Letting Go

April 20, 2017 | Author: fazriyahputri | Category: N/A
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Letting Go & Holding On

Time. Is the most precious thing we could give to other people. Care & attention. Are two things we give to our loved ones. Forgiveness, self-reflection, & understanding. Three things that made relationship works.

When one doesn’t have time to give for another and the other couldn’t take it anymore. That’s when you know to stop and realize what you did.

‘I got up and went to the kitchen to be utterly surprise. Rose petals were everywhere and the table was set so nicely with candles. Right there and then, I just realized that today was our anniversary.’

‘I got home and just like any other day, the silence and emptiness greeted me.’

Let's Start With Love


I heard the front door was open and, “I’m home! Taeyeon-ah, where are you?” I unconsciously smiled, “In the kitchen!” I was putting a bowl of rice on the table when I felt her arms around my waist and a head on my shoulder. I turned around and wrapped my arms around my girlfriend’s body. “You came just in time for dinner.” She mumbled something incoherent and I kissed her head. “How was it?” I asked her and rubbed her back gently. She answered me with her head still on my shoulder, “Sucked.” I chuckled, “First day always sucks.” She got a new job with better pay and closer office. Today was her first day on the new job. She pulled away a little bit, “But I met Hyomin today!” she beamed a smile.

“Oh, really? How come?” “Turned out our office buildings are near.” “Ah, that explains it. Well come on, let’s eat and you can tell me all about your first day.” I gave her a peck and pried her arms off from me. I sat down and she washed her hands on the sink before she took a seat across from me on the dining table. She told me that everybody at the office stared at her because she’s new and some were greeting her but some just looked away. “But I think it’s going to be difficult to make new friends.” She told me. “Why is that?” “Because all of them are old.” I laughed, “Seriously?” “Well at least older. I haven’t met anyone our age yet. Although my supervisor told me the CEO is only a year older than us.” She said. “Wow. Super genius or family business?” “Family business. His father just retired a month ago and I guess he’s trying to recruit younger people now.” She chuckled. I smiled and kept eating while she continued to tell me what happened today. This became a regular thing for us now. Getting home after a long day at work and just talked about our day over dinner. Although it became a daily routine, somehow my heart still beat a little faster than usual whenever I saw her like this. After all these years, Tiffany Hwang could still make my heart beat faster than normal. “Oh, I also met Hyomin’s business partner.” She had this mischievous grin on her face.

“And?” “I think someone has an admirer.” “He likes Hyomin?” “I think so. But I don’t think Hyomin realizes it though.” “She doesn’t? Soonkyu really tamed her, huh?” I grinned. “Yeah, nobody else matter to her anymore since they got together.” “Well, speaking of admirer. You have one too, you know.” I stood up and began to collect the dirty dishes. “Really? Who is it?” she leaned back on her chair and looked a little bit surprise. I looked at her and winked, “Me.” “God, you’re so cheesy!” she threw a napkin at me but there’s a growing smile on her face. I laughed, “It’s true! I admire you. You’re very easy to admire, you know.” I put the dishes on the sink and she followed suit. I was about to turn the tap when she grabbed my hand. “Leave it. I’ll do it later.” I looked at her, amused. “You’ll do it later? Why can’t I do it now?” “Because now...... I want you to do something for me.” She had a glint on her eyes. I smirked, “What is it?” she pulled me closer to her. “Bathe me.” She said in her oh-so-husky voice.

My smile couldn’t get wider than this, “Can’t you do it yourself? What are you? A big baby?” she pulled again and our noses were now touching. “Your baby.” She had her lips on mine before I got the chance to say anything. “Who’s the cheesy one now?” I said breathlessly. She didn’t say anything and kissed me again while pulling me towards the bathroom. Love never felt so good.


I heard the alarm and put it off instantly. I yawned and searched for the other occupant of the bed. I opened my eyes and found the bed was empty. I stretched and yawned some more before I sat up. I smelled something delicious and smiled. She’s making breakfast already. I put on my clothes and got up. I went to the kitchen and saw her in front of the stove. “Good morning~” I chirped and went to kiss her cheek. “Hey, good morning.” She smiled. I sat down on the dining table and saw a mug of coffee.

“How do you want your eggs, Fany-ah? Scramble, omelette, sunny side up?” “Scramble please.” I sipped my coffee. Perfect. Just how I like it. “Coming right up, Ma’am.” I put my chin on the palm of my hand and stared at her back. She’s definitely the most wonderful person I’ve ever met and she’s mine. Honestly, I never thought I would end up with a girl. I always thought the love of my life would be a prince charming, not a princess. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t trade her for anyone. Not even for a real prince from England or wherever. I didn’t know how long I daydreamed when she put a plate of scramble egg in front of me, “One scramble egg for the pretty lady.” I snickered, “Did you put some cheese on my scramble egg or did you eat it all?” She pouted and sat on the dining chair, “I didn’t even mean to sound cheesy.” “Aaaawh, don’t be mad. Thank you for making breakfast, my cute chef.” The pout was gone and replaced by a small smile. We began to eat and as I chew on my scrambled egg, I knew she didn’t put much salt into it. Exactly how I like it. These little things she did make me love her more and more. I couldn’t be more thankful to have her in my life. I smiled and asked her, “Why are you so good to me?” She looked at me with that loving stare, “Because I admire you.” And came her cheeky answer. “Seriously? That line again?” I laughed. “What? It got you wanting me last night, didn’t it?” she answered teasingly. I blushed, remembering what we did last night, “Perv!”

She laughed, “Maybe you can bathe me this morning.” She raised her eyebrows playfully. “Not gonna happen. We need to go to work and I don’t want to be late. It’s only my second day, remember?” She got up from her seat and walked to mine, “Fine, fine.” Suddenly she cupped my face and kissed me ever so tenderly. I was in a daze when she pulled away and I hadn’t snap out of it when she whispered in my ear, “I’ll ask again tonight.” I shuddered and slowly open my eyes to see her walking towards the bathroom. “Don’t forget to do the dishes, Fany-ah! You didn’t do last night’s either.” She closed the bathroom door and I let out a sigh, a grateful one. Love never felt so fine.


“Miss Hwang?” I looked up from my laptop to see the CEO’s secretary looking back at me. “Mr. Dong wishes to see you.” She gave me a small smile. I got up instantly and straightened my skirt before I followed the secretary to the CEO’s room.

He wished to see me? What did I do wrong? Oh God, it’s only been two days! Did he change his mind about recruiting new people? But usually the Human Resource people would tell me about stuff like that, not the CEO himself. My hands started to sweat. We arrived in front of the door and the secretary looked back at me. She smiled again, “Don’t worry, Miss Hwang. He just wants to meet his new employee.” I looked obviously nervous, didn’t I? “O-oh, right. Thank you.” I felt relieved a little bit and took a deep breath to calm myself while the secretary knocked on the door. “Come in!” The secretary opened the door, “Mr. Dong, Miss Hwang is here.” “Ah, good.” The secretary stepped aside and let me come through. I saw a young man looking all neat in a suit sitting behind a desk. “Good morning, Sir.” I bowed and gave the man a smile once the door closed behind me. “Good morning, Miss Hwang. Please, have a seat.” I sat in front of the desk. “Welcome to the company.” He gave me a smile. “Thank you very much, Sir.” I returned the smile. “How are you settling in so far?” What? I just worked here for two days. Wait, today barely began, so actually I just worked in this company for a day. But I couldn’t really tell him that, could I? I went with a safe answer instead. “Well... uhm.. so far so good.”

He nodded his head and looked lost for a moment. I guessed he’s really new to being a CEO. I kept my smile intact on my face. Maybe he’s just as nervous as I am. “Okay then. I just want to welcome you to the company and I hope you’ll work hard for us.” He said with a confident smile this time. “I will, Sir. Thank you.” He nodded again, “You can go back to your work now.” I stood up and bowed before I left his room. Once I closed his door, I saw the secretary was looking at me with a smile. “Not that scary, right?” I smiled and shook my head. I thanked her before went back to my own desk. I let out a sigh when I sat on my seat. Well the CEO was not bad and obviously trying his best to adjust to his new position. My supervisor told me he took the position right after he finished his master degree. Unlike Hyomin, he didn’t have time to learn the ropes around the company first. I checked my cell phone before I resumed my work and saw a text from Hyomin asking me to join her for lunch. I immediately said yes and put my cell phone away before returning to my work.

I was on the subway on my way home when Taeyeon’s text came: Are you home yet? I’m still on my way. I replied: Not yet. I’m on the subway.

I was about to put my cell phone back to my bag when it buzzed again. It’s still from Taeyeon: Okay. Can’t wait to see you. I’m going to ask you the question later. Be prepare for it. I stifled a smile and text her back: What if I said no? I waited for a bit before a reply came: Then I will ask again I hadn’t got the chance to write my reply when another text came: And again Another text came: And again I couldn’t help to let out a giggle. She kept sending me the same text until I decided to call her. “Yah! Stop it.” It was kind of quiet on the subway so I had to whisper. I heard her laughing and that made me smile wider. “Where are you? Still on the subway?” she asked. “Yep. You?” “Just got into the station.” “Guess I’ll got home before you.” “Oh, then can I ask you a favor, Fany-ah?” “Sure. What is it?”

“Can you prepare the bathtub for me?” “YAH!” I forgot the subway was quiet and threw an apologetic look to the people who were surprised by my loud voice. I could hear her laughing again. While I felt warmth on my cheeks. “What? I just asked you to prepare the bathtub for me. Were you thinking perverted things, Miyoungie?” “I’m not!” I hissed. Totally lying. I bet my face was red by now. “Whoops, my train is here! I’ll see you at home. Bye~” “Bye.” “Love you.” I felt all tingly and couldn’t help to feel fluster. It’s very embarrassing to say these things in public, so I put my hand over the receiver on the cell phone and said it really quietly. “I love you too.” I heard her giggle and hung up the cell phone. I felt people around me was staring and smiling at me. So I just kept my head down bashfully while trying to suppress my growing smile.

I looked at the half-filled bathtub in front of me. I didn’t know why I did this. I shook my head. I knew exactly why I did this. That girl by the name of Kim Taeyeon could make me feel a lot of things with her words and action. She could make me feel all fuzzy, warm, tingly, but also hot & bothered. I put my hand on the bathtub to test the temperature. It’s a little bit too hot. I needed to add cold water. When I felt the water’s temperature was fine, I turn off the tap.

“Fany-ah, I’m home!” I almost jumped. I didn’t hear the front door open. I wiped my hands on a towel and got out from the bathroom. She was putting her bag on the couch and when she saw me coming out from the bathroom, she had a smug look on her face. “What were you doing in the bathroom?” she asked. “Did your favor.” I answered nonchalantly. Trying to sound nonchalant. “Aaaawh, thank you.” “You’re welcome.” I tried to walk past her but she grabbed my wrist. “Whoa, wait a second.” “What?” In my mind I was putting a blank expression but I seriously didn’t know how that came out. “Won’t you join me?” she began unbuttoning her shirt with her other hand and I bit my lip. “Sure. Why not?” My eyes traveled down to her parted shirt and I knew it was a wrong move because she laughed. “Stop trying to act cool, Fany-ah. I know you’re looking forward to this too.” She dragged me to the bathroom and I followed her pull willingly.


After that relaxing bath, we sat on the couch and watched the TV while waiting for delivery. I was not in the mood to cook tonight and cooking's also not her forte. She was putting her head on my lap and I was stroking her hair. I felt contented. It was one of the moments I wanted to cherish forever. We were watching the TV peacefully when suddenly she looked up at me. “Tae?” “Hmm?” “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?” I looked down to her, “That’s random. Why?” She told me she met with Hyomin again today and they talked about marriage and stuff. “I thought we have talked about that before, haven’t we?” “We have. I just... want to hear it from you again.” She looked away shyly and I couldn’t help but smile. “You’re loving my cheesiness, aren’t you?” “Forget it.” She tried to get up but I held her down while laughing. I brushed up her bangs and leaned down to kiss her forehead tenderly. “10 years from now, 20 years, even 50 years from now, I see myself with you, I see myself as yours. Maybe we couldn’t get married and I couldn’t shout to the whole world how much I love you, but then again, you’ll be deaf if I could because you are my whole world.”

She cringed but didn’t bother to hide her infamous smile. Her eyes turned into crescent and her smile was wide. “What was I thinking asking you to say that again?” She said. “You’re not thinking straight for sure. Oh wait a sec, you’re not even straight!” I laughed and she heaved a sigh, “You and your weird jokes.” I directed my gaze towards the TV again with still a smile on my face, “You love me anyway.” “Yeah, I love you anyway.” She took my hand and kissed it. Years from now, I really could see myself as hers. She also could see herself as mine, right?

Excruciating Monday


It’s been a month after my first day and I still had a hard time making friends from work. They’re all nice and even asked me to join them for lunch. But due to the age gap or maybe because I was the only new kid, I felt kind of left out. So I chose to eat by myself on the desk with the excuse to finish my work or having lunch with Hyomin if she’s not that busy. I looked at the clock and it was already lunchtime. Hyomin was busy today so I guessed I would just buy a sandwich and eat it on my desk. I saw the others already went to lunch. They did ask me to join them, but I declined politely. I didn’t feel like uttering platitude today. I got up from my seat and went to the elevator. I saw it almost closing so I rushed, “Please hold it!” The person inside pushed a button and I successfully enter the elevator before it shut close. I looked at the person. Surprisingly, the person was a young woman. Was she the new staff of the HR department? I heard my colleagues talked about it. “Thank you.” I spoke after my breath was back to normal due to the small run I did for the elevator. She smiled, “You’re welcome.” Should I ask if she’s the new staff from HR? But it would be impolite to ask if she turned out had work here for years and she would judge me ignorant for not recognizing my seniors.

But then again she did look young and that’s rare in here. So I just went with my guts, “I’m sorry, but are you new here? I haven’t seen you around before.” I asked her as politely as possible. She immediately bowed, “Ah, I’m very sorry. Yes, I’m new here. My name is Seo Juhyun and I’m from the HR department.” I bowed back, “I’m Hwang Tiffany and I’m from the marketing department.” She smiled, “Nice to meet you, Tiffany-ssi. Today is my second day actually.” “No wonder. Nice to meet you too, Juhyun-ssi. I just got in the company for a month.” “Oh, my supervisor told me about another ‘young staff’ on the marketing department. That must be you.” I snickered, “Yes, that’s me. So we’re the ‘young staff’, huh?” “Compare to them, we are young.” I laughed, “I guess you’re right.” She laughed with me. Now this kind of person could definitely be my friend. “Juhyun-ssi, are you going to lunch?” “Well I was going to buy it and went back to my desk.” “Why don’t we have lunch then? The ‘young staffs’ should stick together, don’t you think?” She nodded her head and smiled, “I’d love that.”

It was Friday and Taeyeon wanted to have dinner outside. We agreed to meet in a restaurant we frequently visited. The food was great and I loved the place.

As soon as I arrived at the restaurant, I could spot her sitting in our usual table looking smart & sexy in her office attire. The bell dinged when I opened the door and she looked up from the menu she was reading. My lips had mind of its own and I guessed my whole face too because it instantly showed my infamous smile when our eyes met. She also showed her cute smile and waved. I gave her a swift kiss on her cheek and sat down in front of her, “Hi.” “Hi~” She gave me the menu and we ordered our food. When the waiter went away from our table, we started to talk about our day and I told her about this new ‘young staff’ I had lunch with today. “That’s nice! She’s the same age as us?” “She’s 2 years younger. So she’s the maknae of the company now.” I grinned. “Did you connect well with her though?” “Very well! I knew we’re going to be good friends.” “You knew only from one lunch?” she looked amused. “Of course. I told her to skip the formalities and called me ‘unnie’ already.” I grinned. The food arrived and after thanking the waiter, Taeyeon spoke again, “What’s her name?” “Why you want to know?” She shrugged. I smirked, “Are you jealous, Kim Taeyeon?” “Nope. I just think I’m entitled to know the name of my girlfriend’s new BFF.” She said in all seriousness.

I laughed, “Her name is Seo Juhyun, your highness.” She looked surprised, “Seo Juhyun?” “Yes. Why? You know her?” “Is she tall, fair skin, with a long black hair?” I recalled Juhyun images on my mind and it fitted, “Yes.” “She’s my junior back in high school!” She said excitedly. “Seriously?” I said enthusiastically. “Seriously! I remember her because she’s very proper and polite but nice kid nevertheless. Now I’m sure the two of you are going to be good friends.” We talked about other stuff and finished our meal merrily.

On Monday, I went to lunch with Juhyun again. In the middle of our lunch, I remembered the connection between Taeyeon and her, so I ask to confirm it. “Juhyun-ah, do you happen to know Kim Taeyeon?” “I have a senior in high school with that name. Why, Unnie?” I clasped my hands in delight, “I told her about you and she said you’re her junior! Wow, small world, huh?” She looked a little bit surprise and smiled, “Small world indeed. Last thing I heard about her was she got into the best university in the city. It’s actually what motivates me to move here.” I raised my brows, “Really?”

She nodded, “Kim Taeyeon was a respectable sunbaenim to her juniors. She’s always nice to us and she made it into that university. Which was a very big deal in our school.” I smiled, proud to be hearing good things about my girlfriend. “How do you know her, Unnie?” “She’s actually my-” I remembered Taeyeon saying that Juhyun was a proper kid. My relationship with Taeyeon was not really ‘proper’, wasn’t it? I didn’t want to make her feel weird towards me. Uh-oh. What should I do? “Unnie? She’s actually your what?” Juhyun asked. I smiled nervously, “She’s my......... roommate.” Juhyun smiled, “Ah, I see. Well then maybe we can hang out together sometimes. We’re not close back in high school, but it would be nice to know someone from my hometown.” “Yeah, sure.” I answered her with a smile still plastered on my face. We continued to eat and I just realized, my colleagues were old. Supposedly, they would think the kind of relationship I had was uncommon, right?


I was having lunch with Sooyoung on this new restaurant near our office. Sooyoung was really eager to try the restaurant and I was the only one who’s willing to accompany her. Usually we would have lunch with our other colleagues, but they were too lazy to go outside our office building.

We placed our order and Sooyung was looking around the restaurant. “This place is not so bad.” She commented. The place was nice, it had a vintage feeling to it. “I like it.” I said and looked around also. “How things going on with you and oppa?” I spoke after a brief silent. “Yah!” She looked around the restaurant again, this time with alert. I chuckled, “Nobody from our office is here. They won’t even know who this ‘oppa’ I’m talking about, Soo.” Sooyoung moved from our apartment and she lived with a guy who was one of the head department in our office and apparently her senior in high school. “There’s nothing going on, okay. We’re just roommates.” “Oh come on, you literally left me and Fany to live with the guy and you tell me there’s nothing going on?” She shook her head and put a finger up, “First of all, I know very well that you’re actually happy to have the place for yourselves.” I snickered. “Second of all............. I don’t even know myself.” She looked downcast. “What do you mean?” “It’s like he’s giving me mixed signal. One time he would be super sweet making breakfast and dinner, but other time he would ignored me the whole day. It’s confusing.” I grinned and started to sing a song by Soyou & Junggigo ‘Some’.

Sooyoung turned red, “Shut up. Talk about something else than my relationship, please.” I chortled, “What do you want to talk about then? My relationship?” She made a face, “Ugh, listening to you gushing over Fany in a lovesick way? No thanks.” I grinned, “What? Not my fault she’s gushable.” “Gushable?! Godness, that’s not even a word.” She rolled her eyes. The food arrived and Sooyung seemed to forget everything I said already.


People loved to leave the office early on Friday. So did I. But I had this work I still need to finish and I didn’t like to leave things unfinished over the weekend. It made me more reluctant to face Monday. Therefore, here I was, still on my desk while everybody had gone home already. I was immersed on my laptop when someone called my name. “Miss Hwang?” I gasped and jerked from my seat and looked up. It was the CEO. I got up abruptly and gave him a bow. “Good evening, Sir.” He looked at his watch, “Why are you still here?” He had his briefcase on his hand. My colleagues told me Mr. Dong was always the last one to leave the office. Well I guessed this time it was me.

“I still have some work to finish, Sir.” He looked surprised, “Oh... okay.” He started to walk away from my desk and when I was about to sit down, he turned around and spoke again, “Don’t overwork yourself, Miss Hwang.” I gave him a smile, “I won’t, Sir.” He nodded and smiled back at me before going on his way. I sat back down and continued where I left off. I was almost done when my cell phone rang. It was Taeyeon. As soon as I put the receiver on my ear, I could hear her whining voice. “Are you done already?” I smiled, “Not yet, Tae.” “It’s late!!” I laughed, “No, it’s not. It’s only..” I looked at the time on my laptop, “8.37pm.” “It’s soooo late! You should’ve left office at 5pm. 4.30 even. It’s Friday!” “I can’t. I don’t like to leave my work unfinished.” I put the cell phone between my ear and my shoulder so I could start working again. “Bring it home then. You can do it on the weekend.” “Ugh, no way. I don’t want this work to interrupt my day-offs.” She heaved a sigh, “But don’t go home too late, Fany-ah. It’s dangerous.” She sounded worried. “I’ll be home before 10. I promise.”

“Okay. I’ll see you at home.” “Okay." I looked around to make sure nobody's around me, "I love you.” I said with a smile. I could imagine her dimple smile when she said it back, “I love you too.” I hung up and put the cell phone on the desk. Now I needed to finish this as quickly as I can.

Monday. Excruciating Monday. Weekends and Taeyeon were two great things for me to unwind. Thank God for them. But surprisingly, this particular Monday started off nicely. I handed my work that I did on Friday to my supervisor first thing in the morning. She was pleasantly surprise and told me I did very well so far. That made me happy. So it wouldn’t hurt to join my colleagues for lunch, right? I asked them if Juhyun could join and they said it’s fine. “I heard our supervisor is going to retired soon.” One of them started to speak after we sat down with our meal. We were eating in the office cafeteria. It piqued my attention, “Really?” “She said she’s tired and she wanted to enjoy her time with her family. Especially since her daughter’s going into labor soon.” She answered. That’s too bad. I thought my supervisor just started to like me. “Who’s going to replace her?” “I don’t know. But I think it’ll be you. You’re the assistant supervisor and you worked here the longest between us, right?” she said and asked the guy who’s silently eating his meal.

“I hope so. But Mr. Dong has this fresh new ideas in mind.” He looked at me for a split second, “Nobody knows who will he choose.” “I agree with you. It’s like he wants to change this whole company altogether.” Another one chimed and everybody seemed to have the same opinion as him. Juhyun and I kept quiet. They’re not trying to be rude by talking about this ‘fresh new ideas’ from the CEO, but we knew that we were part of that ‘fresh new ideas’. Thankfully the topic moved to their family. Someone just got divorced for the second time, someone complained how school intuition was really expensive these days, someone showed a picture of his son in a toga, and someone finally asked Juhyun and I about relationship matters. “I see both of you haven’t married yet.” One of them looked at Juhyun fingers. “I haven’t thought about marriage to be honest and I don’t even have a boyfriend yet.” Juhyun spoke. “How about you, Tiffany-ssi? You have a boyfriend?” one of them asked and now all eyes were on me. Honestly, I wanted to brag about my amazing girlfriend. But then again, they already scrutinize me for being... well younger than them. Even though I had no problem with people judging me, but I didn’t want to give them a reason to alienated me. I wanted to work here for a long time and they were the people I would work with everyday. Even I couldn’t really be friends with them, but at least they’re not hostile towards me. I resolved in shaking my head politely. I didn’t lie though. I didn’t have a boyfriend. But I did have a girlfriend. “Really???? But you must have at least a dozen of men asking you out.” I smiled. No, but I do have a girl wooing me better than dozens of men could.

“Honestly, I had my share of heart break because of them in the past and right now, I just...” I cleared my throat before I stated out a lie, “think it’s best if I’m not involved with anybody.” I sipped my drink in hopes to look convincing and expected the topic would end here. A woman nodded, seemingly approving my decision, “Well that’s okay. Take your time. It’s better than swearing off men and turning to women.” I choked on my drink and coughed. Juhyun gave me tissues and patted my back. While the others started to state their opinion about the matters and I concluded not to reveal my relationship to anyone in this company. Excruciating Monday indeed.


“Yo, Taeng! Lunch! Come on!” Sooyoung stood in front of my desk with excited face. I saved my work and took my cell phone and purse before getting up. “Why are you so excited?” We walked towards the elevator to the cafeteria office. “Because it’s lunch time! You really need to ask me that?” “You’re usually excited for lunch, but not this excited.” “I’m on the average level of excited.” “No you’re not.”

“I am.” We got inside the elevator and there were already other people inside. “You’re so not.” I whispered to Sooyoung. She elbowed me to keep me quiet. Before we arrived on our destination, the people went out on other level. Finally it’s only the two of us on the elevator. “Care to tell me why are you so excited now?” Sooyung sighed, defeated. “Fine. Oppa made me breakfast today.” “Wow, food gets you everywhere, huh?” I teased her. “It’s a sweet gesture, okay.” She retaliated. We arrived at the cafeteria and our other friends already there. We bought our food and join them. “Hey, you’re not exploring new restaurants today, Sooyoung-ah?” one of them asked. “Nope. Nothing new around here lately.” She answered while grinning. “That’s because you have tried every new restaurants there is.” I said. The others laughed. “Anyway, we were just talking about you, Noona.” Kibum, a guy from different department than me or Sooyoung said. “You dare talk about me behind my back?” I pretended to be angry. “That’s why I’m telling you now.” Kibum said with a grin. “What about then?”

He had this mischievous look on his face, “Someone has a crush on you.” “Really??” Sooyoung stopped eating and looked at him with interest. “It’s the new kid on my department. He kept on asking me about you.” Kibum said. “That doesn’t mean he has a crush on me, Kibum-ah.” “He asked me too, Taeyeon-ah.” A girl from my department, Noeul, spoke. “For real?” She nodded with a smile. “Well did you guys told him I’m taken AND also not interested in... well... his specimen?” They laughed and Kibum answered me, “Not yet. We decided to play with him a little bit.” “Gosh, you guys are mean.” They laughed again, “We’ll tell him soon.” I shook my head and smiled to myself. It’s been a long time I heard someone had a crush on me. The last one was....... Hwang Tiffany? Well that’s the only person I’d like to hear who has a crush on me.

A New Position

Tiffany’s Another month had passed and slowly I got used to my colleagues. The awkwardness was still there, but with the addition of Juhyun made it easier. I worked over time for 3 nights this month. Every time, Mr. Dong would go home before me and he nodded his head in acknowledgement with a small smile when he saw me still working on my desk. Every time, Taeyeon would whine and sulk whenever I got home late. But despite all the complaints, she would still wait up for me. Which made me love her even more. All in all, I loved doing my job. My supervisor also praised me a lot, which made me want to work harder.

I just got back from a peaceful lunch with Juhyun when the CEO’s secretary came up and told me I was needed in the CEO’s office. I wondered what does he want this time? I stepped inside his room office to find my supervisor also there, sitting in front of his desk. “Ms. Hwang, please have a seat.” Mr. Dong smiled and gestured for me to sit on the other chair beside my supervisor. “We have something to talk about with you.” He spoke again and looked at my supervisor.

She turned to me and said with all seriousness on her face, “Tiffany-ssi, I assume you’ve heard about my retirement from this company?” I nodded slowly. Where would this lead to? “Well, Youngbae-ssi and I are looking for someone who’s capable enough to take my position.” O-kay? And? “And both of us agreed that you’re the right person to take it.” WHAT?! My eyes widen. What the? Were they asking me to be the head of marketing department?! “We want you to be the head of marketing department, Ms. Hwang.” They were. I froze on my seat. The head of department. Not just the assistant, but the head of department. Was this a joke? Or maybe a prank for the new staff? I looked at him, then at her. Both were looking very serious, no hint of ‘you’ve-got-punk’d’ expression on their faces. “What do you say, Ms. Hwang?” Mr. Dong asked me with a glint of expectation in his eyes. “Bu-but I just work here for... two months.” “From that two months, I could see your dedication to this company.” My supervisor said with a smile, “Maybe the others who’s been working here longer, knew about this company better than you. But I’ve never seen them put so much passion into their jobs like you do.” My mind was still trying to process this new information, that it didn’t really register what my supervisor just said. I looked back and forth at the two with disbelief.

Mr. Dong let out a sigh and said, “Mrs. Shin, I think I need to talk with Ms. Hwang.” My supervisor stood up understandingly and patted my shoulder, “I believe you’ll do great, Tiffany-ssi.” She went out from the office, leaving me with the CEO. “Ms. Hwang, I know it seems to be too fast for a promotion, but I need someone who has the same way of thinking with me to improve this company. We’re not doing badly, but we’re not moving anywhere either.” I blinked, trying to understand what he’s saying. “My employees are great, they did their job well done. But they’re afraid of changes. Looking at their range of age and how long they’ve been working for this company, they don’t want changes. They’re satisfied enough with what they have now.” He leaned back on his chair and continued, “I don’t want this company to stand still. I want this company to fly higher, I want to take this company to another level.” He said this with so much conviction. “That’s why I need someone who can make the change with me. You’re young and full of new ideas, Ms. Hwang. That’s one of the reason why we hire you. Why I hire you.” The room was silent and finally I get a grasp of everything. “So, how about it, Ms. Hwang?”


I was watching this show on TV when I heard the front door open, “I’m home! Taeyeon-ah!” I diverted my gaze from the TV when she came into the living room with a wide grin. “Hi there.” I gave her a smile and went back to watch the TV again. But she went to stand right in front of me, blocking my view of the TV. “Yah! I’m watching the TV!” I tried to shove her but she sat astride on my lap instead. “I have a good news to tell.” I wanted to protest, since I still wanted to watch the show on TV, but she held me by my shoulder and swooped in to give me a passionate kiss. My hands went to her back almost like a reflex. Her hand went to the back of my head, giving it a message and her other hand was on my nape, pushing gently to kiss me deeper. I didn’t even remember what the show was about on the TV anymore when she broke the kiss. “Woah.” I said in a daze and opened my eyes slowly. “Guess what happen at the office today?” she let her arms hang loosely on my shoulder. “They hire a bunch of young people to be your friends?” She giggled, “No, silly.” I smiled, wait, no I was smiling ever since she gave me that kiss, “What happened then?” “Well.... you’re looking at their new head of marketing department.” She beamed. “What?” I tried to decipher her answer, “You got promoted?!” She nodded her head eagerly. “To be the head of department?”

“Yep.” “You’re not kidding, are you?” “Nope.” She began to tell me about the CEO’s plan to renewed their company and why she was offer the position. “Wow. Seriously, my girlfriend is amazing. Congratulations!” I gave her a peck. “Thank you.” Her eyes turned into a crescent shape. I kissed her again. And again. And again. “Tae, with the income I have now,” she said in between our kisses, “you could just stay at home and be a housewife, you know.” I stopped and pulled back, “Hwang Miyoung, are you asking me to be your wife right now?” She opened her eyes in an instant, flustered. “Wh-what? No.. I was just saying.” I laughed, “Just kidding, Fany-ah.” We had talked about the future and marriage was one of the things we’re looking forward to. But somehow the idea of being married to this woman in my hold still made me feel giddy and fluttery. I guessed it’s the same with her, judging at her reaction now. She smiled sheepishly and grabs my shoulder, slowly kneading it. “So how’s your day? What happened at your office today?” she asked. “Same old, same old.” My hands started to go lower and I encircled my arms around her waist. I leaned forward and started to drop kisses on her jaws to her neck. She tilted her head to give me better access.

“Oh, Kibum said the new kid on his department has a crush on me.” I mumbled. “What?!” she pushed me away abruptly. “What?” “Someone has a crush on you?” “Yeah, so?” “So?!” Her eyes widen and she pushed me even further, adding distance between our bodies that wasn’t there before just a second ago. I chuckled seeing her worked up over this, “So what? Everybody can have a crush on me, but yours is the only one matters.” She grinned and pulled me close again, “Good.” I laughed, “Good?” “Yes, good to know that. Since you’re mine and all that.” “I’m always yours.” She kissed me again and I gladly reciprocated. “Want to have a celebratory dinner?” I asked her with ragged breathing once we parted for air, “I’ll make anything you want.” She shook her head and rubbed my upper arms with her hands, “I’d rather celebrate in a different way.” She said in a husky voice. I gulped, knowing where this would go, “O-kay then.”


Everybody hated me. The next day, the CEO himself and my supervisor broke out the news to everybody on our office and most of them were shocked. Especially the staff of marketing department. The only sincere congratulation I got was from Juhyun. The whole ordeal would be effective on Monday. The next two days, my supervisor would brief me on everything and helped me eased in to the position. On Monday and the following days, my subordinates no longer asking me to join them for lunch. They gave me the cold shoulders and only spoke to me regarding work. They didn’t even spare me a smile. I guessed I kind of expect this to happen. But even though I expected it, didn’t mean it was less awful. It resulted in me having lunch only with Juhyun on my office room. Yes, one of the good things about the position was I got my own room now. “They hate me, Juhyun-ah.” I sighed. “No, they don’t, Unnie.” I looked at her skeptically. “They’re just surprised. They thought the assistant manager who would take the position, not the ‘young staff’ who just got hired a couple of months.” I poked around the food in front of me, “You’re not really helping here.”

“What I mean is, they don’t hate you. They’re just surprised that you could get promoted this fast.” “So they don’t think I’m capable, huh?” “You just need to show them that you are, Unnie.” Juhyun gave me a smile. I looked up at her, stared to be exact. Well what did you know? She’s younger, but nevertheless, wiser than me. That’s exactly what I needed to show to my subordinate, right? I was capable being the head of marketing department. “You’re right. Thanks, Juhyun-ah.” I smiled back at her. “You’re welcome, Unnie.” We ate our meal in silence before Juhyun spoke again. “Actually, Unnie, you inspired me.” I gave her a questioning look. “You became the head of department in just two months. Eventhough I know the CEO motive, but he wouldn’t just pick a random person based on their age. He must’ve analyze you first and make sure you could give your best to this company. You inspired me to work harder.” Her words warmth my heart. “You’re great, Unnie. Don’t let anyone told you otherwise.” I told you Juhyun and I were going to be great friends, didn’t I?

Thus, I began to work until late night and the appearance of whiny Taeyeon became more frequent.

No matter how annoying her whining and scolding about how dangerous it was to go home at night for a woman, I still found it endearing. She would also still wait for me, just like now. I got home just before midnight and I found her asleep on the couch, in a sitting position, with the TV remote on her hand, and the TV was still on. I felt a little bit guilty because she also had work and I bet she’s tired too. But there she was, still trying to wait up for me. I went to stand in front of her, smiling to myself. I brushed her bangs back and kissed her forehead. “Taeyeon-ah, wake up.” I whispered and placed my hand on her cheek. I rubbed her soft cheek slowly with my thumb. She opened her eyes, “You’re home.” And a smile. “I am. Thanks for waiting up for me, but you really shouldn’t.” “Have you eaten?” she ignored what I said. “Just entered the apartment.” I showed her the bag on my other hand. She stood up and went to the kitchen. I put my bag on the couch and followed her. She was putting rice on a bowl & I raised my eyebrows, “You haven’t eaten either?” She looked at me sheepishly, “I have. Sorry I didn’t wait for you. I was hungry.” The rice was for me. She was preparing dinner for me. “Tae, you really shouldn’t. I know you’re tired too.” I tried to take the bowl out from her hand, but she held it away from me. “You’re more tired than me.”

“But-” “No buts. Just let me do this for you, Hwang Miyoung.” I relented at that and resulted in giving her a back hug while she scooped more rice on the bowl. “Thank you.” I mumbled on her shoulder. She chuckled, “You know, you could heat up the side dishes rather than hugging me like this.” I let go of her, “Oh, right.” After my dinner’s ready, I sat down and ready to eat while Taeyeon sat across from me. “You can go to sleep, Tae. I’m fine eating by myself.” She shook her head, once again dismissing what I said, “So what happened at the office today? Does everybody realize that you’re an amazing boss yet?” I told Taeyeon about my problem at the office & she said the exact same thing Juhyun said. She told me to show them that I was more than capable to do the job. “They’re still the same. Someone even purposely did a mistake on his work and when I asked him to revise it, he told me to do it myself.” “What?! For people their age, they surely act very childish!” I didn’t respond and continued to eat. “You could report them to the CEO, you know.” “I don’t want to do that. He’s busy enough already. I should be able to handle this kind of things myself.” She let out a sigh, “I hope they would stop giving you such a hard time and things will get better.”

I hoped for the same things too.

Begin Taeyeon’s

I woke up from my slumber when the alarm rang. I stretched and yawned before I sat up. Still with a groggy mind, I realized the apartment was really quiet. She must’ve gone to work already. I got up and went to her room. It’s empty. I went to the kitchen and checked the sink. There’s a used mug with a trace of black liquid. She had a mug of coffee for breakfast. I heaved a sigh and took a bowl to pour cereals. I had my breakfast in front of the TV. I miss her. She’s very busy lately and I barely talk to her. Heck, I could only see her if I stayed up and waited for her like last night!

I told myself that she’s working hard and I shouldn’t feel like this. I shouldn’t miss her too much. But..... she hardly had time for me! Even on the weekend, she would catch up on sleeping or working in front of her laptop. I let out another sigh before I finished my breakfast and got ready for work.

“Noona, are you okay? You look kind of troubled lately.” Kibum asked me when we ate together for lunch. “Problem with your girlfriend?” Noeul asked. Sooyung scoffed, “She’s being childish because her girlfriend doesn’t have time for her lately.” “She loves her job more than she loves me.” I said exasperatedly. Sooyoung shook her head, “Such a drama queen.” “Aren’t you living with her?” “Yeah, but she’s so busy since she got promoted.” I frowned. “Why don’t you just tell her about it?” Noeul said. “I don’t know. It seems like she has already enough things on her mind. You see, her subordinates don’t really favor her as their head of department and she’s trying to fit in her position at the company. I don’t want to add up her problems already.” “But it’s okay to add up to my problem? You always complained about it to me. Sheesh.” Sooyoung said while rolling her eyes. “That’s what friends are for. Suck it up!” I retorted back. “Noona! Somebody’s looking at you~” Kibum said in a singsong voice while looking past my shoulder.

I turned my head and caught the new kid on Kibum’s department was looking at me. He blushed and bowed immediately. I gave him a quick nod before returning to face my friends who were stifling their laughs. “Yah! You haven’t told him I have a girlfriend?” I asked Kibum while keeping my voice low. Couple days ago, I was inside the elevator with Noeul on our way home when he bumped into us. It was really awkward and Noeul didn’t really help by just grinning teasingly. He bravely introduced himself to me and the elevator ride ended shortly. It was very awkward for me but Noeul laughed out loud when we finally parted ways with the new kid. “Oh come on, Noona! It was so much fun. Noeul Noona told me about what happened at the elevator and I was surprised! He had courage. I’m curious to see what would he do next.” “Kibum-ah..” I looked at him sternly and he deflated. “Fine, fine. I’ll tell him.” “Good. It’s not nice to play with people’s feelings, you know.” We continued our meal and chat about other things instead.


Juhyun got promoted to be assistant manager and the CEO had recruit more young people to join the company. He often brainstormed with me and then held out meetings to talk about it with other head of departments. Honestly, it was exciting. I loved doing my job despite the lack of respect from my subordinates.

Speaking of my subordinates, it’s getting worse, there’s a rumor going around now that I could be the head of department fast because I slept with the CEO. It got me in a really bad mood.

I was working late one night and Taeyeon couldn’t stop bugging me to come home. Yes, I loved her care and attention, but my subordinates really got on my nerves today with their attitudes, the rumor ruined my mood for the whole day, and I needed to finish my work before tomorrow’s meeting with the CEO. “You know, I can’t finish this quick enough if you keep calling me, Tae.” She’s been calling me for God knows how many times this past hours and told me to go home. She was quiet for a moment before mumbling, “Fine I won’t call you ever again.” If only I didn’t have a bad day already and a deadline to meet, I would find her antics cute. But not now. I was so not in the mood for a sulking Taeyeon. “Then don’t!” I hung up the cellphone before she could utter a word. My work was almost done when the CEO came to my room with his briefcase. He peeked his head through the open door. “Still here, Ms. Hwang?” I looked up and gave him a smile, “Almost done, Sir.” I spent a lot of times with Mr. Dong lately and I got comfortable with him than before. He told me to reduce the formalities because our age was not really far apart. But we didn’t talk outside of work or anything. I didn’t want to pry on my boss’s personal stuff and he seemed to respect mine too.

“Good. See you tomorrow, Ms. Hwang. Don’t get sick.” He said with a smile before he closed my office door. My smile was still intact while I finished my work. It’s good to have a nice superior like him. I got myself readied to go home when my cellphone rang again. It was Taeyeon and I frowned. I was still feeling annoyed at her so I decided to ignore it. I was walking out from my building when my cellphone rang again. I still didn’t pick up. By the time I was on the subway, she called again and I just stared at it until it went off. I heaved a sigh and decided to text her that I was on my home. She didn’t reply nor call me again. When I arrived at home, surprisingly she’s still waiting up for me. She didn’t greet me and I didn’t too since I was still feeling irritated. She didn’t spare me a glance when she turned the TV off, got up and said, “Dinner’s on the table.” She went to her bedroom and closed the door, leaving me to eat dinner by myself for the first time.


No matter how many times she disappointed me, I couldn’t be mad at her for too long. Like last night, when she purposely didn’t answer my calls. I was worried sick! But my bitter feelings vanished the instant she came home drenched tonight. It started to rain lately and she had an umbrella with her, but turned out it was broken so she just ran from the station to the apartment.

I helped take her jacket off and took the bag from her. “Go take a warm shower, I’ll prepare your dinner.” She frowned, “Can I just go to sleep after? I’m not really hungry, Tae.” “You have to eat! I don’t want you to get sick. You’re already drenched and sleeping with empty stomach will do you no good.” She started to walk to the bathroom, “But I’m really tired. I just want to sleep.” “How about dinner in bed then?” She stopped and looked back at me with raised eyebrows, “Dinner in bed?” “Doesn’t have to be full meal. Maybe soup? And bread?” She gave me a smile before walking to the bathroom again, “Okay then.” So I made a soup for her and put it on a tray to take it to her room. She’s finished with her shower and was drying her hair with a hairdryer when I walked inside her room. I put the tray on the bedside table and sat down on her bed. I forgot to bring her water so I went to the kitchen again to take a glass of warm water. When I came back to her room, she’s already on the bed, under the cover, and eyes closed. “Fany-ah, don’t sleep yet. Eat first.” I put the glass beside the soup. She opened her eyes and sat up while leaning her back on the headboard. “I’m not sleeping. I’m waiting for you.” “Why are you waiting for me?” I sat down on the bed facing her. “Because I want you to feed me.” She smiled ever so sweetly.

I chuckled, “Such a big baby.” “Yours truly, remember?” “I’m going to start to call you ‘baby’ at this rate.” I picked up the bowl and started taking a spoonful of soup. She opened her mouth compliantly when I fed her. “Nuh-uh. Yuri and Jessie called themselves that.” “Eat the bread too, baby.” I said teasingly while spooning the soup. “Yah! Don’t use that term.” I laughed, “Fine, fine. Just eat the bread too, will you?” I fed her again and waited for her to take a bite of the bread. But she just opened her mouth without moving her hands. “Fany-ah...” She pointed at the bread and then her mouth. “Seriously?” “Hurry up, Tae! I’m sleepy.” She whined. So I put down the bowl and started to feed her the bread. She had this smile all the while. It’s a little bit childish but it was the longest and nicest time we had for weeks. She fell asleep right after she finished up and drank the water. I tucked her in and took the tray to the kitchen.

I went to my room to get some sleep too, but then I remembered about her broken umbrella. She wouldn’t have the time to buy it on the way to the office tomorrow, would she? Well she wouldn’t have the thought to do so anyway. Therefore, I took mine and went to her room again. I put it on her bedside table so she would see it in the morning and bring it to the office. I gave her a kiss on the forehead before I went back to my room.

The next day, I got home and just like any other day, the silence and emptiness greeted me. I put my bag in my room. I felt tired and a warm bath seemed like a good idea. It didn’t rain when I was on my way home, but the weather started to get cold nowadays. A warm bath and an instant noodle would be perfect. I took a relaxing bath, felt refreshed, and made myself an instant noodle. I didn’t bother to cook something for my girlfriend since she probably didn’t want to eat again like last night. I ate my instant noodle while watching the TV. After I finished, I wrapped myself with a blanket and continued to watch. After almost an hour of watching TV, I started to feel drowsy and it started to rain. It rained almost everyday lately. Thank God I’m already at home, in this comfy couch and wrapped up in a warm blanket. I hoped Tiffany would come home soon. I heaved a sigh, missing my girlfriend’s presence. Would be nice to cuddle with her rather than this blanket. It was getting pretty late. Did she got stuck in her office because this rain? But the rain didn’t pour that hard, she could go to the subway with an umbrella. She had an umbrella with her, right? She didn’t forget to bring it, did she? I put my blanket aside and went to her room to make sure she brought it.

Damn it! The umbrella was still on the bedside table, which meant she was probably got stuck in her office. I tried calling her, but it went straight to voicemail. I couldn’t let her get home drenched again. I changed my clothes and grabbed her umbrella also my brand new one before heading outside. I reached the ground floor and walked as quickly as I could. The rain was pouring harder and harder. I hoped she didn’t go through the rain like last night. She would surely get sick this time. When I reached the lobby, the door flung open and in my girlfriend, looking very dry without a hint of rain on her at all. “Thank you very much, Oppa. You really don’t have to go all the way inside my building with your umbrella.” “I have to make sure my best head department is safe and sound. You work like crazy for our company, this is the least I can do.” He smiled, she smiled, and I just froze on my spot.

Clueless Hwang


The rain started to pour again. I cursed for forgetting to buy a new umbrella. I looked outside the window. I could just run for it, but the distance between my office and the nearest subway was a little bit far. Maybe I should just wait until the rain had stopped. I grabbed my cellphone to tell Taeyeon but it was out of batteries. Damn it! I stared at my closed laptop for the longest time. My work was done and I got nothing to do now. Should I review it again? “Ms. Hwang?” I jerked from my seat due to the surprise. Turned out it was the CEO, who else would it be anyway? “Mr. Dong! You scared me.” He chuckled, “Sorry. You’re still here?” That same question every night if he got home before me. “Yes, Sir.” “You still haven’t finished?” he looked at my closed laptop. “I have, but... I forgot to bring my umbrella so I decided to wait until it stops.” He raised his eyebrows, “It could be until morning.”

I smiled at him, “It won’t, Sir. Besides, if it did, then I’ll go home when it slows down.” He still stood there and looked at me like he was contemplating something. “I could drive you home.” He finally said. “Oh no, Sir. It’s unnecessary!” He looked outside the window, “I don’t think it’ll slow down any time soon.” “It’s fine, Sir. I’ll just wait.” “For all we know, the rain could go until sunrise.” I guessed it’s a nice offer and nobody knew when will the rain stop. So the most logical thing to do was to take his offer.

“I’m really sorry I become a bother to you, Sir.” I said once he started driving with me on the passenger seat. “Hey, I’m the one who offer you a ride home. No need to apologize.” He said with a smile. “Thank you, Sir.” “And we’re outside the office now, so please lose the Sir?” “But-” “Also no ‘Mr. Dong’. It makes me feel so old, really.” I could be friends with the CEO, couldn’t I? There’s no rule that forbid an employee to be friends with a CEO. “Okay. So what should I call you?”

He scrunched his eyebrows, “I’m not that much older than you. Maybe ‘Oppa’?” “Alright. Oppa when we’re outside the office it is.” He took a glance at me for a second before focusing on the road again, “Good.”

Besides the talk about what to address him, we didn’t really talk about any personal stuff. The furthest was about our education background. I wouldn’t even say that was ‘personal’. We talked mostly about work. I thanked him again when we arrived at my apartment building. He said it was not a problem and told me to wait. He suddenly got out from the car with an umbrella and went to my side. Oh gosh! The rain still pouring hard but from where he parked the car to the lobby of my apartment was not that far. I got inside my apartment building without getting wet at all. I was really grateful to have a boss like Dong Youngbae. “Thank you very much, Oppa. You really don’t have to go all the way inside my building with your umbrella.” “I have to make sure my best head department is safe and sound. You work like crazy for our company, this is the least I can do.” We smiled at each other and I just realized my girlfriend was standing not far from us. “Oh, Taeyeon-ah!” She blinked for a couple of times before she walked a couple of steps towards me. “Hey.”

“What are you doing down here?” I saw her holding two umbrellas. “Um.. I wanted to go to the minimart. But the rain was crazy, so...” she trailed off and she was stealing glances to Mr. Dong. “Oh, right. Tae, this is my boss, Dong Youngbae. Oppa, this is my roommate, Kim Taeyeon.” “Nice to meet you, Taeyeon-ssi.” He offered his hand with a smile. She took it and gave out a stiff smile, “Nice to meet you too, Youngbae-ssi.” “I better go now. I’ll see you tomorrow, Tiffany.” “I’ll see you tomorrow. Thank you once again for the ride, Oppa.” I gave him a bow. He returned to his car and once he’s out from the building, Taeyeon started to walk back to the elevator. I followed her. “Tae, why are you bringing two umbrellas?” She didn’t look at me, “For you.” She handed me the umbrella and I took it. “You bought me a new one? Aaawh, thank you.” The elevator came and we went inside. I gave her a kiss on the cheek when the elevator door’s closed. She didn’t budge nor smile. Something’s wrong. “Hey, what’s wrong?” She kept on looking on the numbers, “Nothing.” “Taeyeon-ah....”

The elevator stopped at our floor and she walked ahead of me. I went out from the elevator and grabbed her arm. “Something is wrong. What is it?” She looked at me and said nothing. “There’s definitely something.” She let out a sigh and held my hand instead. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m just tired. Let’s just go inside.” I followed her pull and we got into our apartment. “I didn’t cook tonight. Want me to make you something?” she asked. “Can I go straight to sleep? I’m not hungry, Taeyeon-ah.” “Okay. Goodnight then.” What? She didn’t force me to eat this time? Before I could say anything, she pecked my lips and went to her room. That’s really unusual of her. I took a quick shower and went to my bed. Taeyeon was acting really weird tonight. Was it because I introduce her to my boss as a roommate? But she knew my decision about not revealing my relationship to anybody at the office and she was okay with that. I didn’t dwell on it for long though since sleep came to me faster than ever.


“Taeng! Lunch!” I didn’t look up from the newspaper I was reading when Sooyoung came. “Go ahead, I’ll join you later.” “You’re reading newspaper?” “Yeah.” I said without leaving my eyes from the newspaper. “Who’s reading newspapers these days?” “Well today, I am.” “Why?” I finally put the newspaper down and let out a sigh, “I need a car.” "What? Why?" I ignored her and picked up the newspaper again to browse the ads about used cars. Suddenly, the newspaper got snatch from my grasp. "YAH!" Sooyoung had it on her hands and she folded the newspaper calmly, "Lunch will be just the two of us. You can whine all you want. Come on." she started to walk away with my newspaper on her hand. I let out a sigh and stood up to follow her.

We went to one of the restaurants near our office building and texted our friends that we won't join them for lunch. After we ordered our meal, I started to tell her about what happened last night. "Let me get this straight, you need a car so you can pick her up every night?" "Yes." "Because you just want her to be safe?" "Yes. And it'll be less tiring for her." "It's not because you're being childishly jealous over her boss driving her home last night?" "No." She looked at me skeptically. I looked back at her undeterred. We had a stare down for a minute before I finally admit it. "Fine! It's the thing with the boss too." "Ha! I knew it." "She called him 'oppa' for God's sake!" "So? In case you don't remember, we all call men older than us with that term, you know." "We don't call our CEO 'oppa'!" "Because our CEO is waaaaaay way older than us. It's not a big deal, Taeng. You know Fany won't cheat on you." I took a deep breath and ran my fingers on my hair. "I know. It's just...... she called him 'oppa' but then introduced me as her 'roommate'."

"Ah that’s why. Well she told you she didn't want reveal her sexual preference to her colleagues. And you said you're fine with it." "Doesn't mean it's not painful when I heard her say it so casually like that." Sooyoung patted my arm, "You need to talk it out with her, rather than bottling it inside like this." I shook my head, "She's stress enough already, Soo. I don't want to add up to that." "But you rather buy a car? You don't even have a driving license, Taeyeon-ah." she smiled a little and threw me a small ball of paper she made from the newspaper. I finally cracked a little smile, "That's stupid, huh?" "Very stupid." Our food finally arrived and Sooyoung picked up her chopsticks before she spoke again, "Seriously though, you need to tell her what's bothering you." "Fine, when the time is right I will." "There won't be the right time for this kind of thing, Tae." I didn't respond to that and ate my meal instead.


She watched her girlfriend sleeping peacefully from the door. A smile was forming on her face. It’s true, no matter how hurt she was because of her girlfriend, she couldn’t be mad at her for long. It’s almost noon and she contemplated to wake up the sleeping form or not. She approached her slowly and watched her steady breathing. She crouched down beside the bed and placed a soft kiss on her lover’s forehead. She stood up quietly but the woman on the bed stirred and opened her eyes sluggishly. “Sorry, sorry, go back to sleep.” Taeyeon said and stroked Tiffany’s hair, in hope for her to go back to her slumber. “What time is it?” she asked with hoarse voice. “Almost noon.” She sat up at once and took her cell phone to confirm the time. Her fatigue’s gone in an instant. “Hey, relax. It’s Saturday. You can sleep again.” But she was already on her feet and groaned, “I have to send an email!” Taeyeon just stood beside the bed, watching her went to her desk and turned on her laptop. “You should’ve woken me up sooner!” Tiffany started to type on her laptop with her back to Taeyeon, who had a dejected look on her face.

She didn’t feel the need to apologize because Tiffany didn’t tell her to wake her up sooner last night and instead, she was a little bit baffled because Tiffany snapped at her like that. She stood there staring at her girlfriend’s back who’s already in work mode for a couple of seconds before deciding to just leave her alone. She got out from the room stealthily, leaving an unaware person of her disappointment.

They were cuddling on the bed, everything seemed to be well and both had smiles on their faces. Taeyeon kissed her and Tiffany reciprocated. She left her lips and started giving kisses on her neck. “Tae...” “Hmm?” “Taeyeon-ah..” She didn’t respond and continued to nibble on her neck. She finally stopped when she felt her shoulder was being pushed gently. She looked up at her, “What’s wrong?” Tiffany had this apologetic look on her face, “I’m tired.” She wanted to curse and let out her frustration, but the other woman did look tired and Taeyeon couldn’t force anything to her. “I’m sorry.” She leaned to give Taeyeon a peck on her lips.

“It’s fine. Let’s just sleep then.” She turned her body away from Tiffany, hiding her distress. But a pair of arms encircled her waist from behind and she felt a kiss on her shoulder with a soft voice saying, “I love you.” She heaved a silent sigh and berated herself in her mind for being such a softie before she turned to face her again and hug her back. “I love you too.”

Failed Attempt


It was another tiring day at the office and I instantly slept once my head touched the pillow. I turned to my side and scooted closer to her, wanting to feel her warmth. I felt an arm around my torso and snuggled to her. I inhaled her scent but strangely, it didn't smell like her. I realized her arm was heavier than usual. I put my palm on her bare stomach and..... there's abs? I glided my palm upwards to her chest and there's..... nothing there! It was hard and flat.

I gasped and woke up from my dream. What the hell was that?! I looked around and I was alone on my bed. It was a weird and bad dream. It was a nightmare. I sat up and checked the time on my cellphone. It was way past midnight. I lied back down and tried to get back to sleep but I couldn't. That dream left me a bitter feeling. I got up and went out from my room. I needed my Taeyeon. I opened her door very quietly, afraid to wake her and peeked. She was sleeping peacefully on her bed. I tiptoed to her bed and slipped inside the blanket as stealthily as I could. I guessed I wasn't stealthy enough because she turned to me and mumbled half-consciously, "Fany-ah?" "Yes, it's me. Go back to sleep." I inched closer and put her arm around me. Now this felt right. She just hummed and went back to sleep. I snuggled closer and inhaled. Yep, that's the scent I was looking for. I put my hand inside her loose t-shirt and pressed my palm on her stomach. It was flat and no abs. I felt relieved. My hand went higher and...... yes there it is. Soft and"What are you doing?"

I got startled and pulled my hand out from her t-shirt. I looked up at her and she squinted at me.

Damn it!

"N-nothing." this was embarrassing. "Did you just wake me up in the middle of the night to have sexy time with me?" I was blushing, hard. Well it's not her fault to think like that. I couldn't even explain my own action to myself. "What?! N-" Suddenly she flipped our bodies and I was trapped under her. She gave me a peck and said in a low voice, "Because I don't mind at all." Next thing I knew, her body pressed against mine and her lips were the only thing I could feel.


I woke up to yet another empty bed. But it didn’t really bother me because I had a great time last night. Wait, was it early morning? I giggled to myself remembering what we did. That girl could still surprise me sometimes. She could make me feel a lot of things, from irked, angry, worried, sad, happy, exhilarated, contented, and many other emotions.

She got me wrapped around her fingers and I didn’t mind it the slightest. She’s still as busy as ever and I haven’t talked about everything that’s bothering me but it was actually our anniversary today. Was that why she came to my room very early in the morning? We actually did it on our anniversary day if I thought about it. I couldn’t help to smile even wider. I took my cellphone from my bedside table and sent her a text: Come home early tonight? I held on my cellphone and hoped a reply to come soon. But after minutes waiting, my cellphone didn’t buzz and I needed to get ready to work. I heaved a sigh, knowing she’s already busy at work. So I put my cellphone back on the bedside table and went to shower. I was staring at my cellphone over breakfast. I considered texting her again, but I was afraid it would annoy her. I resulted in waiting patiently for her reply instead. I went to work and hoped she would reply soon. It was almost lunchtime when she finally reply my text and it was really simple: I’ll try. I was really under her spell, wasn’t I? I got excited over that simple phrase. Well who could blame me? I was head over heels with her and today’s our anniversary! When lunchtime came, I sat as usual with my friends and I started to ask Sooyoung. “Soo, what’s the most romantic dish ever?” “That’s a weird question. Is there a romantic dish?” Noeul said. “Of course there is!” Sooyoung answered excitedly. Kibum chuckled seeing Sooyoung eager’s answer, “Queen of food.”

“But before I tell you, I must know why.” Sooyoung said. “I want to cook something for Fany. It’s our anniversary today.” I answered with a big smile plastered on my face. “Wow, congrats!” “Aaawh, Taeyeon Noona is very romantic.” “Didn’t you cook for her all the time?” Sooyoung asked. “Yeah that’s why I want to cook something special & romantic for tonight.” “Made it candle-light dinner, Taeyeon-ah.” Noeul suggested. “Oh! And strew rose petals around your apartment!” “No worries, I already think about it. So how about that romantic dish?” Sooyoung told me about all kind of dishes that considered romantic while Noeul and Kibum gave me suggestion on how to make it more special.


Taeyeon asked me to come home early tonight and I really wanted to. Last night was amazing, we haven’t had that ‘intimacy’ in quite some time I guessed.

I tried to finish everything quickly, but it seemed I couldn’t be earlier because when I looked at the time, it’s way past the usual working hours. But it’s a little bit earlier than the other nights. So it’s still counted as early, right? Taeyeon didn’t call too many times tonight. She must’ve known it annoys me. I smiled to myself, glad to have such an understanding girlfriend. I was about to shut down my laptop when suddenly the CEO came into my office. “Ms. Hwang, you’re still here?” I realized he didn’t have his briefcase with him and he looked a bit expectant. He wanted to discuss something with me, didn’t he? “Yes, Sir. What can I do for you?” “Well I need to discuss something with you.” This wouldn’t take too long, right? “Okay, Sir.”

I came home very late that night. The CEO was trying to solve problems using new methods for the company and I guessed time flew by without me noticing. I just remembered that Taeyeon was asking me to come home earlier when I saw her fast asleep on the couch. I didn’t have the heart to wake her up since she looked so peaceful. So I took a blanket and about to drape it on her body when something caught my eyes. She was holding a lighter. I cocked my eyebrows, wondering why did she have it on her hand. I took the lighter carefully and put it on the table. There’s an unlit little candles on it and that was unusual. We didn’t put candles there. I observed my surrounding and saw traces of rose petals leading to the kitchen.

I got up and went to the kitchen to be utterly surprise. Rose petals were everywhere and the table was set so nicely with candles. Right there and then, I just realized that today was our anniversary.


I woke up feeling sore all over my body, but warm. I stretched and realized I was sleeping on the couch. I was warm because somebody covered me with a blanket. It was Tiffany for sure. Last night was an epic fail. I guessed I was tired from work and also preparing everything that I fell asleep on the couch while waiting for her. It’s not really her fault though, since I didn’t tell her that I prepared a romantic dinner for our anniversary. But........ did she forget our anniversary? She really couldn’t come home earlier even though it’s our anniversary? Bitterness started to seep in. I sat up and stared blankly ahead. Did she really forget?

I wanted to shout my disappointment but it wouldn’t do any good. Maybe it’s time to finally tell her that I miss her love and attention? To at least spend a day with me without the disturbance of her job? While I was in the midst of my own thoughts, I saw a little black box on the table and a card on top of it. I took it and read the contents: Happy belated anniversary, love! I’m sorry I didn’t come home early last night :( I saw what you did and thank you for that. To make up for it, how about we spend the weekend together? The whole two days. I promise. Okay? I love you Well at least she didn’t forget our anniversary date. I put the card and opened the little box. Inside was a watch. An expensive branded one. Well at least she gave me something. I picked up the card and read it again. Spend the whole weekend together? Well at least she wanted to make up for it. How could I have the talk when she’s being like this?

“Noona, how did last night go?” Kibum asked just when I put the tray of food on the table. “She came home late and I fell asleep.” I answered trying not to sound sad. Sooyoung threw me a look. “That’s too bad.” Noeul commented. “But you did the rose, candles, and everything?” Kibum asked again.

“Yep.” The table grew quiet. I sensed sympathetic expression on their faces, “Hey, it’s fine. I’m fine. She told me she’ll make up for it on the weekend.” “Are you sure you’re fine, Taeng?” Sooyoung asked. “I am.” I picked up my chopsticks. Everybody didn’t say anything again and I looked up to see them still looking back at me. “I’m seriously fine, guys. Didn’t you hear me? She’s going to make it up to me.” I tried to smile and I think it came out as a stiff one, but still a smile. I started to eat again and they did too, but the air was still awkward, so I decided to talk about something else. “What do you guys have planned out for the weekend?” “I think I’m just going to bummed out at home.” Kibum said. “I’m going shopping with my roommate! I heard there’s going to be a big sale this weekend.” Noeul said excitedly, getting my point to divert the topic. “Really? Where, Noona?” “At the new mall that just opened last week.” “Hmm shall I go shopping too?” “You shall. I see you’re running out of shirts. You wore this last week, didn’t you?” Sooyoung said. Kibum gasped, “I definitely need to go shopping!”

I smiled and the other two laughed. “What you’re going to do on the weekend, Sooyoung-ah?” Noeul asked Sooyoung. “I actually wanted to ask Taeyeon here to hang out with our other housemates. But she has a plan already and Hyomin probably prefer hanging out with Soonkyu. So I guessed I’m the one who’s going to bummed out at home.” Sooyung said while munching on her food. “Aaaaawh, we could hang out next week? Come to the apartment. It’s been a long time since you’re there, right?” I told Sooyoung. “That would be nice! We should do a potluck, Taeng.” I scoffed, “You won’t bring anything but eat everything.” “Isn’t that the point of a potluck?” she said cheekily. “Noona is such a shikshin.” Kibum pretended to sigh and shook his head. We continued to eat and laughed. I slowly began to get over the failure of last night and looked forward for tomorrow instead. Everything will be just fine.


I remember our anniversary date clearly, that’s why I already bought the present online weeks before. But yesterday was a little bit hectic at work and I forgot what day it was. I didn’t forget, it just skipped my mind.

I came home expecting her still waiting up for me, but she’s not in the living room or the kitchen. She didn’t wait up for me, did she? She sent me a text this morning, expressing her gratitude towards my gift and said it’s fine. But she didn’t call me at all. I got a little bit worried, but when I entered my bedroom, I saw a small pink heart shaped box and a similar card I gave to her leaned on the box. I picked up the card and it said: Happy belated anniversary~ can’t wait for the weekend! Love you too That erased the worries I have. She’s not mad, right? I opened the box and saw a pretty necklace inside that made me smile. I put it back on my bedside table and took a shower. I came back to my room, ready to sleep, but then I saw her cute gift. Even with the box, she could be very cheesy and yet attentive, since she chose my favorite color. I opened the box again and wore the necklace. I put the box along with the card on my drawer safely. After that I went to her room and sneaked inside the cover. She had her back on me and I guessed she’s already deep in sleep since she didn’t even stirred. I hugged her from behind and went into slumber myself.

Saturday Blues


I woke up on a Saturday feeling excited. I rolled to the other side of my bed and picked up her scent. That's weird. Did she sneak here last night? It's still warm too. I stretched with a smile and got up from my bed. I went to her room and saw her bed were neat. Although the gift I gave her was no longer on the bedside table. I went to the living room next and found her sitting on a couch. She didn't notice me because her focus was on the laptop in front of her. I let out a quiet sigh before I greeted her, "Morning." She looked up slightly and greeted me back with a smile before she went back to her laptop, "Good morning, Tae." I huffed before I went to the kitchen to make coffee. All excitement and expectation for the weekend went down the drain once I saw her working. I brought the mugs to the living room, put it on the table, and sat beside her. "So... what are we going to do today?" I folded my arms. I was disappointed because she said she's going to make up for our failed anniversary, but the first thing I saw this morning was work-mode-Tiffany.

She put up her forefinger without leaving her eyes from the laptop, "Wait just oooooooone second.......... Okay! Done~" Finally she closed her laptop and looked at me. She gave me an eye-smile, "Hi~" I couldn't believe how gullible I was because my lips twitched and formed a smile, "Hi." "Thank you for the gift." she put the laptop on the table and turned her body to face me, “I love it!” I saw my gift looking pretty on her neck. When I opened my mouth to answer, her cellphone started to ring. Both of us looked at the device on the table and it was her boss. She didn’t hesitate for one moment to pick up the ringing phone. “Hello?” I leaned back and folded my arms again. “It’s okay. What can I do, Sir?” This didn’t sound good. “Oh, okay. I can do that.” I started to frown. “It’s fine. I’ll be right there, Sir.” She ended the call and looked at me apologetically, “Taeyeon-ah, I’m sorry. I think we need to reschedule again.” I knew it.

So here I was, on the couch, watching whatever it was on TV on a Saturday night, alone. I still couldn’t believe she had a meeting on Saturday, the day we’re supposed to have our anniversary celebratory like she promised. I was mad and clearly disappointed, but she didn’t even realize. She just said sorry, promised would come home as soon as the meeting’s over, and make up for it tomorrow in haste before she left. I spent the day at home, sulking by myself. I wanted to tear up the place and trashed her room, but in the end, I just sat in front of the couch with the TV on. Suddenly, my cellphone was ringing and I expected it to be Tiffany, saying she’s done and maybe we could still eat dinner together somewhere but it was from Hyomin. I picked it up lazily. “Hel-” “Yah! Kim Taeyeon, why did you lie?”

Seriously, this made my mood worse, “What the? What are you talking about, Hyomin-ah?” “Sooyoung said you can’t hang out today because you had a plan with Tiffany. But I just saw her with her friend at a restaurant a couple of minutes ago.” “WHAT?!” “Shoot! The movie’s about to start now.” She said in a whisper unaware of my shocked response, “you better have one heck of an explanation, Taeyeonie. I gotta go now. Oh, the potluck for next week is on, you hear me?! Bye~” The line went dead and I stared at my cellphone in disbelief. She went out with her friend? What the heck was this?!


“Thank you everyone for coming on your day off and on a very short notice.” The CEO smiled apologetically to everyone in the meeting room. Some just gave a fake smile while some didn’t even bother to hide their annoyance. “So how about I treat you guys dinner then?” he spoke again trying to appease the heads of department who had to come today for an urgent meeting. But it was no use since they have family or lover to get back to on a Saturday night like this. Everybody left the meeting room one by one, saying that indeed they have people waiting for them at home.

In the end, there’s only him and me on the meeting room. He looked at me sadly, “I’m really sorry to call you and everybody on your supposedly refreshing day.” He didn’t really have a choice, since even though he’s the CEO, but he still had the higher ups to report to. “It’s okay, Sir. We understand.” He smiled bitterly, “I know you do. But they don’t. I bet they want to curse at me when I call them this morning.” I couldn’t say anything back since the others were clearly pissed to have to go to work on Saturday. “Well, don’t you have anyone waiting for you at home, Miss Hwang?” I contemplated. Taeyeon must be waiting for me, but he looked remorseful enough that I couldn’t make myself reject his dinner invitation. “If not, then please let me buy you dinner?” he asked again with a weak smile. I couldn’t say no, could I? “Sure, why not?”

Dinner went okay and as usual, we talked mostly about work. But we talked a little bit about our family and the most personal stuff I knew from him now was he had an older brother who handle his father’s other company overseas. When I reached my apartment building, I felt exhausted. The meeting itself was draining and even though dinner was fine, but still it was dinner with the boss. I couldn’t really relax. I was hoping I could crash on my bed as soon as I stepped inside my apartment. I didn’t even put my shoes neatly once I entered.

I saw Taeyeon watching TV on the living room and my legs gave up when I approached the couch. I sat beside her and stretched my hand to grab hers, but..... “Where have you been?” it was the coldest tone I heard from her. My hand stopped just beside hers. “What’s with the question? You knew I had a meeting today.” I answered. “Does that include going dinner with your boss?” Uh-oh. I forgot to tell her about the dinner. But, how did she know about it? I turned my head to face her, “How did you know?” She scoffed but still had her eyes on the TV, “Hyomin saw you with a ‘friend’. So it was your boss, huh? Why are you hiding it from me?” I felt a little bit guilty for forgetting to tell her about it, but it was not a big deal. He was just trying to return the favor because I was willingly went to work on a Saturday. But what’s with her accusation of me hiding it?! “I’m not hiding it from you! I just forgot to tell you. I’m sorry for that, okay.” She folded her arms and she looked mad. “Taeyeon, I’m not hiding it from you. It was just a nice gesture. He felt bad because he made his subordinates work on the weekend.” “Nice gesture my ass.” She hissed. I was surprise at her words and tone, but I didn’t say anything back. I turned my head to look at the TV and felt more tired. “He’s flirting with you.”

Seriously? I was tired from today and this conversation got on my nerves already. “No, he’s not.” “He asked you to dinner, on a Saturday night!” she raised her voice. “He asked everybody else too!” “Then why Hyomin only saw the two of you?!” “Because I’m the only one who could go! What the hell is wrong with you?!” I raised my voice too and turned to look at her again. She was facing me and I never saw her this angry before. “What the hell is wrong with YOU?! You ditched your own girlfriend to go with him!” “HE’S MY BOSS! I couldn’t say no to him!” “Then at least can you say to him that you have a girlfriend?!” “You know I can’t! I don’t know where he stands about same gender relationship and I don’t want it to be a threat to my job!” “He can’t fire you because your sexual preference!!” “I know that! But I don’t want him to think of me differently!” She widen her eyes even more, “Why do you even care about what he thinks of you?!” “Of course I care! For the hundredth time, he’s my freaking boss, Taeyeon!” “You like him, don’t you?” What in the world?! “HOW COULD YOU THINK LIKE THAT?!”

“How could I not?! We’re supposed to celebrate our anniversary today, but you chose to have dinner with him!” I wanted to answer back, but I know it was partly my fault. She opened her mouth again before I knew what to say, “I don’t even feel like I have a girlfriend anymore.” My eyes widen in surprised, “What?” “You’re always, always busy with your job. You never have time for me. You even worked until late at night on our anniversary!” I got defensive at that, “I apologized for that! And I do want to make up for it, but today was really unexpected! I thought you understand?” “I did.” She looked away from me, “But I don’t think I can understand you anymore.” What’s that supposed to mean? She stood up and walked towards the door. “Where do you think you’re going? We’re not done here!” “Yes we are. We’re so done.” When she shut the front door, I just realized that this was our first real big fight and tears started to flow out.


I needed fresh air. I needed to get away from her. I never liked arguments, let alone raising my voice and a verbal fight like that. I finally told her what’s been bothering me even though not in a way I imagined. But knowing about her dinner with her boss just pulled the last string on me. I heaved a heavy sigh and looked around me to see that my feet brought me to the train station. I didn’t think clearly when I bolted out from my apartment without wallet and cellphone. So there’s nothing I could do since I didn’t bring any money with me. I didn’t want to get back yet. I was still pissed off. But what could I do now? I couldn’t go to Sooyoung’s or Hyomin’s place because I didn’t have any money and their places were impossible to go to without transporation. I contemplated on what to do when suddenly I heard a voice behind me, “Noona?”

Brooding & Moping


She didn’t come back. The morning came and she didn’t come back. Where did she sleep last night? I knew she didn’t bring her cellphone or wallet since she literally stormed out without grabbing anything. I sent texts to Sooyung and Hyomin asking if she spend the night at their places. They replied with a ‘no’ and a ‘why?’. I didn’t reply them back and started to worry a little bit. Did she go back to her hometown? But she didn’t bring any money with her, did she? Hyomin sent me another text, asking what’s going on but I ignored it also. I sat on the couch, pulling my knees close to me and just stared ahead, not knowing what to do. My cellphone was ringing, indicating an incoming call. It was Sooyoung. I considered rejecting the call, but ended up tapping the green icon. “Fany-ah? What’s wrong? Why did you ask me if Taeyeon is here or not?” I cleared my throat, “Because I don’t know where she is.” “What?” she asked in confusion, “How come you don’t know where she is? Weren’t you guys together yesterday?” It stabbed me a little bit. “I had an urgent meeting yesterday.” I said softly.

I heard her letting out a sigh, “So you didn’t spend the day with her?” “No.” “And then what happened?” “We got into a huge fight and she left.” She let out another sigh, “Did you try calling her?” “She didn’t bring her cellphone.” She was quiet for a moment before she finally spoke again, “I’ll try asking our colleagues then.” “Thanks, Sooyoung-ah.” “Don’t mention it. I’ll call you again later.” “Wait! Can I ask you something, Soo?” “What is it?” “Did she tell you about..... how busy I am lately?” She didn’t answer me right away although I kind of knew what her answer would be, “Yes. She couldn’t stop complaining how busy you are these days.” “Why didn’t she tell me about it?” “She said you already had a lot on your mind.” Sooyoung answered. “Oh.” “Look, that kid loves you too much, Fany-ah. She won’t leave you for real. She just needs time to clear her mind I think. So don’t worry, okay?” I nodded absentmindedly, “Okay.”

“I’ll call you as soon as I know where she is.” “Thanks again, Sooyoung-ah.” I hang up the cellphone. I did neglect her because of my job, didn’t I?


I woke up in an unfamiliar couch. I stretched and yawned before I sat up. I was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. “Noona, you’re awake?” I saw Kibum in his pajamas, with messy hair, looking very different from the way he looked at the office. I smiled teasingly, “Who knew the dandy Kibum could look like this as well.” He made a face, “You’re not so much of a sleeping beauty either, Noona.” He retorted and went to his kitchen. He was meeting up with his friend near my neighborhood when we suddenly met at the train station last night. I asked him if I could crash on his place and he’s a little bit taken aback by it. But nevertheless he said I could and even offered me his bed. I declined since letting me stay here was already enough. Thankfully he didn’t pry and asked why the sudden sleep over. It’s pretty late last night when we met so we didn’t talk much and went to sleep immediately.

I got up from the couch and folded the blanket and put it on top of the pillow Kibum lends me. After that I went to the bathroom to do my morning business. Kibum had prepared a small towel and new toothbrush for me to use. I was so grateful to meet him last night. I went to the kitchen after I did my morning business to find the sleepy looking Kibum eating his cereal with cellphone on one hand. “Kibum-ah, thank you very much for letting me crash here last night.” “No problem, Noona. Do you want some cereal? Sorry I don’t have anything else for breakfast.” “It’s fine. I love cereal.” He got up to take a bowl from the cabinet and pour cereals with milk on it. We sat across each other and he held his cellphone again. “Sooyoung Noona asked me if I saw you last night.” He said while munching on his cereal. “What did you say to her?” “I haven’t reply to her.” He showed me his cellphone. “You can tell her.” I said and began eating my cereal. “Okay.” Did Sooyoung ask Kibum because Tiffany’s looking for me? We ate our breakfast in silence after Kibum sent a reply to Sooyung. “So, do you want to talk about it, Noona?” Kibum asked hesitantly. “Talk about what?” I asked back nonchalantly.

“Why you’re here on a Sunday morning? Crashing on my couch and not on your girlfriend’s bed?” “I’m fine, Kibum-ah. I just need to.... clear my mind a bit.” I gave him a small smile. He looked at me unsurely. I diverted my gaze to my bowl and continued eating. “Okay. But, you know you can tell me anything, right Noona? I’m here for you.” I looked up at him again and he said it in all earnestly. I smiled more sincerely this time, “Thank you, Kibum-ah.” We resumed our breakfast with him telling me about his shopping spree yesterday and he met up with his friend afterwards near my neighborhood. That’s why he’s at the station that late last night. After we finished our breakfast, I decided to go to Sooyoung’s because I didn’t want to disturb Kibum anymore than I should. I called her from Kibum’s cellphone and she sounded worried. Thankfully she didn’t have any plan for today. So I borrowed some money from Kibum before I left his apartment and headed off to Sooyoung’s. My mind was still in a haze and my heart was still in rage so ‘home’ was not really the best option to go to right now.


She didn’t come home for two nights. Sooyung told me yesterday that Taeyeon came to her place and stayed there. She said that Taeyeon just needed some time to clear her mind.

She needed time away from me, didn’t she? It hurt to know that your loved one actually needed time without you around. It hurt. I spent Sunday with brooding over what happened and I couldn’t deny that it’s my fault. I neglected her. I didn’t even notice that she missed me and those two nights she spent not in our apartment made me realized that I missed her too. I was too focus on my work that I began to take her for granted. Nevertheless, she didn’t have to blow up and left like that. She could’ve just told me about it. She shouldn’t have left. She shouldn’t. The train came to a halt and it snapped me out from my thoughts. I got out from the train and walked to my office building. As much as I want to curl up on my bed and brood again, unfortunately I had an important meeting today. I honestly wanted to call in sick, but the CEO himself sent me a text, reminding me of today’s morning meeting and telling me to be ready for it. The meeting came and went just like that. Thankfully I could focus enough to answer the questions directed to me. But my thoughts were definitely not in there today. It went to the possibility and fear of Taeyeon would never return. I stayed until past office hour, but this time, I did it not because I had work to do. I just didn’t want to come back to an empty apartment. A knock suddenly heard from the glass door. I could see the CEO’s head and he opened the door. “Still here, Miss Hwang?” he asked with a smile and went inside my room. “Yeah.” I gave him a stiff smile back, “Need anything, Sir?” He stared at me and didn’t say anything. “Sir?”

“Are you okay?” “Huh? I’m okay.” I answered amidst my confusion. “You didn’t seem like yourself at today’s meeting.” He said and I got embarrassed. I should’ve act more professional. “I’m sorry, Sir. I shouldn’t get distracted. I promise I won’t be like that again.” I couldn’t believe that I let personal things affect my work. “What? No, no! You were great, Miss Hwang. Even the higher ups told me that they like you. It’s just to me, you seemed a little bit off. Are you sick?” “No, Sir. I’m perfectly healthy.” “That’s good. But I know something’s bothering you, Tiffany.” He used my first name to show his sincerity. “So why don’t you go home early tonight? I bet your work for today is done and honestly speaking, you don’t need to work overtime every day.” He smiled again and I didn’t know what to say. “I care about my subordinates, Miss Hwang. And I’m grateful that you put so much effort for this company, but seriously, you need to cut back on work.” He chuckled, “Weird to hear that from a CEO, huh?” I couldn’t help to smile, “You’re one great CEO, Oppa.” “Why, thank you.” He stopped and smiled before he opened his mouth again, “Well I don’t want to see you go home after me. I’m the last person to go home from this office, Miss Hwang.” He pointed to himself and tried to look stern. I smiled, “Sir, yes, Sir.” “So go home now. You hear me? I’ll see you tomorrow, Fany-ah.”

“Okay, Oppa.” He went out from my room after that and I let out a sigh. My smile was gone. Just when I needed to avoid home........

I came to yet an empty apartment. I hated this. Nights before, when I came home and Taeyeon already went to bed, I could still snuck inside her bed and held her in my arms. But now....... I went to her room and stood at the door. I observed her room and noticed her bag was not where she usually put it. Did she come home to take her stuff while I’m at the office?! I instantly went to her wardrobe and opened it. Her clothes were still there. I looked around again, and realized nothing’s missing. She’s not leaving me for good.

Well not yet at least. I sat on her bed and the fear of her never coming home gnawed at me again.

Come Home to Me


I went to my apartment on Monday morning. She already went to work as usual like nothing happened, huh? I scoffed, so she didn’t even care that I didn’t come home for two nights, did she? I took a shower and got ready for work. I prepared an overnight bag and packed up my pajamas, toiletries, and clothes.

“Taeng, lunch!” Sooyung went to my desk right when it’s lunchtime. “Just a minute.” I saved my work on my laptop. “What’s that?” I put my laptop to sleep and followed her line of sight, which was to my overnight bag. “Um... that’s my overnight bag.” “You’re sleeping at my apartment again?” she raised her eyebrows. “Can I?” She let out a sigh, “Of course you can.” “Does Oppa mind?” I referred to her roommate. “No, he doesn’t mind, Taeyeon-ah. It’s just................”

“What?” I started to gather my stuff and stood up. “Don’t you want to settle this with Tiffany? Talk to her?” “She didn’t even look for me, Sooyoung-ah.” I started to walk towards the elevator and Sooyoung followed closely behind. “She did! She asked me and Hyomin. I told you that she’s worried over you.” I sneered, “She went to work like nothing happen.” “Well what do you want her to do? Skipped work just because you guys had a huge fight?” The elevator came and we went inside. I didn’t answer Sooyoung’s question since there were other people inside the elevator. Once we got out on our destination floor, she stopped me and looked at me sternly, “Don’t be childish, Taeng.” “I’m not! I just want her to care.” “She does!” “Whose side are you on?!” “Nobody’s!” People started to look at us and I resumed walking to the cafeteria. I went straight to queue for buying meals and Sooyung still followed suit. “Tae, listen. You need to talk it out with her. You can sleep at my place as long as you want, but you can’t avoid her like this.” I looked back at her and let out a sigh, “I just need more time, Soo.”

“Okay, but don’t take too long. She’s hurting too, you know.” I wanted to scoff at that but she nudged me to move up the line. I turned around and dismissed what Sooyoung just said.


Tuesday. I went to work not as early as before. I couldn’t sleep last night. I just lied down on my bed, listening to every sound, hoping like a fool to hear Taeyeon coming home. Therefore, I got up a little bit late but thankfully there’s no morning meeting today. I knew she had her cellphone with her and I wanted to at least send her a text. But I didn’t know what to say to her. I was guilty but then again, I was also mad at her for leaving and not giving me any news in the last two days. “Unnie? Unnie?” Juhyun’s voice interrupted my train of thoughts and I saw her confused look. “Are you okay, Unnie? You seem distracted lately.” I dismissed her by waving my hand and continued eating, “I’m fine, Juhyun-ah.” “But you’re very quiet. You didn’t even respond the first time I call you.” “Sorry, I spaced out for a little bit.” “Is there something wrong, Unnie? You can tell me.” She said worriedly. I wanted to tell her. But... but... I couldn’t tell her without revealing my relationship with a girl.

Actually, before lunch I asked Hyomin to eat with me, but unfortunately she had a lunch meeting today. I gave Juhyun a smile, “Thanks, Juhyun-ah. But there’s nothing wrong. I’m fine.” I tried to talk about something else to divert the topic, but my mind couldn’t seem to be diverted to anything else than Kim Taeyeon.

When I came home to still an empty and dark apartment, I almost broke down in tears. She didn’t come home again. I took a long warm bath but even after that I didn’t feel refreshed or relax. I picked my cellphone and went to her room. I got inside the cover and her scent filled my nose instantly. I miss her. I picked up my cellphone. I wanted to hear her voice. Should I call her? But what if she rejected my call? Maybe a text was better. I started to type. I wanted to say I’m sorry and ask her to come home. But...... it didn’t seem right to say it over text. So in the end I typed: Where are you? My thumb hovered on the ‘send’ button for a quiet long time. Should I send it? Would she even reply?

Wednesday morning. I was still on her bed and she didn’t even reply to my message last night. I didn’t have the desire to go to work. I didn’t have the desire to do anything actually. I sent a text my assistant, saying I was not feeling well so I couldn’t go to work today. The first time ever I didn’t want to go to work since I’m the head department. The first time ever I didn’t go to work and lied about being sick. By lunch, I was still sprawled on her bed. Juhyun sent me a text, worrying about me and I told her I was just a little bit under the weather. Hyomin sent me a text also, asking if I wanted to have lunch together since she couldn’t do it yesterday. I decided to call her. “Hello?” “Hey, want to have lunch together?” “Um... I didn’t go to work today actually.” “Oh? Are you sick?” “No. I just... don’t feel like going to work.” The line went quiet for a second before she spoke again, “Taeyeon hasn’t come home?” “How did you kno-” “Sooyoung told me she’s been staying at her place. What’s going on, Fany?” “Didn’t Sooyoung tell you why also?” I asked tiredly. “No, she just said that you two got into a big fight.” I let out a sigh, “We did.” “How big was the fight that made her left?”

“It’s a long story, Hyomin-ah.” “How about I drop by after work?” “You don’t have to do that.” “I want to! And clearly, you need someone to talk to. I’ll be there as soon work is done, okay?” She wouldn’t back down anyway, “Okay.” “Good. Don’t do anything stupid now.” I rolled my eyes, “I won’t.” “See you later then. Bye.” “Bye.” I hung up and put my cellphone under the pillow. Feeling a little bit better, at least I still had someone to talk to.

“FANY-AH!” I opened my eyes instantly when I heard the shout of my name. I blinked a couple of times to adjust to the sudden light. “Goodness God, did you just lay there all day?” I finally got my senses back and sat up slowly. I fell asleep once the call with Hyomin ended and now here she was, standing in front of me. I didn’t even know I fell asleep that long. I cleared my throat before I speak, “How did you get in?” my voice sounded hoarse because I hadn’t drunk or eaten anything today.

“You guys didn’t change the passcode and the security downstairs still remember me. You really didn’t got up from the bed today, did you?” I shook my head. “No wonder the apartment’s all dark when I came in. You haven’t eaten either?” I shook my head again. She let out an exasperated sigh, “I know you’re sad and all, but you still need to take care of yourself. Go take a shower. I’ll see if there’s anything I can make for you to eat.” “You don’t have to, Hyomin-ah. I don’t feel like doing anything.” I was about to lie back on the bed again when she caught my arms and pulled me to sit up again. “Oh hell no. That’s not how you solve a problem. You had all day to mope. It’s time to do something about it. Come on, Fany-ah” She’s right. Taeyeon wouldn’t come home just by me being a heap on her bed like this. I took a warm and quick shower since I didn’t want Hyomin to wait too long. I went out to the living room and saw her bag, but she’s somewhere else. I checked the kitchen and she was standing in front of the stove. “You’re cooking?” She gasped and turned around, “Geez, announce your presence, please!” “Sorry.” I gave out an apologetic smile. “You guys need to grocery shopping by the way. I could only find ramyun or cereal here.” I grabbed a glass to drink since I was getting thirsty.

She finished cooking the ramyun, put the pot on the dining table, and handed me a pair of chopsticks with a spoon. “Eat.” I took the utensils and sat across from her. We ate in silence and once I put the noodle on my mouth, I just realized how hungry I was. After we ate, Hyomin finally asked me again, “So what exactly happened?” I told her everything and she shook her head after I finished. “You should’ve known better than to put your job ahead of her.” “I know. But I was caught up in everything and she didn’t really say anything about it either.” “I’m blaming her on this matter also. Both of you are guilty.” “Even though she shouldn’t leave, but this mostly my fault.” We stayed in silence before she spoke up again, “She really didn’t contact you at all?” “No.” I felt like crying, “She didn’t even reply to my message.” “You sent her a text?” I nodded and kept my gaze on the table. She stood up abruptly and went to the living room. I followed her with confusion. She sat down on the couch in the living room and rummaged through her bag. She took out her cellphone and started to dial. “What are you doing?” “Calling that stubborn midget. 3 days are a long time to clear her mind already.”

My eyes widen, “What the?! Don’t, Hyomin-ah!” She ignored me and put the receiver on her ear. “Hang up! Right now!” I hissed. She put down the cellphone, “Don’t you want her to come back?” “I do! But you scolding her won’t do any good.” I sat down beside her. “Then what will make her come back to you?” We looked at each other without exchanging words since I didn’t know how to answer that question. “I don’t know.”

Thursday morning. I woke up with bloodshot eyes. Hyomin went home after telling me not to skip work again. One day to mope and be miserable was enough. She also told me that Taeyeon wouldn’t leave me for real, that she’s stubborn to a vault, but she loves me too much to end our relationship over things like this. She loves me too much? I doubted that a little bit. If she loved me too much, would she leave for days and not contacting me at all like this? But then again, if I loved her that much, we wouldn’t be in this situation. I wouldn’t make her feel like she didn’t have a girlfriend anymore. I got up lazily and dragged my feet to my room. I slept on her bed again last night. I took a shower and got ready to work. I didn’t even bother to eat breakfast or drink coffee.

I went through today like a robot. Everything was happening without my mind really there. I didn’t feel like eating so I told Juhyun I was skipping lunch. But she insisted that I should eat since I was ‘sick’ yesterday. In the end, she bought a sandwich for me and ate with me in my room. The CEO even came to my room on lunchtime to check up on me. He joked about how the office was definitely different yesterday when I wasn’t here. I guessed I did spend too much time at work. I went home just a little bit after office hour. Some of my subordinates were still there and they looked at me with astonishment when I stepped out from the office before them. Honestly, I couldn’t care less about my subordinates these past few days. I got home and the emptiness of it still made me feel abandoned. Somehow I thought of it as a punishment for me. Was this what she felt for months when I came home late at night? I changed my clothes, took my cellphone from my bag, and went straight to her bed. Smelling her scent around me was comforting. I looked at my cellphone and read my previous message that didn’t get a reply. I decided to sent her a text again: Come home to me?

Friday. Nearing office hour was over, the office was nearly empty. I was thinking of going home early too, but the CEO came and asked if he could discuss something with me. I tried to push everything Taeyeon related when the CEO told me what he wanted to discuss with me. The fact that she didn’t reply again to my text last night was hurting me but I couldn’t think about that right now. He already noticed something’s not right with me on Monday. I had to be professional.

Thankfully it went not too long and I get to go home a little bit past office hour. I was standing on the subway and letting my mind wander. Should I just go to Sooyoung’s place and confronted her? But what if she hadn’t calmed down yet? What if we had another huge fight and worse, in front of Sooyung and her roommate? A giggling noise from in front of me broke my train of thoughts. The subway was silent as usual and everybody could hear the giggling noise. I looked at the sight in front of me. It was two girls in uniform, trying to suppress their laughter that turned into a fit of giggling over something on a cellphone. They could be lovers, or just best friends, but it brought more pain into my open wound. It reminded me of Taeyeon. Everything made me think of her. I took out my own cellphone and sent her yet another text I was not sure would get a reply: When are you coming home?

Let's End It With Love


Come home to me? Those words made me want to run back to our apartment. I read the message again and felt a pang on my heart. I shouldn’t leave this long. I noticed the time she sent me was last night. I turned on my cellphone at work because I left my charger at Sooyoung’s. I just charged it and turned it on when she gave me my charger this morning. I stayed at one of the cheap hotel near the office last night. I knew she said I could stay as long as I want, but it’s getting uncomfortable for me staying at her place for more than 3 nights. Sooyoung insisted I stayed with her, but I told her I just needed to be really with myself. She relented after telling me for umpteenth time not to do anything stupid. She and Hyomin kept telling me that and told me to patch things up with Tiffany. Hyomin called me late at night on Wednesday. She told me how miserable Tiffany was. My heart got softer after hearing that, but it was not enough to make me believe that she truly cares. Not until that text she sent me. In all honesty, I missed her terribly. I wanted to go home to our apartment every day after work was over. But the one thing that prevented me to do so was the thought of her still being a workaholic and nothing changed. What if I came home and she pretended like nothing happen? She did ask my whereabout on Tuesday, but I didn’t really put it into consideration. I thought of it only as a formality. But when Hyomin told me how heartbroken she was and then came that kind of text from her, I truly believe that she knew I left because of something we need to work at.

So on Friday evening, I went back to our apartment. Once I stepped inside, I inhaled deeply. This was home. I went to my room and saw my bed was a little bit messy not like I left it. Did she sleep on my bed? I put my stuff away and went to her room. Indeed, her bed looked like it hadn’t been sleep on for nights. I started to regret leaving her for days. Was what Sooyoung said true? She was hurting too? I went back to my room and took my cellphone from my bag. I reread her last text again and felt stupid. What was I thinking? She must’ve been hurting too. I didn’t even give her chance to say anything that Saturday night. I just left. My cellphone suddenly buzzed, indicating an incoming text. I opened it and felt guiltier than ever. It was from Tiffany: When are you coming home? I typed a reply as fast as I can: I am home.


I got a reply instantly and I almost choked. She was home? I read the text over and over again, making sure it was really from her and the context was real.

The subway couldn’t be any faster, could they? I was very anxious and still couldn’t believe she reply to my text like that. She’s really home? Home as in our apartment, right? Or maybe she mistook my question. Maybe she thought I meant her family home in her hometown? I suppress the urge to send another text and just waited until I got home to see if she’s really there or not. I almost broke into a run when the subway stopped at the station. My heart beat faster when I arrived at my apartment building. I jabbed the elevator button repeatedly. I calmed myself down on the elevator and tried to fix my hair a little bit. I walked as calmly as I could when the elevator door opened on my floor. I entered the passcode to our apartment and went inside. The light was already on. She’s really home.

As soon as she stepped inside the living room, their gaze met. For a whole minute, neither said anything or even move from their spot. One was standing awkwardly and one was sitting uptight on the couch.

"Hi...." the girl on the couch finally broke the silence albeit said it awkwardly. Tiffany tried to keep her emotion at bay and took a seat at the end of the couch, trying to create distance. Both didn't know what to say and they didn't look at each other. They stared at the black screen of the TV instead. "I'm.... so.... mad at you." Tiffany was the one who finally took the initiative to speak and she couldn't seem to keep it together much longer. Taeyeon turned her head to look at her guiltily and mumbled, "I'm sorry." But Tiffany kept her eyes forward, "I hate you for leaving like that. I'm so mad at you." Tears were starting to brim on her eyes, "but..... it was my fault after all and... I.... I miss you so much." "Fany-ah..." The sound of her name from Taeyeon’s mouth sounded so gentle that she couldn’t take it anymore. She finally turned around to face her and tears started to spill. "I'm s-sorry. I'm sorry for neglecting you, and... and taking you f-for granted." she wiped her wet cheeks, "I'm sorry for putting my job before you. I'm.. I'm r-really sorry." Taeyeon scooted closer and put her palms on her cheeks, wiping away the remaining tears with her thumbs. But the gesture made Tiffany cried harder. Taeyeon grabbed a tissuebox from the table and gave it to the crying girl who took it and wiped her wet cheeks. "I'm the one who should apologize.” She started to speak once Tiffany calmed down, “It’s very childish of me. I should've understood you better and talk about it rather than being angry at you like that.” She paused, “And about your boss. I know you don’t have any feelings towards him. I trust you. But I was..... I was missing you too much and add jealousy to that.....” she heaved a sigh, “I'm really really sorry and I'm also sorry for leaving, but I just... needed some time to think."

Tiffany sniffed, "What... what's the conclusion of your thinking then?" she asked. She looked at her again, "The conclusion is... my life sucks without you. Even if I could only see you for 5 seconds every day, it's way better than not being able to see you at all. So......... I........ well... I know your job is important-" She cut her off, "No, you're more important to me than my job! I’m sorry I made you think otherwise. I'm really sorry. I'm-" she started to cry again. "Hey, hey, why are you crying again? Don't cry." She took a tissue and wiped away the tears that started to spill on her face. "I... I just.. don't want.... you to leave again.” She stopped speaking to calm herself down. Once she did, she started to speak again, “I love you so much. You know that, right?" "I know. I love you too. Very very much." she smiled, "I'm just saying that from now on, I'll be more understanding towards you." "You won't leave?" "I won't. Ever again." "Promise?" she held up her pinky. She chuckled at the cute sight, "Promise." she intertwined it. "Good. Then I promise not to be a workaholic anymore." "Good." she lowered their intertwined pinkies but didn't let go. They looked at each other. Taeyeon put her free hand on Tiffany’s cheek, caressing it with her thumb, “I shouldn’t leave like that. I’m sorry again.” “Apology accepted. Can we just kiss and make up now?” Taeyeon laughed and that made her girlfriend laughed along too, "You don't even need to ask."

Tiffany gave her infamous smile and leaned in.


I felt something, someone, invading my personal space. I peeked with one eye and greeted by an eye-smile. I closed my eye again. “Are you watching me sleep?” I asked in a raspy voice. “Yes.” She answered. I asked again without opening my eyes, “Why?” The answer came in a whisper, “Because I admire you.” I couldn’t help but smile, “That’s my line.” She giggled, “Fine, I change my answer then.” It was silence for a second and I was about to sleep again when I heard her voice, “Because I adore you.”

I huffed, “That’s almost the same thing.” “But it’s the truth.” I just hummed in reply. No matter how much I love this random conversation, but I was still drowsy. I almost enter my slumber again when I felt a finger tracing my face. “You’re not going to wake up?” she whispered. I wanted to snap at her not letting me sleep in peace, but the soft touches and husky whisper prevent me. I groaned instead and asked her still with closed eyes, “What time is it?” “8-ish.” I opened my eyes and shot her an annoyed glare, “Then I could still sleep. It’s Saturday!” I swatted her hand from my face and closed my eyes again. She grabbed my hand and laced our fingers. “Tae?” I purposely ignored her. “Taetaetaetaetaetaetaetae~” Still ignoring. “Wanna go to amusement park?” That successfully made me open my eyes and she displayed her infamous smile again. “You want to go to amusement park?” “Yes. With you.”

That’s a little bit out of the blue, “Why?” “We haven’t been there since ages and we’re going to spend the day together, right?” “Yeah, but I thought you want to spend it by lazing around at home.” “No, I want to go to amusement park with you.” I furrowed my brows in confusion. I bet she had a tiring week from work and usually, Saturdays would be spend by staying at home. She wouldn’t even awake at this time on a weekend before! “Why?” it seemed that’s the only word I could utter right now.

A never endless eye-smile, an always-intriguing husky voice.

“Because it’s your happy place.”

A twinkle on her eyes. And I knew, my old girlfriend was back. The obsessive-workaholic girlfriend was gone for good. I brought our joint hands to my lips and kissed it. “Amusement park is not my happy place.” I said with a smile. Sleep had gone completely. “Yes it is.” “No it’s not.” She frowned, “Well where do you want to go then? What’s your happy place?”

“Wherever you are.” I grinned. “That’s so cheesy!” she slapped my shoulder and the smile came back to her face. I laughed and grabbed both of her wrists, “Being with you in amusement park would be the happiest place ever.” I pushed her down on the bed and lay on top of her. She grinned, “Let’s go then.” I leaned down and kissed her, “We still have time. Let’s go to our happy place first.”



The amusement park was packed with people. It’s a mistake going here on a Saturday. Nevertheless, when I saw her laughing while riding one of the rides made everything worth it.

I haven’t had this much fun in the last few months as I recalled. What was I thinking putting my girlfriend second like that? Stupid me. “Fany-ah, you want some cotton candy?” she asked when we pass one of the snack stalls. “It’s too big. How about we share?” I said while looking at the humongous cotton candy on display. “Sure!” she dragged me like an excited schoolgirl to the stall. I smiled widely, happy to see this side of my girlfriend. I promised myself never to neglect her again. She was talking to the seller what she wanted to buy and she let go of my hand in search of her wallet. I looked around and indeed, the amusement park was full with people. Family, lovers, friends. Suddenly my eyes caught a young man looking at our direction with an amused smile on his face. He didn’t seem to stare at me though. I followed his line of sight. Was he looking at my girlfriend? She was oblivious of it. She grabbed the cotton candy and faced me. “Tae, I think someone is looking at you.” I said to her while she tried the cotton candy. “Hhm? Who’s looking at me?” I directed my gaze to the young man subtly and she caught on. “Oh. That’s the kid I told you about.” Their eyes met and the young man smiled ever so widely while making his way to us.

“What kid?” I said in a low voice since he’s coming closer. “The one Kibum said has a crush on me.” She answered in the same low voice because he’s only inches from us now. What?! My eyes widen but too late to do anything since the guy had already stood in front of us. “Hi, Noona!” he greeted very cheerfully. “Hi there.” She greeted back with a smile. Oh really, he called her ‘noona’ and what’s with the exchange of happy smiles?! I inched closer to Taeyeon and tried to send him daggers with my eyes to no avail. He didn’t seem to feel my presence. “Never thought I’d meet you here.” He asked still with excited voice. Taeyeon giggled. Wait, no. That couldn’t be a giggle. It’s just a polite response. Yes, that was. “It’s one of my happy places.” She said, ignoring the irritation look I tried to give her. “Mine too!” he said waaaay too excitedly. Pssh! He didn’t know where the other happy place Taeyeon loved. “Who are you with?” Taeyeon asked him. “With my friends.” He pointed to a flock of people where he came from and some of them were looking at our way, “Who are you with, Noona?” “I’m wi-”

I slipped my hand AND intertwine our fingers before cutting her off, “Her girlfriend.” I spoke with the sweetest smile I could muster. His eyes were as big as tennis balls. HA! He looked at Taeyeon as if trying to confirm it. What the? I wanted to yank Taeyeon away from him but I could see from the corner of my eyes that Taeyeon was trying to suppress her laugh. “Yes, I’m with my girlfriend.” She said with a smile and squeezed my hand. I smiled triumphantly. “O-oh...” His smile was gone and he looked like he’s going to cry. “Umm, I think your friends are waiting for you there.” I said and pointed to his friends with my other hand. “Ri-right. I’ll see you at work then, Noona.” The tone was so much different than the first time he greeted her. “Bye~” Taeyeon waved with her cotton-candy hand. The young man nodded a little bit to me while avoiding my eyes and went away. We walked to the other direction and she started to laugh. “Why are you laughing?” “It’s been some time I seen you this possessive.” “What? I’m not being possessive.”

“Oh you are, Hwang Miyoung.” Suddenly she kissed my cheek, “And I love it. But that was totally unnecessary.” I tried not to blush with the sudden gesture and asked her again, “What do you mean?” “He’s harmless.” She took the cotton candy and fed me. I swallowed the sweet treat before spoke again, “Didn’t you see how excited he greeted you? And when you told him amusement park was one of your happy places? It’s like he struck gold knowing he has the same thing with you.” I scoffed. She laughed again while eating the cotton candy, “And you crushed him right there and then.” I shrugged, “I just need to claim my stake.” “So”, she kissed my cheek again, “damn” and again, “adorable.” I blushed furiously and just realized that my cheek became sticky. “Yah! You’re sticky!” I wiped my cheek. She laughed and pulled my hand, “Come on, let’s ride that!” she pointed to a scary roller coaster ride eagerly. I shook my head with a smile plastered on my face and followed her pull.

Kim Taeyeon. There’s no way in hell I would ever let you go.


I had the best weekend ever. She purposely turned off her cellphone when we went to amusement park and when we got home that night, she turned her cellphone on to find messages from work. But she didn’t even go near her laptop. On Sunday, I caught her asking, no, telling whoever it was on her cellphone that she would do it tomorrow. Before, she would instantly turned into work mode and sat in front of her laptop to do her work. But now, she tossed the cellphone aside and asked me what I wanted to do that day. The next morning, I decided to get a day off. It’s a long shot to hope I could spend another day with her, since it’s Monday and everything. But truth to be told, I was kind of tired myself. We didn’t go anywhere yesterday, but we didn’t really spend our Sunday by staying put either. If you know what I meant.... Her alarm rang and I turned around to face her when her hand shot up to put off the alarm. “Morning, love.” She turned on her side and I dropped a kiss on her closed eye. She opened her eyes slowly, “Morning.” A smile. I gave her a peck on the lips, “I had an amazing weekend.” “Me too.” I scooted closer and kissed her again. She slowly reciprocated. My hands started to roam and she broke the kiss. “Tae, we need to go to work.” “I don’t.” I started to push her gently so she would lie on her back and kissed her neck but she grabbed my face and pulled me up. “You don’t?”

“I take a day off today. Had an amazing and tiring weekend, so...” I didn’t finish my sentence and started kissing her again. She kissed me back for a while before pushing me away again. “I wish I could take a day off too, but I have things to do today.” She pouted. “It’s okay.” I smiled. She leaned up to give me a peck, “How about lunch with me?” “I’d love to. Near your office?” “Yep.” She started to sit up, “There’s this very nice Japanese restaurant Hyomin took me once.” “Okay.” I lied back down on my side of the bed and watched her going to the bathroom.

Nearing lunchtime, I already got ready and about to step out from the apartment when she called. “Hey, you. I’m just about to leave the apartment.” “Hey...... Umm, Tae....” “What is it?” “I’m sooo sorry.” I stopped walking towards the front door, “You still got things to do?” She let out a sigh, “Yeah... I don’t think I could go out for lunch.” “Oh.”

“But... we can have lunch here.” She suggested. “At your office?” “Yes.” I remembered she didn’t want her colleagues to know that she had a relationship with a girl, “Are you sure?” She giggled, “I’m the one who suggested it, aren’t I?” “Okay then. I’ll buy something on the way there.” “Great! I’ll be waiting.” “I’ll see you later. Bye.” “Bye~” I hung up the phone and put it on my bag. Well best friends ate lunch together and she told me Juhyun frequently ate with her inside her office room. Nonetheless, Juhyun was a staff there. She had lunch with Hyomin too, but I didn’t think Hyomin had ever gone inside her office. But then again, she was the one who suggested it. So I exited my apartment and pushed the thought aside. I better think on what to buy her for lunch instead.

Her assistant pointed to a glass door and surprisingly also glass walls of my girlfriend’s room office. She once told me the new open policy and thus maybe this glass walls. I thanked her assistant politely and made my way to her room. It’s true what she said about old colleagues here. I only saw one or two young people at least the same age as mine.

I could see her on her desk with laptop in front of her looking all serious. I knocked on the glass door and opened it, “Hi there~” She looked up and smiled instantly, “You’re here!” I stepped inside and closed the door behind me before approaching her. She stood up and met me halfway. Without giving me an advance warning, she pulled me in for a kiss. I stumbled a little bit due to surprise and she had her arms around my neck in a second. “F-Fany-ah....” She didn’t stop. “Your.... colleagues.” She still kissed me without reservation and I couldn’t help to kiss back. I bet people outside could see what we’re doing but she didn’t seem to care. I finally broke the kiss because I was still holding the plastic food with our meals inside on my hand. “The food.” I pulled away breathlessly. “Oh right.” She grinned and pried her arms off me. She took the plastic bag from my hand and put it on her desk, “What did you get me?” “Eel.” I answered, still confused with her action. “Nice!” I looked through the glass wall and caught a couple of people looking at us. They pretended to do their job once I met their gazes.

I looked at my girlfriend again and she happily took out the food from the containers. “Fany-ah, what was that?” I asked and took a seat in front of her desk. “What was what?” She sat on her previous seat, facing me. “You do notice that you have an aquarium-like office here, right?” She laughed, “I do notice that. And your point is?” “They saw us kissing!” She smiled and picked up her chopstick with her food ready in front of her, “I don’t care.” “You what?” “I don’t care. It was stupid of me trying to hide our relationship, Tae. They’re my subordinates. They can’t do anything about it.” She said nonchalantly. “True. But what about your bo-” There’s a knock cutting me off my sentence and when I turned around to look, it was the person I was referring to. “Miss Hwang, do you have a minute?” he saw me and apologized, “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you have company.” He said politely and stepped inside the office. She stood up, “It’s okay, Sir. You’ve met my-” “Your roommate. I remember. Taeyeon, isn’t it?” He held out his hand to me. I was surprised he still remembers my name and stood up, shaking his hand. I was about to say that my name was indeed Taeyeon but Tiffany spoke again. “She’s actually my girlfriend, Sir.”

I widen my eyes at that. “Oh?” he said with raised eyebrows, haven’t let go of my hand. He looked at Tiffany then at me and at Tiffany again. The room went awkwardly quiet. “Err... you don’t mind, right Sir?” He finally let go of my hand, “Of course not!” Both Tiffany and I let out a silent sigh. “Why do you think I mind? You thought I’m a homophobic or something?” I thought you flirted with my girlfriend! “Well not really.” Tiffany answered unsurely. “Wow I’m disappointed in you, Fany-ah. I thought we already step out from mere colleagues and into the friendship zone?” He didn’t call her ‘Miss Hwang’ without a reason, did he? Honestly, was he trying to flirt with her in front of me? “I’m sorry, Oppa.” Seriously?! “It’s okay. Anyway,” now he didn’t even care that I was here, did he? “I need a favor.” “What is it, Sir?” “Well you should stick to Oppa since it’s a personal favor, Fany-ah. Will you accompany me to the mall on Saturday?” SAY WHAT?!

Tiffany was surprised also. “So?” he asked, oblivious to the two shocked women on the room. “I.... I’m..” she looked at me and I tried to send ‘What the hell?!’ look to her. He looked at me also and caught on, “Oh no! No, no, I’m not asking her out or anything.” He said nervously, “I just need her help to pick a present for my girlfriend!” His girlfriend? “My girlfriend’s birthday is near and I see that Miss Hwang here has a nice fashion sense. So I want her advice on what to buy for my girlfriend. You can come too, Taeyeon-ssi.” He explained and the elephant on the room was gone. “Oh.. okay, sure.” I said. “Great!” his face lit up again, “I’ll see you on Saturday then, Taeyeon-ssi.” He walked towards the door. “Oh, and Miss Hwang, I’ll see you in 2 hours for that meeting, okay?” “Yes, Sir.” She gave him an eyesmile and he went out from the room, closing the door. We looked at each other and laughed. We sat down and she picked up her chopsticks again. I did the same and brought my meal closer to me. “You said he’s flirting with me.” She teased. “He kinda was.” I said, not admitting I was wrong. She dead-panned, “He has a girlfriend and he’s asking me to help him choose a present for his girlfriend. I don’t think that’s a flirting move.” “It could be.” I started to eat my lunch.

She sighed and shook her head, “Just admit it, Kim Taeyeon.” “Admit what?” Still feigning ignorance. “That you’re jealous.” she pointed her chopsticks at me and smiled mischievously. I shrugged, “I am jealous.” She looked surprised, “You’re admitting that you’re jealous?” “Yes. So?” “You never admit that this calmly before.” She said in amazement. I sipped on my drink before I spoke again, “I have the right to be jealous.” She raised her eyebrows, “Who gave you that right?” “I did. Because you have the right to be possessive.” I said and broke into a smug grin. She chuckled, “Let me get this straight, you can be jealous all you want and I can be as possessive as ever? But I can’t get jealous and you can’t be possessive?” I chewed my food and nodded, “Exactly.” She chuckled, “You’re weird, Miss Kim.” “You’re in love with this weirdo, Miss Hwang.” She looked at me with those gentle eyes, “Oh well, the cuteness overweighs the weirdness anyway.” She said and started to eat her lunch. I smiled at that and continued to eat my lunch too.

Tiffany Hwang. I hold on to you forever.

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