The Howling of Liber CCXXXI A Grimoire of the Paths of the A.'.A.'. Frater Zephyros !" AoAo This evocatory grimoire functions as the Thelemic version of the lesser key of Solomon; known also as the Goetia or 'Howling'. Research into both what the Master Therion exoun!s an! the uni"uely rofoun! work of #enneth Grant which has its own $abalistic significance; may she! light on the exeriences of the %r!eals of the Gra!es of our or!er. Such synchronicities seem to correlate with my own exeriences an! exosure to the current of the &.'.&.'.. &.'.&.'.. iber (()))* is the most singular an! certainly uni"ue of all +(las s &' !ocuments reveale! by the Secret (hiefs thus far. The Master Therion resents it as a maing of the cosmic rocess in congruity congruity with the twenty,two &tus of The -ook of Thoth. &n! it is shown to function function as a technical technical treatise !elineating !elineating a formula for initiation. #enneth Grant exten!s this i!ea from the ersective of both si!es of the Tree,of,ife in such a way as to seemingly !estroy any i!ea of a Manichean battle between forces forces of ight an! arkness. arkness. Rather/ Rather/ the so,calle! so,calle! ark Si!e 0whose 0whose contents are commonly commonly referre! referre! to as $lihotic1 $lihotic1 is urorte! urorte! by his exerience exerience to be very ancient +&tavisms2 that belong to a more rimal an! owerful consciousness from our racial ast. &ustin %sman Sare an! (arlos (astene!a also investigate these bestial energies.
*t seems that mo!ern humanity has forgotten such ower that was very much a art of human consciousness in a time before the ancient 3gytians; as mo!ern man has move! more an! more to a !een!ence on left,braine! consciousness through the succee!ing ages. The 4ecronomicon also seaks to this time an! acts as a comlimentary Grimoire as well as the 5ou!oun grimoires. Most certainly/ this time in ancient Mesootamia; secifically (hal!ea/ is the fountain from which the 3gytian an! hence/ the 6ewish an! Hin!u religions woul! evolve into both 3astern an! 7estern !irections with 6u!aism branching into *slam an! (hristianity an! Hin!uism branching into Taoism an! -u!!hism. %f course/ many aboriginal societies may be sai! to have never left this mo!e of consciousness as we are in this new aeon/ learning more an! more about ancient aboriginal cultures that have survive! relatively unaffecte! or unaltere! by time into the resent age. 5ou!oun may be the one excetion as it is clearly the merging or mo!erni8ation of this ancient Shamanism with (hristianity. iber (()))* consists of three searate sections9 The first is comose! of two sets of twenty,two sigils each belonging to two searate houses; the secon! is a set of twenty,two verses correson!ing to both the correson!ing sigils from the two houses; an! the thir! section is a list of names for each of the &ngels from both houses/ arrange! in two columns an! aire! of with the correson!ing angel from each house. -oth of the two sets of sigils in the first section are title! iber ))**. The first set is sub,title! 'omarum Mercurii (um Suis Geniis' which * am arahrasing as 'The House of the &ngels of Thoth'. The whole book is an exosition on the Holy Tarot or -ook of Thoth. The other set of sigils is sub,title! '(arcerorum $ lihoth (um Suis Geniis' an! * am arahrasing as 'The :rison of the &ngels of (horon8on. *n both sets/ the sigils are lai! out either in the natural !irection of Hebrew writing for the first set/ or its oosite or!er for the secon!. This woul! seem to a!! some vali!ity for &cha!'s reversal of the lesser aths on the Tree,of,ife. &n! in between both sets of sigils are instructions for comaring the sigils. They are arrange! in two columns of which if the sigil !elineate! in the left column rece!es the one of the right then the comarison is to be ma!e in the sigils of the &ngels of Thoth. &n! if the one on the right rece!es that of the left then the attention is !irecte! to the sigils of the &ngels of (horon8on. The comarisons reveal similarity in style/ theme/ an! symbolism between certain sigils. 4ow lease note that * have use! the wor! +:rison2 for the &ngels of (horon8on. -ut * woul! refer to see this as something that is locke! in a re,historic level of consciousness !ee in the collective conscious of our race. 6. 3!war! (ornelius !escribes this with the i!ea that these beings are imrisone! in the &stral 7aters about the 3arth. These energies maintain a balance with the forces that are now at the fore of our consciousness an! seem to be connecte! with each other through the *nvisible Sehira known as a2ath on the Tree,of,ife. #enneth Grant seems to maintain that only the &!et has the wherewithal to han!le the raw ower of these &tavisms. *n such a light he aligns both si!es of every ath of the Tree with each other as secific +#alas2 from which Magick :ower can be evocatorially gaine! emloying seciali8e! Tantric techni"ues. There is no cross,comarison between the two charts until you get to the thir! section of this book. Here the names associate! with eac h &tu are liste! in two columns an! their natural contrast is marke!. The ronunciation of the names for the &ngels of Thoth are more creative than the tra!itional Hebrew names for !emons !eloye! by the &ngels of (horon8on. *n!ee! the &ngels of Thoth refer to several alhabets for comosition of their names of which belong to no known language. et/ #enneth Grant !evelos strong Gematric evi!ence to suort the nature of an! vali!ate the results of his work. These he !raws from an! exan!s uon one >angbeto; sacre! olice or 'eole of the night who com from the other si!eof the sea'. -lack is the color of sex an! an in!ication fo the nature of this rimal magick. -u=e; fetish of erfection of beauty an! sexual attractiveness.
isease &rterioscleros is; the a!=unct of Senility
elator has fully attaine! eso! having worke! in this shere !uring his or her 4eohyte erio!. &n! this shere is a reflection of a'ath. That is why it is sai! that the 4eohyte has the otion to take the %ath of the &byss; which was accete! by D*AS# ;is was not accetab!e an$ * trace$ a Eet to get contro!# [ow tat * am 2e+ing tis in * am remembering tat tis was te "ace o" Earatcia!))but ver+ Be!!+)!i2e an$ $riing in aearance# A!so, * $i$nt 2now tat Amrotias is te name o" te "irst o" te arcer Henii#] @ver+ting bro2e u an$ * now a$ te images o" Earatcia! containe$ witin te circ!e tat is art o" te s+mbo! "or ercur+# A!toug * $ont now remember seeing te crescent tat be!ongs above te circ!e on te s+mbo!# Eut now ercur+ a$ a "ace. it was Earatcia!# An$ it so2e to me# * as2e$ "or te 2e+ to initiation on tis articu!ar !ane# *t sai$ te 2e+ is to act# An$ * $rew a Eet over tis# ;e Eet became te cross)bow as it sot an arrow tat create$ a sun wose !igt grew stronger an$ stronger# Gow Sagittarian * tougt to m+se!"# [/on retrosect now * "ee! tis re"!ect uon acting in te current moment] Eut sti!! * nee$e$ to ress "or more an$ was una+ wit te Sagittarian nature o" te image# An$ te image grabbe$ me an$ trie$ to !ea$ me to "o!!ow it# * re"use$# An$ it sai$ te secret to acting is to act witout acting# * sense$ tis was a "orm o" si!ence in waiting "or oter "orces to $o teir bi$$ing wic wou!$ ten be in armon+ to +our own wi!!# * sense$ tat contentment sou!$ be "oun$ in te caos tat eists be"ore an+ $esign comes to "ruition# * sense$ tat * a$ a com!ete !esson# An$ imme$iate!+ * was bac2 to eart# Love is te !aw, !ove un$er wi!!#
So! in aricorn Luna in Sagittarius Ianuar+ , 199ev :1am Do wat tou wi!t sa!! be te wo!e o" te Law# L&' an$ ' an$ m+ recitation o" a Liber '**# ten * assume$ te go$)"orm Garocrates in asana as seen in te [sin] Atu# 8en * "e!t com"ortab!e in tis "orm * intone$ sabna)o$obor an$ imme$iate!+ saw te +rami$ wit te rectangu!ar bric2 or co""in insi$e# An$ te $oor oene$ u an$ it was a go!$en bric2 tat quic2!+ grew to a go!$en ci!$ o" gigantic roortion as te wa!!s o" te +rami$ "!ae$ $own# An$ * teste$ wit te s+mbo! o" "ire an$ it went troug im an$ * went troug te s+mbo!# * quic2!+ $rew a circ!e "or tere was "ire a!! about me wit !eaing sa!aman$ers# An$ m+ circ!e was o" "ire# *n te same instant * ca!!e$ to te genii to aear an$ even a s!it)secon$ be"ore a $ancing s2e!eton aeare$ tat quic2!+ turne$ into a "!aming creature# * ca!!e$ out to constrain an$ conBure an$ as2e$ to !earn te !esson o" tis at# Ge sai$ some gob!e$+)goo2 tat * $ont remember# et * !oo2e$ into is e+es an$ te+ were bot emt+ triang!es wit te ae ointing $ownwar$s an$ * remembere$ tat wen e "irst aeare$ * teste$ im b+ ur!ing a [sin] at im wic went troug im wit a ow! but in retrosect $i$ not toug im# Ge ten rea!ie$ as * tat * 2new e was not te one * sougt# An$ again * invo2e$ an$ conBure$ an$ a "!as o" !igtening aeare$ an$ * tougt tis was more marita! !i2e te tower# Eut it resente$ me wit te [sin] wan$# An$ * sai$ teac me# An$ it bi$ me to ri$e it an$ we ro$e over te eart an$ it sai$ +our eart must !ea)u as we observe$ te "ier+ earts o" oters# An$ were tere was $ar2ness we struc2 !i2e !igtening as a catt!e)ro$ an$ as te tower# An$ * rea!ie$ [ercur+] was c!osest to te sun an$ "rom a!2ut to [ercur+] $oes tis at traverse# An$ * tougt to emu!ate te sun# As a matter)o")"act, wen * "irst met te genii it sai$ to me tat * was not rea$+ an$ * a$ to assume te "orm o" Ca)Goor)?uit###to get some more age###an$ tis is a so!ar go$3 tat * was too +oung# [ercur+] is so muc more tan min$# Eut is c!osest to te [Sun] An$ m+ eart !eae$ "or Bo+ "or te !esson !earne$# An$ m+ bo$+ !eae$ ustairs to write tis# Love is te !aw, !ove un$er wi!!#
So! in aricorn Luna in aricorn Ianuar+ J, 199ev :1am Do wat tou wi!t sa!! be te wo!e o" te Law# A"ter te usua! oening ecet tat * recite$ no o!+ boo2s3 K* came into m+ astra! tem!e an$ assume$ te go$)"orm o" Se2et an$ * invo2e$ er# reate$ te $oor wit te sigi! "or ;emiot on it# ;is is te com!ement as er &&&* an$ +ester$a+s wor2# * bow!e$ te $oor $own stan$ing on a sun an$ tere was anoter sun# 8e orbite$ eac oter in a constraine$ e!!ise an$ eventua!!+ * reace$ out an$ grabbe$ te oter sun# 8it te sun in m+ an$s w%arms stretce$ an$ te sun g!ue$ on m+ "eet we continue$ tis e!!ise ti!! * !an$e$ on a $esert "!oor wit a b!uis an$ vio!et s2+#
A !itt!e tin+ !ion)ea$e$ man came u to me across te $esert an$ * $i$ not un$erstan$ wat e was sa+ing )) * cant remember ow * teste$ im * ur!e$ te sign o" Leo an$ e $i$nt !i2e tis# ;en * use$ te sign as a orse)soe sae$ s2ate$ boar$3 but e was c!ear!+ uncom"ortab!e is "ace was g!owing3 an$ ten a!ot o" !i2e creatures came an$ surroun$e$ me# * !eae$ severa! times tot e s2+ in an arc but was 2et "rom escaing in tis manner# So in m+ !ast !ea an$ in mi$)air * $ri!!e$ $own into te !anet# ;ere was anoter man wit a g!owing "ace )) oo$e$ an$ robe$ e sat over a cube rea$ing a boo2 wit a !igt source to is !e"t as * aroace$ to is !e"t# ;e !igt source was on te "!oor# Ge !oo2e$ u an$ * ur!e$ te sign o" Leo at im !i2e a ring toss an$ it !it im u as it asse$ over im an$ became is seat# Ge ut is arm out an$ ointe$ to is rigt# ;ere was a big g!owing !ion ea$ rotru$ing "rom a wa!!# * cant remember ow * teste$ tis but ten * sai$
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