Basic knowledge of the Rizal Law Can be found here also some historical backgrounds. So Enjoy :)...
LIFE AND WORKS OF JOSE RIZAL Historical context context of the Rizal Law
This lesson provides a discussion on the historical context and contents of the Rizal Law and examines the social, political and economic conditions in the Philippines in the 19th century. Studyin the historical context of the Rizal Law allows us to !etter understand the contents, rationale and importance of the law. Similarly, studyin the 19th century is helpful in studyin the life, wor"s and ideas of #r, $ose Rizal !ecause this puts him in the appropriate context. O!ecti"es#
The followin are the learnin outcomes we are expected to achieve at the end of the lesson% • • •
&xplain the rationale of the Rizal Law #iscuss the historical context of the Rizal Law #escri!e the Spanish colonial overnment !y readin excerpts from selected wor"s of propaandists Relat elate e the the pass passa ae e of Riza Rizall Law Law to nati nation on'! '!ui uild ldin in, , patr patrio ioti tism sm and and nationalism. &xam &xamin ine e the the econ econom omic ic and and soci socio' o'po poli liti tica call mili milieu eu of the the 19th 19thce cent ntur ury y Philippines (ompare the reactions of )ilipinos )ilipinos to the passae of the Rizal Law
I$ %he Rizal Law
*any )ilipino students are curious why they are still re+uired to study the life and wor"s of $ose Rizal in collee despite havin studied the !ioraphy of $ose Rizal and his two novels in their hih school years. They !elieve that it miht ust !e a repetiti repetition on of the thins they have learned learned and that it would !e a waste of their their time. Little did they "now that they are mandated !y the law to study the life and wor"s of $ose Rizal not only in hih school !ut also in collee and they miht not even have an idea what this law had one throuh in order to !e passed and approved. -n $une 1, 19/0, Philippine ndependence #ay, the Repu!lic 2ct 13/ 4R.2. 13/5 also "nown as the Rizal Law was passed. t is an act 6to nclude in the (urricula of 2ll Pu!lic and Private Schools, collees and 7niversities courses on the life, wor"s and writins of $ose Rizal, particularly his novels 8oli *e Tanere and &l )ili!us ili!uster terism ismo. o. 2uthor 2uthorizi izin n the printi printin n and distri distri!ut !ution ion there thereof, of, and for other other purposes. Read the contents contents of the law and answers to the followin followin +uestions% a. :hy was it passed at time time of the Philippine ndependence ndependence #ay; !. :hy only $ose Rizal Rizal was selected to !e studied; studied; c. :hat are the oals or purpose of this law; law; d.
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