Letter Request - Red Cross

July 25, 2019 | Author: kdcandari | Category: N/A
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January 19, 2016

 ATTY. LAWRENCE D. BANTIDING Officer-In-Charge Business Bureau

Dear Atty. Bantiding;


The SIGA EGIS "RATERNIT# AND SORORIT# is a n$n-st$c%& n$n-'r$fit $rgani(ati$n $'erating )ithin the e*c+usi,e c$nfines $f the ATENEO DE DAAO NIERSIT#& COEGE O" A/. As an ar0 $f the student 1$dy& it faci+itates acti,ities integra+ t$ the de,e+$'0ent $f  the instituti$n2s students. The C$++ege $f a) is h$+ding its annua+ affair c$0'$sed $f ,ari$us acti,ities a't+y na0ed T3E CON"I CON"ICTS CTS O" A/. A/. A0$ng A0$ng the 0a4$r 0a4$r acti,i acti,itie tiess are the UN RUN an! TRAC" AND IELD )herein IELD )herein the 'artici'ants engage in a friend+y c$0'etiti$n $f s'eed and endurance. Our $rgani(ati$n is in charge $f the c$$rdinated faci+itati$n $f 1$th these e,ents. The e,ents )i++ 1e he+d $n #$ruary 1%, 2016 &r'( )*00a( an! #n!+n n' a#r /an 10*00a( at 10*00a( at 5una Su1di,isi$n 6f$r fun run7 and Atene$ de Da,a$ atina Ca0'us6f$r trac% and fie+d7.  Attached herein is the r$ute $f the "un Run E,ent. The starting '$int )i++ 1e at Gate 8 $f Atene$ de Da,a$ ni,ersity& ni,ersity& atina Ca0'us 'assing thr$ugh Ca0ia Street. Stati$n Stati$n 9 )i++ 1e at Ca0ia St. c$rner 5una A,enue. Thereafter& runners )i++ 'r$ceed t$ Stati$n : +$cated at the end $f 5una  A,enue. Then& they )i++ 'r$ceed t$ stati$n  +$cated at ni,ersity A,enue c$rner
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