Library Dfd

November 7, 2017 | Author: Anonymous 1ioUBbN | Category: Conceptual Model, Data Model, System, Use Case, Information Retrieval
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Library management system Analysis and design using UML 1/12/2009

Rabha said Mansur

ID 11091

Supervised by: Dr. Adal asmeda

Library Management System


Library Management System


00 1.1 Problem statement. 1.2

System objectives

1.3 Project scope . 1.4 Project approach 1.5

Context Diagram Notation about DFD.

2.1Data flow diagrams. 2.2Decomposed DFDs. 2.2.1 Process Create bills [3]. 2.2.2 Process Create reports and queries [4] 2.2.3 Process Maintain Books Information [1] 2.2.4 Process Make book search [2] 3.1 State transaction diagram STD 3.2

Screen hierarchy.

Appendix: A.1 Conclusion A.2 References


Library Management System

figures Figure 2.1 Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4 Figure 3.5 Figure 3.6 Figure 3.7 Figure 3.8 Figure 3.9 Figure 3.10 Figure 4.1 Figure 4.2 figure figure

Context diagram DFD level 0 DFD level 1 Maintain Books Information DFD level 2 Maintain author DFD level 2 Maintain subject DFD level 2 Maintain sub subject DFD level 2 Maintain publisher DFD level 2 Maintain book author DFD level 2 Maintain book DFD level 1 Make book search DFD level 1 Create bills use case diagram class diagram sequence diagram State transaction diagram (STD)


Library Management System

1.1Introduction. The aim of this project is to design and implement an online library, which will enable users to search for books and browse information about these books as the abstract, publisher information, cost, table of contents, etc. The database of the library based on one of the standardized systems for cataloging and classifying the books. We follow the standardization rules to assign subjects and sub-subjects codes, and to classify books under subjects and sub-subjects.


Library Management System

1.2The curnt system it is manually system where librarian have to process every thing manually from organizing the books and place them in the right place write shelf to retrieve them for the library visitors and that is overwhelming consuming process 1.3Problem for the current system. Retrieving books from a library is very important for many peoples. The main problem is to define whether this book is exactly what the user wants and where this book resides in the library (to go and pick). And that with be source of some of these hinders in books searching in library 1-


Wasting a lot of time looking for the book in the wrong location in the library Use the wrong search item and ending up with the same title for more than author 6

Library Management System



Misallocate books in the wrong section the wrong shelf Search process consume allot of the librarian time as well as the visitor and it could be overwhelming for the librarian specially if they have to deal with more than one visitor at the time

There is a need for designing an advanced search engine that searches a library database and returns a complete book record, including the shelf number on which the book resides

1.3System Objectives. •

Design and implement a library database based on a standard library classification system. Build an advanced search that can help for the best handling of user queries, this search should handle different search types like searching by author, title, subject, format or any combination of them, or searching by ISBN, or Publisher and Publication date. The search result should contain information about the exact location of the book. 7

Library Management System

Build the interface between the online screens and the library database system.

1.4Project Scope. Project scope will be contains the following activities: Reception activities. Sales transactions. - Accounting system. - Book store follow up. - Using internet facilities to connect all branches together. -

Activities to be covered in our project The following is the activities that will be covered in our project scope:• • •

Maintain book information. Maintain publisher information. Maintain author information. 8

Library Management System

• •

Handel search request. Handel retrieval operations like:-. - List all books with specific title. - List all books with specific author name. - List all books classified under specific sub-subject. - List all books with any combination of title, subject and author. - List all books published by a certain publisher. - List all books published in a certain date. - Retrieve a book with a given ISBN. - List all books belong to a certain series.

1.5 Project approach.

To solve our problems in this system, we will use the following structured approach to achieve the system goals using the next steps in analysis and design phases:-

Analysis phase: In this phase we want to analyses the system and tray to explain the moving


Library Management System

data between different components of the system. •

* Prepare the context diagram, which it is the highest level view of the system, it contains only one process and a number of data flows and also a number of sources. It is an overview of an organizational system that shows the system boundaries, external entities that interact with the system, and the major information flows between the entities and the system.

* Data flow diagram (DFD).

It is a logical model of the system. These diagrams have a notification for each of the components of the system, they also have a notification for representing different level in a hierarchy of detail used to describe the system.

*use case diagram use case in a use case diagram is a visual representation of a distinct business function in a system. For example, In a banking application, a deposit function represents a use case 10

Library Management System

• *Class diagram It’s the conceptual model ; and it’s use conceptual ion to visuals the basic concept of the system in the analysis stage

Design phase:

* Prepare the (ER) entity relationship diagram, which it is a data model that determines the relationships between several entities in the system.

* ER to relational data model mapping.

* Normalization.

The normalization process takes a relation schema through a series of tests to certify weather it satisfies a certain normal form.

*Sequences diagram It call interaction diagram too ;in it the transformation for the analysis requirements to the it’s final functionality in the destine stage


Library Management System

2.3 Context Diagram: The context diagram is the highest level view of the system, it contains only one process, no data stores, and a number of data flows and also a number of source/sinks. The single process represents the entire system and its labeled “o”. The source/sinks represent its environmental boundaries. Since the data stores conceptually inside the one process, no data stores appear on a context diagram. It is an overview of an organizational system that shows the system boundaries, external entities that interact with the system, and the major information flows between the entities and the system. In the figure, the context diagram of the System is shown. It consists of the following entities and the following data flows. Reception: This source represents the first step to start functions of our system that this section meet the customer to give him the answers of different questions he needs. Administration: This source represents the main department in library which responsible for managing all the information which the system needs. 12

Library Management System

Cashier: This section responsible for customer’s payment and issue the bills. Data flow: Customer request: this request from user to reception to inquiry about certain book with little information about this book, reception clerk will search and replay to customer about his needs in suitable time. Bill: prepared by cashier for all items purchased by customer using the information system which contains information about all items in the library like item description, quantity, item price and total value for bill. Statistical reports: prepared by computer department to help the mangers in the library to take a suitable decisions in the suitable time.

Process Library Management System


Library Management System

C o n te xvia tD Connected

ia g rConnected a m G r a p to h



Bills issuing

Cashier (External Entity)


Maintain books information

Administration (External Entity)


make search

Reception (External Entity)



Queries and Reports Q u e ireReception s a n d R e p o rt s(External Entity)


Queries and Cashier (External M a n a gEntity) ement S y s te m invoices Q u e rie s a n dmrea kpeo rts es a rc h


Queries and reports


L ib ra ry

R e c e p t io n

Administration (External Entity) Q u e rie s a n d in v o ic e s

A d m in is t ra tio n M a in ta in b o o k s in f o rm a t io n


B ills is s u in g

C a s h ie r

Library Management System

3.2 Notation about DFD. First, Data Flow Diagram is a logical model of the system, the model does not depend on hardware, software, data structure or file organization. It is a graphical picture of the logical system. It is an excellent tool for communication with user to explain the system for him. Data Flow diagram describes what happen not how is happens. Data Flow diagrams have a notation for each of the components of a system. They also have a notation for representing different level in a hierarchy of detail used to describe the system. This notation makes it possible to represent an overall view of a large complex system and a detailed view of a part of a system using the same notation. Parts of a system can be isolated into independent subsystems. These work together as a unit to perform a set of processes that must be done together at one time. There is a standard process that an analyst can follow to make sure that all components of a system are identified. Data Flow Diagrams are constructed from four basic building blocks: •

Terminators 15

Library Management System

• • •

Data stores , Data Flows, and Process.

Connected via

Connected to

enter sub subject data

Administration (External Entity)


Read author data

Author (Data Store)


Read book authors

Book_author (Data Store)


Read book information

Book (Data Store)


read publisher data

Publisher (Data Store)


read sub subject data

Sub_subject (Data Store)


read subject data

Subject (Data Store)


Subject data updating

Subject (Data Store)


Updating author data

Author (Data Store)


Write Book author data

Book_author (Data Store)


Write book data

Book (Data Store)


Write Publisher data

Publisher (Data Store)


Write sub subject data

Sub_subject (Data Store)





Library Management System

DFD level 0


D a t a F lo w D i a g r a m L e v e l 0 D1

P u b lis h e r


B o o k _ a u th o r

A u th o r W ri te P u b lis h e r d a ta b o o k a u th o r_ d a ta _ r e a d in g

R e a d a u th o r d a ta

W r ite B o o k a u th o r d a ta r e a d p u b lis h e r d a ta R e a d b o o k a u th o rs

p u b lis h e r d a ta re a d in g

U p d a tin g a u th o r d a ta

A d m in is t r a tio n


a u th o r re a d in g


M a in t a in B oo ks In f o r m a tio+ n

e n te r s u b s u b je c t d a ta

S u b je c t r e a d i n g

S u b s u b je c t re a d in g r e a d s u b j e c t d a ta R e a d in g a u th o r d a ta re a d s u b s u b je c t d a ta S u b je c t d a ta u p d a tin g

B o o k s Q u e ry

R e c e p tio n

M ake boo k search


B o o k s r e s u lt

b o o k s d a ta re a d in g W r ite b o o k d a ta

W r ite s u b s u b je c t d a ta R e a d b o o k in fo r m a tio n


S u b je c t D6

Book d a ta r e a d in g o f b o o k s


S u b _ s u b je c t

3 C rea te b ills +

R e a d in g s u b s u b je c t d a ta

4 R e a d in g s u b je c t d a ta is s u e r e p o rts

C r e a te r e p o rts a n d q u e r ie s

R e a d in g b o o k d a ta


B illin g

C a s h ie r

Q u e r ie s a n d in v o ic e s

W r ite b ill d a ta R e a d b ill d a ta

R e a d in g p u b lis h e r d a ta


c r e a te b ill

Library Management System

Connected via

Connected to

Enter book data

Administration (External Entity)


Read book information

Book (Data Store)


Readin book author

Book_author (Data Store)


Reading puplisher information

Publisher (Data Store)


Reading sub subject information

Sub_subject (Data Store)


Reading subject information

Subject (Data Store)


Write book data

Book (Data Store)

Sub process Maintain book





Library Management System

D F D L evel 1 fo r P ro cess #1 E n te r a u th o r d a ta

1 .1

[R e a d a u th o r d a ta ]

M a in ta in a u th o r


1 .3 [e n te r su b su b je ct d a ta ]

S u b je c t

[S u b je ct d a ta u p d a tin g ] R e a d in g s u b s ub je c t


A d m in is tr a tio n

D 2

[re a d su b je ct d a ta ]

M ia n ta in s u b je c t

b o o k re a d in g

A u th o r

R e a d in g b o o k a u th o r

1 .2

E nte r s u b je c t d a ta


[U p d a tin g a u th o r d a ta ]

R e a d in g s u b je c t

M a in ta in sub s u b je c+t


[re a d su b su b je ct d a ta ]

S u b _ s u b je c t

[W rite su b su b je ct d a ta ]

1 .4 E n te r p u b lis h e r d a ta

M a in t a in p u b lis h e r

re a d b o o k

[re a d p u b lish e r d a ta ]



P u b lis h e r

[W rite P u b lish e r d a ta ]

1 .5 E n te r b o o k a uth or

M a in t a in book a u t h o r+

b o o k re a d

[R e a d b o o k a u th o rs] D 5


[R e a d b o o k in fo rm a tio n ] [W rite b o o k d a ta ]

B o o k _ a u th o r

[W rite B o o k a u th o r d a ta ]

1 .6

E n te r b o o k d a ta


R e a d in g a u th o r

R e a d in b o o k a u th o r R e a d in g p u p lis h e r in fo rm a tio n

M a in ta in book

R e a d in g s u b s u b je c t in fo rm a tio n


R e a d in g s u b je c t in fo rm a tio n

Sub process Maintain book author


Library Management System

Connected via

Connected to



Enter author data

Administration (External Entity)


Read author data

Author (Data Store)


Reading book author

Book_author (Data Store)


Updating author data

Author (Data Store)


DFD Level 2 process 1.1

1.1.1 A dd new author no

[En te r a utho r d ata ]

Da ta a dding


A dm inistration

U pdate author data

Ma inte na nc e da ta

[Re a d a u tho r d a ta]


A u th o r

da ta updating

1.1.3 D elete author data

author da ta

[Up d a tin g a u th o r d a ta ]

[Re ad in g b o o k a u th or]


B o o k _ a u th o r

Sub process Miantain subject 20

Library Management System

Connected via

Connected to



book reading

Book (Data Store)


Enter subject data

Administration (External Entity)


read subject data

Subject (Data Store)


Reading sub subject

Sub_subject (Data Store)


Subject data updating

Subject (Data Store)


DFD Level 2 for process 1.2 1.2.1 Add new subject code

[Enter subject data]

Adding new subject data

1.2.2 Update specific subject

Administration Flow of subject data

[read subject data]



data subject updating

[Reading sub subject]


Sub_subject Reading sub subject

1.2.3 delete subject code

Enter subject code

[book reading]



Sub process Maintain sub subject 21

[Subject data updating]

Library Management System

Connected via

Connected to



enter sub subject data

Administration (External Entity)


read sub subject data

Sub_subject (Data Store)


Reading subject

Subject (Data Store)


Write sub subject data

Sub_subject (Data Store)


D F D L e v e l 2 f o r p r o c e s s 1 .3 1 .3 .1 A dd n ew su b s u b je c t

[e n te r su b s u b je ct d a t a ]

[W rite s u b su b je ct d a ta ]

[ R e a d in g su b je ct]


S u b je c t R e a d in g s u b je c t

A d m in is tr a tio n

1 .3 .2 D a ta e n te r

U p d a te s u b s u b je c t d a ta

[re a d s u b s u b je c t d a t a ]


S u b _ s u b je c t

d a ta s u b s u b je c t u p d a tin g

1 .3 .3 D e le te s u b s u b je c t

E n te r d a ta

R e a d in g b o o k d a ta



Sub process Maintain publisher


u p d a tin g d a ta

Library Management System

Connected via

Connected to



Enter publisher data

Administration (External Entity)


read book

Book (Data Store)


read publisher data

Publisher (Data Store)


Write Publisher data

Publisher (Data Store)


D F D L e v e l 2 f o r p r o c e s s 1 .4

1 .4 .1

[E n te r p u b lish e r d a ta ]

[W rite P u b lis h e r d a ta ]

A d d n ew p u b lis h e r

1 .4 .2

A d m in is tr a t io n M a inte n a n c e da ta

U p d ate p u b lis h e r d a ta


[re a d p u b lish e r d a ta ] P u blis he r da ta u p da ting

P u b lis h e r

1 .4 .3 D e le te p u b lis h e r d ata

P u b lis h e r d a ta

[re a d b o o k ]



Sub process Make book search 23

U pd a tin g p u blis he r da ta

Library Management System

Sub process Search by author Connected via

Connected to



author reading

Author (Data Store)


book author_data_reading

Book_author (Data Store)


books data reading

Book (Data Store)


Books Query

Reception (External Entity)


Books result

Reception (External Entity)


Sub process Search by book Connected via

Connected to

Book query

Reception (External Entity)

Book result

Reception (External Entity)

Reading book

Book (Data Store)


Dst X


Sub process Search by publisher Connected via

Connected to



publisher data reading

Publisher (Data Store)


Publisher query

Reception (External Entity)


Puplisher result

Reception (External Entity)

Reading book information

Book (Data Store)


Sub process Search by subject and sub subject Connected via

Connected to

Book reading data

Book (Data Store)



Dst X

Library Management System

Sub subject reading

Sub_subject (Data Store)


Subject query

Reception (External Entity)


Subject reading

Subject (Data Store)


Subject result

Reception (External Entity)


D V D L e ve l 1 fo r p ro c es s # 2

2 .1

[ B o o k s Q u e ry ]

S earch b y a u th o r

[ B o o k s re s u lt ]

[a u t h o r re a d in g ]

D1 D5

[ b o o k a u t h o r_ d a t a _ re a d in g ]

A u th o r B o o k _ a u th o r [ b o o k s d a t a re a d in g ]

B o o k r e a d i n g d a ta

2 .2

S u b je c t q u e r y S u b je c t re s u l t

S earch b y s u b je c t a n d s u b s u b je c t

[ S u b je c t re a d in g ]


[ S u b s u b je c t re a d inDg 3]

S u b je c t S u b _ s u b je c t

R e c e p t io n

P u b lis h e r q u e ry

P u p lis h e r re s u lt

R e a d i n g b o o k i n fo r m a ti o n

2 .3 S earch b y p u b lis h e r


[p u b lis h e r d a t a re a d in g ]

P u b lis h e r

2 .4 B o ok que ry B o o k re s u lt

S earch b y book

R e a d in g b o o k



Sub process Create bills Connected via

Connected to

create bill

Cashier (External Entity)



Dst X

Library Management System

data reading of books

Book (Data Store)


Queries and invoices

Cashier (External Entity)

Read bill data

Billing (Data Store)

Write bill data

Billing (Data Store)


D FD Level 1 process #3 3 .1 A dd new b ill

[cre a te b ill]

[W rite b ill d a ta ]

[d a ta re a d in g o f b o o ks] Re a ding book s



3 .2

C a s h ie r

U p d a te b ill d a ta

bill da ta

[Re a d b ill d a ta ]


B illin g

Upda ting da ta

3 .3 e nte r bill da ta

D ele te b ill d a ta

Upda ting bill da ta

3 .4 Is s u e in v o ic e

[Q u e rie s a n d in vo ice s]

inv oic e a nd re port

Use case diagram 1-In this use case diagram administrate the


Library Management System

2-requirement with simple symbols; easy for the use to understand 3-It covers the whole system and how it works and any thing out of the system borders that means it’s not in the system 4-It make it easier to communicant between the client and the system developers


Library Management System

Class diagram in this conceptual model we descript the basic concepts of the system and it’s relationships with each other ; in this point we do not pay much attention to the system behavior in this conceptual model we determent the basic concepts of the for the library system we analysis 1-









Library Management System

Designe stage


Library Management System

Entity-Relationship Data Model (E-R Model): It is detailed Logical representation of the entities, association, and data elements for an organization or business area. *

Entity-Relationship Diagram (E-R Diagram): It is graphical representation of ER Model.


Entity Type: A collection of entities shared common properties or characteristics.


Attribute: A named property or characteristic of an entity that is of interest to the organization. Relationship: it is association between the instances of one or more entity types that is of interest to the organization.


Library Management System

E R D ia g r a m fo r O n lin e lib r a r y

W r itte n b y

a u th o r a u th o r id a u t h _ f irs t a u t h _ la s t a u t h _ f u lln a m e a u t h _ e m a il a u t h _ c o u n t ry a u th _ p h o n e _ n o

BO O K_AUTHE R A u th e r i n fo r m a t i o n

SUBJECT s u b j e c ti d s u b je c t n a m e

In c lu d e s



is b n t it le n u m b e r o f v o lu m e s p u b lis h e r y e a r m o n th e d it io n p ric e n o te fo rm a t n u m b e ro fp a g e d im e n t io n c a lln u m b e r t a b le o f c o n t a n t

b illin g b ill_ n o b o o ks_ co u n t v a lu e d is c o u n t n o te s

P u b lis h e d b y

R e l a te d _ t o

P U B L IS H E R p u b lis h e r id p u b lis h e r n a m e p u b lis h e r p la c e

SUB_SUBJECT s u b s u b j e c tid s u b s u b je c t n a m e

B e l o n g s to


Library Management System

3.5 State transaction diagram


It is represent dynamic models of how objects change their states in response to events. It is a model of the states of an object and the events that cause the object to change from one state to another. A state is shown as a rectangle with rounded corners. In figure we have shown different states of Book order object such as user entrance, order form, database accessing , searching result and getting results. The state diagram shows how the object transactions from an initial state to other states, when certain events occur or when State Transition Diagram certain conditions are satisfied. [if form not fill] / display form

User number, user password written Order clicked User entrance

Order form [if not there ] /display message

[if the form is fill] / go to db

Order searched Db accessing

[if there ] / display result

Order booked

Book button is pressed Result pages

Confirmation message is displayed

32 Getting confirmed message

Search result

Library Management System


Screen Hierarchy Chart

Online library sy s t e m m a i n m en u




4 .0


Q u e ri e s


System Codes

Ba s i c d a t a






C ou n t r i e s codes



Search book b y n a me






Search book b y au t h o r


1.2 P u bl i s h e r p l ac e c o d e

Tr a ns a c t i o n data

2.2 Main subject

2.3 s u b s ub j e c t

4.3 S e a r c h b oo k by p ub l i s h e r

2.4 Pu b l i s h e r

4.4 S e a r c h b o ok b y s u b j ec t




B i l l i ng



5 .4

d a i ly a n d m o n th l y sa l e s

Books by m a n y m e t ho d

Library Management System

A.1 Conclusion. After prepared analysis and design for this system, we try to replace the manual system by automated one. In our analysis we used high techniques to prepare a good design to be easy for implementation phase, so we hope that this system will appear in a good case. This new system is required to match new fast technology age for helping libraries requirement. The new system can be integrated with other library’s systems to get full benefit.

A.2 References. 1- Elmasri, R. and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems. Benjamin / Cummings publishing company, California, USA 2- Jeffrey A. Hoffer & Joey F. George & Joseph S. Valacich. Modern System Analysis & design.


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