Library Management System Project

March 28, 2017 | Author: prachi5711 | Category: N/A
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µCERTIFICATEµ This is certify that, ‘GROUP’ has completed the report entitled


As a part of their partial fulfillment for the subject “presentation & communication technique” of Second year B.Sc.IT during academic year 2009 – 2010. Group members are as follows.




ACKNOWLEDGEME NT The enduring pages of the work are the cumulative sequence of extensive guidance and arduous work. I wish to acknowledge and express my personal gratitude to all those without whom this project could not have been reality. I would like to give my sincere thanks to Miss Anuja mam for spending her precious time with me to clarify my doubts regarding project. At last I would like to thanks all those who have directly or indirectly helped and cooperated in accomplishing this Project.

PREFACE Project is a special significance for an IT student; it has a special role too. He learns to tackle different problems that strike while developing any computer application. He gets an opportunity to explore and use various functions available and some more really powerful features of the language. I made a project on the LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, which is an attempt to automate the existing library. This project enables its user to perform all the operations regarding a library. The project enables the user to make entry of a new book, deleting the record of a book from the library, issuing a book to a member, making entry of a new member, deleting the record of a member from the library etc. This project also enables the user to search for any information that the user wants. The user can using this project find out details of all the books present in the library, members of the library, books which are issued to a member, number of copies present of a book etc.

TABLE OF CONTENTS • SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS  Objective of the Project  Scope Of the project o Application Area o Systems/Subsystems Included o End Users

• REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION  Methodology  Feasibility Analysis  Brief Introduction of the Current System and its Deficiencies  Performance of the Proposed System  Alternative Solution  Cost Benefit Analysis


ANNEXURE A. Conclusion B. Bibliography

Objective of the project With the growing Information Technology industry, automation of their system and management is desired by all kind of commercial enterprises. As the name suggest library management system will deal in all the requirements needed for managing libraries. It will deal with the process of maintaining data about the books and many other things as well as transactions which are taking place in the library with respect to the issue and return of the books. Library Management System maintains the record of Books in the library, issue and return process of the books in the library. Here we are primarily concerned with management of books of library. In this project we identify the need for computer based Library Management system. Hence this project covers the following issues:  Maintains data about the books of the library.  Arranging data in logical order for easy maintenance. 

Collection of data about books which are issued.

 Collection of data about books which are returned. 

Data of fine on the members for late return of books, damage of books etc..

 Data about Books which are lost.  Generation of various reports according to the management request.

Scope of the project Application area : The main objective of the project is to keep the information of Books such as Title of the book, Name of the Book, Author of the book. It also keeps information of the transaction such as issue and return of the books, fine information on the members etc…. The project also generate various reports such as report of books which are not returned , report of fine on the members and how much balance is left and how much they have paid. These are the main objective of the project or the application area. System/Subsystem: In this library management system we are concerned with the information maintained in the library such as information about books, information about subjects available in the library, information of members and there membership. There are many other things, which are needed for proper functioning of any library these are transaction that takes place in the library for issue and return process of the books. This is how we define the system of the library. End Users: The end user’s of this system is the librarian or the in charge of the library, which take care of the transaction of the books in the library.

METHODOLOGY The structured systems development life cycle, as outlined by EDWARD YOURDAN in his book modern structured analysis [1989] has been followed in this project with minor modifications. This modified life cycle is shown overleaf. The activities in this life cycle are explained in brief below :-

ACTIVITY 1 : SURVEY This activity is also known as the “feasibility study”. It begins with a request from the user for a new system. It involves the following:  Identify the responsible users for the system.  Clarify the user request. 

Identify deficiencies in the current system.

 Establish goals and objectives for the new system.  Prepare a project charter that will be used to guide the remainder of the project.


The objectivity of system analysis is to develop structured system specification for the proposed system. The structured system specification should describe what the proposed system would do, independent of technology that will be used to implement these requirements. The structured system specification will be called the essential model in many books essential model is called the logical model. The essential model itself consists of multiple models, modelling different aspect of the system. The data flow diagrams may model the function of the system, entity relationship diagrams may model the data and their relationship and the state transition diagrams may model time dependent behaviour of the system. The essential model in this project consist of only process model i.e. data flow diagram. The essential model thus consist of the following :  Context Diagram.  Event List.  Levelled Data Flow Diagram.  Process Specification for the Flows and Stores on the DFDs.  Understand the current information system.  Analyse the current system to find the deficiencies in it.  Develop the functional specification for the new system.  Review the Feasibility, and Cost-Benefit Analysis.

ACTIVITY 3 : PRELIMINARY DESIGN This activity deals with certain design issues, which are to be finalised in consultation with the user. The two most important design issues of the relevance to the user are the automation boundary and the human-machine interface, the output of this proposed system. This model in addition to the essential model defines the following for the proposed system. 1.

Automation Boundary


Report Layout.


Screen Layout for the Data Entry Forms.


The parts of the new system consist of.


The physical layout of the input and output document.


The user interface of the software for the system.

ACTIVITY 4: SYSTEM DESIGN System design involves transformation of the user implementation model into software design. The design specification of the proposed system consist of the following: 7.

Develop the modules structure for the software.


Develop the specification for each module.


Design the file layout or the database.


ACTIVITY 5: IMPLEMENTATION This activity is actually concerned with the development of software. It includes various operations:

 Programming  Testing  Integration of modules into a progressively more complete system.

ACTIVITY 6: ACCEPTANCE TEST GENERATION This activity generates a set of test data, which can be used to test the new system before accepting information technology.

ACTIVITY 7: QUALITY ASSURANCE Quality assurance is also known as final testing or acceptance testing. This activity requires, as its input, acceptance test data generated in activity 6 and an integrated system produced by activity 5.


This activity involves the development of the user manual for the new system. Here we describe the process we have given in implementation activity.


This activity involves conversion of data from the existing system to the new system.


This is the last activity in the system development life cycle. The changeover from the current system to the new system is done. This project involved all the activities in the life cycle except for database conversion and installation

Problem With Conventional(Manual) System

This is Problem definition and it includes the description of the current system and the deficiencies in the current system. Current system is manual maintenance of all the entities and transaction of the library.


Lack of the immediate information retrieval :

The manual system lacks immediate retrieval of information. This problem is common to all of us just to retrieve the information about the availability of Books, etc... 2.

Lack of immediate information storage :

The manual system lack immediate storage of information. To store proper information at proper place, we need to find a proper place in our books and we need to store the information at the places that can be easily searched. 3.

Lack prompt updating:

“Nothing is permanent “every thing changes, as time passes on. The same stands true with the system, which we are talking about, one can imagine, how difficult it is, to alter some information written on the piece of paper. One way to alter is just cut off and throws away the paper and rewrites the same information with minor changes on the fresh sheet of paper. Another way is erase the previous information. Both are disgusting.


Lack storing of information:

Information is not an information, if it is unordered. In fact it is nothing more than a raw data. To make data useful we need to store it on various basis like on the basis of Book code, Title id, subject id, etc., but imagine how to store information in a manual system.


Redundancy of information:

We have to make transactions with number of book at a number of times. There are always chances of recording information about the same book number of times. This is “redundancy”. Redundancy invites inconsistency. In case some information about a member or book is maintained twice or more than twice in future, if modification done at one place then how will you be able to decide which of the various information about the same is correct.


Preparation of accurate and prompt reports :

Preparation of fine report, total number of missing book reports etc. becomes really difficult in a manual system. Even after hard work if one able to prepare it then it is not guaranteed that the prepared report is accurate and up to date whereas this is not the case with computerised systems.

User Requirement Various requirements laid by the user are:  Maintains data about the books of the library.

 Arranging data in logical order for easy maintenance.  Collection of data about books which are issued.  Collection of data about books which are returned. 

Data of fine on the students for late return of books, damage of books etc…

 Generation of various reports according to the management request.

Performance of the proposed System 1. Immediate retrieval of information Better storage facility 2. Better sorting of efficient report 3. Quick sorting of information. 4. Preparation of efficient report. 5. Accuracy of data i.e. no redundancy hence no inconsistency. 6. Prompt updating of information.

ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS EXAMINED To achieve various goals and sub-goals set above, broadly three solutions where examined. These solutions are consists of: 1. Specification of information to be made available by the system.


Description of what will be done manually and what has to be done by the computer.


Specification of the new computer equipments that are required. For each alternative solution cost and benefit have to be examined before deciding one of the alternatives.

Solution A :-- One can improve existing manual system by carrying out the following steps : All the related records could be updated as soon as Book is issued . Instead of keeping information at various places about the books and the members of the library a master register can be made and it can be kept at the centre place. A data entry staff can be made to sit at the counter and can be assigned the job of entering all the books details and verifying it at the same time. He can also be assigned the job of taking out reports regularly on a fixed date. A separate master file can also be made for the employees and it can also be kept at the centre. Solution B :-- A transaction file can be maintained in which records related to a particular period can be kept and after a fixed interval main records could be updated using this transaction file.

Solution C:-- This is an online information system which help in fast information retrieval of the books when member request for the issue of book. Various calculation becomes easy such as calculation of fine.

COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS A cost benefit analysis is necessary to determine economic feasibility of the proposed system. The primary objective of cost benefit analysis is to find out whether it is economically worthwhile to invest in the project. If the return is good, then the project is considered economically worthwhile. Cost benefit analysis should be done before preparing the proposed system.

Cost benefit analysis is done for all the cost associated with the project. Conceptually, the cost of the project represents all the items of outlay associated with the project which are associated with long term funds as well. It is sum of outlays of the following: - Hardware :- Pentium III processor, Printer, UPS Costs up to RS. 40, 000.00. -

Software :- C++, MS Access Installation costs near about RS. 1000.00. - Cost of Stationary, floppy, Electricity & Maintenance is about RS 1500.00 - Cost of Operator RS 10,000.00

Benefits of the Proposed system: - Saving of extra employee for maintaing books, Calculations etc. - about RS 10,000.00 - Reduction in wastage & damage of books - RS 10,000.00 - Timely information – RS 5000.00 - Easy Report generation – RS 1000.00

Feasibility report

Objective The primary objective of this feasibility report is to inform the user about following matters:         

What is the problem with conventional (manual) system ? What is the solution available to overcome these problems ? What are the goals and sub-goals of the new (proposed) system? What are the proposed system should achieve ? What will be the requirement for these achievements ? Who will be involved in operating the system ? The benefits the system will give over conventional (manual) system ? Identifying benefits ? Identifying development costs ?

Evaluating Proposed Solution :-The proposed solution are further evaluated to find out the following 1. Technical Feasibility :-To find this, it is asked whether the proposed solution can fit with existing operations and whether the right information at the right time is provided to the appropriate authority. 2. Economic Feasibility :-To find this it is asked whether finances are available to implement the proposed solution and whether the money spend is recovered by savings or better customer satisfaction and by paying on time to the suppliers.

Automation Boundary An online information system is able to achieve almost all goals and sub goals listed before in other words it overloads almost all problems encountered in manual and batch system. We strongly suggest the online information for the user in modern competitive world, where time and efforts are valuable we just can’t afford their wastage. But here is also some boundary for working. Some specification known as Automation Boundary. These are:  Data have to enter manually.  All the Transaction have to be done using entering data manually.  Some of the reports may be missing and they can be added as and when required.  Security measures are not taken into care this will have to be implemented by the co.  Information about stationary is not maintained.

Conclusion The project deals with an effort to reduce the human efforts in maintaining piles of books manually which is highly tedious, inefficient, time-consuming and very error prone, because the overloaded work can lead to misplacing the collected information in papers. Thus the objective of the system is to maintain data properly. The main objective of the system is to locate the exact transaction of the system being taken place without any errors in a wellcomputerized system. Master Reports with summary are generated which the management for taking quick decisions can view. Hence the computer system is ideal for maintaining and locating information of any volume related to the system at any time. Possible Enhancements: The s/w can be enhanced in lot many ways in future to make it more scalable and flexible. 1. We can make links so that the users can see the books they have issued to their record. 2. We can include the issue and return dates in the records. This project made me go through various ups and downs in the making of a project. I got an idea about the problems encountered in the analysis, coding, debugging and testing. I have tried to restrict these problems to a certain limit and have tried to make the project more users friendly and easily accessible.

Bibliography Books : The C++ Programming Language-(Bjarne Stroustrup)  Software Engineering-(Ian Sommerville)  Beez’s Guide to Programming 

Websites :  

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