Lesson Planning Powerpoint

November 20, 2018 | Author: Angel Galag | Category: Lesson Plan, Teachers, Curriculum, Learning, Teaching
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Lesson Plan...


Objectives: Defne lesson planning Enumerate the parts o lesson plan Give the importance o lesson planning • •

Objectives: Defne lesson planning Enumerate the parts o lesson plan Give the importance o lesson planning • •

ACTIVIT: !"#mp$

A%A!& I&: 1.How did you fnd the video

clip? 2.What do you consider in teaching? 3. What do you think do you need to execute a good lesson?


"O!IC G'IDE!I%E& O% DAI! !E&&O% "(E"A(ATIO% )O( T*E + TO ,- .A&IC ED'CATIO% "(OG(A/

"lanning lessons undamental to ensuring the delivery o teaching and learning in schools.  !hese guidelines aim to support teachers in organi"ing and managing their classes and lessons •

 !hese guidelines a$rm the role o the % to 12 teacher as a acilitator o learning. &reparing or lessons through the Dail4 !esson !og 5D!!6 or Detaile0 !esson "lan 5D!"6 and provides teachers with an opportunity or re(ection on what learners need to learn) how learners learn) and how *est

Dail4 !esson !og 5D!!6 is a template teachers use to log parts o their daily lesson. Dail4 !esson "lan 5D!"6 is teacher+s roadmap or a lesson. ,t contains detailed description o the steps a teacher will take to t h ti l t i

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A# Instructional "rocess 1. planning ,nstruction 2. delivery o instruction 3. assessment o learning

.# !esson "lanning way o planning instruction. o critical part o the teaching and learning process. o*ective is learning. hallmark o e#ective •

• •

Elements o Instructional planning or e7ective teaching: identiying clear lesson and learning o*ectives creating 5uality assignments planning lessons with clear goals) logically structured •

• •

• •

6sing advance organi"ers 7onsidering student attention spans and learning style. /ystematically developing o*ectives) 5uestions and activities that re(ect higher level and lower8level cognitive skills

Importan ce of Lesson

 increases

teacher8s chances o carr4ing out lesson successull4  inculcates re9ective practice as it allos teachers to thin; about their teaching

Elements of Lesson Plan

A lesson plan serves as a teacher8s @0 !H -//0 a. review the previous lessonAs *. clariy concepts rom the previous lesson that learners had di$culty understanding

c. introduce the new lesson d. inorm the class o the connection *etween the old and new lesson and esta*lish a purpose or the new lesson e. state the new lesson+s o*ectives as a guide or the learners.

>. !H -//0 &0& ;uring this time) the teacher presents the new material to the class.

 !he time when a teacher Bexplains) models) demonstrates) and illustrates the concepts) ideas) skills) or processes that students will eventually internali"eC

 !eachers convey new inormation to the learners) help them understand and master that inormation) provide learners with eed*ack) and regularly check or learners+

7. @! !H -//0

 !his can *e done through di#erent Bwrap8 upC activities.

 !eachers can provide a summary o the lesson or ask students to summari"e what they have learned.  !eachers can also ask learners to recall the lesson+s key activities and concepts.

 !he lesson closing is meant to reinorce what the teacher has taught and assess whether or not learners have mastered the day+s lesson.

;. ,nstructio nal Dodels) /trategie

,nstructional model is a teacher+s philosophical orientation to teaching. ,nstructional strategy is a teaching approach in(uenced *y di#erent educational philosophies while instructional method is the

,nstructional /trategies=  Direct instruction systematic) structured and se5uential teaching  In0irect instruction learner is an active and not passive participant

 ,nteractive

instruction learners+ need to *e active in their learning and interact with others  xperiential instruction directly involving in the learning experience  ,ndependent study

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 &piral


 Constructivism

8 learners as active constructor o knowledge

 Di7erentiate0

Instruction > 9di#erentiation< means providing multiple learning option in the classroom so that the learners o varying interests) a*ilities and l t t k i

 Conte?tuali@ation

8 educational process o relating the curriculum to a particular setting) situation) or area o application to make competencies relevant) meaningul and

localization relating curriculum content o information and materials Indigenization enhancing curriculum competencies, learning resources and instructional process (geographical socio-cultural and

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,normation Fhandling tools that used to produce) process) store) distri*ute and exchange inormation 9nderson 2G1G<

ICT Integration in Teaching an0 !earning •

ll processes and activities with the use o technology that will help promote learning and enhance the a*ilities and skills o *oth.

G# DAI! !E&&O% !OG 5D!!6

 !eachers  ! eachers with at least one 91< year o teaching experience) including teachers with private school and higher education institution 9H,< teaching experience) shall not *e re5uired re5uir ed to mak make e a ;etailed -esson &lan 9;-&lank

/ample ;-- 9@ilipino< >lank

/ample ;-- in @,-,&,0

/ample ;-- in nglish

/ample ;-- in D!H

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7urrent ,ssues

OBcial &tatement on the appeal or the recall o DepE0 DO $-1 s# -2,3 5"olic4 Gui0elines on Dail4 !esson "reparation or the + to ,- .asic E0ucation "rogram6 0ate0 ul4 -1 -2,3

OBcial &tatement on the appeal or the recall o DepE0 DO $-1 s# -2,3 5"olic4 Gui0elines on Dail4 !esson "reparation or the + to ,- .asic E0ucation "rogram6 0ate0 ul4 -1 -2,3  !he new ;-- ormat is simply meant as a planning tool or teachers in terms o *udgeting time and choosing the most appropriate activities and assessment strategies to ensure that learners meet the competencies targeted in each lesson. •

 !he guidelines also allow teachers to prepare lessons colla*oratively and encourage seasoned or veteran teachers to mentor novice teachers in preparing or daily lessons. esearch has shown that a common trait that e#ective teachers share is planning) preparing or) and re(ecting on their teaching  !he ;epd 0rder was issued to accompany the changes in the curriculum) and changes in the curriculum also re5uire greater capacity in teaching. !he ;epd is committed to ensure that its teachers are not only e#ective *ut also capa*le o delivering 5uality instruction on a daily *asis


!tructured Lesson Pla nning"mp#

"A(T II: O(+&*O"

Prepare $LP and $LL per subject area"


%&f the plan doesn't ork, change the plan but never the goal 

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