Library Management

March 30, 2017 | Author: vermachandan95 | Category: N/A
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SAD PROJECT ON LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachlor of Technology In Comp.Science Engg. BY Chandan Verma


Lokeshwar Singh


Apoorva Misra


Pramod Kumar

[ 50204]

Under the Guidance of Miss Disha Guleria Department of Computer Science Engineering Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the SAD Project entitled “Library Management System” submitted by Chandan Verma,Lokeshwar Singh,Apoorva Misra,Pramod Kumar having Roll Number 11853,11855,11851,50204 for the partial fulfillment of the requirements of Bachlor of Technology In Computer Science Engg. degree of Bells Institute of Management & Technology,Shimla.

Bells Institute of Management & Technology Shimla-17009

Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

CERTIFICATE FROM INTERNAL SUPERVISOR This is to certify that the SAD Project entitled Library Management System submitted by Chandan Verma,Lokeshwar Singh,Apoorva Misra,Pramod Kumar having Roll Number 11853,11855,11851, 50204 for the partial fulfillment of the requirements of Bachlor of Technology In Computer Science Engg. degree of Bells Institute of Management & Technology,Shimla, embodies the bonafide work done by him/her under my/our supervision.

Signature of Internal Supervisor Name : Designation: Employee Organization:


This is to certify that the SAD Project entitled Library Management System submitted by Chandan Verma,Lokeshwar Singh,Apoorva Misra,Pramod Kumar having Roll Number 11853,11855,11851,50204 for the partial fulfillment of the requirements of Bachlor of Technology In Computer Science Engg. degree of Bells Institute of Management & Technology,Shimla, embodies the bonafide work done by him/her under my/our supervision.

Signature of External Supervisor: Name: Designation: Employee Organization:

DECLARATION Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

I hereby declare that this project work titled “Library Management system ” is my original work and no part of it has been submitted by me for any other diploma/degree course purpose or published in any other institute till date.

Chandan Verma Lokeshwar Singh Apoorva Misra Pramood Kumar

Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A person is successful only when he grabs every opportunity in his way and works hard on it. This is only possible when he is guided by somebody. We also got such an apportunity that was to do a project for “Library Management system ” First of all We would like to thank our project guide Miss Disha Guleria for sparing her precious time, cooperating making suggestion and creative and guiding us through out.Working under her was a good learning experience which will always be remembered. I also grateful to her sparing valuable time and providing with the required material and information for study. I also express our deep sense of gratitude to other lecturers of Computer Science Engg. Deptt. For bearing and cooperating with us and helping us through out the project.

Project Mambers Chandan Verma Lokeshwar Singh Apoorva Misra Pramood Kumar

Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)


Page No.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Process Description 1.2 Hardware and Software requirements 1.3 Phases in Development of Department Software 1.4 Software Life Cycle Model

1 1 4 5 6

Chapter 2 Planning 2.1 Problem Description 2.2 System Study 2.3 Feasibility Study

7 7 8 9

Chapter 3 Analysis 3.1 Analysis 3.2 Components of SRS

11 11 12

Chapter 4 Design

13 13 14 15 17 19

4.1 Design 4.2 Level 0 DFD Diagram 4.3 Level 1 DFD Diagram 4.4 Level 2 DFD Diagram 4.5 E-R Digram Chapter 5 Implementation 5.1 Implementation 5.2 Testing 5.3 Levels of Testing

20 20 20 21

Chapter 6 Coding


Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

Chapter 7 Result


Chapter 8 Conclusion and Future Scope 8.1 Conclusion 8.2 Future Scope 8.3 Drawbacks

50 50 51 51

Chapter 9 References and Bibliography 9.1 References 9.2 Bibliography

52 52 52

Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

1 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The project titled “Library Management System” is Library management software for monitoring and controlling the transactions in a library.The project “Library Management System” is developed in c++ language, which mainly focuses on basic operations in a library like adding new member, new books, and updating new information, searching books and members and facility to borrow and return books. This project of “Library Management System” of gives us the complete information about the library. We can enter the record of new books and retrieve the details of books available in the library. We can issue the books to the students and maintain their records and can also check how many books are issued and stock available in the library. In this project we can maintain the late fine of students who returns the issued books after the due date.

1.1PROCESS DESCRIPTION The Library Management System is designed & developed for a receipt and issuance of books in the library along with the student’s details. The books received in the library are entered in Books Entry form and the new student is entered in the student entry form. When the student wants to get the desired book the same is issued on the availability basis to the student. The issuance and due date for the returning of the book is also entered into the Book Issue form under third menu Book Issue. The student has to pay the fine if any on the basis of no. of days delayed deposit of the book in the library.

INTRODUCTION TO C++ C++ is an extension to C Programming language. It was developed at AT&T Bell Laboratories in the early 1980s by Bjarne Stroustrup. It is a deviation from traditional procedural languages in the sense that it follows object oriented programming (OOP) approach which is quite suitable for managing large and complex programs. An object oriented language combines the data to its function or code in such a way that access to data is allowed only through its function or code. Such combination of data and code is called an object.

Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

A BRIEF HISTORY OF C++ The C++ programming language was introduced by Bjarne Stroustrup of the AT&T laboratories in 1985 as an extension of C, with additional features borrowed from the esoteric language Simula. Since then, C++ has grown rapidly in response to the practical need for a programming language that is able to efficiently handle composite and diverse data types. The language implementation is pivoted on the ingenious concept of object oriented programming (OOP). Today, C++ dominates the commercial market and is favored among system programmers and application developers. C++ is a generalization of C, but accomplishes much more than C, to the extent that it should be regarded, studied, and taught as a separate language. It is neither necessary nor recommended to study C as a prerequisite of C++, though knowledge of C can be helpful.

FEATURE OF C++ Before starting to learn C++ it is essential to have a basic knowledge of the concepts of Object oriented programming. Some of the important object oriented features are namely: • • • • • • • •

Objects Classes Inheritance Data Abstraction Data Encapsulation Polymorphism Overloading Reusability

In order to understand the basic concepts in C++, a programmer must have a good knowledge of the basic terminology in object-oriented programming. Below is a brief outline of the concepts of object-oriented programming languages :

Objects: Object is the basic unit of object-oriented programming. Objects are identified by its unique name. An object represents a particular instance of a class. There can be more than one instance of a class. Each instance of a class can hold its own relevant data. An Object is a collection of data members and associated member functions also known as methods.

Classes: Classes are data types based on which objects are created. Objects with similar properties and methods are grouped together to form a Class. Thus a Class represents a set of individual objects. Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

Characteristics of an object are represented in a class as Properties. The actions that can be performed by objects become functions of the class and are referred to as Methods. For example consider we have a Class of Cars under which Santro Xing, Alto and WaganR represents individual Objects. In this context each Car Object will have its own, Model, Year of Manufacture, Color, Top Speed, Engine Power etc., which form Properties of the Car class and the associated actions i.e., object functions like Start, Move, and Stop form the Methods of Car Class. No memory is allocated when a class is created. Memory is allocated only when an object is created, i.e., when an instance of a class is created.

Inheritance: Inheritance is the process of forming a new class from an existing class or base class. The base class is also known as parent class or super class. The new class that is formed is called derived class. Derived class is also known as a child class or sub class. Inheritance helps in reducing the overall code size of the program, which is an important concept in object-oriented programming.

Data Abstraction: Data Abstraction increases the power of programming language by creating user defined data types. Data Abstraction also represents the needed information in the program without presenting the details.

Data Encapsulation: Data Encapsulation combines data and functions into a single unit called Class. When using Data Encapsulation, data is not accessed directly; it is only accessible through the functions present inside the class. Data Encapsulation enables the important concept of data hiding possible.

Polymorphism: Polymorphism allows routines to use variables of different types at different times. An operator or function can be given different meanings or functions. Polymorphism refers to a single function or multi-functioning operator performing in different ways.

Overloading: Overloading is one type of Polymorphism. It allows an object to have different meanings, depending on its context. When an existing operator or function begins to operate on new data type, or class, it is understood to be overloaded.

Reusability: This term refers to the ability for multiple programmers to use the same written and debugged existing class of data. This is a time saving device and adds code efficiency to the language. Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

Additionally, the programmer can incorporate new features to the existing class, further developing the application and allowing users to achieve increased performance. This time saving feature optimizes code, helps in gaining secured applications and facilitates easier maintenance on the application.



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Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

Software engineers have been trying various tools, methods and procedures To control the process of software development in order to build high quality software with high productivity. This method provides “how to “s” For building the software while the tools provide automated or semiautomated support for the methods. They are used in all stages of software Developments process, namely planning, analysis, design, development and maintenance. The software development procedure integrates the methods And tools together and enables rational and timely development of the software system. This shown in figure below: -

Software Development Procedures Methods Tools

They provide the guidelines as how to apply these methods and tools, how to produce the deliverables at each stage, what controls to apply, and what milestones to uses to assess the progress. There exist a number of software Development paradigms, each particular paradigm depends on the nature of the application, the programming language used, and the controls and the deliverables required. The development of such successful system depends not only on the use of applicable methods and techniques but also the developer’s commitment to the objective of the system. A successful system must: 1. Satisfy the user requirements. 2. Be easy to understand by user and operator. 3. Be easy to operate. 4. Have a good user interface.

1.4Software Life Cycle Model Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

The Series of stages depicting the various tasks involved in development process is called Software Life Cycle Model. The model implemented by us Is Waterfall Model, which is most widely used in procedure-oriented development. This model attempts to break up the identifiable activities into series of actions, each of which must be completed before the next begins. The activities include problem definition, requirement analysis, design, and coding, testing, maintenance. Further requirements to this model include iteration back to previous stages in order to incorporate any changes or missing links. The phrases and the outputs of the waterfall at each phase are summarized below in tabular format. Problem definition Analysis Design

Coding Testing


2 Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)


2.1PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 1. Problem description-: This activity requires a precise definition of the problem in user terms. A clear statement of the problem is crucial To the success of the software. It helps not only the developer but also to understand the problem better. This phase is also called the feasibility study phase because here the developer checks whether the problem he asked to solve is available in terms of programming constructs or not. In this phase the following factors are taken care o automated f:• Is the problem solvable? • What are the various strategies that can be used to solve the problem? • Which is the best strategy out of chosen one? Initially the work began with the study of the existing system. Existing System: The department of any institution looks up after the entire financial network Which is the essence in running of an enterprise. The department looks up after the various heads under which expenses have to be incurred and also the various heads under which the payments

have to be collected. The efficient management of finances ensures profits and hence leads to prosperity. Thus an efficient department of any institution is the backbone Of success. This system (before computerization) comprised of manual handling of a range of components of the department. The reports traveled From staff down in the hierarchy to the upper levels. This involved redundantly copying the data for personal record maintenance and then the higher authorities maintain the data in the cashbook. At the end of the day the record are finalized in the cashbook.


Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

In the existing system all the records of passengers, flight information etc. are handled manually as a result the passengers have to wait for hours in queue before their reservations are made. Handling records manually is time consuming and may also result in poor services provided by the airline. It is very difficult to maintain records of each passenger as a lot of paper work is required, and some times the records may also get misplaced. There can also be redundancy of data i.e. duplications of data stored. There is lack of reliability, accuracy and timely information. Often information is not in accordance with other details i.e. lack of data integrity. As a result the passengers may shift to some other airline which provides better, quick and accurate services. The study of system concepts, then, has three basic implications:• A system must be designed to achieve a predetermined objective. • •

Interrelation and interdependence must exist among the components. The objective of the organization as a whole have a higher priority that the objective of its subsystems. For example, computerizing personnel application must conform to the organization’s policy on privacy, confidentiality, and security as well as making selected data available to the accounting division on request.

PROPOSED SYSTEM Since these days IT sector is growing rapidly and computers are now used in almost every field hence we have developed software with which Air Ticket Reservation can be made easily and it is convenient to maintain the records of the passengers.  This software includes not only making reservation but also cancellation of ticket, making enquiry about fair, flights etc and also shows the list of passengers for a particular flight.  We can easily access all the information of a passenger and may alter the records as needed.  Maintaining records and providing information about a particular flight becomes very easy and there is no chance of making mistakes. This project is mainly designed to help the users in the airlines department to do their work in a more organized and in a more efficient way. Earlier there was a fear of data loss and data corruption so this system was developed in keeping view of providing security and more userfriendly system to the users. Also this system has made the easy availability of the data to the user. Being a user friendly system the user can get data at any time at the request.

2.3FEASIBILITY STUDY A feasibility study is a test of a system proposal according to its work-ability, impact on the organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of resources. For all new systems, the Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

requirement engineering process should start with a feasibility study. The input to the feasibility study is a set of preliminary requirements; an outline description of the system is intended to support the process. The result of the feasibility study is a formal proposal. This is simply a reporta formal document that recommends whether or not it is worth carrying on with the requirements engineering and system development process. Feasibility Study is a test of a system proposal according to its workability, impact on the organization, ability to meet user needs, and effective use of resources. It focuses on three major questions: I. What are the user’s demonstrable needs and how does a proposed system meet them? II. What resources are available for given proposed system? Is the problem worth solving? III. What are the likely impacts of the proposed system on the organization? Each of these questions must be answered carefully. They revolve around investigation and evaluation of the problem, identification and description of proposed systems, specification of performance and the cost of each system, and final selection of the best system. The objective of a feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to acquire a sense of its scope. During the study, the problem definition is crystallized and aspects of the problem to be included in the system are determined. Consequently, costs and benefits are estimated with greater accuracy at this stage. The feasibility study that was conducted for the Air Ticket Reservation System was done keeping in mind the key considerations that are involved in the feasibility analysis. Economic Feasibility This is related to whether the organization can afford the system software and hardware configuration. The system should not increase the overhead cost rather it should cut down overhead cost. It also sees whether current manpower is sufficient to run the system and not much training is required to be given to the employees to run the system. Thus with all these factors we can conclude that economically the proposed system is feasible. Operational Feasibility The organization is facing lot of problems like time consumption, error prone records etc in the current manual system. The users are willing to work in new environment because ticket reservation and other processes are done in very short span of time and effectively. Enquiry about flights and passenger lists can be seen easily and fast, which will enable the employees to work efficiently and fast. Thus we can conclude that the management and staff are ready to computerize the system.

Technical Feasibility For the purpose of development of proposed system the available hardware i.e. Pentium 1 microprocessor, 32 MB RAM, and 1 GB hard disk is sufficient. Where as the software required is Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

Windows 95 or above operating system, C++ as front end and FAT File System as back end. Thus we can say that the proposed system is technical feasible. Behavioral Feasibility When a survey was conducted and the staff of the airlines was asked if it was ready to work with the proposed system, we found a mixed reaction. While some of the employees were more than willing to work with the new system, there were some who objected to it as they feared that their job may get into jeopardy. But when it was made clear to them that there jobs are fully secured and this system will not effect their jobs rather it will ease there work they agreed to work with this system. Thus this system is behavioral feasible. Thus the proposed system is feasible from all the aspects that are discussed above and it will work well when installed. It is easy to use and hence it won’t be necessary to provide any special training to staff members to execute the proposed system.

3 ANALYSIS Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

3.1ANALYSIS Analysis also known as requirement analysis and specification the main aim of this phase is to completely understand the requirements of the customer and then to document them properly. This also covers the detailed study of requirements of both the user and the software. This activity is basically concerned with that of the system such as: *What are the inputs to the system? *What are the processes required. *What are the outputs expected? *What are the constraints of the system? There are two components of the phase, they are-: A) Requirement Analysis This part of phase requires gathering of entire Gathering of entire information about the working of the work assigned. If the product involves developing new software for which no working model exists then the information is collected through questionnaire, which is filled by the customer, here the customer can be Conversed with too. B) System Analysis The output of this part of phrase is an system Requirement Specification (SRS) document that is presented to the customer and this document is used as a written agreement between the Developer and the customer, such that any confusion that arises later can be solved viewing the norms in the document. Once the customer is Satisfied with the documented specifications, the SRS can be used for further phases involved in development of the software.

3.2COMPONENTS OF SRS Before starting to design a software project, it is extremely important to define the precise requirements of the customer. However, once the precise User requirements are identified, analyzed and inconsistencies are weeded out, a document is written called Software Requirement Specification (SRS).

Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

1) Functional Requirements It should discuss the functionalities required from the system. The functional requirements of the system as documented in the srs should clearly describe each function which the system would support along with the corresponding input and output dataset.

2) Nonfunctional requirements It deals with the characteristics of the system that cannot be expressed as functions. The nonfunctional requirements may also include the reliability issue, accuracy of results human computer interface issue, and constraint on system implementation. The constraints on system implementation describes aspects such as specific data base management system to be used as per the customer request

3) Goal of implementation It gives some general suggestion regarding development. These suggestions guide trade off among design decisions. It might document issues such as revisions to the system functionality that may be required in future, new device to be supported in the future, reusability issue, etc.

4 DESIGN 4.1DESIGN Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

In this design stage we are designing our project according to cust o m e r satisfaction or user satisfaction. In this design phase the user must understand the whole project by seeing the design of the project. After the completion of the analysis stage theuser must design the project according to the collected requirements in the analysis stage.After the completion of the analysis stage the user must continue with the design stage.In this project the user must create the database to store the details of members, books, and reports tables based upon collection of table requirements collected in thedesign stage.In this tables, one field has been given as primary key in the design of tables because it won’t allow the duplicate values of members or it won’t accept the same idnumber for different members.For Book Details table also one primary key has been allocated for neglecting thesame values for the field Book number and another table was created that is for storingthe details of transaction that has been carried out, in that database it doesn’t have any keys in that because it can contain the details many users can take the book with sameaccount number.A f t e r c r e a t i o n o f t a b l e s t h e u s e r m u s t d e s i g n t h e p r o j e c t t h a t i s i t c a n a l s o represent the design in the form of Data Flow Diagrams. In the Data Flow diagrams itcontains the levels that is it has to be represented in Level 0 DFD, Level 1 DFD, Level 2DFD,… so that we can represent the Data flow diagrams in that format up to number of DFD’s required in the project.The user must design or draw the DFD diagrams based upon the project what itwill do, what are the operations that was carrying in the project it will represent the DFDdiagrams in the one by one operation that was carrying in the project.The user must understand the project what are all the operations in the project thatwas going to do or carrying out by seeing the DFD Diagrams. In that format the user must draw the DFD diagram. The DFD diagram that must contain all the details of the project.

4.2LEVEL 0 DFD DIAGRAM In Level 0 DFD diagram, it will display the menus of the project that iswhat are all we can do in the project. From that we can select the option what we aregoing to do. Based upon the condition it display the next screen for the selected operation.

Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

4.3LEVEL 1 DFD DIAGRAM In Level 1 DFD diagram it takes the input details and store the details inthe database. It takes the details separately for each table and store details separately ineach table.

Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)




Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

4.4LEVEL 2 DFD DIAGRAM Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

In Level 2 DFD diagram it displays the selected details or the details of all books present in the library and the details of selected members or all the members whoare having the membership in the library and the transaction details of members whohave taken books.


TO DISPLAY THE DETAILS OF TRANSACTIONS Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

4.5E-R DIAGRAM Entity-Relationship (E-R) analysis uses three major abstractions to describe data. Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

• Entities which specify distinct real world items in an application. • Relationships which represent meaningful dependencies between the objects. • Attributes which are the properties of the entities and relationships. E-R model allows the representation of explicit constrains as well as relationship and is basically useful in the designs and communication of the logical database model, objects of similar structures are elected into an entity set. Although it is relatively easy to describe what an E-R diagram looks like, it is much harder to describe how one goes about developing an E-R diagram for a particular system. There are some important points to consider here :How to choose entities, relationships names; and what steps should be followed in analysis.

5 Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

IMLEMENTATION 5.1IMLEMENTATION This chapter deals with implementation of the prototype. Rest of the chapter is organized as follows. Section presents Testing of the developed system, Section gives the various DFD’s of the developed system and Section presents the flowchart. Finally Summary of the chapter is given in section .

5.2TESTING The aim of the testing process is to identify all the defects existing in a software product. However for most practical systems even carrying out the testing phase is not possible to guarantee that the software is error free. This is because of the fact that the input data domain of most of the software products is large. It is not practical to test the software exhaustively with respect to each of the value that the input data may assume. We should not underestimate the importance of testing. Testing is a program consisting of set of test inputs (or test cases) and observing if the program behaves as expected, then the conditions under which a failure occurs are noted for debugging and correction.

5.3 LEVELS OF TESTING Basic levels of testing are: - Unit Testing - Integration Testing Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)


System Testing Regeneration Testing

Client needs Requirements



Acceptanc e System testing

Integration testing

Unit testing

UNIT TESTING Each individual form (Module) of the program was tested to ensure that each performs the function for it was designed. This testing involves the testing of the interface to ensure that the information flows into and out of the program unit under test. All the independent paths through the control structures in each module are tested. The testing involves the data validation for each form and the complete functionality of the form itself. The test cases can be designed in any of the two ways: •

Black-Box Testing

White-Box Testing

In Mutation testing software is first tested by using an initial testing method. After the initial testing is complete, mutation testing is taken up. The basic idea is to make a few arbitrary small changes to the program at the time such as changing a conditional operator or changing the type of variable. Each time the program is changed, it is a mutant program and the change effected is called a mutant. A mutant program is tested against the full test suit of the program. If there exists Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

at least one test case in the test suit for which a mutant gives an incorrect result, then the mutant is said to be dead. If a mutant remains alive even after all the test cases have been exhausted, the test data is enhanced to kill the mutant. The process of generation and killing of mutants can be automated by predefining a set of primitive changes that can be applied to the program. The major disadvantage is that it is computationally vary expensive, since a large number of possible mutants can be generated.

INTEGRATION TESTING The integration testing was performed on the unit test modules. These modules were combined into subsystems, which were then tested. The goal was to check whether the integration of the modules was poor and to detect design errors by focusing on testing the interconnection between modules. The flow of information from one stage to other was verified and expected results were checked. The integration plan specifies the steps and the order in which modules are combined to realize full system. After each integration, partially integrated system was checked. The primary objective of integration testing is to test the module interfaces. The integration plan can be developed based on any of the following approaches: •

Big-bang approach

Top-down approach

Bottom-up approach

Mixed approach

SYSTEM TESTING The entire software system was tested. The goal was to see if the software met its requirements. Here the validation exercises were carried out to detect application level errors. The functionality Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

along with the security, recovery, etc. features of the system is also tested. System tests are designed to validate a fully developed system with a view of assuming that it meets its requirements. There are essentially three main types of system testing: •

Alpha testing refers to the system testing that is carried out by the test team with in the organization

Beta testing is the system testing performed by a selected group of friendly consumers.

Acceptance testing is the system testing performed by the consumers to determine whether or not to accept the delivery of the system.

During system testing, in addition to functional and performance tests, stress tests are performed to determine the limitations of the system. Stress testing is also known as endurance testing. Stress tests are black-box tests which are designed to impose a range of abnormal and even illegal input conditions so as to stress the capabilities of the software. Stress testing usually involves an element of time or size, such as the number of records transferred per unit of time, the maximum number of users active at any time, input data size, etc. Therefore stress testing may not be applicable to many types of systems.

USER ACCEPTANCE TESTING The users of the system with the inputs of realistic data performed this testing. The only emphasis in this testing was on the functionality testing, as the users are not aware of the technical aspects of the system. The testing here was focused on the external behavior of the system , the internal logic of the system was not emphasized. This testing was also done in controlled environment with logging of all errors. Based on the errors found in the system, the users accepted the system with few modifications to the system, in order to rectify the errors. All these testing are implemented in the various steps at the development of the project.

APPROACHES TO TESTING There are two fundamental approaches to testing they are: 1. Functional Testing / black box testing: - In this structure of program is not considered. Test Cases are solely determined on basis of requirement or specification of the program or Module. Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

2. Structural Testing: - In this text case are generated on the basis of actual code of program or the module to be tested. This structural approach is called “glass box testing”. This testing is concern with implementation of the program.

6 CODING Library Management System (CSE 4th sem)

//*************************************************************** // HEADER FILE USED IN PROJECT //**************************************************************** #include #include #include #include #include #include //*************************************************************** // CLASS USED IN PROJECT //****************************************************************

class book { char bno[6]; char bname[50]; char aname[20]; public: void create_book() { cout
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