Lesson Plan On Tag Questions

February 12, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Grechie S. Cortel DPE 103 Sat 8:30-11:30 Pro. Reynaldo Inocian Lesson Plan # 1 LESSON PLAN ON TAG QUESTIONS I. Objectves: ithin the !eriod" the stdents $ith %0& accracy" accracy" $ill 'e a'le to 1. nd nders erstan tand d th the e (or) (or) o( o( ta ta* * + +es, es,ons ons . se se ta* ta* + +es es,o ,ons ns 3. re res! s!on ond d to to ta* ta* + +es es,o ,ons ns . nder ndersta stand nd the the intona intona,on ,on sed sed in in ta* ta* +es,on +es,onss II. Subjec Maer  Concept: /a*  /a* es,on Concept: Topic:   1. Deni,on o( /a* es,on. Topic:   . 2o$ /a* es,on se in the sentence (or)a,on 3. sin* 45r)a,6e and 7e*a,6e es,on

. sin* /a* es,on correctly Skills to be developed: listenin*" developed:  listenin*" s!eain*" readin* and $ri,n* Values: !ro!er Values:  !ro!er intona,on9 'ein* res!ecl ;'ein* less direct in asin* +es,ons< III. Insructonal Maerials:  Re(: /=P7=/C2 3 English for Today’s World  " !a*e 


2andots En En6e 6elo lo!es !es cont contai aini nin* n* st stri ri!s !s o( !a !a!e !err

IV. Procedure: A.

 Warm-u Warm-up p c!vity:  c!vity:  se in(or)al +es +es,ons ,ons )odelin* ta* +es,ons +es,ons $ith the class.   4s stdents ta* +es,ons sch as: >o are (ro) Ce'" aren?t yo@ yo@ I a) (ro) Aanila" aren?t I@ It is hot otside" isn?t it@    


/hen I $ill as the stdents $hat ty!e o( +es,ons are these. /hen I $ill *i6e stdents the deni,on o( a ta* +es,on.

"resenta!on c!vi!es: Ste! 1. Bor)in* ta* +es,ons:  4. Instrct stdents in the (ollo$in*: 1. Dierence 'et$een a5r)a,6ene*a,6e ta* +es,ons. . S'ect=!erator in6ersion. in6ersion. 3. Pronon sa*e. . Fer' (or)s.


Ste! . sin* ta* ta* +es,ons: +es,ons: 4. Instr Instrct ct stden stdents ts o( tthe he dieren dierentt ses o( o( ta* +es,o +es,ons. ns. 1. I $ill in introd trodce ce )aor )aor (nc,ons" (nc,ons" sc sch h as seei seein* n* a*ree)ent a*ree)ent"" in6i in6i,n* ,n* conr)a,on" and e!ressin* an o!inion. . I $ill in introd trodce ce )inor )inor (nc,ons" (nc,ons" sch sch as e!ressi e!ressin* n* sr!rise" sr!rise" 'e*inni 'e*innin* n* a con6ersa,on" con6ersa ,on" and )ain* a !olite re+est. Ste! 3. Intona,on sed sed in ta* +es,ons: +es,ons: 4. Instr Instrct ct stdents stdents iin n the t$o d dier ierent ent !a !aHern Hernss o( intona, intona,on. on. 1. Ris Risin* in*-( -(all allin* in* ;or (a (alli llin*< n*
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