Let_s Talk About It 1000 Questions for Conversation

March 9, 2017 | Author: AndreaCaldana | Category: N/A
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1000 Questions for CoAVerSation

To the Teacher Introduction Let's Talk About It is for adults and young adults and is designed to get false-beginners and intermediate-level English learners talking about Japan and the world・ Let's Talk About It introduces high-interest topics through pictures′ then guides conversations through questions′ developlng

fluency and building vocabulary・

Using Let's TalkAbout lt in the classroom TQlk (コboUI汁 Each unit beginswith a picture or set of pictures introducing a high-interest, everyday conversation topic′ followed by a set of discussion questions・ The first ten questions are about the picture′ the second ten on related matters・ Students should read the questions aloud・ You can make

comments on pronunciation and explain difficult words and expressions・ Insisting on complete sentence replies from students will help reinforce English syntax・ Skip any questions that seem inappropriate・

M(コIch汁 In this exercise′ students choose an appropriate word for the blank space in each of ten sentences・ Depending on students′ level′ some vocabulary may need to be explained first・ This exercise also

can be used for homework.

Ask iI Here′ students are glVen ten answers and are asked to supply ten appropriate questions for each・

You can glVe Prompts and hints if the students have difficulty formlng queStions・

Finish汁 This exercise asks students to create questions based on answers provided′ as in Ask il′ and also to

fill in a misslng word in each given answer・ You might ask students to work independently, in palrS′ Or in small groups・ The first word of each question is provided as a guide・

(完諒面〕 Answers to each Match it, and suggested questions and answers forAsk it and Finish it are provided in the back of the book・

鮎飽髄塾 Abo、ut CONTENTS

1 Food

TQlk clboul it 1. Whatisthemanordering? 2. Whatisthewaiterdoing? 3. Whatisthewaitresscarrying? 4. What objects can you see on the couple′s table?

5. Whatisthebartenderdoing? 6・ What is the waiter wearlng around his neck7

7・ Whattimeofdaydoyouthinkitis?Why? 8・ What is the waiter holdingbehind his back?

9. Whatdoesthesignsay? 10. Whichjob in this picture would you prefer to do? 11・ Are there any kinds offood you dislike? 12・ What is the strangest food you have eaten? How was it?

13・ Howmanycupsofteaorcoffeedoyoudrinkaday? 14. Whatkindofsnacksdoyouliketoeat? 15・ What did you eat for breakfast today? How about last night′s dinner? 16・ Ifyou could go to any country in the world for a meal′ where would you go?

What kind of meal would you order? 17・ Which do you prefer, red orwhite meat7 18・ How often do you eat out? Where do you usually eat? 19・ What kind of food do you think visitors don′t like to eat in your country?

20・ How much was the most expensive meal you have ever eaten? How was it? Where did you eat it?

Food 1











TQlk qboUl it 1. Whoisthemaninthefirstpicture?

2. Did/DoyouwatchthisshowonTV? 3. What instmment is the girl playing?

4・ Whatseasondoyouthinkitis?

5・ What can you see falling from the treebehind her? 6・ Whattemplecanyousee? 7・ Haveyoubeentothistemple? 8・ What does the sign in the last picture mean?

9. Whatishedrinking? 10・ Whatseasondoyouthinkitis?Why? ll. What city inJapan is famous for comedians? 12. What Japanese people are famous overseas? 13. Have you ever climbed Mount Fuji?

14. WheredomostpeopleskiinJapan? 15. What are some of the dangers inyour country?

16・ Why do you thinkvisitors come to your country? 17. Where would you recommend visitors to go in Japan? Why7 18・ Wherewould you most like to live in your country? Why? 19・ Some people describe Americans as wopen andfriendly・H How would you best describe Japanese people?

20・ What country in the world do you think is the most similar to Japan? Why? Describe the similarities.

3 Shopplng

TQlk (コboUl. il. 1・ What departmentis this in the department store? 2・ Can you name other departments in a department store? 3. What do we call the woman in uniform?

4・ WhatisshewearlngOnherhands? 5・ How many floors does this department store have7

6・ Whyistheyounggirlcrying? 7・ Whatisthemanholding? 8・ Which do you prefer, escalators or elevators7 9. How much does the coat on the left cost?

10・ What kind ofclothes can you see on the hangers? 11・ What′s your favorite store? Do you prefer big or small stores?

12・ What products are cheap tobuy inJapan? 13・ Where did youbuy the clothes you are wearlng now? 14・ How many times a week do people do grocery shopplng ln your COuntry? Do you

think grocery shopping in America differs from Japan? How? 15・ What is the most expensive thing you have everbought?

16・ Whatdidyoubuytoday? 17・ Whatdoyoudisliketoshopfor? 18・ Would you rather shop alわne orwith friends? 19・ What was the last present you received? When did you receive it? Who gave it to you? 20・ Ifyou could go anywhere to shop in the world′ where would you go?



4 Music

1blk (コbouI汁 1・ Which member of the group would you like tobe? Why? 2・ Which band members are wearlng earrlngS? 3・ Which of these instruments do you think is the hardest to play? 4・ What instmment is the man on the far left playing? 5・ What do you call the people in front of the stage?

6・ Whichband members are wearlng hats?

7・ Whatkindofgroupdoyouthinktheyare? 8・ Whatisthevocalistdoing? 9・ What kind of guitars do you think they are playing? 10・ Describe what the vocalist is wearlng・

11・ Is music important to you? Could you live without it? Why? Why not? 12・ What kind of music do you like to listen to? How many different types of music do

you know? 13・ Who are your favorite male and female slngerS?

14・ What singer or group would you mostlike to see in concert? Why?

15・ Which do you prefer, Japanese or Western music? Why? 16・ Can you play an instmment? If yes′ what? If no′ what instrument would you like to

play? Why? 17・ What kind of music do your parents like to listen to? What do you think of it?

18・ Howoftendoyougotokaraoke7 19・ Do you know any world-famous bands? Can you name any of them?

20・ DoyoubuyCDsorrentthem?

Music 4











5 Transportation

Tdlk (コbouI汁 1・ WhatisthistraincalledinEnglish? 2・ Whatdowecallthesepeopleonthetrain? 3・ What is the farthest you have travelled by shinkansen?

4・ What is the woman in the second picture doing? 5・ What are they doing in the third picture? 6・ What are they riding on in the fourth picture?

7・ Whatdoyoucallapersonwhoridesabicycle? 8・ Which of these kinds of transportation do you prefer? Why? 9・ Which is the safest? The most dangerous?

10・ Whichofthesedoyouusethemost? 11・ Howoftendoyoutaketaxis? 12・ What do you call the place where people wait for a taxi?

13・ Whatisyourfavoritecar? 14・ Which side of the road do cars drive on inJapan? In the US? 15・ Do you own any form of transportation? How long have you owned it? Do you use it

often? Where do you usually go? 16・ When are trains usually crowded?

17・ Haveyouevertakenaferry?Where? 18・ Have you ever had a traffic accident? If yes, where? When? How did it happen? Was

it your fault? Who had to pay? 19・ Whatdoyouusuallydoonthetrai∩? 20・ What kind of transportation haven′t you tried?

6 The salaryman and work

1blkくコbouI汁 1・ Why is his family standing outside the house? 2. Where is he at 7:30 a.m.7

3. Whatisheholdingonto? 4・ Have you ever slept on the train like this man?

5. WhatishedoingatlO:00a・m・? 6. What time does he eat lunch?

7・ Whodoyouthinkheis eatingwith? 8. Whatishethinkingofat7:30p・m・? 9. Whatishedoingat10:00p・m・?

10・ Is your schedule the same as his? Describe your schedule・ ll. Do you have ajob? Ifyes′ what do you do? Ifno′ what would you like to do? Why?

12. Whatjobdidyouwanttodowhenyouwereachild? 13. What do you consider is a dangerous job? Adirtyjob?

14・ Whatdoyourparentsdo? 15・ Does your company have an annual company trip? Have you ever been on a company trip? If yes′ where?

16・ Do you expect to workin one company all of your life?

17・ Haveyoueverhadapart-timejob7 18・ Would you rather work for a big company or a small company?

19・ Whatdoyoudislikeaboutyourjob? 20. Did/Do you need any special training foryourjob?


7 Family

TQlk (コboUl it 1・ How many grandchildren are there? Grandparents? 2. Who is Simon′s uncle?

3・ How manybrothers does Karen have? 4・ Which child is the second youngest? 5. Who is Karen′s sister-in-law?

6・ HowmanycousinsdoesJanethave? 7・ How manyyears older is Peter than his wife?

8・ WhoisThomas′snephew7 9・ What is the relationship between George and Mary? 10. Who is Simon′s eldest cousin?

11・ How many people are there in your family? 12・ How manybrothers and sisters do you have? What do they do? Do you live

with them? 13・ Were you ever punished? Ifyes′ why? How? 14・ Tell aboutyour family's hobbies・

15・ Who doyouspeaktothemostinyourfamily? 16・ Who is the tallest in your family? How tall is that person?

17・ Whoisthelaziestinyourfamily7 18・ Doyouhaveafamilypet?Ifyes′whotakes careofit? 19・ When did you and your family last go on a vacation? Where did you go? How long

was the vacation? 20・ How often do you and your family spend time together?

FamHv 7










8 Travel

1blk (コbouI汁 1・ What time does the flight leave for Paris? What are the earliest and the latestflights7

2・ Whatdotheywanttobuyatthedutyfreeshop? 3・ What is the woman with the sunglasses holding in her left hand? What is this pass

usedfor? 4・ Whatisthemanpushing?

5・ Is this an international airport or a domestic alrpOrt? Why? 61 Whoisthemanwiththeflag? 7・ What problem does the man at the front left have?

8・ How do you know that the couple have just returned from vacation? 9・ In flight BA 018 for London′ what does BA stand for?

10・ Whodoyouthinkthewomaninuniformis? 11・ What countries would you like to visit? Why? 12・ Have you everbeen on a high-school trip? Where? 13・ What places are popular now forJapanese to visit? 14・ Describe your lastvacation・ Where did you go? What did you do? 15・ How do you prefer to travel′ in a group orbyyourself?

16・ Do you like to take photographs orvideos onvacation? 17・ What do you like most about golng abroad? 18・ Describe your ideal vacation・

19・ Is there anything you dislike about travelling? Why? 20・ Where would you recommend visitors to Japan go in your country? Why?

Travel 8










9 Europe

TQlk (コboUI汁 l・ What nationality is the woman in the first picture?

2・ What is she holding? What is in the background? 3・ What city is shown in the second picture? What is in the background? 4・ What kind of person do you think he is? Have you ever seen this kind of person

before? Where? 5・ What famous city is this in the third picture? 6・ What is the maれ′s nationality? What is he standing in? 7・ What do we call these people in the last picture? Where are they from?

8・ HaveyoubeentoanyofthesecountTies? 9・ Which of these countries would you most like to visit? Why? 10・ What is the language of each of these countries?

11・ WhatisyourimageofEurope? 12・ What is the most popular country in Europe foりapanese tourists? Why? 13・ What Europeans first came toJapan? 14・ Have you been to Europe? Ifyes′ where did you go? What did you do? Ifno′ where

would you like to go? 15・ What European food do you like thebest? Why? 16・ Can you name any famous European products? 17・ Can you name any famous sightseelng Places in Europe? 18・ What country is famous for bullfighting? 19・ Can you name some famous Europeans? 20・ If you could bring back something from Europe′ what would it be?











10 Famous people

TQIk qboUl. il. 1・ Who is the man in the first picture? Where do you think he comes from? Why

is he famous? 2・ Howheavydoyouthinkheis? 3・ What did the person in the second picture do? Who is he?

4・ Canyounametheotherbandmembers? 5. What is the woman′s name?

6・ WhydoyouthinksheissopopularinJapan? 7・ Whoisthemaninthelastpicture? 8. Where does he come from? What is he famous for? 9・ Which of these people do you think is the most famous?

10・ Which of these people do you like best? Why? 11・ Ifyou could be famous′ who would you like to be? Why? 12・ What are thebad points aboutbeing famous? 13・ Who is the most famous sports star in your country now?

14・ Do you know of any famous people who died traglCally? Who was it? When?

What happened7 15・ Haveyoueverseenormetafamousperson? 16・ Who do you thinkis the world′s most famous sports star?

17・ Are there any famous people you dislike? Why? 18・ What country has the most famous people? Why do you think this is? 19・ Who is the most famous person inJapanese history7 20・ Who is the most infamous person of the past century?

Famous people 10










ll Sports

TQIkく】boul. il. 1・ What are the tennis players holding?

2・ Whichpersonisthepitcher? 3・ Whichofthesesportsdoyoulikebest?

4・ Whatisthegoalkeeperdoing? 5・ Which of these sports has the most team members?

6・ WhatistheboxerwearlngOnhishands? 7・ Which of the these sports takes place in a ring?

8・ Whathastheboxerjustdone? 9・ Which of these sports is the most popular inJapan?

10・ Haveyoudoneanyofthese sports? 11・ Name the three most popular sports in your country 12・ ∫ How many different sports did/do you do in high school? 13・ What sport do you think is the toughest? 14・ What sport did/do you dislike at school? 15・ What sport do you thinkis the most expensive to do inyour country? Why? 16・ Have you everbeen to a sports stadium? Ifyes′ what did you see? When did you go?

How much was the ticket? 17・ What sports do you consider dangerous? Would you try them? 18・ Ifyou could be good at any sport′ which would you choose? Why? 19・ Do you own any sports equlpment? Ifyes′ what do you own? Ifno′ what would you

like to own? 20・ Haveyoueverbeeninasports contest?

12 Home

Tdtk (コbouI汁 1. Whatarethechildrendoing? 2. Whatobjectcanyouseeonthewindowsill?

3. Whatisthewomanwearing? 4・ Whatcanyouseeonthetable?

5. Whatisthefatherdoing? 6・ Whereistheboysitting? 7. What kind of machine is the mother using?

8. Whatisthemotherdoing? 9・ How many cushions can you see? Where are they? 10・ Is your living room like this? What′s different? 11・ What is your accommodation near? Is it in a convenient place7

12. 1mwhatroomdoyouspend mostofyourtime? 13・ Are your neighbours noISy Or quiet? 14・ Describe what′s in your kitchen・

15・ Ifyou were very rich′ where in the world would youbuy a house? Why? Would itbe

in the mountains or by the ocean? 16・ How far is your accommodation from downtown? 17・ What do you like and dislike about your accommodation? 18. How many different houses/apartments have you lived in? 19・ Do you prefer to live in the city or the countryside?

20・ What doyou have to pay when you rent an apartment for the first time? What′s the

average cost of renting an apartment in your town?

Home 12










13 Health

TQlk clboUl iT 1・ Whatisthepersonontheleftdoingtokeephealthy?

2・ Do you think the person on the right is healthy? Why? Why not? 3・ Whatisthepersonontheleftcarrying?

4・ Which person do you think you are most like? Why? 5・ Is anyone in your family like either of these people? 6・ Whatisthepersonontheleftwearing?

7. Whereishejogging? 8. What objects can you see on the living roomfloor7

9・ Whatkindofshowdoyouthinkheiswatching? 10・ In the left picture′ what can you see in the background?

11・ Doyouthinkyouarehealthy?Why?Whynot? 12・ Haveyoueverseenadoctor? Ifyes′ why?

13・ Howmuchsleep doyouusuallyget? 14・ Istherea lotofstressinyourlife? Ifyes′why? 15・ Which is better, your mental or physical health7

16・ Is being ln good health the most important thing ln your life? 17・ Do you have any unhealthy habits? Ifyes′ what are they? How often do you do them?

Do you think you can change your lifestyle? Why? Why not?

18・ Is the environment you live in healthy? Why? Why not? 19・ Do you take vitamin tablets? Why? Why not?

20・ What can you do to make your life more healthy? What age would you like to live to?

Health 13










14 Entertainment

TQlk clboul. iI 1・ Isthisakaraokebarorbox? Howcanyoutell? 2・ Whatdoyouthinkthewomanisreading? 3・ Whatobjectscanyouseeonthetable? 4. Whatdoesthe 〟l DRINKORDER′′ signmean?

5. Whatkindsofdrinks canyoubuyhere? 6・ Can you slng English songs like this man? 7・ Where do you prefer to slng karaoke, in a karaokebox, in a bar, or at home?

8. What instmments are they playing?

9・ There are four people at this karaokebox・ How many people do you usually go with?

What songs do you slng there? 10・ Howmuchdoes itcost?Howlongdoyouspendthere? 11・ What kind of entertainment do your parents like?

12. What is karaoke? When did karaokebecome popular inJapan?

13・ How often do you go to the movies? What kind of movies do you like to watch? How much does it cost? 14・ How many hours ofTV do you watch per day? What′s your favorite TV program?

15・ Howdoyouspendyourweekendsorfreetime? 16・ Do you do any outdoor activities? What?

17・ How do you celebrate yourbirthday?

18・ Have you everbeen to a musical or play? What have you seen? What would you like to see in the future? 19. Whatisacheapwaytoen】Oyyourself? 20・ What kind of entertainment do you think you couldn′t live without? Why?


■ l


15 Animals

TQlk (コboUl.汁 1・ Wherearethesepeople? 2・ Whatanimalscanyousee? 3・ Name some other kinds of animals you can see at this place・

4・ Which of these animals do you like the best? Why? 5・ Which of these animals do you think is the most dangerous?

6・ Whatisthewomanholding? 7・ Do you think the students with the hats are elementary school students?

8・ Whydoyouthinktheyarethere? 9・ Whatisthechild pointingat? 10・ Whatisbeingsoldatthestall? 111 Name three animals that are native to your country・ Try to name three animals native

to Australia. 12・ Whatkindofpetdoyouhave?Whatkind doyouwanttohave? ∼

13・ Whatdoyoucalla tanukiinEnglish? InJapan, isita goodsymbo17 14・ What animals do you think are intelligent?

15・ Canyounameanyrareanimals? 16・ Whatisthebiggestanimal?

17・ Doyoulikezoos?Why?Whynot? 18・ Canyounametwoanimalsthatliveinthesea? 19. What animals live in a cold climate?

20・ What animal do you think is known as 〟a maれ′s best friend′′? Why?

Animals 15










16 Weather

TQlk (コboul. il.

1. Describe the weather in the first picture・

2・ What are they doing in the second picture?

3・ Whatishisjobinthethird picture7 4・ What are they doing in the fourth picture?

5・ Whereisthecoupleeating? 6・ What is she wearlng On her ears in the second picture?

7. What do the two slgnS mean On the weather map? 8・ What do you think the weather forecastwillbe from this map? 9・ Have you ever experienced the same situation as in the first picture?

10・ What has happened to herumbrella? 11・ What was the weather like yesterday? How about today? What about tomorrow?

12・ Whatdoyouusuallydoonasunnyday? 13・ DoesJapan have a rainy season? Ifyes′ when? 14・ Have you everbeen afraid of the weather? Ifyes′ why? What area inJapan has the

most dangerous weather? 15・ Would you like to live in a hot country? Why? Why not7

16・ Whichseasondoyoulikebest?Why? 17・ How do you cope with the heat in the summer and the cold in the winter? Which do

you prefer? 18・ What is the weather like in your hometown′ from sprlng through winter? 19・ Try to name five different kinds ofweather・

20・ Do you enjoy sunbathing? Did you ever get a sunburn?


17 America

1blk clbouI汁 1・ Haveyoubeentoanyoftheseplaces?Wheredidyougo? 2・ What do we call this kind of transportation in Sam Francisco?

3・ Whatbigcityis southofSanFrancisco? 4. What do we call this statue in New Ⅵ)rk?

5. WhatstateisNewYorkCityin7 6. Which of these cities is in the desert?

7. Whatothercitiesdoyouknow? 8・ What do we call thisbuilding inWashington DC?

9・ Whatpeoplecanyouseeinthemiddleofthismap? 10・ Who do you think these people are either side of the map? 11・ What is your image of America? The people? 12・ Ifyou went toAmerica′ whatwould you see and do?

13・ What American product is popular in your country? Why? 14・ Do you own anyAmerican products?

15・ WhatfamousAmericandoyoulike?

16. What state of America do you think is the most visited by Japanese tourists? Why do you think this is? 17・ Name the three most popular sports in America・ Which do you like the most? Have

you ever played any of them? 18. Who do you thinkwas the firstAmerican to visitJapan?

19・ Why do you thinkAmerica is so popular? 20・ Do you thinkAmerica is dangerous? Why? Why not?

Amerka 17










18 Superstitions

Tcllk (コboUl. il.

1・ Whatistheboydoinginthefirstpicture? 2・ Why do you think the woman is telling him to stop? 3・ What has the girl done wrong in the second picture?

4・ IsitOKtodothisinyourcountry? 5・ What has happened to the mirror in the third picture?

6・ What other thingsbringbad luck ifyoubreak them? 7・ What object is above the door in the last picture?

8・ What doJapanese put outside their houses for good luck?

9・ Haveyoudoneanyofthesethings? 10・ Are any of these superstitions the same inyour country? 11・ What are considered to be signs of good luck in your country?

12・ Are you superstitious? Why? Why not?

13・ Haveyoueverseenorheardaghost? 14・ What are slgnS Ofbad luck in your country? 15・ Do you read your horoscopes? What star slgn are you? Can you name all the animals

in the Chinese horoscope? What animal are you? 16・ Haveyoueverhadyourfuturetold? 17・ What animals are a good sign in your country?

18・ Have you everbeen to a Halloween party? What kind of costume did you wear? Can

you name other costumes that people often wear? 19・ Do you think you are a lucky or an unlucky person? Why?

20・ Doyoucarryanyluckcharms?

19 Education

TQIk Qboul iI 1. Whatsubjectis themanteaching? 2・ What is the boy next to the person wearlng glasses doing?

3・ Where is the girl with the long hair looking? What is under her hand? 4・ Do you think there is a student absent? Why? Why not7 5. Name all the objects you can see on the students′ desks・

6・ Which student do you think studies hard7 7. Did/Do you wear a uniform like this at high school7 8. Where is the clock?

9・ Whatistheboyhidingbehindhisbook? 10. Did/Doyoudoanyoftheabovethingsatschool? ll. When does the school year start inJapan?

12. Did/Doyoubelongtoanyschoolclubs?

13. What did/do you like and dislike about your high school? Why? 14・ Was/Is your high school mixed? Do you think a mixed school is a good idea? 15. What was/is your favorite and worst subject? Why? 16. Have you ever stayed at home from schooljustbecause you didn′t want to go7 17. What was/is your major at college/university?

18. What kind of changes would you like to see inJapanese high schools? 19・ Did/Does your high school punish you if you were/arebad? Ifyes′ what kind of

punishment did/do you receive? 20. 1f you could be really good at one subject′ which would you choose? Why? How

could you benefit from this in the future?

Education 19











20 Nationalities

TQlkくコboUl it 1・ What are the nationalities ofall thesepeople7 2・ What is the maninthe first picture wearlng On his head?

3. What is behind him?

4・ Whatamimalscanyousee7 5・ What can you seeinthebackgroundinthe second picture? 6・ What is the man in the third picture walking on7

71 What isinthebackgroundinthe fourth picture?What is he wearlng On his head7 81 Have you ever met anyone from any of these countries? 9・ What language do they speak in each of these places? 10・ Which of these places would you most like to visit? Why7 11・ Do you have any non-Japanese friends7 Where do they come from? Where did you

first meet them7 12・ What nationalityis famous for making cheese? 13・ What country is famous for champagne7

14・ WhatisyourimageofEngland? 151 What country do you think has a romantic image? 16・ What do you think is the second language in hdia?

17・ Would you like to study another language? Why7

18・ CanyoudescribetheJapaneseflag7 19・ Do you know of any famous non-Japanese people living in your country7 What is

their nationahty? What do they do? 20・ What is the nationality of your teacher?


Nationalities 20











Answer Key MQIch汁


1. microwave

1. Who cooks at a restaurant?

2. bill

2. Whatkind offood isa tomato?

3. canned

3・ What makes you cry when you slice them?

4・ poured

4・ What do you eat soup with?

5. seaweed

5. What are used to eatJapanese food?

6. starter

6. What don′t Hindus eat?

7. baked

7・ When are perslmmOnS ready to eat7

8. buffet

8. Where does the kiwl fruit come from?

9. lamb

9・ What is the staple food inJapan?

10. fried

10, What is sliced raw fish known as?


Finish汁 Hokkald o

1・ What do you think about Japanese people?


2・ Have you worn a kimono before?


3・ Where are you golng next Week?


41 How many kanji do you know7

hot sprlngS

5・ What kind of Japanese food do you like?


6・ Is the Japanese language difficult7


7・ How many times have you been to Japan?

23rd of December

8・ What city inJapan do you like best?

Lake Biwa

9・ When did you first come toJapan?

Nippon Telegraph &

lot Why did you come to Japan?


Telephone Corporation



1・ Where did jeans orlglnate?

2. basement

2・ What is the opposite of spend?

3・ wrapped

3・ Wheredoyou gotobuymeat?

4・ cheap

4・ At what shop do you buy fresh bread?

5. crowded

5・ Where can you shop duty free7

6. cost

6. What do you call a shop that sells alcohol?

7・ receipt

7・ How much is sales tax in Japan?

8・ stationery

8・ Where can you buy medl〔ine?

9・ gloves

9・ What kind of shop is 〟Lawson′′?

10, sell

10. Where are Rolex watches made7


Mcltch il,

F:inish汁 1・ How many times a week do you play the piano?


2・ Which do you prefer, discos or karaoke7


3・ How many tickets do you want for the concert7


4. Is the violin difficult to learn?


5・ When did punk music become popular?

Elvis Presley

6・ How long have you been playlng the flute?


7・ Are you able to read music?

Scotl and

8・ Whydoyouplaythedmms?


9・ What kind of music do you like to llSten tO?


10・ Is reggae popular in Japan?


Finish it

l・ platform

1. What does 4WD stand for7

2. brokedown

2, What is the shlnkanSen known as in English?

3. boarded

3, What is the kyuukou in English7

4. domestic

4・ What ls a tax free shop known as?

5・ delayed

5・ How many colors does a traffic light/signal have?

6・ jam

6・ What do you Call a tlre Wlth a puncture?

7 1ayover

7・ What is the cheapest class on a plane?

8・ jetlag 9. attendant 10. ambulance

8・ What is the London subway known as? 9. Where was the steam train invented?

10. What does ANA stand for?



Mc什ch汁 1・ promoted

1・ Who flies aplane7

2. commute

2. What does NEC stand for?

3・ paid

3. Who directs movies7

4・ quit

4・ What is a dangerous job?

5. overtime

5. Where are Rolls-Royce cars made?

6・ secretary

6・ Who fixes your car?

7・ department

7. What is the opposite of employer?

8. business cards

8. Who wears a tall white hat?

9. colleague

9・ What do you call the head of the company?

1 0. transferred

10. When do most people retire?

Finish it

MQl.ch汁 1・ Did you used to do many household chores? 2・ How many people are there in your family?

3. Who babysits for your chlldren? 4・ Why was he smacked?

5・ Who is your favorite uncle? 6・ How many children do you hope to have7 7・ Do you have any brothe一s or sisters?

8. How often do you see your grandparents? 9・ Are you related to him? 10・ How was your homestay family?

Finish il.

Mqlch il. 1・ tip

1. What is the Currency of Canada?

2. Cancelled

2・ Where can Big Ben be found?

3・ sightseelng

3. Where are fish and chips popular?

4. service

4. How was the tour guide?

5. souvenirs

5. What do you need to enter a country7

6・ agent

6. What is the safest way to travel?

7. turbulence

7. Whenis Obon?

8. terminal

8. Where is the Golden Gate Bridge?

9・ immlgration

9. Where does an ambassador work?

10・ baggage

10. Where is a cheap place to stay?


Mc什ch汁 1・ Are you interested in European culture? 2・ How long does it take to Londonby plane?

3. Why did you go to France?

4. What was Mrs. Thatcherknown as7 5. When is thebeer festival held?

6. Where is Milan? 7・ Are you golng tO Europe this year? 8・ Did you think Switzerland was expensive? 9. How many people are there in the UK?

10. What country in Europe is popular for Japanese tourists?



1. talented

1. Who was the first man in space?

2・ autographs

2. Where does Michael Jackson come from?

3・ appearance

3. Who was the first U.S. President?

4. starred

4. Where do the Rolling Stones come from?

5. hit

5. Who was married to John Lennon7

6・ popular

6. Which Fl driver died in 1994?

7. actress

7・ Who was Mickey Mouse drawnby?

8. released

8. What was Albert Einstein famous for7

9. wrestlers

9. Who was Cleopatra7

10. comedian

10. Who is the best basketball player?

Answer Key Finish il.

M(コIch汁 1・ lnJured

1L What is Ping-Pong also known asp

2. athlete

2・ What do you ride on to play polo?

3・ passed

3・ What is the natlOnal sport of England?

4. tackle

4・ How many players are there in a volleyball team?

5・ COmPetition 6. amateur

5・ What are used for ice-skating?

7. striker

6. Where were the 1964 Olympics held?

8. lacrosse

7, What are dumbbells used for?

9. referee

8. Who was the first non-Japanese yokozuna7

10. bronze

9・ What is Japanese fencing known as?

10. What is Wimbledon famous for?


Finish il. 1・ How long have you lived in your house? 2・ How many bedrooms does your house have?

3・ Who built your house? 41 Wtlen Will you have moved into your house?

5・ Where does your uncle have an apartment? 6・ Can your father decorate the house?

7・ Which would you prefer, a house or an apartment?

8・ Does your father help with the housework?

9・ Howbigisyourroom?

10・ What kind of toilet does your apartment have?

MclllCh il.

Finish il.

I. tablets

1・ Where do sick people stay?

2・ coughing

2・ What do you call someone who can′t see?

3・ temperature

3・ Why are you on a diet?/Why do you go to the gym?

4, blood

4. When do you suffer from hay fever?

5・ hangover

5. What can smoking cause?

6・ sneezlng

6・ How is malaria spread?

7. broke

7・ Where is your eyesight checked?

8. sick

8. What is the nationwiththe greatest life expectancy7

9・ patients

9・ Where do you go if you have a toothache?

10. stomach

10・ What do you call someone who can′t hear?

Finish il.


Charlie Chaplin

1・ Does the program start at 5 0′clock?

musical 2・ Which are more expensive′ musicals or concerts?

James Bond

3・ How much did you bet at the horse races?


41 Why do people playpachinko?

British Broadcasting

5・ What was the prlCe Of the ticket?


6・ What time is the next performance?

Steven Spielberg

7・ What is your favorite video game?


8. Which TV channel doesn′t have commercials?

Los Angeles

9. Whatiskabuki7

Casinos / gambling

10・ What was the last movie you saw?




1・ cage

1. What is the fastest animal?

2. barks

2. When do owls come out?

3. fur

3. What animal keeps its young ln its pouch?

4. bitten

4. How many legs do insects have?

5. camel

5. What animalhas black and white stripes?

6. insect

6. What is a rare animal in China?

7・ puppy

7. What do mostbirds live in?

8. feathers

8・ What animal sleeps upside down?

9・ wlngS

9・ What has eight legs?

10. wild

10. What is a baby Cat called?


Finish il.

1・ cloudy

1・ What do people use when it rains?

2・ windy

2・ How IS the weather in Kyoto in the summer?

3・ freezlng

3・ What klnd of weather does Egypt have?

4. mild

4・ What is the weather like in summer in Japan?


5・ What keeps you Cool in the summer?

6・ lightning

6・ When do maple leaves change color?

7・ Centigrade

7・ When can cherry blossoms be seen?

8. forecast

8・ What is the coldest place in Japan?

9・ foggy

9・ What do tropICal countries have a lot of?

10. monsoon

10. Where do hurricanes start?


Finish汁 1・ Where is Los Angeles?/Sam Francisco?/et〔・?

2・ What airline will you fly with? 3. How many states are there inAmerica?

4・ What is the biggest state inAmerica? 5. Which is smaller, Seattle or New York? 6・ How many hours IS Los Angeles behind Tbkyo7

7・ What is your favorite place inAmerica?

Canada and MexICO

8. Where isthe World Trade Center7



9, Where were denim Jeans first made? lot Which do you think lS Safeりapan or America?

Coke New York City

MQIch il.


1. nails

1. What does UFO stand for7

2. believe

2. Who lives in hell?

3. afrald

3・ WlⅦt is an unlucky number in America7

4. crow

4・ What animal is a symbol of long life?

5. fortunate

5・ Who tells you your future7

6・ unlucky

6・ What doJapanese throw at Setsubun?

7. Bermuda

7・ What do Chinese think lS a lucky color?

8. witch

8・ What plant is a symbol of good luck?

9・ horoscope

9・ What is a lucky number?

10 comb

lot What is an unlucky day?


Finish il. 1・ What universlty did you go to?

2・ What was your worst subject? 3・ What club do you belong to? 4・ Did you have to wear a school uniform?

5・ Didyou pass thetest? 6, How many students were there in your class?

7・ Why do you study English7 8. How often do you have a school reunion?

9・ What do you do after school? lot When do you have to hand in your report?



1. Mexican

1・ What does the Canadian flag have on it?

2. traditlOna1

2. What is a traditional Russian drink?

3. state

3. Where is the Rio Carnival?

4. nation

4・ What is the natlOn With the most people7

5・ troplCa1

5・ What is the main religlOn in Egypt?

6・ Portuguese

6. What does UN stand for?

7. Roman

7. Where does Nelson Mandela come from?

8. cltizen

8・ What is the capltal of Indonesia?

9. Asia

9・ What language does a person from Thailand speak?

10. tribes

10・ What is the world′s largest country?

Published by

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All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, Or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopylng, recording or otherwise, Without the prlOr Written permission of the Publishers.

Set in Palatino ll/15.52 First published 1997

Reprinted by Pearson Education Asia Limited 2006

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ISBN-13: 978-962-00-1631-8 ISBN-10: 962-00-163ト9

Acknowledgements Designed by Szeto Wa主 Man

Illustrated by Masako Miwa Special thanks to Yoshiko Miwa for her advice on cultural differences.

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