Life Events

October 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Life events In today’s lesson, we are going to talk about important life events. Look at the pictures below and describe them in detail. What can you see in each picture? Which life events are shown in each picture? Match the life events to the corresponding pictures: First day at school / Wedding / Anniversary / First child /Retirement / Graduation

Graduation - Retirement - Wedding - First day at school - First child –  Anniversary Answer the following questions: 1.  Do you remember your first day at school? If you can, describe it. 2.  Did you go to any weddings last year? Describe it/them in detail. The following phrases may help you answer the above questions.  

I remember my first day at school. I was _______ years old and I remember I


wore a red and white uniform. un iform. The uniform was _______ Last year I went to _______ wedding/s. My favourite was my own wedding. I got married in August August this year …..  ….. 


  3.- Key vocabulary – Important life events  events   Bring up your children: Get a degree:

educar a los hijos  hijos  sacar una carrera  carrera 

Go to university: Have children: Rent or buy a house: Retire: Fall in love: Get a job: Start work: Move house: Get married: Leave school: Get engaged:

ir a la universidad   tener hijos  hijos  alquilar o comprar una casa  casa    jubilarse    jubilarse enamorarse   enamorarse conseguir un trabajo  trabajo  empezar a trabajar   mudarse   mudarse casarse   casarse dejar el colegio  colegio  comprometerse   comprometerse

Get promoted: Start school: Leave home: Pass your exams: Celebrate an anniversary:

ascender (en el trabajo)  trabajo)  empezar el colegio  colegio  salir de casa  casa  aprobar los exámenes  exámenes  celebrar un aniversario  aniversario 

Put the life events from the ‘key vocabulary’ section into the correct categories: categories:


Put the following life events in order according to your teachers’ life history.

Life after university 1.- What do you do for a living? 2.- Why do you enjoy this job? I’m a __________ and I enjoy enjoy my  my job because because __________.  __________.   I’m a teacher and I love my job because because I  I get to meet lots of lovely students and because every day is different.

You are now now going  going to listen to your teacher.

Ensure you understand the meaning of all 11 phrases below. Then put them in order according to your teacher’s experience.  experience.  start a company go on a course job  get a job  hours  work long hours  run a company go for an interview resign work from home work for a school or somebody money  earn good money 

Iniciar una empresa ir a un curso consigue un trabajo trabajar largas horas dirigir una empresa ir por una entrevista renunciar trabajar desde casa trabajar para una escuela o alguien gana buen dinero

apply for a job

solicitar un trabajo

Re-tell Re-tell your teacher’s story using the phrases in the correct order. You could use the following key vocabulary: Then:: Then luego   luego Instead of : en vez de  de  Next:: Next luego, después  después  Therefore::  por lo tanto  Therefore tanto 


In the end  end  al final   Finally:   Finally:  por fin  fin  When she finished university she applied for a job _________ instead of  _________ When she  _________ then  she… next then next  she… she…   1. Apply for a job 4. Resign 7. Start a company 10. earn good money

2. Go for an interview 5. Go onfrom a course 8. Work home 11. Run a company

3. Get a job 6. a hours school 9. Work Work for long

Put the 11 phrases related to work into two different categories. Some phrases can go in either category.  category. 

Talk about your own experience using the expressions we have looked at in this lesson and the key vocabulary. You could start by saying: After  I  I finished school I looked for many  jobs in the local newspaper. I found one  job that I liked a lot and so I applied for it. I went for an interview and luckily I was not very v ery nervous and I got the job…  job…

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