Lesson Plan Stress

December 25, 2018 | Author: Liam Sean Han | Category: N/A
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Curriculum guide code:EN8LC-Ia-5.1



At the end of the lesson the students should be able to: Identify prosodic prosodic features: stress, stress, intonation intonation and pauses serving serving as carriers carriers of meaning meaning that A. Identify may aid aid or inte interf rfer eree in the the deliv delivery ery of the the mess messag agee in stor storie iess and info inform rmat ativ ivee text texts. s. (Listening Comprehension) II.SUBJECT MATTER  MATTER  TOPIC STRESS RE!ERENCES  !"A#ES I$ %!&&'$I%ATI!$ ( PA"ES #$%#& MATERIAL )!R* E+A&-ES III.PROCE'URE A.PRELIMINAR ACTIVITIES

a. rayer   b. #reetings c. Attendance d. Reminders B. REVIE ASIA$A/RI%A C. MOTIVATION MOTIVATION A$#R" 0IR*S • •

The class 1ill be divided into 2. Each group must read the given 1ords li3e as if they 1ere angry. ang ry. a. permit b.transfer  c.discount d.responsibility


%an you read the follo1ing 1ithout fear or hesitation6 0y the 1ay, you 1ill meet these 1ords in the selections that follo1. Vi**+ge remem,er intern+tion+* -n,e+r+,*e s-rprising E.ANALSIS  #'I*E* )IT7 8'ESTI!$S

&any times the messages you 1ant to convey are not clearly received or understood because of  the manner you say them, especially so 1hen conversations are carried out in monologues. •

In 1hic 1hich h syll syllabl ablee did did your your voic voicee rise rise in the the 1ord 1ord vill village age66 )hat )hat about about in remem remember ber,, international, unbearable and surprising6 The syllable 1here you raised your voice is 1hat6

Curriculum guide code:EN8LC-Ia-5.1 • •


)hy do you thin3 people sometimes misunderstood 1hat you are saying or reading6 )hat do you thin3 is the problem6


RSE$T T7E -ESS!$ #IE T7E /!--!)I$# E+A&-ES:

A.permit ( no-n) / permit ( 0er,) B. tr+ns1er ( no-n)%tr+ns1er ( 0er,) C. 2is3o-nt( no-n) / 2is3o-nt(0er,) ".APPLICATION Activity 2: WATCH OUT! VERB OR NOUN?

Directions: Find out at least 5 pairs o !ords t"at can #e used interc"angea#l$ as noun or %er#. Firm up $our ans!er #$ using t"em in

1. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&  '. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&  (. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ). &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 5. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& IV.ASSESMENT •

Try to read aloud the follo1ing highlighted 1ords. 0e sure to raise your voice in the right syllable.

PERSON # 7ave you seen an African child before6 PERSON $ 7umm9 I thin3 I sa1 one 1hen I 1ent to Tagaytay %ity last 1ee3. "ou see, there is an international university near the city. V.A"REEMENT RESEAR%7

RE%!R* "!'R !I%E 'SI$# A %!RRE%T STRESS !/ T7E )!R*S #IE$.

PREPARE' B JASSELLE AIMES M. JAN'OC C4EC5E' B666666666666666666666 

Curriculum guide code:EN8LC-Ia-5.1


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