Lesson Plan Template For Error Analysis

December 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Lesson Plan Template

Name:  Hend Alyammahi

Grade Level:

Grade 3, Section 2

CCSS Standards: the students can form simple sentences. But, they make a misordering error. They put the verb before the subject. Because of the L1 interference. Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):   -  The students will be able to form correct sentences s entences using the subjective and the verb. -  The students will be able to relate the relationship between the subjective and the verb. -  The students will be able to describe pictures using simple sentences (subjective and verb)

teacher books

student book(s)

worksheets/ papers

Small card for each student. A picture for each group. Work sheet for each student.

teacher materials

White board, markers, laptop, data show.

student materials/ manipulatives

Small card for each student. A picture for each group. Work sheet for each student, pencil,


laptop, data show.


Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):

Word Sentence



glossary definition


can be as simple as one that contains only a subject and verb. is the person, place, thing or idea that is doing or  being something. tells what the subject does or is.

Students’ Prior Knowledge:  Knowledge:  -  The students know the different between the word and the sentence. -  The students start the sentence with an upper-case letter. And they put a full stop at the end. Possible Problems and Misconceptions and solution:   -  The low-level students might be confuced during the second activity. So, I will try to be near to them and help them. -  I we will make sure to have extra pencils. Lesson Schedule


Targeted teacher language: good morning grade three. How are you? Today we will learn how to make sentences. The sentence  sentence can be as simple as one tthat hat contains only a subject and verb. How can give an example of a subjective? An example of a verb? Student language: good morning Ms. Hend. We are fine thank you. How are Ms. Hend? we should write a subjective first then a verb then a complete thought. Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge):

s tudents about the day and the date. -  After the greeting, I will ask the students -  I will show the students the action song as a warm up

time: 5 min

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MKmbyfhkkE  Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):

-  I will instruct the students to come and set on the carpet group by group. -  I will write the following sentence on the board (the girl read the story). Then, I will ask the students to act the sentence.

-  I will anther sentence (the students read r ead the story). I will question the students who read the story in the first sentence? (the girl did). And who read the story in the next sentence? (the students did). So, the person who read or do the action we call him (subjective) and its come first in the sentence. And the word (read) is an action. We call it verb. -  Then, I will tell them: when we make sentences. We start with the noun or subjective: is the person, place, thing or idea that is doing or being something. So, who can give me an example of a person (Ahmed, the teacher, the boy, Reem). Place (the school, the hospital). Things (the kite, the pencil). And the verb tells t ells what the subject does or is. Like (read, write, swim, run).  

30 min

-  After that I will announce on them that "the story" is the complete thought part. We should write to have a nice complete sentence.

-   Now, I will tell them to stand up and make three lines. Two lines of 9 and one line of 8 students. For the first line, I will give them small cards that have different subjective. For the second line, I will give them cards with verbs. The last line will have a complete thought.

-  I will tell them that they have two minutes to find someone and make a nice sentence with. The group who will finish they have to go and set together on the chairs.  

-  -  -  - 

After they finish we will check the answers together.  Next, I will send them back to their groups. groups. I will give each group a picture. And I will ask the them m to write 2 sentences about it. The students will present their sentences after they finish. 

Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):

-  I will give each student a work sheet. That include i nclude some sentences and they have to label the subjective, verb and the complete thought by underlining them and write on them (S for subjective, V for verb, CT for complete thought). But, I will make an example on the board for them first.  

10 min


The boy  


in the pool

The teacher


on the board



a lollipop

The cat


the fish



the bicycle

The father


the car

The student



The mother


the lunch



very fast




The group work pictures



Underline the noun or the subjective and the verbs. Then put the letter S up to the subjective. And V up u p to the verb.

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