Letter of Recommendation YSEALI Academic Fellowship 2016

May 5, 2017 | Author: Hamdan Yuafi | Category: N/A
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Student’s name: Hamdan Yuafi

Jakarta, 10 May 2016 Letter of Recommendation

To whom it may concern I am pleased to provide this Letter of Recommendation in support of HamdanYuafi’s application for the YSEALI Academic Fellowships program. I met HamdanYuafi in 2012 when he was a new student in the State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga; I was a lecturer in this university. He took several courses that I teach, such as Statistics, Research Methods and English. In addition, he often comes to my pesantren (Islamic boarding schools) to study about various subjects on Islam and English in the afternoon. I know that Hamdan is an enthusiastic student. He always sit in the front line of the class and he is an active student in the class. He always submitted all the assignments on time. In short, he has been the best student in the class that I taught. I also find him to be a social and friendly person. He also can mingle with every one easily. Hamdan has a good leadership skill. I knew that he was able to coordinate and mobilize his colleagues sucessfully, especially when he was the head of student organization, Islamic Economics Study Club (KSEI), in State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Later I know that Hamdan has done an internship program in Indonesia Financial Authority (OJK) as Islamic Banking Supervisor. He also has done two researches about Islamic Banking. Therefore, I am convinced that he will be successful in the program. Last but not least, I strongly recommend him to be accepted in this program. I believe that he will be a good asset in the program. Should you need more information about Hamdan, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely yours,

Munajat, PhD Expert Staff at the Executive office of the President, Republic of Indonesia Kantor Staf Presiden, Gedung Bina Graha, Jl. Veteran 16 Jakarta 10110 Indonesia Phone: +6281215764607 e-mail: [email protected]

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