Liberty Aid Package

January 11, 2019 | Author: Timothy Moore | Category: Credit History, Credit Score, Registered Mail, Debits And Credits, Credit Bureau
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Clean Credit Report Process Package Contents: Forward Step 1-Validation Letter 1 Step 2-Validation Letter 2 Step 3 Conclusion  Appendix (applicable (applicable laws) Note: a!e sure "ou read all steps care#ull" be#ore$and and #ollow t$e steps exactl"% &'''& t$e ters o# t$e Con#identialit" Con#identialit"  A*reeent "ou "ou si*ned are are applicable to t$e Clean Clean Credit &eport &eport +rocess +ac!a*e%

FORWARD ,ear CLIENT CLIENT Con*ratulations on ta!in* t$e steps needed to correct "our credit #ro predator" lenders% .nside t$is pac!et "ou will #ind all steps easil" labeled in t$e order needed to coplete t$e process includin* t$e pre-written custo letters called Validation Letter 1 and Validation Letter 2/ t$at you ill send t$rou*$ send  t$rou*$ t$e 0S +ostal Serice as Certi#ied ail wit$ &eturn &eceipt% $e Certi#ied ail wit$ &eturn &eceipt process and paperwor! can be #ound at "our local post o##ice% RE!E!"ER t$e ters o# "our Con#identialit" Contract appl" to t$is process and all aterials (ot$er t$an letters speci#ied) contained in t$is pac!a*e are con#idential and #or t$e client ONL#% ONL#% RE!INDER: RE!INDER : Li$erty Aid Package in#oration is proided #or boo!!eepin* purposes #or t$ose wis$in* to reoe ites #ro t$eir credit report% 0nderstand t$at wit$ identit" t$e#t rapant it a!es sense to be care#ul in "our boo!!eepin* and to !now $ow to reoe ites placed #raudulentl" on a credit report% it$ t$e Li$erty Aid Package Package  "ou will be epowered t$rou*$ t$e use o# steps accordin* to Fair ,ebit Collection +ractices Act (F%,%C%+%A%) and learn $ow t$ese creditors #ailed to ta!e t$e steps de#ined b" law #or reportin* ne*atiel" to "our credit report in t$e #irst place% $e Fair ,ebit Collection +ractices Act (F%,%C%+%A%) is t$e basis #or t$e creditor reoin* #O%R reoin*  #O%R debt% ut t$is is a tric!% .t is a tric! t$at can be repeated as an" ties ties as needed to ensure "our debt is reoed% $at is t$e tric!4 Suin* #or speci#ic per#orance  5 6ecause presentent was neer ade t$e debt is inalidated and t$e plainti## plainti## ust write wit$in 37 da"s and record a satis#action o# lien and write t$e 3 credit reportin* a*encies noti#"in* t$e t$e debt $as been satis#ied%8  All debts #ro all ban!s and #ractional resere lenders o# all !inds are collected collected ille*all" due to t$e ori*inal note bein* wit$ t$e Federal &esere an! instead o# t$e lender% 9nl" t$e ori*inal note $older $older is allowed to collect a debt% ust li!e a Federal &esere Note ust be in ori*inal #or or it is a counter#eit t$e sae applies to "our note and "our lender does not $ae t$at note because t$e" traded "our note #or #ederal resere notes not$in* was eer lent or borrowed% Loo! up ;older .n ,ue Course in lac!? - =17? #or t$eir representation eer" tie% .t basicall" costs "ou not$in* not$in* or next to not$in*% @ou are sipl" tr"in* to s$ow t$e sca o# t$e lender not $ain* t$e note and a!in* t$e pa" eac$ tie #or t$eir lie wit$ court and law"er #ees%

et "our credit report be#ore "ou start and a#ter "ou end t$e letters% $ese are eidence o# t$eir wron*doin*% No atter w$at t$e" ail "ou !eep *oin* t$rou*$ t$e process as an" ties as needed until t$e" initiate a settleent o##er and "ou a*ree to t$e ters o# t$e o##er% 9t$er statutes and codes to use instead o# t$e ones in t$e saple #ilin* #or #uture #ilin*s are #or exaple: - ,ebt collector licensin* laws - 0cc lost note paperwor! - State code #or #dcpa #cra #inancial #raud - An" code t$at $as a #ine t$at i*$t appl" @ou are Bust *ettin* a #ine because all "ou are doin* is usin* a code or statute wit$ a #ine to *et t$e in t$e roo #or t$e speci#ic per#orance because "ou !now t$e" do not and neer possibl" can $ae t$e ori*inal note% 'idence o# a #ine is eidence o# copensator" and punitie daa*es #or later actions i# "ou so c$oose% $an! "ou and best wis$es

&TEP ONE Send out t$e attac$ed Validation Letter 1% Send Validation Letter Certi#ied ail wit$ a return receipt to t$e creditor% (So "ou $ae proo# t$e" receied "our letter) For an" response or no response #ro creditor wit$in 31 da"s a#ter date si*ned on t$e return receipt #ro t$e creditor t$en proceed to Step 2 and send t$e Validation Letter 2% For docuentation purposes !eep all copies and si*ned receipts #ro creditors and note dates 'ere(  ))))))))))))))))) Date o* deli+ery receipt o* Letter , And 31 da"s later is DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (calculate t'is date *ro. t'e date you recei+e t'e signed receipt *ro. t'e creditor/

CLIENT CLIENT ADDRE&& CREDITOR CREDITOR ADDRE&&  Attn: 0n!nown ,ate:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD  V.A: Certi#ied ail DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD  Re: DE"T IN&TR%!ENT , in t$e a.ount 0DE"T A!O%NT ori*inall" dated DE"T IN&TR%!ENT DATE % @ou are $ereb" in receipt o# notice under t$e aut$orit" o# t$e Fair ,ebt Collections +ractices Act re*ardin* "our aboe re#erenced #ile nuber t$at part or all o# t$e alle*ed debt is ,.S+0', and $ereb" deand alidation and eri#ication in writin* as #ollows: 1) An 9&..NAL si*ned contract and ot$er supportin* docuentation t$at *ae rise to t$e alle*ed obli*ation CREDITOR( is claiin* owed% 2) Stateent under penalt" o# perBur" t$at: a% "our client is t$e bona#ide part" in interest o# t$e contract and will produce said 9&..NAL si*ned contract (1 aboe) #or " own and a Bud*e71 (b) 2 (1) . a entitled to deand presentation o# t$e ne*otiable instruent% $at deand is $ereb" ordered% . deand t$at "ou present #or " isual inspection !# ORI1INAL WET IN2 &I1NAT%RE PRO!I&&OR# NOTE $is is reIuired to establis$ "our ri*$t o# en#orceent as ;older in ,ue Course ia a c$ain o# assi*nent as eidenced b" t$e Note% Claiin* to be t$e 6t$e $older in due course8 as a stateent is insu##icient proo# o# status and isGwill be reBected% A p$otocop" o# t$e docuents is insu##icient proo# as it does not answer t$e Iuestion o# w$o C0&&'NL@ is t$e ri*$t#ul and law#ul $older in ,ue Course% .# "ou are unable to proide t$is proo# as . $ae reIuested wit$in 37 da"s t$en you to not $eing a party o* interest  and cannot ri*$t#ull" en#orce "our clai under 0%C%C % - A&.CL' 3 K 3-371% .# "ou are unable to proide t$is proo# as . $ae reIuested wit$in 37 da"s t$en "ou adit to not bein* a part" o# interest and cannot ri*$t#ull" en#orce "our clai under 0%C%C% 5 A&.CL' 3 K 3371%  ) 0nder 0S Code .L' 1> M C;A+'& 1 M S0C;A+'& V M K 1H2* part b) t$is debt is now o##iciall" in dispute% " law all collection actiities ust cease until t$is atter is resoled% @ou are $ereb" *ien notice% latant disre*ard #or t$is law is subBect to #ines b" t$e FC% @ou are adised to consult le*al counsel on t$is atter% 17) . a *iin* "ou #oral notice t$at #ailure to respond to t$is letter t$rou*$ a eri#ied and alidated proo# o# clai wit$in 37 da"s as . $ae as!ed #or point *or point will be ta!en as an adinistratie de#ault% +lease be adised% A COP# o* t'e said Note nor  an A**ida+it o* Loss or any ot'er *or.s ill not $e accepta$le %

.n suar" please proide e t$e #ollowin*: 1%A stateent adittin* w$et$er "ou are t$e $older in due course or w$et$er "ou are a sericer% 2%A stateent adittin* w$et$er "ou $ae sold " note in a poolin* and sericin* a*reeent% $is is also !nown as securitiEation% 3%$e identit" o# t$e true $older in due course #or " loan% .# t$e loan $as been securitiEed t$e nae o# t$e &'.C " loan was sold to% %$e C0S.+ nuber under w$ic$ " loan was securitiEed to% >%a!e aailable #or isual inspection " ori*inal wet in! proissor" note (not a p$otocop")% +lease contact e in writin* to arran*e #or an appropriate point o# inspection% Liti*ation is er" expensie and s$ould be aoided at all cost% $is is " *ood #ait$ attept to resole t$is atter be#ore . a #orced to liti*ate a*ainst "our copan"% . a pleadin* wit$ "ou to resole t$is atter priatel" and ciill" as to a+oid $urdening our courts it' t'is .atter( I* I 'a+e to3 I ill see you in court( T'is is not an idle t'reat( Contactin* e a*ain a#ter receipt o# t$is notice wit$out proidin* procedurall" proper alidation o# t$e alle*ed debt constitutes a sc$ee o# #raud b" adancin* a writin* t$at "ou !now or s$ould !now is #alse wit$ t$e intention t$at t$e courts andGor ot$ers rel" on t$e written counication to ipair or daa*e " credit ratin* " reputation " standin* in t$e counit" as well as intentionall" in#lictin* #inancial and eotional $ar upon e% . ta!e t$is notice and " ri*$ts er" seriousl" and expect CREDITOR% to do t$e sae% .n t$e eent t$at t$is debt is not alidated b" "ou as reIuired b" t$e Fair ,ebt Collections +ractices Act "ou $ae a le*al responsibilit" to terinate t$e clai and correct an" ne*atie credit reportin* w$ic$ a" $ae been ade in connection wit$ t$is alle*ed debt% @ou a" want to obtain a le*al opinion on t$is but . beliee t$at would constitute a sc$ee o# #raud i# t$is debt were to be resold/ assuin* t$at CREDITOR $as in #act purc$ased eidence o# debt in t$is atter% . also will not respond to an" #uture correspondence w$ic$ is not si*ned or does not indicate w$o at "our #ir $as sent t$e deand #or pa"ent%

. expect tiel" responses to t$e aboe con#irations and t$at t$e" be ade in writin* and sent ia certi#ied ail to t$e address listed below% Alternatel" a letter #ro "our #ir t$at t$e atter $as been satis#ied and a cop" o# t$e letter "ou sent to all 3 credit reportin* a*encies as!in* t$e t$at an" aderse credit reportin* relatin* to t$is transaction to be expun*ed b" t$ese t$ree aBor credit reportin* a*encies iediatel"% Sincerel"


&TEP 4 Step 2 is t$e sae as Step 1 except it is J da"s instead o# 31 da"s until t$e next step% Send out t$e attac$ed Validation Letter 2% Send Validation Letter Certi#ied ail it' a return receipt to t'e creditor % (So "ou $ae proo# t$e" receied "our letter) For an" response or no response #ro creditor wit$in J da"s a#ter date si*ned on t$e return receipt #ro t$e creditor t$en proceed to Step 3% For docuentation purposes !eep all copies and si*ned receipts #ro creditors and note dates 'ere(  ))))))))))))))))) Date o* deli+ery receipt o* Letter ,4  And J da"s later is DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (calculate t'is date *ro. t'e date you recei+e t'e signed receipt *ro. t'e creditor/  At t$is point a#ter sendin* Validation Letter 2 it is not unli!el" t$at t$e creditor will settle to reoe t$e ite #ro "our credit report t$ou*$ accordin* to t$e F%,%C%+%A% laws t$e" ust% ut i# t$e" do settle at t$is point con*ratulations .# t$e" dra* t$eir #eet and want to test "our coniction t$en step 3 is reIuired% ,o not be discoura*ed @ou are wit$in "our le*al ri*$ts and will be indicated% @ou can do t$is !O5E ON TO &TEP 6

CLIENT CLIENT ADDRE&& CREDITOR CREDITOR ADDRE&& ,ate:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD  V.A: Certi#ied ail  DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD  Re: DE"T IN&TR%!ENT ,3 a.ount 0DE"T A!O%NT3 originally dated DE"T IN&TR%!ENT DATE( $is letter is a #ollow up letter to t$e alidation reIuest letter preiousl" sent to "ou ia certi#ied ail% $is letter is bein* sent to "ou in response to a listin* on " credit reports% $is notice is sent pursuant to t$e Fair ,ebt Collection +ractices Act 1> 0SC 1H2* Sec% O7 (b) t$at "our clai is disputed t$at "ou were reIuired to proide alidation and t$at "ou are now in iolation o# Federal and State law because "ou did not proide proper alidation wit$in t$e reIuired tie #rae% " preious letter to CREDITOR( ($ereina#ter PCollectorP) stated t$at . was disputin* t$e aboe account and reIuestin* t$at Collector proide le*al alidation o# t$e alle*ed debt% . did not reIuest Peri#icationP or proo# o# " ailin* address but a reIuest #or alidation ade pursuant to t$e aboe naed itle and Section% $e F,C+A states "ou ust cease collection actiit" until "ou $ae produced alidation o# t$e alle*ed debt i# so reIuested% As per t$e Federal rade Coission t$is includes reportin* to t$e credit bureaus w$ic$ Collector obiousl" $as done ille*all"% " law Collector ust alidate t$e debt and ust cease collection actiit" durin* t$e period Collector is alidatin* t$e alle*ed debt% At t$e end o# 37 da"s Collector ust $ae eit$er proided t$e reIuired alidation or peranentl" cease collection actiit"% Additionall" Collector is reIuired b" law to noti#" credit reportin* a*encies t$at t$e account is in dispute%

 At t$is tie . will also in#or "ou t$at i# Collector $as reported inalidated in#oration to an" o# t$e 3 aBor Credit ureaus ('Iui#ax 'xperian or rans0nion) t$is action a" constitute #raud under bot$ Federal and State Laws% ,ue to t$is #act i# an" ne*atie ar! is #ound on an" o# " credit reports b" Collector or t$e client t$at "ou represent . will not $esitate in brin*in* le*al action a*ainst "ou and "our client #or t$e #ollowin* at a iniu: 1) Violation o# t$e Fair ,ebt Collection +ractices Act 2) ,e#aation o# C$aracter  Collector is surel" aware o# t$e conseIuences in iolatin* t$e Fair ,ebt Collection +ractices Act as well as t$e ultiple iolations #or w$ic$ Collector is now responsible% .# not let e point t$e out #or "ou: 1% F,C+A K O7>% Counication in connection wit$ debt collection Q1>0SC1H2cR (c) Ceasin* Counication 2% F,C+A K O7% Validation o# debts Q1> 0SC 1H2*R 3% F,C+A K O13% Ciil liabilit" Q1> 0SC 1H2!R (a) 'xcept as ot$erwise proided b" t$is section an" debt collector w$o #ails to copl" wit$ an" proision o# t$is title wit$ respect to an" person is liable to suc$ person in an aount eIual to t$e su o#: (1) an" actual daa*e sustained b" suc$ person as a result o# suc$ #ailure/ (2) (A) in t$e case o# an" action b" an indiidual suc$ additional daa*es as t$e court a" allow but not exceedin* =1777% $ere are local and state laws also t$at $ae been iolated and "ou will be $eld accountable #or t$ose iolations as well i# "ou do not reoe t$ese dero*ator" tradelines #ro t$e 3 credit reportin* a*encies% e adised . $ae written reports #ro t$e aBor credit reportin* a*encies t$at s$ow Collector eri#ied t$e aboe account wit$ t$e durin* t$e period in w$ic$ Collector !new t$e account was in dispute and t$at . $ad reIuested alidation/ and t$at Collector did not report t$e account to t$e a*encies as bein* in dispute% Collector #ailed to alidate t$e debt and ust now in accordance wit$ t$e Fair ,ebt Collection +ractices Act peranentl" cease all collection actiit" related to t$e aboe-re#erenced account% . a in counication wit$ t$e t$ree aBor credit reportin* a*encies and $ae copies o# " consuer credit #iles% Collector $as not indicated to t$e credit reportin* a*encies t$at t$is account is in dispute% $at is as . pointed out aboe a iolation o# t$e F,C+A% @our #ailure to respond on a point b" point basis in writin* $and si*ned and in a tiel" anner $as wor!ed as a waier to an" and all o# "our clais in t$is atter and entitles e to presue t$at "ou reported t$ese accounts incorrectl" to t$e credit reportin* a*encies and under t$e doctrine o# estoppel b" silence . a" presue t$at no proo# o# t$e alle*ed debt nor t$ere#ore an" suc$ debt in #act exists%

. deand t$at Collector delete an" and all in#oration it $as reported to 'Iui#ax 'xperian rans0nion or an" ot$er credit reportin* a*enc" wit$in #ie (>) da"s o# Collectors receipt o# t$is notice/ and t$at . be proided wit$ docuentation to s$ow sae% o reiterate all re#erences to t$is account ust be deleted and copletel" reoed #ro " consuer credit #iles and a cop" o# suc$ deletion reIuests s$all be sent to e iediatel"%  Accordin* to t$e Federal rade Coission in t$e present circustance a collection a*enc": P%%%ust delete t$e in#oration #ro credit bureau #iles wit$in #ie da"s%P 9ri*inal creditors are also treated as debt collection a*encies under t$e F,C+A accordin* to CF+ Consuer Financial +rotection ureau w$ic$ oersees t$e adinistration o# t$e F,C+A w$en t$e" stated t$at in re*ard to itle T o# t$e ,odd-Fran! Act (t$e ,odd-Fran! all Street &e#or and Consuer +rotection Act o# 2717) and t$e F,C+A t$at 6$e F,C+A and t$e ,odd-Fran! Act to*et$er pro$ibit coered persons or serice proiders includin* debt collectors #ro en*a*in* in deception w$ile collectin* or atteptin* to collect on consuer debts%8 Notice t$is sa"s serice proiders w$ic$ also a!es t$e rest o# t$ese laws relate to ori*inal creditors and to t$ose sericin* t$e debts and t$ere#ore t$e collection o# t$ose debts% .n s$ort t$e F,C+A does pertain to ori*inal creditors% .# Collector #ails to copl" wit$ applicable reIuireents o# t$e Fair ,ebt Collection +ractices Act liti*ation s$all li!el" ensue% . $ae docuentation #or at least ei*$t--and possibl" ore--blatant iolations o# #ederal law eac$ o# w$ic$ a" incur a =1777 penalt"/ and seeral li!el" iolations o# applicable state and local laws as well% Cure t$e proble or #ace t$e li!eli$ood o# explainin* t$ese iolations to a Bud*e%  Additionall" s$ould Collector #ail to cure t$e iolations wit$in t$e stated period #oral coplaints will be #iled wit$ t$e Federal rade Coission/ t$e Aerican Collectors Association .nternational/ t$e 0nited States +ostal .nspection Serice ail Fraud ,iision/ and t$e etter usiness ureau State .nsurance Coissioner etter usiness ureau Secret Serice (#or counter#eitin*) reasur" ,epartent and ot$ers i# need be% Collector a" wis$ to c$ec! on t$e Statute o# Liitations #or t$is t"pe o# debt% $ile . pre#er not to liti*ate i# Collector #ails to delete t$e in#oration #ro t$e credit reportin* a*encies wit$in #ie (>) da"s o# receipt o# t$is certi#ied letter . will #ind it necessar" to sue Collector #or daa*es and declarator" relie# under t$e Fair ,ebt Collection Act% ecause t$e Fair Credit &eportin* Act proides concurrent Burisdiction in #ederal and state courts% .# liti*ation a*ainst Collector is necessar" it will also inole Collectors client i# it is a di##erent part" t$an "oursel# since t$e" are liable and responsible #or Collectors actions%

@ou did not answer " reIuests point b" point as reIuired b" law% . $ad reIuested t$at "ou proided proo# o# clai% A cop" o# t$e securit" instruent is not a su##icient proo# o# clai as per 0%C%C% - A&.CL' 3 -K3->71 (b) 2 (1)% 0nder t$is code . a entitled to $ae t$e instruent presented to e as "ou are reIuired to up!eep t$e le*al docuent entrusted to "ou% 0nder 0SC itle 1O C$apter 2> "ou are en*a*in* in counter#eitin* and suc$ be$aior is a #elon"% +roidin* a p$otocop" o# a securit" instruent is not onl" unconscionable but is ille*al% . $ad as!ed #or t$e isual inspection o# t$e ori*inal proissor" note not a cop"% @ou did not proide an" proo# to su##icientl" satis#"in* "our clai under 0%C%C%  A&.CL' 3 -K3-372 t$at "ou are a note $older in due course% @ou did not stipulate w$et$er or not "ou were t$e $older in due course% @ou did not stipulate w$et$er t$is loan was securitiEed as reIuired b" law% $ere#ore "ou adit to t$e #ollowin*: -/ #ou t'at you are a ser+icer o* t'e pro.issory note( 4/ #ou t'at t'e loan 'as $een securiti7ed( 6/ #ou t'at you are not a real party o* interest in t'is contro+ersy( 8/ #ou t'at you are a de$t collector t'at is not t'e original creditor( 0nder t$e Federal &ules o# Ciil +rocedure &ule 3H "ou are adised to noti#" e wit$in 1 da"s s$ould "ou wis$ to contest an" o# t$e aboe alle*ations wit$ speci#ic proo#% Failure to do so eans t$at "ou #ull" adit to all alle*ations as trut$% $ese adissions will be used as eidence a*ainst "ou in an" #uture controers" inolin* t$is atter% Cease and ,esist: . a reIuestin* in writin* t$at no telep$one contact be ade b" Collector to " $oe or ot$er telep$one% .# Collector attepts telep$one counication wit$ e it will be considered $arassent and . will $ae no c$oice but to #ile suit% S$ould an" telep$onic counication be ade b" Collector be adised t$at t$e counication will be recorded #or use as eidence%  All #uture counications wit$ e ust be done in writin* and sent to t$e postal address noted in t$is letter% est &e*ards CLIENT Cc: Federal rade Coission 0%S% +ostal .nspection Serice - ail Fraud ,iision

&TEP 6 &TEP 6: J da"s AFTER t$e date t$e return receipt was si*ned #or as receied b" t$e creditor start step 3 w$ic$ is t$e #ilin* o# a sall clais case% &A5E T9E DATE 9ERE ON T9E LINE PRO5IDED  #ro t$e creditors receipt #ro "our certi#ied ail t$at t$e" ailed bac! to "ou a postcard siEed li*$t *reen card Bust li!e Step 1 o# t$is process%  ))))))))))))))))))))))))))Date o* receipt o* deli+ery to creditor  Seen (J) da"s #ro t$at date is DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (calculate t'is date *ro. t'e date you recei+e t'e signed receipt *ro. t'e creditor/ $e t$ird and usuall" #inal step w$ic$ a" need to be repeated is #ilin* a sall clais case at "our local court a*ainst t$e creditor #or a #ine o# =1777% $e case will be #or a Fair ,ebit U Credit +ractices Act (F%,%C%+%A%) iolation eIualin* =1777 &ee Appendi;/( NOTE: @ou will also be able to use state laws t$at re#erence t$e Fair rade Coission (F%%C%) w$ic$ aries b" state% .n addition "ou ust sue #or &peci*ic Per*or.ance w$ic$ will reIuire t$at t$e creditor will send a notariEed letter to reoe "our entr" #ro all credit reports wit$in seen (J) da"s/ and to neer report "our in#oration eer a*ain to an" credit reportin* a*enc"% NOTE: a!e sure i# "ou Iuali#" t$at "ou #ill out an INDI1ENT or Wai+er o* Fees or &i.ilar  For (aailable at "our local sall clais court) #or t$e #ilin* o# "our sall clais case as it will a!e t$e entire le*al process #ree #or "ou% .# "ou #ill out t$is #or all Eeros #or assets and incoe and si*n in "our upper and lower case nae t$en it s$ould be accurate as all assets and incoe ust be in "our trust nae in all capital letters% .n t$e eent t$e attorne" de#endin* t$e creditor contacts "ou ri*$t be#ore t$e sall clais court case t$en let t$e !now "ou will settle #or =>77 and t$e letter to reoe t$e ite #ro all t$ree (3) credit reportin* a*encies% 0suall" t$e" will sa" no to t$e =>77 #ine and "es to t$e letter to reoe t$e ites #ro all t$ree (3) credit reportin* a*encies% NOTE: .# t$e" want to be di##icult "ou can disiss t$e case t$e da" o# t$e court date and t$en iediatel" re-#ile a new sall clais case t$e sae da"% $is will cause t$e creditors to spend =>777 to =17777 #or eac$ case #or t$eir le*al representation% 'entuall" t$e" will tire o# spendin* so uc$ one" on law"ers

and adit t$e" are beat ta!e t$e loss and *ie "ou w$at "ou want "our notariEed debt disissal letter and possible #ine% &A!PLE &!ALL CLAI!& FILIN1 $ou*$ "our #ilin* #or en#orceent o# t$e reoal o# "our accountin* error will be uniIue based on "our indiidual issues t$e saple #ilin* is proided #or a *eneral *uide #or w$at to expect in a sall clais #ilin*% $e exaple proided was ade recentl" b" Libert" Aid #ounder in a siilar situation ('x$ibits are t$e attac$ed #iles in t$e eail "ou receied): CREDITOR has violated the FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) 3 separate times. Accont !"#$%ER on the C&IE"T credit report has been invalidated and there'ore the acconts shold have never been on the credit reports nor sbseentl placed on the credit reports a'ter the acconts *ere invalidated. For each o' these violations 'ines are de in the amont o' +,- per accont- totalin/ +3-. In addition- since the debt is invalidated it is no lon/er o*ed and C&IE"T reests that the cort en'orces speci'ic per'ormance o' havin/ CREDITOR *rite a letter to all 3 credit reportin/ a/encies reestin/ the accont be completel removed immediatel. The 'ollo*in/ is the in'ormation abot the 3 separate FDCPA violations and reasons 'or the reest 'or en'orcement o' speci'ic per'ormance accont removal actions0 CREDITOR accont !"#$%ER 'rom the October 1- 2,3 C&IE"T credit re port 'rom CREDIT %#REA#- see Ehibit A. The balance amont is listed as +A$O#"T. A. On C%, CREDIT %#REA# /enerated a credit report 'or C&IE"T- see Ehibit A. Tho/h the last 4 di/its are not printed b CREDIT %# REA#- a call *as placed b C&IE"T to CREDIT %#REA#. A(n) CREDIT %#REA# representative *as contacted b phone and the representative read the last 4 di/its to all dero/ator acconts. These last 4 di/its are *ritten net to each dero/ator accont on this credit report- see Ehibit A. %. To ensre that these acconts *ere valid and there'ore *ere in 'act debts le/all o*ed- a validation letter *as sent to CREDITOR on 5,- see Ehibit %. All debts mst be valid to be on a credit report. In this validation letter- the accont in'ormation 'rom the credit report *as made clear to CREDITOR and reests *ere made to ensre that CREDITOR *as in 'act the holder o' t he ori/inal note re'erenced b the credit report accont. C. On R,- CREDITOR sent a letter that ma or ma not have been a response to the 5, validation letter- see Ehibit C. It *as a reest 'or more in'ormation bt did not re'erence an speci'ic accont. It is CREDITOR6s tas7 to 7eep its records and ma7e presentment o' the indentre instrment relatin/ to an accont the placed on credit reports and not the tas7 o' the debtor to do so. 8o- no presentment o' an

7ind *as made to a reest that the indentre instrment be presented. This lac7 o' presentment- see Ehibit D- means that the debt is dishonored and there'ore no debt is crrentl o*ed. This means that CREDITOR has violated the #CC- see Ehibit D- and the debt is no lon/er o*ed i' in 'act it ever *as. D. % not validatin/ the debt *ith an appropriate response- see Ehibit C- CREDITOR has bro7en the #nited 8tates Code section *hich is the FDCPA- and so 'ines are de in the amont o' +,-- see Ehibit 9 5alidation o' a debt mst occr *ithin 3 das and there *as no validation- see Ehibit E. E. In the interest o' /ivin/ CREDITOR a second chance to validate the debt- a second validation letter *as sent on 52- see Ehibit F. "o response o' an 7ind *as received 'rom CREDITOR. This *as a second violation o' the FDCPA and 'ines are a/ain de in the amont o' +,- de to lac7 o' validation o' the accont- see Ehibit 9. F. CREDIT %#REA# *as contacted and the accont *as o''iciall contested b C&IE"T. A response to that reest came 'rom CREDIT %#REA# dated CR2- see Ehibit :. Despite the loan bein/ previosl invalidated- as re'erenced above- CREDITOR veri'ied the accont as accrate to CREDIT %#REA#- see Ehibit :. This *as a third violation o' the FDCPA b CREDITOR b veri'in/ an invalidated accont and 'ines are de in the amont o' +,-- see Ehibit 9. :. CREDITOR- as a claimed debtor- mst be the holder in de corse o' the note the claim to be o*ed. The eplanation o' *hat holder o' the note means is simple. The debtor mst phsicall hold the note and present it pon reest. A cop *ill not be s''icient. Copies o' in'inite nmber can be made o' debt instrments and so these cold be presented b ncontable claimed debtors; this is *h onl the ori/inal note is accepted as proo' o' indebtedness. To properl handle boo77eepin/ o' this accont so that no errors had been made- these validation reests *ere made to ensre the debt *as in 'act le/all o*ed. 8ince even no* CREDITOR cold not present the ori/inal note- there is no debt o*ed. 8peci'ic Per'ormance b CREDITOR is reested b C&IE"T that CREDITOR *rite all 3 c redit reportin/ a/encies and reest this accont be removed 'rom all credit reports and never reported a/ain nder CREDITOR6s name or an other creditor. In short- no note means no debt. C&IE"T reests the cort to en'orce that CREDITOR *ill reest the removal o' this accont 'rom all 3 credit report a/encies immediatel as speci'ic per'ormance. 9. At a previos interaction- 'ace to 'ace *ith a CREDITOR representative- in an action sbseentl dismissed b C&IE"T- CREDITOR did not present the ori/inal indentre instrment. Instead- the CREDITOR representative did present accontin/ that sho*ed paments made b C&IE"T to CREDITOR on this invalidated debt. The

accontin/ o' those paments is proo' o' compensator dama/es and are reested to be presented at this hearin/ so an eas method o' accontin/ is available 'or 'tre actions that *ill be see7in/ compensator and pnitive dama/es 'or the attempt o' collectin/ a debt not o*ed to CREDITOR. I.

&est there be an con'sion on *hether the FDCPA applies to CREDITOR as a debt collector- the Consmer Financial Protection %rea (CFP%) is the /overnment a/enc that oversees the implementation o' the FDCPA and de'ines *ho 'its the ali'ications o' debt collector in a blletin- see Ehibit I. The CFP% de'ines debt collector broadl and incldes creditors into the cate/or *ith other desi/nees that the CFP% collectivel calls 77777 or 1 per centu o# t$e net wort$ o# t$e debt collector/ and (3) in t$e case o# an" success#ul action to en#orce t$e #ore*oin* liabilit" t$e costs o# t$e action to*et$er wit$ a reasonable attorne"s #ee as deterined b" t$e court% 9n a #indin* b" t$e court t$at an action under t$is section was brou*$t in bad #ait$ and #or t$e purpose o# $arassent t$e court a" award to t$e de#endant attorne"s #ees reasonable in relation to t$e wor! expended and costs% (b) .n deterinin* t$e aount o# liabilit" in an" action under subsection (a) t$e court s$all consider aon* ot$er releant #actors -(1) in an" indiidual action under subsection (a)(2)(A) t$e #reIuenc" and persistence o# noncopliance b" t$e debt collector t$e nature o# suc$ noncopliance and t$e extent to w$ic$ suc$ noncopliance was intentional/ or 

(2) in an" class action under subsection (a)(2)() t$e #reIuenc" and persistence o# noncopliance b" t$e debt collector t$e nature o# suc$ noncopliance t$e resources o# t$e debt collector t$e nuber o# persons adersel" a##ected and t$e extent to w$ic$ t$e debt collectors noncopliance was intentional% (c) A debt collector a" not be $eld liable in an" action brou*$t under t$is title i# t$e debt collector  s$ows b" a preponderance o# eidence t$at t$e iolation was not intentional and resulted #ro a bona #ide error notwit$standin* t$e aintenance o# procedures reasonabl" adapted to aoid an" suc$ error% (d) An action to en#orce an" liabilit" created b" t$is title a" be brou*$t in an" appropriate 0nited States district court wit$out re*ard to t$e aount in controers" or in an" ot$er court o# copetent Burisdiction wit$in one "ear #ro t$e date on w$ic$ t$e iolation occurs% (e) No proision o# t$is section iposin* an" liabilit" s$all appl" to an" act done or oitted in *ood #ait$ in con#orit" wit$ an" adisor" opinion o# t$e Coission notwit$standin* t$at a#ter suc$ act or oission $as occurred suc$ opinion is aended rescinded or deterined b" Budicial or ot$er aut$orit" to be inalid #or an" reason%

 And t$is: Section O7 (b) (F,C+A) (b) .# t$e consuer noti#ies t$e debt collector in writin* wit$in t$e t$irt"-da" period described in subsection (a) t$at t$e debt or an" portion t$ereo# is disputed or t$at t$e consuer reIuests t$e nae and address o# t$e ori*inal creditor t$e debt collector s$all cease collection o# t$e debt or an" disputed portion t$ereo# until t$e debt collector obtains eri#ication o# t$e debt or an" cop" o# a Bud*ent or t$e nae and address o# t$e ori*inal creditor and a copy o* suc' +eri*ication or  
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