January 11, 2017 | Author: Claudette Lui Cabanos- Mercado-Reyes | Category: N/A
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A. B. C. D. 2.

A. B. C. D. 3. A. B. C. D. 4.

A. B. C. D. 5. A. B. C. D. 6. A.

Which violate(s) the principle of respect? I. Teacher A tells her students that what Teacher B taught is wrong. II. To retaliate, Teacher B advises students not to enroll in Teacher A’s class. III. Teacher C secretly gives way to a special favor (e.g. add 2 points to grade) requested by student A who is vying for honors. II and III I, II and III I and II I and III Which is/are in accordance with the principle of pedagogical competence? I. Communication of objectives of the course to students II. Awareness of alternative instruction strategies III. Selection of appropriate methods of instruction I and III I, II and III III only II and III With a death threat over his head, Teacher D is directed to pass an undeserving student. Which will a utilitarianist do? Pass the student, why suffer the threat? Don’t pass him; live by your principle of justice. You will get reward, if not in this life, in the next. Pass the student. That will be of use to the student, his parents and you. Don’t pass him. You surely will not like someone to give you a death threat in other to pass. Teacher A knows of the illegal activities of a neighbor but keeps quiet in order not to be involved in any investigation. Which foundational principle of morality does Teacher A fail to apply? The end does not justify the means The end justifies the means Always do what is right Between two evils, do the lesser evil To earn units for promotion, a teacher pays her fee but does not attend class at all. Does this constitute professional growth? Not immediately but yes after promotion It depends on the school she is enrolled in No, it is simply earning MA units for promotion Yes, just enrolling in an MA program is already professional growth If a teacher asks more higher-order questions, he has to ask more _______ questions. fact

B. close C. convergent D. concept 7. Misdemeanor has a “ripple effect”. This implies that as a classroom manager, a teacher ___________. A. reinforces positive behavior B. responds to misbehavior promptly C. is consistent in her classroom management practice D. count 1 to 10 before she deals with a misbehaving student 8. Based on Edgar Dale’s “Cone of Experience”, which activity is farthest from the real thing? A. Watching demo B. Attending exhibit C. Video disc D. Viewing images 9. The students of Teacher Y scan an electronic encyclopedia, view a film on subject, or look at related topics at the touch of a button right there in the classroom. Which device/s does teacher Y’s class have? A. Teaching machines B. CD C. Video disc D. Videotaped lesson 10. Which is an INAPPROPRIATE way to manage off-task behavior? A. Redirect a child’s attention to task and check his progress to make sure he is continuing work B. Make eye contact to communicate what you wish to communicate C. Move closer to the child to make him feel your presence D. Stop your class activity to correct a child who is no longer on task 11. To be an effective classroom manager, a teacher must be friendly but must at the same time be_________. . A. confident B. businesslike C. analytical D. buddy-buddy 12. Which software is needed when one wants to perform automatic calculations on numerical data? A. Database B. Spreadsheet Program C. Microsoft Word D. Microsoft Powerpoint 13. Which of the following questions must be considered in evaluating teacher-made materials? A. Is the material new? B. Does the material simulate individualism? C. Is the material expensive? D. Is the material appropriate?


14. Kounin claims that “with-it-ness” is one of the characteristics of an effective classroom manager. What is one sign of “with-it-ness”? A. Giving attention to students who are having difficulty with school work B. Seeing only a portion of the class but intensively C. Knowing where instructional materials are kept D. Aware of what’s happening in all parts of the classroom 15. Which of these is one of the ways by which the internet enables people to browse documents connected by hypertext links? A. URL B. Browser C. Welcome page D. World Wide Web 16. Which characteristics must be primary considered as a choice of instructional aids? A. Stimulate and maintain students interests B. Suited to the lesson objectives C. Updated and relevant to Filipino setting D. New and skillfully made 17. You can exhibit referent power on the first day of school by ________. A. telling them the importance of good grades B. giving your students a sense of belongingness and acceptance C. making them feel you know what you are taking about D. reminding your students your authority over them again and again 18. I would like to use a model to emphasize particular part. Which of these would be MOST appropriate? A. Realia B. Audio recording C. Stimulation D. Mock up 19. What must a teacher do to ensure orderly transitions between activities? A. Allow time for the students to socialize in between activities B. Have the materials ready at the start of the activity C. Assign fewer exercise to fill the allotted time D. Wait for students who lag behind 20. The task of setting up routine activities for effective classroom management is a task that a teacher should undertake _________. . A. as soon as the students have adjusted to their schedules B. on the very first day of school C. every day at the start of the session D. every homeroom day

ANSWER KEY: 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

1. A. B. C. D. E. 2. A. B. C. D. E. 3.


In planning an achievement test. What would be the first thing to do? The instructional objective should be defined. Select the type of test items to use Decide on the length of the test Build a table of specification None of these Which teaching method should the teacher use? If he wants his pupils to master the skill in adding unlike fractions. Method of drill Method of discovery Method of type Method of unit None of these


Which of these is important particularly? From this principle, how students learn may be more important than what they learn? Determining the givens Knowing how to solve the problem Solving a problem within time allotted Getting the right answer to a word problem None of these

4. A. B. C. D. E.

In human rights education starts with? Respect towards the other Liking other Loving other Caring for the other None of these


Which graphic organizer is most appropriate for comparing and contrasting? Cycle Web Story map Venn diagram None of these

A. B. C. D.

A. B. C. D. E. 6.

Which of these does teacher Sharon do, if she does norm-referenced interpretation of scores? 2

A. B. C. D. E. 7. A. B. C. D. E. 8. A. B. C. D. E. 9. A. B. C. D. E.

She compares every individual student scores with others’ scores She uses a specified content as its frame of references She describes what should be their performance She describes group performance in relation to a level of mastery set None of these Which of these statements is correct on responsibility? A person’s sense of responsibility decreases as he grows in age A person’s sense of responsibility increases as he grows in age A person’s degree of responsibility is fixed at birth A person’s sense of responsibility cannot be develop None of these In The Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers, who are not covered by it? Teachers in all educational institutions at the pre-school, elementary and secondary level All full time or part time public and private school teacher and administrators Teachers in the tertiary level Teachers of academic, vocational, special, technical or non-formal institutions None of these Republic Act 7836 the licensure exams for teachers is with Civil Service Commission Commission on Higher Education Professional Regulation Commission Department of Education, Culture, and sports None of these

10. The distributions will most likely be_______, if a class is composed of bright students. A. Very normal B. Platykurtic C. Skewed to the right D. Skewed to the left E. None of these 11. When plateau is reached in a student’s learning curve, it is advisable for the learner to A. Continue reviewing B. Take rest C. Give up learning D. Force himself/ herself to get interested E. None of these 12. What does this mean? The score distribution follows the normal curve. A. The scores coincide with the mean B. Most of the scores pile up between -1 SD and +1 SD C. Most of the scores are on the +2 SD

D. E.

Most of the scores are on the -2SD None of these

13. What is the advantage of standard scores over percentiles? A. They have skill of equal unit B. They indicate specific points in the normal curve C. They have a zero reference point D. They indicate an individual’s relative standing in a group E. None of these 14. A. B. C. D. E. 15. A. B. C. D. E.

Which is true to guidance? Guidance is making intelligent choices for confused individuals Guidance is aimed merely at the amelioration of trauma Guidance is confined to one type of life situation like social Guidance is concerned with the maximum development of the individual None of these Which is implied by negative skewed score distribution? Most of the score are low Most of the scores are high The score are evenly distributed Most pupils are underachievers None of these

16. Which one stifles student’s initiative? A. “utang na loob” B. “bahala na” C. Rationalism D. Authoritarianism E. None of these 17. Which does not belong to the group? A. Matching B. Multiple choice C. Completion D. Alternate response E. None of these 18. Teacher must be friendly but at the same time be _____, to be an effective classroom manager A. Rigid B. Buddy-buddy C. Highly demanding D. Business-like E. None of these 19. During Spanish period the medium of instruction is A. Spanish and the vernacular B. English C. Spanish D. The vernacular E. None of these 20. Best when taking learning is_____ A. Focused on the right side of the brain 3

B. C. D. E.

Focused on cognitive objectives Focused on the left side of the brain Involve both side of the brain None of these ANSWER KEY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


Situation 1- In a faculty meeting, the principal told his teacher: “We need to improve our school performance in the National Achievement Test. What should we do? The teacher gave varied answers as follows: 1. Let’s give incentives and rewards to students who get a rating of 85% 2. Let’s teach them to accept complete responsibility for their performance 3. Let’s make the school environment conducive for learning 4. Let’s make use of the experimental methods of teaching 1. Which response/s come/s from a behaviorist? A. #2 and #4 B. #1 and #2 C. #3 and #4 D. #1 and #3 2. On which educational philosophy is response #1 anchored? A. Existentialism B. Essentialism C. Progressivism D. Bahaviorism 3. If you learned toward a progressivist philosophy, with which response would you agree? A. #2 B. #3 C. #4 D. #1

Situation 2- One principle in the utilization of technology of the classroom is appropriateness of material or activity. 4. Teacher C wants his students to master the concept of social justice. Which series of activities will be most effective? A. Pretest-teaching-posttest B. Pretest-teaching-posttest-re-teaching for unlearned concepts-posttest C. Review-pretest-teaching-posttest D. Teaching-posttest 5. Teacher A likes to show how the launching of spaceships takes place. Which of the following materials available is most fit? A. Model B. Mock-up C. Replica D. Realia 6. Teacher B likes to concretize the abstract concepts of an atom. She came up with a concrete presentation of the atom by using wire and plastic balls. 7. How would you classify Teacher B’s visual aids? A. Chart B. Replica C. Model D. Realia Situation 3- After reading and paraphrasing Robert frost’s “Stopping by the Wood on a snowy Evening”. Mr. Sales asked the class to share any insight derived from the poem. 8.

The class was asked to share their insights about the poem. The ability to come up with an insight stems from the ability to . A. analyze the parts of a whole B. evaluate the worthiness of a thing C. relate and organize things and ideas D. comprehend the subject that is being studied 9. To ask the class any insight derived from the poem is based on the theory of . A. realism B. behaviorism C. conditioning D. constructivism 10. On which assumption about the learner is Mr. Marquez’s act of asking the class to share their insight based? A. Learners are like empty receptacles waiting to be filled up B. Learners are meant to interact with one another C. Learners have multiple intelligence and varied learning styles D. Learners are producers of knowledge not only passive recipients of information Situation 4- Principal E wants her teachers to apply constructivism in teaching 4

11. On which assumption/s is the principal’s action anchored? I. Students learn by personally constructing meaning of what is taught. II. Students are construct and reconstruct meaning based on experiences III. Students derive meaning from the meaning that the teacher gives A. II only B. I and II C. I, II, and III D. I only 12. Which materials will her teachers LEAST prefers? A. Controversial issues B. Open-ended topics C. Unquestionable laws D. Problem or cases 13. Which concept/s of the learner will Principal E NOT accept? I. “Empty vesse!” II. “Tabula rasa” III. Candle to be lighted A. III only B. I only C. II only D. I and II Situation 5- Study the matching type of test then answer the 3 questions that follow: Column A Column B 1. equilateral triangle A. With 3 equal sides 2. right triangle B. With 5 equal sides 3. octagon C. Has 90- degree angle 4. pentagon D. Means many 5. heptagon E. with 7 sides 6. poly F. with 8 sides 14. How can you make the items homogeneous? A. Increase the number of items in Column B B. All items should be on polygons C. Remove the word triangle in items #1 and #2 in column A D. The word “gon” must be included in column B 15. What is the main defect of this matching test? A. the matching type is an imperfect type B. the items are NOT homogeneous C. the items quite easy D. an obvious pattern is followed in the answering 16. Which should be done to improve the matching type of test? A. Capitalize the items in Column A B. Items in Column A and B should be exchanged C. Drop #6 item in Column A D. The item in Column A should be increased Situation 6- Below the template for Scoring Rubric. 5-Demonstrate complete understanding of the problem.

All requirements of task are included in response 4-Demonstrate considerable understanding of the problem. All requirements of task are included 3- Demonstrate partial understanding of the problem. Most requirements of task are included 2- Demonstrate little understanding of the problem. Many requirements of task are missing 1- Demonstrate no understanding of the problem 0-No response/task not attempted 17. Which of these is/are essential in constructing a scoring rubric? I. Description of criteria to serve as standard II. Clear descriptions of performance at each level III. Levels of achievement (mastery) IV. Rating scheme A. I, II, III B. I, II C. I, II, III, IV D. I only 18. Which statement is TRUE of the rubric? A. It is developmental B. It is analytical C. It is both holistic and developmental D. It is holistic 19. Which is TRUE of the scoring rubric? I. It describes criteria of levels of achievement II. It has a rating scheme III. It limit itself to 4 levels of achievement A. I and II B. I and III C. II and III D. I, II and III Situation 7- Study the table on item analysis for non-attractiveness and non-plausibility of distracters based on the results of a tryout test in Science. The letter marked with a asterisk is the correct answer. Item No. 1 Upper 27% Lower 27%
















20. The table shows that the test item analyzed . A. has a positive discrimination index B. has a negative discrimination index C. is extremely easy D. is extremely difficult 21. Based on the table, which is the most effective distracter? A. Option D B. Option A C. Option C 5

D. Option B 22. Based on the table, which group got more correct answer? A. Upper group B. It cannot be determined C. Lower group D. Data are not sufficient to give an answer Answer Key: 1.D 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B 7.C 8.D 9.D 10.D 11. A 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. C 18. C 19. D 20. B 21. B 22. A 1. On which constitutional provision is the full or partial integration of capable deaf and blin d in the classroom based? The provision ______. A. academic freedom for students B. providing vocational training to adult citize ns and out-of-school youths C. creating scholarship for poor and deservin g students D. protecting and promoting the right of all ci tizens to quality education 2. Teacher A put together the output of her c olleagues in one workshop and published it w ith her name as author. Which is unprofessional about Teacher A’s be havior? A. Not giving due credit to others for their wo rk B. Failing to correct what appears to be unpr ofessional conduct C. Giving due credit to others for their work. D. Holding inviolate all confidential informati on concerning associates 3. I want every pupil to cope with my lesson. Which technique can help me achieve it? A. Peer instruction B. Film showing C. Mnemonics D. Choral reading

4. Who did an analysis of a Greek tragedy wh ich served as a model for literary criticism? A. Pythagoras B. Aristotle C. Plato D. Socrates 5. Teacher B is researching on family income distribution which is quite symmetrical. Whic h measure/s of central tendency will be most informative and appropriate? A. Mode B. Mean C. Median D. Mean and Median 6. In what way can teachers uphold the high est possible standards of the teaching profes sion? A. By working for promoting in the syst em B. By continuously improving themselv es personally and professionally C. By pointing out the advantages of jo ining the teaching profession. D. By good grooming to change people ’s poor perception of teachers 7. Which way to happiness did Aristotle and Maslow share in common? A. Satisfaction of all our needs B. Fulfillment of our obligations and duties C. Spontaneity and simplicity in our way of lif e D. Realization of our potentials to the fullest 8. I like to develop the synthesizing skills of my students. Which one should I do? A. Ask my students to formulate a generaliza tion from the data shown in the graphs. B. Direct my students to point out which part of the graph is right and which part is wrong. C. Ask my students to answer the questions beginning with “What if…” D. Tell my students to state data presented i n the graph. 9. I want to my students a conceptual previe w of what I am to teach. Which one will I use ? A. Advance organizer B. Problem tree C. Mnemonic device D. Venn diagram 10. Which type of questions are generally co nsidered low-level? A. Convergent B. Evaluative C. Divergent D. Open-ended 11. Study this group of tests which was admi nistered with the following results, then answ er the question: 6

SUBJECT MEAN SD RONNEL’S SCORE Math 40 3 58 Physics 38 4 45 English 75 5 90

B. Direct appeal C. Interest boosting D. Hurdle lessons 18. The difficulty index of a test item is 1. Wh at does this imply? The test item must be ___ ______. A. moderate in difficulty B. very difficult because only 1 got the item c orrectly C. very easy because everybody got the test item correctly D. neither difficult nor easy

In which subject(s) were the scores most homogenous? A. English B. Physics C. Math and English D. Math 12. In which way does heredity affect the dev elopment of the learner? A. By placing limits beyond which the l earner cannot develop B. By making acquired traits hereditar y C. By compensating for what environm ent fails to develop D. By providing equal potential to all

19. For global competitiveness, a school mus t embark on proactive change. Which one is a characteristic of a proactive c hange? A. Imitative of others B. Problem-driven C. Late in the game D. Radical and inventive

13. A teacher should not be a slave of his les son plan. This means that _____________. A. the teacher must be ready to depart from her lesson plan if she remembers something more interesting than what she planned B. a lesson must be followed by a teacher no matter what C. the teacher is the best lesson plan design er D. the teacher must be willing to depart from her lesson plan if students are more intereste d in something other than in what she planne d

20. Which test item is in the highest level of Bloom’s Taxonomy of objectives? A. Explain how a tree functions in relation to the ecosystem B. Explain how trees receive nutrients. C. Rate 3 diff. methods of controlling tree gro wth D. List the parts of a tree.

Answer key: 1.D 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.A

14. Which is a typical characteristic of the ad olescent? A. Reasonable and secure B. Emotional unstable C. Slow but steady physical growth D. Passive and obedient 15. Which one is meant to measure student’s awareness of values? A. Anecdotal record B. Projective technique C. Moral dilemma D. Likert scales 16. The first American teachers in the Philipp ines were ______________. A. elementary graduates B. soldiers C. missionaries D. graduates of the normal school 17. An athlete student is bored and restless. Teacher Justin incorporates athletics into the discussion to get his attention. Which disciplinary technique does Teacher Ju stin use? A. Signal interference


School curriculum reflects the world’s economic and political integration and industrialization. what does these point in curriculum development.


The trend towards the classical approach to curriculum development B. The trend toward the globalization and localization 7

C. The trend toward participatory curriculum development D. The shift in the paradigm of curriculum development from a process-oriented to a product-oriented one 2.

B. Indirect instruction C. Direct instruction D. Problem solving 8.

You choose cooperative learning as a teaching approach. What thought is impressed on your students?


Interaction is a must, but not necessarily face to-face interaction B. Student’s success depends on the success of the group C. Student’s individuality evaluate how effectively their group worked. D. The accountability for learning is on the group not on the individual

A. B. C. D.

3. A. B. C. D. 4.

A. B. C. D. 5. A. B. C. D. 6.

A. B. C. D. 7.

What principle is violated by overusing the chalkboard, as though it is the only education technology available? Isolated use Flexibility Variety Uniformity “When more senses are stimulated, teaching and learning become more effective.” What is an application of this principle? Appeal to student’s sense of imagination Use multisensory aids Make your students touch the instructional material Use audiovisual aids because the eyes and the ears are the most important senses in learning. Which is a classroom application of the theory of “operant conditioning”? Help student see the connectedness of facts, concepts, and principles Create a classroom atmosphere that elicits relaxation Reinforce a good behavior to increase the likelihood that the learner will repeat the response Make students learn by operating manipulatives Here is the test item. “From the data presented in the table, form generalizations that are supported by the data”. Under what type of question does this item fall? Convergent Evaluative Application Divergent

I want to teach concepts, patterns and abstractions. Which method will be MOST appropriate? A. Discovery

9. A. B. C. D.

Teacher A teaches English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-inthe-blanks sentences, dialogues, dictation and writing exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion? The teacher wants to make her teaching easier by having less talk The teacher emphasizing reading and writing skills The teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because not all students learn in the same manner The teacher is applying Bloom’s hierarchy of cognitive learning Teacher A an experienced teacher, does daily review of past lessons in order to _____ . introduce a new lesson reflect on how he presented the previous lessons provide his pupils with a sense of continuity determine who among his pupils are studying

10. To teach the democratic process to the pupils, Biag Elementary School decided that the election of class officers shall be patterned after local elections. There are qualifications set for candidates, limited period for campaign and rules for posting campaign materials, etc. Which of the following did the school use? A. Symposium B. Simulation C. Role playing D. Philips 66 11. Teacher S teaches a lesson in which students must recognize that ¼ is the same 0.25. They use this relationship to determine that 0.15 and 0.20 are slightly less than ¼. Which of the following concept/s is/are being taught? A. Numeration skills B. Place value of decimals C. Numeration skills of decimals and relationships between fractions and decimals D. Relationship between fraction and decimals 12. To nurture students’ creativity, which activity should a teacher AVOID? A. Ask “hat if…” questions B. Ask divergent thinking questions C. Emphasize the need to give right answers D. Be open to “out-of-this-world” ideas 13. After reading an essay. Teacher B wants to help sharpen her students’ ability to 8

A. B. C. D.

interpret. Which of these activities will be most appropriate? Drawing conclusions Making inferences Getting the main idea Listing facts separately from opinion

14. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from inactive to iconic and symbolic stages. Applying Bruner’s theory. How would you teach? A. Be interactive in approach B. Begin with the abstract C. Begin with the concrete D. do direct instruction 15. In a Social studies class. Teacher I presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks student what they would do. On whose theory is Teacher I’s technique based? A. Bandura B. Piaget C. Kohberg D. Bruner 16. What does Gagne’s hierarchy theory propose for effective instruction? A. Be concerned with the socio-emotional climate in the classroom B. Teach beginning with the concrete C. Sequence instruction D. Reward good behavior 17. Based on Freud’s theory, which operate/s when a student strikes a classmates at the height of anger? A. Ego B. Id C. Id and Ego interact D. Superego 18. With assessment of affective learning in mind, which does NOT belong to the group? A. Cloze test B. Moral dilemma C. Reflective writing D. Diary entry 19. If a teacher wants to measure her students’ ability to discriminate, which of these is an appropriate type of test item as implied by the direction? A. “Outline the Chapter on The Cell”. B. “Summarize the lesson yesterday”. C. “Group the following items according to shape”. D. “State a set of principle that can explain the following events”. 20. Which can be said of Arielle who obtained a score of 75 out of 100 items in a Grammar objective test? A. She performed better than 25% of her classmates B. She answered 75 items in the test correctly

C. Her rating is 75 D. She answered 75% of the test items correctly Answer Key: 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B 11-C 12-C 13-D 14-C 15-C 16-C 17-B 18-A 19-C 20-B 1. ________ is an example of learning task with direct authenticity. A. Simulation B. Role playing C. Small group discussion D. Filling in the blank application form 2. ________ is the process of organizing materials to make it clear for the learners. A. Structuring B. Elaborating C. Sequencing D. Balancing 3. Instructional materials must be connected with __________. A. The course guide B. The curriculum C. The teaching technique D. The level of students 4. Which is not a reason why it is not important for a teacher to know how to evaluate instructional materials? A. Writings one’s material is time consuming B. Teachers area able to identify learners need C. Teachers area able to use the material properly and effectively D. Not all books are error-free 5. It is important to _______ to ensure the relevance of instructional materials to the curriculum. A. Base them on a textbook used B. Include test evaluation C. Consider the grade/year level D. Have a list of goals and objectives 9

D. Bottom to top 6. Under which phase/s of curriculum development do setting goals and objectives falls? A. Planning B. Implementation C. Implementation and evaluation D. Planning and implementation 7. Which is not a teacher’s personality factor that may influence the production of instructional materials? A. Financial status B. Philosophy in life C. Teaching style D. Beliefs and values 8. A teacher is doing _________ when he studies skills covered, and activities presented in a book. A. Internal evaluation B. Content evaluation C. External evaluation D. Physical evaluation 9. Which is not considered in designing instructional materials? A. Socio-economic environment B. Teacher’s creativity C. Students and their schema D. Teacher’s pedagogical principles

15. What must be included in instructional materials? A. Teaching strategies B. Learning texts and tasks C. Reference material D. Material instruction 16. Which is correct about textually authentic materials? A. Improve learner’s vocabulary B. Promote interest in language learning C. Interactive in character D. Not written for teaching 17. This principle in preparing for an instructional material provides continues and cumulative learning. A. Pacing B. Sequencing C. Balancing D. Evaluating 18. Preparation for instructional material falls under what phase/s of curriculum development? A. Planning and implementation B. Implementation and evaluation C. Planning D. Evaluation

10. Materials are considered _______ if they are brought from the real world to the classroom to expose learners to language in real use. A. Authentic B. Graded C. Suitable D. Appropriate

19. _________ is an instructional material that a student can do without any help from the teacher. A. Pictograph B. Word paragraph C. Module D. Video tape

11. _________ Materials provides learners with communicative samples to different context. A. Learner-authentic B. Graded text C. Learner centered D. Textually authentic

20. It is needed to make a list of what learners’ ________ in preparing the aims, goals and objectives of the curriculum. A. Do in make-believe situation B. Should do as citizens in a democratic country C. Are expected to do in school D. Are required to do in real world

12. A. B. C. D.

Which is not under external evaluation? Blurbs Activities Table of contents Introduction

13. The communicative approach emphasizes _________. A. Students interaction in real life situations B. Students sharing of personal experiences C. Listening and speaking D. Correct pronunciation 14. ________ is an example of sequencing materials. A. Whole to parts B. By stages C. Top to bottom

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1. 1) 2) 3) 4) 2.

1) 2) 3) 4) 3. 1) 2) 3) 4) 4. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5. 1) 2) 3) 4) 6. 1) 2) 3) 4) 7. 1) 2) 3) 4) 8.

D A A C D The _________ method is used when the learners are made to observe things in a certain place like the market. Participatory Case study Simulation Field trip The recommended method to use if the teachers wishes each learner to concentrate in learning a topic to his skills are properly assessed is. Semantic webbing Independent study Role playing Field trip The ________ method is observed if we wish the pupil learn from real life situation dilemmas. Situation Lecture Textbooks Observation The ________ method is used to make the learners study in detail a specific thing, person or place not known to them Case study Participation Project Field trip Which of the following method will you used to verify a certain findings and to make the learners handle apparatus properly? Textbook method Laboratory method Field trip method Project method The ________ method is utilized if the learners are trained to do creative products. Project Case study Field trip Simulation If the material is dangerous for the learners to handle, which of the following method will you use? Textbook Group discussions Lecture-demonstration Eclectic

Which method is used to develop scientific inquiry among the learners? 1) Project

2) Case study 3) Problem solving 4) Simulation 5) 9. The ________ method is used to find out the learner’s knowledge about a certain topic assigned to them. 1) Independent study 2) Textbook 3) Lecture 4) Question and answer 10. The ________ approach is utilized when the learners are trained to ask intelligent question. 1) Process 2) Discovery 3) Inquiry 4) Value certification 11. If you wish to relate a subject matter to one of the four principles of learning, the ________ approach should be used. 1) Multidisciplinary 2) Interdisciplinary 3) Conceptual 4) Integration 12. The ________ approach is used if the teacher wishes to solve a problem being met in the school. 1) Mastery 2) Integration 3) Action learning 4) Value clarification 13. You wish to make the learners learn or internalized fully a subject matter to be taught to them. Which of the following will you need? 1) Integrated 2) Multi-media 3) Master 4) Multi-disciplinary 14. Which of the following approaches will be used if you wish to relate a particular subject to all disciplines of learning? 1) Multidisciplinary 2) Interdisciplinary 3) Value clarification 4) Integration 15. To enable the learners to learn by their own pace of growth, _________ approach is used. 1) Inquiry 2) Discovery 3) Mastery 4) Modular 16. The ______ approach is observed when the learners want to meet the criterion level of success act set by the teachers. 1) Mastery learning 2) Interdisciplinary 11

3) Conceptual 4) Modular 17. Which approach is used to emphasize the skills in informing conclusions? 1) Multidisciplinary 2) Interdisciplinary 3) Conceptual 4) Inquiry 18. Which of the following approaches is used to include issues confronting the societies? 1) Integration 2) Interdisciplinary 3) Conceptual 4) Inquiry 19. The _______ approach is used to make the learners enunciate their feelings or attitudes about certain issues. 1) Value clarification 2) Mastery 3) Integration 4) Interdisciplinary 20. The _________ method is used if the learners are to use their senses effectively. 1) Textbook 2) Lecture demonstration 3) Observation 4) Independent study 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

ANSWER KEY 4 1 4 1 2 1 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 1 2 1 3 2 1 2

which of the following measures must be implemented? I. A school head plans the professional development of his/her teachers. II. Every teacher formulates his/her own professional development plan. III. The implementation of what is learned in a training must be monitored. A. I only B. I and III C. II and III D. II only 3. As a community leader, which of the following should a teacher NOT do? A. Support effort of the community to improve their status in life. B. Make herself aloof to ensure that her decisions will not be influenced by the community politics. C.Solicit donation from philanthropists in the community. D.Play an active part in the activities of the community. 4. In a highly pluralistic society, what type of learning environment is the responsibility of the teacher? I. Safe II. Gender-biased III. Secure A. I and II B. I, II and III C. II only D. I and III 5.

A. Use interactive teaching strategies. B. Use the latest educational technology. C. Observe continuing professional education D. As a class, study the life of Filipino heroes. 6.

1. You are very much interested in a quality professional development program for teachers. What characteristic should you look for? A. Prescribe by top educational teachers B. Dependent on the availability of funds C. Required for renewal of professional license D. Responsive to identified teacher’s needs. 2. To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and professional development,

A teacher is said to be “trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage”. Which practice makes the teacher fulfill such obligation?

Which actions show that political factors affect schools as agents of change?

I. The strengthening of the teaching of English in Philippines school. II. The introduction of mandated subjects such as Rizal in the curriculum III. The practice of mainstreaming IV. The turnover of day care centers from DSWD to DepEd supervision. A. B.

I and III I and II 12

C. II and III D. II and IV 7.

For more efficient and effective management of school as agents of change, one proposal is for the DepEd to cluster remote stand-alone schools under one lead school head. Which factor has the strongest influence on this proposal?

A. Psychological B. Historical C. Geographical D. Social 8.

What does the acronym EFA imply for schools?

A.The acceptance of exclusive schools for boys and for girls. B.The stress on the superiority of formal education over that of alternative learning system. C.Practice of inclusive education D.The concentration on formal education system 9.

The wide acceptance of “bottom up” management style has influenced schools to practice which management practice?

A.Exclusion of politicians from the pool of guest speakers during graduation exercises. B.Prescription of what ought to be done from the Center Office. C.Involvement of students, parents, teachers, and community in school planning D.Allowing schools to do what they think is best 10. Large class size in congested cities is a common problem in our public schools. Which measure/s have schools taken to offset the effects of large class? I.The deployment of more teachers II. The implementation of 1:1 pupil textbook ratio III.The conduct of morning and afternoon sessions A. I, II and III B. I and II C. III only D. II only 11. The failure of independent study with most Filipino students may be attributed to _________ students’ A. unpreparedness from schooling B. ambivalence C. high degree of independence D. high degree of independence on authority 12. The shooting incidents in school campuses abroad have made school to rethink the

curriculum. Which is believed to counteract such incidents and so is being introduced in schools? I.Inclusion of socio-emotional teaching II.The emphasis on the concept of competition against self and not against others III.Focus on academic achievement and productivity A. I and III B. II and III C. I and II D. I, II and III 13. Widespread abuse of Mother Earth prompted schools to teach sustainable development. Which one does this prove about schools? A.The curricula of schools are centered on Mother Earth. B.Schools can easily integrate sustained development in their curriculum. C.Sustained development cannot be effectively taught in the classroom. D.Environment factors influence the school as an agent of change. 14.A father tells his daughter “You are a woman. You are meant for the home and so for you, going to school is not necessary.” Is the father CORRECT? A.It depends on the place when the daughter and the father live. B.Yes, women are meant to be a mother only. C.No. today women can take on the jobs of men. D.No, there is gender equality in education. 15.Is there a legal basis for increasing the teacher’s starting salary to P18,000 a month? A.No, it is a gift to teachers from Congress B.Yes, R.A 7836 C.No, it is simply an act of benevolence from President GMA D.Yes, the Phil. Constitution 16. As provided for the Education Act of 1982, how are the institutions of learning encourage to set higher standards of equality over the minimum standards required for state recognition? A. Granting of Special Permit B. Academic freedom C. Continuing Professional Education D. Voluntary accreditation 17. Despite opposition from some school official, DepEd has continuously enforced the “no collection of fees” policy during 13

enrolment period in public schools. Is this policy in accordance with EFA goals? A.No, it violates the mandate of equality education B.Yes, it somewhat eliminates gender disparities C.Yes, it supports equitable access to basic education D.No. it does not support parent of adult education 18. “Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less”. Hence, it is better to be a generalist, claims Teacher F. Which Philosophy does Teacher F. subscribe to? A. Existentialism B. Perennialism C. Essentialism D. Progressivism 19. Mencius believed that all people are born good. This thought on the innate goodness of people makes it easier to ________ our pupils. A. teach B. respect C. like D. motivate 20. The specialization requires of every professional teacher for him/her to be competent is in line with which pillar of learning? A. Learning to know B. Learning to be C. Learning to live together D. Learning to do ANSWER KEY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


Practice Test in Social Science 1. After the accused, Rolando Cruz, had consumm ated the crime of rape upon a girl named Rosario Reyes, age 18, niece of his deceased wife, he mar ried the girl in a ceremony officiated by Minister R oa. He was charged and convicted with rape.Base d on the facts, why was Rolando Cruz charged an d convicted with rape after he married Rosario? A. The marriage was solemnized by Minister Roa who had no authority to solemnize marriage. B. The offense of rape has been committed and the marriage was only a cover-up. C. There was no real consent. D. There was no intention of entering into the actual marriage status. 2. Which one is the human right to life A. Equal treatment before the law C. Political independence B. Fair trial D. Freedom from inhuman punishment 3. Which of the following is MOST likely to be stud ied by a macroeconomist? A. What determines consumer demand C. How a company makes a profit B. What causes high rates of unemployment D. How a firm prices its products or services 4. A conflict between property rights and freedom of speech might arise in all of the situations, EXC EPT A. a disgruntled employee passing out leaflet s in front of a hairdresser’s salon B. protesters carrying signs outside a cinema in an enclosed shopping mall C. environmentalists carry signs at the entra nce of an oil refinery D. a religious order soliciting funds and conv erts in the swimming pool area of a condominium


5. The cooperative development Authority denied the registration of Farmers Cooperative Bank of th e Philippines because it has a minimum authorize d share capital of ____________. A. P 300,000,000.00 B. P 200,000,000.00 C. P 400,000,000.00 D. P 100,000,000.00 6. Which statement is guaranteed by the Civil Co de of the Philippines? A. Both husband and wife are co- equal B. Both are given freedom to choose their oc cupations C. The husband has the right to object to the occupation of the wife. D. The wife also has the right to object to the occupation of the husband.

B. The exile of the Marcoses D. The restoration of democracy 13. Which of the following was he offering in the l ast sentence? A. Determine B. Uncertain C. Peace D. Faith in God and his people 14.The government wants a piece of private land for a government project. The owner resisted the government. How may the government own the l and? A. right of eminent domain C. right of habeas corpus B. right of government ownership D. right of a sovereign over the governed

7. Which statement supports the abolition of deat h penalty? A. Conviction followed by execution is a det errent. B. Death penalty is uncivilized, cruel, and u nusual form of punishment, depriving criminals of the ultimate right to life. C. Recidivism in criminal cases is high. D.Capital punishment fits the severity of the crime of murder. 9. Who is taxed on the income derived from sourc es within the Philippines? A. a citizen of the Philippines C. a Filipino seaman B. a non-resident citizen D. a domestic corporation Items 10-13: Below is an excerpt of the arrival sta tement of Benigno Aquino, Jr: I have returned on my free will to join the ranks of these struggling to restore our rights and freedo m through non-violence. I seek no confrontation. I only pray and will strive for a genuine national re conciliation founded on justice. I am prepared for the worst and have decided against the advice of my mother, my spiritual adviser, many of my test ed friends and a few of my most valued political mentors. A death sentence awaits me. Two more subversion charges both calling for death penaltie s have been filed since I left three years ago and are now pending with the courts. I could have opt ed to seek political asylum in America but I feel it is my duty from exile and to an uncertain future with only determination and faith to offer-faith in our people and faith in GOD.” 10. Why did Aquino return to the Philippines? A. He had a duty to fulfill C. He wanted to be a hero B. He wanted to reunite with his family. D. He wanted to prove his innocence. 11. Which of the values did Aquino observe? A. Cooperation B. Simplicity C. Positive thinking D. Non-violence 12. Which benefit did our country get from his bra nd of patriotism? A. The release of political prisoners C. The application of justice on the victims of human rights violations and abuses

15. A radio station was padlocked after a midnigh t broadcast. The operator accused the authorities of A. suppression of the right to express one’s views B. suppression of the freedom of religion C. suppression of right to justice D.suppression of the freedom of speech 16. A man served his sentence for 8 years, althou gh he was sentenced 20 years imprisonment. A. a commutation of years C. total freedom B. a pardon D. a parole 17. A family built his house in an inner piece of la nd. He was not allowed to go through a neighbor’ s yard. He was accused of trespassing private pro perty. The law allows such passage under the A. right of travel C. right of homeowners B. right of way D. right of eminent domain 18. A child after birth has a right to a name. This i s actually A. right for just treatment C. a right to suffrage B. a right for survival D. a right to his identity 19. Mr. Sin was born as a Chinese national. He wa nts to run as a congressman. He was naturalized at age 18. Can he run for a congressional seat? A. Yes, because he was a naturalized citizen B. Yes, because he is a citizen C. No, because a naturalized citizen can’t run for congress D. No, because his parents are already citizen 20. A child was born to a couple before the marria ge bow. He demands for a share of his inheritanc e. How will he be classified? A. natural born B. adopted child C. illegitimate child D. legitimate child 21.There are military confrontations in some part s of the Philippines. How does the government ad dress the situation? A. declare cease fire


B. declare amnesty for all C. negotiate with representative of both panels D. declare war zones. 22. In order to avoid conflict with China what doe s the Philippines invoked in terms of Spratly islan d? A. Laws on territorial boundaries B. Laws on sea limits C. Territorial Supremacy D. Laws on immigration 23. Why are barangay chairmen assigned to settl e barangay cases? A. They know all the residents. B. They are competent judges. C. They have training D. They have biases. 24. An individual has the right to file the WRIT OF AMPARO before the investigation of an administra tive case filed against him/her. What fundamental right is invoked by the individual? A. Right to be defended by a public attorney B. Right to life, liberty and security C. Right to self- defense D. Right to due process 25.The logo of the Olympic Games represents the interconnectedness of the countries in the world. While the games highlight the strength of nation i n sports what does the global activity promote? A. World tourism C. World industry B. World peace D. World history Answer Key 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.B 9.A 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.C 21.C 22.A 23.A 24.B 25.B

1. All of the following constitute the mea ning of political science except: A. A basic knowledge and understanding of t he state. B. It is primarily concerned with the associati on of human beings into a political comm unity. C. Common knowledge every events taking place in the society.

D. It deals with the relationship among men and groups which are subject to the contr ol by the state.

2. It refers to the community of persons more or less numerous, permanently occ upying a definite portion of territory, hav ing a government of their own to which t he great body of inhabitants render obe dience, and enjoying freedom from exter nal control. A. Sovereignty B. Nation C. Citizenship D. State

3. It refers to the agency through which t he will of the state is formulated, express ed and carried out. A. Government B. Sovereignty C. Constitution D. Laws

4. What are the four elements of state? A.people, territory, sovereignty, governm ent B.people, constitution, territory, governm ent C. government, law, peace, territory D. constitution, people, land, independen ce 5. What theory asserts that the early stat es must have been formed by deliberate and voluntary compact among the peopl e to form a society and organize governm ent for their common good. A. Necessity Theory B. Divine Right Theory C. Social Contact Theory D. Social Compact Theory

6. Government exists and should continu e to exist for the benefit of the people. A. The statement is a general truth. B. The statement is just an assumption. C. The statement is a fallacy. 16

D. There is no basis for judgment.

C. The Royal Audiencia D. The King of Spain

7. What are the forms of government in which the political power is exercised by a few privilege class. A. Oligarchy and Aristocracy

12. What is the first city to be established in 1565 in the Philippines? A. Manila

B. Aristocracy and Monarchy

B. Davao

C. Theocracy and Fascism

C. Cebu

D. Democracy and Tyranny

D. Iloilo

8. The precolonial Philippines has no esta blished government. Its villages and settl ements were called barangays. A. Only the first statement is true and cor rect. B. Only the second statement is true and correct. C. Both statements are true and correct D. Both statements are untrue and incorr ect.

13.The government which Spain establis hed in the Philippines was defective. It w as a government for the Spaniards and n ot for the Filipinos. A. Only the first statement is true and cor rect. B. Only the second statement is true and correct. C. Both statements are true and correct. D. Both statements are untrue and incorr ect

9. There were four social classes of peopl e in the precolonial barangays. They wer e the nobles, freemen, serfs, and the slav es. A. Only the first statement is true and cor rect.

14. What was the secret society founded in 1896 that precipitated the glorious rev olution against the Spaniards. A. The Katipunan

B. Only the second statement is true and correct.

C. The Biak na Bato Republic

C. Both statements are true and correct.

B. The Kalahi D. The Ilustrado

D. Both statements are untrue and incorr ect.

10. What are the two known written code s during the pre-Spanish era in the Philip pines? A. Maragtas and Kalantiaw Codes

15. Arranged the sequence of governmen ts during the revolutionary era: 1. The Dictatorial Government 2. The Revolutionary Government 3. The Biak-na-Bato Republic 4. The First Philippine Republic A. 2 3 1 4

B. Sumakwil and Sulayman Codes

B. 3 1 2 4

C. Panay and Subanon Codes

C. 4 1 3 2

D. Hammurabi and Ur Nammu Codes

D. 1 2 3 4

11. Under the Spanish colonial governme nt, who directly governed the Philippines ? A. The Governor-General

16. Arranged according to its establishme nt during the American Regime: 1. The Commonwealth Government 2. The Military Government 3. The Civil Government

B. The Viceroy of Mexico


A. 1 2 3

B. Statutes

B. 2 3 1

C. Constitution

C. 3 2 1

D. Ordinances

D. 2 1 3

17. What was the civil government establ ished during the Japanese occupation of t he Philippines? A. The Japanese Imperial Government B. The Philippine Republic

22. There is no Constitution that is entirel y written or unwritten. A. The statement is true and correct. B. The statement is incorrect. C. The statement is partially correct. D. There is no basis to conclude.

C. The Puppet Government of Japan D. The Philippine Executive Commission

18. The Constitution used by the Philippin e government from the commonwealth p eriod until 1973. A. The Malolos Constitution B. The Biak-na-Bato Constitution

23. Requisites of a good written constituti on. A. Brief B. Broad C. Definite D. All of the given options

C. The 1935 Constitution D. The 1901 Constitution

24. Who has the authority to interpret th e constitution? A. Private individual

19. What kind of government was installe d under the 1973 Constitution under the Marcos regime? A. Modified Presidential system

B. Courts

B. Modified Parliamentary system

C. Legislative and Executive departments of the government D. All of the given options

C. Military system D. Bicameral system

20. A de facto government acquires a de jure status when it gains wide acceptanc e from the people and recognition from t he community of nations. A. The statement is true and valid. B. The statement is an assumption. C. The statement is a fallacy. D. The statement is doubtful.

25. “We, the sovereign Filipino people, im ploring the aid of Almighty God , in order to build a just and humane society and e stablish a government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote our c ommon good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and o ur posterity the blessings of independenc e and democracy under the rule of law a nd the regime of truth, justice, freedom, equality and peace, do ordain and promul gate this Constitution.” What part of Constitution is this? A. General Provision

21. It is defined as written instrument by which the fundamental powers of the gov ernment are established, limited and de fined and by which these powers are distr ibuted among the several departments or branches for their and useful exercise for the benefit of the people. A. Laws

B. Amendments C. Preamble D. National Patrimony


B. become a province of Spain C. be independent from Spain with certain conditions D. be represented in the Spanish Cortes

Answer Key 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. C 13. C 14. A 15. B

9. How is the so-called colonial mentality manifested? A. Cultural relativism B. Cultural diversity C. Xenocentrism D. Ethnocentrism 10. The maximum price that can be legally changed for a good or service is called _____. A. minimum wage B. price floor C. legal wage D. price ceiling 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. D

16. B 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. C 21. A 22. D 23. D 24. C 25. C

Social Studies: 6. With the promotion of social justice in mind, which does NOT belong to the group? A. Equitable access to education B. Profit sharing C. Diffusion of wealth D. Absolute right over property 7. Which part of the Visayas receives the least precipitation? A. Northern B. Eastern C. Western D. Central 8. When the Filipino reformists asked for the assimilation of the Philippines by Spain, what did they ask for? For the Philippines to ________. A. become independent from Spain

1. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. This paragraph appears in which historic document? A. The Declaration of Independence B. The Freedom of Information Act C. The Mayflower Compact D. The Magna Carta E. The U. S. Constitution 2. What does the acronym NAFTA stand for? A. North American Federal Tariff Association B. North African Free Trade Agreement C. Non-American Final Territory Agreement D. North American Free Tariff Agreement E. North American Free Trade Agreement 3. Women, such as Susan B. Anthony, fought for suffrage and were finally successful in 1920. What does suffrage mean? A. Right to free speech B. Right to get an education C. Right to vote D. Right to work E. Right to get divorced 4. Supply and demand are two important factors that influence the market. Supply means the amount of a specific product or service available. Demand refers to the amount of that product or service consumers want to purchase. Both of these factors influence the price of goods. For example, if there is a large supply of a 19

product which few people want to buy, the price of that product will go down. As the price goes down, demand usually increases. Eventually, a balance between the two factors is reached and the optimal price for that product or service is determined. At that point, the supply and demand have reached equilibrium. Why does demand only "usually" go up when the price is lowered? A. Demand always increases on its own B. The supply is often decreased instead C. Price may not be the only factor causing low demand D. People want to pay more for products, not less E. The system is only based on speculation so nothing is certain 5. Supply and demand are two important factors that influence the market. Supply means the amount of a specific product or service available. Demand refers to the amount of that product or service consumers want to purchase. Both of these factors influence the price of goods. For example, if there is a large supply of a product which few people want to buy, the price of that product will go down. As the price goes down, demand usually increases. Eventually, a balance between the two factors is reached and the optimal price for that product or service is determined. At that point, the supply and demand have reached equilibrium. If supply of a product is limited, but demand is high, how would the price be affected? A. It would go up B. It would go down C. It would stay the same D. It would fluctuate E. It would reach equilibrium 6. Supply and demand are two important factors that influence the market. Supply means the amount of a specific product or service available. Demand refers to the amount of that product or service consumers want to purchase. Both of these factors influence the price of goods. For example, if there is a large supply of a product which few people want to buy, the price of that product will go down. As the price goes down, demand usually increases. Eventually, a balance between the two factors is reached and the optimal price for that product or service is determined. At that point, the supply and demand have reached equilibrium. Based on the passage, what does equilibrium mean? A. Capitalism B. Inflation C. Perfect price D. Final destination E. Balance 7. A new dog toy is introduced in pet stores in April for $19.99, but by December the toy is being sold for

$4.99. According to the law of supply and demand which is most likely to be true about the dog toy? A. Supply for the toy was low but demand was high B. Supply for the toy was high but the demand was low C. Both the supply and the demand for the toy were low D. Both the supply and the demand for the toy were high E. Answer cannot be determined 8. If a drought severely reduces the amount of corn available to consumers, what would you expect to happen? A. The supply of corn would go up B. The demand for corn would go down C. The price of corn would stay the same D. The price of corn would go down E. The price of corn would go up 9. If 200 jobs are available and only 100 people are unemployed, what will have to happen according to the laws of supply and demand? A. Companies needing employees will need to increase pay B. Companies needing employees will need to decrease pay C. Companies needing employees will need to reduce benefits D. Companies needing employees will need to fire workers E. The laws of supply and demand do not apply to this situation 10. What type of government does the United States have? A. Monarchy B. Democracy C. Dictatorship D. Theocracy E. Oligarchy 11. In the first half of the 20th century, it was not unusual for African American people to have to use different drinking fountains, lunch counters, and even schools than other Americans. This was known as which of the following? A. Segregation B. Civil Rights C. The White Man's Burden D. Affirmative action E. Slavery 12. If the last presidential election was in 2000, when will the next one take place? A. 2002 B. 2006 C. 2004 D. 2005 E. 2010 13. American writer Henry David Thoreau wrote that if a law “requires you to be the agent of injustice to


another, then I say, break the law.” What idea is Thoreau supporting? A. Anarchy B. Marxism C. Violent opposition D. Free speech E. Civil disobedience 14. What does a map's legend help you do? A. Understand the purpose of the map B. Calculate the real distance shown on the map C. Locate specific cities or rivers on the map D. Read the map's symbols correctly E. Fold the map neatly 15. Which government official(s) is appointed and not elected by the U. S. citizens? A. President B. Congressman C. Supreme Court Justice D. Senator E. Governor 16. In the United States, individuals who are suspected of criminal behavior are considered innocent until they are proven guilty. All citizens have the right to due process which means they are entitled to a fair trial before a jury of their peers. In addition, they have a right to a lawyer who will help them support their case. Because the suspect is considered innocent until judged otherwise, the prosecution has the burden of proof. Even after a verdict is made on the case, both sides can appeal to a higher court to reconsider the decision. All of these steps are in place to protect the safety and liberty of all Americans. What is "burden of proof"? A. Refers to the credibility of witnesses B. The responsibility for convincing the jury of their case C. The suspect's duty to provide an alibi D. The suspect's right to an attorney E. The responsibility given to jurors 17. In the United States, individuals who are suspected of criminal behavior are considered innocent until they are proven guilty. All citizens have the right to due process which means they are entitled to a fair trial before a jury of their peers. In addition, they have a right to a lawyer who will help them support their case. Because the suspect is considered innocent until judged otherwise, the prosecution has the burden of proof. Even after a verdict is made on the case, both sides can appeal to a higher court to reconsider the decision. All of these steps are in place to protect the safety and liberty of all Americans. Why can court decisions be appealed? A. So that mistakes can be corrected if they are made B. To give both sides a chance to prepare a stronger case C. To stop the justice system from working efficiently D. To allow more people the chance to hear the case

E. To ask the judge to rethink his current position on the case 18. In the United States, individuals who are suspected of criminal behavior are considered innocent until they are proven guilty. All citizens have the right to due process which means they are entitled to a fair trial before a jury of their peers. In addition, they have a right to a lawyer who will help them support their case. Because the suspect is considered innocent until judged otherwise, the prosecution has the burden of proof. Even after a verdict is made on the case, both sides can appeal to a higher court to reconsider the decision. All of these steps are in place to protect the safety and liberty of all Americans. In other countries, suspects are considered guilty until proven innocent. How would this affect the burden of proof in a trial? A. More evidence on both sides would be needed B. No evidence would be needed for a conviction C. The prosecutor would have burden of proof instead of the defendant D. The defendant would have the burden of proof instead of the prosecutor E. It would have no effect 19. In the United States, individuals who are suspected of criminal behavior are considered innocent until they are proven guilty. All citizens have the right to due process which means they are entitled to a fair trial before a jury of their peers. In addition, they have a right to a lawyer who will help them support their case. Because the suspect is considered innocent until judged otherwise, the prosecution has the burden of proof. Even after a verdict is made on the case, both sides can appeal to a higher court to reconsider the decision. All of these steps are in place to protect the safety and liberty of all Americans. Why is the right to due process important? A. It prevents innocent people from being wrongly punished B. It provides more work for lawyers C. It lets ordinary citizens be part of the judicial system D. It forces innocent people to prove their innocence E. It keeps crime rates low 20. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal helped America recover from the Great Depression by providing federal money for construction projects, including schools and roads. How did this help the country recover? A. It gave money back to the tax payers B. It created desperately needed good paying jobs C. It encouraged wealthy people to do the same thing D. It made trade easier with Mexico E. It allowed construction companies to make a large profit 21. In American cities after the Industrialization Age began, it was not unusual to see children huddled together without shoes, warm clothing, shelter, or


decent food. These children illustrated what unhappy effect of Industrialization in the United States? A. Because the focus was on manufacturing, not enough shoes were made B. Because of low wages, many people lived in poverty C. Because of protective employment laws, child laborers could no longer be employed D. Because of the freedom women experienced in the workplace, many abandoned their children E. Because parents work days were guided by strict rules, they were often strict at home. As a result, their children ran away and lived on the streets.

13. E 14. D 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. A 20. B 21. B

Answer Key 1. E 2. E 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. E 7. B 8. E 9. A 10. B 11. A 12. C


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