Life Enhancing Pyramid Energy

April 1, 2017 | Author: MarkPhillips | Category: N/A
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TABLE OF CONTENTS How Was Pyramid Power Discovered?...................................................3 The Science Behind Pyramid Energy.....................................................3 How Does Pyramid Power Work?...........................................................3 What Can a Pyramid Do?.......................................................................3 Can a Pyramid Heal?.............................................................................3 Improve the Quality of Sleep.................................................................3 Improve Concentration and Creativity...................................................3 Is it Possible to Get an Overdose of Pyramid Energy?...........................3 Enhance Foods and Beverages..............................................................3 Can Pyramids Help Pets?.......................................................................3 Pyramids and Plants..............................................................................3 Building Your Own Pyramid....................................................................3

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“When Moses was alive, these pyramids were a thousand years old. Here began the history of architecture. Here people learned to measure time by a calendar, to plot the stars by astronomy and chart the earth by geometry. And here they developed that most awesome of all ideas - the idea of eternity.” - Walter Cronkite

You may have heard of the many marvels of pyramid energy. A pyramid can bring you peace of mind and body, enhance your experiences, improve the flavor and beneficial qualities of foods and beverages, and help you become a better gardener. Within the next few pages you’ll discover the power of pyramids and you how you can harness that power to better your life.

HOW WAS PYRAMID POWER DISCOVERED? Let’s begin with the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, which, contrary to popular belief, is not a tomb. None of the usual hieroglyphs telling the story of the deceased are engraved upon the walls. Nor has any evidence of a mummy or burial been found.

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In the 1930s, Andre Bovis was intrigued to find the mummified remains of small animals like bats inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. In normal circumstances, dead creatures rot away. Intrigued, he built a small-scale model of the pyramid and carried out experiments with meat that yielded the same result: mummification/dehydration/preservation. There was no putrefaction and no odor during this process. These findings were ignored by other scientists and the study of pyramids went cold. Then in the 1940s, Karl Drbal discovered that the pyramid shape sharpened razor blades. He struggled for ten years before he could get a patent for his pyramid razor sharpener. Today, pyramid models are available for sale and experiments into their power continue. Some modern pyramids are: ➡ The Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France, in the courtyard of The

Louvre museum ➡ The 32-story Pyramid Arena in Memphis, Tennessee, United

States ➡ The Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, United States ➡ The Pyramids at the Osho Commune in Pune, India ➡ The Co-Op Bank Pyramid or Stockport Pyramid in Stockport,


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THE SCIENCE BEHIND PYRAMID ENERGY Many researchers and scientists support the theories of pyramid energy. Swedish scientist Dr. Carl Benedicks and German scientists Born and Lertes discovered that the pyramid has a resonance of frequency within. Dr. Lyall Watson says in his bestselling book – Supernature: “The pyramid shape itself is very much like that of a crystal of magnetite, so perhaps it builds up a magnetic field. I do not know the answer, but I do know that it works. My record so far with Wilkinson Sword blades is four months of continuous daily use.” At Saqqara in Egypt, Egyptologists excavated a tomb that yielded a remarkably preserved almost 5000 year-old funerary meal of porridge, quail, kidneys, pigeon, fish, beef ribs, bread, cakes and fruits.

“It’s very important to reveal the mystery of the pyramid. Science in archaeology is very important. People all over the world are waiting to solve this mystery.” - Zahi Hawass

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HOW DOES PYRAMID POWER WORK? There are many theories but none have been proven yet. The shape of the pyramid generates energy and for many people, it’s enough to know that it works. Some experts say that the scale model should be built exactly according to the proportions of the Great Pyramid in order for it to work, while some say that a pyramid built roughly in the same proportions will also work. However, it’s best to stick to the exact proportions when experimenting.

WHAT CAN A PYRAMID DO? People who experiment with the pyramid shape claim that it can: ➡ Mellow coffee, tea and tobacco. ➡ Make tap water taste like spring water. ➡ Stimulate plant growth. ➡ Speed up seed germination time. ➡ Preserve food. ➡ Enhance natural flavors. ➡ Ripen fruits and vegetables. ➡ Retard the growth of algae and inhibit the growth of bacteria. ➡ Improve TV and radio reception.

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➡ Recharge batteries. ➡ Increase awareness and relaxation. ➡ Stimulate the healing process and ease pain. ➡ Increase vitality and virility. ➡ Retard and remove tarnish. ➡ Act as a wish machine (wishes are written down and placed

inside). Mark Walton, a pyramid enthusiast always places his coffee beans inside the cardboard pyramid in his kitchen. He says the taste is enhanced within 24 hours. He calls the pyramid “Nature’s Refrigerator.” According to him, overripe tomatoes simply dehydrate and mummify instead of rotting. They also retain their color and flavor and can be stored indefinitely.

CAN A PYRAMID HEAL? A pyramid can’t heal you, but it can aid in the healing process by supplying additional energy. However, if a person has no desire to be healed, he’ll block the effects of the pyramid. This doesn’t mean that he has to believe in the power of the pyramid for it to work. It only means that he shouldn’t have a subconscious desire to remain ill. Perhaps this is the reason why minor ailments have the most successful results. Headaches are the most common ailment that benefits from pyramid energy. The pyramid relaxes the muscles, thus releasing tension, the most common cause of headaches. In fact, this is so successful that

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Drbal has applied for a patent on a pyramid cap for headaches. Kirlian photographs have revealed a brighter aura after a person spends 15 minutes inside a pyramid. According to Bill Schul and Ed Pettit, authors of The Secret Power of Pyramids, people experimenting with pyramids have healed rapidly from sprains, cuts, bruises, backache, toothache, congestion, and infections. Some report relief from pain as well. Max Toth and Greg Nielsen, authors of Pyramid Power, have observed that people sleeping or sitting even near a model pyramid have benefited from the alleviation or disappearance of pain or symptoms of illness. Marie Shroff, a user of pyramids says: “I believe pyramids inhibit infections like the common cold. In my family, we haven’t had a cold for years and flu is unheard of.” The pyramid seems to inhibit the growth of bacteria, as has been revealed in experiments with foods. Water treated in a pyramid helps to heal cuts and colds.

IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF SLEEP Researchers and experimenters have found that sleeping within or beside a pyramid results in more restful sleep. Fewer hours of sleep are needed and there’s a greater ability to deal with emotional stress. Marie Shroff has noticed that her dreams are more vivid and easier to remember. You could also suspend a pyramid over your bed and enjoy the same benefits.

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IMPROVE CONCENTRATION AND CREATIVITY Students find that sitting inside a pyramid during study enhances their powers of concentration and relaxes them at the same time. You could also make yourself a pyramid hat to wear when you’re doing something that requires creativity and concentration, such as writing, painting, or even reading. Max Thoth and Greg Nielsen mention a New York researcher who claims that after wearing the hat for a short time, he could feel a tremendous influx of spiral energy coming down from the tip. He says, “Apparently, the pyramid acts like a kind of cosmic antenna tuning into sources of energy of vaster intensity and then focusing it into its center.”

IS IT POSSIBLE TO GET AN OVERDOSE OF PYRAMID ENERGY? Most people don’t have trouble spending time inside a pyramid, but a few people may find the energy too intense. After too much exposure, those who are hypersensitive to the energy may get a slight headache that worsens until they feel nauseous.

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Usually, though, this kind of experience only happens to those under a very large pyramid or a very strong multi-layered one made from materials that amplify the energy such as certain metals like copper. So be careful when creating highly concentrated fields of energy. Too much of anything is bad.

ENHANCE FOODS AND BEVERAGES If you’d like to find a way to store dried foods indefinitely, the pyramid is your answer. In their book, Bill Schul and Ed Petit write that vegetables, fruits, and meats dehydrate and retain their color and flavor when kept inside pyramids. The degree of dehydration increases with the amount of moisture present. The authors say that meat even loses some of its toughness. They have conducted blind tests in which people have chosen foods and beverages treated with pyramid power over those not treated. According to Dr. Serge V King, author of the Pyramid Energy Handbook, if you treat fresh fruit and vegetables under a pyramid for half an hour, they remain fresh longer. Humidity levels, temperature and air currents will influence the quality of preservation and the length of time required, but preservation is enhanced regardless. These other foods are also enhanced by the energy of a pyramid:

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Avocadoes. You can make bland avocadoes taste better by cutting and placing them inside a pyramid for 10 to 30 minutes.


Fruits. If you want fruit to ripen faster, place them under the pyramid overnight or longer if the fruit is really hard (like green avocadoes that must always ripen off the tree).


Lemon juice. Lemon juice will lose its pungent smell and sharp flavor when treated with a pyramid for a couple of hours.


Milk. Milk will keep as in a refrigerator and instead of spoiling, turn into cheese. Leave the milk 4 to 5 days inside the pyramid and it will develop a crust, a layer of liquid and the cheese will be below it. Ensure the milk has no preservatives, as this may affect the outcome of your experiment.


Coffee. As for coffee, taste it first and then place the cup within an 8 inch high pyramid for 5-10 minutes. When you take it out and taste it again you’ll notice that the bitterness has reduced considerably. You could treat a whole pack of dry coffee or tea, leaving it overnight in the pyramid for a better taste.


Wine. Cheap wine can taste like expensive aged wine after being treated for about half an hour. The harshness will soften and the bouquet will improve.


Apple Cider. If you don’t like the tartness of apple cider, give it the pyramid treatment.


Water. Chlorinated or mineral water will lose the chlorine and mineral taste after a short time in a pyramid. If you leave a glass of

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chlorinated water in the open for a while, it will lose the taste of chlorine too, but it won’t be energized. ➡ Research has shown that pyramid energy changes the

molecular structure of water. ➡ King recommends that you treat every one cup of water for 15

minutes. So if you have a big bottle of say 8 cups, you’ll treat it for 15x 8 minutes. Leaving it for longer won’t give you much, if any, added advantage. The water will retain the charge. Dry Foods. Many people store dry foods such as grains, cookies


and candies inside pyramids with a 3 to 6 foot base. They say they seldom have problems with insects. 10.

Sprouts. Sprouts will grow more abundantly, taste better and

keep longer when sprouted under a frame pyramid.

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CAN PYRAMIDS HELP PETS? Dr. Serge V. King mentions in his book that he has known of sick dogs that stayed inside a pyramid all day and night until they seemed to get better. Most dogs and cats, he says are attracted to the pyramid and may spend 5 to10 minutes inside and then return to apparently recharge themselves in a day or two. Aged pets seem rejuvenated. He’s also had reports of cuts on dogs healing faster and lost hair growing back faster than normal. So it may be a good idea to build a pyramid house or portable frame pyramid for your pet. King writes about two German Shepherds with a vomiting problem so serious that their owner was considering putting them down. No vet could cure them. King suggested pyramid treated drinking water. Within two weeks of this treatment, the vomiting had reduced considerably and improvement continued. Both the dogs survived. He’s noticed that most of the time cats and dogs prefer to drink pyramid treated water. He believes that on the rare occasions they don’t drink the treated water, they’re probably already feeling energetic. In the case of birds or hamsters, you can suspend a pyramid over the cage. For dogs and cats, you can place a pyramid on or over a favorite resting place, but only after they’ve shown they like being inside a pyramid.

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PYRAMIDS AND PLANTS Pyramid energy can either improve or stimulate the germination of seeds and plant growth or retard it in some cases. This is because plants are sensitive to energy and while pyramid energy may be good for them, it could be too much. Larger plants can usually take more energy. The only way to find out is by testing. Begin with small dosages and build up if you need to. For instance, you can start with five minutes and maybe go up to half an hour or more. Avoid placing a weak plant in a strong field and watch for signs of wilting. A small overdose can make a plant wilt, but it will usually recover once it’s out of the energy field. If you continue to treat it, it will eventually dry up on the top. Try these tips for using pyramids to enhance plant growth: 1.

Energize the roots. Besides placing the pyramid over the plants, you could try placing the plants over the pyramid, so the roots get the energy directly. All you need is a mesh or grid with something to support it and the pyramid can be beneath the grid.


Or you can place the pyramid among the plants. This way you may not end up with an overdose as the field around a pyramid is not as intense as the field inside. A 4-inch pyramid will roughly generate an effective field around it of 6 to 12 inches. A 6-inch high pyramid will have a field of about 1 foot to 2 feet.

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Energize the water instead of the plant. You could treat plants with water charged in a pyramid.


A word about insects. Although the pyramid retards bacterial growth, some insects actually appear to thrive on pyramid energy. King points out that his personal experience and reports from others indicate that cockroaches don’t like the energy. So try placing a pyramid in the kitchen near the sink or garbage bin.

Interestingly, using time lapse photography, Bill Schul and Ed Pettit captured images of “plants gyrating in a symphonic dance as though orchestrated by an unseen conductor.”

BUILDING YOUR OWN PYRAMID Follow these steps to build your own pyramid: 1.

Material. The model pyramid is constructed from 4 isosceles triangles with equal measurements joined at the tip. Pyramids can be built from wood, plastic, cardboard, fiberglass and metal. ➡ However, Schul and Petit say that metal appears to block certain

electro-magnetic forces. ➡ Max Thoth suggests homogenous materials throughout -

compressed, uncorrugated cardboard, solid wood instead of plywood, styrene plastic as opposed to Styrofoam. ➡ King says you can use anything, even metal.

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➡ King also says that the measurements don’t have to be exact to

the millimeter as even the Great Pyramid is not absolutely even on all sides. 2.

Size. Determine the size of the pyramid according to the use for which it’s intended. There should be enough space in the pyramid for the object you want to put in it to fit without touching the sides or the apex. ➡ Place the objects at the King’s Chamber level - 1/3rd the height

of the pyramid - which is the level where the energy is strongest. You’ll need a little platform on which to place the objects so they reach the required height. ➡ Larger pyramids such as one in which you can sit will have a

base of 4 feet and be about 6 feet high. The frame pyramid will be the easiest way to construct larger pyramids. So you won’t need solid sheets for the sides 3.

Alignment. Alignment is extremely important. Use a compass to determine magnetic north-south and align the pyramid accordingly (the Great Pyramid is aligned in the same direction.).


Where to put your pyramid. Place it away from electrical wiring and appliances.

EASY ONE PIECE PYRAMID Max Thoth shows you how to make a one-piece pyramid using a sheet of cardboard paper:

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With a pair of compasses, draw a circle 5 7/8 inches in radius.


Draw a line from the center to touch the perimeter of the circle.


Set the compass to 6 inches and from the point where the line you drew touches the perimeter; mark 4 points 6 inches apart on the perimeter of the circle.


Now draw broken lines (- - -) lines from each of the three points to the center of the circle. Draw a straight line for the 4th one.


Draw straight lines at the sides of the circle connecting point to point, so your pyramid will have a straight base.


Cut out the circle.


Cut along the straight lines.


Take a dull knife and lightly press along the three broken lines radiating from the center and bend along the edges. Bolster these edges with cello tape.


Tape together the two free sides (first line and fourth line you drew) and you have your 4-sided pyramid ready to use.

Frame Pyramids King cites an ingenious and inexpensive method for building larger frame pyramids. He cuts his ¾ inch diameter base and corner poles to size using either wood, copper, aluminum pipe, PVC plastic pipe or clear acrylic tubing. He connects the poles using inexpensive flexible

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vinyl tubing with an inside diameter of ¾ inch. If you’re using metal or PVC pipe, the vinyl tubing should have a 1-inch inner diameter. Here’s a measurement chart: Base


Approximate Height

3 inches

2.85 inches

2 inches

6 inches

5.70 inches

4 inches

9 inches

8. 55 inches

6 inches

9 feet 5 inches

8 feet 11 inches

6 feet

12 feet 6 inches

12 feet

8 feet

There you have it - how you can harness the unique energy of pyramids to strengthen your well-being. Discover something new and exciting that can help you enhance many areas of your life. Have fun!

“From the heights of these pyramids, forty centuries look down on us.” - Napoleon Bonaparte

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