Level 3 - Extra Comprehension Questions SS

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Reading Re ading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 1A: The World’s Game  Game  Choose the best answer for each questio n.

GIST 1. What would be the best alternative alternative title for this reading? a. b. c. d.

Football, the Global Sport Barefoot Soccer Soccer: Anyone Can Play! The History of Football

DETAIL 2. Football as it is played today began in ______. a. China b. South Africa c. Brazil d. England VOCABULARY 3. The word ultimately  in paragraph C, line 1 is closest in meaning to ______. a. b. c. d.

supposedly currently basically exactly

REFERENCE 4. The word its in paragraph C, line 2 refers to ______. a. b. c. d.

a ball universal appeal a can the game of soccer

DETAIL 5. According to the author, the primary reason that football is popular is ______. a. b. c. d.

the promise of wealth its simplicity camaraderie its international flavor


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 1B: What Makes Makes an Olym Olym pic Champio n? Choose the best answer for each question.

DETAIL 1. The most import important ant factors in the success of an Olympic Olympic athlete might be ______. a. b. c. d.

biological factors genetic factors intense training environmental conditions

VOCABULARY 2. Which of the following is a synonym for for the term elite athlete? a. Olympic competitor b. average athlete c. muscular champion d. super sportsman REFERENCE 3. The word these in paragraph B, line 12 refers to ______. a. b. c. d.

weightlifters fast-twitch fibers muscles typical people

DETAIL 4. The main difference between a successful weight-lifter and a successful runner is how  ______. a. b. c. d.

fast their muscles twitch well they can stand muscle pain long their legs are fast they breathe

DETAIL 5. According to tthe he author, it is an advantage for ______ to be short and light-weight. a. b. c. d.

swimmers gymnasts weightlifters marathon runners


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 2A: What Is Beauty Beauty ? Choose the best answer for each questio n.

DETAIL 1. Which of these questions can NOT be answered with information from paragraph A? a. b. c. d.

What was the the subject of the Egyptian Egyptian paintings? Why did wealthy wealthy French nobles wear wigs? When did the ancient Maya consider consider crossed eyes attractive? attractive? What color were the wigs worn by French nobles?

DETAIL 2. The author does NOT say that men find women with ______ attractive. attractive. a. b. c. d.

big eyes full lips narrow waists small noses

REFERENCE 3. The word them in paragraph E, line 14 refers to ______. a. b. c. d.

Douglas Yu and Glenn Shepard thin women fashion magazines body types

DETAIL 4. The author does NOT NOT say that Huli males ______. a. dance at festivals b. have long hair c. dress up d. paint their faces VOCABULARY 5. The word appealing in paragraph G, line 6 is closest in meaning to ______. a. b. c. d.

healthy attractive truthful unpleasant


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 2B: Skin: The Body’s Canvas  Canvas  Choose the best answer for each question.

VOCABULARY 1. The author uses the word canvas in the title of the reading because canvas is ______. a. b. c. d.

the same thickness as human skin used as a surface for art the same color as some people’s skin   like s skin, kin, sometimes sometimes used as a covering

DETAIL 2. The author does NOT mention mention that skin skin can protect protect the body from ______. a. b. c. d.

heat and cold direct sunlight radiation bacteria

INFERENCE 3. When the author says “attitudes … shifted in the opposite direction”  (paragraph B), he implies that ______. a. b. c. d.

darker skin had become more desirable many people wanted lighter skin no one bought skin-lightening products people started spending more time outdoors

DETAIL 4. In A Australia, ustralia, scarring can can indicate that people ______. a. b. c. d.

are community leaders have accomplished something important are allowed to sing ceremonial songs are members of certain families

VOCABULARY 5. The word Hence in paragraph G, line 12 could be replaced with ______. a. b. c. d.

Since Nevertheless Despite Therefore


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 3A: Racing to Rescue Koalas Choose the best answer for each questio n.

GIST 1. What would be the best alternative title for this reading? a. b. c. d.

Koalas in the Suburbs Koalas’ Diet Koalas in Danger Koala Babies

VOCABULARY 2. The word ferocious  in paragraph C can NOT be replaced by ______. a. b. c. d.

passive savage fierce aggressive

INFERENCE 3. The main reason for the the decline in the number of koalas is ______. a. b. c. d.

a lack of their primary food source source being run over by vehicles attacks by other animals being caught in fences

VOCABULARY 4. The word vibrant in paragraph H, line 5 is closest in meaning to ______. a. b. c. d.

slowly declining vigorously alive nearly extinct mostly unknown

DETAIL 5. When de Villiers captured captured Tee Vee, she first ______. a. b. c. d.

covered her with a blanket gave her a tranquilizing drug measured her and examined her took off her radio collar


Reading Re ading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 3B: Tracking the Snow Leopard Choose the best answer for each question.

VOCABULARY 1. The word stalks  in paragraph A, line 1 is closest in meaning to ______. a. b. c. d.

hunts attacks devours flees

REFERENCE 2. The word it in paragraph A, line 3 (to stop it) refers to ______. a. b. c. d.

a foot a mountain wall a snow leopard a stone

VOCABULARY 3. A word in paragraph B with with the same meaning as elusive is ______. a. b. c. d.

distinctive spotted secretive remote

DETAIL 4. It is feared that there may only be around ______ snow leopards left in the wild. a. b. c. d.

1,500 3,500 4,000 7,000

DETAIL 5. The Snow Leopard Conservancy India Trust does NOT ______. a. b. c. d.

arrange for visitors to stay stay with with herders pay people tto o not kill snow leopards build barriers to keep snow snow leopards away away conduct classes for school children


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 4A: Sacred Summits Choose the best answer for each question.

DETAIL 1. Which of the following questions about Mount Fuji can NOT be answered answered from information in the passage? a. b. c. d.

In w what hat months months do most people climb it? What religion considers considers it a sacred sacred place? place? When did it last erupt? How long does it take most most people to climb it?

REFERENCE 2. The word it in paragraph C, line 6 refers to ______. a. a test of strength b. the power to cure people c. a religious journey d. climbing Mount Fuji DETAIL 3. Which of the following questions can NOT be answered from the passage about Popocatépetl? a. b. c. d.

What language does the name name Popocatépetl come from? What do people in Mexico Mexico popularly call Popocatépetl? Popocatépetl? When w was as the last time Popocatépetl probably erupted? How m many any people were affected affected in the December, 2000 disturbance?

DETAIL 4. The author m mentions entions that fruit is grown in rich volcanic soil in ______. a. Central America b. Indonesia c. Japan d. California SCANNING 5. The author discusses symptoms of possible eruptions in paragraphs ______. a. b. c. d.

A and C B and D E and G F and H


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 4B: Is Prediction Possible? Choose the best answer for each question.

REFERENCE 1. The word they in paragraph A, line 5 refers to ______. a. b. c. d.

tsunamis and fires cities at risk major quakes Earth’s plates

INFERENCE 2. The author implies that, that, in Tokai, ______. a. b. c. d.

there was a recent earthquake a large quake is overdue stress is no longer building up there it will be 100 –150 years till the next quake

VOCABULARY 3. The word generated in paragraph C, line 5 is closest in meaning to ______. a. b. c. d.

absorbed decreased suppressed created

DETAIL 4. The author indicates that the 1980s –2004 Parkfield research ______. a. b. c. d.

showed that prediction was probably impossible was more successful than later research proved that the “preslip” theory was accurate   was done at a greater depth than later research research

DETAIL 5. The passage does NOT say that P-waves ______. a. b. c. d.

cause more damage than S-waves may combine with S-waves squeeze and strike rock are faster than S-waves


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Comprehension Questions Questions Reading Re ading 5A: Land of Fire and Ice Choose the best answer for each questio n.

DETAIL 1. The author does NOT say that people from from northern Europe Europe ______. a. b. c. d.

set up Iceland’s system of government frequently visit Iceland as tourists brought their language with them settled Iceland more than 1,000 1,000 years years ago

SCANNING 2. Which paragraph focuses on the urban scene in Iceland? a. Paragraph B b. Paragraph D c. Paragraph F d. Paragraph H REFERENCE 3. The phrase this time in paragraph C, line 6 refers to ______. a. b. c. d.

the winter months 22 hours of daylight dawn short periods of summer darkness

DETAIL 4. The author s suggests uggests that Iceland does not have much air pollution because ______. a. winds blow the pollution away b. hot it is springs located provide so far north c. most most of of its energy d. its population is so small VOCABULARY 5. The word pathway in paragraph I, line 2 is closest in meaning to ______. a. b. c. d.

river springs fault trail


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 5B: The Perfect Perfect Beach Choose the best answer for each question.

DETAIL 1. The author does NOT mention mention how many beaches there a are re in ______. a. b. c. d.

Brazil Rio de Janeiro Bahia Fernando de Noronha

INFERENCE 2. The author arrives at the beach near Prainha ______. a. by boat b. in the morning c. by beach buggy d. after dark REFERENCE 3. The word which in paragraph G, line 3 refers to ______. a. b. c. d.

islands Brazilians beaches kilometers

DETAIL 4. Fernando de Noronha first served as a ______. a. national park b. nature army base c. reserve d. prison VOCABULARY 5. The word hint in paragraph H, line 5 is closest in meaning to ______. a. b. c. d.

bit search lack rush


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 6A: The World’s Favorite Dr u ug g Choose the best answer for each questio n.

DETAIL 1. The author does NOT mention mention that caffeine caffeine is present present in some some ______. a. b. c. d.

pain pills candy sodas milk

VOCABULARY 2. The word adequate in paragraph C, line 4, is closest in meaning to ______. a. deep b. regular c. enough d. dependable REFERENCE 3. The word they in paragraph E, line 4 refers to ______. a. b. c. d.

moods heavy caffeine users a number of scientists behaviors

INFERENCE 4. The author does NO NOT T suggest in paragraph G that caffeine caffeine can help ______ with their tasks. a. b. c. d.

lawyers pilots bookkeepers truck drivers

INFERENCE 5. Which of these people mentioned in the passage are in basic agreement about caffeine? a. b. c. d.

Thomas Murphy and Charles Czeisler Charles Czeisler and Roland Griffiths Roland Griffiths and Jack Bergman Jack Bergman and Charles Czeisler


Reading Re ading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 6B:  Ad di ct ed t o Dis tr act io n Choose the best answer for each question.

GIST 1. This pass passage age is basically a(n) ______ essay. a. b. c. d.

cause/effect problem/solution comparison/contrast argument/persuasion

DETAIL 2. Which of these questions can NOT be answered by the information in paragraph B? B? a. How much time, on average, do teenagers in the U.S. U.S. spend on electronic devices? b. On average, how often do people on the U.S. switch from one digital task to another? c. What are some tasks that adults in the U.S. U.S. frequently multitask on? d. People in what age group in the U.S. U.S. most often switch from from task to task? DETAIL 3. The author iindicates ndicates that digital workers could be more more productive if they ______. a. b. c. d.

work on more than one task at a time take a break by playing a game use more energy to accomplish their tasks tasks concentrate on one activity at a time

SCANNING 4. The author ffirst irst mentions a way to relieve digital stress in ______. a. paragraph B b. paragraph paragraph F E c. d. paragraph H INFERENCE 5. Which of the following scientists conducted conducted experiments that had sim similar ilar conclusions? a. b. c. d.

David Strayer and Gloria Mark Gloria Mark and Yoshifumi Miyazaki Yoshifumi Miyazaki and Stephen Kaplan Stephen Kaplan and David Strayer


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 7A: Powering t he Planet Planet Choose the best answer for each questio n.

VOCABULARY 1. The word finite in paragraph A, line 3 is closest in meaning to ______. a. limited b. expanding

c. crucial d. unknown

VOCABULARY 2. The word ideal in paragraph D, line 3 is closest in meaning to ______. a. potential b. impossible

c. perfect d. desirable

DETAIL 3. The author does NOT NOT say that space-based energy ______. a. b. c. d.

will be expensive expensive at first, then cheaper can function all day, every day could provide power to all countries is a form of nuclear energy

COHESION 4. In which position—[1], [2], [3], or [4]—should this sentence be added to this section of paragraph G? On the other hand, many people enjoy watching the blades turn together, and some wind farms have become tourist attractions.  attractions.  

Despite its successes, some people are protesting wind-power development, saying the turbines are both noisy and ugly. [1] Just outside England’s Lake District—a protected national park—a dozen existing wind towers are due to be removed. [2]  “This is a highquality landscape,” says one local homeowner. [3] “They shouldn’t be putting those things in here.” [4] a. [1] b. [2]

c. [3] d. [4]

DETAIL 5. The author mentions a problem with a nuclear plant in ______. a. France b. Japan  

c. India d. China


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 7B: City of the Future? Choose the best answer for each question.

GIST 1. This pas passage sage mainly mainly deals with how Dubai ______. a. has become a tourist resort b. is evolving into a green city

c. has become less dependent on oil d. is not growing as fast as it once was

INFERENCE 2. The author implies that the ski resort in Dubai ______. a. will have to close soon b. operates on solar power

c. is located in the desert d. uses a lot of energy

COHESION 3. In which position—[1], [2], [3], or [4]—should this sentence be added to this section of paragraph C? These whisk people along faster than cars on the packed streets.  

To reduce its dependence on cars and lower its emissions, Dubai has invested in solar energy, green buildings, and a comprehensive public transportation system. [1]  Gleaming driverless trains now run beside the main roads. [2]  In addition, all new buildings must meet strict energy regulations. [3]  Smart lighting and cooling systems must switch off when no people are present in a room. [4]   a. [1] b. [2]

c. [3] d. [4]

VOCABULARY 4. The word Gleaming in paragraph C, line 3 is closest in meaning to ______. a. shiny b. speedy

c. futuristic d. expensive

DETAIL 5. Which of the following statements about the Sustainable Sustainable City is true? a. b. c. d.

It is located in the desert just north of Dubai. It is twice as expensive as other parts of Dubai. It uses half as much energy as other parts of Dubai. It contains a large shopping mall.


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Comprehension Questions Questions Reading Re ading 8A: China’s Grand Canal   Choose the best answer for each questio n.

VOCABULARY 1. The word vital in paragraph A, line 6 is closest in meaning to ______. a. b. c. d.

essential ancient impressive secure

DETAIL 2. The canal was originally needed to transport ______. a. b. c. d.

soldiers coal textiles food

DETAIL 3. Which of the following is a true true statement about the province of Shandong? Shandong? a. b. c. d.

It is located north of Beijing. The Peking opera comes from there. A famous dish originally comes from there. It is the southernmost point on the canal.

DETAIL 4. The author does NOT mention mention the destruction destruction of buildings in ______. a. b. c. d.

Beijing Yangzhou Hangzhou Wuxi

DETAIL 5. Today, the Grand Canal is ______. a. b. c. d.

longer than it used to be no longer used for transporting cargo considered a possible tourist site a UNESCO World Heritage Site


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 8B: Highway of Dreams Choose the best answer for each question.

GIST 1. What would be the best alternative title for this reading? a. b. c. d.

The Road Across South America From North America to South America Peru’s Booming Economy The Advantages of Modern Highways

DETAIL 2. Mary Luz Guerra Guerra traveled home by ______. a. b. c. d.

plane truck bus boat

DETAIL 3. Work on the Peruvian section of the Transoceanic Highway was completed completed in ______. a. b. c. d.

the 1950s 2003 2006 2011

SCANNING 4. In which paragraph does the the author begin to focus on the disadvantages disadvantages of the Transoceanic Highway? a. b. c. d.

Paragraph B Paragraph D Paragraph G Paragraph I

INFERENCE 5. It can be inferred that the Brazilian portion of the Transoceanic Highway Highway ______. a. consists of partially unpaved roads b. begins high in the Andes Mountains c. was completed before the Peruvian section can’t be used t d. o transport lumber


Reading Re ading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 9A: The Power Power of Virtual Reality Reality Choose the best answer for each question.

GIST 1. Jeremy Bailenson’s primary message in this interview is to explain how VR  ______. a. b. c. d.

experiences are better than actual experiences can be useful for many people in many different ways ways will become more important in the future future allows people to communicate through their avatars

INFERENCE 2. Some people want to learn to play tennis. If they use the process of embodied cognition, cognition, they should ______. a. begin playing tennis right away b. watch go to tennis c. videosmatches explaining how to play d. talk to a tennis tutor to get some hints DETAIL 3. Carson Pa Palmer lmer is identified in the passage as ______. a. b. c. d.

a designer of VR equipment am member ember of the German German national soccer team an American football player an organizer of business meetings

VOCABULARY 4. In w which hich of these sentences sentences is the word word plays used as it is in paragraph D, line 6? a. b. c. d.

She has acted in plays in New York York and London. He play plays s golf at least once a week. Good grammar plays an important role in any w writing. riting. The c coach oach decides which plays the team team runs.

GIST 5. The use of VR in the field of ______ is NOT mentioned in the interview. a. education b. environment c. business meetings d. sports


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 9B: High-Flying Helpers Choose the best answer for each question.

PARAPHRASE 1. Which of the following sentences best restates this st statement? atement? In the African nation of Rwanda, for example, several remote health clinics do not have sufficient quantities of blood and other healthcare products.

a. In Rwanda, ffor or example, there are not enough remote health clinics to s serve erve the people. b. For instance, some rural Rwandan health centers lack blood and important medical supplies. c. Rwanda, for example, has fewer medical supplies than other African countries. d. For example, in Rwanda, it is very very difficult to to transport people to places where there are sufficient medical supplies. VOCABULARY 2. The use of the phrase treatable illnesses (Paragraph A, line 10) indicates that that these illnesses ______. a. are very dangerous b. may be cured

c. are infectious d. are only minor illnesses

REFERENCE 3. The word They in paragraph C, line 14 refers to ______. a. crops b. drones

c. roads d. workers

VOCABULARY 4. The word vulnerable in paragraph D, line 1 is closest in meaning to ______. a. valuable b. domestic

c. defenseless d. scattered

DETAIL 5. The author begins paragraph F with with the word Ironically  because drones ______. a. b. c. d.

were initially developed as a weapon, but can help save lives lives as well well can be used not only for law enforcement but also for crim criminal inal purposes may som someday eday replace the need for researchers for many scientific projects were once thought to be useless, but have proved to have many uses


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 10A: What’s on Your Mind?   Choose the best answer for each question.

DETAIL 1. According to tthe he passage, which of the following is NOT true true about the prefrontal prefrontal cortex? a. b. c. d.

It is located in the front of the brain. It begins to function function at the age of two. It controls perception and speech. It is the center of self-awareness. self-awareness.

DETAIL 2.  A baby’s’ negative memories might be stored in the  ______. a. b. c. d.

hippocampus left prefrontal cortex temporal lobe amygdala

INFERENCE 3. The author mentions “freshly cut grass” in paragraph H as an example of a ______. a. b. c. d.

pleasant sm smell ell for people who grew up in the countryside smell that not everyone recognizes smell that may be pleasant for some and unpleasant for others negative s smell mell that that has strong emotional emotional effects effects

REFERENCE 4. The word they in paragraph J, line 7 refers to ______. a. b. c. d.

all volunteers who went through training the group who who meditated meditated during their training people w who ho did not take part in training training volunteers who did not meditate meditate during ttraining raining

VOCABULARY 5. The word Nevertheless  in paragraph K, line 3 is closest in meaning to ______. a. b. c. d.

Therefore Moreover Likewise Still


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 10B: Inside Animal Minds Choose the best answer for each question.

INFERENCE 1. The author implies that Pepperberg ______. a. b. c. d.

believed that African gray parrots can speak better than than other parrots theorized that, if an animal can answer questions, it can think bought Alex as part of an experiment conducted conducted at Harvard University University taught parrots other than Alex Alex how to speak

VOCABULARY 2. The word key in paragraph C, line 1 is closest in meaning to ______. a. b. c. d.

crucial abstract clear insignificant

INFERENCE 3. The author does NOT suggest that Alex the parrot can can ______. a. b. c. d.

identify a square determine what color the sky is distinguish between the concepts of “same” and “different”  use primitive tools

DETAIL 4. The author does NO NOT T indicate that ______ have been studied to determine their ability to think or feel emotions. a. b. c. d.

dogs chimpanzees fish elephants

DETAIL 5. Which of the following questions can be answered from from information in the passage? a. What emot emotions ions do octopuses show when they change color? b. How high can Alex count? c. How many words does Betsy know? d. Why is imitation now considered such such a difficult skill?


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 11A: Van Gogh’s World   Choose the best answer for each questio n.

GIST 1. The main point of this passage is to ______. a. b. c. d.

describe van Gogh’s masterpiece, The Starry Night discuss van Gogh’s combinations of colors   introduce readers to van Gogh’s life and art discuss the relationship between mental mental illness and art

COHESION 2. In which position—[1], [2], [3], or [4]—should this sentence be added to this section of paragraph B? He spent so much of this money on paints and models that he could barely buy food, and so he often went hungry.

He loved to draw, and his work showed talent, but no one encouraged him to become an artist. Instead, his father thought he should take a “sensible” job— something like a salesclerk or carpenter. [1]  As a young adult, he wandered from job to job with little success and very little money, becoming more depressed with each failure. [2]  In March 1880, however, just before his 27th birthday, something changed inside van Gogh. [3]  He realized that he was meant to be a painter, and he began to study art in Brussels, receiving financial help from his brother Theo. [4]   a. [1]

b. [2]

c. [3]

d. [4]

DETAIL 3. Van Gogh changed his style style of painting when he was living in ______. a. Zundert b. Brussels c. Paris d. Arles   VOCABULARY 4. The word inhibited in paragraph F, line 6 is closest in meaning to ______. a. restricted

b. encouraged

c. followed

d. helped

DETAIL 5. How many paintings did van Gogh produce while living living in Auvers-sur-Oise? Auvers-sur-Oise? a. only one  

b. around 70

c. around 100

d. several hundred


Reading Re ading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 11B: Se Seeing eing the Light Choose the best answer for each question.

GIST 1. The main point of this reading is to ______. a. b. c. d.

compare art in Brazil with art in the U.S.  discuss new movements in painting painting and photography summarize Picasso’s Influence on two modern artists  describe the lives and art of two international artists

INFERENCE 2. According to inf information ormation in the passage, passage, the LEAST LEAST likely subject subject of a painting painting by Tarsila is  ______. a. a monkey in a tree b. street a smallscenes villageininBrazilian the country c. cities d. someone picking coffee beans INFERENCE 3. According to inf information ormation in the passage, passage, the LEAST LEAST likely subject subject of a photo photo by Vivian Maier is ______. a. b. c. d.

a farmer on a tractor children playing in a park a worker repairing a sidewalk a passenger getting out of a tax taxii

DETAIL 4. Where did Vivian Maier Maier take most of her photos? a. Chicago b. Austria

c. France d. New York City

DETAIL 5. The author mentions a ______ being nominated for an important award. a. photograph b. film

c. exhibit d. book


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 12A: Defying Gravity Choose the best answer for each questio n.

GIST 1. What would be the best alternative title for this reading? a. b. c. d.

Life Aboard a Space Station  Walking in Space Building the ISS Space Training in a Water Tank

VOCABULARY 2. The word underscores  in paragraph C, line 3 is closest in meaning to ______. a. emphasizes b. minimizes

c. undermines d. multiplies

COHESION 3. In which position—[1], [2], [3], or [4]—should this sentence be added to this section of paragraph E? Temperatures are particularly high near the space station’s reflect ive ive surfaces.

 Astronauts also train for for emergencies that may come about during a walk. [1] One of the most common is losing consciousness. [2]  Although spacesuits have an internal internal heating and cooling system, they can still get very hot, especially when astronauts are doing physically demanding work outside the spacecraft for hours. [3]  Astronauts are trained to to monitor their breathing and to make sure their bodies aren’t overhe ating, which could cause them to pass out. [4]   a. [1]

b. [2]

c. [3]

DETAIL 4. Which of the following astronauts describes a repair mission mission on the ISS? a. Luca Parmitano b. Alexei Leonov

c. Sunita Williams d. Misha Tyurin

DETAIL 5. Sunita Williams would go the the Russian section section of the ISS to ______. a. get a cup of tea b. use the restroom

c. prepare for her spacewalk d. chat with Misha Tyurin

d. [4]


Reading Explo rer 3, Third Editio n Reading Extra Comprehension Questions Reading Re ading 12B: The Ulti Ulti mate Trip Choose the best answer for each question.

MAIN IDEA 1. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage? a. Private businesses are replacing gov governments ernments in the field of space research.  b. After the last space shuttle shuttle flew, there was no longer a way for US astronauts to get to the ISS. c. Manned spacecraft have not travelled as far from the earth as they did in the 1970s. d. Space tourism will provide the main source of funding for space travel in the future. DETAIL 2. Which of the following statements about Planetary Resources is NOT true? a. b. c. d.

It has receiv received ed financial help from Google. It hopes tto o mine platinum in space. space. It want wants s to send unmanned spacecraft to the asteroids. It has conducted test flights to to the asteroids.

VOCABULARY 3. The word incentive  (paragraph D, line 11) has the same meaning as which other word in the paragraph? a. driver

b. search

c. knowledge

d. markets

DETAIL 4. Elon Musk favors reusable rockets because they are ______ than non-reusable rockets. rockets. a. safer

b. cheaper

c. more reliable

d. faster 

PARAPHRASE 5. Which of the following sentences best restates this statement? statement? It will be the hardest thing that humanity has ever done, but Musk thinks his company can do it and he’s eager to see it happen. 

a. Musk believes it is the most difficult task his company company has ever attempted, attempted, but he thinks it is a goal possible to achieve. b. While it is generally believed that this this task is too difficult, Musk Musk believes that his company will be able to accomplish it. c. Musk believes that, in all of history, this is the most challenging task people have ever faced, and he is anxious to see his company be successful in the task. d. According to Musk, his company company is the only organization that can complete this incredibly difficult task.

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