Descripción: The Tao of the AEON Network the way of the AEON Culture Ars Transcendit Omnem Racionem Art Transcends ...
Seth Moris
Messages from the the Void Void by: Idris
Do you feel the urge to save the world? to save humanity? Do you think humanity needs saving? Are we facing impending doom? Look around you: the
world will survive . The uestion is... will you adapt? you change the world " and to ease your conscience call it #saving$ ? I like to believe
!ould that humanity and nature were never separate. !e were never above it" above it" and never below it. Look at our environment and you will see our collective emotions magnified. In plants and animals you will see our physical interactions: kill A%D be killed" no true ape& predator. 'ome individuals would like to think we learned from nature. from nature. (owever) I would like to believe that we are nature ferocity and force. *eyond distinction as good or e vil. *eyond disease or cure.
made flesh:
with all of its
!e can add to this premise) and look at it in a different conte&t
+inally) we are actually in control, And we are the ones who make the choices for ourselves" not some e&ternal agency influencing us to do right or wrong: religion" politics" morality. To be able to start believing this) first believe believe that you
are not inside of your physical body) but outside of it. !e are the -haos revolving around our body
!e are -haos presenting itself as thoughts and actions through the physical and the metaphysical" through senses and even indifference. 'eeing through this paradigm) we are connected to everyone who puts credence in this belief.
*ut beyond all of the transcendental pointlessness) how can this help us? other than causing a smile/
hope for mankind to live as one" which honestly I would %0T want to see . !e are individuals and long live individuality . This belief) like any other) is no more than a tool. And if it is 0%L1 escapism ) without helping you to change your reality) then all it would do is make you feel like a hero. *ut this is 2ust a fallacy" self3delusion. 1ou would be the furthest thing from a hero) as you There might be
haven4t figured how to use this understanding to your personal advantage.
(ow) then) would you e&pect to change the world if you can4t even change yourself
The ma&im of #change
yourself and the world will change $ is bullshit . !e chose to believe it because there must be a reward at the end" e nd" e&pecting the universe to bribe us into becoming better people. peop le. The only fragment that we tend to truly believe in is the need to change . *ut what we are doing is returning to nature and its forces. 'omehow) generation by generation) we seem to be doing 2ust that" and as we are reali5ing what we might become) we are changing.
And now) now) for the construct of nature and the essence of things. Let6s Let6s deconstruct it for the fuck of it/.
no Being . There is no Self and there is no Being (ave you ever fathomed those things?/ what has no end has no beginning " and that is its illusion. The key is that there is no nature to start with. If it is -(A%89 then the concept of change having a nature is delusion. There are only probabilities" only possibilities" only perceptions of change" and our Will to to assure they reach fruition. There is no nature only our perception of nature and how we can manipulate our current perception to fulfill our desires. (ow does this deconstruction of nature help nature help us 7ltimately)
!ell) it does by whatever means you see fit to help you in your world A%D to deconstruct the concept of the world? ......maybe some other time. y point here is to show that transcendentalism and philosophy) when not used to our advantage) end in
abyssal forms of spiritual masturbation...... I feel eager to deconstruct the concept of spirit and the soul" but another time. ;.'. I know I said I would talk about beauty but b ut this seemed tastier to deconstruct. To end this for now.......remember......
Liberate yourself from from good and evil" and from everything 'o no silliness will attach you to its grips.
Idris: Messages From the Void
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The LS!"#
The $llis !%clear "haos #om& ●
This little gem o' a sigil &om& is ()o*) as the LS!"#. I created ma)y years ago &ased o) a)
idea that Sile)ced +ro+osed &ac( i) the origi)al ,litter&om& +ost o) the old school -cc%lt For%ms site. is idea *as called a S+irit &om&. is theory *as to create a sigil that *o%ld act as a s+irit%al time &om& that is li)(ed i)to the *ill a)d co)scio%s)ess o' the %ser. This s+irit &om& *o%ld tear o+e) the 'a&ric o' co)se)s%al reality to create a mi)i sel' created s+irit%al orte0. I a&sol%tely loed the idea1 &%t 'elt I )eeded to do some t*ea(i)g o' my o*) a)d add &it o' LS to it. To gie a &it o' time re'ere)ce1 this *as aro%)d 2/4 5%st aro%)d the time that it *as &ei)g discoered that LS *as eoli)g 'rom sigil to seritor. So1 I too( the idea o' the s+irit &om& a)d decided to %se the LS as the &ac(&o)e s+irit a)d sigil a)d the) dre* do*) some +rimordial "haos1 i)'%sed it *ith !%clear e)ergies a)d e)cased it as a #om& a)d 'i)ally dre* i) the s+iral to act as the deto)ator all thro%gh some i)te)se rit%al *or(1 s*eat i)d%ci)g is%alizatio) meditatio)s1 a)d addi)g i) massie e)theoge)ic g)osis. As 'or the act%al dra*i)g o' the sigil itsel'1 I had chose to go *ith a more &asic &i)dr%)e desig). !ot o)ly *as it a) aesthetic choice1 &%t it made it great 'or a 6%ic( dra* a)d dro+ tech)i6%e. There *as also the %)derlyi)g li)( that each letter o' the !"# +ortio) shares *ith a +artic%lar r%)e. ●
Ta(e 'irst the !. The desig) o' the ! i) this sigil is a direct li)( &ac( to the old !orse r%)e o'
agalz. For those *ho may &e %)'amiliar *ith the r%)es agalaz *as ()o*) as the hail sto)e or the i)itiator o' radical cha)ge. To the !orse the sig) o' hail mea)t that they *ere d%e 'or some e0treme *eather cha)ges. For me it o)ly seemed )at%ral to %se this r%)ic desig) 'or the ! +ortio) o' the sigil. ●
!o* o) to the ". I chose to %se the !orse r%)e 7e)az 'or the " desig) )ot 5%st &eca%se o'
it8s aesthetic 6%ality1 &%t &eca%se o' *hat 7e)az re+rese)ts. To hear(e) &ac( to the old !orse traditio)s1 the r%)e 7e)az re+rese)ted )ot 5%st the torch o' ill%mi)atio)1 &%t also the 'ire o' tra)s'ormatio). Some hae e6%ated 7e)az 7e)az to the +hoe)i0 'ire9 &%r)i)g a)d +%rgi)g o' o' the old sel' that )o lo)ger seres to &e re&or) 'rom those ashes a)e*. This *as 5%st somethi)g else that seemed to clic( 'or the +%r+oses o' the sigil. ●
A)d here here comes the #1 as i) #er(a)o. #er(a)o. Traditio) Traditio)ally ally #er(a)o #er(a)o is see) as &ei)g &ei)g related related to
the &irch tree. hile some see #er(a)o as a sym&olic re+rese)tatio) o' the +reg)a)t goddess. I te)d to hae a di''ere)t ta(e o) #er(a)o. I al*ays 'elt that the r%)e *as &etter re+rese)ted as the *om& o' +ote)tialities. I) the case o' this sigil I dre* the #er(a)o to act as a co)tai)me)t 'ield 'or these olatile e)ergies. It 5%st made se)se to me. ●
Fi)ally1 *e come to the ce)tral +oi)t o' the e)tire sigil *hich is a s+iral. There hae al*ays &ee) ery dee+ seated sym&olic co))ectio)s associated *ith the s+iral thro%gho%t almost eery c%lt%re the *orld oer. The s+iral has &ee) ie*ed as d%al +%r+ose. It acts as &oth a sym&ol o' creatio) i) it8s %+*ard co)'ig%ratio)1 &%t i) the do*)*ard co)'ig%ratio) it is see) as a +ote)t +ote)t sym&ol o' the dissol%tio) i)to chaos. Very Very 'itti)g i) my o+i)io). Si)ce the s+iral has s%ch a)cie)t a)d archaic mea)i)gs a)d origi)s it is dee+ly em&edded *ithi) the %)co)scio%s collectie. This is somethi)g I 'elt *o%ld act as the +er'ect deto)ator mecha)ism 'or the sigil &eca%se it is so immersed *ithi) %s. ●
Aside 'rom 'rom strictly strictly %si)g the sigil sigil I also made made the co)scio%s co)scio%s choice o' &ei)g a&le to %se the
letteri)g se6%e)ce 'or taggi)g too. I s+eci'ically deelo+ed the letteri)g se6%e)ce o' LS!"# so that it may also &e %sed *ithi) com+%ter +rograms s%ch as ,oogle $arth to tag remote locatio)s *ith it. I)teresti)gly e)o%gh I hae see) )e*s &roadcasts o' stra)ge ee)ts a)d odd *eather occ%rri)g i) +laces that I hae remotely tagged *ith the LS!"# %si)g these coordi)ate system +rograms. ●
ell there yo% hae it (ids1 the history a)d mystery o' the LS!"#. ;o *hat yo% *ill *ith
it1 &%t this gem comes *ith a *ar)i)g. This sigil has &ee) ()o*) to ca%se mass states o' mad)ess a)d i)sa)e chaotic collateral damage. $)5oy..
[email protected]
“I think my computer and I wut'ted right Here. Totally Totally unintentional, howev however er that t hat Does not mean that I am extraordinarily Unhappy that it did. happy mistake. 7ei) -