplomacy or Intimidate. check to resist secondary damage. donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

You can direct the actions of a social collective or hive mind with a successful Channel Pack Mind check. The DV varies depending on what action you are trying to get the pack to perform.

perform a strenuous action without taking 1 point of damage. A failed check carries no penalties; you can simply choose not to perform the strenuous action. If you do perform the strenuous Opposed checks are used when two or more action after failing the check, you take 1 point of creatures are attempting to influence the same damage, as normal. social entity. Task Attack a known enemy Attack a neutral party Attack an ally Refrain from attacking an enemy Aid a known enemy

DV 15 21 27 21 27

Meditation (INT) Your species has the ability to enter into a deep trance, which can provide you with certain benefits. The DV and effect depend on the task you are attempting. Task Resist fear Self-Depravation Willpower

DV 15 21 18

Resist Fear: In response to a fear effect, you can make a Meditation check on your next action even if you’ve been overcome with fear. A successful check grants you another saving throw with a +4 moral bonus to resist the fear effect. Self-Depravation: You can attempt to go without water, food or sleep for extended periods of time. In response to going without water or food, you can make a Meditation check. A successful check grants you a +4 bonus on your Constitution check to avoid taking damage. You can also make a Meditation check to go without sleep. On a successful check, you recover hit points and ability score damage as if you had rested for 8 hours. Willpower: If reduced to 0 hits, you may make a Meditation check. If successful, you can

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Chapter Four: Talents and Complications them. You can crush and opponent, dealing bludgeoning damage, after making a successful Racial talents are similar to the other talents Hand to Hand check. Small creatures deal 2d6 used in the Lightspeed rules system and they points of damage, medium-sized creatures deal function in the same manner. Some of the feats 3d6 points of damage and large creatures deal listed here can by taken during character 4d6 points of damage. Your Strength modifier creation like a normal feat. However, most racial applies. feats can only be gained by taking the species Energy Resistance trait named Racial Talent. This species trait You are able to withstand a certain type grants all members of a race the use of a specific feat which is selected when the race is created. of energy. Select an energy type; acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic/concussion. You ignore Characteristic Reduction the first 5 points of damage whenever you are Your unarmed attacks can reduce an subjected to such damage. A character may gain opponent’s abilities. You can reduce an this feat multiple times. Its effects stack. opponent’s characteristic when you hit with a Flight melee attack. Select any characteristic; you deal 1 You can fly, glide or even hover. You gain point of temporary damage to this characteristic whenever you make a successful melee attack a fly speed of 10m. You can use the run action roll. If you score a critical hit, you deal 2 points while flying, provided that you fly in a straight of temporary damage to this characteristic. line. You cannot fly while carrying more than Temporary ability damage returns at a rate of 1 half your carrying STR. A character may gain this feat multiple times. Each time it is taken, point per day. the character’s fly speed increases by 3m. Any Amphibious creature with a fly speed gains Aerial Maneuver You can function equally well on land or in as an automatic class skill. A flying creature can water. You can breath underwater. You are not make dive attacks. A dive attack works just like subject to drowning, though you can still suffocate a charge but the diving creature must move a if exposed to an unbreathable atmosphere or an minimum of 10m. The creature can only attack unarmed or with a light weapon, these attacks unoxygenated liquid. deal double damage. Burrow Fly-By Attack You can dig through earth and sand with

Racial Talents

rapid speed. You gain a burrow speed of 7m. You cannot use the run action while burrowing. You can only burrow through dirt, mud, sand, etc. You cannot burrow through solid rock or other dense materials. You can burrow through the floor of a building but only if you make a break check to open a hole in the floor. A character may gain this talent multiple times. Each time it is taken, the character’s burrow speed increases by 3m. Constrict

You can attack on the wing. Prerequisite: Flight. When flying, you can take a move action (including a dive) and an attack action at any point during the move. You cannot take a second move action during the round when you make a fly-by attack. Linguistic Aptitude You have a talent for learning new languages.

You can squeeze your opponents and crush

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

Benefit: You gain Decipher Script, Speak Language, and Read/Write Language as automatic class skills. You gain a +2 bonus all Intelligence checks or skill checks that relate to understanding a language. Multiattack You can make attacks with all of your grasping limbs at once. Prerequisite: Multiple Limbs. Your secondary attacks made with your additional limbs take only a -2 penalty.

As an attack action, you can run over an opponent at least one size category smaller than yourself, entering the opponents fighting space to do so. The trample deals bludgeoning damage equal to double your Strength damage. Trampled opponents can attempt attacks of opportunity but these incur a -4 penalty. If they do not attempt attack of opportunity, trampled opponents can attempt Reflex saves for half damage. The save DV equals 12 + the creature’s Strength/2. Racial Complications

Multiple Limbs (grasping)

Complications are the negative characteristics You have an extra set of limbs that can of a species. These traits hinder the members be used to manipulate objects. You gain two of a race in specific ways. Taking a racial additional limbs. These limbs can be normal complication increases a species’ creation pool arms or prehensile tentacles. You can use these by the number of points given in parenthesis. limbs to attack but you suffer a -5 penalty on Aversion to Violence (+4) your secondary attacks unless you also have the Members of this species are pacifists by feat Multiattack. A character may gain this feat nature. They may have evolved in a non-hostile multiple times. Its effects stack. environment, or perhaps they have simply Multiple Limbs (locomotion) advanced beyond their barbaric and violent You have an extra set of lower limbs that aid in past. All members of this species must make a movement. You gain two additional limbs. These Will check (DC 16) in order to initiate a violent limbs can be legs of any sort or they can be act or participate in an unprovoked conflict. tentacles. Your speed increases by 3m and your If the creature is attacked first it can fight in carrying capacity doubles. A character may gain self defense without making a Will check. The creature cannot carry the fight past the point this feat multiple times. Its effects stack. necessary to ensure its safety or the safety of Swim others. Members of this species will not tolerate You are a creature of the water and can swim the mistreatment of prisoners or helpless beings with ease. You gain a swim speed of 10m. You can under any circumstances. move through the water at this speed without Blind (+4) making swim checks. You gain a +8 racial bonus Members of this species lack eyes of any on any swim checks made to perform some kind. All members of this species have 50% special action or avoid a hazard. You can use the run action while swimming, provided that you miss chance in combat. These creatures take a swim in a straight line. A character may gain -4 penalty on all Strength-based and Dexteritythis feat multiple times. Each time it is taken, the based skills. This -4 penalty also applies to Perception checks and any other check where character’s swim speed increases by 3m. sight is important. These creatures cannot read Trample visual languages or perform Perception checks. You can run over your enemies. If this species also has the species trait Additional Sense (other) then this trait negates Prerequisite: Multiple Limbs (locomotion) some of the penalties for being blind. Such

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Chapter Four: Talents and Complications creatures no longer have a 50% miss chance and do not suffer from the -4 penalty to Strengthbased and Dexterity-based skill checks. Compulsion (+1 to +4) Members of this species are driven by an inherent need. This compulsion could result from a natural attraction or a cultural circumstance. These creatures could have a strong desire to accumulate wealth, a powerful sex drive or a need to prove themselves in combat. The entire race may have become addicted to a foreign substance. These creatures may be extremely curious or crave entertainment. All members of this species must make a Will save (DV’s given below) in order to resist the object of their compulsion. A creature who is completely denied the object of its compulsion suffers temporary ability damage. Select either WILL or PRE. Going too long without fulfilling the compulsion causes the creature to suffer 1 point of damage to this ability every 24 hours until the need is met. When this characteristic reaches 0, the creature becomes catatonic. A catatonic creature must be given medical attention lest is suffer from starvation and thirst. Mild compulsion (1 point): Will check DV 12. The creature must fulfill the compulsion at least once per month. Moderate compulsion (2 points): Will save DV 14. The creature must fulfill the compulsion at least once per week. Strong compulsion (3 points): Will save DV 16. The creature must fulfill the compulsion at least once every three days. Severe compulsion (4 points): Will save DV 18. The creature must fulfill the compulsion at least once per day. Deaf (+4) Members of this species lack auditory senses. All members of this species take a -4 penalty on initiative checks. These creatures cannot make Perception checks or communicate with creatures with a verbal language.These creatures cannot learn to use verbal communication or

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read lips as they have never been exposed to spoken languages before taking to space and have no frame of reference. Head Blind (+3) Members of this species lack any trace of psionic ability. They may not take the feat Wild Talent. All members of this species suffer a -2 penalty on all characteristic checks made to resist the effects of a psionic power. Inept (+2 or +4) Members of this species are unable to master a certain skill. Select any skill. All members of this species receive a -2 penalty on checks made with this skill. Increasing the penalty to -4 adds +4 points to the species’ creation pool. Land Speed Reduction (+3) Members of this species move very slowly on land. All members of this species have their speed reduced by 3m. Size Category Reduction (+2) Members of this species are smaller than most races in the galaxy. All members of this species are Small creatures (60cm to 120cm. tall / long and less than 30kg) Small creatures receive a +1 bonus to their Defense and a +1 bonus to all attack rolls. They receive a -4 penalty to Hand to Hand checks and a +4 bonus to stealth checks. These creatures have their speed reduced by 3m. Vulnerable (+4) Members of this species are especially susceptible to a certain type of damage. Select any damage type; bludgeoning, piercing, slashing or energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire or sonic/concussion). All members of this species take double damage from attacks that deal this type of damage.


Chapter Five: Finishing Touches There are many characteristics that make up an alien species, many of which are not directly reflected in the game statistics. By putting a little effort into the miscellaneous bits and pieces that make up your new species, you have an opportunity to make your alien more complete and substantial. This is a chance to make your alien creature unique, to differentiate your strong, warlike alien from every other strong, warlike species that is part of the game universe.

fun and interesting. Having an idea about what your aliens look like allows the players and/or GM to get a mental image of the species and makes them seem more real. A good physical description helps bring a new species to life. If you can draw (or know someone who can) then a sketch of your aliens can also be a great help.

Physical Description: Providing your fellow gamers with a description of what your species looks like will make them much more

a collective, a society with its own rules and norms of behavior. While it is impossible to pigeonhole an individual into a set mold, an entire society

Society:You need to determine how members of this species relate to each other and how their society works in general. It isn’t necessary to Communication/Language: The ability to break down the entire social structure of the exchange ideas and converse with each other race, just to get a good grasp on the basic rules is an important feature of any sentient species. and social norms. Ask yourself the following You need to think about how your alien species questions; Is the species homogeneous (uniform) communicates with each other. Ask yourself or broken into distinct cultural groups? Who is questions. Do they have a spoken language? in charge? How to they raise their offspring? What are the characteristics of this language? How are disputes settled? The answers to these Does the language use a written alphabet? questions will go a long way toward laying the Your aliens can communicate by almost any groundwork for an alien society. Again, you means imaginable. They could use sign language don’t necessarily have to go into great detail. If or another non-verbal means. Perhaps they can you decide that you aliens live in a matriarchal link minds with each other or communicate society with a strict caste structure that gives through electronic implants. Some species might your fellow gamers a good grasp on what this talk to each other by means of pheromones, society is like. You may not need to go into great detail about how the matriarch is chosen or the thermal signals or bio-electric pulses. specific duties assigned to each caste. A topic related to the subject of An important factor in the description of communication revolves around the way your aliens identify members of their own species. an alien society is the role of superstition, A species with a verbal language will usually mythology and religion. An advanced species give each other names. A creature’s name might may have completely given up on all notions of be a poetic narrative, a physical description, the supernatural. Other species might have a or a serial number. Sometimes parents will strong concept of the supernatural and actively name their offspring, others times a name will seek to commune with gods, spirits, mystic be designated by another family member or a forces, or other less easily defined concepts. In respected member of society. Some cultures an extreme case the society its self is ruled by may allow adults to choose their own name. In the priests or mystics, giving rise to a theocracy. many cultures an individual has several names, Alien Civilizations indicating both the being itself as well as the family group, place of birth, etc. Sometimes a A single alien is an individual, a life form as being will have a secret name that is only used unique and unpredictable as any human being. among close family or during sacred rites. Millions upon millions of aliens living together is

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Chapter Five: Finishing Touches presents much less variation and is therefore much easier to categorize. During this chapter we will discuss the key components of an alien civilization. This section is here to give a player or GM the tools necessary to bring an alien civilization to life. As we continue, please keep in mind that the standards and qualities being discussed represent the society as a whole and individual alien characters may be very much unlike other members of their species. All of the descriptive terms given below are measured in a scale of 1-10. Very rarely will a species or culture fall neatly into a broad grouping like the ones being used. Decimals can be used to indicate exactly where a species falls on the scale. For example, a species with a Technology Level of 2.5 is halfway between the Stone age and the Bronze/Iron age. A species with a Technology Level of 2.9 is right on the verge of entering the Bronze/Iron age. Aggressive Tendencies: This term is a measure of how likely this species is to attack outsiders or provoke a violent conflict. Extremely aggressive civilizations are the ones who most often engage in wars of conquest or fight over territory and resources. Civilizations that have a low rating on the Aggressive Tendencies scale may be unable or unwilling to respond to the aggression of other races. 1. Has no concept of war, the military, or violence 2. Extremely passive. This race would fail to defend self and would never attack another. War and violence has merely been introduced to this race… they would never participate in such an activity. 3. Rejects war and the military. This race would defend itself for survival only. They would not engage in warfare for protection of rights, property, liberty, etc. 4. Very few members of this race accept war as necessary. The race has a very informal ‘fighting force’ made up of the citizens who are willing to fight and donald klatt (order #4163981)


resist attacks; would never engage in offensive war. 5. Most accept war as acceptable as a last resort; maintains a formal fighting force, typically with conscription compelling some form of service. Defensive war is seen as being virtually always justified. The race accepts offensive war in defense of their strongest held values. 6. Defensive war is always justified, and not being willing to fight in such a war is looked upon with disdain… possibly referring to such a person as a ‘coward’. Offensive war is seen as justified to accomplish the objectives of the race (such as more territory). 7. The military and warfare is seen as an accepted part of life. There is a minor preference for war over peace, possibly seeing war as a means of demonstrating one’s ‘strength’. 8. War is moderately preferred over peace (given a choice, people would have a fairly strong preference for war in general) 9. Peace is nothing more than a short break to celebrate the last victory, and prepare for more war. Those in the military are a higher class of citizen than those outside the military. War is seen as preferred method of accomplishing goals. 10. War is the natural state and society exists to serve the military (provide the military with soldiers, equipment, etc). The military rules the society. War is the only true method to accomplishing goals, and therefore peace is an uncomfortable state. At peace, the society cannot accomplish anything, while at war the society can. Determination: This term is used to describe the willingness of a species to stick to a predetermined course of action. Determination measures how likely a civilization is to alter



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

traditions reverse prior decisions or reevaluate a situation. A civilization with a low rating on the Determination scale is likely to seek the path of least resistance while a civilization that is highly determined will continue on along a disastrous course of action without considering other options. 1. Constantly rethinking every decision. The society as a whole cannot accomplish anything. All progress is made by individuals and groups. Tradition is a foreign concept. 2. Tends to alter course at the first sign of resistance. 3. Will stick to a predetermined course only if there were serious consequences for changing direction. 4. Tendency toward rethinking goals, objectives and methods but the race can decide on a direction and stick to it (at least for a while). 5. Generally sticks to a predetermined course but always allows for dissent and alternatives. Tradition is seen as important but is not central to the civilization. 6. Highly determined to keep with the decisions made by previous generations. Will stick to a course of action despite some hardship. Breaking with tradition is seen as highly unacceptable. 7. This civilization rarely changes its mind about anything and then only reluctantly. This race will stick to a predetermined course of action even in the face of severe hardships. 8. Almost never changes course in any situation. This race is willing to suffer massive loss of property and life in order to see something through to the end. Will not even consider breaking from certain traditions. 9. Never even considers breaking from

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tradition or reversing course. This race will finish what they have started and keep to the decisions of their ancestors unless their very survival is at stake. 10. Suicidal determination. This race would rather go extinct than break from tradition or give up on something that they have started. Independence: This term is used to describe how individualistic the members of this species are in relation to others. Creatures with a low Independence are very similar to other members of their group and generally dedicate most of their effort to the improvement of society. 1. Rudimentary knowledge of self, but only recognizes the interests of the group 2. Recognized interest of self, but selfinterest is seen as meaningless. The only interests that matter are those of the group. Will follow the group to the death if asked. 3. Self-interest, while subordinated to group interest, is seen as important (just not as important of group). Will follow the group to great harm or embarrassment of self. 4. Would follow group interest above selfinterest anytime the two are in direct conflict. This creature will follow the group even if it means harm or embarrassment. 5. Interest of self and group are of equal importance. This race will honor interests of either depending largely upon who (group or self) would most benefit from this race honoring that interest. For example, a member of this race would honor self-interest in areas that are more important to self than to group, but would subordinate self to the group in areas where the group is more important. Will tend to follow the laws/rules of the group. Members of this race that do not obey the laws/rules of the group are seen as ‘bad’/’undesirable’ and few pity such a member for having rights taken away. 6. Would put self-interest ahead of group-


Chapter Five: Finishing Touches interest anytime the two are in conflict. Tends to follow the law/rules, but would break them if it would be best for self to do so. Values self-rights over responsibility to the group. 7. Accepts some responsibility to follow norms of the group, but is only moderately willing to do so at the expense of expressing self and pursuing interests of the self.


travel at this point) 9. Interstellar travel, ability to interstellar ships with weapons


10. Interstellar travel efficiently enough to trade effectively with others and engage in ongoing interstellar warfare.


Size Rating: This term is a measure of how much space/territory does this species controls 8. Recognizes the existence of the or has influence over. For the purpose of this group-interest, but sees it as virtually rating, consider a galaxy as being 100,000 meaningless. Self-interest is what is star systems. Each sub-sector is being 10 important. star systems; a sector is 100; a super-sector as 9. Rudimentary understanding that the being 1,000 star systems; a quadrant is 25,000 group even exists. Sees self as the star systems; and of course the galaxy itself as center of own world, and is unwilling to 100,000 star systems. This is to provide a scale subordinate self to group under virtually for the design of the empires, and does not any circumstance. necessarily mean that the finished setting will 10. Does not even know a group exists. use these exact numbers. Please remember to Technology Level: This term is a descriptor use the decimal points here… it is unlikely that of how far this species has progressed along the anything in the high 9s or 10 rating is going to standard technological timeline. Keep in mind be acceptable unless the empire is selected as that different species progress in different ways. one of the few hegemonic powers in the setting For example, a certain species might be gifted (if you are interested in creating such a thing, at theoretical physics and engineering but have please contact me). much less knowledge of biology and medicine. 1. Has taken over own planet, but nothing more. 1. Complete lack of technology 2. Stone Age 3. Bronze/Iron Age 4. Agrarian Age 5. Industrial Age 6. Very limited space flight (similar to where the planet Earth is now) 7. Manned space exploration and limited colonization of own solar system; limited interstellar communications ability 8. Limited interstellar travel, ability to significantly arm intra-stellar ships (ships that travel in own solar system— not able to significantly arm interstellar ships yet as a result of needing larger engines and equipment for interstellar

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2. Own planet, and some of the rest of own solar system. 3. Controls own solar system, has explored beyond own solar system 4. Has territory in other solar systems, very minor ‘sphere of influence’ 5. A power in one sector of space (a “regional power”) with complete control over one sub-sector. 6. Controls one sector of space 7. Controls one sector of space and is a minor/moderate power in a supersector (a large sphere of influence, a ‘minor player’ in the political scene of a super-sector) 8. Controls more than one sector of space,


Lightspeed: Alien Contact


and is a major player in a super-sector 9. Controls a super-sector, and is a significant power in the quadrant 10. Controls more than one super-sector, strong power in the quadrant Diplomacy: This term relates to how readily members of this species interact with other species. Some species are extremely xenophobic or isolationist, while others openly embrace different species. Diplomacy measures both the ability and the willingness of the race to communicate with those who are different from themselves. 1. Does not relate to others in any way other than war and accepts only extermination of the other life form. 2. Willing to rule others, but has no willingness to consider another life form as an equal or to cooperate with another life form. No contact with aliens that are not subjects. 3. Willingness to listen to communications from other races. This race will virtually never cooperate with other races or engage in ongoing relations.

aliens (jointly build and own projects for mutual benefit) 9. Seeks collaborative relations with aliens. This civilization is willing to have relationships with aliens even if the relationship does not pose an immediate benefit. There is a pronounced willingness to talk to any alien that does not specifically give them reason to refuse to talk (such as an alien race that attacks them). 10. Seeks to form confederations (very close alliances) with others.

Species Creation Recipe Card Alien Characters Characteristic Adjustments: Size Category/Adjustments: Base Speed: Movement Types Burrow: Fly: Swim:

4. Rudimentary acceptance of other race as having own interests. This civilization is unwilling to have ongoing relationships, but is willing to agree to terms on a single specific agreement that heavily favors their own race.

Skill Check Bonuses:

5. Willingness to have ongoing relationships with aliens, but reluctant to cooperate with alien races unless it is very favorable to their own empire.


6. Willingness to have ongoing relationships with aliens and to form cooperative relationships that are equitable


7. Actively seeks cooperative agreements with aliens that are of mutual benefit


8. Seeks ongoing relationships with aliens that are of mutual benefit. This race has some willingness to collaborate with


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Characteristic Check Bonuses: Attack Bonuses: Special Abilities: Resistances: Alien Civilization Aggressive Tendencies: Independence: Technology Level: Physical Description:


Chapter Six: Optional Rating System for Civilizations The purpose of the rating system is really two fold: We want to make the design of the alien races easier, and second to have a description of the alien race that is consistent. For example, if three aliens are described as “Highly advanced technologically”, we would not know if the three are equal, or if they were basing it on very different standards. So, we offer these ratings. When giving the rating, the creator should give it to one decimal point. In other words, if the race is somewhere between 5 and 6, but closer to 5, you can give it a 5.3 or a 5.2 or whatever in that area. If it is an even 6, please give it a 6.0. This allows designers to have 10 slots within each rating point to customize their race. As a sample template for organizing the information on each alien, you may want to use the following: Name of Race: Appearance: Intelligence Rating: Technology Rating: Militancy Rating: Economic Rating: Individuality Rating: Ecology/Environment: Description: Each of the subject headings are described below. Name of Race: Obviously the name of the alien race. Appearance of Race: Physical description of the alien.

Intelligence Rating: 0. Incapable of thought or understanding; unaware of own’s existence. 1. Some awareness of own’s existence; incapable of thought beyond that

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2. Instinctive reaction/thought 3. Aware of other living beings as independent living entities; minimal ability to communicate with others 4. Ability to communicate and interact with others; ability to have rudimentary understanding of complicated ideas, abstractions, mathematics, science, etc.; rudimentary ability to theorize. 5. Average Human Intelligence for Earth, ability to formulate and test theory 6. Gifted intelligence for a human of Earth; ability to grasp complicated ideas quickly and to theorize and test complicated theories. 7. Extreme intelligence for modern Earth; ability to master very complicated abstractions and to apply such complicated abstractions to creating uses for the information; ability to create new advanced schools of thought. 8. Ability to understand the most complicated ideas as an average human would understand a simple idea; if a Star Trek reference would be helpful; this would be the Vulcan’s. 9. Ability to grasp time and space in its many complexities, and at higher levels of the 9 scale, the ability to apply that knowledge to seemingly unrelated uses. This rating would be for the superintelligent species. 10. Virtual godhood intellectually.

Technology Rating: 0. Complete lack of technology. 1. Stone Age 2. Bronze/Iron Age 3. Agrarian Age 4. Industrial Age



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

5. Very limited space flight (similar to where the US is now)

accepts offensive war in defense of race’s strongest held values.

6. Manned space exploration and limited colonization of own solar system; limited interstellar communications ability

5. Defensive war is always justified, and not being willing to fight in such a war is looked upon with disdain… possibly referring to such a person as a ‘coward’; offensive war seen as justified to accomplish the objectives of the race (such as more territory).

7. Limited interstellar travel, ability to significantly arm intra-stellar ships (ships that travel in own solar system— not able to significantly arm interstellar ships yet as a result of needing larger engines and equipment for interstellar travel at this point) 8. Interstellar travel, ability to interstellar ships with weapons


9. Interstellar travel efficiently enough to trade effectively with others and engage in ongoing interstellar warfare; similar to the Federation in Star Trek: The Next Generation. 10. Weird technology that is off the scale

Militancy Rating: 0. Has no concept of war, the military or violence 1. Extremely passive; would fail to defend self,and would never attack another;war/ violence has merely been introduced to this race… they would never participate in such an activity 2. Rejects war and the military; would defend self for survival only; would not engage in warfare for protection of rights, property, liberty, etc. 3. Very few in race accept war as necessary in some circumstances; race has a very informal ‘fighting force’ made up of the fact that some would fight and resist attack; would never engage in offensive war 4. Most accept war as acceptable as a last resort; maintains a formal fighting force, typically with conscription compelling some form of service; defensive war seen as virtually always justified;

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6. Military and warfare seen as an accepted part of life; minor preference for war over peace, possibly seeing war as a means of demonstrating one’s ‘strength’. 7. War is moderately preferred over peace (given a choice, people would have a fairly strong preference for war in general) 8. Peace is nothing more than a short break to celebrate the last victory, and prepare for more war. Those in the military are a higher class of citizen than those outside the military. War is seen as preferred method of accomplishing goals. 9. War is the natural state; society exists to serve the military (provide the military with soldiers, equipment, etc); the military rules the society. War is the only true method to accomplishing goals, and therefore peace is an uncomfortable state. At peace, the society cannot accomplish anything, while at war the society can. 10. No concept of peace

Economic Rating: 0. Unable to survive without 100% support from another species/race; total dependence. 1. Gathering food to survive 2. The ability to formulate basic weapons and hunt for food 3. Use of tools for building, etc; agriculture based economy. 4. Industrial economy (ability to add value


Chapter Six: Optional Rating System for Civilizations to natural resources) 5. Information Economy; large-scale automation of industrial and agricultural production; emphasis of economy shift to ideas and creation of new knowledge 6. Extreme wealth; ability to take care of all needs of own race, and many of the wants of members of own race (although some want still remains) 7. Ability to support all consumption of own race, with minor excess production to build and expand beyond one’s own world 8. Ability to support all consumption of own race, with moderate excess production to build and expand beyond one’s own world 9. Ability to support all consumption of own race, with huge excess production to build and expand beyond one’s own world 10. Post economic (scarcity has been solved). For those unsure what that means, scarcity means “limited resources and unlimited wants”. Economics is the study of how we allocate scarce resources to try to satisfy unlimited wants. Post Economic would be a state where we no longer had to choose between competing wants… we could have it all.

Individuality Rating: 0. Complete conformist; no sense of self as individual 1. Rudimentary knowledge of self, but only interests recognized are interests of group 2. Recognized interest of self, but selfinterest seen as meaningless; only interests that matter are those of the group. Will follow group to the death of self if asked. 3. Self-interest, while

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group interest, is seen as important (just not as important of group). Will follow group to great harm or embarrassment of self. 4. Would follow group interest above selfinterest anytime the two are in direct conflict; will follow the group even if it means harm or embarrassment comes to self. 5. Interest of self and group are of equal importance; will honor interests of either depending largely upon who (group or self) would most benefit from this race honoring that interest. For example, perhaps a member of this race would honor the self-interest in areas that are more important to self than to group, but would subordinate self to the group in areas where group is more important. Will tend to follow the laws/rules of the group; members of race that do not obey the laws/rules of the group are seen as ‘bad’/’undesirable’ and few pity such a member for having rights taken away. 6. Would put self-interest ahead of groupinterest anytime the two are in conflict. Tends to follow the law/rules, but would break them if it would be best for self to do so. Values self-rights over responsibility to the group. 7. Accepts some responsibility to follow norms of the group, but is only moderately willing to do so at the expense of expressing self and pursuing interests of the self. 8. Recognizes the existence of the group-interest, but sees it as virtually meaningless. Self-interest is what is important. 9. Rudimentary understanding that the group even exists. Sees self as the center of own world, and is unwilling to subordinate self to group under virtually any circumstance. 10. Does not even know a group exists.



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

Ecology/environment: A description of the ecology that this race would live in (is it a water species, dry land, in the forest, in a swamp, etc… if there are a lot of different ones, then please list them) Description of Race: In this area you should provide some background on the race, how the race organizes itself (are they solitary, hive, packs, etc). History, politics, culture could all go in this section.

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Appendix A: Sample Aliens and Civilizations Androzee The Androzee are a race of intelligent machines that were originally created to serve their organic masters. However, these durable robots outlasted their designers, who caused their own extinction by defiling the environment on their home planet. Androzean Characters Characteristic Adjustments: +1 INT, -1 PRE Size Category/Adjustments: Medium, none Base Speed: 10m Skill Check Bonuses: +2 Perception.

greatly in stature and physical design, though they almost always conform to a humanoid body structure. Society: Androzean culture is as organized and seamless as one would expect from a society of intelligent robots. The civilization is governed by a meritocracy. Decisions are made by a system of councils with limited power. Each council is made up of experts in the council’s area of control. The primary power is held by a ruling council that is comprised of a rotating body of elected representatives. Each lower council votes on a single representative who is given a temporary seat on the ruling council.

Special Abilities: Change Creature Type: The Jhargi construct (no Constitution score, immune to any The Jhargi are a violent, warlike race who effect that requires a CON checks, also immune often clash with other militant civilizations. Their to ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, mind-influencing effects and to poison, sleep, primary opponent is the race of humans, whom paralysis, stunning, and disease, not subject to the Jhargi view as rivals. critical hits, non-lethal damage or the effects of Jhargish Characters massive damage), Linguistic Aptitude, Low-Light Characteristic Adjustments: +1 DEX, -1 Vision. WILL and PRE Resistances: Natural Armor +5 Size Category/Adjustments: Medium, none Complications: Inept (-2 on all Swim checks), Base Speed: 20 feet, Fly: 10m Vulnerable (double damage from electrical attacks.) Skill Check Bonuses: +2 to all stealth checks, +2 to perception checks made in poor lighting, Androzean Civilization +1 ranged weapons Aggressive Tendencies: Low (5.1) Attack Bonuses: +1 to all attacks made with Determination: Moderate (4.8) ranged weapons Independence: Low (2.8) Special Abilities: Low-Light Vision, Multiattack, Multiple Limbs (grasping) Technology Level: High (8.9) Complications: Head Blind, Land Speed Communication/Language: The Androzee communicate with each other by means of high Reduction speed data transmissions. Data is transferred via light pulses that are directed toward the recipient’s optical sensors. These living machines are also capable of utilizing verbal communication and they have a talent for picking up on new languages. Physical Description: The Androzee vary donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

Jhargish Civilization Aggressive Tendencies: High (8.4) Determination: Moderate (5.2) Independence: High (7.1) Technology Level: High (7.8) Communication/Language: The Jhargi communicate with each other by means of a complex sign language. This method of communication is entirely silent. While the Jhargi have the physical ability to make noise, their harsh shrieks and deep growls are used only to convey simple emotions, not intricate dialogue or subtle concepts.

settlement of uninhabited planets. Kr’Neth Characters Characteristic Adjustments: +1 WILL, -1 PRE Size Category/Adjustments: Medium, none Base Speed: 10m Skill Check Bonuses: +2 to all Computers and Repair skill checks. Characteristic Bonuses: characteristic checks




Special Abilities: natural psionics (one low level power manifested up three times per 24 Physical Description: Jhargi are short, bat- hours) like humanoids with sleek, lightweight bodies. Kr’Neth Civilization They have four limbs connected to their upper Aggressive Tendencies: Low (4.0) torso. The two largest of these limbs are generally Determination: High (7.3) referred to as “wings”, while the smaller are called “arms”. However, all four of these limbs Independence: Low (3.1) are used for flying and all of them are capable Technology Level: High (9.3) of grasping objects. Their lower extremities are short, scrawny legs with clawed feet and knees that bend backwards. Communication/Language: The Kr’Neth The Jhargi have skin that is slick to the touch communicates by means of a spoken language. and ranges in color from grayish green to gray to The grammar and language structure of this black.Their eyes are large and are set prominently language are extremely simplistic, much better suited to a physics textbook than a flowery poem. on the front of their small, oval shaped heads. Physical Description: A typical Kr’Neth Society: The Jhargi are individualistic and aggressive. Their society is a place of constant stands at just less than six feet in height and competition and even open conflict. Fighting weighs around 160 lbs. They have thin, lanky among Jhargish factions tends to be intense but builds and tend to walk with an uneasy gait. The extremely brief. There is a strong tendency for Kr’Neth is extremely curious and has a habit allegiances to shift dramatically as individual of regarding their surroundings with an air of warriors seek out the chance to better their detached amusement. personal situations. Society: The Kr’Neth is a highly social species Jhargish family groups are small and tightly with a tightly structured civilization. Very little knit.The Jhargi may be violent and short tempered regard is given to individual rights as all are but they are loving parents who viciously defend expected to put the good of one’s social unit above the petty concerns of self. Members of the their offspring and mates. ruling class are trained from birth in the arts of effective governance. Rulers who fail to perform The Kr’Neth their duties or abuse their power can be removed The Kr’Neth is a race of explorers and from their position and lose their special status. scientists who are dedicated to the investigation of scientific phenomenon and the peaceful

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Appendix A: Sample Aliens and Civilizations The Lextharik The Lextharik are famed throughout the galaxy for their great achievements in diplomacy and economics. Many of history’s most acclaimed negotiators have either come from the planet Lexthar or have traveled there to study. Lextharik Characters Characteristic Adjustments: +1 PRE, +1 CON, -1 STR Size Category/Adjustments: Medium, none Base Speed: 10m, Swim: 10m Skill Check Bonuses: +2 to all Persuasion, and Conversation skill checks.


species but they left the water long ago. While they retain the ability to breath underwater, they are not especially strong swimmers. Society: The Lextharik civilization has a very formal structure and they hold to a great number of social conventions. Tradition is extremely important to this race and they go to great lengths to respect the customs of others. Lexthar’s government is run in a somewhat democratic fashion. However, like everything else on Lexthar, the final make up of a government is a matter of delicate negotiation. A great number of political, ideological and economic factions weigh in on these negotiations, which often take months.

Special Abilities: Amphibious, Linguistic Aptitude, Special Attack (melee, x1 per day, poison; 2d6 Strength / 3d6 Dexterity, save DV equals 12 + creature‘s Constitution/2) Resistances: Resilience (massive damage threshold increased by 3) Complications: Aversion to Violence Lextharik Civilization Aggressive Tendencies: Low (3.5) Determination: High (8.1) Independence: Moderate (6.5) Technology Level: High (8.0) Communication/Language: The Lextharik communicate by means of a spoken language. They are natural linguists with the ability to pick up on new tongues very easily. Lextharik languages tend to have complex grammatical structures. There are many nuances to the pronunciation of these languages, the slightest change in inflection or accent can severely alter the meaning of a word. Physical Description: The Lextharik are short, pudgy humanoids with stocky frames and round faces. They have bluish-green skin and large, dark eyes. These creatures have webbed fingers and gill slits located along their necks. The Lextharik have evolved from an amphibious

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens Stat Adjustments: -2 STR, +2 WILL and PRE. Advantages: Low-light Vision, Characteristic Check Bonus (+1 to all checks), Skill Bonus (+8 to all Perception checks) Disadvantages: Aversion to Violence. Intelligence Rating: 5.4 Technology Rating: 6.1 Militancy Rating: 3.5 Economic Rating: 5.4 Individuality Rating: 5.0 Social Organization: C’lorians live in large familial groups of up to one hundred members. Each clan is headed by a patriarch or matriarch, usually the oldest living family member. Familial groups are tied to an ancestral homeland, though individual members will often stray far from this area. Clans relate easily to one another and in large settlements they intermix to the point where the line between familial groups begins to become meaningless.

Alien Name: C’lorian Homeworld: C’lorius IV Physical Description: C’lorians are typical humanoids that greatly resemble Homo sapiens with pointed ears and small horns. They come from a light gravity world, causing them to evolve low density muscle and bone tissues. This species has very sharp senses, especially their auditory sense which is among the keenest of any known species. C’lorians display a wide range of coloration in their skin, hair, and eyes.

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Government: C’lorians have a well known distrust of official authority and prefer to settle disputes amongst peers. Clan elders meet together in informal councils to make decisions for their families without involving the elected leadership. C’lorius IV is governed by a loose confederation of regional governments that have limited autonomy. Most regional governments have a highly libertarian philosophy and there are few laws that restrict individual rights. The courts are usually the most powerful branch of government and the C’lorian legal system is geared toward ensuring the protection of all parties involved in a crime or dispute. Violence is rare on this planet so most cases involve property crimes or broken contracts. Shame and social ostracism are a greater fear than physical punishment so the threat of being taken to court is usually enough to cause a C’lorian to confess his or her misdeeds.



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

Conflict between regional governments is not unheard of; usually these disagreements break out over issues of trade or access to natural resources. When these disputes are not settled peacefully it can cause discord but open warfare is rare. C’lorian military forces specialize in secret operations such as sabotaging equipment and raiding supply depots.

to say, “Don’t worry.” and “Everything is alright.” even in the most desperate situations. C’lorians typically avoid talking about serious or delicate subjects and instead engage in small talk and meaningless banter.

Role Playing Notes: A C’lorian NPC should be polite and friendly. He or she would rather talk than argue and try to avoid conflict whenever Ecology/Environment: C’lorius IV is a low possible. Play up the natural social skills of this gravity planet with a wide range of ecological species. C’lorians are quick to spot deception diversity. Most of the planet is covered with but too polite to call someone a liar to his face. temperate plains and unspoiled forests of fern- This species is not direct in their manner and like trees and massive flowering bushes. will dance around a sensitive topic rather than Overall Description: C’lorius IV has an address the matter head on. A C’lorian doesn’t advanced knowledge of theoretical science ask for a favor without guaranteeing the time but the planet lacks an extensive industrial and manner of repayment. To this species infrastructure. The C’lorian culture has a great an oral contract is just as good as an official respect for unspoiled wilderness so they document and they are confused by species that only mine for resources in places where the use legal technicalities to manipulate others. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be environmental impact will be lessened. used by a GM to introduce this species or their The C’lorians do not have a developed space homeworld to a campaign. flight program but they have made contact with *C’lorius IV has been repeatedly attacked by a wide array of space faring cultures. C’lorius IV has become a frequently visited spaceport. an armada of space pirates, disrupting the trading Many C’lorians have taken to the stars by signing lanes around the system and causing much harm on to the crews of visiting ships. The species to the planet itself. Naturally, the C’lorians have has no great urge to colonize other planets or mobilized forces to defend themselves but permanently settle areas outside of their ancestral this peace loving species does not have much homelands. A C’lorian family has to occupy the expertise in this area. Their lack of an armed same region for three consecutive generations space fleet has also hampered their defensive before they meet the traditional requirements for efforts. The planetary confederation has begun hiring mercenaries and privateers to go on the establishing a new clan and a new homeland. offensive against the pirates. Typical Personality: C’lorians tend to be *A group of C’lorian traders has established highly sociable and friendly creatures. A typical a temporary residence in a prominent spaceport. member of this species is upbeat, energetic, and non-judgmental. They are quick to form They are engaged in intense negotiations social bonds and get along well with other between two rival trading consortiums. Someone species, even ones that are vastly different from has been trying to disrupt these efforts and themselves. This species has a demonstrated the C’lorians have asked for outside help to love of wandering and exploring new places but investigate the matter. they generally migrate back to their ancestral *A C’lorian technician has been accused homelands after being on the move for too long. of murdering a fellow crewman but refuses to C’lorians dislike violence and they are speak in his defense. The draconian legal code quick to play down conflicts. This species often of his adopted home will surely put him to death displays a natural optimism and they always look if someone doesn’t get to the truth of the matter. on the bright side. A typical C’lorian reaction is

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Economic Rating: 5.1 Individuality Rating: 4.8 Social Organization: Rykan warrior clans are the primary social unit on Cerebus III. Each clan contains anywhere from twenty to one thousand members. Membership in a clan is determined by blood relationships which must be traced back directly to a clan founder. The larger and more powerful clans attract many more potential members and so they allow for a much greater degree of fudging when it comes to genealogy. This loose interpretation of direct decent allows the larger clans to remain powerful by continuously replenishing their numbers. Each of the major warrior clan controls its own territory and allows other clans to use the land in exchange for an oath of loyalty. These minor clans make the same arrangement with smaller clans and so forth. This land control arrangement produces a complex web of fealty and servitude where loyalties often conflict. The situation is further complicated by the constant skirmishing and warfare that continuously shifts the borders between the smaller clans. Occasionally these petty land wars will draw the more powerful clans into conflict with each other, provoking open warfare that can last for generations. Most clans are ruled over by a patriarch or matriarch but some are controlled by a council of Homeworld: Cerebus III elders. Such a council is comprised of every clan Physical Description: Rykans are stocky, member who has reached a set age. Members muscular humanoids with thick bones and skulls. of the warrior clans are required to report for They can easily be mistaken for Homo sapiens military service whenever they are called upon from a distance. by the clan leadership. Whenever they are not training or fighting, Rykan warrior participate Stat Adjustments: +2 STR, -2 WILL and PRE Advantages: Base Attack Bonus, Damage in the normal occupations associated with a Reduction (1/-), Skill Bonus (+4 to all Intimidate technological society. They oversee the clan’s industrial and agricultural assets, design and checks) build new technologies, write poetry, and so on. Disadvantages: Compulsion, physical At the bottom of Rykan social structures are violence (severe: Will check DV17, the creature the othoks, or clanless. This social caste is made must fulfill the compulsion at least once per day), up of the descendents of people who have been Inept (-1 penalty on all swim checks.) rejected by their own clan or whose clan has Intelligence Rating: 4.9 been decimated by war. The othoks make up a Technology Rating: 4.8 large portion of the population and these Rykans spend their life performing physical labor and Militancy Rating: 6.2 Alien Name: Ryka

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

are usually assigned tasks that are seen as dirty or demeaning. Each of the warrior clans rules over a population of othoks who provide them with a workforce for their agricultural and industrial operations. Othoks are not allowed to become educated so they are barred from occupations as technicians, skilled laborers, or artists. Only the othoks are allowed to enter into the medical field, as caring for the wounded and dying is viewed as a humiliating, unskilled task. The highest career available to the clanless is the role of othok-uu, or clanless warrior. An othok-uu is a type of mercenary who is hired to perform secret missions for the warrior clans. The othokuu are not trusted by traditional warriors and they are looked down upon by both the clans and other othoks. Othok-uu often turn to brigandry and extortion when other opportunities are lacking.

by their inability to unite together into stable societies. Discord and violence have brought down even the most powerful warrior clans and only a few clans have been able to consolidate their holdings into a lasting empire. This lack of stability has also hampered their technological development and most parts of the planet rely on crude atomic-age technologies.

Ecology/Environment: Cerebus III is a barren, rocky planet covered by alternating bands of frozen tundra and scorching deserts. The borderlands between these extremes form habitable zones where much of the planet’s biodiversity is found. Evolving in this harsh ecosystem has given the Rykans the ability to cope with a wide range of temperatures and environments. Overall Description: The history of Cerebus III is rife with conflict and war. The planet has seen very few times of peace. The development of Rykan culture has been greatly hampered

recruit from every clan, region, and caste. This movement has become increasingly popular among the ranks of the othok and othok-uu who are attracted by the lack of social division within the jihadist movement. Some jihadist factions only seek to liberate the occupied territories while others call for the death of every non-Rykan on the planet. Radical jihadists go even further, predicting a day when the Rykans will carry this fight beyond their own world and impose Rykan religious authority on other planets.

Several times during the planet’s recent history, Cerebus III has been attacked by forces from other worlds. Invading armies, space pirates, and mercantilist economic powers have plagued the planet and carved out their own miniempires on its surface. The warrior clans have failed to unite against these threats and without a unified effort they have been unable to repel the invaders. The occupiers have exploited the inherent divisions among the Rykans and often play one faction against another. A typical ploy Government: The government of Cerebus is for a foreign power to seek out the traditional III is essentially an advanced form of feudalism. enemies of the clan they are currently fighting The most powerful clan in a region acts as a and arm them with advanced weapons. Some local government and they allow the lesser of the Rykan clans have accepted the occupiers clans beneath them to perform administrative as the most powerful clan of their territory and functions. There is no centralized planetary sworn allegiance to them accordingly. These government and the Rykans themselves do not pockets of foreign influence are often more control the whole of their own planet. Even within stable and developed than the rest of Cerebus III, the clan territories there is no consolidation of despite the constant warfare with neighboring power or legitimizing of violence. Blood feuds clans. between minor clans and revolts against the A growing movement among the Rykans is a dominant clans are a constant disruption. The call for jihad, or holy struggle, to rid the planet of othok have no legal rights or political power and all alien invaders. This ideology transcends clan the quality of their lives varies greatly depending divisions and is the first world wide phenomenon on that clan that currently rules over them. in the planet’s history. These religious warriors

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Typical Personality: Rykans are aggressive by nature and they have an overdeveloped fightor-flight response that almost always leans in the direction of “fight.” They are direct in their interpersonal relationships and have no time for subtly or the sensitivities of others. Their psychological compulsion to participate in violence makes it hard for other species to relate to the Rykans. Role Playing Notes: A Rykan NPC should be brusque and straightforward. He or she is quick to anger and will respond violently to threats or insults. A Rykan often uses intimidation to get what they want and they have no respect for people who display fear or weakness. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *Rykan jihadists have targeted the business interests of an alien power that trades with their world. These radicals have left their own planet to attack civilian outposts loyal to this merchant planet. *Two Rykan mercenary clans have begun a bloody feud that threatens to destabilize the space station where they are based. *The player characters are assigned to go to Cerebus III and protect a spaceport that is being threatened by a powerful warrior clan.

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact their formative years alone in the swamps and lakes of their planet’s wilderness. Young Friimons occasionally form temporary alliances with one another. These semi-tribal structures help the maturing youth survive until they reach adulthood. Sometime after reaching physical maturity, the adult Frii-mon trickle back into the civilized areas to begin their adult lives. There is always a small percentage of the Frii-mon who decide to continue their simple lifestyle in the deep wilderness and do not rejoin the rest of society. Scattered pockets of primitive Frii-mon communities pop up whenever these “tribals” get together in mating pairs. The offspring of primitive Frii-mons push even further into the unspoiled wilds before rejoining the rest of the adult tribe.

Alien Name: Frii-mon Homeworld: Amphos

Government: The government of Amphos is a meritocracy where various administrative functions are carried out by experts in the related field. A council of top scientists selects the leadership for any science related bureau; a council of generals selects the supreme military commander, and so on. The overall leader of the planet is selected by a joint session of all the specialized councils. This administrator governs the planet for a term of one year.

A strict set of requirements is laid out for Physical Description: Frii-mon are amphibious humanoids with a vague individuals who wish to advance themselves resemblance to frogs from Earth. They have up the rankings in their careers. A citizen must serve a set number of years and achieve a wide, rounded heads and slumped postures. number of specific accomplishments before Stat Adjustments: -2 STR, +2 DEX. being considered for a promotion. A citizen Advantages: Racial Talent (amphibious), who is promoted consistently may eventually be assigned to sit on a council for a five year term. Skill Bonus (+8 on all Swim checks). Intelligence Rating: 5.0 Technology Rating: 8.3 Militancy Rating: 5.1 Economic Rating: 7.9 Individuality Rating: 5.9 Social Organization: Frii-mons live together in mated pairs. They bear offspring very rarely and usually there is only one young in the family at a time. Their children leave the home as soon as they begin to mature physically. They spend

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Because of the planet’s low population density, large urban centers are very rare. Many of these cities are designed around a particular need that the city was built to fill. Some urban centers are built to house institutions of higher learning while others are industrial, some cater to the arts, some are research centers, etc. Friimon who are interested in these activities will travel to the appropriate city in order to further their education or begin a career.


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Most of the population lives in small agricultural communities that border on freshwater lakes and marshlands. The Frii-mon have developed a number of innovative techniques for raising food in an aquatic environment. They also supplement their diet by hunting and fishing extensively. The rural population sells their food production and uses the currency that they gain to purchase goods from the city. Private ownership of land and water is unheard of on Amphos. The citizens own the entire planet collectively. An agricultural producer is allowed to utilize as much land as he or she can effectively cultivate.

to everything else. Frii-mon mate for life and are extremely loyal to their chosen mates. When one half of a mated pair dies, the survivor will not take another mate under any circumstances.

Warfare on Amphos is mostly limited to clashes between civilized and tribal Frii-mon over access to the best hunting and fishing grounds. Because the civilized population is much larger and technologically advanced than their tribal cousins, they can deplete a natural area quickly. This can make survival much harder for primitive Frii-mon who fed themselves with stone tipped spears and hand woven nets. Game management techniques are employed to keep civilized hunters away from tribal grounds. However, this is difficult to accomplish because primitive Frii-mon move around so often.

*The player characters are invited to Amphos to help recover an ancient alien spacecraft that has been discovered in a remote swamp.

Role Playing Notes: A Frii-mon NPC should be reserved and stand-offish. They are not particularly social creatures and tend to converse about practical matters exclusively. Frii-mon do not initiate violence lightly but they are savage and merciless when provoked. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign.

*A Frii-mon scientist has been living alone on a remote observation station for several years. When contact with the scientist is lost the characters are sent to investigate.

*A group of Frii-mon colonists has become embroiled in conflict with another race that is settling the same planet. Because Frii-mon do not understand the concept of owning land, they have unintentionally drawn the ire of the other Ecology/Environment: Amphos is a very settlers. When the other race uses violence wet planet covered by large lakes and marshes to defend their property rights, the Frii-mon the climate across much of the planet is warm and mobilize against the “unprovoked” and senseless humid. The planet’s axial tilt is subtle, resulting assault. The player characters may be sent to the planet to find a peaceful solution to the crisis or in only minor seasonal variations. they may be hired guns looking for work. Overall Description: All Frii-mon have well honed survival skills and a natural urge to explore new places. They are highly sought after by expeditions to freshwater worlds. Solitude and isolation does not seem to bother the Friimon and this makes them well suited for long range space travel. The planet Amphos has an interstellar space fleet that the Frii-mon have used to successfully colonize a small number of worlds that are similar to their own. Typical Personality: Frii-mon are loners by nature and most of them are very shy around those they don’t know. They have a tendency toward tunnel vision, often becoming absorbed into their work to the point of becoming oblivious

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact Government: Thesis Prime is ruled by a junta (military dictatorship). Every citizen is required to serve in the active duty military for no less than five years. Those who do not desire a lifetime career in the military can be placed on reserve duty after their first tour is over. Reservists are allowed to live nominally civilian lives during times of peace. However, even the reservists are required to report for regular training and must meet the same physical standards as active duty personnel. During large scale military campaigns the leadership bolsters their forces by activating reserve units. The command officers are careful to use reservists sparingly. Overburdening the reservists can hurt the economic infrastructure of the planet by depleting the civilian workforce.

Alien Name: Spargan Homeworld: Thesis Prime Stat Physical Description: Spargans are humanoids with a penchant for incorporating cybernetics into their biological bodies. Some Spargan veterans have become almost entirely robotic and appear to be wearing armor all the time. Adjustments: +2 DEX. Advantages: Ability Score Bonus (DEX), Dodge Bonus Intelligence Rating: 5.4 Technology Rating: 8.7 Militancy Rating: 9.1 Economic Rating: 7.9

Leadership posts within the civilian government are assigned exclusively to retired military officers. A person’s service record is the primary consideration for getting such an assignment. The civilian government is in charge of public works and controls many aspects of the planet’s economic and industrial life. However, the military junta wields the true power in this society. The chief executive of Thesis Prime is known as the Supreme Commander.This person is appointed by an assembly of top leaders from every branch of the military. This appointment is rubber stamped by representatives of the civilian government. The Supreme Commander serves a lifetime term and wields absolute authority while in office. He or she is allowed to appoint a personal staff as well as select the heads of various departments within the government. Naturally the Supreme Commander is most concerned with managing the planet’s vast military infrastructure but the office also oversees all law enforcement on the planet, including the dreaded secret police. Other roles played by the office of Supreme Commander include head of propaganda, education, and foreign affairs.

The planet is divided into military districts, each one headed by a general or other ranking Social Organization: Spargans live in small officer. The general is in charge of all active family groups that include the parents and duty and reserve personnel in the district. The offspring as well as extended family members governing officer is expected to cooperate fully such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. with the local commander of the secret police and Individuality Rating: 4.5

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


obey directives from the Supreme Commander and and training would be enough to keep its military other superior officers. The governing officer also apparatus relevant. Instead the planet entered into works closely with the local civilian administrators. a long period of stagnation, civil unrest and decay. The central government allows private ownership of small businesses and often works with these business owners to improve the economic strength of the planet. Government contracts are often awarded to the private businesses and this version of free enterprise is responsible for much of the technological innovation in Spargan society. Local civilian leaders are also allowed to form advisory councils in their territory, ostensibly for the purpose of improving government services. In reality, these meetings are simply a place for citizens to air grievances against their neighbors. Both the law enforcement community and the secret police use these meetings for intelligence gathering purposes.

The Spargans’ saving grace came the day that one of their stellar exploration vessels made contact with an interstellar probe from another race. The military leadership wasted no time in declaring a planet wide emergency to deal with the alien “threat.” The prospect of fighting aliens and conquering unknown worlds gave the junta a renewed sense of purpose and invigorated their deteriorating regime. The threat of an unseen alien menace also helped to unify the population and stole momentum away from anti-military dissidents.

Overall Description: Ever since they learned to travel across the stars, the Spargan race has sought out weaker and less developed cultures to enslave. The worst crisis in the history of Thesis Prime came after the end of the last Great War. The two great military powers of the planet clashed in an immensely destructive conflict that lasted the better part of a decade. The victor (the Thesian Unification Coalition) spent another decade cleaning up the last of the resistance and rebuilding the decimated planet. Peace, however, was a bigger threat than the war itself. After building a society that was entirely centered on military operations, the TUC found itself unable to handle peace. Having conquered the whole of their planet, the Coalition government had no more enemies to justify its existence. The military government continued its wartime policies, hoping that drilling

a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign.

Typical Personality: Spargans are notoriously curt and to the point. They do not mix openly with other races and tend to think of themselves Ecology/Environment: Thesis Prime is as better than others. Spargans are supremacists geologically active and very mountainous. who view themselves as being inherently superior Volcanoes, calderas, steep cliffs, sheer rock to other species. They are willing to work with faces and hot springs are common here. Much of humanoids whose appearance closely resembles the land masses have been broken into isolated their own but they do not tolerate the presence of sub continents and the oceans are dotted with non-humanoids. archipelagos and island arcs. The climate is hot Role Playing Notes: A Spargan NPC should be across most of the planet and the ecosystem is extremely formal and rigid. He or she should come dominated by tropical forests in the lowlands and across as highly disciplined and unemotional. temperate grasslands in in higher elevations. Plot Hooks:The following plot hooks can be used by

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*Spargan military forces are scouting a peaceful planet for annexation. The player characters are hired to “discourage” the scouting team. *The players characters are contacted for a mission to Thesis Prime. They are tasked with delivering a top secret computer file to a Spargan resistance cell operating out of a small civilian factory. *The Thesian military government uses a third party to hire the characters for a suicide mission. When they don’t die, the Spargan military sends a black ops team to hunt them down because they know too much.



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Intelligence Rating: 5.6 Technology Rating: 7.9 Militancy Rating: 5.1 Economic Rating: 8.7 Individuality Rating: 4.9 Social Organization:The Tsari live in matriarchal clans that may include several dozen members. The matriarch is responsible for overseeing the well being of the family members and maintaining the honor of the clan as a whole. The Tsari culture places a great deal of emphasis on tradition and the matriarch’s job is to teach these traditions to the young and strictly enforce them among the adults. Tsari clans are known to participate in “honor killings.” Family members sometimes murder each other over seemingly minor breaches of etiquette or tradition. The governmental authorities officially frown on this practice but do not take any legal action against the killers. Members of this extended family are bound by tradition to tithe a portion of their earnings to the matriarch who is supposed to set these funds aside for the benefit of the clan. A matriarch who spends this money extravagantly or wastefully is considered an embarrassment to her clan. Ideally the matriarch is supposed to save this money, usually by purchasing precious metal and gemstones to be stored in a family vault.

Alien Name: Tsari

While the clan matriarchs rule over their families Physical Description: Tsari are humanoids with an iron fist, there is no other place in Tsari society with a large head and pronounced skull features, where women are allowed to hold power. They are including a cleft down the middle of the cranial officially barred from holding public office and they are strongly discouraged from participating in the ridge. work force. Homeworld: Tsar Government: Tsar is governed by a Stat Adjustments: +2 WILL, -2 PRE. constitutional monarchy with the monarch acting as Advantages: Racial Talent (linguistic a figure head with quasi-divine status. The governing aptitude), Omni-directional vision, Additional power is held by an elected body called the Grand Hits, Initiative Bonus (+4). Congress. Technically anyone is permitted to seek a Disadvantage: Compulsion, acquiring seat within the Grand Congress but in actuality only wealth (severe: Will check DV17, the creature the wealthiest and most powerful individuals could must fulfill the compulsion at least once per day), ever fund a political campaign. These elections are fiercely contested and often involve slander and Inept (-1 penalty on all swim checks.) political espionage.

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The central government has a great deal of policing authority but law enforcement tends to be focused on the poor and disenfranchised. When it comes to the wealthier classes, the courts and law enforcement agencies generally defer to clan matriarchs. If a wealthy Tsari is suspected of murder, the police and civil authorities will discretely meet with the matriarch of that clan and present their evidence to her. In order to prevent a humiliating public trail, the matriarch will take the matter into her own hands and arrange for a proper punishment to be met out. Often times the matriarchs will preempt the authorities in these matters, taking care of the culprit before the official investigation has been completed.

and arctic tundra dominate the landscape. The Tsari themselves tend to live in the equatorial regions where the temperatures are warmer and rainfall is more common than snow or hail.

by reservists. The local militias are fiercely loyal to the monarchy but they are poorly trained and equipped. Military officers are held in high esteem but an individual’s family connections and political affiliations are the key to advancement up the ranks. Talent and ability are secondary considerations. For this reason the Tsari often employ mercenaries to bolster their forces during expeditions to other planets.

*A Tsari businessman hired the player characters to sabotage the operations of an off-world competitor.

Overall Description: The Tsari culture is focused on the pursuit of wealth and their interactions with other cultures reflects this. Their foreign policy has a decidedly mercantilist bent and they make no excuses for their desire to economically dominate other worlds. All out warfare is rare but the Tsari will bring military force to bear in order to protect their interests and expand their sphere of influence. The Tsari government is careful to only pick fights with undeveloped worlds that are less able to fight back. The Tsari way is one of subtlety and they The court system of Tsar is riddled with prefer to exert their influence by corrupting foreign arcane traditions, draconian legal codes and governments, dominating the local economy, and overlapping jurisdictions. Navigating this judicial quietly disposing of anyone who objects. maze is extremely frustrating and time consuming. Typical Personality: Tsari have a tendency to Professional barristers and legal advocates are a be arrogant and they carry themselves with an air class unto themselves, often descended from clans of superiority. They are psychologically compelled that have practiced this trade for centuries. These to acquire wealth and scheme nonstop to this end. legal professionals are trained from childhood in Their antiquated traditions and draconian code of the intricate social etiquette of the Tsari courts, as honor require very precise etiquette. Tsari are easily well as the complex and often contradictory body of insulted and they do not forgive these slights, often laws and precedents. Anyone who cannot afford to waiting years to exact some form of revenge. hire a professional barrister or advocate has almost Role Playing Notes: A Tsari NPC should be no chance of mounting a criminal defense and no very formal, polite, and stuffy but also greedy and access to the courts as a way of settling civil matters. Among the lower classes of Tsari, the lack of legal backstabbing. A Tsari doesn’t insult you to your face, intervention results in a reliance on blood feuds to he whispers behind your back. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be settle differences between clans. . The Tsari military has only a very small standing used by a GM to introduce this species or their force and most of their manpower is provided homeworld to a campaign.

Ecology/Environment: Most of the planet Tsar is cold and arid. A great deal of the planet’s water exists as glaciers and polar ice. Vast frozen deserts

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*A character accidently insults a clan matriarch, sparking off an intense feud. Byzantine political maneuvering and honor killings threaten everything that the characters hold dear. *A political campaign on a Tsari colony engulfs the characters in a world of espionage and assassinations.



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Social Organization: Buuschu gather together in large social units called groves. Members of a grove form a tightly knit community about the size of a small city. Despite the large numbers of individuals in each grove, the Buuschu know all of their grove members intimately well. These social units are so close that members of a grove will rarely pollinate with each other. Instead, adult male Buuschu will travel great distances to seek out other groves and petition for the right to mate. The visiting males return to their own grove as soon as pollination has occurred. The offspring that are “budded” from this process are raised by members of their mothers’ groves. Government: Trakas II is ruled by a body of elder Buuschu known as the Enclave. This government is essentially a plutocracy, composed of the wisest members of each grove. The members of the Enclave live separately from the rest of their species and spend their time in quiet contemplation. The issues of the day are debated in secret and at length. When a major crisis or event occurs, the Enclave may call witnesses and experts to appear and answer questions. Unsolicited advice or opinions are not welcomed here; the elders expect an unbiased recitation of facts.

Alien Name: Buuschu

The Enclave is notoriously slow when it comes to reaching a clear and final decision. Physical Description: Buuschu are a race of sentient plants that have a vaguely humanoid They expect the various groves to spread news of their pronouncements across the planet and appearance. each citizen to take this advice without question. Homeworld: Trekas II The issue of whether or not to allow alien species Stat Adjustments: -2 CON, +2 WILL to build spaceports on Trakas II was debated for Advantages: Change Creature Form (plant), seven generations. By the time the Enclave made Additional Sense (other: scent), Racial Talent it proclamation the original petitioners had long forgotten about the planet. However, the (constrict). precedent has already been set so any species Intelligence Rating: 5.7 that wants to build on the planet is allowed to Technology Rating: 6.8 do so, so long as they follow a strict set of rules established by the elders. Militancy Rating: 4.1 Economic Rating: 5.9 Individuality Rating: 4.7

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Local governments on Trekas are nonexistent. Each grove settles disputes through collective action and all major decisions require the input of every single adult member of


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens the grove. Debates over simple issues can be extensive and majority rule is not the governing factor. Groves prefer to reach an overwhelming consensus in order to maintain harmony within the community. When a grove is not able to settle an issue internally, they may ask representatives from other groves to hear arguments and act as impartial judges. If all else fails to put an issue to rest, a grove may petition the Enclave for a ruling. Though this process is excruciatingly slow and tedious, the final result will be accepted by all.


Besides serving as space crews and researchers for other species, the Buuschu have hired colony ships to help them found new settlements on fertile worlds. Typical Personality: Buuschu are very patient and ponderous. They spend a large part of their lives standing completely motionless, contemplating the universe as their bodies gain energy from the twin Trekan suns.

Role Playing Notes: A Buuschu NPC should be very enigmatic and reserved. This species Ecology/Environment: Trekas II inhabits is shy around outsiders and they rarely wish a binary solar system that baths the planet in to interact with other species. To the Buuschu, almost continual sunlight. The planet’s surface there is no such thing as a simple answer to a is warm and rainy with constant precipitation complicated question. They believe that it is and almost no dry regions. Most of Trekas II is better to find answers for yourself and to this covered with tropical rainforests and humid end they often answer questions with questions. swamps. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be Overall Description: The Buuschu have used by a GM to introduce this species or their an advanced knowledge of science but their homeworld to a campaign. area of expertise is biology. Engineering and *A Buuschu colony on another world is being architecture are strange, incomprehensible concepts to this species. Most of the structures killed by environmental pollution that is caused on the planet have been built by means of by colonists from another race. *A Buuschu elder summons the player shaping organic matter. The Buuschu themselves have no need of shelter. Storage shelters, public characters to report to the Enclave and answer buildings, etc. are made by training plants to questions. grow into a certain shape. Hard bodied plants *A Buuschu scientist goes crazy and embarks are used for supports while tough, fibrous on a senseless killing spree. The characters put plants are used for connections, and so on. The a stop to the violence but soon realize that the Buuschu selectively breed many types of plants same malady is affecting all other Buuschu in the and animals to better serve their needed roles. vicinity. Over the generations this race has created artificial colonies that grow into their desired structure with almost no help from the Buuschu themselves. Growing a large building can take decades. However, the finished structure will literally last forever. The structure repairs itself through the natural process of the plants healing themselves. Destroyed parts replace themselves as the plants reproduce. The Buuschu have no space fleet, nor do they have the heavy industry necessary to develop one. They have taken to the stars with the help of other species. Buuschu biologists and medical experts are highly sought after on other worlds.

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact Social Organization: The Krowler live in small familial units consists of parents, siblings, and occasionally members of the extended family. These small families are connected to each other through an intricate web of social relationships. Children of the same age are often brought together into large social circles where they are expected to form lasting bonds. Government: Krowl is governed by a representative democracy. There are distinct divisions of power among the various branches of government and a vast multitude of elected bodies exist to oversee different areas of public life. There is also a clear distinction between the central government and the different levels of local government. The most powerful institution on Krowl is the High Committee for Oversight and Regulation. This committee is made up of eleven political appointees who serve lifetime terms. The members of the committee are appointed by means of a complicated and drawn out political process where a prospective committee member must seek approval by a number of representative bodies.

The High Committee is the only political authority on Krowl that has the power to Physical Description: The Krowler are short, interfere with the jurisdiction of an elected pudgy humanoids with a hunched over posture body. The Finance Assembly and the Congress on Military Affairs have no authority to weigh in and large heads. on the other’s sphere of influence but the High Homeworld: Krowl Committee can supersede the powers of both if Stat Adjustments: None it deems necessary. Advantages: Racial Talent (linguistic Despite their democratic leanings and aptitude), Characteristic Check Bonus (+1 to all diplomatic bearing, the planet Krowl has checks), Skill Bonus (+8 to all Diplomacy checks) developed a reputation for militancy. They Alien Name: Krowler

Disadvantages: Inept (-4 on all Repair checks) Intelligence Rating: 5.0 Technology Rating: 8.2 Militancy Rating: 6.3 Economic Rating: 8.7 Individuality Rating: 5.8

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have conducted several large scale military campaigns against other planets. The Krowler always fight their wars in the name of self defense and “spreading civilization.” However, opportunistic businesspeople always follow shortly behind a military campaign. They do not attempt to occupy or subjugate their vanquished rivals, but the Krowler do ensure that they are economically dependant on them. They also insist on favorable diplomatic alliances as a condition of peace. The Krowler are often


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Role Playing Notes: A Krowler NPC should be everyone’s friend. This species is famous for their silver tongues and they are not hesitant to Ecology/Environment: Krowl has a varied use flattery to get what they want. A Krowler can and diverse eco-system that supports many kinds make even the most preposterous proposal sound of habitats. The planet has a large percentage of completely reasonable. This NPC should be its surface covered with oceans and much of the unfailingly polite and extremely knowledgeable land surface area exists in the form of volcanic about other cultures across the galaxy. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be islands. Because of their planet’s wide range of environments, the Krowler are able to adapt used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. easily to many other planetary habitats. criticized for these “soft conquests.” They are also accused of provoking conflicts in order to expand their sphere of influence.

Overall Description: The Krowler have long been active in interstellar trade. Ever since this species discovered interstellar flight they have actively sought to form equitable trading partnerships with other planets. They have been extremely successful at this endeavor and Krowler trading ships can be seen in almost every corner of the galaxy. They have developed a knack for finding what different planets want and finding sources for those goods. The Krowler trading network This species has developed a culture that is centered on negotiation and diplomacy. They obtain the majority of their technology through trade. Their extensive business network comes at the expense of their domestic production capacity. The Krowl educational system places its emphasis on social skill, business, and linguistics. Building and repairing machines is considered a menial pursuit so the Krowler outsource these industries to their trading partners. Even their vaunted trading ships are acquired from other planets. To the Krowler this is the natural order of things; they buy ships from the best ship builders the same way that they buy weapons from the best weapon smiths and food from the most productive agriculturalists

*A Krowler trade mission has been taken hostage on an unexplored world. The player characters are assigned to locate and rescue the captives. *The characters are in search of an extremely rare and/or valuable item. The planet Krowl is the place to go to for this type of hard to find commodity. *A corrupt Krowler businessman wants to hire mercenaries in order to force a trade agreement with another planet. He or she hopes to provoke a violent conflict that will bring the Krowler military in to “pacify” the alien planet.

Typical Personality: The Krowler tend to be polite but also somewhat haughty. They tend to treat everyday social interactions with the same air of formality that they would treat an important political negotiation. Krowler get along with other species better than most cultures and they are very sensitive to the social, cultural, and religious norms of other planets.

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact Social Organization: The Nailous are a race of unemotional machines. These sentient robots have little in the way of traditional social structures. Members of this species are constructed in special factories that are completely dedicated to this purpose. Each new generation of Nailous body type is based upon previous models, with changes and upgrades based on observation of how those bodies functioned over time. Occasionally a radical new technology is incorporated into the design process in order to evaluate its feasibility. This trial and error process combined with the gradual improvements in the body designs have led to vastly improved machines over the centuries. The Nailous are very hesitant about making alterations to their basic operating hardware, fearing that any significant change will create a generation of Nailous that are incapable of fully communicating with their predecessors. The Nailous also have a reverential attitude toward the systems that allowed them to rise to true sentience.

After the construction of its physical body, each Nailous is imprinted with a vague set of Physical Description: As a race of living computer commands that allow it to achieve machines, the Nailous vary greatly in their the most basic level of sentience. The newly physical appearance. An individual can easily made robot is then put to work in the factory swap out old body parts for new ones as the that spawned it until a more sophisticated need arises. intelligence emerges. At this point in time the Homeworld: Nal Prime Nailous is given access to the planetary data links and allowed to absorb information about Stat Adjustments: +2 INT, -2 PRE Advantages: Bonus Skill Points, Change a multitude of subjects. Invariably, the sentient Creature Form (construct), Natural Weapons program will be drawn to a particular field of (unarmed attacks deal 3d6 points of lethal study and will be summarily assigned to work in this field. Nailous that work together will interact damage). more and more over time and eventually form Drawbacks: Inept (-2 to all Bluff checks). something akin to friendship. Intelligence Rating: 6.6 Some Nailous find themselves unable to Alien Name: Nailous

Technology Rating: 8.5 Militancy Rating: 4.9 Economic Rating: 7.6

Individuality Rating: 3.8

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handle the structured society of their homeworld. Artificial sentience has a tendency toward individualism and this trait is more pronounced in some individuals than others. These outsiders are often reassigned to the space program where they will hopefully find contentment in small


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


groups of like minded machines.

This indicates that the early Nailous robots were Government: The planet Nal Prime has no in mass production before the Awakening. The government to speak of. The planet has no laws, poor shape of the planet prior to the rise of the therefore there is no need for law enforcement Nailous race indicates that the progenitors may or a justice system. Administrative tasks are have been involved in a catastrophic war that delegated to appropriate departments within caused their extinction. Other explanations have the public works collective. Decisions that affect been forwarded, of course, but no conclusive a region are settled by means of mass cognition evidence has been found in any case. The through the planetary data links. Major decisions Nailous themselves consider the question to are debated through a mass cognition that be interesting but ultimately irrelevant. The immensely practical machines keep their focus encompasses the entire planet. on the present and immediate future and are less The public works collective is communal interested in the distant past. body that is run on a system of meritocracy. A Typical Personality: The Nailous are large percentage of the economy of Nal Prime generally thought of as not having personalities. is controlled or influenced by the collective. There is no systemic pattern that discourages This is not true; however, it is difficult for biological private ownership of businesses, if fact the free organisms to understand what constitutes a enterprise system operates on this planet with machine personality. no regulations. The public works collective is Role Playing Notes: A Nailous NPC should primarily concerned with industries that are conduct personal interactions in the most vital to the survival of the Nailous race. The efficient way possible. It should ignore things most important function of the collective is the that it does not understand or approve of. It operation of the reproduction factories. This will not answer extraneous questions nor will it body is also responsible for generating power, explain its actions. building transportation systems, and operating Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be the planetary data links. used by a GM to introduce this species or their

Ecology/Environment: Nal Prime is a homeworld to a campaign. blasted wasteland with few organic life forms. *A computer virus has infected all of the The Nal are machines and can tolerate extreme Nailous living on a mixed population colony. environments with ease. This harmful program is causing the Nailous to Overall Description: The origin of the behave in bizarre ways. Nailous race is shrouded in mystery.Archeologists *A Nailian scientist has abruptly left its from numerous worlds have conducted research post and headed into uncharted space. The on Nal Prime in order to uncover the secret of player characters are hired to find the scientist Nailian creation. The earliest Nailous models and determine what caused his unexpected emerged from an automated factory and rose departure. to sentience on their own. These primordial *The player characters are asked to come machines inherited a barren and desolate world that was almost completely absent of life. Vast to Nal Prime and assist the Nailous in dealing ruined cities dotted the landscape of this bleak with a group of anti-social outworlders who planet but these remains gave no clue to how or are sabotaging vital infrastructure. With no law why the Nailous were created. The progenitor enforcement infrastructure of their own, the Nailous are completely unprepared for this type race left behind few clues to shed light on this. of threat. Nailian researchers have found a number of Pre-Awakening (PA) artifacts that seem to be the smashed parts of early Nailous models.

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact Social Organization: The Aeratix are born into hives consisting of several hundred members. The breeding female is the core of the hive and she is attended by a small harem of fertile males. The young are mainly cared for and educated by their elder siblings until they are physically able to care for themselves. Upon reaching adulthood, a young Aeratix leaves the hive and ventures out into the wider world. The majority of Aeratix are not fertile so only a few settle down to produce offspring of their own. The rest of the population lives their lives dedicated to personal development, career advancement, and a tight social network of friends, siblings, and colleagues.

Alien Name: Aeratix Physical Description: The Aeratix are slightly built humanoids with four arms.

The Aeratix are naturally social creatures and it shows in the way that they care for each other. An entire community will quickly mobilize in order to help a total stranger. Hunger and poverty are foreign concepts on Ratix IV. Individuals share their resources and possessions so freely that they rarely ask permission to take things from each other. Greed and materialism are almost unknown among this population so nobody minds when a personal possession ends up missing. An Aeratix just assumes that whoever took the item needed it for an important purpose and will likely bring it back as soon as the situation allows.

Homeworld: Ratix IV

Government: The planet Ratix IV is governed by a highly libertarian political Stat Adjustments: -2 STR, +2 INT and WILL Advantages: Additional Sense (darkvision), system where individual rights are the primary Racial Talent (multiple limbs: grasping), Skill concern. Because they are immensely social Bonus (+2 on all Computers, Technology, and by nature, this race has never felt the need to coerce each other into helping each other or Repair skill checks). forcing moral codes upon the population. The Intelligence Rating: 7.3 majority of political power is wielded at the local Technology Rating: 9.1 level, usually in the form of elected councils. The planetary government is essentially an advisory Militancy Rating: 4.9 body with little true power. Economic Rating: 8.0 Economic combines are the primary means Individuality Rating: 4.1 of production and distribution on Ratix IV. These combines are also the driving force behind technological development and exploration. Academic institutions, factories, and even the military services are all organized as combines

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens for the collective benefit of their members. Competing combines occasionally resort to espionage and other unsavory methods but most of them take pride in being the best at what they do. The Aeratix are not particularly aggressive in the military sense but they do maintain a highly trained and well equipped standing force. Their space ships are the envy of many worlds and they have the experience of operating on a great number of different planets. The Aeratix’s drive for knowledge and their penchant for pushing into new frontiers can often be mistaken for a military invasion. Such misunderstandings can result in all out warfare.


more reserved species. The Aeratix have no notion of privacy and will not hesitate to ask an endless stream of personal questions. Aeratix are communal by nature and they prefer to make decisions as a group. They also have a marked lack of respect for personal property and do not hesitate to “borrow” anything that is needed for a repair job or an experiment.

Role Playing Notes: An Aeratix NPC should be hyperactive, eager to learn, and easily distracted. He or she should always be up to something. This NPC should always have an interesting bit of news to pass on or a pile of unanswered questions to get to the bottom of. Ecology/Environment: Ratix IV is This character should also be highly observant characterized by temperate forests that and mindful of details. It is hard to trick or dominate a large part of the global ecosystem. deceive an Aeratix These forests are famous for massive tree like Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be growths that stretch hundreds of feet into the air. used by a GM to introduce this species or their Overall Description: This species have explored a large part of the galaxy and they have peacefully settled a number of worlds. Aeratix technicians and scientists are highly sought after by space crews and exploration teams. The Aeratix can be found in almost every settled corner of space, due to both their own inherent curiosity and their service aboard the space fleets of other races. Among the Aeratix, a respected scientist or famous inventor enjoys a great amount of celebrity and social status. Being the first one to make a scientific break though or build a new technology is the equivalent of becoming a sports champion on Earth. Explorers and research teams are even more admired, becoming instant legends the moment they step foot on an unexplored world. Young Aeratix dream of imitating these heroes by entering the ranks of the scientific and technical elite.

homeworld to a campaign. *An Aeratix exploration team has disappeared while exploring a series of ancient ruins on an unexplored planet. A single member of the team has surfaced on a nearby space station carrying with him a strange artifact. *The player characters are hired to accompany an Aeratix survey team on a dangerous scientific mission. *An off-world entity hires the player characters to infiltrate Ratix IV and conduct industrial espionage. The mysterious employer wishes to steal advanced technology for nefarious reasons.

Typical Personality: The Aeratix tend to be curious and inquisitive. Their thirst for knowledge is legendary and they excel as explorers and scientists. Their impulsive drive to learn more can cause trouble for this species. This is especially true when interacting with

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact Social Organization: The primary social construct among the Krotia is an adopted family that is derisively referred to by outsiders as a gang. The Krotia do not care for their offspring after they have been hatched, leaving juvenile Krotia to fend for themselves. These juveniles link together into roving bands that survive by raiding supplies from the adults. Sometimes a band is adopted by a small group of elders. These elders are the surviving remnants of a juvenile band that reached maturity. The juveniles serve their mentors until they reach full adulthood, at which point they join the elders as full fledged leaders over the juvenile bands. This system of foster parenting forms the basis of Krotia society. The most venerated individual in a social circle is known as the “grandfather” or “grandmother.” This role is reserved for the oldest and most respected member of the foster family.

Government: Comdya has no government as the term is typically understood. The foster families serve the role that is normally associated with formal government. A “grandparent” watches over an extended foster family that includes several adult bands and many juveniles. Peace treaties between grandparents can lead to Alien Name: Krotia the development of regions of relative stability Physical Description: The Krotia are and cultural growth. Other parts of the planet reptilian humanoids with a heavy physical build. are extremely primitive. The undeveloped parts A row of spiny fins protects their backs. They of Comdya are the scene of constant warfare have long necks and thin but powerful upper between foster families and unchecked raiding by juvenile bands. Many Krotia living in the limbs. The Krotian tail is long and thick. undeveloped zones choose to live solitary Homeworld:Comdya lives as hunters rather than get involved in the Stat Adjustments: +2 STR, -2 DEX. perpetual bloodshed. Advantages: Additional Sense (other: The developed zones are home to Krotia who thermal), Natural Armor (+1 to KD), Natural have settled permanently in an area, giving up the Weapons (unarmed attacks deal 4d6 points of nomadic lifestyle of their ancestors.These regions lethal damage) have seen the development of agriculture, as well as much cultural and technological growth. Intelligence Rating: 4.9 Though the settled regions are technically Technology Rating: 4.9 places of peace, the foster families still compete Militancy Rating: 6.3 fiercely over resources and new recruits. Slaves are an important resource and those Krotia who Economic Rating: 5.1 are captured by others are doomed to a life of Individuality Rating: 7.1 brutal labor.

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Though a combination of Byzantine diplomacy and brutal intimidation, a Krotian leader can unite together several foster families, become a “great-grandparent.” Such a powerful leader commands the loyalty of dozens of foster families and thousands of slaves. This position of authority is often inherited by a hand-picked successor, thus creating a lasting period of stability. It is only under the rule of such a leader that sustained cultural progress is possible

they have adapted readily to the ways of more law abiding societies.

The Krotia have established a reputation as criminals and thugs. Their way is to take from the weak and manipulate the strong. Having no formal laws themselves, the Krotia easily fell in with interstellar criminal syndicates. At first they were used as fearsome enforcers by various gangs but eventually they formed their own syndicates. Their intense loyalty to members of their foster family is a huge asset to them as they thwart investigations by the authorities. Their deadly claws and teeth have earned the respect of the galaxy’s toughest criminals.

Though loyal to his foster family, this character cares nothing for the welfare of others

Krotian mobs are heavily involved in the smuggling and selling of illegal merchandise of every conceivable description. While they don’t sully their hands by moving this merchandise themselves, the Krotian syndicates have developed widespread networks of smugglers and middlemen recruited from other races. They are also heavily involved in extortion, slavery, robbery, and loan sharking. Political corruption and bribery come naturally to this culture and

*A war has erupted between a Krotian criminal network and a gang of newcomers who have begun moving in on their territory.

Many off worlders naturally assume that all Krotians are involved in illegal activities. This is not true off course and there are Krotians who are able to live and work within the confines of the law of their adopted worlds. However, even among law abiding communities, the Krotians are still fiercely independent and devoted to their foster families. It takes a conscientious effort for Ecology/Environment: Comdya is a desert members of this race to restrain themselves from planet and the Krotia have evolved to thrive in violence and theft. After all, on their homeworld a hot dry environment. The only open sources disputes are settled with violence and an of water on Comdya are a series of swamps and individual gets to keep whatever he or she takes. lakes that are found in the polar regions. This cultural divide is one of the reasons that Overall Description: The moment the first Krotian communities on other worlds are so alien spacecraft landed on Comdya, the Krotia isolated. began scheming and plotting to take advantage Typical Personality: Krotians tend to be of the many other planets out in the galaxy. At ruthless and greedy, mercilessly using others first they were content to trade mining rights and to get what they want. They disdain the use of slaves for advanced technology. After a time the weapons and armor, preferring to settle conflicts Krotia put larger schemes in motion, bartering with their claws for passage on alien ships to gain direct access Role Playing Notes: A Krotian NPC should to these off world resources. always look out for the best interest of himself.

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Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *One of the player characters owes money to a Krotian grandfather who has taken over the local underworld. *An up and coming Krotian gangster hires the player characters to smuggle a mysterious artifact to a buyer on another world.

*The player characters have been assigned to infiltrate Comdya and spy on the “grandfather of grandfathers,” a semi-legendary figure who is believed to command the loyalty of all Krotian gangs on other worlds.



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Individuality Rating: 4.3 Social Organization: The Karnic species lives communally. A number of extended families will live and work together in a tightly knight community that usually consists of a few hundred members. Authority within these communities is based on age and the elders are given charge over their younger peers. Anyone over a certain age gains a position of reverence and respect that entitles them to interfere with the lives of anyone within the commune. Such a person can prevent a marriage from taking place, direct a younger person to change careers and even exile someone from the commune. Disputes between the eldest members of a commune are settled through the mediation of an outside agent, usually a priest.

Alien Name: Karnic Physical Description: What appear to be eye stalks are actually specialized neuroclusters that aid the Karnic with their telesensory perception. Stat Adjustments: -2 STR, +2 PRE and WILL. Advantages:Additional Sense (other: telesensory), Natural Psionics, Characteristic Check Bonus (+2 on all Will Characteristic Checks), Skill Bonus (+4 on all Paramedic/First Aid checks) Homeworld: Indus Chi V Disadvantages: Blind Intelligence Rating: 5.4 Technology Rating: 7.3 Militancy Rating: 4.9 Economic Rating: 5.9 donald klatt (order #4163981)

Government: Indus Chi V is a theocracy ruled by a priestly caste. Those who are born into this caste are trained from birth to fulfill their roles as the spiritual and political leaders of the planet. Each small commune is served by one or more priests who act as advisors and counselors. Priests who have risen further up the ranks of the Karnic Temple are in charge of progressively larger territories and wield progressively more authority. A temple council rules the planet as a whole and their authority is absolute. Each of the priests who serve on the council is in command of a small army of warrior priests. These holy warriors are zealous fanatics whose martial skill is only rivaled by their psionic powers. It is the warrior priests who are ultimately responsible for keeping the peace and enforcing the will of the Karnic Temple. The Karnic religious faith is based upon values of compassion and empathy. Religious laws encourage citizens to settle differences peacefully and respect the authority of the elders. Healers and medical practitioners are held in high esteem in this faith, second only to the priestly caste. While the Karnic Temple fully embraces a philosophy of empathy and mutual respect, it also places a lot of emphasis on ritual and tradition. Failing to follow the prescribed religious ettiuette is a punishable offense. Insulting the basic tenets of the faith or questioning the divine wisdom


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


of the Karnic Temple can even be punished by death.

and listen intently when others are speaking.

Overall Description: The Karnic species is well known for their mental abilities and their inherent talent with the healing arts. It is said that the race’s telesensory perception allows them to sense the discomfort of their patents and respond appropriately. Karnics who venture out into space are often recruited to serve as medical technicians and diplomatic staff. This species enjoys favorable relations with many planets and they have conducted a great number of joint exploration missions with these allies. The theocrats of Indus Chi V have never provoked an violent incident with another world due to their culture’s pacifistic religious values. On the other hand, militarily aggressive worlds have gone out of their way to avoid violating the territorial rights of the Indus Chi government. The reputation of their psionic warrior priests is a fearsome deterrent against attack, especially among races that do not understand such abilities.

homeworld to a campaign.

Role Playing Notes: A Karnic NPC should Ecology/Environment: Indus Chi V is a very seem to be eternally at ease and untroubled by hot planet that whose surface alternates between the problems of the day. He or she should project tropical rainforest and desert depending on the an aura of serene calm and patience. This NPC amount of precipitation in the area. The planet’s should do perform every task slowly and with geography has produced a number of plateaus deliberate thoughtfulness. and large mountain chains. These elevated areas Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be are home to a more temperate clime. used by a GM to introduce this species or their *A Karnic ambassador senses that one of his elite guards is plotting to assassinate him. His telepathy is not fine tuned enough to pin point the culprit. Because he cannot trust his own people, the ambassador is seeking the help of outsiders to unravel the conspiracy. *A player character is afflicted with an alien disease that threatens his life. No conventional treatment has had any effect on the strange malady. His or her only hope is to travel to Indus Chi V and seek the help of the great hospitaltemple in the capital city.

*A visitor to Indus Chi V has angered a member of the Karnic Temple’s high council with an act of unwitting blasphemy. This outraged cleric has ordered his warrior-priests to track down the blasphemer and execute him. The player characters are assigned to get the visitor The great temple-hospitals of Indus Chi back home without creating a further diplomatic V are known throughout the galaxy for the incident. They may attempt to sway other extraordinary quality of care that is found there. members of the temple council to intervene or The skill of their medical priests is legendary and they may try to find the wanted man and smuggle the planet boasts impressive research facilities him out without alerting the authorities. for unraveling the mysteries of biological life. The leadership of the planet welcomes alien visitors to their places of healing as this gives them an unparalleled opportunity to learn about the anatomy and physiology of other species. Typical Personality: The Karnic species is known for their gentle disposition and friendly demeanor. While they are as capable of violence as most other species, the Karnic culture places a great deal of emphasis on peace. Because they lack eyes, Karnics make full use of their other sensory abilities. They are very “touchy-feely”

donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Disadvantages: Head Blind Intelligence Rating: 6.7 Technology Rating: 8.7 Militancy Rating: 4.3 Economic Rating: 8.0 Individuality Rating: 5.3 Social Organization: Athiens typically live in group marriage arrangements. A family will be comprised of between four and eight adults with roughly equal numbers of male and female members. Within this family group any pairing of male and female is allowed to mate freely and any children that are produced are raised collectively by the family as a whole. In this manner, each child has several fathers and mothers, all with equal standing and responsibility. Extended family members may join the main family group and help with the child rearing in exchange for room and board. Children are allowed to leave home when their parents reach the consensus that they are fully developed. Children are not recognized as adults until they reach their full intellectual and emotional potential. Age and physical development are only secondary concerns in this decision. Because Athians form strong emotional bonds with their siblings, older brothers and sisters will often mentor and shelter their newly emancipated relatives until they get settled.

Government: Athas C is governed by a sophisticated form of representative democracy. Alien Name: Athians The central government is divided into four Physical Description: Athians are tall main branches that govern the planet as a whole. humanoids with smooth, featureless faces and Regional governments exist separate from the large eyes. Their hairless bodies are covered central authority and a great deal of power with a thick, leathery skin. Their knee joints bend is vested on the local level. Colony planets backwards and they have overtly large forearms. have a great deal of autonomy from the central Athians disdain all clothing or body coverings government of Athas C. that are not necessary to protect them from the The central authority has its power split cold. between four distinct branches. Athians have a Homeworld: Athas C natural mistrust of power and they are hesitant Stat Adjustments: +2 INT. to place too much of it in the hands of anyone Advantages: Skill Bonus (+2 on any three individual or group. The Grand Assembly is the planet’s legislative body and it has sole Knowledge skills) province over the creation of new laws. However, donald klatt (order #4163981)


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens each new law must be approved by two of the other three branches of government. The Grand Assembly elects a chancellor who acts as the chief executive for a term of ten years. Actions taken by the chancellor are subject to veto by the High Courts. Members of the High Courts are appointed by the Central Bureaucracy and must be approved by both the chancellor and the Grand Assembly. The chancellor appoints the heads of the various agencies within the Central Bureaucracy, subject to approval by the Grand Assembly. Elections on Athas C are held at the local level and the voters select a representative to the Grand Assembly as well as members of the local courts and the minor bureaucracies. Legislators serve terms of two years and no one may serve consecutive terms. Judges and bureaucrats serve terms of varying lengths depending upon their exact duties.


libraries. Athian culture values experimentation and new ideas.While they respect the knowledge gathered by their ancestors, Athians believe that relying on traditional knowledge is a sign of intellectual laziness. Typical Personality: Athians are known for their rational approach to problem solving. They are not unemotional by any means but they believe that emotions are not a trustworthy gauge of truth or an indicator of appropriate action. An Athian expression holds that one should follow reason in all matters that don’t involve love or family. This race has a deeply held love of life and they take joy in simple things. This joy expresses itself in their love of art, knowledge, and scientific discovery.

This species loves to debate and their rhetorical skills are well known. However, this highly opinionated race can grate on the sensibilities of other species without meaning While generally pacifist in their beliefs, the to. Athians often come across as smug and government of Athas C maintains a powerful dismissive when in fact they are challenging standing military. The primary function of this others to rebut their positions. This species force is planetary defense but they also have an thrives on vehement discussion and argument expeditionary contingent that can be deployed and they are accustomed to challenging each quickly to trouble spots across the galaxy. Athians other to spirited debates on almost any subject. are rational beings who are prone to using Athians are quick to make friends with reason and logic in all matters of state. This race members of other species and they go out of values diplomacy and prefers open dialogue their way to make others feel at ease. Athiens over conflict with other species. Despite this who travel to other worlds make a point of fact, Athians can react with surprising violence assimilating to the native culture and respecting and ruthlessness in situations where they find the traditions of their hosts. themselves faced with an unreasonable or Role Playing Notes: An Athian NPC should unyielding foe, be intelligent, knowledgeable, and completely Ecology/Environment: Athas C is a varied reasonable. This person should be slow to planetary ecosystem comprised of vast open anger and very understanding of other cultures. plains, rolling hills and fertile river valleys. However, an Athian NPC should have little The climate is mild and there is only a minimal patience for unreasonable people. Athians can difference in temperature between the poles be cold blooded and vicious when they feel that and the equator. an adversary cannot be reasoned with. Overall Description: The Athian species is Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be known for their accomplishments as scholars and used by a GM to introduce this species or their artists. This race excels in the study of many fields homeworld to a campaign. including history, science, and engineering. *An Athian scholar disappears while Athas C is widely respected for its magnificent architecture, fabulous gardens, and ancient investigating a series of sacred ruins on a primitive planet. donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

*The government of Athas C invites the player characters to come to the planet as freelance investigators. Someone with psionic powers has been committing crimes and the Athians are completely unprepared to deal with it. *War is about to break out between an Athian colony world and their nearest neighbor. The Athians have refused to give in to the unreasonable demands of this violent race, provoking conflict. The colonial government is considering genocide as a means of settling the issue permanently.

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Individuality Rating: 6.5 Social Organization: Verl are spawned from eggs that are laid by a dominant female. This “queen” lays hundreds of eggs at a time and the offspring are left to fend for themselves during the formative years of their lives. Young Verl are essentially animals and they do not develop a sophisticated intellect until much later in life. Verl in their animalistic state survive by hunting animals with their bare claws. They often fight each other over food and territory. At a certain age the young Verl are compelled to return to the place of their birth. During their adolescent phase they are uncharacteristically docile and rarely fight with their siblings. The Verl that survive long enough to return to their hatching ground form together into a pack that lives and hunts together for the rest of their lives.

Alien Name: Verl Physical Description: Verl are tall, slender humanoids with powerful muscles. Each of their limbs is tipped with three terrifying claws. Their heads and the tips of their tails are likewise adorned with razor sharp spines.

As the pack members near adulthood, they are usually absorbed into a larger band comprised of full grown adults. Adult bands are led by an “alpha” who achieves his status by collecting the best trophies. These trophies are a combination of stolen possessions and body parts taken from dangerous prey. Adult Verl have a fully developed intelligence and they are capable of using sophisticated technology and equipment. Particularly clever Verl can invent new tools or improve upon existing devices. All of Verl culture is maintained by the adult bands as youngsters are not mentally developed enough to learn sophisticated skills or remember oral histories.

When a female Verl reaches the fourth stage of life, she regresses to her animalistic state of Homeworld: Unknown mind and loses much of her adult memories. A female Verl in this stage of life will seek out and Stat Adjustments: +2 DEX, -2 INT and PRE kill any other female in the immediate vicinity. Advantages: Additional Sense (darkvision), The pheromones released by a mature female Natural Weapons (unarmed attacks deal 5d6 drives males into a hyper-competitive frenzy. points of lethal damage). For this reason females who are about to reach Intelligence Rating: 4.3 this age are driven from the band and sent out to live alone in the wilderness. Verl in space will Technology Rating: 6.1 drop their mature females on to a nearby planet Militancy Rating: 10.0 to complete her development into the fourth Economic Rating: 4.9 stage. Males from other bands will actively seek

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

out these mature females in order to mate with them. The female, in her primitive mental state, attempts to engage any male that approaches her in a contest of physical might. These contests are violent but only rarely result in the death of a male. The same cannot be said of the aggressive competitions and duels that spontaneously break out among the males who come under the influence of the female’s pheromone trail.

larger operational range than they actually do. The truth of the matter is that the spread of the Verl has been haphazard and their bands are widely scattered. This fact does little to dissuade people from sensationalizing every whispered hint of a Verl raid. Because this species tends to attack ships in space and remote colonies, it is very hard to distinguish an actual Verl raid from an act of piracy or normal military aggression.

Space bound Verl regularly return to known spawning grounds in order to recruit youngsters into their raiding parties. Often a planet that has been used as a breeding ground becomes inhospitable to other life. The combination of fierce Verl adolescents and the sheer number of vicious Verl in their animal state makes these planets increasingly hostile to sentient life.

Typical Personality: Verl are violent and selfish. They are quite capable of creating technology for themselves but world much rather take what they want from someone else.

Government: The Verl do not seem to have any form of established government. They are divided into bands of rival raiding parties that roam about the galaxy in search of plunder and conquest. Any settlement unfortunate enough to be conquered by the Verl is stripped of any useful resource or technology and the population is forced to work as slave laborers. Beset by a perpetual wanderlust, the conquerors inevitably strike out in search of their next target, leaving behind only a handful of aging warriors as a garrison.

Role Playing Notes: A Verl NPC is much better suited for a combat encounter that any kind of in depth role-playing. Any social interaction between the PCs and Verl is sure to involve threats, insults, and outrageous demands. Most Verl would rather die than admit defeat. An alliance made with a Verl character is sure to be short lived. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *The player characters are on board a ship or space station when it is attacked and boarded by a Verl raiding party. The PCs must repel the savage invaders while simultaneously protecting innocent civilians and vital systems.

Ecology/Environment: No one knows what *A suspected Verl colony has been located the ecology of the Verl like, though the Verl seem on the edge of a heavily used shipping lane. The to favor hot climates over cool or moderate player characters are contacted to investigate the temperatures. site and determine if it truly is a Verl settlement. Overall Description: No one knows very It Verl activity is confirmed, the characters are much about the Verl. The name and location of instructed to destroy the colony with atomic their homeworld is a complete mystery. Nor is weapons or a similar device. it known how and when the Verl took to space, though it is widely believed that their spaceflight technology was stolen from alien visitors who traveled to this planet long ago. Fear of Verl attacks is common across the galaxy. Often the very mention of this species is enough to cause panic across several solar systems. The rumors about Verl attacks travel much faster than the raiders themselves, leading to the impression that the Verl have a much

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Social Organization:The Evi live in large social groups where children are raised collectively by the group. Parents have no individual claim to their own offspring once they hatch and leave the nest. The eldest female of a group assumes a natural leadership role and other group members defer to her judgment in most matters. When two or more females stake a claim to the leadership of the group the issue is often settled violently and the losers are either killed or driven from the group. The alpha-female’s authority is limited by the naturally independent mindset of the Evi race. Evi are semi-nomadic and never stay in any one place for very long. Each social group has a series of established nesting areas and they fly from one to another as the need arises. Evi groups have a pronounced tendency to wander and sometimes get lost during these wanderings. Adolescent Evi are especially prone to this wanderlust and often strike out from the main group for long periods of time. Often these young Evi are unable to find their way back to the main group and end up becoming adopted by another social group. This continual intermingling keeps Alien Name: Evi Physical Description: Evi are large reptilian the Evi from inbreeding. Government: The centers of Evi government beings with leathery wings and large muscular reside in massive sky cities that have been legs. The males of the species display a pair of horns on their heads that appear during constructed on the tops of mountains and high plateaus. These ancient cloud cities are home to adolescence and grow larger as they age. the planet’s most civilized and technologically Homeworld: Eviras advanced cultures. Over the millennia, the Stat Adjustments: +2 CON, -2 WILL temporary nesting sites used by the Evi became Advantages: Racial Talent (flight), Racial more and more developed as successive Talent (fly by attack), Natural Weapons (unarmed generations used these sites and improved upon attacks deal 3d6 points of lethal damage), Skill what had been built before. Natural obstacles mean little to the Evi because they are capable of Bonus (+2 on all Arial Maneuvering checks), Disadvantages: Compulsion, exploring flight. This fact, combined with their innate urge to (mild: Will check DV13, the creature must fulfill explore new places, allowed the Evi to populate the compulsion at least once per month), Inept every mountain range on Eviras in a very short span of time. As the population continued to grow, (-1 penalty on all swim checks.) it became necessary for large numbers of social Intelligence Rating: 5.1 groups to inhabit the same temporary nesting Technology Rating: 7.3 sites at the same time. This cohabitation led to a planet wide cultural exchange. Improvements in Militancy Rating: 5.4 architecture, mathematics, or tool making spread Economic Rating: 7.5 across Eviras like wildfire and the most populous Individuality Rating: 6.3 nesting sites grew into grand cities.

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

Each city is governed by the alpha females of every group that currently inhabit it. This council settles political matters through a combination of consensus building, debate, and unmasked personal intimidation. Fighting between matriarchs is rare but not unheard of. In such cases the winner of the battle is deferred to on the matter at hand. This trial by force may seem primitive to outside cultures, but one on one duels between the alpha females effectively serve to diffuse wide scale conflicts before they start. However, wars can break out within the walls of a city if the various factions cannot work out an agreement over a contentious issue. Because the Evi are not territorial and do not keep much in the way of personal possessions, they rarely fight each other over land. Cities on Eviras do occasional go to war with each other in order to gain exclusive access to raw materials and prime hunting grounds.

worlds found by the Evi themselves. Typical Personality: Evi are rash and impulsive at times, ponderous and slow at other. Their unpredictable demeanor makes dealing with the Evi a difficult challenge for other races. Role Playing Notes: An Evi NPC should be curious and full of questions. This race is known for their lack of common sense and you should be encouraged to play up the NPCs sometimes foolish behavior. Highly individualistic, an Evi NPC does not like being told what to do and should only reluctantly obey the authority of the alpha female of his or her social group. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *An Evi colony on a mountainous world becomes embroiled in a vicious war with the native inhabitants who dwell in the valleys.

Ecology/Environment: The planet Eviras is home to tall mountain peaks separated by deserts and wide grassy planes. Open water on the planet is limited to a series of landlocked seas and a single tiny ocean (actually a group of connected seas that are prone to occasional floods). The mountains are often sparsely populated by animal life so the Evi have these areas to themselves.

*An Evi exploration team “wanders” into the territory of an aggressive neighbor species. The Evi do not understand why their neighbors have become upset over this and a first contact team is dispatched to smooth things out. If the diplomatic negotiations break down then all out war will engulf the nearby systems. The PCs are hired by a regional power who has an interest in keeping the Overall Description: Evi are natural explorers peace. Outside influences seem to be attempting and they eagerly took to the stars as soon as their to sabotage the proceedings for their own gain. technology allowed them to do so. The greatest The provocateurs may be rival military powers, minds of Evi science long ago surmised that it intra-galactic arms dealers, or something even should be possible to travel to “islands in the more sinister. cosmic sea.” Since that time the Evi have strived *A pair of alpha females begin going claw to and struggled for countless generations to build claw in the middle of a crowded space station. The their knowledge to the point where they could PCs must contain the situation and avoid civilian reach other worlds. casualties without provoking the rest of the Evi After taking to space, the Evi made contact population. with other species, thus improving their own technology and gaining access to alien ships which gave them an opportunity to explore well beyond the limits of their own spacecraft. Ship crews often recruit Evi as scouts, cartographers, and colony builders. The Evi have made several colonization agreements with other races, making joint Evi-alien colonies more common than colony

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Social Organization: Derotiki live in small family groups that consist of parents, offspring, and sometimes grandparents. Female Derotiki usually give birth to two or three offspring at a time, though single births are not unheard of. The young Derotiki leave home as soon as they are able and do not form close bonds with their extended family or even their siblings. Government: The government of Coryander is a highly technocratic bureaucracy where political power is divided between the economic planners and the technical elite. These two forces shape plan out the development of the planet in terms of science and infrastructure to varying degrees of effectiveness. The positive outcome of this governing system is that the planet provides continual support for scientific research and theoretical development. The negative side of the arrangement manifests itself in the inefficient and bureaucratic processes of the centralized economy. Straddling the gap between the economic council and the technocrats is a small political bureau made up of social scientists,psychologists, and historical scholars. The political bureau has no direct authority over either of the main governing bodies, instead they exert influence Alien Name: Derotiki on them through the pressure of public opinion. Physical Description: Lithe and agile, the When the political bureau is able rally enough Derotiki are a furry race that is characterized by support for or against a particular proposal then their glossy coats, of which they are quite proud. they can directly shape the political landscape They have sharp angled faces with pointed of the planet. However, if the bureau fails to muzzles. convince the populace that action is needed Homeworld: Coryander then the political bureau invariably falls to irrelevance and bitter infighting. Stat Adjustments: +2 DEX, +2 INT, -2 WILL Fiercely independent by nature, the Advantages: Ability Score Bonus (INT), Skill population of Coryander does not tolerate laws Bonus (+2 to all Climb checks). that restrict the rights of the individual. The Intelligence Rating: 6.7 government must restrict its activities to public Technology Rating: 8.4 works projects and educational directives or they risk provoking popular revolt and anarchy. Militancy Rating: 6.3 So internally focused are the Derotiki that Economic Rating: 7.1 most of the governments in the planet’s history Individuality Rating: 7.4 have failed and left the population in a state of lawlessness and chaos. The current technocracy has survived solely because of its limited power

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

and its ability to provide basic public services, with anyone who disagrees with them. While however ineffectually. the Derotiki are highly intelligent individuals, One of the biggest challenges that the they lack common sense and are prone to government of Derotiki faces is the reluctance overconfidence. of the public to pay any form of tax. Usage fees and other monetary measures provide the government with an inconsistent funding source and the technocracy often teeters on the edge of bankruptcy. The combination of lack of resources and the desire of some Derotiki to be left alone has turned the remote frontiers of Coryander into lawless zones where governmental authority does not exist. Ecology/Environment: Coryander’s landscapes are dominated by alternating bands of temperate and tropical forest.

Role Playing Notes: A Derotiki NPC should look down upon others and only show respect to those who have demonstrated superiority in some field. This character will not like being told what to do and will pay only the faintest lip servie to rules and regulations. A Derotiki NPC always thinks that he or she is right and isn’t likely to be open to contrary arguments. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign.

*A group of Derotiki living on a foreign space Overall Description: Derotiki colonies station have run a foul of the law on countless are spreading at a slow but steady pace. While occasions. While they are not career criminals Coryander has impressive technological by any means, the Derotiki arrogantly flaunt the capabilities, the planet does not have the rules of station life and cause chaos wherever economic infrastructure necessary to support they go. Attempts to deport the group have massive off world construction projects. Derotiki caused outrage among some of the other aliens have decided to overcome this shortfall by that inhabit the station. The player characters are seeding a large number of small, low tech asked to diffuse the situation and find a solution colonies throughout their sector of the galaxy. that does not lead to further strife. Some of the Derotiki colonies have made contact with other worlds. One colony in particular, D’tikistan, lies at the intersection of a number of galactic trade routes. The colonists of D’tikistan have bartered away their small handful of high tech devices in order to gain the raw materials needed to develop their planetary infra-structure. Derotiki crewmen are recruited by ship captains who need explorers, scientists, and field technicians. The species’ combination of a keen intellect and fast reflexes is highly desirable in dangerous environments and unpredictable situations. However, many employers are reluctant to accept Derotiki employees due to their anti-authoritarian attitude.

*A Derotiki colony world has been invaded by a militant alien species. The characters are called in by a third party who does not wish to see the invaders expand their territory. The PCs are tasked with the daunting challenge of organizing the scattered Derotiki resistance groups into a coherent force that is able to deal with the invaders. Personality conflicts and the independent nature of the Derotiki conspire to keep them from unitizing. *A Derotiki colony has become a pirate haven as the lawless planet shows indifference to crimes committed in deep space. Worse, the Derotiki colonists have acquired their own ships and whole heartedly thrown themselves into the piracy trade.

Typical Personality: A typical Derotiki is haughty, arrogant, and self centered. They are not highly social creatures and tend to work best when they are left alone. . This species also has pronounced stubborn streak and they butt heads donald klatt (order #4163981)


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Social Organization: Guhltazi families are not just made up of blood relatives but close friends and associates who are adopted into the family unit. It is often these extended networks that take precedence in a Guhltazi’s social life and some families have almost no blood connection at all. Children are raised by their mothers with a great deal of help from other family members, especially those who have no hildren of their own. Aiding the parents in child rearing is considered good practice for when the childless family member has offspring of their own. Offspring are given the full status of adults long before they reach physical maturity. The institution of marriage is entirely unknown among this race, nor do they form long term romantic relationships very often. Sexual attraction and romance are considered frivolous matters and not something that requires any sort of commitment. A child belongs to its mother and her social family. The question of the identity of child’s “father” is considered irrelevant. Males have no legal or cultural claim to their biological offspring and their parenting duties are restricted to helping raise the children of their female family members. Because a Guhltazi family is not always a genetically related group, it is possible for two members of the family group to become Alien Name: Guhltazi romantically linked. However, any offspring that Physical Description: The Guhltazi are tall, are produced are the responsibility of the mother statuesque humanoids with large, pointed ears and the father is given the same status as all the and deep set eyes. Their heads are elongated other males in the family group. Couples within and feature a pronounced cranial bulge in the the same social group are expected to keep their romantic lives from disrupting the harmony rear of the skull of the group. Homeworld: Guhltaz A possible explanation for the social mores of Stat Adjustments: -2 WILL, +2 PRE the Guhltazi is tied more to biology than culture. Advantages: Additional Sense (telesensory), Guhltazi females can control their own ovulation; Bonus Talent, Natural Psionics therefore they can only become pregnant if they make a conscious decision to do so. The Intelligence Rating: 5.0 lack of unwanted pregnancies may have made Technology Rating: 6.8 culturally sanctioned unions unnecessary. When Militancy Rating: 5.4 a female decides to have children, she gets pregnant and raises the child within the stable Economic Rating: 5.9 environment of her social family. The idea of Individuality Rating: 6.3 becoming permanently involved with a single male seems ludicrous an unnecessary to most

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

Guhltazi females.

the consequences later. Possessing both charm Government: The planet Guhltaz is and psionic powers, the Gulhtazi are usually governed by a republic with strictly limited able to take their way out of trouble. Being a race powers. The independent-minded Guhltazi of telepaths, the Guhltazi are extremely open have never displayed the compulsion to dictate with their emotions and have never considered morality or lifestyle choices upon each other. the possibility of hiding their true feelings. The highly libertarian government concerns They are naturally trusting and quick to make itself with only the basic forms of services. The acquaintances but extremely hesitant about focus of the republic’s efforts is in the areas of inviting someone into their social circle. planetary defense and law enforcement. Even in Role Playing Notes: A Guhltazi NPC should these limited areas the Republican Senate relies be ready and willing to try new things. He or she heavily on the support of local elected bodies. In should always have a smile for a stranger or a the midst of a severe crisis, such as an invasion kind word for a friend in distress. This character or economic meltdown, the Senate can assume should be highly independent and chafe at almost dictatorial powers for a set period of authority but also respectful of the feelings of time. The Senate has no authority to extend the others. duration of their enhanced powers even if the Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be crisis has not abated. used by a GM to introduce this species or their The Republican Senate is made up of elected representatives from each of the planet’s administrative districts. Each Senator serves a single ten year term and no one is allowed to serve more than once.

homeworld to a campaign.

Ecology/Environment: Guhltaz is a desert planet that is dotted with large oasis and the occasional rainforest. The polar regions are covered in grasslands and a small area of arctic tundra.

*A Guhltazi spy has been secretly manipulating an alien scientist in order to gain access to advanced technology. The player characters are assigned to trace the source of the leak and put the spy network out of business.

Overall Description: The Guhltazi are highly respected for their veracity, diplomatic prowess, and natural psionic abilities. Highly adaptable, the Guhltazi have displayed an ability to excel at a wide range of activities, from science and exploration, to business, military endeavors, and galactic politics. The Guhltazi do not have the technological or economic capacity to support expansion to other worlds. However, many members of this species have taken to the stars by serving on ships from other worlds. Privately chartered vessels have also brought Guhltazi ambassadors and merchants to the centers of galactic trade, giving this race communications access to a wide race of other species.

*A Guhltazi living on a primitive planet has been accused of sorcery. The player characters must rescue this person before he or she is executed.

*A trade mission to Guhltaz goes horribly wrong when the socially conservative traders are shocked and insulted by the actions of the free spirited Guhltazi. The player characters must salvage the negotiations before a major incident occurs.

Typical Personality: Guhltazi have developed a reputation for being daredevils. They jump into a situation first and worry about

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Economic Rating: 3.9 Individuality Rating: 7.5 Social Organization: Dho Ngee families consist of a core group of parents plus their offspring. It takes two males in order to impregnate a female and the offspring receives genetic material from both fathers. For this reason, a core parenting group always has at least three members. Some families contain four, five, or six parents in addition to the resulting offspring. Core family groups are linked to each other through an elaborate network of extended families, though the importance of these extended families is much less than the core group. Offspring are allowed to leave their homes s soon as they can best one of their parents in a contest of physical skill and endurance. Government: The planet Dho Ng Prime is divided into a large number of small regions that display a staggering array of governmental systems. Much of the planet is dominated by tribal societies headed by a chieftain or council of elders. There are very few big cities on this world and most of the population lives in small villages that have been carved out of the jungle.

Alien Name: Dho Ngee Homeworld: Dho Ng Prime Physical Description: The Dho Ngee are skulking humanoids with flat, featureless faces and large curving horns a top their heads. Their bodies are adorned with numerous small spikes and protrusions, including a set of antennae that project from the back of each calf.

Within the larger settlements one can find every form of government from monarchies to participatory democracies and everything in between these two extremes. In regards to governments, there is a pronounced tendency toward authoritarianism, mostly likely the result of the planet’s primitive technology level. Given this species’ highly independent nature, these dictatorial regions are places of constant violence and civil strife.

There are many among the Dho Ngee that seek to escape the domination of autocrats and Stat Adjustments: +2 WILL, -2 PRE. absolute monarchs by fleeing their ancestral Advantages: Additional Sense (scent), Skill homelands and building new settlements in Bonus (+2 on all Investigate and Survival checks), the jungle. The almost endless abundance of Natural Weapons (unarmed attacks deal 3d6 rainforest ensures tht these enterprising souls points of lethal damage). can find an uninhabited stretch of wilderness to occupy. Intelligence Rating: 5.1 Technology Rating: 3.7 Militancy Rating: 5.9

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Warfare on the planet Dho Ngee Prime usually takes the form of isolated raids and retaliatory strikes. Fighting is often the result



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

of one tribe hunting in a territory that has been claimed by another tribe. These skirmishes offer one the chance to prove his or her bravery and skill. These small wars do not involve much preparation or pre planning and the warriors are more interested in earning glory for themselves than coordinating there tactics with the rest of the tribe.

truth. According to the Dho Ngee, you are either being one hundred percent honest or you are being deceitful. There is no moral grey area in their way of thinking.

Role Playing Notes: A Dho Ngee NPC should never make threats. He should calmly explain what reaction he will have to the actions of others. There is no threat or intimidation involved here, Ecology/Environment: Dho Ng Prime is a just a recitation of facts. This character should tropical world that is covered with rainforests also purport himself with dignity and decorum, from pole to pole. Only in the extreme polar avoiding emotional outbursts. Dho Ngee are regions can one find a small patch of open highly independent and this character will chafe prairie. at all but the must basic social restrictions. A Dho Overall Description: Known for their ability Ngee NPC should have no regard for the laws or as hunters and trackers, the Dho Ngee are heavily social customs of other species, often regarding recruited by other races to serve as mercenaries these social norms as nonsensical and barbaric. and bounty hunters. Because they live in a prePlot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be industrial society, the Dho Ngee can sometimes used by a GM to introduce this species or their be manipulated by outsiders who trade flashy homeworld to a campaign. baubles for services and raw materials. Those *A Dho Ngee assassin has been hired to kill a Dho Ngee who have lived out in space for longer wealthy interstellar trader. The player characters periods of time have a more reasonable idea of are hired to protect the target and get to the what things are worth and they sometimes aid bottom of the assassination plot. their brethren when negotiating trade deals. *A troupe of Dho Ngee mercenaries has Members of this race are highly individualistic settled on an inhabited planet.This remote colony and do not work well with some of the more has sparked conflict with the native population, socially integrated species. Because of this the who consider themselves to be superior to the Dho Ngee have a hard time being incorporated technological backward newcomers. The player into formal fighting forces and are much better characters are assigned to keep the situation utilized as lone scouts or freelance operatives. from becoming violent. Members of this race are also employed as law *A trade mission to Dho Ng Prime is put in enforcement officers on remote colony worlds, particularly undeveloped planets that are jeopardy when one of the merchants is caught trying to cheat a Dho Ngee chieftain. Though covered in unspoiled wilderness. the players characters were not aware of the Dho Ngee face legal sanctions and deception, the entire trade delegation has been discrimination on some planets. Certain marked for death. Now the PCs have to keep governments have banned Dho Ngee from themselves and their crewmates alive until their traveling within their jurisdiction. The popular ship returns for them. perception is that the Dho Ngee are amoral savages who whose only interest is killing for profit. This perception is not helped by the species’ well known disregard for the laws of other cultures. Typical Personality: This species is known for being gruff and direct. Dho Ngee culture has no use for social niceties or subtle shading of the

donald klatt (order #4163981)


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Intelligence Rating: 5.0 Technology Rating: 7.5 Militancy Rating: 4.9 Economic Rating: 6.9 Individuality Rating: 6.3 Social Organization: The Draks live together in small family groups that rarely include more than five members, including children. Friendship and social bonds that are made by choice are very important to the Draks and often take precedence over the accident of blood relationships. Draks form lasting bonds with their mates but these arrangements are by no means monogamous. Emotional love is considered to be an entirely separate concept with no direct connection to the act of having sex. The law of Drak culture states that if someone’s mate has a child then he is the father. The question of whether or not he is the biological father is an irrelevant consideration. It is not unheard of for a female Drak to raise children by herself and this is seen as a legitimate and natural arrangement.

Alien Name: Drak Homeworld: Dranigak Physical Description: Draks are humanoids who could easily be mistaken for homo sapiens if it were not for the clouds of ionized gas that cling to their bodies wherever they go. This ionized mist is a defensive adaptation that both protects the Draks and gives them a limited offensive potential. Stat Adjustments: -2 CON, +2 PRE. Advantages: Natural Armor (+3 natural armor bonus to KD), Skill Bonus (+2 on all Bluff and Diplomacy checks), Special Attack (once per day, ranged touch attack deals 1d4 points of electricity damage).

Government: Political power on Dranigak is concentrated at the local level and most regional governments are governed through direct, participatory democracy. The local governments can call for the election of special planet wide bodies to deal with specific issues. These ad hoc bodies often have names such as the Special Assembly for Economic Policy or the Conference on Alien Relations. These institutions are not considered to be legitimate entities unless four fifths of the regional governments are represented and choose to participate. Even then, the decrees and regulations that emerge from such special sessions are only suggestions. Enforcement of these edicts is left to individual governments and there is no penalty for governments that simply choose to ignore the rulings. The one exception to this rule is a special body known as the Emergency Committee, a body with wide ranging powers during times of crisis.

Disadvantages: Compulsion, pleasure (mild: The Draks are a fairly peaceful race and they Will check DV13, the creature must fulfill the keep a small but highly trained defensive force compulsion at least once per month). ready in case of attack from another species.

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

There has not been an internal conflict on Dranigak for over a century. Though they have no enemies of their own, the Draks occasionally lend troops and support to causes that they deem to be worthy.

keep this personal matter from becoming the justification for a bloody war.

Overall Description: The Draks have shown little interest in settling new worlds or trading with other species. They have built a number of unarmed vessels capable of traveling to other stars but there is no consensus among the citizens as to whether or not the expense is worth it. What really interests the Draks are not petty considerations of wealth or territory but the opportunity for cultural exchange, new experiences, and new pleasures. This great interest in other species has always been the driving force behind the Draks space exploration program and the core reason that individual Draks have taken to wandering the stars.

of the local youth. Though the Draks themselves are not taking this charge seriously, the locals are planning a campaign of terror to drive out this foreign cultural influence.

*The planet Dranigak has been attacked by savage raiders from another world. The Draks are fighting bravely in their own defense but Ecology/Environment: The planet Dranigak their inexperienced forces are suffering great is a lush and temperate world that is often casualties. In order to avert a disaster, the described as paradise by visitors from other Emergency Committee has decided to hire off worlds. Much of the land mass exists in the form world mercenaries in order to strike a crippling of micro-continents and island chains, meaning blow to the raiders’ home base. that the vast majority of settlements are within a *A Drak community living on another word short distance from the coast. has been accused of corrupting the moral fabric

*A wandering Drak scholar has roamed the galaxy in search of curious artifacts and new forms of pleasure to take back to Dranigak. What the scholar doesn’t know is that one of his prized possessions is actually a high addictive psionic device that turns its victims into virtual zombies when the withdrawal kicks in. The player characters are assigned to catch up with the scholar before he causes any more harm. However, every stop along the way leads them to Typical Personality: Draks are archtypical another colony that is contaminated with psionic hedonists and even the most stoic among their zombies. race can’t resist a good time when the opportunity presents itself. Role Playing Notes: A Drak NPC should be silver tongued and sly. This character wants to be everyone’s friend and has no interest in anything other than a good time. Sure, there is work to be done, but only after the important things are taken care of. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *A Drak has unintentionally gotten involved in a romantic triangle. A cultural misunderstanding has prompted an alien warlord that a female Drak has promised to be his mate for life. She has since moved on and now resides in the home of her new lover, an important aristocrat from another world. The player characters are assigned to donald klatt (order #4163981)


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Individuality Rating: 2.0 Social Organization: Hali live in broods containing several hundred thousand members, all of whom have been hatched together. Female Hali begin attacking each other as soon as they are mature enough to move around on their own. This violence continues until only one female is left in the brood. Upon reaching physical maturity, the surviving female strikes out on her own to begin the search for a new brood. When she finds another brood she must battle the dominant female and take control of her harem of fertile males. The social life of the Hali revolves around the brood mother and her attending males. The offspring serve the brood mother faithfully until she is defeated and killed in battle with another female. The offspring then begin jockeying for position in the harem, often killing the elder males who are males already in attendance.

Alien Name: Hali Homeworld: Hal Centi Physical Description: The Hali are short, skeletal humanoids with long gangly arms. Their bodies are covered by a bony exoskeleton. The Hali’s large heads are dominated by a large toothy maw. This species is completely eyeless but an open patch on their external skull houses a heat sensing organ. Stat Adjustments: +2 STR, -2 WILL and PRE Advantages: Additional Sense (other: thermal), Damage Reduction (1/-), Menacing Appearance, Natural Weapons (unarmed attacks deal 3d6 points of lethal damage). Disadvantages: Blind Intelligence Rating: 4.9 Technology Rating: 7.5 Militancy Rating: 8.3 Economic Rating: 7.4

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The brood mother is at the top of any Hali social structure, yet she rarely makes any decision or gives orders to the group. This matriarch’s primary concern is laying eggs and defending herself against any younger females that might be on the prowl. Surrounding the brood mother is a court made up of the strongest males in the brood. These dominant males not only enjoy the privilege of mating with the brood’s only female but they also rule over the weaker males through brute force and intimidation. The members of the harem simply take what they want from the brood without challenge. While this small group of privileged males lives a life of relative ease, the rest of the brood literally work themselves to death in order to provide the brood mother with sustenance and increase the development of the brood as a whole. This balance of power is only threatened when a new female gains control of the brood. At this point the offspring of the old brood mother get a chance to improve their status and earn a chance to mate with the new dominate female. The division of labor in a Hali brood is an interesting phenomenom. Many great scientists have dwelt on the subject for years without



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

determining exactly how the species gets anything done. Without any form of centralized leadership or group discussion, the Hali still manage to operate a highly organized and efficient society. One clue to this mystery may be the fact the Hali are generalists. Each member of a brood is equally capable of fighting, performing physical labor, or building tools as the need arises. It is theorized that each individual simply goes to the nearest work station or construction site and starts on any task that needs done. Eventually every job that needs performed gets filled. Government: The Hali have no government outside of the natural order imposed by the brood mothers. This species is genetically driven to be group oriented and formal laws are not needed to keep things running smoothly. Individual Hali do not care for their own lives, they work and fight in service to the brood mother. Every endeavor the Hali undertake is to improve the safety and security of their cherished matriarch. These efforts include building massive underground fortresses, developing new technologies, and raiding other Hali for supplies.

Hali are never encountered alone and groups smaller than one hundred members are very rare. These creatures have a difficult time with isolation and cannot operate on their own. Also, the instinctual drive to serve the brood mother keeps members of this species tied to their social group and unable to strike out on their own. Typical Personality: The Hali have a reputation as vicious butchers who kill without hesitation. This reputation is well earned as they Hali have no regard for the value of life other than the life of the brood mother whom they serve. The members of this species are single minded and methodical, working tirelessly at whatever task best serves the brood. Role Playing Notes: A Hali NPC is not likely to interact with aliens in any non-violent way. The members of this species do not negotiate, trade, or take prisoners. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *A diplomatic mission is attacked by Hali skirmishers. The ambassador and his staff escaped with their lives but his daughter is still trapped on the crippled ship. The player characters are hired to rescue the daughter before the Hali tow the ship back to their homeworld.

Ecology/Environment: Hal Centi is a barren world with a harsh and unforgiving climate. Much of the planet is covered with freezing deserts, mudflats, and volcanic fields. While seemingly uninhabitable, the planet actually *A Hali colony ship lands on an inhabited supports a great deal of native life, much of it underground. One thing the planet has going for world. The player characters must infiltrate the Hali settlement and destroy the brood mother it is an abundance of mineral wealth. Overall Description: The Hali are not before the entire planet is overrun. particularly bright, nor does their group mentality foster the kid of imaginative thinking that one normally associates with advanced technology. Hali science is instead characterized by a relentless trial and error process that continues day and night regardless of the amount of resources that are needed or the danger posed to the researchers. This species is also skilled at copycatting stolen technology and their technical know-how has increased exponentially since they first made contact with other species.

donald klatt (order #4163981)


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Economic Rating: 10.0 Individuality Rating: 8.5 Social Organization: The Ino are not social creatures by any means. It has been theorized that in their distant past this species was much more prone to group activity. However, some cultural or hereditary change has driven the species to a much more self serving direction. In fact the Ino see no use what so ever in working together and are not concerned in any way with the welfare of other members of their species. It is believed that this species is no longer capable of reproducing. If true, this would mean that the Ino race is facing gradual extinction. The desire for individual perfection may be in part driven by the knowledge that the species as a whole will eventually be no more. Already long lived, the Ino may be attempting to achieve true immortality. This quest for eternal life is partly a reflection of their inherent narcissism and partly a way to ensure the continued existence of their species. The Ino believe themselves to be godlike in comparison to other species and their drive for self perfection is a way to prove their divinity.

Alien Name: Ino Homeworld: Inous Divini Physical Description: Composed entirely of living crystal, the Ino have a surprisingly humanoid body shape.

Government: The planet Inous Divini has no government. In rare cases two or more Ino may form a temporary alliance with each other but only for a mutually beneficial goal that cannot be achieved alone. These alliances always end badly as the Ino cannot help but attempt and display dominance over each other.

Rivalry is a way of life with this species and they are driven by the urge to one up each other. Stat Adjustments: +4 INT, -2 PRE They view other members of their own kind as Advantages: Change Creature Form competitors and nothing more. Since no other (elemental), Ability Bonus (INT). type of life is worthy of consideration, proving Disadvantages: Compulsion, proving dominance over another Ino is the goal of almost dominance (strong: Will check DV17, the all members of this species. creature must fulfill the compulsion at least once Ecology/Environment: The planet Inous every three days) Divini orbits an ancient star that has neared the end of its life cycle. Organic life on the planet Intelligence Rating: 8.0 ended millennia ago. The crystalline Ino are Technology Rating: 9.5 almost the only creatures that can survive on this Militancy Rating: 7.3 dimly lit world.

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

Overall Description: An ancient and powerful species, the Ino are driven by a quest for self improvement. They long ago overcame the need to divvy up limited resources and there are few technological or scientific problems that they have not mastered. The Ino have explored great swaths of the galaxy and conquered countless worlds. All that is left for them is the relentless improvement of the self. It is widely thought that there are only a small number of Ino left in the galaxy, most of them living on worlds other their own. A few Ino still inhabit their planet of origin, scattered and isolated in immense fortress cities that they use to insolate themselves from each other. There are no Ino colonies or space stations in the galaxy because this species finds it impossible to work together.

Role Playing Notes: The Ino consider themselves to be divine beings with a destiny greater than all other species. Feel free to play upon these delusions of godhood. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *An Ino rules over a primitive world as a living god. It has sent its subjects on a holy crusade to capture spaceships and take to the stars in a mad quest for a mysterious and ancient artifact. *A renegade military faction has acquired the services of an Ino advisor who is giving them access to incredible technology. The Ino is really just manipulation this faction for some yet unknown purpose.

*A technological advanced world was once conquered and enslaved by Ino warlords. The Many species have come to believe that the Ino race is extinct; others claim that they religion based on the worship of these crystal were never more than myths to begin with. This beings still dominates the planet’s spiritual life attitude is understandable, since the ancient even after thousands of years. The arrival of an Ino Empire crumbled so long ago that the vast Ino has sparked off a religious fervor all across majority of physical artifacts have turned to dust. the planet. The entire world seems to be on the Very few people have ever encountered an Ino road to a religious civil war between the faithful for three reasons. First of all, they have such a and the unbelievers. population compared to the vast multitude of sentient beings in the galaxy. Secondly, the Ino are isolationists by nature and do not seek have contact with other beings. Third, the Ino have a tendency to spend centuries in absorbed in meditation and self reflection and this further reduces the likelihood of encountering one of them. Typical Personality: The Ino are pathologically arrogant and self centered. They are completely incapable of empathy or social consideration. This species does not ask, they order. The Ino do not bargain, they take what they want and crush any who stand in their path. This race has no use for beings of other races, though some Ino take a perverse pleasure from forcing other cultures to worship and praise them.

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Intelligence Rating: 5.0 Technology Rating: 2.8 Militancy Rating: 6.3 Economic Rating: 2.9 Individuality Rating: 5.0 Social Organization: The Jubonakin live in closely knit tribes consisting of several extended families. Tribes are governed through consensus and no member of the tribe has authority over any other member, save his or her own offspring. The only real form of authority in a tribe is the shaman or other religious leader. These spiritual advisors do not directly govern the tribe or order others about. However, a shaman can greatly affect public discourse through the reading of signs or relying messages from ancestor spirits. These holy men and women are often sought out by individual members of the tribe for advice and counsel as well.

Alien Name: Jubonakin Homeworld: Jubos III Physical Description: The Jubonakin are a bizarre race with only a vaguely humanoid appearance. They have four long legs that keep their body suspended high off of the ground. This species has four arms as well, two of them attached to the upper torso and another pair slung on the lower body between the front and read legs. The head of the Jubonakin is exceptionally wide and has a hammerhead design. Eyes mounted on the far edges of the head can turn to allow the Jubonakin to see 360 degrees around them. Stat Adjustments: none. Advantages: Additional Sense (omnidirectional vision), Multiattack, Multiple Limbs (grasping), Multiple Limbs (locomotion).

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Government: The largest governmental unit on Jubos III is a nation comprised of many related tribes. Occasionally a nation will grow powerful enough to dominate other tribes and form a rudimentary empire but they are rare and short lived. Often an empire is driven by a single influential leader and does not survive his or her death. Since the advent of the foreign invaders and the superstitious hysteria that has accompanied the arrival of the “star demons,” there has been an attempt to unify the great nations into a new empire and launch a crusade against the occupiers. The tribal shamans and other spiritual leaders seem to be the motivating force behind this movement. However, it is difficult to organize the nations into a coherent force as each nation is drawn together by culture and common language and not a common leadership. Also many of these nations are ancestral enemies with each other and they have difficulty in putting aside their differences, even in the face of these seemingly supernatural threats. Ecology/Environment: Jubos III is a wet, swampy planet that is characterized by a lack of arid land. Even the driest places on the planet are prone to seasonal flooding. By the same token, there are few places on the planet where one can



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

find open water. There are no lakes or rivers and underdeveloped, a combination that makes others the planet’s single ocean occupies less than half of races fearful of what might happen if they were the total planetary surface. to gain advanced weaponry. The sudden leap in Overall Description: The Jubonakin have long military technology could result in a global civil been battling against the “star demons” that have war or worse. Some fear that the natives of Jubos plagued their world. Mercantile interests, pirates, III might take to the stars and use their new found and other unsavory types have been using parts weapons to conquer and enslave other worlds. of Jubos III as slave labor camps. The Jubonakin are captured and imprisoned by these outlaws and either forced to work for their masters on the planet itself or sold to slave traders on other worlds. Mining the swampy surface of Jubos III is time consuming and dangerous so legitimate traders and merchants have expressed no interest in developing the planet. However, using the native population as a slave labor force is much cheaper than offering hazard pay. Slaves are also cheaper than robots and better adapted to the wetland environment.

Typical Personality: Jubonakin are understandably shy around off worlds and tend to be suspicious of their motives. Many Jubonakin think that aliens are supernatural demons who exist only to torment them.

Many off worlders are sympathetic to the plight of the Jubonakin and have attempted to open diplomatic relations with members of the free nations. However, the xenophobic and superstition Jubonakin have thus far resisted these gestures. Members of this race are naturally untrusting and fearful when dealing with the strange looking aliens and their evil magic. It is the hope of many that if formal relations are made between Jubos III and the rest of the galaxy then the slavers and outlaw miners will be less likely to exploit this species. Others hope that legitimate trade will allow their merchant fleets to gain access to the mineral resources of Jubos III without having to deal with shady middlemen.

Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign.

Throughout the galaxy one can encounter freed Jubonakin slaves who often find work as mercenaries and colony builders. Several planets have communities made up of Jubonakin slaves and their descendants. Diplomatic agents are currently recruiting these free born Jubonakin in order to aid in the negotiations with their native brethren. Despite widespread condemnation of the slavery and exploitation that occurs on Jubos III, very few people have suggested arming the Jubonakin so that they may better defend themselves. This species is both aggressive and technologically

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Role Playing Notes: A Jubonakin NPC should exemplify a creature dealing with concepts far beyond what its culture can grasp. While the Jubonakin are intelligent, they are still a young and developing race. This character should seek out magical, rather than scientific answers to problems and may regard technology with fear.

*A group of Jubonakin slaves on another world have revolted against their masters and taken control of the colony. The player characters are recruited as part of a first contact team sent to the colony in order to establish peaceful relations with the newly freed slaves. *A top secret military ship crash lands on Jubos III, carrying with it a computer spool filled with classified reconnaissance data. The player characters must find the surviving crewmen before they are killed by hostile Jubonakin or worse, captured and interrogated by one of the outlaw factions on the planet. *A resistance network is being organized to drive the invaders off of the surface of Jubos III. In order for the effort to succeed, the network must establish the trust of some segment of the native population. The player characters are assigned to infiltrate the planet and locate potential allies.


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Social Organization: The Lom are bi-sexed, meaning that when two of them mate then both parties end up pregnant. The individual who gives birth to an offspring is solely responsible for its well being until the young Lom is fully developed. Fortunately for the Lom, their offspring mature quickly. Other than the bond between parent and child, blood relationships are not particularly important for this race. Instead, their society is organized around “tribes” that consist of individuals who are drawn together by common interests and abilities. Members of a tribe often live and work together communally. Government: Loma Prime is the hub of governmental affairs for all Lom-settled worlds. Each Lom colony is allowed to elect its own parliamentary body and this body appoints a single representative who travels to Lom and acts in its planet’s interests during the legislative session. The Star Parliament governs over all of Lom controlled space. Each representative serving in the Star Parliament takes a turn serving as the Speaker, who chairs the legislative session Alien Name: Lom Physical Description: The Lom are a and sets the political agenda. Ecology/Environment: Loma Prime is a hot species of extremely tall humanoids with disproportionately long arms and legs. Each of arid world, but the Lom have colonized a great their arms ends in three bony pinchers. Their number of worlds and seem to thrive in a wide round heads are dominated by a single large range of foreign environs. eye. Overall Description: The Lom are known Homeworld: Loma Prime Stat Adjustments: +2 STR and INT, -2 DEX. Advantages: Ability Score Bonus (INT), Size Category Increase (Large). Intelligence Rating: 7.1 Technology Rating: 9.4 Militancy Rating: 3.7 Economic Rating: 8.6 Individuality Rating: 5.3

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for their mastery of technology and physical sciences. This species’ knowledge of spaceflight and colony building has allowed them to create a vast stellar empire comprised of dozens of star systems. The Lom are not aggressive militarily but neither are the particularly friendly with other races. This species interacts with others only when absolutely necessary. Though they are quite proud of their technological achievements, the Lom do not share their scientific knowledge with anyone. The Lom are justifiably concerned about the danger of allowing advanced technology to fall into the hands of “primitive” races.



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

The Lom do trade with other cultures but they do so through a select handful of middlemen, species that have been thoroughly vetted and found to be non-violent and ethical. The Lom have special factories where they produce superior quality goods from a variety of technological levels. Often these goods are manufactured with a particular client in mind, customizing different pieces of equipment for the body types of different aliens. Government inspectors check each product line to make sure that the goods being sold cannot be adapted for military purposes. Despite their closed society and xenophobic tendencies, the Lom are extremely curious about alien life and they use their trading partners to collect all sorts of data about the various intelligent species in the galaxy. Being scientifically minded, this species tends to focus more on the details of biology and environmental adaptation than the nuances of other cultures. Typical Personality: The Lom tend to be quiet and contemplative. While they are famous for their scientific achievements, the Lom are well rounded individuals who expend a great deal of effort on the arts, sports, and philosophy. The Lom ideal is that of a super Renaissance being who excels are multiple endeavors.

they insist that the PCs destroy and trace of this information’s existence. *A renegade Lom scientist has settled on an alien world in order to continue its work in xeno-biology. The scientist is kidnapped by a militant native faction that wants to force the Lom to increase their weapon’s capacity. The local government hires the player characters to rescue the scientist before he can be coerced into doing its captors bidding. While the government wishes the Lom to be safely returned, they make it clear to the PCs that they must execute the scientist if there is no other way to prevent it from building weapons for the militants. *A trade mission to Loma Prime goes awry when a first contact team determines that the traders are too violent and unethical to be allowed contact with the Lom. The player characters must convince the Lom that they are not savages in order to salvage the trade deal. The Lom go to extraordinary measures to provoke the PCs in an attempt to prove that they are right.

Role Playing Notes: A Lom NPC should be distant and non communicative with outsiders. Their culture has long maintained a policy of isolation when it comes to other species and this character probably won’t know how to act around aliens. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *An alien spy has infiltrated a Lom colony world and made off with sensitive scientific data. The Lom government is fearfully that the information that was stolen will be used to create weapons technology. Having little contact with the galaxy at large, the officials have no choice but to hire outsiders to track down the thief and recover the stolen data. The Lom will not tell the player characters what exactly they have lost but

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Social Organization: Atomi breed asexually. They procreate their species by splitting themselves into halves. Each half is a distinct individual who is separate from the original. However, each of the halves does retain much of the knowledge that was possessed by the progenitor. Life experiences and memories are lost during the splitting process but skills and raw facts are retained. The Atomi organize themselves into troops, often the members of the troop can trace their lineage back to a single troop founder. These troops are run like military units and each member of the troop is assigned to specific tasks. Troops live and work as a unit and few individuals leave the safety of their troop unless necessary.

Alien Name: Atomi Homeworld: Atomis Delta III Physical Description: These creatures seem to be formed from a combination of solid matter and pure energy. They can assume any general shape that they desire, though the Atomi favor humanoid shapes in order to make contact with other species easier. Stat Adjustments: -2 CON, +2 INT.

Government: Atomis Delta III is ruled by a military junta. Most members of this race serve in the military forces and all social advancement is earned by bringing honor and glory to one’s troop. Civilian troops are subservient to the military and exist only to provide raw materials for the war effort. The only way for a civilian troop to free themselves of their lessened status is to earn a place in the military, usually by replacing a troop that has been wiped out in battle. The junta captures enemy civilians to use as slave laborers. These unfortunate souls are organized into troops and put to work providing material support for the war effort. The use of captured prisoners from off world has allowed the military commanders to free up more and more civilian troops and incorporate them into the military.

Advantages: Change Creature Form A troop advances in rank as a single unit. (elemental), Natural Weapons (unarmed attacks Advancement leads to increased privileges, deal 4d6 points of lethal damage). greater authority, and better equipment. Intelligence Rating: 6.2 Command troops are made up of elite warriors who issue orders to hundreds of smaller units. Technology Rating: 8.5 The most distinguished troops eventually get Militancy Rating: 8.8 promoted up to the high command where they Economic Rating: 8.2 serve as advisors and planners for the Supreme Authority, a troop that maintains power through a Individuality Rating: 3.9 combination of military excellence and political maneuvering.

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

Ecology/Environment: Atomis Delta III is a scorched and barren world that is completely uninhabitable by organic beings. Only energy based creatures can survive on this airless rock of a world. The planet is continually bombarded with high levels of radiation from space. Overall Description: The Atomi are in a nearly constant state of war with every civilization that is located near their homeworld. It takes very little to provoke the wrath of this warlike race and they often engage in multiple military campaigns at once. The Atomi do not seem to be particularly interested in conquering territory or securing wealth, rather they often attack a planet for no apparent reason whatsoever. Even more puzzling, the Atomi have been known to stop a successful military campaign in its tracks and recall their forces back to their own system.

*A surprise attack by an Atomi strike force leaves a planet crippled and defenseless. The player characters are hired to undertake a desperate mission. The PCs are tasked with sabotaging the Atomi invasion force, delaying them long enough for the defending planet to regroup. *The player characters are visiting a neutral space station when it is overrun by a troop of Atomi soldiers on a scavenging mission. The attackers plan on slaughtering the entire population and making off with any and all useable supplies.

Though their culture places a great deal of emphasis on unity and group living, the Atomi are quite capable of operating on their own. Atomi spies and scouts remain separate from their troop for years at a time. Some Atomi have even defected from the military and chosen to live among alien cultures instead of returning to their brutal and totalitarian homeland. Typical Personality: Atomi are conformists who live to serve their social group.The individual submits to the will of the crowd in almost all circumstances. When dealing with creatures from other worlds, the Atomi are dismissive and demanding, often insisting that off-worlders grovel and supplicate themselves. Role Playing Notes: An Atomi NPC should be threatening and hostile to all members of other species. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *Someone that the player characters know personally has been captured by an Atomi invasion force. The PCs must find their friend and mount a rescue before the alien slave ship reaches Atomi Delat III.

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Intelligence Rating: 5.1 Technology Rating: 3.5 Militancy Rating: 4.1 Economic Rating: 3.1 Individuality Rating: 4.9 Social Organization: The Tikril are a race of slaves that organize themselves in whatever manner that their masters desire. Very little is known about what the culture and society of the Tikril was like before their enslavement. The offspring hatch from eggs that are laid in clusters. The young Tikril are cared for by whom ever happens to be around. Parents often die or end up sold away before their eggs hatch. As soon as a young Tikril is strong enough to move around on its own it is put to work by its masters. Government:The Tikril have no independent government, not do they have legal rights on any planet. Sometimes a group of Tikril slaves will form an informal council that meets in secret to discuss problems and solve internal conflicts.

Alien Name: Tikril

Ecology/Environment: The Tikril seem to be very well adapted for life in underground environments. They make do when forced to live in other conditions, though they are not comfortable on the surface.

Overall Description: No one knows where the Tikril hail from or how they came Physical Description: The Tikril are squat to their current state of bondage. It is widely humanoids with flat, featureless heads and large believed that their homeworld was attacked eyes. They have stubby legs that connect to a by a technologically superior culture that bulbous lower body. The lower body connects to destroyed the native ecosystem and slaughtered the torso by a long and narrow waist segment. the majority of the Tikril population. The only The arms are long and end in dagger like points. survivors were Tikril captives who were moved Stat Adjustments: +2 CON. off world before the planet was decimated. Advantages: Ability Score Increase (CON), Tikril can be found in almost any slave Additional Sense (darkvision), Natural Weapons market. Their natural burrowing ability makes (unarmed attacks deal 3d6 points of lethal them ideal for use in low tech mines. Tikril are damage), Racial Talent (burrow). treated harshly, even by the standards of other Disadvantages: Inept (-2 to all Mechanics slaves, because they are thought off as worthless skill checks ), Inept (-2 to all Repair skill for any use besides digging. The shape of their forelimbs makes them clumsy with tools. Most checks ) Size Category Reduction (Small). masters use Tikril as disposable tunnel builders who are bought cheap and then worked to death. Homeworld: Unknown

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

The largest Tikril populations are found on mining planets and other places where they have been brought in large numbers. The Tikril breed quickly and this fact helps make up for the high attrition rate that the population suffers. On a few worlds, the number of Tikril slaves is greater than the free population that owns them. There are rumors about small pockets of “free” Tikril who have colonized planets after being abandoned by their owners. There is some truth to these rumors. Though these Tikril are not technically slaves, they are subjugated by the other cultures that share the planet with them. Usually the free Tikril are required to pay taxes or tribute in the form of labor or risk being exterminated by their overlords.

coming from. The Tikril leader offers the player characters a cut of the mine profits if they can keep the angry mob at bay and keep the location of the mine secret. *A Tikril slave runs away from his master, taking with him a data spool containing classified secrets. A rival power hires the player characters to retrieve the classified documents and bring the escaped slave in for debriefing. The Tikril would be more than willing to cooperate, if the PCs can get to him in time.

Typical Personality: Tikril are skittish and fearful, a trait that no doubt comes from a lifetime of abuse and degradation. Some Tikril have also developed a talent for deceit and larceny, a necessary tool that comes from constant starvation and lack of even the most basic supplies. Role Playing Notes: A Tikril NPC should be eager to please and quick to apologize. Even free Tikril are very aware that their place in the galaxy makes them easy targets for mistreatment by others. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *The player characters intercept a smuggling ship that is jammed full of Tikril slaves. After dealing with the smugglers, the PCs are left to decide what to do with hundreds of alien refugees with no where to go. *An enclave of free Tikril has struck it rich on a remote planet. Once thought to be worthless, the planet actually contains a treasure trove of valuable ore. The Tikril have been very careful to trade this ore with discreet partners so as to protect their secret. However, the locals have noticed that the Tikril colony is not as shabby and desolate as it once was, leading to many suspicions. A local militia plans to run the Tikril off of their land and find out where the money is donald klatt (order #4163981)


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Social Organization: Ovarl live together in large extended families that resemble clans or tribes. Every member of the family network is responsible for helping raise and care for all of the children that are born into the clan. Some clans number as large as several hundred members. A clan is headed by a council of elders that oversees the daily life of the family and ensures that traditional laws of behavior are upheld. Ostracism and even physical punishment await those who refuse to follow tradition. Being that the Ovarl have a tendency toward self centeredness, only this constant reinforcement keeps the family functioning. Those individuals who chafe at the restrictive atmosphere of clan life are free to leave at any time.

Alien Name: Ovarl

When a young Ovarl reaches young adulthood, he or she is required to live alone for a period that ranges from one to three years. Traditionally this person was left in a remote wilderness area. However, in modern times there are few wild areas that are appropriate for this ritual and far too many young Ovarl for there to be any real isolation. For this reason many Ovarl spend their exile in space; living among aliens is considered to be its own form of isolation. After the allotted time has elapsed, the young Ovarl is free to return and take his or her place as a full fledged member of the clan. Those who wish to remain in isolation are free to do so without consequence.

Government: The planet Karharg exists in a state of near anarchy. Every few years a new Physical Description: The Ovarl are planetary government is proposed and then humanoids with angular heads and flat faces. collapses. The resulting power vacuum results Their hands are three pronged pinchers and in political infighting and even civil war. The economy of the planet has been stagnant for their legs bend backwards at the knee. centuries because of the lack of stability and Stat Adjustments: None. centralized authority. Trade is hampered by the Advantages: Fast Healing. fact that the planet is divided into a series of rival territories and the borders between them are Intelligence Rating: 5.6 constantly shifting. Technology Rating: 7.9 The lines of conflict on Karharg are ideological Militancy Rating: 5.9 as well as geographic and entire cities are Economic Rating: 7.4 sometimes paralyzed by tensions between the various political factions. The traditional method Individuality Rating: 6.1 for settling these disputes includes hand to hand Homeworld: Karharg

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combat between faction leaders. As one might expect, these duels only serve to stoke the flames of hatred until widespread violence breaks out.

slow them down.

*A galactic power has grown tired of the destabilizing effect that Ovarl mercenaries Ecology/Environment: Karharg is a hot, have on interstellar politics. This stellar nations humid world that is characterized by swamps has concocted a bold plan to bring stability and tropical rainforests. The equatorial belts are to Karharg and dry up the seeming endless the most densely populated areas of the planet. supply of Ovarl fighters. The player characters Overall Description: Many Ovarl have left are assigned to safeguard this top secret peace their world in order to escape the restrictive mission and defend the diplomats against the culture or the lack of opportunities. Still others multitude of political factions and regional have fled in order to escape political enemies. warlords that may want to disrupt the mission. It has become something of a tradition for these expatriate Ovarl to work as mercenaries and bounty hunters in the employ of other powers in the galaxy. Private military companies and similar businesses have set up permanent recruiting stations on Karharg in order to tap into this ready supply of manpower. Typical Personality: The Ovarl have a tendency to be reckless and will go to great lengths to prove that they are not afraid of something. Role Playing Notes: An Ovarl NPC should be full of bravado. This character has no desire to follow the rules that are set by other people and considers this type of conformity to be a weakness. This character may be a loner by nature and probably looks out for number one first and foremost. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *A case of mistaken identity puts an Ovarl bounty hunter on the trail of one of the player characters. Unfortunately, this hired gun has no intention of being talked out of his quarry. *The player characters are hired to find the location of a long lost alien artifact. The last person to see this object was an Ovarl mercenary who has since returned to his homeworld. When the player characters attempt to locate him, they learn that they are not the only ones looking for this person. Many of the mercenary’s allies assume that the PCs are old enemies looking to settle a score and they do everything they can to

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Disadvantages: Compulsion, performing experiments (severe: Will check DV17, the creature must fulfill the compulsion at least once per day). Intelligence Rating: 8.1 Technology Rating: 7.7 Militancy Rating: 3.2 Economic Rating: 6.3 Individuality Rating: 5.9 Social Organization: The Maga are incapable of breeding naturally. These artificially constructed beings can only reproduce by combining their genetic material in laboratories and growing the resultant offspring in liquid filed tubes. This aspect of their nature combined with the species’ highly individualistic mindset means that the Maga do not form social groups in the traditional sense. Their offspring are “mentored” by an adult Maga or, more rarely, a small group of adults. This mentoring process provides the young Maga with their basic physical and educational needs until they approach adulthood. The psychology of the Maga seems to make them somewhat incapable of nurturing their offspring in the way that other creatures do. When a Maga approaches physical maturity there begins to be a great deal of friction Alien Name: Maga between the young and the mentoring adult. Homeworld: X’tikix Alpha The source of this friction is the increasingly Physical Description: The Maga are a race idiosyncratic and bizarre behavior of the young of dumpy, hunchbacked humanoids that are Maga. This period of friction marks the onset of covered with thick, lumpy hide. This species is what the Maga refer to as “The Neurosis.” During known for their distinctive double mouth. Two these years the young Maga usually leaves the vertical toothy slits dominate the Maga’s facial company of others for a period of several years. structure. Four small black eyes sit above the Alternately, the young one who is going through this phase of development may be confined for mouth slits. their own good. After this period of instability Stat Adjustments: +4 INT, -2 PRE. passes, the now adult Maga becomes a full Advantages: Ability Score Bonus (+2 INT), member of the society. Initiative Bonus (+2 on Initiative checks), Skill Most Maga are virtual slaves to their creators, Bonus (+2 on all Craft [chemical], Repair, and the X’tikix. Those Maga who are not employed Research skill checks) directly by the progenitor species are sold to other species. It has become more and more common to find small clusters of Maga living among aliens as free citizens. These Maga do not

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

Typical Personality: Members of this species are known for their eccentric, if not erratic, behavior. The Maga are thought of as Government: The Maga who still live raving lunatics by sentient beings who are not under the control of their X’tikix creators have accustomed to them. The neurological wiring no government of their own and are entirely of these creatures seems to be intentionally subjugated by the X’tikix hierarchy. Other Maga wired in a way that leads to random mood live as slaves under the dominance of other swings, obsessive compulsive behavior, and species to whom they have been sold. A growing other disruptive impulses. Most Maga seem to segment of the population lives freely as guests feel a strong need for privacy and secrecy and of alien societies that have accepted them as they can display rampantly paranoid behavior if equals. These free born Maga often live as these needs are not respected. Highly individualistic, the Maga do not recluses and do not actively participate in local work well with others and often prefer to labor politics. Ecology/Environment: As a genetically unsupervised. Isolation is not a problem for engineered species, the Maga have no natural the Maga, who do not form strong social bonds environment. Very little is known about the with members of their own species. They are environment of X’tikix Alpha, the planet where highly secretive and have little desire to share this species was designed. The progenitor information or cooperate with others. It is widely species of the Maga seemed to prefer deploying believed that the X’tikix progenitors engineered them to remote space stations and domed the Maga in such a way that they function well as individuals but they are incapable of cooperating colonies. with each other or organizing for a common Overall Description: The Maga were created cause. by the X’tikix, a progenitor race that has spawned Role Playing Notes: A Maga NPC should be a large number of genetically engineered new species. The Maga were designed to be secretive, paranoid, and just a bit creepy. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be laboratory assistants and technicians and it is in this capacity that they serve their masters. The used by a GM to introduce this species or their progenitors also sell their creations as slave homeworld to a campaign. laborers. Maga are highly prized among races *A Maga scientist has accidently created a that have a desire to bolster their technological living chemical sludge that threatens to overtake progress. an orbital colony. While everyone else is battling assimilate into the society or culture of the host planet and most live as isolated individuals or in loose knit groups of their own kind.

In recent decades there have been an increasing number of Maga who have been breed outside of the control of the X’tikix hierarchy. The members of this species are most likely to be encountered on research vessels, in isolated outposts, or living in urban centers where there is ample opportunity to participate in scientific research. This species’ genetic compulsion to experiment and tinker makes them ill suited for any type of work that does not satisfy this urge. At least one Maga has been able to slate his craving for experimentation by working as a chef. However, his unique concoctions and refusal to take direction often result in mixed reviews.

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for their lives against the ever-growing blob of goo, the Maga is desperately trying to contain and recapture his unique experimental success. *An esteemed scientist’s career has been advanced beyond his wildest dreams by the efforts of his Maga research assistant. A jealous rival hires the player characters to prove that the assistant is the real genius behind this string of breakthroughs. *A Maga slave escapes from captivity with knowledge of an experimental weapons system. His former master will go to any lengths to get this valuable property back.


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Intelligence Rating: 7.4 Technology Rating: 6.8 Militancy Rating: 5.1 Economic Rating: 6.2 Individuality Rating: 4.9 Social Organization: The Olixian family is composed of two parents and a number of offspring. Oftentimes an older member of the family (such as a grandparent) will be asked to live with the family and provide them with guidance. This respected elder is deferred to in all family matters and is the legal and social head of the family. Children often live with their elders until they are ready to get married and start families of their own.

Alien Name: Olixi Homeworld: Khantara Prime Physical Description: These tall, lanky creatures have a distinctly large cranium with an elongated shape. Olixi have the ability to generate short bursts of intense heat from special organs in their hands and fingers. Stat Adjustments: +2 WILL, -2 PRE

The exceptions to this rule are children who leave home to enter into a program of intense study at a library or other repository of knowledge. This period of study has a distinctly monastic quality as the students spend most of their time in private reading and contemplation. These students are occasionally brought together to engage in discussions and debates on a number of different topics. The older masters of the institution will randomly pull a student aside for a round of intense grilling on a wide array of arcane facts and references to ancient texts. This brutal questioning is meant to reinforce a young student’s awareness of how much he or she does not know. After several years immersed in schooling this way, most students leave the seclusion of the library hall to seek a life in the wider world. Only a small handful of students have the determination and skill that is required to complete the decades of study required to become a master of lore.

Advantages: Bonus Talent, Skill Bonus (+2 to all Knowledge [history], Knowledge [theology Government: The government of Khantara and philosophy], and Research skill checks), Prime is a plutocracy that is run by a number Special Attack (three times per day, melee attack of councils and assemblies, most of whom are deals 5d6 points of fire damage). comprised of elderly Olixi who are either learned Disadvantages: Inept (-2 on Technology, and masters or experts in a particular field. The most influential of these groups is the Honored Repair skill checks). Congregation, which has the power to grant a lifetime appointment to one of its members who then serves as High Guardian. The High Guardian

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

is a mostly symbolic position, one that has little to do with the day to day functioning of the government. However, the High Guardian wields absolute veto power over any decision made by any government official or group. This holder of this position also has tremendous influence over the elite group of scholars and experts who form the various mechanisms of power on the planet. Popular elections allow the Olixi to vote for the officeholders in a number of government positions, mostly local executives and legislatures. Elected officials on the planetary level are essentially powerless and, though they may publicly disagree with the ruling plutocrats, these officeholders do little more than put a rubber stamp on the decisions made by the elite. Ecology/Environment: Khantara Prime is a world of sweeping plains, frigid tundra, vast deserts, and lifeless mountain peaks. The majority of the population lives in a thin lowland belt that rings the planet’s equator. This equatorial zone is very hot but it also contains the planet’s largest lakes and rivers. Over half of the fresh water on the planet can be found in the equatorial belts. The deserts and mountainous zones are almost devoid of settlement, save for the occasional nomad tribe or isolated library hall. The plains and coastal regions are also heavily settled, though the population density does not approach that of the equatorial lowlands. The oceans on Khantara Prime are small and highly saline. Only about 60% of the planet’s surface is covered in open water.

Olixi are sometimes recruited by interstellar factions that are interested in their talents as historians, tacticians, and interpreters of law. Olixian philosophers have found a very broad following among the learned races of the galaxy. Typical Personality: Most Olixi are taught to contain their “primal selves” at an early age. They are a reserved species, one whose culture values quiet deliberation and thoughtfulness. Rash actions and strong emotions are completely improper in Olixian society. That being said, the Olixi are not rationalists. Indeed, this culture has a marked contempt for science and scientific pursuits, so much so that they have handicapped their ability for perform in these fields. Rhetoric, appeals to accepted dogma, and references to the great works of history are the keys to debating in the Olixian mind. Useless blathering about facts and statistics is an offensive and much derided method of making one’s point.

Role Playing Notes: An Olixian NPC should be fairly stoic and dispassionate but easily annoyed at the same time. This species is not known for openly expressing any emotion except for displeasure. This NPC would rather discuss the finer points of an ancient poet’s work or an obscure bit of history rather than do almost anything else.Tinkering with machines,exploring new places, or conducting scientific research is viewed as a waste of time in Olixi culture. This society has developed to the point where they no longer push for new ideas and instead focus on mastering the cultural knowledge that they Overall Description: Olixi rarely travel have already acquired. Likewise business, trade, outside their home planet, though a spaceport and the pursuit of wealth are viewed as base and in the remote mountains of Khantara Prime crude pastimes that are not worth the attention allows them the opportunity to do so. Creatures of a cultured mind. Feel free to make the NPCs from other worlds come to this planet in order disdain of these pursuits known loudly and often. to immerse themselves in the Olixian method of Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be learning. These newcomers have brought with used by a GM to introduce this species or their them knowledge of their own planets’ histories homeworld to a campaign. and cultures. Some Olixi scholars have been *An Olixian scholar is kidnapped while intrigued by this cultural exchange and a few of searching for a rare copy of an ancient them have taken to the stars in order to study and manuscript. The work itself is just another bit of record as much alien knowledge as they deem to old trivia for the Olixi but it is also a rare treasure be worthwhile. and a deeply revered religious artifact. The

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


player characters are hired to rescue the missing scholar and, if possible, secure the book he was looking for. This mission pits the characters into a three way battle between the Olixi, a group of interstellar antiquities smugglers, and a fanatical religious cult. *The child of an ambassador living on Khantara Prime enters a library hall to begin training in the scholarly arts. A few months later, she runs away with an extremely valuable text that she stole from the ancient vaults beneath the library hall. The player characters must travel to Khantara Prime and find the lost child and her stolen text before the incident boils over into a full-fledged diplomatic incident. As the characters get closer to the truth, they find that there is a deeper mystery surrounding this stolen manuscript and the politically connected young woman who took it. *An Olixian delegation to an interstellar cultural festival has made many enemies with their scathing criticism of the art and literature that other worlds have produced. However, no one expected for one of the delegation to be murdered. The player characters are brought in to quietly solve this murder before the end of the festival. As the event closes, all of the witnesses and suspects will return to their homes scattered across the galaxy.

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact Disadvantages: Head Blind Intelligence Rating: 5.2 Technology Rating: N/A Militancy Rating: N/A Economic Rating: N/A Individuality Rating: 6.4 Social Organization: Phazon spontaneously appear as fully grown adults. They have no known social organization and there have been no reported cases of Phazon making contact with each other. Known for their individuality, the Phazon tend to be a disruptive element in the societies that they choose to interact with. While some Phazon have chosen to settle permanently in the region where they coalesced, most prefer to travel constantly and do not spend any great length of time in the same place. Though they are far from conformists, Phazon have demonstrated a marked tendency to absorb the cultural traits and social mores of other cultures that they have made contact with.

Some cultures fear Phazon, believing them to be part of a yet undescribed plot against their homeworlds. Others wish to capture them and perform scientific experiments in the hope of Alien Name: Phazon better understanding exactly what the Phazon are. Some primitive cultures have come to believe Homeworld: Unknown that a visiting Phazon is an evil spirit or demon Physical Description: The Phazon are while others who have witnessed the coming of a humanoid creatures who appear to be made, Phazon worship them as divine messengers. at least partially, from energy instead of matter. Government: The Phazon are scattered Though they are solid, the Phazon have an ability individuals with no common goals or interests. to blur their physical mass on a quantum level. This ability to temporarily distort their physical They do not have a government of their own, makeup gives the Phazon an advantage when it nor do they seem particularly concerned with the laws and governmental authorities of other comes to matters of stealth and evasion. planets. Stat Adjustments: +4 PRE, -2 CON Ecology/Environment: Nothing is known Advantages: Ability Score Increase (PRE), about the natural environment of this species. Skill Bonus (+2 to all Escape Artist, Stealth skill It has not even been determined what their checks) environment is exactly.

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens Overall Description: The Phazon are one of the greatest mysteries in the galaxy. They spontaneously coalesce on the surface of inhabited planets. This unusual birthing process brings the Phazon into the universe fully formed and possessing a rudimentary knowledge of their surroundings. The newly formed Phazon quickly learns to mimic the local languages and blend in with the native inhabitants. Many theories exist on the origin of the Phazon and what role, if any, they play in the greater scheme of things. Some believe that they are visitors from another dimension. Others speculate that the Phazon are created out of pure energy, though they can offer no explanation as to how or why this happens. Even more bizarre hypothesis point to the Phazon as beings brought forth from the collective psychic energy of the universe. Some others even believe that they are metaphysical beings who are spawned by gods or other great powers for either good or ill, depending on who you ask. Phazon find themselves undertaking all sorts of pastimes as they make their way through the galaxy. Some turn to crime and other disreputable trades while others have become freedom fighters, espionage agents, explorers, etc. Of course many Phazon have several careers over the course of a lifetime, often drawn from a diverse range of fields. Phazon do not work at all unless they have found a trade that seems exciting and fun to them. Otherwise they are content to drift through life and take whatever opportunities come their way.


words and they would rather worry about results rather than the means to gain those results. Role Playing Notes: Your Phazon NPC should be charming, carefree, and flighty. Serious subjects should be of no interest to this character compared to the power of raw emotion or the direct experience of reality. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species to a campaign. *A popular entertainer (who is secretly a Phazon) has run off with a former bodyguard. This tabloid headline ends up with the entertainer being kidnapped by said bodyguard. The player characters are hired to safely retrieve the star but their mission is complicated by a wild “victim” who eludes her kidnappers as easily as the team. The happy go lucky Phazon does not seem to mind the extreme danger that she is in and instead amuses herself with a game of cat and mouse as she dashes about the galaxy. *A Phazon is captured by government scientists and subjected to cruel and torturous experiments. The test subject escapes but he is pursued by military personnel and law enforcement agents. The escaped Phazon encounters the player characters and begs them to help him. If the team agrees to get him off world, they soon discover that the horrors he has experienced have made his form unstable. Unless the characters can find a way to repair the damage, the Phazon will surely die.

*The player characters are hired by a wealthy Typical Personality: Phazon tend to be free entrepreneur to locate and capture a Phazon spirits who are compelled by both curiosity and for his personal experiments. The eccentric a deep desire to experience life at its fullest. business man wishes to unlock the secrets of A Phazon may spend days and weeks in an Phazon existence because he believes that this obsessive quest to discover the perfect dessert will allow him to transcend physical reality and only to abandon this task at a moment’s notice in achieve immortality. order to go mountain climbing. Many consider the Phazon to be childlike and flighty but those who have gotten to know a Phazon well have discovered a surprisingly deep and complex consciousness that is merely trying to uncover all that can be uncovered. Phazon value actions over

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact grows, the biotechnology takes over, enveloping the body in a shell of organic armor. Often times this process radically alters the humanoid form until the Fu’herl is transformed into a monstrous living weapon. Each Fu’herl has a unique combination of biotech features, usually a combination of features inherited from parents. Stat Adjustments: +2 STR, -2 PRE and WILL Advantages: Additional Sense (darkvision), Damage Reduction (1/-), Natural Armor (+4 armor bonus to KD), Natural Weapons (these creatures are able to deal 3d6 points of lethal damage with a successful unarmed attack). Disadvantages: Compulsion, physical violence (severe: Will check DV17, the creature must fulfill the compulsion at least once per day). Intelligence Rating: 5.1 Technology Rating: 7.9 Militancy Rating: 8.4 Economic Rating: 6.1 Individuality Rating: 5.1

Alien Name: Fu’herl Homeworld: Fu’rus Physical Description: The Fu’herl were once humanoids but they have undergone a stark transformation early in their history. Soon after the species entered into its technological age, the Fu’herl began experimenting with biotech weapons and symbiotic armor. These experiments progressed at an out of control rate until now the entire species has been integrated with self replicating bio-weaponry. The organic battle systems have been incorporated into the species’ DNA. All Fu’herls are born with traces of biotech in their bodies. As the young Fu’herl

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Social Organization: Young Fu’herls belong to the state. Every child born on Fu’rus is officially designated as a biological weapon system and they are raised in state owned nurseries where they begin absorbing military programming at an early age. Fu’herls who do not take well to this programming are “decommissioned.” As the young ones near physical maturity, they are transferred to reserve military units where they finish out their training with a combination of live fire drills and actual combat experience. No one is allowed to graduate from this course of training without registering at least one confirmed kill. After completing their tour in the reserve units, fully grown Fu’herls are transferred to front line combat units where they will spend the rest of their short lives. Any combat soldier who disobeys orders or is grievously wounded in battle is lobotomized and put to work as an industrial slave. These living robots perform all of the economic activity that is needed to support the state’s endless military campaigns.


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens Government: The planet Fu’herl is governed by five warring factions that are constantly engaged in a combination of all out warfare and Byzantine diplomacy. These governments have a tendency to quickly swap sides against their allies. The battle has been raging for so long that none of the factions can remember what provoked the initial conflict. Currently the only objectives worth fighting for are the resources that are needed to sustain military activity. The warring states continually battle over a small number of resource rich areas, taking and retaking the same positions over and over again.


While the Fu’hurl retain the capacity for reason and independent thought, biotech hardwiring combined with a lifetime of political indoctrination is hard to overcome. An adult Fu’hurl is almost always psychologically scarred. The only thing that keeps them functioning is the biotech programming that rewards successful kills with a burst of pleasure-inducing hormones. After a certain age, a Fu’hurl has devolved past sentience and has literally become a mindless killing machine.

Role Playing Notes: A Fu’hurl NPC should be a walking weapons platform. The most likely Some of these factions are ruled by a military interaction between this NPC and the characters junta while others are controlled by a nominally will be bloody combat. civilian dictatorship. Civilian dictatorships may Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be be run by a single leader, a council of party elites, used by a GM to introduce this species or their or both. In all of these cases, loyalty to the state homeworld to a campaign. is held as the highest virtue and any perceived *A civilian ship has crash landed on Fu’rus. disobedience is punished severely. The team must evacuate the helpless survivors Ecology/Environment: Fu’rus is a blasted before they are massacred by the native hellscape that has been decimated by centuries inhabitants. of war and unchecked industrial pollution. The *A small group of Fu’hurl scouts have landed only reason that the Fu’herls are able to survive here is because of their extensive biotech on a nearby world and begun launching a series integration. Very little native life is left on the of raids to test the planet’s defenses. The local planet and soon not even the resilient Fu’herls authorities fear that this attack is the precursor to an all out invasion. The player characters are will be able to survive here. assigned to stamp out this landing force before Overall Description: The planet Fu’rus is they can report back to their homeworld. dying and there seems to be no way to slow its *A military power is interested in obtaining slide into lifelessness. The heads of the state the secret to the Fu’hurls’ bioweaponry. The factions know that time is running out and so they are all making plans for a “glorious conquest” player characters are hired to travel to Fu’hurl of a nearby world. However, the constant battle and capture as many living specimens as over resources makes it hard for any one faction possible. to gather the economic resources necessary for such a campaign. It seems that none of the warring factions will be able to escape the dying world without achieving victory over the rival factions. This paradox means that the factions remain locked into the same unending conflict that destroyed their ecosystem to begin with. Typical Personality: Killing and violence are literally programmed into the Fu’hurl psyche. They automatically sort anyone they meet into one of two categories; ally or target.

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact Intelligence Rating: 5.6 Technology Rating: 7.1 Militancy Rating: 4.8 Economic Rating: 6.1 Individuality Rating: 5.8 Social Organization: Most Q’risi are born into a small nuclear family comprised only of the parents and offspring. Children tend to leave their families at an early age and most live solitary lives until they are ready to find a mate and start a family of their own. Often times a young Q’risi will spend a lengthy stretch of time isolated in the wilderness. This period of quit contemplation is known as “The Journey” and dates back to the traditions of the planet’s ancient history.

Government: The Q’risi are ruled by a constitutional monarchy. The royal family has no real power in political matters but they are a highly influential voice when it comes to social and religious issues. The actual governing authority is held by a legislature that is elected directly by the people. The lower chamber of the legislature is called the Popular Assembly is a very large body that is comprised of representatives who are elected for a single yearly term. No one can serve more than ten terms in office. The upper chamber is known as Alien Name: Q’risi the Royal Council and this body is comprised Homeworld: Taelva II of twelve people who are elected to a life time Physical Description: These tall, thin tenure. Whenever a member of the council dies framed humanoids have large pointed ears or retires then a planet wide election is held to and almond shaped eyes that solid black in determine the successor. The current monarch color. A thick liquid constantly drains from their is officially the head of the Royal Council but eyes, permanently staining their cheeks with its does not hold any voting power. The monarch’s only function is to observe the traditions of the pigments. council and declare the opening and closing of a Stat Adjustments: +2 WILL, -2 CON. legislative session. Advantages: Additional Sense (low-light vision), Because the members of the Popular Natural Psionics, Characteristic Check Bonus Assembly are so numerous, it can be very hard (+4 to Will checks) for them to organize themselves long enough to get anything done. Another burden is the fact that the assembly members are constantly facing elections in their home territory. This constant cycle of election leaves many members

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


of the assembly to do nothing rather than risk any action that might be deemed controversial or politically costly. The ten year term limit on members of the Popular Assembly means that many members are forced to leave office just as they are learning how to navigate the complex and often raucous Q’risian political system.

enforcement officials were appointed as Supreme Leader in order to control the planet. During another historical period, the Royal Council declared one of the planet’s spiritual authorities as Supreme Leader over and over again. One of the priests closest aides was appointed Supreme Leader every third year in order to get around The Royal Council has quite the opposite the limitation of two consecutive terms. In both problem. As the councilmen are elected to life cases the situation was settled when a council time terms, they care nothing for the popular member died and was replaced by a more will or the concerns of the masses. Each populist politician. member of the council wields a great deal of Ecology/Environment: The planet Taelva personal authority but the council itself is often II is actually a large moon that orbits a small to deadlocked by tied votes. Grudges and personal medium sized gas giant. The moon is the second vendettas among council members can lead to closest object to its parent world. Taelva II is a endless bickering and even the most mundane heavily forested world with temperate woodlands pieces of legislation can be tied up indefinitely covering much of its surface. The equatorial belt by intransient councilmen whose only desire it to is dominated by a mix of rain forest and desert thwart their rivals. When the Royal Council does while the polar regions are ice covered seas that decide to act they can pass laws that are greatly thaw completely during the warmer seasons. opposed to the wants and needs of the Q’risian Overall Description: The Q’risi are known people. In such cases the Popular Assembly for their natural psionic abilities and their often rises up to veto such measures and score indomitable spirit. These two qualities have a political victory that will be very favorable to made the species an influential player in galatic their membership during the next election cycle. politics despite their lack of foreign colonies or In times of a world-wide crisis the Royal Council can appoint a person the title of Supreme Leader and Guardian of the Crown. The monarch has to formally approve of the selection, the one true power that still resides with the throne. The candidate for Supreme Leader cannot have ever served in political office, either as a member of the Royal Council, the Popular Assembly, or the local governorships. In the case of a military situation, a general will be appointed, in case of a pandemic a well known doctor may become Supreme Leader. The Supreme Leader serves for a term of one year and can only serve for two consecutive terms. The word of the Supreme Leader is law and this person has the full power of a dictator during his or her term. The office of Supreme Leader has been abused in the past as members of the Royal Council use this office to circumvent the power of the Popular Assembly. During the “Reign of Tyrants” the Royal Council consistently voted to declare an emergency involving law and order. A string of brutal law

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interstellar military forces. Typical Personality: The Q’risi tend to be quiet and reserved though they are much more open around those that know them well. This species is known for their love of solitude and natural places and they are accustomed to spending a good deal of their lives alone. Role Playing Notes: A Q’risi NPC should be respectful and calm, even when faced with hostility and rude behavior. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *The player characters inadvertently deliver a shipment of arms to a terrorist group that is determined to overthrow the Royal Council and abolish the monarchy. *A Q’risi assassin stalks the dreams of one of the player characters. *A diplomatic incident flares out of control



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

when a Q’risi ambassador is accused of reading a fellow diplomat’s mind without permission. The host planet frowns on the use of psionic powers, which it deems to be against the laws of nature. The ambassador strenuously denied the charges. The player character s must get to the truth before a vital trade negotiation falls apart.

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Intelligence Rating: 5.2 Technology Rating: 6.7 Militancy Rating: 5.3 Economic Rating: 6.8 Individuality Rating: 4.9 Social Organization: Pakians live in large extended families called clans. Allied clans will live and work side by side with each other for generations and will often intermarry. Nonallied clans are treated with a degree of hostility and suspicion but blood feuds are rare. There is no established hierarchy within the clans but the general rule is that younger Pakians will defer to their elders. Sometimes a highly respected individual will become the informal matriarch or patriarch of the clan. Such a person does not have any authority, per se, but many clan members will seek the advice and approval of this family member. Pakians will stick very closely to their clan mates and allied clans. Often they will migrate from one planet to another in a stellar caravan that is thousands strong. They have a deeply rooted sense of family and community that binds their culture together. While many Pakians will leave the security of the clan to work on distant planets, they almost always return to their roots as soon as they get the chance. Government: The Pakians who still live under the control of their X’tikix creators have no government of their own and are entirely subjugated by the X’tikix hierarchy. Other Alien Name: Pakian Pakiasns live as slaves under the dominance of other species to whom they have been sold. A Homeworld: X’tikix Alpha growing segment of the population lives freely Physical Description: Pakians are tall and as guests of alien societies that have accepted muscular humanoids. Their hairless bodies are them as equals. These free born Pakians often covered with a thick, bumpy hide. live in segregated communities and they do Stat Adjustments: +2 STR, -2 DEX. seek to participate in local politics. Advantages: Bonus Hits, Natural Armor (+4 Ecology/Environment: As a genetically armor bonus to KD). engineered species, the Pakians have no natural environment. Very little is known about the environment of X’tikix Alpha, the planet where this species was designed. The progenitor species of the Pakians seem to prefer deploying

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

them to unsettled frontier planets and asteroid mines. Overall Description: The Pakians were created by the X’tikix, a progenitor race that has spawned a large number of genetically engineered new species. The Pakians were designed to be builders and industrial workers and it is in this capacity that they serve their masters. The progenitors also sell their creations as slave laborers.

mistreated by their fellow slaves. Role Playing Notes: A Pakian NPC should be a no nonsense roughneck who doesn’t take crap from anyone. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign.

*A Pakian ship captain docks at a busy space station and is soon accused of killing another person during a drunken brawl. The captain In recent decades there have been an has no memory of the event but the authorities increasing number of Pakians who have been have locked him away and are moving quickly born outside of the control of the X’tikix to convict him. The captain’s crew (all of whom hierarchy. The members of this species are most are clan mates) are ready to tear the station apart likely to be encountered on trading vessels, in to get their captain back. The team must diffuse mining camps, or living on planets with a highly the situation and find out what really happened developed industrial infrastructure. Pakians are before the trial ends. tough survivors who are hard to keep down. *While visiting a Pakian colony, the player Their natural hardiness makes them heavily recruited by ship captains, mine owners, and characters get wind of a rumor that a rare ore colony builders. Many other Pakians work as has been found near the colony site. The Pakians industrial laborers and construction workers on want to exploit this newly discovered resource but they are fearful that other powers in the developed worlds. galaxy may simply decide to take what is theirs. There have been a handful of unsettled The team is asked to escort a trade delegation off worlds that have been colonized by Pakians world in order to secure mining equipment and who are attempting to establish home worlds for buyers for the ore. The mission is complicated their people. The dauntless spirit and physical by the lead delegate’s gruff attitude and lack abilities of the Pakians make this species ideal of negotiating skills. The situation becomes for the grueling task of establishing a foothold even worse when a foreign agent learns of the on an untamed world. The Pakians seem to valuable find and alerts his superiors to the deliberately choose to place their colonies on Pakians’ newly found wealth. harsh worlds that other species are not likely to *One of the player characters kills a Pakian, find appealing candidates for colonization. rousing the anger of his clan mates. The team Typical Personality: Members of this finds themselves being pursued by a crew of species are known for their gruff attitudes and rough and ready smugglers who are willing to rough and tumble approach to life. They like stop at nothing to get their revenge. to work hard and play harder. A Pakian notion of a good time usually involves intoxicating substances, brawling, and destruction of property. Pakians have a deep seated hatred of the other races that have been created by the X’tikix. It is not known whether or not this animosity is the result of genetic manipulation or simple because the Pakians were on the lowest rung of the X’tikix social ladder and they were often

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Intelligence Rating: 5.0 Technology Rating: 3.7 Militancy Rating: 6.3 Economic Rating: 3.9 Individuality Rating: 6.7 Social Organization: Quni are hatched from eggs that are laid in clusters of four to six. The mother raises the young by herself; the father stays with the female just long enough to ensure that mating has been successful. The mother and young travel everywhere together and they are never out of each other’s sight. The offspring mature quickly and leave the protection of the mother in order to start their own lives. Sometimes a group of siblings will remain close throughout their lives and the females may even time their mating cycles so that the sisters can nest together.

Alien Name: Quni Homeworld: Q-ni

The Quni were once a highly civilized race that lived and worked together in large numbers. After their world was struck by disaster the Quni reverted to a much more primitive state. Some of them now live in wandering tribes that are comprised of a small handful of families. Others are lone scavengers or members of bandit gangs. The few places where Quni still live together in cities the population is perpetually on the brink of total chaos.

Physical Description: These tall, multi Government: Q-ni is divided between jointed humanoids seem to be put together backwards (at least in the view of most a scattered handful of highly dysfunctional humanoids). The Quni have a distinctive mane of governments and a lawless wasteland that is ruled by primitive tribes and gangs of bandits. bristly fur around their necks and shoulders. The civilized parts of the planet are characterized Stat Adjustments: +2 DEX, +2 CON. by rampant crime, bloody civil wars, disease, Advantages: Ability Score Increase (DEX and poverty, and all manner of social ills. The CON). wastelands are home to killers and scavengers Disadvantages: Compulsion, hoarding food who are ready to fight to the death over anything and water (moderate: Will check DV15, the of value. The only law of the wasteland is that of creature must fulfill the compulsion at least once the nomad tribes who roam the distant reaches per week), Inept (-4 penalty on all Swim skill of this lifeless zone. checks)

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact

Ecology/Environment: The planet Q-ni is a wasteland world that is dominated by desert ecosystems. Centuries ago the planet was struck by a meteorite that blanketed the planet with a thick layer of airborne dust. This dust, combined with the other effects of the meteor impact, wiped out most of the planet’s vegetation. Without a covering of plant life the soil turned to dust and blew away, turning once fertile lands into dustbowls. The lack of plant life also meant that the planet lost its ability to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere (massive forest fires pumped a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere). The temporary spike in heat trapping gases increased the planet’s mean temperature and accelerated the process of desertification. Overall Description: The Quni are a once advanced people whose civilization was destroyed by a cosmic accident. They have been reduced to a state of barbarism and technological regression. The planet Q-ni bears few traces of the technology and infrastructure that once existed. Resource shortages are commonplace and the Quni population is a mere fraction of what it once was. Few Quni have left their home world and those that have are more than happy to leave. Explorers charted the planet Q-ni many years ago but few races have felt the need to establish contact with the Quni. They have no stable governments to negotiate with and the planet does not offer the kind of resources that would make it worth exploiting or conquering. Fast and tough, the Quni make ideal mercenary soldiers and some of them have done quite well in that business. Colony founders sometimes recruit Quni in order to help them settle and explore worlds with extensive desert habitats.

Role Playing Notes: A Quni NPC should only be interested in two things; what it takes to live another day and what he can gain for his horde. These creatures are compulsive packrats and they stockpile food, water, and other supplies without pause. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their home world to a campaign. *A mining survey craft is forced to make an emergency landing on Q-ni. While attempting to barter for supplies the miners are taken hostage. The player characters must deliver a cargo full of food and clean water in order to buy the hostages freedom. When the bandits get greedy and try to renegotiate the deal, the situation gets desperate and violence ensues. *A space station has been having a problem with missing supplies and water shortages. The characters investigate only to find that a group of indigent Qunis have been hording supplies in an abandoned cargo space. The hidden stash of food and water starts causing problems with the station’s reactor as the Quni have been using the coolant tubes as hidey holes. The supplies must be removed before repairs can be made but the Quni are ready to fight to protect their horde. *A retired Quni mercenary is attempting to take over the local underworld. This intrusion into the territory of the established crime boss sparks off a violent gang war that threatens the entire colony. The player characters are hired to take out the new comer before the violence gets out of control.

Typical Personality: Quni are survivors first and foremost. They place a high premium on their own lives and have a marked tendency to chart their own path. Many Quni display distinctly anti-social tendencies and they do not easily bond with others.

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


Social Organization: A female Warlphen lays a single egg at a time. Mating is timed so that eggs are lain during the cool, raining season when these creatures take a respite from their constant wandering. When the young hatches, the mother cares for it for only a short amount of time before the offspring joins the larger social unit. The social unit of the Warlphen is described both as a tribe and a pack (depending on who you ask). The social unit has a well established pecking order that is determined through physical displays, intimidation, and occasional violence. The Warlphen as a whole are highly individualistic and moving up the social order is their primary means of group interaction. While there is rarely any question of who is the alpha male in a given pack, each individual constantly attempts to defend his own position and perhaps move up a notch or two. The pecking order becomes obvious to observers after a successful kill. The alpha male takes his share of the meat first and attacks anyone who approaches before he has Alien Name: Warlphen eaten his fill. Then he lesser males, females, and young begin an elaborate ritual of approaching Homeworld: Conduzzi IV Physical Description: These primitive the kill in order. This social dance plays out over sentient beings seem to be descended from a a course of several hours; each Warlphen takes a bird-like ancestor. The species has lost their turn slowly approaching the carcass and makes a wings and feathers in favor of smooth skin big display of warning off any challengers. When and hands that are capable of grasping things. another Warlphen tries to cut in line, the result is These creatures have long legs and clawed a loud and sometimes violent contest between the rivals. Naturally, the youngest Warlphen are appendages. the last to eat and many times they will pick apart Stat Adjustments: +2 DEX, -2 STR the scraps of a kill as a group rather than jockey Advantages: Dodge Bonus (+5 dodge for position. The high point of a young Warlphen’s bonus), Natural Weapons (these creatures are development is the first time he or she successfully able to deal 3d6 points of lethal damage with a backs down an adult and takes that adult’s place in successful unarmed attack). the pecking order. Intelligence Rating: 4.2 Technology Rating: 2.3 Militancy Rating: 6.9 Economic Rating: 2.9 Individuality Rating: 7.1

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One of the primary causes of death among older Warlphen is starvation as they lose physical strength and slowly descend the social rankings. After a time these elders reach the bottom and they are forced to eat just above the offspring. Often there is not enough left at this point to feed a fully grown adult. Some older Warlphen choose to fight to the death rather than give up their accustomed place in the pecking order.



Lightspeed: Alien Contact

Government: These creatures live in primitive social structures with no established government. The leader of a tribe is the oldest, strongest male and this dominant male makes all decisions that affect the group. Dissenters are free to leave the social order and strike out on their own if they disagree.

that the planet was once much wetter than it is now. The drying of the climate has caused the seas and forests to shrink and be replaced by the unending savanna that now dominates the ecosystem.

When two tribes meet out on the open savanna it sparks off a potentially dangerous face off as the two groups attempt to drive each other away. This confrontation is characterized by noisy displays and much grandstanding. Sometimes a member of one tribe will step into the gap between the two groups, daring a rival to step forward and prove his or her strength. Generally the tribe with the largest number of adults will win the day and chase the losing tribe for a great distance across the plains. If the two sides are evenly matched or if the smaller group refuses to back down then the confrontation will inevitably end in bloodshed. Warfare among the Warlphen is as brutal as it is well-orchestrated. Both groups will retreat a short distance from their rivals in order to begin maneuvering for an assault. These creatures apply their brilliant hunting tactics to inter-tribal conflict to deadly results. Often two tribes will circle and maneuver around each other for days until one side or the other falls into a trap and is slaughtered. Once violence has begun both sides will continue fighting until they have completely wiped out the other side right down to the smallest offspring.

outside of their homeworld. These expatriates are almost always slaves that have been brought to other planets as trackers and amusement in gladiatorial arenas.

Overall Description: The Warlphen are a primitive race of hunter gatherers who have Lone Warlphen are not uncommon but they developed very little in the way of technology don’t tend to fare as well as those that remain with and civilized culture. What this species does their tribes. Without the aid of a hunting party a have going for it are highly advanced hunting Warlphen is limited to hunting small game and tactics that often involve complex traps and plans scavenging after the kills of other predators. of attack. The highly individualistic Warlphen Tribes will often hunt down and kill a Warlphen form into surprisingly cohesive hunting parties, that is encountered alone but the reason for this probably because starvation is the alternative to is not clear since a lone Warlphen is no threat to working together. the hunting grounds of a full sized tribe. Very rarely will one encounter a Warlphen

Typical Personality: Most Warlphen are socially minded, even if they don’t always put the interest of the group first. They live within a group setting but they know that they could survive on their own if necessary. They have not demonstrated any desire to cooperate with outsiders and see other species only as threats and potential food. Role Playing Notes: A Warlphen NPC should be violent and easily provoked. Don’t forget that this species is very animalistic and their intelligence is very low for a sentient race. These creatures cannot communicate with outsiders nor do they seem to have any interest in the shiny baubles and noise makers that are offered to them by alien visitors. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign.

Ecology/Environment: The planet Conduzzi IV is covered with a vast, endless plain that stretches from pole to pole. The only breaks in this sea of grassland are forested mountain peaks and a number of landlocked seas. It is believed

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


*An exploration team is studying the Warlphen when their scheduled retrieval ship does not arrive. Running low on supplies, the scientists send out a distress signal. The player characters are the only ones to receive this distress signal. When the team arrives on the planet’s surface they find that the scientists’ hidden camp has been destroyed and there is no sign of them. *A smuggler loses a cargo full of captured Warlphen in the docking bay of a major space station. The panicked creatures run into the station’s maintenance tunnels and disappear. Soon there are reports of people being attacked all over the station.

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact important symbol of one’s social status in this culture. A skilled young warrior may be greatly admired by his tribe or nation but his influence and opinions will be greatly diminished by his lack of experience. Each cultural group on Yng II has its own set of well defined traditions and values. Tribes and nations are very protective of these traditions and any attempt by another group to impose their values on the tribe will be fiercely resisted. Even an unintentional affront to the values of a tribe could lead to hostilities and outright warfare. There is a well defined class system at work in Yngloe society. The professional warriors hold the highest position in this system, with the religious class immediately below them. The farmers, craftsmen, and hunters make up the base of the social system. Outside of the class system are the outcasts who have been banished from their families for crimes against tradition.

Government: The individual tribes are usually ruled by a chieftain or a council of Alien Name: Yngloe elders. A tribal nation is governed by a body Homeworld: Yng II of representatives from each of the component Physical Description: These short, stocky tribes. Sometimes a powerful and charismatic leader will rise to unite an entire nation under his creatures resemble upright tortoises. Stat Adjustments: +2 CON and WILL, -2 DEX or her personal authority. In a few cases a leader has passed this authority down to subsequent Advantages: Natural Armor (+8 armor bonus generations, forming a rudimentary dynasty. to KD), Racial Talent (Burrow). Tribal nations will sometimes groom a potential Intelligence Rating: 5.1 leader for this role by granting a title to him or her such as war chief or holy seeker. Technology Rating: 2.9 Militancy Rating: 4.2 Economic Rating: 3.0 Individuality Rating: 4.8 Social Organization: Yngloe live in closely knit tribes that can include as many as a dozen extended families. Often a number of tribes that share a common culture and language will join together to form a nation. Family and tradition are very important in Yngloe culture and family elders are revered in an almost religious manner. An individual’s oldest living relative is considered to be a sacred mentor and must be consulted in all important matters. Age is an

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The authority of a tribal chieftain or council of elders is tempered by the influence of individual families. The family is an all important social structure among the Yngloe and any leadership decision that bucks tradition or offends the heads of the families will be ignored. Religion plays a large role in the politics of a tribe or nation. Religious leaders gain their position only after decades of study under the tutelage of an experienced priest or shaman. The religious leaders of a tribe play no direct part in the political process but they must give at least tacit endorsement of any major decisions. The religious class tries to stay separate from


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


the more mundane aspects of tribal politics and instead they limit their input to decisions on whether or not a decision is in the spirit of the ancient traditions. When a shaman or priest tries to directly insert his or herself into the decision making process it is seen as improper and unseemly. In such as case the offending religious leader may be censured or ignored by other religious leaders in the same nation or tribe. The priest or shaman at hand may even be stripped of his or her ability to educate students on religious issues.

years patiently learning the ways and language of the local nation. However, the holy seeker of this nation has been consistently plotting to undermine the decisions of the great council, which is leaning toward a trade deal. The player characters are brought in to provide security for the head diplomat who fears an assassination attempt.

Overall Description: This species, while technologically primitive, has a highly advanced culture and a rich oral history. Yngloe are a long lived species and this longevity gives them a direct link to the knowledge of their past, even without a written language to transmit this knowledge.

and declare him high chief of their nation. The player characters are asked to come to the planet to safely extract the team. This mission is complicated when the team discovers that the scientists have been captured by one of the warring factions. The only way to ensure the safe return of the captives is for one of the player characters to study the Yngloe way of fighting and challenge the high chief to a combat with traditional weapons. The elders of the rival faction reluctantly agree to help, but only if the team follows their rules precisely.

*A Yngloe mercenary has been living offworld for many decades. He has decided to return home so that he may spend his remaining years among his own kind. He offers the team a Ecology/Environment: Yng II is an arid, substantial reward if they can escort him back to rocky planet that has an abundance of iron the land of his birth. However, this aging soldier ore and other dense metals. The environment of fortune has made many enemies who are alternates between deserts and scrub plains seeking to make his retirement short lived. with only a small handful of forests, wetlands, *A scientific team living on Yng II has been and other ecosystems. The water on the planet inadvertently mixed up in a tribal civil war. takes the form of spring fed lakes and glacial An arrogant young warrior has convinced a rivers that dot the surface at irregular intervals. large number of his brethren to buck tradition

Typical Personality: The Yngloe are very ethnocentric and they have a deep desire to remain among their own kind. While they are not aggressive or hostile toward off-worlders, they are not particularly friendly either. As staunch traditionalists the Yngloe are naturally resistant to change and unwilling to debate their beliefs with outsiders. Role Playing Notes: A Yngloe NPC should be shy and wary of outsiders. He or she should be set in his or her ways. This character may be stubborn in some areas and unwilling to compromise. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *A diplomatic mission to Yng II is attempting to obtain mining rights to a region that is rich in a rare metal. The diplomatic team has spent donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Intelligence Rating: 4.9 Technology Rating: 6.6 Militancy Rating: 7.5 Economic Rating: 4.9 Individuality Rating: 3.1 Social Organization: Jassian society is based around fighting units comprised of anywhere between three and fifteen individuals. The Jassians propagate by the means of asexual spawning. Each member of the species spawns several clones in succession as the creature nears the end of its lifecycle. There is a high genetic mutation rate among Jassians so each clone is not actually an exact copy of the parent that spawned it. While the tendency for genetic drift ensures a healthy variety of genes in the population, it can result in a large number of non-viable or unhealthy clones. The newborn clones are usually adopted by other members of the parent’s fighting unit. This species is engineered to reach physical maturity in a short amount of time. However, the young Jassian will need the protection and guidance of its adopted parents for quite some time. A Jassian that has demonstrated emotional and intellectual maturity is initiated as a full member of the fighting unit.

Alien Name: Jassian Homeworld: X’tkix Prime Physical Description: These short humanoids have bodies that are covered by a chitinous armor. They have four upper limbs; two jointed limbs with appendages and two flexible tentacles. Their heads are oval shaped with large eyes and a distinct cleft through the top of the cranium. Stat Adjustments: -2 DEX, +2 CON and WILL Advantages: Grappling Ability, Racial Talent (multiple limbs: grasping), Racial Talent (multiattack), Resilience.

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Government: The Jassians who still live under the control of their X’tikix creators have no government of their own and are entirely subjugated by the X’tikix hierarchy. Other X’tikix live as slaves under the dominance of other species to whom they have been sold. The Jassians were the first creation of the X’tikix to escape from control of their masters and gain their freedom. The freeborn Jassians that inhabit the galaxy have no regard for the laws of other cultures and races. Ecology/Environment: As a genetically engineered species, the Jassians have no natural environment. Very little is known about the environment of X’tikix Alpha, the planet where this species was designed. The progenitor species of the Jassians designed the species to be able to adapt well to a wide variety of


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens environments and climates. Overall Description: The Jassian race was created by the X’tikix to serve as an elite corps of slave soldiers. The more that the X’tikix expanded their sphere of influence the more that they saw the need to develop a powerful military force. The Jassians were designed both to defend the X’tikix against foreign aggression and to control the burgeoning population of slave species. As the X’tikix began selling their genetically engineered slaves to other races, they realized that the Jassians could become their most lucrative product. However, they were careful not to allow to many of them on the market for fear that they may be used against their themselves. Jassians were not developed as front line troops but rather they are bred for covert actions behind enemy lines. Espionage and sabotage are the two most favored tools in their tool box. Those Jassians that have been sold on the open market have been put to use as special ops troops, suicide squads, and elite bodyguards. Some enterprising individuals have purchased a Jassian fighting unit in order to rent them out as mercenaries. It was these kinds of slavers that allowed the Jassians their freedom, either by escaping or as a reward for loyal service.


for art, music, history, or other products of “culture.” Stoic by nature, they take no pleasure in anything other than victory. Role Playing Notes: The most likely interaction that a team of characters will have with a Jassian is going to involve violence or at least the threat of violence. Jassians enjoy personal combat and may attempt to engage a target hand to hand in order to achieve a more thrilling victory. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *An old rival of the player characters has obtained the services of a Jassian fighting unit and sent them on a mission to wipe them out. The Jassians have been tracking the characters across the galaxy, waiting for the right time to strike. *A business man with ties to the under world finds that his holdings are being repeatedly attacked by a group of Jassians. He hires the team to find out who contracted the Jassians and then take them out before he becomes their next target.

*A controversial political figure survives an assassination attempt by a Jassian fighting unit. The Jassians that live free throughout the He hires the player characters to guard him and galaxy are almost all employed as mercenaries, his family from these ruthless killers. assassins, or similar professions. Hiring a Jassian fighting unit is extremely expensive but the mere threat of having them on retainer is enough to make most people think twice about crossing you. Jassian mercenaries almost always complete their given assignments, but not due to any loyalty to their employers or desire for reputation. A mission that is not completed robs the Jassians of the thing that they desire most; victory. Typical Personality: Most Jassians have no regard for any life other than those of its spawn, its fighting unit, and sometimes other Jassians. The intense loyalty that members of a fighting unit have for each other means that Jassians are rarely encountered alone. Jassians care nothing

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact are doted upon by their elders for some time. Education is a primary aspect of communal life and a young Yabacha has no shortage of teachers and mentors. The adolescents study a wide range of topics that include science, philosophy, history, and languages.

Government: The Yabacha see social life as a series of interconnected relationships with each life form in its place. Their own communities are so tightly interwoven in each others’ lives that they have almost no need of formal laws and regulations for societal control. Relations between different communities are likewise amicable to the point where government is Alien Name: Yabacha almost an after thought. Generally speaking the Homeworld: Yabach “leaders” of the planet Yabach do little more than Physical Description: This species of give advice to their constituents and facilitate skeletally thin creatures is covered by a thick, communications between communities. This slimy bio-film that is comprised of masses of role, while sometimes overlooked, is important because it allows for the spread of ideas and various tiny creatures. information across the planet. Stat Adjustments: +2 INT and WILL, -2 STR. Ecology/Environment: Yabach is a hot, Advantages: Fast healing humid world that is dominated by large lakes, Intelligence Rating: 7.1 swamps, and bogs. Almost every solid surface Technology Rating: 6.8 is covered with a mass of living things and the surface of the water is likewise coated with a thick Militancy Rating: 4.5 layer of organic matter. Even the air surrounding Economic Rating: 6.6 the planet is teeming with life as thick clouds Individuality Rating: 2.9 of flying creatures dominate the skies. Some of Social Organization: The Yabacha live these flying swarms are so large that they can be together in tightly knit communal groups. They seen from space. reproduce asexually and the young offspring Overall Description: Renowned for their are left alone for the first few years of their lives. intelligence and good judgment, many cultures The young develop in bogs and tidal pools that seek the counsel and wisdom of Yabacha contain the microorganisms that make up the communities. Not only are they consulted on bio-film that will eventually coat their bodies. tricky scientific problems but they are also This symbiotic relationship is very important to known to mediate disputes and act as personal the Yabacha lifestyle and makes them very much gurus to troubled sentient beings. in tune with their place in the broader ecosystem. The Yabacha have no enemies among the After fully integrating with the communal bio-film that covers their bodies, a young Yabacha undertakes a treacherous journey from its spawning pool to unite with its parent and the larger community. Many Yabacha do not survive this trek. Those who do make it become celebrated members of the community and

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various worlds of the galaxy, a rare feat even for the most peaceful and compassionate of species. This fact combined with their general lack of interest in economic competition or expansion on to other worlds makes them the perfect choice for those who are looking for neutral arbitrators.


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens The bio-film that surrounds them contains a number of species of micro-organisms, many of which are specialized and adapted to live symbiotically with the Yabacha themselves. Aside from protecting their frail bodies from the elements, these various organisms perform tasks that range from healing wounds to transmitting information to each other on a molecular level. It is through this medium that certain members of this species have learned to share memories with each other.


are forced to do it themselves then a major diplomatic row will ensue. The team is hired by the government in question to confront the miners and force them off the planet by any means necessary. Their employers would prefer that the characters not harm their citizens but they understand that it may come to that.

*A Yabacha community that is trying to establish a colony on another world has sparked conflict with the native inhabitants. A member of the native community has disappeared after Typical Personality: The Yabacha are going to see the Yabacha and the others are communal to the point where they almost cannot claiming foul play. The Yabacha themselves function as separate beings. Every decision that are eerily quiet about this matter. The player an individual makes is done in conjunction with characters have to determine if there really was others. Usually an individual will initiate a long a murder or if this incident is just an excuse series of consultations and debates among the for anti-alien violence. The situation has to community before making a decision on even a resolved quickly before an unruly mob attacks minor matter. the Yabacha and provokes widespread violence Role Playing Notes: A Yabacha NPC is between the two groups. not an individual in the traditional sense. The characters will almost never encounter one by itself. A group of Yabacha will elect a spokesman to communicate with outsiders for them but they will deliberate internally over every statement and response. These creatures are peaceful and not easily angered but they will fight against anyone who acts in a hostile manner or threatens the environment of their planet. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *The daughter of a wealthy corporate baron has run away from home and was last seen heading to Yabach in order to seek advice from the Yabacha communities. At last report she had crash landed in the impenetrable swamps of the planet as had not been heard from since. The player characters are hired to rescue the lost heiress and escort her to safety. *A group of outlaw miners has angered the Yabacha by setting up a drilling site on their planet. The Yabacha communities are united in their outrage against this intrusion. They are demanding that the homeworld of these miners take action to remove them. If the Yabacha

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact Social Organization: The Hurkus live together in loose associations of related families. These creatures are not psychologically capable of cooperating with other members of their own species unless they are from the same group of families and were raised together. Though they are naturally anti-social and independence minded, there is no conflict within Hurkus social units. Unfamiliar Hurkus are treated no differently than animals and they will even hunt their own kind if no other prey is available.

Alien Name: Hurkus Homeworld: Deliphus II

The Hurkus psychology is dominated by the urge to hunt and kill. These vicious predators do not see other life forms as having any value other than as food. Only the close emotional bonds formed during the maturing process prevent them from attacking members of their own familial group. When a familial group becomes too large then the Hurkus are not able to properly form these crucial bonds. The lack of emotional closeness causes friction until the point where the Hurkus turn on each other and eventually the group splits apart. Those Hurkus who have bonded with each other naturally group together against the rest.

Physical Description: These humanoid creatures have four legs and arms that end in razor sharp beaks. Their heads are dominated by a mouth that has two enormous fangs jutting from it.

Government: The Hurkus have no planetary government. A semi-tribal structure governs individual family groups but no other authority exists on Deliphus II. The familial groups are lead by a hunts master who only has authority if he or she can convince others to follow Stat Adjustments: +2 DEX, -2 INT and PRE Advantages: Additional Sense (low-light along. Generally the best hunter in the group vision), Natural Weapons (these creatures are is chosen as hunts master and all others follow able to deal 5d6 points of lethal damage with suit. Sometimes a contest of skill is needed to a successful unarmed attack), Racial Talent convince the group which hunter is the best. Ecology/Environment: Deliphus II is a (multiple limbs: locomotion), Disadvantages: Compulsion, hunting dry, rocky world that is covered in scrub plains, (strong: Will check DV17, the creature must fulfill desert, and rugged mountains. Violent weather on this planet kicks up massive dust storms the compulsion at least once every three days) that can last for days on end. These storms are Intelligence Rating: 4.1 often accompanied by lighting. The fact that this planet orbits unusually close to its home star Technology Rating: 3.7 largely explains the desolate and inhospitable Militancy Rating: 7.1 environment. Economic Rating: 3.0 Overall Description: These terrifying Individuality Rating: 6.3 creatures are the stuff of nightmares. Consumed

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens by a ravenous appetite and driven by the psychological urge to kill, Hurkus are not good at anything except hunting. Even at that task they tend to rely on brute force and number more than tactics or planning. Their species cannot cooperate to the extent needed to form a true civilization and it is unlikely that they will ever develop and advanced technology.


Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign.

*A shipment of captured Hurkus that was intended for a gladiatorial arena crashes on an inhabited planet. The Hurkus have run wild in the remote reaches of the planet and they are killing scores of sentient beings and devastating Hurkus are often used as sentient attack dogs the local ecosystem. The player characters are by members of other races. The Hurkus do not hired to exterminate the Hurkus infestation. accept this lot voluntarily, nor are they slaves in *The characters are captured by a powerful the traditional sense. The creatures are simply crime boss and exiled into a massive sewer confined until needed and then let loose in the system that is the hunting grounds of a group of area where their owners intend to wreak havoc. Hurkus. Because they are naturally driven by hunger and *The characters are assigned to escort a an urge for violence, the Hurkus have no choice but to unleash the mayhem and devastation that scientific mission to Deliphus II. The party is their masters intended. All attempts to recruit stranded when a dust storm prevents a retrieval Hurkus as mercenaries has failed miserably, craft from landing. As the characters wait out the with the usual result of the Hurkus trying to eat storm, they run into a horde of hungry Hurkus. whomever made the offer. Captured Hurkus fetch a high price on the galactic market. This is partially because they are so terrifying and partially because catching them is such dangerous work. Most expeditions to capture live Hurkus end in failure and there is almost always a loss of life among the hunters. Typical Personality: Hurkus are consumed by an overwhelming urge to kill and eat anything that they come across. Other sentient beings are potential food for them. Hurkus will not anything that is already dead unless they are on the brink of starving to death. The urge to hunt is so strong that they will attack heavily armed guards rather than accept a chunk of meat that has been offered. They will not attack members of their own social group but they show no particular loyalty to each other either. A Hurkus group will often leave a stranded or wounded member behind as they single mindedly pursuit their prey. Role Playing Notes: Hurkus rarely have peaceful interactions with members of other species. Almost any encounter with a team of player characters will result in the Hurkus attempting to eat someone.

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact Social Organization: The Ueda live in vast hordes that roam the galaxy marauding at will. Each horde is further divided into nations, tribes, clans, and families. A Ueda horde can contain within its numbers a vast menagerie of cultures, languages, and customs. It is not unheard of for members of other races to join with a Ueda horde. The horde ruler owes his position to a combination of military prowess, cutthroat politics, and sheer physical intimidation. A leader is secure in his or her position as long as the horde enjoys military success. Failure and defeat can lead hungry young upstarts to begin plotting behind a leader’s back and this can eventually lead to a ritual combat between the leader and his or her would-be successor. A horde ruler is only vulnerable to usurpation if his or her popularity among the horde falls due to repeated defeats or losses in battle. Murdering or even speaking ill of a popular leader is sure to lead to a violent death at the hands of an angry mob.

Alien Name: Ueda Homeworld: Ued Beta Physical Description: These stocky humanoids are covered with an unkempt mass of hair. They are widely recognized by their upturned noses and large, slavering jaws. Stat Adjustments: +2 STR, -2 WILL and PRE Advantages: Additional Sense (darkvision), Base Attack Bonus, Skill Bonus (+4 to all Intimidate checks). Disadvantages: Head Blind. Intelligence Rating: 5.3 Technology Rating: 7.1 Militancy Rating: 8.8 Economic Rating: 6.9 Individuality Rating: 7.1

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Beneath the horde ruler are a large number of lesser figures. None of these sub-leaders have any official title or specific duties. They owe their position solely to the large number of troops that choose to follow them. Some of these leaders may be in perpetual conflict with the horde leader, maintaining fidelity to him or her due to the leader’s popularity. The horde boss must tread carefully when dealing with those under him, for killing someone with a large number of warriors can be dangerous. Unless good cause is shown in the killing, the slain commander’s followers may rise up and split from the main horde. The end result of such a rift could very well be a bloody civil war. Among the powerful figures in a horde are a select number of informal advisors that make up a sort of leadership council. Some of these Ueda may not begin their careers commanding the loyalty of very many troops at all. However, proximity to the horde ruler is likely to attract the services of many unaffiliated warriors.


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens Government: The only law among the Ueda is the law of the horde. The militaristic nature of the Ueda leads many to assume that they practice a military command structure and martial discipline. Nothing can be further from the truth. The Ueda have enormous problems controlling the masses, even on the rare occasion when they really try. Disseminating information is another serious problem. There are times when a band of Ueda warriors will miss out on a raid simply because they hadn’t been told about it or because the announcement was made in a language that they couldn’t speak. It is the task of individual commanders to rally together their own troops in order to take part in the plunder. A commander who does poorly at this will miss out on the slaughter and claim a lesser share of glory and treasure. A commander who is skilled at organizing and leading his or her private band will have more success during raids. Successful commanders invariably draw the attention of more and more troops.


Role Playing Notes: The most common form of interaction between an Ueda NPC and a group of player characters will involve violence and robbery. This does not need to be the case, as some Ueda have broken away from their respective hordes and live among other species as mercenaries, criminals, and in some cases, productive citizens. Even among the hordes, the Ueda know that outright hostility is not always the answer to a problem. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *The player characters are spending time of a space station while their ship is being repaired or because they are awaiting transport. Without warning a fleet of Ueda raiders swarms over the station and soon the entire place is overrun by a blood thirsty horde. *A Ueda horde has stolen a valuable experimental technology. The team is tasked with locating the horde and either bargaining for the item or stealing it outright.

Ecology/Environment: Ued Beta is said to be a lush jungle planet teeming with life. This *A Ueda horde contacts a planetary cannot be confirmed as the location of the Ueda government with an offer of trade. Their fleet home world is not precisely known. All of the Ueda that have made contact with other races has run low on clean water and they are offering valuable minerals, stolen goods, and other have been space faring hordes. Overall Description: Ueda hordes believe treasures in exchange for the right to harvest that they have a divinely inspired mission to kill, water from the planet’s oceans. The planetary plunder, and destroy anything that they come government agrees to the trade out of fear that across. This warrior culture believes that the the desperate Ueda might launch an assault. The strong have the right to take anything they want player characters are tasked with monitoring the from the weak, even their lives. This religious horde and watching for any sign of duplicity. mandate proves itself in practice, if the gods wanted the weak to live then they would not have made them weak. Typical Personality: Most Ueda are easily angered and very aggressive when challenged. They are not the mindless brutes that many believe them to be. What they lose in judgment and social skills they make up for with sadistic intelligence. Underestimating a Ueda may be the last mistake you ever make. These creatures have an understanding of negotiation and allies, though they are hardly a race of diplomats.

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Lightspeed: Alien Contact Social Organization: Ocel live in small family groups comprised of the parents and a single offspring. The parents wait until the young is fully matured before mating again and producing another offspring. These families are extremely close knit and the young accompany their parents everywhere. Because of the species’ natural wanderlust, most Ocel have traveled great distances with their parents before they were fully grown. Much of a young Ocel’s education is received first hand through the experiences they have with their parents. As adolescence approaches the young venture further and further out on their own, eventually splitting from their parents completely. It is at this stage of life that Ocel will gather together in groups of other youngsters. The young often choose to congregate near an elderly, semi-stationary, member of their species. It is through this tradition that the Ocel developed an organized educational system.

Adults without children of their own are often more sedentary then other members of their species, exploring new places only as often as they are psychologically compelled to do so. It is these members of Ocel society that form the core of social institutions such as institutes Alien Name: Ocel of learning, government, industry, etc. Some Homeworld: Oktekal Minor members of Ocel society choose to spend their Physical Description: The Ocel are a entire lives wandering and exploring and never species of reptilian humanoids that have large settle down in one place. It is believed that arms and short legs. constant travel and exploration has helped unify Ocel culture at a very early stage in their history. Stat Adjustments: +2 STR, -2 DEX Advantages: Additional Sense (other: The restless travelers passed through one thermal), Bonus Skill Points (these creatures gain society after another, introducing these cultures 4 additional skill points at first level and 1 skill to each other’s language and customs. Government: The government of Oktekal point for each additional level) Disadvantages: Compulsion, visiting new Minor is a representative democracy with clear places (mild: Will check DV13, the creature must separation of powers between the various branches of government. The various branches fulfill the compulsion at least once a month). even hold session at separate times, so that Intelligence Rating: 5.6 the legislature is never assembled at the same Technology Rating: 6.1 time that the judiciary is holding court. The military is a separate branch of government Militancy Rating: 4.3 from the executive. The executive is mainly in Economic Rating: 6.2 charge of overseeing public work, schools, and Individuality Rating: 5.1 administrating various publicly funded research

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


centers. The impulsive wandering of the Ocel makes it difficult for them to organize an effective government. This results in a slow moving and often ineffectual political process.

retrace this explorers steps in order to find him and his mysterious object. Agents hired by other galactic powers attempt to thwart the team and murder the Ocel explorer.

Ecology/Environment: Oktekal Minor is a world of stark extremes. The planet is home to towering mountain peaks, massive cave systems, burning deserts and freezing tundra. The varied geography of the planet creates regions that are climatically distinct from nearby areas. One part of the planet will be visited by constant rainstorms while a short distance away there is a barren desert.

*A diplomatic mission to Oktekal minor is placed on indefinite hold when the primary Ocel negotiator vanishes. At first everyone assumes that he is simply out exploring on a whim. But it soon comes to light that he has been kidnapped by someone who does not want the negotiations to continue. The player characters are called in to track down the missing diplomat and rescue him.

Overall Description: The Ocel are consummate explorers with an undeniable urge to expand their base of knowledge. They are psychologically compelled to explore new places. This natural tendency for exploration leads them to the desire to understand what they have discovered.

*An Ocel engineer is working on a construction project on another planet when she goes exploring. She sparks of an intergalactic incident when she goes off to explore an area that is considered sacred by other races. The player characters must remove the Ocel from this area before the tensions escalate into a holy war that decimates the entire region.

Typical Personality: Ocel are impulsive and extremely curious. Rarely will they allow a chance to learn pass them by. The Ocel system of knowledge is based on first hand experience and they place little stock in hearsay or textbook knowledge. That being said, Ocel love telling stories and they are greatly entertained by the stories of others. Interestingly, there is no word in any Ocel language for “fiction,” they refer to made up stories as lies and have no patience for them at all. Role Playing Notes: An Ocel NPC should be brash and ever willing to push the boundaries of others. He or she should always have a story to share and listen attentively to any story told by others. These creatures are bold and extremely curious, try to play up these qualities as the NPC interacts with the player characters. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *An Ocel explorer discovers an advanced alien artifact on a supposedly uninhabited world. As the story of this discovery spreads around the galaxy, many empires decide to see if it is true or not. The player characters are hired to donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact living and collective responsibilities in terms of child raising and other tasks. Clusters dissolve and reform fairly often and there are no hard feelings when a Ganifian decides to depart from his or her cluster. Mating pairs often split up after bringing several offspring into the world. Very rarely will you see a Ganifian endure hardship of suffering for the sake of its cluster.

Alien Name: Ganifian Homeworld: Ganis

Status and acclaim are valued things in Ganifian society. An individual makes a name for his or herself through accomplishments. Coming up with an innovative idea, a groundbreaking work of art, a new way of doing things, these are the kinds of things that guarantee prominence in Ganifian society. On the other hand, a reputation for imitation or unimaginative thinking is a sure way for an individual to lose esteem in the eyes of the population at large. It is often hard for outsiders to understand why the highly individualistic Ganifians care so little for the opinions of their cluster mates but put a high value on the adoration of stangers.

Government: Ganis is governed by a Physical Description: The Ganifians are direct democracy with only a small handful of a species of worm like creatures with two professional politicians. Most issues are settled by direct referendums. The Ganfians are not manipulator tentacles and a single large eye. socially minded enough to form lasting political Stat Adjustments: -2 STR, +2 INT and PRE. factions and even when they do, the membership Advantages: Grappling Ability, Natural rarely agrees on more than one issue. Psionics, Characteristic Check Bonus (+4 to Will The Ganifians have only a very small standing Characteristic Checks) military. Most of the planetary defenses take Intelligence Rating: 5.3 the form of a civilian defensive force. During Technology Rating: 6.1 the past century, the planet Ganis has twice been invaded by alien militaries. In both of Militancy Rating: 5.3 these cases, the Ganifians proved themselves Economic Rating: 6.8 to be extremely capable guerilla fighters. Their Individuality Rating: 7.1 unpredictable tactics and psionic powers made Social Organization: The Ganifians live live unbearable for the occupying forces, who together in social groups called clusters. A withdrew after only a few years. cluster is comprised of several mated pairs Ecology/Environment: Ganis is a muddy, that are linked together by bonds of friendship, rain soaked planet with almost no arid land. The mutual interest, or occupation. Offspring leave entire planet is riddled with tunnels and holes their parents to form their own clusters as soon that the Ganifians use for transportation and as they are physically mature. As individualists, occasional living space. This causes the ground Ganfiian clusters are not tightly knit groups. to frequently collapse in some places. Instead they exist for the convenience of group

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens Overall Description: The Ganifians are widely respected for their natural psionic abilities. Many of them have taken to the stars in the service of scientists, ship captains, and other aliens. These creatures have no problems living away from their own kind as they do not have a particularly strong social impulse. Typical Personality: Ganifians tend to be highly independent, creative thinkers. They do not hesitate to express their opinion and have no problem arguing a point even when everyone else is against it. They love to challenge orthodoxy and may even present a completely ludicrous notion for no other reason than no one else has said it.


shipment of high tech merchandise. When the cargo disappears, the team takes the blame for it. As the mystery unravels, the characters discover that the business owner is actually a Ganfian with close ties to the underworld. It has sold is own goods on the black market and then let the player characters take the fall for the “theft.” When the team discovers the truth, the crime lord sets its minions against them. The player characters must outwit the authorities and overcome a gang of armed thugs in order to prove their innocence and take down the crooked Ganfian.

*A famous artist visits the planet Ganis in order to study the creative method of the Ganfians. However, the artist is driven insane by Role Playing Notes: Most Ganifian NPCs the constant mental contact that is thrust upon will be hard to relate to. They care little for the him by the alien minds. Completely mad, the opinions of others and do not work well in large artist takes a delegation of alien representative groups. Most Ganfians would rather go their hostages and begins making outrageous own way than go along with a decision that they demands of the intergalactic community. The disagree with. That being said, a Ganfian NPC player characters are hired to get the artist off can make a very interesting and helpful ally if the of the planet before the Ganfians decide to take player characters can deal with its individualism him out. and free spirit. A Ganfian who has become the enemy of the player characters can be quite dangerous. These creatures do not hesitate to use their psionic abilities in battle. Nor do they have any problem manipulating others to do their dirty work. A small handful of amoral Ganfians have set themselves up as intergalactic crime bosses, political demagogues, and phony religious prophets. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *A Ganfian with impressive psionic powers has been recruited by an intergalactic intelligence agency with a grudge against the player characters. The Ganfian’s handlers use its mental prowess to track them from planet to planet. If they are caught, the Ganfian will use its powers to coerce the team into making a false confession. *A shady business magnate recruits the player characters to guard a mysterious donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Disadvantages: Size Category Reduction. Intelligence Rating: 5.1 Technology Rating: 6.7 Militancy Rating: 4.0 Economic Rating: 6.9 Individuality Rating: 4.8 Social Organization: Condizi live in large family groups where two parents raise extremely large numbers of children. A Condizi female may lay as many as many as a dozen eggs at a time and she may lay a hundred clutches of eggs in her life time. The oldest off the offspring are expected to help look after their younger siblings as well as work to keep the family fed. The female parent is in charge of keeping the offspring on task while the male parent is occupied full time with work and other chores. Each Condizi family has its own status as part of society. Several families in the same region may be grouped together to form a “village” while a large number of families that live in the same area might constitute a “city.” The society is matriarchic in nature, with the elder females in any family having authority over the males and their younger relatives.

Alien Name: Condizi Homeworld: Condice Rizza Physical Description: These amphibious creatures resemble walking tadpoles with large round eyes. Stat Adjustments: None. Advantages: Additional Sense (low-light vision), Racial Talent (amphibious), Racial Talent (linguistic aptitude), Racial Talent (swim), Skill Bonus (+4 on all Cryptography checks).

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Females that reach adulthood are forced from the home and must strike out on their own. Once a female has established a life for herself, including a home, she travels to a nearby family and asks the matriarch of the household for permission to take one of the males as her mate. Males who reach adulthood without ever being selected as anyone’s mate will spend the rest of their lives with the family, essentially slaves to their mothers and sisters. Government: The government of Condice Rizza is an extension of the natural family structure. This complex web of family groups is divided by continents, regions, and provinces. Each province is then divided by cities and villages that are made up of multiple families. If a family moves from one region to another it can drastically alter the population and political make up of the regions involved. Since the families that make up a village or city are usually related,


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


they tend to stick together against the interest of other locales. The provincial governments must battle against the constant competition that springs from the infighting between cities. Provincial governments are technically elected bodies, though in practice government jobs are passed from mother to daughter almost like hereditary titles. This is also true of the regional, continental, and world governments. Political change is almost impossible as entrenched political families use their connection to keep power in their hands.

Overall Description: Condizi are in high demand due to their unusual linguistic abilities. Many species travel to Condice Rizza in order to recruit Condizi translators.

The various governments on Condice Rizza are linked together in a tangled web of regional and family loyalties. Some cities may answer to more than one provincial government while others are ignored completely. Some families may answer directly to an official on the continental or global level while others are caught in an impenetrable maze of bureaucracy and conflicting chains of command.

Role Playing Notes: A Condizi NPC should be thoughtful and eager to please. He or she should also be diligent toward any tasks that he or she undertakes. This NPC makes a handy ally to any group of player characters that is in need of translation services or skilled divers.

The military is the only part of the government that is free from this bureaucratic nightmare. Military commanders report directly to the continental governments. There is a clear chain of command that precludes and family connections or regional bias. Military life is often the only chance that an unmated male has of escaping the servitude of life at home. The core of the Condizzi military is formed of males who serve for life. The majority of the officers are young females without children who have not yet established themselves in the world. Because of their unique talents, Condizi personnel often serve as advisors to allied military forces. They are highly respected for their abilities as translators and naval personnel.

Typical Personality: Condizi tend to be quiet and reserved. They like to listen to what others have to say and do not rush to judgment. Mals tend to be less assertive than females. Both sexes are extremely hard workers and they put their best effort into any endeavor. These are generally social creatures who get along well with many species.

Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *A Condizi linguist disappears while working to decipher an ancient tablet. The player characters are asked to travel to the alien archeological site in order to determine what happened. *A group of Condizi divers is working on a construction project on the bottom of the ocean when their platform is attacked by a monstrous alien sea creature. The team must travel to this ocean world and rescue the Condizi workers from the sea floor.

*The player characters travel to Condice Rizza in order to seek out the services of a revered Condizi translator. They need him to help them unlock the meaning behind the inscription on an Ecology/Environment: Condice Rizza is a alien device that has come into their possession. cold, swampy world. The barren polar regions However, someone doesn’t want the characters are covered in sheets of ice while the area in to solve this mystery. The team must fend of between is constantly wet and brimming with Condizi agents that have been hired to steal the rivers, lakes, bogs, and other wetlands. No part device while simultaneously thwarting a plot to assassinate the linguist they seek. of this planet is free from water.

donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Intelligence Rating: 4.9 Technology Rating: 6.7 Militancy Rating: 7.5 Economic Rating: 6.1 Individuality Rating: 3.1 Social Organization: Betrulas live together in extended families. Individual family units tend to be small but large numbers of related families will all share the same living space. This communal environment can include hundreds of cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, etc. Betrulas owe unquestioning obedience to their fathers. This absolute submission to paternal authority extends to a lesser extend to all elder male relatives. Females are supposed to be obedient to all of their male relatives except the very youngest of children. This hierarchy extends all the way to the top of the family tree, where the oldest living male in a clan has tacit authority over all of his children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, etc. Respect for elders applies posthumously on Betrul and direct ancestors are revered with religious devotion.

Alien Name: Betrula Homeworld: Betrul Physical Description: These aliens are thin framed humanoids who tend to be quite tall. Their most prominent feature is a large horn that protrudes from the front of their faces. Stat Adjustments: +2 CON, -2 PRE. Advantages: Attack Bonus (members of this species receive a +1 bonus on all melee attacks), Natural Weapons (these creatures are able to deal 5d6 points of lethal damage with a successful unarmed attack).

Government: Betrul is ruled by a harsh theocracy. The religious leaders demand nothing less than complete submission from their followers. The high priests have the authority to intervene into any private matter, no matter how personal or sensitive it may be. Religious law is strictly enforced with very draconian punishments for those who violate even the most minor law. As a matter of technicality, almost everything is against the law except work, prayer, and martial practice. Within individual families the relatives are tasked with enforcing religious edicts among their kin. Most families are willing to let their own families slide when it comes to minor infractions such as wearing the wrong color or eating forbidden foods. However, most are quick to point out the short comings of others. The high priests gain their position after years of memorizing sacred texts. Once in power, each priest is responsible for overseeing his own flock of religious devotees and serving the religion’s hierarchy as a whole. There is no single leader

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens or religious authority on Betrul. Individual places of worship have their own leadership but are not directly beholden to no one else. Certain priests have gained enormous followings and therefore they have a great deal of influence on religious life. Occasionally a group of highly influential temple leaders will be called together in order to settle a dispute between factions or clarify a matter of religious law. Ecology/Environment: Betrul is a barren, rocky world that is covered in deserts and arid grasslands. High mountain peaks break up the landscape but the mountains themselves are almost completely devoid of life. Almost all Betrula settlements are built near sacred oasis or fertile river valleys. Overall Description: The Betrula have taken to the stars to expand their territory and bring riches back to their homeworld. However, they lack the technological and economic infrastructure necessary to claim territory and exploit resources on other planets. This has lead a number of Betrulas to venture out into the galaxy in the service of other powers. It is hoped that the wealth and knowledge gained from these mercenary exploits will help raise Betrul into an interplanetary power.


Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *The player characters accidentally insult a troupe of Betrula mercenaries. They take offense to such a degree that it provokes a blood feud that can only end after one side or the other has been exterminated. *A diplomatic mission to Betrul is put in jeopardy when the delegation is kidnapped by a breakaway religious sect. These renegades are fanatics even by Betrula standards. The player characters are tasked with rescuing the hostages without provoking the anger of the mainstream religious authorities. *A group of Betrulas fighting under the banner of a foreign power take over an isolated outpost on an undeveloped world. They have enslaved and brutalized the population. This desertion and the subsequent conquest have angered the Betrulas’ employers who have contracted the team to liberate the outpost and eliminate the deserters.

Typical Personality: Most Betrula are gruff, stern, and very demanding of others. They have no patience for dissent or nonconformity. Some recognize that other cultures have their own standards of conduct but the majority expect every race to adhere to their own impossible code of behavior. Role Playing Notes: Betrula care nothing for the lives of other species. As infidels, these creatures are damned to eternal torment anyway, so what difference should it make whether they enter the afterlife today or years from now? This utter contempt for all other life should be the cornerstone of a Betrula NPCs interaction with the player characters. Combat with this NPC is not a forgone conclusion but it is a strong possibility.

donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Social Organization: The Ishoni live together in small familial units. A family will usually consist of parents with one or two offspring. Ish Delta is a densely populated world and almost all Ishoni live in an urban environment. Government: Ish Delta is a technocracy that is ruled by a council of elite scientists, scholars, and other experts. The members of this species think of governing as a science, one that can be perfected through study and experimentation. Members of this council are selected by an elected body known as the Assembly of Experts. The Assembly chooses members of the council to serve out terms of various lengths depending on the experience and field of study of the candidate. The government of Ish Delta is limited in its power by the vast influence of the planet’s many corporations and economic interests. These mercantile entities control most of the planets economic activity as well as the institutes of learning and research laboratories. This means that most of the members of the Technocratic Council are former corporate employees.

Ecology/Environment: The planet Ish Delta is massively populated and highly urbanized. Alien Name: Ishoni Even the bottoms of the ocean are heavily Homeworld: Ish Delta settled. The civic engineers have made sure that Physical Description: The Ishoni are a race even the most overcrowded area is built with of short humanoids with bald heads and three green space and natural habitats. The Ishoni are smart enough to leave some parts of their clawed fingers on each hand. planet completely off limits and these reserves Stat Adjustments: +2 INT and PRE, -2 STR. are the only unspoiled wilderness on left on Advantages: Natural Weapons (these Ish Delta. Even with the urban green zones and creatures are able to deal 3d6 points of lethal natural reserves, the Ishoni have to purify their damage with a successful unarmed attack). Skill atmosphere with the aid of filtration towers and Bonus (+4 on all Diplomacy skill checks), Skill genetically engineered microbes. Bonus (+2 on all Computers, Electronics, and Overall Description: The Ishoni have Technology skill checks) developed a reputation as merchants and Disadvantages: Size Category Reduction businessmen. Their mercantile fame is rivaled Intelligence Rating: 6.8 only by their technological savvy. Ishoni corporations operate throughout the galaxy and Technology Rating: 7.5 have a vast influence on the economic affairs of Militancy Rating: 5.7 other planets. The combination of business skill Economic Rating: 7.8 and advanced technology is a powerful tool that has allowed the Ishoni to economically subjugate Individuality Rating: 5.2

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a number of planets.

*Conflict rages between an Ishoni corporation and a foreign government who Many Ishoni scientists and other educated members of their society have emigrated to has accused the Ishoni of selling advanced other planets to escape the undue influence of weaponry to criminals and rebels. The player the planet’s business leaders. Those who do not characters are asked to investigate and keep desire a lifetime of employment in the ranks of the situation from exploding. They soon discover the corporations often have no choice but to leave that an intergalactic rival has been imitating their homeworld and seek out opportunities Ishoni designs and selling them illegally, all in elsewhere. A few of these Ishoni have joined with an attempt to discredit their competitors. other races to settle uninhabited worlds. Typical Personality: Ishoni place a lot of value on knowledge and skill. They will not hesitate to display their own savvy. They also have no pity for the gullible or ignorant and will swindle anyone who seems like an easy mark. While egotistical and manipulative, the Ishoni often come across as extremely likable. Role Playing Notes: An Ishoni NPC should be highly intelligent and extremely personable. He or she should rely more on diplomacy and word play that brute force. However, this character should not hesitate to kick someone when they are down, should the situation call for it. If all else fails an Ishoni NPC will buy his or her way out of trouble but this may be seen as a sign that cunning has failed. An Ishoni is loathe to offer a bribe because it signifies desperation. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *An Ishoni executive hires the player characters to conduct corporate espionage against a competitor. Once the job is finished and the data has been delivered the executive decides to eliminate the only witnesses to his crime. Wave after wave of freelance assassins are sent after the team. The only way to stop this onslaught is either to kill the executive or expose his misdeeds to the company, embarrassing them into taking action. *The characters are assigned to protect an Ishoni trader as she makes her way across the galaxy, selling high tech merchandise to the highest bidder. This journey leads to numerous bad deals, brushes with alien authorities, and acts of attempted piracy. donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Intelligence Rating: 7.1 Technology Rating: 8.1 Militancy Rating: 3.3 Economic Rating: 7.9 Individuality Rating: 3.1 Social Organization: The Ensomi live in massive collectives where members equally share the burden of providing essentials. These collectives are formed by dozens of related families and individuals who came together due to geographic proximity or related occupation. Members of a collective tend to be fiercely loyal to each other. Decision making within the collective is made through consensus and a major issue may provoke the members of the collective to debate endless for days before reaching a unanimous conclusion.

Alien Name: Ensomi Homeworld: Enso Matis Physical Description: The small humanoid creatures are characterized by the two large eye stalks that protrude from their heads. They have grey skin and stubby appendages.

Government: The government of Enso Matis is a tightly regimented meritocracy controlled by the bureaucratic elite. Those who demonstrate effective management skills and achieve results in their given departments are promoted to higher and higher positions of authority. The ruling body of this system is the Grand Committee. This committee is composed of the highest ranking members of the various departments in the government. The committee is attended to by a large staff of technical experts and researchers. The committee sets long term goals for the planet, dictates policy, and responds to crisis.

Below the Grand Committee are a slew of administrators, technical experts, and policy advisors whose job it is to enforce the decisions of the Grand Committee. Each department is Stat Adjustments: +2 INT and WILL, -2 STR a highly specialized type of bureaucracy with Advantages: Bonus Skill Points (these a limited scope of responsibility. The Grand creatures gain 4 additional skill points at first Committee expects consistent results from the level and 1 skill point for each additional level), heads of these departments and will replace Characteristic Check Bonus (+2 to all Reflex ineffectual managers. Characteristic Checks).

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Ecology/Environment: The planet Enso Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be Matis has a varied geography and climate. The used by a GM to introduce this species or their majority of the landmasses have a temperate homeworld to a campaign. clime but there is a range of extremes from artic *A group of Ensomi technicians put together ice caps to arid deserts. a device that opens up a mysterious portal which Overall Description: An unusual feature then drags them inside. The employers of these of Ensomi biology is the fact that this species technicians wish to shut down the portal but they does not require sleep. As such they can work cannot do that without the aid of the team that continually with only an occasional respite for created it. The player characters must explore physical recovery. Many races are eager to hire whatever is on the other side and rescue the Ensomi as engineers, technicians, and scientists technicians. because they work obsessively and tirelessly on *A prominent Ensomi scientist has been whatever task they are assigned. kidnapped by an intragalactic arms consortium. The Ensomi are avid space explorers and brilliant scientists. They partner with many races to solve scientific mysteries and explore new planets. While they are not interested in settling uncharted planets themselves, the Ensomi have discovered and explored hundreds of worlds and made contact with dozens of few species. Ensomi scientists and technicians can be found across the galaxy, either traveling in their own vessels or working with members of others races. However, their multiple interests and ample free time means that you can find members of this species participating in a great number of activities other than science. In fact Ensomi are one of the most widely spread species in the galaxy and they live among a great number of other races.

They want to use the scientist’s latest discovery to create a powerful new weapon. The player characters must rescue the kidnapped scientist and destroy the weapon prototype before it can be sold on the open market. *The player characters are invited to Enso Matis to oversee a conference of renowned academics and intellectuals from across the galaxy. However, a cabal of jealous Ensomi have hatched a plot to knock of their rivals. To this end they unleash a steady stream of technological horrors upon the conference. The player characters must free the trapped dignitaries and defeat the various robots and booby traps that have been sent after them.

Typical Personality: Most Ensomi are talkative and very excitable. They like to chatter incessantly amongst themselves. They even talk to themselves while thinking about a problem. They are interested in a great number of things and will start a conversation with anyone about almost anything. Role Playing Notes: An Ensomi NPC should be a ball of kinetic energy and endless ideas. This character may grate on the nerves of the player characters but he or she can be a great help to them in matters of expertise. The Ensomi have a broad range of interests and many of them pursue multiple careers at once. An Ensomi NPC may be a scientist, an artist, a master chef, and a historian all at the same time.

donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Intelligence Rating: 7.5 Technology Rating: 8.1 Militancy Rating: 4.3 Economic Rating: 7.6 Individuality Rating: 6.0 Social Organization: The W’sik live in isolated communities that are spread far apart. Their home planet of Y’tal is a barren desert world that will not support large settlements. These creatures are highly independent but also highly social. They mingle freely between families and are quick to accept newcomers. Young W’sik spend most of their time being educated by a number of mentors that have been appointed by the community. As the youngsters grow older they naturally bond with some mentors more than others. This stage of their development is characterized by an intense friendship with the mentor in question that competes against an urge to go experience the world at large.

Government: The government of Y’tal is controlled by a council of learned scholars. This council resembles an equal mixture of a Alien Name: W’sik university board, a political oligarchy, and a Homeworld: Y’tal religious assembly. The main purpose of this Physical Description: This strange looking oligarchy is to settle local conflicts and create creatures have only one foot that they use to hop an environment that is conducive to study around on. Their heads are adorned with three and exploration. The council appoints new members whenever an existing member dies. mouth tentacles and four eyes. A special session is held where the council Stat Adjustments: +2 INT and WILL, -2 STR members review the qualifications of hundreds Advantages: Additional Sense (omni- of applicants until they find one that closely directional vision), Bonus Talent, Special Attack matches the experience and expertise of the (twice per day, ranged touch attack, 2d6 points deceased. of acid damage, Reflex check for half damage The council appoints a number of public (DV11 + the creature’s INT/5). officials that are responsible for very specific Disadvantages: Inept (-4 penalty on all climb checks), Land Speed Reduction (members of this species have their speed on land decreased by 3m)

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tasks. These ministers and directors have a limited scope of responsibility but unlimited authority in their given area. These appointees are responsible only to the council itself and may be removed immediately if they seem to be incompetent or abuse their power. The council recognizes the right of local communities to settle their own affairs and traditionally their


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


appointees use their authority only in rare cases. cooperate and is subjected to torture and mind Ecology/Environment: Y’tal is extremely probes. The government of Y’tal hires the player dry and hot. The planet experiences very little characters to rescue their citizen and protect his precipitation and most of the dry land is covered discovery. with desert. The oceans are small and highly saline.

*A trading vessel crash lands on Y’tal. A W’sik rescue party attempts to find the crew but they Overall Description: The W’sik culture disappear mysteriously. The player characters is consumed for a love of knowledge and are asked to travel to Y’tal and determine what experience that borders on religious devotion. has happened to the trader crew and their wouldThis species has a great reverence for the be rescuers. The local W’sik are undaunted by universe around them and they desire nothing the danger and insist on accompanying the team more than to learn as much about the universe to find out what has happened. In the end it is as they can. It is this search for understanding discovered that an alien parasite has infected the that is the key to understanding the culture trading ship, causing it to crash. The team must and psychology of these otherwise inscrutable contain this deadly parasite before it spreads to inhabited parts of the planet. creatures. Through their desire to discover more about the universe, the W’sik have accumulated a wealth of technological knowledge that is the envy of many worlds. Though they do not use all of this knowledge to practical purposes, they have lept at the chance to venture into space and explore new worlds and stellar phenomenon. They are not interested in wealth but they will trade their technological devices for scientific data and access to new discoveries. Typical Personality: W’sik are extremely curious and inquisitive. They are also cautious and have a great respect for other life forms and natural phenomenon. This is a species of individualists, they will not be lead by others nor do they expect others to follow them.

*The W’sik have spent years studying and observing an alien object that seems to grow steadily in power. The object in question seems to be gathering energy into a nexus that threatens the entire region of space. Strange disturbances in the space time continuum begin effecting nearby planets. The player characters are tasked with shutting down this device before it is too late. However, the W’sik will resist these efforts as they have become obsessed with studying this phenomenon.

Role Playing Notes: A W’sik NPC should be in awe of everything. He or she should seek out new discoveries and new experiences with the fervor of a religious pilgrim. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *A W’sik explorer uncovers a lost civilization and lives among its inhabitance or many years. After returning to the rest of the galaxy, the W’sik is kidnapped by a foreign power that has the desire to conquer and enslave this ancient and ner legendary civilization. The W’sik refuses to

donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Intelligence Rating: 9.1 Technology Rating: 8.7 Militancy Rating: 8.6 Economic Rating: 9.0 Individuality Rating: 4.9 Social Organization: X’tikix parents take care of their offspring only until they are physically capable of feeding and cleaning themselves. After that they are thrust into the cruel world of the X’tikix hierarchy. Youngsters are given preliminary education in state-run facilities before undergoing genetic testing that determines how they can best serve the hierarchy. After that they are placed under the tutelage of an elder X’tikix who works the youngsters under his control to the point of collapse. It is during this period of life that the young X’tikix get their first taste of the brutally competitive nature of the hierarchy. The youngsters are forced to compete for the enjoyment of their tutor, sometimes they are even forced into contests to see who gets to eat and who doesn’t. It is not uncommon for young X’tikix to die during their tutelage.

Alien Name: X’tikix Homeworld: X’tikix Alpha

Government: The X’tikix hierarchy is a complex and highly structured form of government that clearly defines the place of each individual citizen. Genetic testing is one of the key factors that determine the worth of an individual. Other factors include cunning and the desire to ruthlessly crush competitors. The hierarchy encourages cutthroat competition at all levels of society and makes sure that everyone knows that there are limited opportunities for advancement.

Physical Description: These four legged creatures are able to use any of their limbs for grasping and manipulation. They have a series All of the real work within the hierarchy is of tubes protruding from their backs that are conducted by slaves. Many of these slaves have used for respiration. The X’tikix have razor sharp been genetically engineered for specific tasks. teeth and large white eyes. The job of overseeing and directing the labor of Stat Adjustments: +4 INT, -2 STR and DEX slaves is one of the lowest tasks to which a X’tikix Advantages: Racial Talent (multi-attack), can be assigned. The hierarchy usually reserves Racial Talent (multiple limbs: grasping), such positions as punishments for failure or Racial Talent (multiple limbs: locomotion), disloyalty. There is such disdain for directly Characteristic Check bonus (+1 bonus to all interacting with slaves that the hierarchy prefers Characteristic Checks). that they operate as much as possible on their own. To this end they have genetically and culturally

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Appendix B: More Sample Aliens installed safeguards into the psychology of their slaves. These safeguards are meant to reduce the likelihood of slave rebellions by keeping the slaves from cooperating with each other. The Maga are too paranoid ad unstable to cooperate with each other and other species do not trust them because they aid the X’tikix overlords with their cruel experiments. The Pakians are naturally hostile to other Pakians from a distant clan and they bear a deep grudge against all of their fellows slaves. The Jassians are genetically programmed to only care about members of their fighting units and they are so feared by other races that cooperation is not even considered. It is not known what social and neurological safeguards have been integrated into the other slave races but it is likely that these creatures are likewise discouraged from cooperating with each other.


Role Playing Notes: A X’tikix NPC will attempt to dominate and manipulate the player characters. Any offer of cooperation is sure to be a trick. Be sure to play up the egotism and supremacist philosophy of this character. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *A X’tikix slave ship crashes on an uninhabited world. The revolting slaves battle against their X’tikix masters as they try to get off the planet. The player characters are assigned to infiltrate the battle zone and recover as much information about the X’tikix as they possibly can. *The X’tikix attack a peaceful planet and take captives in order to sample their genetic material. They wish to use these samples to engineer more slaves. The player characters are given the task of boarding the X’tikix fleet, rescuing the captives, and destroying the genetic samples.

Ecology/Environment: Very little is known about X’tikix Alpha. The planet has never been *A X’tikix ambassador and his Jassian visited by outsiders and even its location is a bodyguards has unexpectedly shown up at an carefully guarded secret in the hierarchy. Overall Description: The X’tikix are famous interplanetary political conference. No one for their use of genetic engineering to create knows what his objectives are but the player dozens of other species which they use as characters have been tasked with observing slaves. Several of these species have developed the ambassador and quietly thwarting whatever a large population of freeborn creatures that live scheme he is hatching. outside the control of the X’tikix hierarchy. These species, the Maga, the Pakians, and Jassians are well known in the galaxy. Their other slave races are almost unheard of and few people know that they even exist. The X’tikix place a great deal of stock in eugenics and selective breeding. However, they do not directly manipulate their own genes. Such an act is considered sacrilegious and any offspring that is created in this manner would be automatically classified as a slave. Typical Personality: X’tikix think of themselves as the most genetically perfect creature in existence. They have developed a cult of self worship that is sickening in its narcissism. They are ruthless, cold bklooded , and calculating creatures who care nothing for the suffering of others.

donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Social Organization: Metaxian females lay a cluster of three to four eggs and raise the offspring by herself. The male departs immediately after the mating ritual is complete. Siblings are very close to each other growing up and usually maintain contact with each other as adults. It is not unusual for a group of siblings to enter the same profession and work together. Some will even live together and sisters may help raise each others’ offspring. Government: Metax Prime is ruled by a matriarchal dynasty. The ruling queens have largely ceremonial duties but they are not figure heads. The queen has the authority to oversee the courts, appoint public officials and override the decisions of local elected legislatures.

Alien Name: Metaxian Homeworld: Metax Prime

The local legislatures handle the day to day functions of government, leaving the queen to busy herself with ceremonial tasks and gathering wealth. The queen rarely exercises her considerable power over the legislatures. These elected bodies are the true power on the planet, balanced only by the queen who is usually too aloof and distant to realy care. The queen will intervene in seemingly mundane matters just to assert that she is the true authority on Metax Prime.

As the old saying goes, true power rests Physical Description: These saurian behind the throne. The queen herself is humanoids have a distinctive crest of feathers. surrounded by a swarm of advisors and hangers Stat Adjustments: None. on, many of them on the payroll of interest groups Advantages: Additional Sense (low light and wealthy economic powers. The members of vision), Natural Weapons (these creatures are this entourage plot and scheme against each able to deal 3d6 points of lethal damage with a other in order to gain the attention of the queen successful unarmed attack), Skill Bonus (+2 to all and perhaps direct her attention toward some Mechanics, Electronics, and Repair skill checks). matter that benefits their employers. Intelligence Rating: 5.6 Ecology/Environment: Metax Prime is a jungle world that is covered with humid Technology Rating: 6.9 rainforests, swamps, and occasional patches of Militancy Rating: 4.2 grassland. Economic Rating: 7.1 Overall Description: This species is known Individuality Rating: 5.2 for their skill with machines and love of tinkering. Metaxians are renowned as ship builders and engineers. Aside from their own trading and exploration fleets, many Metaxians are recruited by off worlds to work a mechanics, technicians,

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and industrial workers. You can find members Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be of this species working all over the galaxy and used by a GM to introduce this species or their they are often drawn to remote colony worlds, homeworld to a campaign. asteroid mines, and space stations. *A group of Metaxian engineers is The Metaxians have colonized a number refurbishing the life support system of a domed of worlds with the help of off world allies. They colony when an explosion traps them in the have made the best of their mechanical know lower tunnels. The player characters must how and created a vast array of specialized rescue the engineers and help them repair the machines to aid in the settlement of these new damaged life support system before it is too late. worlds. No terrain or climate is too challenging The mission becomes more complicated when for this master craftsmen. The colony building the team learns that the explosion was a result of skill of the Metaxians has lead other powers in sabotage and the saboteurs are still roaming the the galaxy to seek their assistance in creating bowels of the colony.. their own settlements. *A routine stop on Metax Prime for repairs and Typical Personality: Metaxians are friendly supplies turns deadly when a gang of Metaxian and eager to be accepted. They have a love of smugglers tries to rob the player characters and sharing and are always to lend a hand, especially strip their ship for spare parts. when someone has something that needs to be fixed. They form friendships quickly and are loyal to a fault. Most Metaxians are willing to let insults and attack slide and they are slow to anger. Very rarely will you see a Metaxian engage in violence. On the rare occasions where the planet Metax Prime has been involved in open warfare they have relied heavily on automated devices to do their fighting for them. They have developed a reputation for treating prisoners kindly and being magnanimous in victory. The last race to invade Metax Prime is now their closest ally. The invaders were treated so fairly in their defeat that they have become the Metaxians dearest friends and most ardent supporters. Many of their former prisoners decided to stay on the planet a make a life for themselves among their former enemies. Role Playing Notes: A Metaxian NPC should be constantly surrounded by piles of spare parts, broken machinery, and other seemingly useless junk. Avid recyclers, Metaxians will never throw away anything that might be fixed, rebuilt, or used to build something else. This character might compulsively fiddle with tools or tinker with broken machines all the time, even while talking or eating. A typical Metaxian expression translates roughly as, “It’s not broken, it just wants to be made into something else.”

donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Social Organization: The Zenati live in loose groups of about a dozen creatures. Some of these Zenati are related to each other and others are not. The primary purpose of these social groups is the security of shared habitation. Sometimes these shared habitats are formed around some other mutual interest, such as a common occupation. The Zenati are habitual liars and they know better than to believe each other. Government: The scheming and independent Zenati are notoriously hard to govern. Their planet is home to a wide number of governmental systems, none of which work very well. The planet is home to constant civil wars and revolutions. The planet goes through cycles of dictatorships, democracies, oligarchies, and everything else imaginable. The end result is a confusing and constantly shifting political landscape that is constantly on the verge of anarchy. Wars between rival states are a frequent feature of a planet where no peace treaty can ever be taken seriously.

Alien Name: Zenati Homeworld: Unknown. Physical Description: The Zenati are serpentine creatures with long thin bodies. They have four spindly legs and a single large eye. Stat Adjustments: -2 STR, +2 DEX. Advantages: Dodge Bonus (+6 dodge bonus to defense), Natural Psionics, Skill Bonus (+2 on all Persusation, Diplomacy, and Conversation skill checks). Disadvantages: Compulsion, lying (severe: Will check DV17, the creature must fulfill the compulsion at least once a day). Intelligence Rating: 5.1 Technology Rating: 7.9 Militancy Rating: 5.7 Economic Rating: 6.4 Individuality Rating: 7.1

donald klatt (order #4163981)

Ecology/Environment: No one knows where the Zenati homeworld is located. The Zenati have given several different regions of space as their true place of origin and widely varying descriptions of its ecosystem. These stories have all been dismissed as lies of course. Overall Description: The Zenati are known far and wide for their penchant for exploiting less advanced cultures, often by posing as divine beings or prophets. To be fair to the Zenati, they are unused to being believed by anyone so their contact with alien beings must have been a huge cultural shock to them. That being said, they did not waste any time trying to use the “gullibility” of other races to their advantage. Their reputation as bold faced liars spread throughout the galaxy and soon the space faring races were not longer exploitable in this manner. This naturally led the Zenati to seek out less advanced cultures to take advantage of. This race has never had any religion beliefs or mythology of their own. When they learned of this aspect of other species’ culture it seemed to them that they had found the perfect confidence game.


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens Using advanced technology and their mental powers, the Zenati seek to impress their would be marks with demonstrations of “magical” powers. They take great pains to learn about local beliefs before appearing before the populace as a god, prophet, spirit, or sacred animal, whichever is more suited to that particular culture. Once a Zenati has established itself in a position of religious authority it usually convinces its follows to make war against the unbelievers and expand its influence. On some planets the population is in a constant state of religious warfare as rival Zenati attempt to establish dominance. The end goal of all this scheming and fighting is monetary of course. The Zenati profit from their outrages claims of divinity by convincing their followers to heap mounds of gemstones and precious metals upon their shrines.


fanatical followers of a Zenati who has recruited his own army of jihad. The “prophet” has equipped his troops with advanced technology and sent them out on a mission of conquest. The player characters must fight for their lives against the crusading hordes. *A Zenati ambassador has been accused of using his natural mental powers to influence negotiations with another diplomat. Naturally no one believes the ambassador’s every changing series of stories and denials. However, the characters come across evidence that suggests that the Zenati may have been framed by a foreign power with an interest in wrecking the negotiations.

Typical Personality: Most Zenati are scheming, selfish, and totally without shame. They lie without thinking about it and, in truth, they cannot help themselves. Role Playing Notes: Everything a Zenati says is a lie, except when it isn’t. It is more to their style to shape the details of a story to be more favorable to the point that they wish to convey. Of course a Zenati NPC should regularly try to take advantage of the player characters. He or she may tell increasingly incredulous stories just to see how big of a falsehood that he or she can get away with. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *A diplomatic mission is sent to a primitive world in order to negotiate a fair deal for resource rights. This mission is complicated by a Zenati who has set himself up as the living god of the planet’s largest empire. This “divine” ruler has already made a secret deal with another trading conglomerate to steal the planet’s resources. The diplomats call upon the player characters to expose the Zenati as a fraud and secure their right to negotiate freely. *The player characters are on a routine assignment when they are attacked by the

donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Social Organization: The Zuphi live in clans that range in size between a dozen members and a few hundred. Fiercely independent, the Zuphi do not form cohesive social groups even among their kin. There is no structure or authority within the clans and they are bound together by nothing more than the ties of blood. Individuals are free to leave the safety of the clan if they wish and this is often the preferred solution when conflicts arise between clan members. Rival clans war with each other frequently and blood feuds can last for countless generations. Violence between clans may die down for a short amount of time but it is inevitable that a personal conflict between two individuals will drag their respective clans into a full blown war. Government: There is no central government of Zuphis III. The planet is racked with constant conflict and bloodshed. Individual clans may become powerful enough to dominate their local region but this control is often short lived as the dominated clans always rebel against their overlords. An alliance between several clans can likewise take control of a large territory but these alliances tend to fall apart due to infighting and personality conflict between the clan members.

Slavery is a fact of life on Zuphis III. The slaves are usually the descendants of clans that have been decimated by blood feuds. Other Homeworld: Zuphis III slaves are sold on the open market by their own Physical Description: These physically clans, punishment for some crime against their powerful humanoids are easily recognized by own blood. Slaves perform all of the real work the horns that adorn their heads. of society, from tending the crops to performing Stat Adjustments: +4 STR, -2 WILL and PRE. skilled trades. Slaves themselves are the Advantages: Ability Score Bonus (STR), Size most valuable commodity on the planet. The wealthiest clans have many more slaves in their Category Increase. service than they have free family members. Intelligence Rating: 5.0 Alien Name: Zuphi

Technology Rating: 4.5 Militancy Rating: 7.1 Economic Rating: 5.1 Individuality Rating: 8.1

donald klatt (order #4163981)

Ecology/Environment: Zuphis III is a rocky, arid planet that is covered with barren mountain ranges and stretches of dusty scrub plains. Overall Description: Zuphi are heavily recruited as mercenaries and bodyguards for foreign powers. They are often deployed to battle against primitive cultures where their size and menacing appearance serve to demoralize their opponents. Sometimes entire Zuphi clans


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens will serve together in foreign wars, though they have a nasty reputation for deserting or switching sides if there is a better offer. Some Zuphi become involved in interplanetary crime syndicates or other disreputable ventures. Many Zuphi take to the stars in order to get access to the advanced weaponry that is not available on their homeworld. This is done with the goal of smuggling these arms back to Zuphis III in order to settle old grudges or help a particular clan rise to power.


survivors in order to force a ransom of advanced weapons. The player characters are assigned to rescue the crew and escort them safely off world. *A Zuphi picks a fight with one of the player characters and ends up initiating a violent brawl where he himself is killed. The player characters find themselves caught up in the cycle of clan vengeance as the Zuphi’s relatives come to take revenge and their relatives come to avenge them after they fall.

Slaves from Zuphis III are a favorite in gladiatorial arenas. They are sometimes used as manual laborers on planets where machinery often breaks down due to local conditions. Some Zuphi slaves are promised their freedom in exchange for a set term of service. After a number of years of loyal service the slave is given a monetary grant and turned loose. These Zuphi are among the few who will honor their contracts with off worlds, for freedom is precious to them. Typical Personality: Zuphi are very passionate and often let their emotions get the better of them. They are quick to anger and slow to forgive. Role Playing Notes: A Zuphi NPC can make a valuable ally to a team of player characters. However, this character should have a tendency to take whatever he or she wants without concern for the consequences. This NPC will abandoned the team at the first sign of conflict and not think twice about it. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *A team of Zuphi mercenaries has been terrorizing the inhabitants of a remote mining outpost. The Zuphi have demanded a percentage of the mine’s haul or else they will continue their campaign of violence. The mining corporation dispatches the player characters to the planet in order to protect the outpost. *A survey craft makes a forced landing on Zuphis III. The crew is trapped between two warring clans. Both clans are hunting the donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Social Organization: Muleni live in small communities that are made up of a few dozen families. These once nomadic creatures are now largely sedentary, though their culture still bears the marking of their wandering past. Government: The Muleni government is a direct democracy where the political process is marked by rabble rousing and vilification of opposing ideas. Though there are technically no professional politicians in this government, there are a handful of wealthy families that have the finances and connections to control popular sentiment. These unofficial rulers viciously stomp down upon anyone or any movement that threatens their control of the political will. They stir up angry mobs against anyone who dares argue against the measures that they wish to get enacted.

Alien Name: Muleni Homeworld: Mulen II Physical Description: These creatures resemble shaggy worms with three mouth tentacles and four eyes.

The other main power in Muleni politics is the religious class. Joining the priesthood is often the only way for an ordinary Muleni to advance in status or find a voice n civic debate. The powerful families dare not direct their venom at the keepers of sacred tradition so the priesthood is able to speak freely on matters of state. Of course the priests keep careful tabs of each other to ensure that no one is preaching heresy.

Trials on Mulen II are help in the court of Stat Adjustments: +2 CON and WILL, -2 STR. public opinion. The accused is brought into the public square and the charges are announced. Advantages: Additional Sense (low light Anyone who wishes to participate in the trial can vision), Racial Talent (burrow), Resistance to simply come to the reading of the charges. Private Energy (15 points cold resistance). citizens then step forward and shout arguments Disadvantages: Land Speed Reduction for and against the accused. Those who are in (members of this species have their speed on the unpopular camp may be intimidated or even land decreased by 3m) violently attacked. After the mob has had their say, the matter of guilt or innocence is put to a Intelligence Rating: 5.1 vote and the majority decides. In the case of a Technology Rating: 3.6 guilty verdict, the crowd is then asked to vote Militancy Rating: 5.9 on the sentence. Any sentence may be put to a vote for any crime, leading to a wide disparity Economic Rating: 2.9 in sentencing. The severity of punishment is Individuality Rating: 5.1 often dependant on the defendant’s popularity and the mood of the crowd. Like everything else on Muleni, the justice system is manipulated by a handful of powerful families. The political

donald klatt (order #4163981)


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens elite often punish their enemies by having them arrested on false charges and then holding the trial quickly. Their own supporters know to attend the trial ahead of time while everyone else is taken by surprise. In some cases, physical violence is used to keep supporters of the accused from entering the public square. Ecology/Environment: Mulen II is a frigid world that is subject to seasonal thawing in the equatorial regions. The summer thaws flood the region with water, instantly creating rivers and lakes. The life of the planet thrives quickly, taking maximum advantage of the warm weather and abundant water. The autumn season brings a massive die off and the snow covered bodies of the dead plants and animals fertilize the land during the next warming cycle. Many of the life forms on this planet are migratory and travel from one hemisphere to the other as the planet tilts.


left their homeworld are far less panicky but they should still be shy and stick mostly to their own kind. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *A Muleni patrol guarding a planet’s ice caps discovers a vast treasure in the holds of a long buried spacecraft. The Muleni mercenaries deserts their post and attempt to take the cargo for themselves. The player characters are sent in to determine why the Muleni lost contact with the base.

*A diplomatic mission to Mulen II goes badly amiss when the diplomats are ordered to leave the planet. The ambassador and his staff attempt to comply but are arrested and imprisoned for defying this order. The public trial is settled by a popular vote and the enraged masses decide to put the entire group to death. An emergency Overall Description: Muleni are a primitive dispatch is sent to the player characters species with little grasp of technology.These requesting that they intervene and rescue the creatures are trapped in between their primitive diplomatic staff. past and the prospect of a more enlightened *The player characters are asked to future. However, they are easily frightened by the accompany a team of Muleni scouts as they introduction of new technologies and new ways of doing this. They are rabidly xenophobic and explore a rigid ice world. However, the mission most of them will not tolerate the presence of goes horribly wrong when the Muleni uncover an aliens on their planet. A few courageous Muleni ancient city buried beneath the ice. The player have decided to trust alien visitors and they characters follow the creatures down the tunnels have taken to the stars. These off-world Muleni only to activate an automated defense system. and their descendants are often recruited to explore frigid worlds and they sometimes serve as mercenaries or scouts during cold weather operations. Typical Personality: Most Muleni are close minded and refuse to consider new ideas. They are easily frightened and their fear quickly turns to anger. There is a distinctly paranoid streak to the Muleni psychology that compels them to think that unknown agents are plotting against their homeworld and traditional way of life. Role Playing Notes: A Muleni NPC should react hysterically to the presence of aliens, sounding an alarm and drawing together a mob of enraged xenophobes. Those Muleni that have

donald klatt (order #4163981)



Lightspeed: Alien Contact Alien Name: Kes’pah Homeworld: Keysian III Physical Description: Kes’pah are humanoid beings with feline features. The average Kes’pah is 165 – 170cm for males and 157 – 162cm for females with slender builds. While all Kes’pah senses are more acute than humans, their particular strengths are in hearing and smell. They also possess perfect night vision. The coloration of Kes’pah varies greatly, and each Kes’pah typically has multi-colored hair. Stat Adjustments: -4 STR, +2 WIL and PRE. Advantages: Dark vision, Characteristic Check Bonus (+1 to all checks), Skill Bonus (+4 to all Perception checks, +4 to Persuasion, +6 to Negotiation) Disadvantages: Greedy.




Intelligence Rating: 7.8 Technology Rating: 6.7 Militancy Rating: 1.4 Economic Rating: 7.1 Individuality Rating: 7.0 Social Organization: Kes’pah tend to either be solitary or live their lives in very small groups. They do not have any particular loyalty to other members of their race, and would be just as willing to work with a group of aliens as they would a group of Kes’pah. Government: Kes’pah government of their homeworld is quite decentralized. Keysian III is governed by trial councils and loose alliances and associations between families. Since families are all quite matriarchal, a Kes’pah will typically trust the leadership of a female of any race over that of a male. Ecology/Environment: Keysian III, the homeworld of the Kes’pah, is a low gravity planet of very limited resources. Overall Description: GMs and players can take the Kes’pah as ultimate information traders. They value precious metals, comforts, leisure

donald klatt (order #4163981)


Appendix B: More Sample Aliens


and pleasure. They are can be valuable to trade with, and will keep a bargain with anyone that has not betrayed their trust in the past.

without proof their friend faces certain execution. While many citizens are unwilling to share what they know about who really committed the Keysian III is located along a major interstellar crime, a Kes’pah could provide just the help the trading route. As a result, various alien races set PCs need to find the truth and free their friend. up trading outposts on the planet to conduct their *Interstellar merchants are suffering from trading. The Kes’pah, cursed with very few natural the pirate activity around Keysian III. The PCs, resources of value, used their natural ability at hired to help combat the pirates, seek the help conversation and information gathering to enter of a Kes’pah trader to learn what they can about the information trading business. Realizing the a particularly active pirate company. This leads enormous profit potential in this new business, the PCs to learn that the “pirate company” is many Kes’pah began to leave Keysian III to seek actually a rare group of xenophobic Kes’pah their fortune elsewhere. Armed with a natural seeking to end alien activity on their planet. ability to understand the nature of others, the * A Kes’pah approaches the PCs. He has use of subtle methods of gathering information learned that the adventurers are seeking the from others, and their keen negotiating skill the lost treasure of the famous pirate Leson. He is Kes’pah can often be a very valuable source of quite willing to provide the adventurers with information for people that are willing to pay. the location of the treasure, but first needs help. Typical Personality: By their nature, Kes’pah are very friendly, optimistic and seek pleasure and leisure whenever possible. With an unending curiosity, they are always learning and seeking new information about virtually any subject (one never knows when it might be profitable to have the information handy). If the Kes’pah have a character flaw common to all of them, it is a natural greed that motivates them to constantly seek more comforts and shiny metals.

Merchants visiting Keysian III took his lover prisoner in hopes of forcing her to work for them. Rescue his lover, and he will provide the adventurers with the information they seek.

Role Playing Notes: A Kes’pah NPC will typically be friendly, polite and trusting. Understanding the importance of trust in trading information, Kes’pah will strive to always keep their word. As a result, other NPCs will likely have learned that the word of a Kes’pah can generally be relied upon. If someone attempts to gain information from a Kes’pah thru the use of threat rather than offer of payment, then the Kes’pah will not feel obligated to give completely honest information. To the contrary, such a threat would likely cause the Kes’pah to never again feel that they can trust such a person to deal honestly. Plot Hooks: The following plot hooks can be used by a GM to introduce this species or their homeworld to a campaign. *One of the PCs is accused of a heinous crime on Satir IV. The PCs know he is innocent, but

donald klatt (order #4163981)


donald klatt (order #4163981)


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