About the Author Yann Martel was born to Canadian parents while living in Spain in 196! "as always always interested in #ulture and religion! $e traveled e%tensively to &ndia in preparation for writing the believe novel! $e asserts that he overheard a story told that 'would (a)e anyone in *od!+ was Life of Pi was
published in ,--1
"on the Mann Boo)er pri.e &n ,-11/ the novel was (ade into a (ovie/ whi#h we will wat#h together
About a #urious boy/ boy/ Pi/ growing up in &ndia00uestioning religion $is fa(ily owns a .oo in Pondi#herry/ &ndia 2he politi#al #li(ate in &ndia be#o(es unstable in &ndia/ and Pi3s father de#ides to sell the .oo and (ove the fa(ily to Canada! 2he rest of the story is about Pi trying to survive a shipwre#) and sharing
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