5013v1 – Leadership Practice A.c. 1.1 Discuss the concept of managers as eective leaders
3se the Assessment Criteria 4AC5 as headings. he guidance notes will show if $ AC can be 6oined together
and A.c. 1.2 Discuss the the concept of leaders as eective managers. ‘According to the idea of transformational leadership an eective leader is a person who does the following: Creates an inspiring vision of the future. Motivates and inspires people to engage with that vision. Manages delivery of the vision. Coaches and builds a team, so that it is more 3se 7uotes to demonstrate eective at achieving the vision. your research. Leadership Leadership brings together the sills needed to do these 8y putting 7uotes in bo9es things.! they stand out as referenced wor. "eference: Mindtools #eb #eb $%&' https:((www.mindtools.com(pages(article(newL)"*+&.htm • • • •
his compares compares to management management which is de-ned as: ‘. A set of processes that can eep a complicated system of people and technology running smoothly. smoothly. /mportant aspects of of management include planning, budgeting, organising, sta0ng, controlling and problem solving! "eference: CM/ Level 1 2athways 2athways worboo
/n my opinion leadership is about inspiration, empowerment and motivation whereas management is about policies, control and measurement. he table / have created created below illustrates the dierent roles of a leader and a manager: A leader . /nspires their team towards
3se tables to reduce wordcount and clarify the dierence between two concepts. /f you create your own table mae it clear it is your own wor
A manager .. #ocuses on the bottom line &
organisational goals /s focussed on providing e9cellent service ;stablishes strategy and involves(communicates the strategy to the team /s innovative and creative in their approach aes riss and is change orientated and
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