Letter For Reconsideration

August 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Letter for Reconsideration

 November 11, 2014

Dean Jose Sundiang,

Good day sir, I am Rei ! "a#igod, one of your students in Negiotiab#e Instruments La$ from Section 2%D #ast semester! It came to my attention t&at I unfortunate#y did not 'ass your sub(ect &ence I $ou#d (ust #i)e to &umb#y as) for a recom'utation and reconsideration of my grades! "ased on my )no$#edge in good fait& sir, I $as ab#e to meet your re*uirements as 'er t&e case re'orts and I $as ab#e to ac*uire a grade of + '#us +-. t&erefrom and I $as a#so ab#e to 'ass your *ui/ regarding RI $it& a grade of 3 ! I a#so be#ieved t&at I $as ab#e to maintain a ssufficient ufficient #ass Standing5 grade t&roug& our dai#y recitations recitations &ence I $ou#d #i)e to &umb#y in*uire as to t&e brea)do$n of t&e com'utation of my grades inc#uding my fina# e6ams if 'ossib#e as to fina##y be ab#e to understand &o$ I cou#d &ave ac*uired a fina# grade of 7 70! 0! gain I $ou#d (ust #i)e to &umb#y re*uest for a recom'utation and reconsideration of my grade if you $ou#d 'ermit 'er mit it sir!

8&an) you for your )ind consideration!

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