What What is the defn defnio ion n o commun communica icable ble disea disease? se? What What is the defn defnio ion n o inec inecous ous dise disease ase? ? Dieren Dierences ces commun communicab icable le disease disease and inec inecous ous disease disease Ho to !re"en !re"entt communicab communicable le disease disease olloin olloin# # natural natural disaster disaster? ? Ho to to !re"en !re"entt a commu communic nicabl able e diseas disease? e?
1. What What is the defn defnio ion n o commun communica icable ble disea disease? se? %en&a'it %en&a'it &an# disebab'an oleh unsur(a#ent !en&ebab menular tertentu atau hasil racunn&a) racunn&a) &an# ter*adi 'arena !er!indahan(!enulran a#ent atau hasiln&a dari oran# &an# ter ine'si) hean) atau reser"oir lainn&a +benda lain, 'e!ada !en*amu &an# rentan +!otencial host,) bai' secara lan#sun# mau!un da' lan#sun# melalui !e*amu !erantara hean +"e'tor,) atau lin#'un#an &an# da' hidu!. 2. What What is the defn defnio ion n o inec inecous ous dise disease ase? ? %en&a'it %en&a'it &an# secara 'linis tam!a' n&ata !ada manusia atau hean &an# meru!a'an a'ibat suatu ine'si Ine'si - masu'n&a) bertumbuh dan ber'emban#n&a ber'emban#n&a a#ent !en&a'it menular dalam tubuh manusia atau hean. 3. Dieren Dierences ces commun communicab icable le disease disease and inec inecous ous disease disease Ine'si da' sama den#an !en&a'it menular) a'ibatn&a mun#'in da' 'elihatan) atau n&ata. dan&a 'ehidu!an a#ent a#ent menular !ada !ermu'aan luar tubuh) atau !ada baran# !a'aian atau baran#/baran# lainn&a) bu'anlah ine'si) teta!i meru!a'an 'ontaminasi !ada !ermu'aan tubuh atau benda. 4. Ho to !re"en !re"entt communicab communicable le disease disease olloin olloin# # natural natural disaster disaster? ? Lan#'ah/lan#'ah !rioritas beri'ut ini !enn# untu' men#uran#i dam!a' dari !en&a'it menular setelah bencana alam- 0ebuah. ai r) sanitasi) !erencanaan situs &an# aman b. !ela&anan 'esehatan 'esehatan !rimer c. 0ur"eillance ( sistem !erin#atan !erin#atan dini d. Imunisasi e. %ence#ahan malaria dan demam berdarah $. Ho to to !re"en !re"entt a commu communic nicabl able e diseas disease? e? %ence#ahan !en&a'it secara umum &a'ni a. %ence#ah %ence#ahan an n#'at n#'at !ertama !ertama +!rimar& +!rimar& !re"en !re"enon, on, an# meli!u !romosi 'esehatan dan !ence#ahan 'husus b. %ence#ah %ence#ahan an n#'a n#'att 'edua 'edua +secondar +secondar& & !re"en !re"enon, on, an# meli!u dia#nosis dini serta !en#obatan &an# te!at c. %ence#ah %ence#ahan an n#'at n#'at 'e#a 'e#a +terar& +terar& !re"en !re"enon, on, an# meli!u !ence#ahan terhada! cacat dan rehabilitasi
1. What What is the defn defnio ion n o commun communica icable ble disea disease? se?
Diseases caused b& the element ( the causa"e a#ent o inecous or fndin#s o the toin) hich occurs due to transer ( transmission o the a#ent or the result o an inected !erson) animal) or other reser"oirs +other ob*ects, indicated to the host "ulnerable +!otenal hosts,) either in o!eraon directl& or indirectl& throu#h an intermediar& host animals +"ector,) or non/li"in# en"ironment. 2. What is the defnion o inecous disease? Disease that is clinicall& a!!arent in humans or animals hich is a result o an inecon. Inecon- the entr&) #roth) and de"elo!ment o inecous disease a#ents in humans or animals. 3. Dierences communicable disease and inecous disease Inecons are not the same as inecous diseases) the conseuences ma& not be a!!arent or real. he !resence o an inecous a#ent li"es on the outer surace o the bod&) or on items o clothin# or other items) not the inecon) but the contaminaon on the surace o the bod& or an ob*ect. 4. Ho to !re"ent communicable disease olloin# natural disaster? he olloin# !riorit& measures are crical to reduce the im!act o communicable diseases a5er natural disastersa. 0ae ater) sanitaon) site !lannin# b. %rimar& health/care ser"ices c. 0ur"eillance(earl& arnin# s&stem d. Immuni6aon e. %re"enon o malaria and den#ue $. Ho to !re"ent a communicable disease? %re"enon o disease in #eneral that a. %re"enon o the frst le"el +!rimar& !re"enon, Which include health !romoon and s!ecial !recauons b. %re"enon second le"el +secondar& !re"enon, Which include earl& dia#nosis and !ro!er treatment c. %re"enon o the third le"el +terar& !re"enon, Which includes the !re"enon o disabilit& and rehabilitaon 1. %ro. Dr. 7ur 7asr& 7oor) 8%H9 %:7;7< :%ID:8I=L=;I %en&a'it 8enular 2. WH=9 >ommunicable diseases olloin# natural disasters
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