Letras Joy Division en Español

September 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Joy Division Division − traducciones traducciones al castellano A Means to an End End Atrocity Exhibition Exhibition Ceremony Day of the Lords  Lords  Digital Failures Gutz In a Lonely Place Place Interzone Komakino New Dawn Fades

At a Later Date Autosuggestion Chance Dead Souls Disorder From Safety to Where Heart and Soul Inside the Line I Remember Nothi Nothing ng Leaders of Men No Love Lost

Atmosphere Candidate Candidate Colony Decades Exercise One Glass Ice Age Insight Isolation Love Will Tear Us Apart Novelty

Passover Sister Ray The Drawback The Kill (Still) They Walked in Line Warsaw

Shadowplay Shadowplay Something Must Break The Eternal The Only Mistake Transmission Wilderness

She's Lost Control Control Sound of Music The Kill (Warsaw) These Days Twenty Four Hours You're No Good For Me

"We haven't got a message really; the lyrics are open to interpretation. They're multidimensional. You can read into them whatever you like. Obviously they're they're important to the band." band." Ian Curtis

© Conexiones Paupérrimas S.L. − 18−septiembre−2004 18−septiembre−2004 − Acerca de JDTC ver. 0.4



Joy Division − traducciones al castellano  A Means to an End 

Un Medio para un Fin

A legacy so far removed One day will be improved Eternal rights we left behind

Un inconveniente legado que algún día aprovecharem aprovecharemos. os. Derechos eternos que olvidamos.

We were the better kind Two the same − set free too

Éramos la mejor raza.

I always looked to you − A legacy so far removed One day will be improved Secret trials − the judges warn Check like we've never borne Win the right to set free what you will be reprieved I put my trust in you − We fought for good − stood side by side Our friendship never died On stranger waves − the lows and highs Our vision touched the skies Immortalists with points to prove Captive souls − depleted soon Immortalists depart too soon I put my trust in you −

Los dos iguales, liberados al fin. Siempre velé por ti. Un inconveniente legado que algún día aprovecharem aprovecharemos. os. En secretos procesos amonestan los jueces, asegurandose de que nunca conseguiremos eximirte de tu culpa. Pongo mi confianza en ti. Luchábamos hombro con hombro del lado del bien. Nuestra amistad nunca murió. Sobre olas foráneas, altas y bajas, nuestra visión tocaba los cielos. Inmortalistas con

propósitos a demostrar. Almas cautivas agotadas prematuramente prematuramente. . Inmortalistas que murieron demasiado pronto. Pongo mi confianza en ti.

A house somewhere on foreign soil Where ageing lovers call Is this your goal − your final needs? Is this your goal − your final round?

Una casa en algún lugar sobre tierra extranjera donde se citan envejecidos amantes.

Where dogs and vultures eat Committed still, I turn to go

¿Es éste tu objetivo? ¿Tu carencia final? ¿Es éste tu objetivo? ¿Tu asalto final?

I put my trust in you −

Donde perros y buitres comen, sigo comprometido, me vuelvo a marchar.

In you, in you, in you Put my trust in you, in you, in in you  you

Pongo mi confianza en ti.

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