Level 5 5013v1 Exemplar Assignment 2 for Website

January 25, 2019 | Author: KareemAdams9029 | Category: Leadership, Leadership & Mentoring, Self-Improvement, Motivation, Action (Philosophy)
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Level 5 5013v1 Exemplar Assignment...


5013v1 – Leadership Practice A.c. 1.1 Discuss the concept of  managers as eective leaders

3se the Assessment Criteria 4AC5 as headings. he guidance notes will show if $ AC can be 6oined together

and A.c. 1.2 Discuss the the concept of leaders as eective managers. ‘According to the idea of transformational leadership an eective leader is a person who does the following: Creates an inspiring vision of the future. Motivates and inspires people to engage with that vision. Manages delivery of the vision. Coaches and builds a team, so that it is more 3se 7uotes to demonstrate eective at achieving the vision. your research. Leadership Leadership brings together the sills needed to do these 8y putting 7uotes in bo9es things.! they stand out as referenced wor. "eference: Mindtools #eb #eb $%&' https:((www.mindtools.com(pages(article(newL)"*+&.htm • • • •

 his compares compares to management management which is de-ned as: ‘. A set of processes that can eep a complicated system of people and technology running smoothly. smoothly. /mportant aspects of of management include planning, budgeting, organising, sta0ng, controlling and problem solving! "eference: CM/ Level 1 2athways 2athways worboo

/n my opinion leadership is about inspiration, empowerment and motivation whereas management is about policies, control and measurement.  he table / have created created below illustrates the dierent roles of a leader and a manager: A leader . /nspires their team towards

3se tables to reduce wordcount and clarify the dierence between two concepts. /f you create your own table mae it clear it is your own wor

A manager .. #ocuses on the bottom line &

organisational goals /s focussed on providing e9cellent service ;stablishes strategy and involves(communicates the strategy to the team /s innovative and creative in their approach  aes riss and is change orientated and
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