Liability UNDER jurisprudence

March 11, 2019 | Author: vaibha | Category: Mens Rea, Strict Liability, Crimes, Crime & Justice, Negligence
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the doccument covers liabilty under jurisprudence....



Presented by : Divya sampath & Vidur Nair


Salmond : !Liability and responsibility is the bond o" ne#essity that e$ists bet%een the %rondoer and the remedy o" the %roned' •

Liability arises "rom a brea#h o" duty %hi#h may be in the "orm o" an a#t or omission( •

Liabilities are divided into two types •

Primary liability


)( *ivi *ivill liabil liabilit ity y: .*ivil %ron is the aainst a private individual and the remedy is damaes( .The liability is measured by the %ron"ul a#t and the liability depends on the a#t and not the intension +( *rim *rimin inal al lia liabi bili lity ty : . *rime is a %ron #ommitted aainst the so#iety and remedy is punishment( . Liability in a #rime is measured by the intension o" the %rondoer(

Secondary liability : )( ,eme ,emedi dial al Based on the ma$im !ubi -us idi remedium' remedium' .%hen there is a riht/ there must be some remedy0

+(Penal Based on the ma$im ! Actus non facit reum reum , nisi mens sit rea ! . %here the a#t does not amount to uilt/ it must be a##ompanied by a uilty mind 0

Theories o" remedial liability Duties of imperfect obligation :Those duties %here the brea#h o" %hi#h ives no #ause o" a#tion and #reates no liability ( In #ivil/ #riminal / penal and remedial ( 1$ : Time Time barred debt  here thouh the debt e$ists e$ists it is not en"or#eable en"or#eable • •

Duties incapable incapable of specific enforcement enforcement :Duties %hi#h "rom their nature #annot be spe#i"i#ally en"or#ed a"ter havin on#e been bro2en( There %rons are transitory and non #ontinuin ( In su#h #ases the duty is violated is in its nature #apable o" spe#i"i# en"or#ement • •

Specific performance inexpedient :There are many many #ases %here spe#i"i# per"orman#e per"orman#e o" a duty is possible/ possible/ the la% may not resort to it( 3or e$ample/ I" 4 #ontra#ts to render personal servi#e to Y/ Y #annot en"or#e  per"orman#e o" this #ontra#t( • •

 Kinds of acts Voluntary Act and involuntary involunta ry act :I" the a#t is %illed or deliberate/ it is a voluntary a#t( I" the a#t is %ithout %ill or not %illed/ it is an involuntary a#t( a#t( 1$: a#ts per"ormed per"ormed by persons su""erin su""erin "rom some abnormal #ondition li2e a#ts done in sleep et#( •

 Intentional and unintentional act :Intentional a#t means an a#t %hi#h is "oreseen and is desired by the doer o" the a#t( 5nintentional a#t is that a#t a#t %hi#h is not desired desired or it is not a result o" any determination determination ( •

Internal and external acts :Internal a#ts are the a#ts o" mind %hile e$ternal a#ts are the a#ts o" the body( 1very e$ternal a#t is pre#eded by an internal a#t( But every internal a#t need not ne#essarily be "ollo%ed by the e$ternal a#t( •

 Positive and negative acts :6hen the %rondoer does an a#t %hi#h he should not do/ it is a positive a#t/ %hereas %hen the %rondoer does not do an a#t %hi#h he should do / it is a neative a#t( •

 Damnum Sine Injuria Althouh all %rons are mis#hievous a#ts but all mis#hievous a#ts are not %rons( All All damae done is not %ron"ul( Su#h %rons %here damae is done %ithout in-ury are #alled !Damnum Sine In-uria' In-ury sini"ies 7an a#t #ontrary to la%8 or violation o" a leal riht( Salmond says that #ases o" Damnum Sine In-uria "alls under t%o heads: *ases

in %hi#h the harm is done to the individual is a ain to the so#iety at lare/ there"ore/ su#h a#ts are not a#tionable( 1$ : *ompetitors do ea#h other harm but not in-ury(


in %hi#h/ althouh real harm is done to the #ommunity/ yet/ o%nin to its triviality/ or to the di""i#ulty i" o" proo"/ or "or any other reason/ it is #onsidered ine$pedient to attempt its prevention by the la% (

 Injuria Sine Damnum *onverse o" Damnum sine In-uria is the ma$im In-uria sine Damnum %hi#h says that there are #ertain a#ts %hi#h % hi#h thouh not harm"ul/ are a#tionable( a#tionabl e( 1$: *ase o" Ashby v( v( 6hite 9 %here it %as #onsidered to be In-uria sine Damnum( In this #ase / in a parliamentary ele#tion the plainti"" %as %ron"ully prevented by the de"endant o""i#er "rom #astin her vote( Althouh the #andidate to %hom the plainti"" %anted to vote %on the ele#tion no a#tual damae %as su""ered by her but due to mali#ious behavior o" the de"endant %hi#h prevented p revented the plainti"" "rom e$er#isin her statutory riht o" vote in the ele#tion the #ourt a%arded some #ertain amount o" pounds by %ay o" re#onition o"  plainti""8s leal riht( •

 Mens re rea eanin o" mens rea is 7uilty mind 7 9 Any a#t alone does not #onstitute to #rime( It re;uires a uilty mind behind it ( ens ,ea is de"ined as the 7mental element ne#essary to #onstitute #riminal liability 7 ( •

Salmond 9 #riminal liability may re;uire the %ron"ul a#t to be done intentionally or %ith some "urther %ron"ul purpose in mind/ or it may su""i#e that it %as done re#2lessly( And in ea#h #ase the mental attitude o" the doer is su#h as to ma2e punishment e""e#tive( •

ens rea must e$tend to all three parts o" the a#t : The physi#al doin or not doin( The #ir#umstan#es/ and The #onse;uen#es

• • • •

 Pre  Presumption of Innocence en#e the %ron arises aris es "rom the brea#h o" an absolute duty(

!"eories of strict liability &eories o! strict lia#ility

! Ignorantia #uris eminem e$cusat ' States that the leal presumption is that everyone 2no%s the the la% and inoran#e o" la% is not an e$#use( And this presumption is irrebutable.

 Mista'e o! !act :

“ Ignorantia

facit e$cusat ' 9 inoran#e o" the "a#t is an e$#use( It means that a person is not liable "or a %ron"ul a#t i" he has done it under u nder a mista2e o" "a#t ( It is a valid de"ense aainst a %ron"ul a#t(

 Inevita#le accident o! law :

Inevitable a##ident a##ident is #ommonly #ommonly re#oni?ed re#oni?ed as a round o" e$emption e$emption "rom liability( liability( It #annot possibly be prevented by the e$er#ise o" ordinary #are/ #aution and s2ill ( A##idents are %ither #ulpable . due to nelien#e0 or inevitable. due to de#ree o" #are e$#eedin the standard0 (

Vicarious liability Vi#arious Vi#arious liability is divided into t%o #hie" #lasses :

 Master (servant relationsip relationsip

%here in every person is responsible "or his o%ns a#ts / but #ertain #ir#umstan#es liability liability atta#hes to him "or the %ron"ul a#ts #ommitted by others( Liability o" the master "or the a#ts o" his servant is both -oint as %ell as several (

 Living representatives responsi#le responsi#le !or te acts o! te dead

at #ommon la%/ in the #ase o" the death o" a person %roned his e$e#utors or administrators #ould not maintain an a#tion "or : )( Personal Personal %rons %rons #ommi #ommitted tted durin durin his his li"e li"e time time(( +( Trespa respass ss to to his his oods oods and and #hat #hattel telss @( Dama Damae e "or "or his his deat death h(


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