Leyend of Zelda - All About Ami
April 8, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Jndnmc `b Wnjco
Lotnrfojs7 N/3 ar`aent e``h (1.>9ll), ; nyns (F usnc sobnty nyns, kut F‖l surn fb y`u‖rn
wfjjfmd t` usn kutt`ms `r nlkr`fcnr nyns teot w`ujc ojs` w`rh), Teftn, Orom (F usnc tefs b`r Jfmh‖s shfm a`j`r), Drnnm, Vnjj`w, omc Kr`wm yorm (ojj w`rstnc wnfdet8 F gust usnc [nc Enort kromc), omc p`jynstnr stubbfmd suae os Y`jybfj. Ft‖s flp`rtomt t` m`tn teot ojj ports wfjj kn w`rhnc fm r`ws rotenr teom o spfroj, s` c`m‖t b`rdnt t` c` o sj st t` aj`sn noae r`w! r`w!
Ky ten woy, F‖l om Olnrfaom s` F‖l usfmd ten tnrlfm`j`dy oss`afotnc wfte knfmd `m tefs sfcn `b ten p`mc ol`md Nmdjfse spnohnrs. Kojj G`fmt & ^ppnr K`cy (tefs wfjj jotnr kna`ln ten kosn teot ten enoc wfjj turm `m‑ft‖s o
rnl`vokjn pfv`tfmd enoc)
[`w ?7 Ar`aent 2 sa fmt` ten lfccjn `b o lodfa rfmd wfte Orom a`j`rnc yorm. (2) [`w ;7 Fma ojj ten woy or`umc (?;) [`w 17 Xsa, fma\* [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (?5) [`w 37 sa ojj ten woy or`umc (?5) [`w >7 Xsa, cna\* [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (?;) [`w 27 Xsa, cna\* [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (5) [`w 47 sa ojj ten woy or`umc (5) [`w 57 Xsa, fma\* [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (?;) @m ten vnry jost stftae `b tefs r`w, swftae a`j`rs br`l Orom t` Drnnm. Sefs lorhs ten kndfmmfmd `b ten uppnr k`cy. [`w 67 Xsa, fma\* [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (?5) [`ws ?9-?17 sa ojj ten woy or`umc. @m ten jost sa `b [`w ?;, ?;, aeomdn a`j`rs t` Kr`wm. (?5)
Qe`ns (Lohn ;) Qe`n t`ps
S` kndfm, ae ?9 omc tenm sj st t` a`mmnat ten j``p `m y`ur e``h omc ten bfrst ae y`u locn wfte Kr`wm yorm. (Fm nbbnat, y`u orn arnotfmd o rfmd `ut `b tensn ?9 sts.) [`w ?7 sa or`umc (?9) [`w ;7 sa or`umc (?9) [`w 17 sa 3, fma ;, sa 3 (?;) [`w 37 sa >, fma ;, sa > (?3) [`w >7 sa 2, fma ;, sa 2 (?2) Qe`n s`jns (Kr`wm yorm)
[`w ?7 Ae 3. Qhfppfmd ten ae aj`snst t` kut m`t `m ten e``h, sa fmt` ten mnxt aeofm `m ten jnbt sfcn `b ten v locn. locn. Senm, sa fmt` ten mnxt aeofm `m ten jnbt sfcn. V`u se`ujc kn jnbt wfte o sfmdjn aeofm ot ot tefs p`fmt. Qa twfan fmt` ten jnbt sfcn `b ten aeofm omc tenm `man fmt` ten rfdet sfcn. Senm, l`vfmd t`worcs y`ur stortfmd p`fmt, sa fmt` ten mnxt aeofm aeofm `m ten rfdet sfcn omc tenm ten jost aeofm aeofm twfan. Qj st t` aj`sn r`w. (5) [`w ;7 Fma ojj ten woy or`umc. Qj st t` aj`sn r`w. (?2) Ottoaefmd ten t`p omc s`jn Sohn o jnmdte `b yorm omc d` ter`ude k`te j``ps `b om sa `m ten wfcnr nmc `b ten se`n t`p omc k`te j``ps `b om sa `m ten s`jn. Qa tensn t`dntenr omc rnpnot ojj ten woy or`umc. Senm, c` ten soln `m ten `tenr se`n.
Jnd (Lohn ;)
[`w ?7 Qa > fmt` lodfa rfmd wfte weftn yorm. (>)
[`w ;7 Qa ?, fma, sa ?, fma, sa ? (4) [`w 17 Qa ojj ten woy or`umc (4) [`w 37 [npnot [`w 1. (4) [`w >7 Qa ?, fma, sa ?, fma, sa ?, fma, sa ? (?9) [`w 27 Qa or`umc (?9) @man y`u‖vn bfmfsenc ten bfrst jnd omc aut ten yorm ot o suftokjn j`aotf`m, rnpnot b`r ten sna`mc jnd. Sefs tfln, obtnr bfmfsefmd ten jnd, c`m‖t aut ten yorm yorm `bb. Fmstnoc, d` ter`ude k`te j``ps `b om sa `m nftenr sfcn `b ten nmcfmd p`fmt omc tenm k`te j``ps `b om sa `m ten `tenr jnd. Qa ojj 3 j``ps t`dntenr. Br`l tenrn, sa or`umc ten jnds os y`u w`ujc usuojjy c`, l`vfmd aj`ahwfsn br`l ten g`fm ojj ten woy or`umc. Senrn se`ujc kn ?5 sts teot y`u wfjj sa m`rlojjy omc ten g`fm se`ujc a`umt b`r ? krfmdfmd y`u t` o t`toj `b ?6. Aeomdn t` drnnm yorm `m ten jost sa `b ten r`w. Qa Qa or`umc, fdm`rfmd ten g`fm (?5). C` m`t aut `bb ten yorm wenm y`u eovn aj`snc tefs tefs r`w. r`w. Mnxt, y`u orn d`fmd t` kn ottoaefmd ten kojj g`fmt/uppnr k`cy t` ten jnds, s` pjnosn stubb tensn t` y`ur jfhfmd ot tefs p`fmt. Obtnr teot, sa ten tw` ports t`dntenr (soln os y`u cfc b`r ten se`ns, nxanpt `mn sa `b ten uppnr k`cy omc `mn sa `b ten jnds fm tefs aosn) usfmd ten drnnm yorm ottoaenc t` ten jnds. Obtnr teot, sa or`umc a`umtnraj`ahwfsn b`r `mn r`w omc tenm os y`u w`ujc m`rlojjy m`rlojjy b`r om`tenr r`w. Bfmfse ten r`w omc aut ten yorm.
[`w ?7 Qa 5 fmt` lodfa rfmd usfmd Orom yorm. (5) [`w ;7 Fma ojj ten woy or`umc (?2) [`w 17 Xsa, fma\* [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (;3) [`w 37 sa ojj ten woy or`umc. (;3) [`w >7 [npnot r`w 3. (;3) [`w 27 [npnot r`w 3. (;3) [`w 47 Xsa, cna\ [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (?2) [`w 57 sa ojj ten woy or`umc (?2) [`w 67 Xsa, fma\ [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (;3)
[`w ?97 Qa a`umtnraj`ahwfsn ojj ten woy or`umc (;3) Teot tefs tnaemfqun wfjj c` fs lohn ft s` ten ‚rfdet sfcn“ `b ten ar`aent swftaens sfcns. Sen r`ws y`u locn s` bor wfjj oatuojjy
kn `m ten fmsfcn `b ten enoc omc bumatf`m os o pjoan b`r ten k`cy g`fmt t` d` fmt`, teus lohfmd ten enoc pfv`tokjn. [`w ??7 (d` koah t` ar`aentfmd aj`ahwfsn) Xsa ;, fma\* [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (1;) [`w ?;7 sa ojj ten woy or`umc (1;) [`w ?17 [npnot r`w ?; (1;) [`w ?37 Qa 4, cna 3, sa ;, cna 3, sa 4 (;3) [`w ?>7 Qa 2, fma ?;, sa 2 (12) [`w ?27 Qa ojj ten woy or`umc (12) [`w ?47 Xsa 3, cna\* [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (19) [`w ?57 Xsa 1, cna\* [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (;3) Ot tefs p`fmt, F‖c rna`llnmc stubbfmd ten enoc omc pjoafmd nyns fb y`u‖rn d`fmd t` c` sobnty nyns. [`w ?67 Xsa ;, cna\* [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (?5) [`w ;97 Xsa, cna\* [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (?;) [`w ;?7 cna ojj ten woy or`umc (2)
Orls (Lohn ;)
[`w ?7 Qa 2 fmt` lodfa rfmd wfte Kr`wm yorm. (2)
[`w ;7 fma ojj ten woy or`umc (?;) [`w 17 cna, sa 5, cna (?9) [`w 37 cna, sa 2, cna (5)
[`w >7 cna, sa 3, cna (2) Qwftae t` Teftn yorm `m ten jost st `b tefs r`w. [`ws 2-57 sa ojj ten woy or`umc (2) Qjnnvn (lohn ;) [`w ?7 sa 2 fmt` `mn orl wenrn y`u womt ten k`tt`l `b ten sjnnvn t` stort. Qtort s` teot ten pr`pnr port `b ten orl y`u womt boafmd `ut wfjj kn a`vnrnc ky ten sts `b ten sjnnvn. Senm ae ? omc turm b`r ten mnxt r`w. (2) [`w ;7 sa 2. Ae ? omc turm. (2) [`w 17 sa, cna, cna, sa (3) [`w 37 cna, cna (;) Kfmc `bb omc snw noae orl t` k`cy.
[`w ?7 sa 2 fmt` lodfa rfmd wfte Vnjj`w. (2) [`w ;7 fma ojj ten woy or`umc. (?;)
[`w 17 Xsa, fma\* [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (?5)
[`w 37 Xsa ;, fma\* [npnot * ojj ten woy or`umc (;3) ^sfmd sa, ottoae t` ten enoc fm ynjj`w yorm. Br`l tefs p`fmt, ae``sn o p`fmt wenrn y`u womt Jfmh‖s eofr t` stort `m ten sfcn `b efs enoc omc sa or`umc t` ten p`fmt wenrn y`u tefmh ft se`ujc st`p `m ten `tenr sfcn (os b`r ln, F cfc ok`ut ?3 sa). Senm, c` o turmfmd aeofm omc sa koah (fb y`u womt, ae ; omc c` c`ukjn ar`aent fmstnoc t` lohn ft nosfnr `m y`ursnjb.) [npnot umtfj y`u dnt efs eofr t` ten cnsfrnc jnmdte. B`r ten j`mdnr komd (brfmdn) pfnans F wnmt o jfttjn bortenr b`rworc `m efs enoc omc aeofmnc ok`ut 5 sts d`fmd owoy br`l efs saojp br`l `mn `b ten sa sts arnotnc wenm F ottoaenc ten eofr t` efs saojp, tenm a`msfcnrnc `mn o turmfmd aeofm omc cfc sa ojj ten woy koah s` tenrn wnrn 4 sa sts. F tenm wnmt b`rworc t` ten mnxt sa omc wnmt ter`ude ft, omc cfc sa ojj ten woy t` ten k`tt`l. Knaaefm cfcm‖t dfvn fmstruatf`ms b`r tefs, s` tefs fs ojj ly bfccjfmd or`umc. S` lohn Jfmh‖s se`rt komds, F ternocnc o yorm mnncjn wfte ynjj`w yorm omc stftaenc ft `m os F sow bft.
Nors (Lohn ;)
Qa > fmt` lodfa rfmd omc orromdn fm eojb-afrajn eojb-afrajn seopn. Ottoae t` sfcn `b enoc. Y`fmty Eot
[`w ?7 Qa 2 fmt` lodfa rfmd wfte Drnnm yorm (2) [`w ;7 fma, cna, cna, fma (2) [`w 17 [npnot r`w ; (2) [`w 37 fma ;, sa ;, fma ; (?9) [`w >7 fma ;, sa 2, fma ; (?2) [`w 27 fma ;, sa ?9, fma ; (?5) [`w 47 fma 3, sa ?9, fma 3 (;2) [`w 57 fma 3, sa ?5, fma 3 (13) [`w 67 sa ojj ten woy or`umc (13) [`w ?97 fma 3, sa ;2, fma 3 (3;) [`w ??7 sa ojj ten woy or`umc (3;) [`w ?;7 fma ;, sa 15, fma ; (32) [`w ?17 sa ojj ten woy or`umc (32) [`w ?37 cna ;, sa 39, cna ; (3;) [`ws ?>-?67 sa ojj ten woy or`umc (3;) [`w ;97 sa ojj ten woy or`umc a`umtnraj`ahwfsn (3;) [`w ;?7 sa ojj ten woy or`umc aj`ahwfsn (3;)
Jfmh‖s Eyjfom Qefnjc, Qw`rc, omc Qenote Lotnrfojs7 kjun omc drny yorm (b`r ten sefnjc) omc kr`wm yorm (b`r ten sw`rc omc senote)
ynjj`w omc rnc rnc nlkr`fcnry nlkr`fcnry bj`ss bj`ss
;.99 ll ar`aent e``h yorm mnncjn
djun dum
M`tn7 F w`rhnc fm a`mtfmu`us r`umcs (vs. g`fmnc r`umcs). QEFNJC7
Sen sefnjc a`msfsts `b ten (?) br`mt port, (;) koah port, omc (1) strop. (?) Br`mt port ^sfmd kjun yorm, [?7 Ae ;, ; sa fm sna`mc ae br`l e``h, turm. (;) [;7 Ae ?, *sa ; fm mnxt sa*, rnp ; tflns, turm. (3) [17 Ae ? *sa ; fm mnxt sa*, rnp 3 tflns, turm. (5) [3-27 Ae ?, sa 5, turm. (5) [47 Ae ?, sa 1, *sa ; fm mnxt sa*, rnp ; tflns, sa 1, turm. (?9) [5-?97 Ae ?, sa ?9, turm. (?9) [??7 Ae ?, sa ?, ca ?, ca ?, tr ?, tr ?, ae ?, tr ?, tr ?, ca ?, ca ?, sa ?.
Bostnm `bb omc wnovn fm nmc. [nsujtfmd seopn se`ujc j``h jfhn tefs7
^sfmd drny yorm, sfmdjn ar`aent or`umc ten k`rcnr `b `b ten sefnjc. Aeofm ; ot k`tt`l a`rmnr. Aeofm 1 ot t`p a`rmnrs (snn knj`w cfodrol).
[nsujt obtnr sfmdjn ar`aentfmd or`umc k`rcnr7
^sfmd drny yorm, nlkr`fcnr ten b`jj`wfmd cnsfdm oj`md ten ncdns wfte o yorm e``h7
^sfmd ynjj`w yorm, nlkr`fcnr ten Srfb`ran omc o trfomdjn.
^sfmd rnc yorm, nlkr`fcnr ten Nodjn cnsfdm.
(;) Koah port
S` lohn koah `b sefnjc, b`jj`w soln pottnrm ok`vn (f.n. (f.n. [`ws ?-??) usfmd kjun yorm. C` m`t usn drny yorm t` sfmdjn ar`aent or`umc ten ncdn omc c` m`t nlkr`fcnr omy cnsfdms. (1) Qtrop ^sfmd kjun yorm,
Ae 1. [?7 Qa ;, stortfmd fm sna`mc ae br`l e``h, turm. [;-?;7 Ae ?, sa ;, turm.
Ottoae strop `mt` koah `b sefnjc (M@S ten nlkr`fcnrnc `mn).
Djun dum (`r snw) br`mt `b sefnjc t` koah `b sefnjc.
Eyjfom sefnjc ottoaens t` Jfmh‖s orl jfhn s`7
Sen sw`rc a`msfsts `b ten (?) kjocn omc (;) ar`ss-duorc. (?) Kjocn
Aut `bb tfp `b ae`pstfah (kjocn (kjocn se`ujc kn ok`ut ;.> fmaens `r 4 al). ^sfmd safss`rs, aorvn m`taens fmt` ten ae`pstfah.
(;) Ar`ss-duorc (lohn ;) ^sfmd drny yorm,
Ae ; [?7 Qa ?, stortfmd fm sna`mc ae br`l e``h, turm. [;-57 Ae ?, sa ?, turm.
Bfmfse `bb, wnovn fm nmcs. Djun dum ; ar`ss-duorcs t`dntenr or`umc ten kjocn.
Sen senote a`msfsts `b ten (?) tukn omc (;) eomcjn. (?) Sukn ^sfmd corh kr`wm yorm,
[?7 Ae ;, 2 sa fm sna`mc ae br`l e``h. [;-?17 Ae 2. Bostnm `bb omc wnovn fm nmcs. (;) Eomcjn ^sfmd corh kr`wm yorm,
Ae ; [?7 Qa ?, stortfmd fm sna`mc ae br`l e``h, turm. [;-?67 Ae ?, sa ?, turm.
Bfmfse `bb, jnovn j`md nmc b`r snwfmd. Qnw k`te nmcs `b eomcjn t` tukn. Yjoan sw`rc fm senote t` snn fb ft bfts.
M`w y`u‖rn locn o Eyjfom sefnjc, sw`rc, omc senote b`r Jfmh!
M`w Jfmh fs prnpornc b`r kottjn!!! kottjn!!! Fb y`u eovn omy qunstf`ms `r bfmc omy nrr`rs, bnnj brnn t` a`mtoat ln. Seomhs omc d``c juah! Sefs pottnrm fs om `rfdfmoj pottnrm ky Qtnpeomfn `b Ojj Ok`ut Olf
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