A Sr arlin' Book Fi r:-;t p11hl i!--dwd in l•:ngl; uHI at tlw /\uJ u mn Equinox. 200f)
hy St.: 1rfi I'(' Puhl i:-;h in~; Lim itPd Brt unate death s h e m ay h a ve destroye d It. However 1 have~ been ablr I am your leader. and thP author of all spirits. All tht"'Se thingH are frorn n1 e, anr one of the royal Cf>tn"ts of I~·urope . ev(~n n s I>eE~ hi n1 self \.V a~ a dip1onlat. and spy f(n· Elizabeth (see his letter to S·ir Francis Walsingha1n. secretary to the (~ue
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