Level 1 - John Escott - Prince William
April 21, 2017 | Author: Linda LA | Category: N/A
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Prince William is the son of Princess Diana. One day he's going to be the King of England. This is William's story - family, school, sports, girls. What do you want to know? It's all here! Penguin Readers are simplified texts designed in association with Longman , the world famous educational publisher. to provide a step-by-
step approach to the joys of reading for pleasure. The series includes original stories. contemporary titles based on today's best-selling media hits. and easily accessible versions of the literary classics published by Penguin around the world . Each book has an introduction and extensive
activity material. They are published at seven levels from Easystarts (200 words) to Advanced (3000 words). Series Editors: Andy Hopkins and Jo ce lyn Po tter
6 Advanced (3000 words)
5 Upper Intermediate (2300 words)
4 Intermediate (1700 words)
3 Pre-lnterrnediate (1200 words) 2 Elementary (600 words) I Beginner (300 words)
British English
Easystarrs (200 words)
American English
Cover photograph © Rex Features/james Gray
John Escott ISBN 0- 99 7-8 0574- 9
Published and distributed by Pearson Education Limited
9 780997805741
A New Prince! It is the even ing of 2 1 Jun e 1982 - th e first day of su m mer. N ewspaper and tele vision reporters near the
doors of St Mary s H ospital in Paddington , London , talk qui ckly into th eir telephones. 'It's a boy ... Yes! ... Princess Dian a has a little boy ... at 9.03 this evening ... England has a new prince! ... Yes, and moth er and child are well ... We're waiting to see Prince C harles ... ' At eleven o'clock that night, Prince C harles - the Prince of Wales - co mes o ut of the hospital. H e answers question s from th e reporters about his new SOI L 'H e has blue eyes,' Prince C harles says. ' He and his mother are very well. Th ey're co ming home tomorrow.' ' What's his name ?' the reporter s want to kn ow. Prince C harles sm iles. ' We don't know,' he says. 'We're thinking about it.' Charles likes the name Art hur, but Dia na does not. She wants W illiam . A week later, the repo rters have th eir answer: W illiam Arthur Philip Loui s. Hi s moth er's name for him is 'W ills'.
Earl y Days Prin ce C harles wants Mabel And erson to be Prin ce Wi lliam's nanny. She was Pri nce C harles's nann y years before. Prin cess Diana says no. She do esn't want an o ld person .They g ive th e j ob to Barbara Barn es. Prin cess Dian a is a very loving mother. She likes having W illiam near her. and her bedroo m at Kensington
Palace is nea r his room. Later, she often gets int o bed wit h Wi lliam and his brothe r at night. She says, 'Who loves you?' T hey answer, 'You! ' T he princess smiles.
It is 1983. Pr in ce C harles and Prin cess Di an a are go ing to visit Australia and New Zealand. But D iana wants to be w ith W illiam. W hat can she do? Then the Prime M ini ster o f Australia , Malcolm Praser, w r ites a letter to D iana . In it h e says, 'Please bring Prince Wi lliam w ith yo u.' Diana talks to C harles, and he says yes. T hey take William to Au stralia with th em. Th e yo ung pr inc e stays in Woomargama, a place in New So uth W1les, with Nanny l3arn es. Hi s moth er and fath er oft en visit him .
On 15 Sept ember 1984, a new brother arrives for W illiam . Two days later, h e go es to th e ho spital to see him. The new child's name is H arr y, and William loves playin g w ith him. School Days
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A year later, on 24 Septem ber 1985, William starts school at Mrs M ynor's Scho ol in N otting Hill, in London . It is very near to Kensington Palace. A policeman goes to school with William every day. On the first mo rning W illiam runs ou t of th e car, but his mo th er sto ps him .Th e newspap er repo rters all want to take his photograph . Televisio n rep orters want his picture, too. W illiam goes to school two mornings a week, the n
every morning, Now he knows numbers. and he can w rite his name. H e qu ickly makes a lot of friends. Bu t he is no t always a good boy at home. 'Go to bed , Wi lliam,' says Na nny Bar nes, ' N o,' says Will iam . 'Yo u can 't say that to me! I'm go ing to be king on e day.'
In Janu ar y, 1987 , Willi am has a new nanny - Ru th Wallace. Wil liams na me for he r is ' N an ny R o of' . At the same time, Will iam starts at Wetherby School. This is in Notting H ill, too. H ere he plays a lot of sports, and he gets a pr ize for sw im ming. Every year the scho ol has a Sports Day. W illiam and his friends wa tch Princess Diana and Prin ce C harles in the games for moth ers and fath er s. H e moves to Lud grove School in Berk shire in Septe mber 1990. H e lives there, and he goes home for scho ol holidays. W illiam is very happy at Ludgrove. Again, he plays a lot of games, and h e is good at football . At twe lve, he gets a prize for sho oting. Pr in ce C harles likes co unt ry spo rts an d o ften takes his you ng son w ith him . William watches h is fathe r shooting at Sandring ha m, one o f the Q ueen 's co untry I hom es. After that, Wi lliam wants to shoot, to o. At Ludgrove, W illiam is good at writing. H e gets th e scho ol pr ize for writing in 1992 .
An Accident at School It is June 1991 , and W illiam is playi ng golf w ith his frie nd s at Lud grovc. Sudde nly, the re is an acci de nt . A
Princess Diana in 11 gamej(Jr mothers.
fri end hits him on the head .T he schoo l sends Willi am to a hospital in R eading. Princess Diana is eating w ith a friend. She hears abo ut the accide nt and goes qui ckly to the hospital. Prince C harles also hears abo ut it and dri ves to R eadin g. The doctor s are not happy. They send W illiam to Great O rmond Street H ospital for C hildre n, in London . Diana goes w ith Will iam , and Prince C harles goes in his car. At Great O rmond Street, William has a sma ll but important ope ration on his head . H is mot her waits at th e hospital. Prince C harles can no t stay because he has impo rtant visitors. But the ope ration goes well. The doctor s say to Princess D iana,'William is OK .' Charles and Diana Divorce W illiam ofte n teleph on es his mot her from school. H e likes talking to her, and she wants to talk to him . Diana and C harles are not happy. Wi lliam kn ows thi s. H e knows about th eir problems, and he is unhappy abo ut the m . Th ey are not goo d for th e Qu een or for the co untry, and Wi lliam knows this, too. Prin ce C harles and Princess Diana do not live in the S;l111C hou se. C harles lives in his co untry home at Highgrove H ou se. W illiam visits him there. H e likes H ighg rovc, and he loves his father. Bu t it is a diffi cult time for him . W illiam likes watching television . ' Television is bad for you: his father says.'W hy do n't you read a book o r co me for a walk in th e cou nt ry"
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Pr incess Di ana lives at Ken sington Palace with th e boy s. Wi lliam loves to ru n to his mother's bedroom every mornin g. H e plays games w ith her an d they talk .
O ne day, W illiam says to H arry, 'I'm go ing to be a policem an .' ' Yo u can 't,' says H arry. 'You 're going to be kin g.' William do es not want to think ab out thi s.
Pri nce C ha rles and Pri ncess Diana divorce in Aug ust, 1996 . After that, hol idays w ith th eir moth er and father are ne ver the same for W illiam and Harry. Th eir mother takes th em to the Ca r ibbea n to sw im in th e sea. Or she takes them skiing in Ca nada or Ameri ca. Charles takes them skiing in Klosters, in Switzerland, or to G reece, or on a boat in th e M editerranean.They o ften go to Balm oral , th e Queen 's home in Scotland . After th e divorce, William and his brothe r have a new nanny at th eir fath er's home. H er nam e is Alexandra 'Tiggy' Legge-Bourke and she is young . Diana is not ver y happy about T igb'Y, but W illiam and Harry like her.
' P lease Stay Away!'
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